How to be attractive to a man. Become an attractive guy for girls by following simple rules


The relationship between girls and boys is an eternal, always relevant topic. When sympathy for the opposite sex is shown, there is a natural desire to please this person.

But for some reason, some guys are wildly popular with all the girls, while others cannot. long time find your soul mate. Why is this happening? What attracts girls to guys and what turns them off? How do some guys manage to gather a swarm of fans around them, while others fail to keep even a single one?

There are answers to all these questions, but in order to find them, overcome yourself, change for the better and start a new, attractive life for girls.

What qualities in guys attract girls?

For starters, do not look for flaws in your appearance. She doesn't have to be perfect. Wrong facial features, wrong-shaped ears, nose, small or huge height - girls pay attention to this, but do not concentrate.

Agree, not only girls, any person, and you yourself are unpleasant to communicate with an interlocutor who has greasy hair, wrinkled clothes, smelly socks or dirt on shoes.

If you are neat, know how and love to dress stylishly, take a shower every day, but girls still bypass you - the reason lies in other things.

Girls like such masculine qualities in guys - nobility, responsibility, care. They repel and piss off anger, uncleanliness, grumpiness.

The ability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation is a valuable masculine quality that a girl will certainly notice. Being with a person with these traits, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity feels comfortable and protected.

An important role in communication with a girl is played by such masculine qualities: politeness, good manners, manners.

Today, profanity is ubiquitous. Guys consider themselves cool, showing their bravado, rudeness.

Girls, on the other hand, are refined natures, and it is important for them that there is a well-mannered guy nearby, for whose words they will not be ashamed, for whose actions and deeds one can be proud. You won’t want to leave such a person, the girl will strive to maintain and maintain relationships.

No girl likes whiners and "mama's boys." These qualities position you as a loser.

But even in this case, be moderate, Inappropriate jokes for any reason will turn you into a jester, losing their charm.

How to start changing to attract girls?

Start your changes on the outside. , do not avoid water procedures. If necessary, whiten and cure teeth, get rid of acne or blackheads. Such simple procedures will turn even the most ordinary guy into an attractive man.

If you can not cope with these problems on your own, contact the experts. Several visits to a beauty salon, a dental office and the result will be on the face, or rather on the face.

Sort out your clothes. Get rid of indistinct things of an incomprehensible color, throw out clothes from cheap synthetic material. Use tracksuits as sportswear, not for going out with girls.

Keep in your wardrobe or buy cotton or linen T-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts. Give preference to classic jeans, trousers. Pay attention to thin knitted sweaters.

Buy toilet water, personal hygiene products with an unobtrusive slight smell of wood, musk. Carry with you chewing gums, mouth freshener. Shower daily and don't wear the same clothes for weeks.

Attract the attention of the girl in yourself and in your own strength. The girl should feel that she is calm and comfortable with you. But do not decide everything yourself, let the girl participate in your joint affairs. You should feel the core, and not the desire to take the leadership into your own hands.
Show signs of attention. Do pleasant surprises give gifts. Do not think about the cost of a gift, girls do not need expensive presents, your attention is important to them, regardless of the date. Do not present standard sets, figurines. Better give a wild flower, your favorite candy, good book and other little things that will really give her pleasure, and will not be presented as a distraction "if only it were." Romantic attentions play an important role in attracting a girl - do not neglect them.

Learn not just to listen, but to hear. You can attract a girl by delving into her interests and hobbies. But do not overdo it, communication should not become a monologue, keep the conversation going, set the tone and topics.
and multifaceted. Get carried away with something exciting, go in for sports, have. Let you always have ideas where to invite a girl to have a pleasant and interesting time for both of you. Just don’t tell about all your hobbies when you meet or on a first date, let there be eternal understatement and some zest so that the girl opens you for herself from a new unexpected side every time.

But do not forget about objective self-esteem, it is impossible to be perfect in everything. Find your original starting point and work in this direction, pulling out hidden promising and sought-after qualities in girls, not forgetting the selected tips.

Happiness to you and good luck!

March 2, 2014, 11:56

Agree, being an attractive woman is not so easy. Many, having heard this statement, compare it only with external beauty. But such a notion is far from being correct and is a delusion. Yes, external factors play an important role, but being charming only by external criteria is not always enough. It is very important to be able to express yourself and arouse a general interest in your person. Then the external appearance often fades into the background, and the woman becomes interesting with her inner beauty.

So how to become attractive and be able to keep the views of men? Any girl needs to work on herself, be able to present herself and learn how to emphasize her attractiveness. If you really want people to gravitate towards you, then you have a lot of tricks in your arsenal. Only in this way can you achieve more.

If you look at the facts in numbers, then more than 50% of the first impression in men is the external beauty of a person. About 40% of the total number of respondents say that the manner of communication is important, but only 7% are given to the topics of conversation. So what exactly is important? How to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male?

External beauty: is it so important?

This question is always relevant and causes a storm of controversy and a lot of opinions. Most psychologists say that attractive appearance has its advantages. For example, when talking with a person with regular and symmetrical facial features, with a healthy blush, there is always a feeling of trust in what was said. Her words are more convincing. But at the same time, the same psychologists argue that a woman does not have to be beautiful in order to become attractive to the opposite sex.

There are some points that are scientifically confirmed and help to make guys interested in a girl.

  1. Make friends with a dentist. Numerous studies conducted by British psychological universities have proven that even healthy teeth make a woman more attractive to men. It is laid down at the subconscious level of a person. Teeth are directly associated with genetics and are an indicator of good health. This cannot but affect the general perception of a woman. But at the same time, it should be clarified that teeth with a natural shade work this way, and not "Hollywood" smiles with a bright white color, which in many cases are repulsive.
  2. Lead the right lifestyle. To be attractive and healthy appearance, follow the rules healthy lifestyle life: give up fast food, eat more vegetables and fruits, go in for sports, drink enough liquid, sleep at least 8 hours a day, find your hobby or passion, read books and develop yourself. It helps a woman to maintain her natural beauty and makes her life as full as possible for new emotions and impressions.
Take these two simple rules into service. By following them, you will be able to feel the views of men and their interest in your person over time, as you will radiate a natural beauty that attracts the opposite sex.

How important is inner beauty?

It has already been mentioned that, when meeting a woman, most men first of all pay attention to the external data of their interlocutor. He can be very fascinated by external beauty, but often, after talking for a few minutes, his opinion can change dramatically. It affects the inner beauty of a person.

For example, a girl appeared in communication selfishly, enviously or narcissistically. And the image of external beauty in the eyes of a man begins to break down. He already sees flaws in him, the woman is no longer as perfect as it was originally.

Or vice versa, outwardly not very attractive girl opens on the other side after communicating with her. When you get to know her better, you stop noticing external flaws, as you evaluate her already with an inner eye. Therefore, it is very important to achieve conformity and harmony of manifestations of femininity in everything. This is the secret of how to become attractive to men.

What is the inner beauty of a woman? These are charisma, intelligence, a sense of confidence and purposefulness, the ability to keep up a conversation, and much more. All this contributes to the manifestation of inner attractiveness.

9 tips to help achieve harmony between internal and external

In the arsenal of every woman there are several commandments. They help to become attractive to guys. Consider the 9 main commandments, which include not only maintaining inner beauty, but also external.
  1. Love your look. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. Even if you know that your waist size is not ideal, then you should not dwell on this problem. Yes, you are not a standard, but you have beautiful hair, a healthy complexion and you love yourself for who you are. This will give you confidence. An insecure woman looks different. Her demeanor and external features of the face and figure are changing. This cannot go unnoticed by the surrounding guys or men. Therefore, it is important to love yourself - and this will be appreciated by increased attention to you.
  2. stay yourself. A woman who knows her own worth does not need to imitate someone. Recall any party. Which girl will guys be drawn to? To a person with unique, but not intimidating manifestations, or to a simple person who behaves like most of those present? The eyes of almost all the guys will be on the first one, and it is she who will be of interest. This is a psychological moment and should be remembered.
  3. Take care of your skin health and condition. As you strive to improve your inner attractiveness, don't forget to follow and maintain your outer charm. A woman should always radiate beauty and health.
  4. Another way to look attractive on the outside is the beauty of your hair.. A haircut should always look aesthetically pleasing. Oily hair, regrown roots do not attract, but repel the views of men from you.
  5. stop being rude. Always be polite in any situation. Rudeness in communication pushes away from the interlocutor. But at the same time, learn to fight back those whose rudeness is directed against you. A woman who allows rudeness in her direction will never look charming in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to resist rudeness beautifully. Remember: sometimes the best tool is politeness.
  6. good mood and smile. Psychologists say that a smiling person looks attractive and predisposes others to his person. Learn to smile just like that. You were greeted - smile and say: "Good afternoon!". Don't frown! It will make you more interesting and enjoyable.
  7. Take part in conversations. How to look attractive in the eyes of men - know how to keep the conversation going. Don't be afraid to join the conversation. They will immediately pay attention to you and become interested in your person. No one will ever look in your direction if you sit silently in the corner. Such women are perceived by men as boring and do not arouse their interest. If you are a layman in the topic of conversation, ask a question that interests you. This will draw attention to your person.
  8. Learn to accept compliments. To be a more charming woman is helped by the words that a man says about her beauty. And it is very important to be able to accept these phrases. Only a woman with complete confidence and self-love will always correctly respond to a male compliment. You should not pronounce words like: “Oh, what are you! In fact, this is such a make-up! This repels you and discourages the desire of the opposite sex to communicate with you. It's enough just to thank pleasant words to your address.
  9. use your voice. This is the last of the 9 commandments to help a woman be more interesting to the opposite sex. Numerous psychological studies have proven that men are attracted to girls with high notes in their voices. They associate this on a subconscious level with a small physique of a representative of the opposite sex, which cannot but be liked.
Using the listed 9 ways to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male, any woman can succeed. But it is worth noting that this will require some effort on your part, since changing a certain set of habits is not so easy, but it is possible if desired. Therefore, take these 9 points into service and make them a reality. And very soon you will begin to notice the exciting looks of men on you. In addition, this technique will help you be more confident, and you will begin to live. full life.

Psychological tricks of a woman

A woman who knows how to charm a man from the first minutes has a set of certain qualities, but at the same time there are interesting tricks that help a man perceive his interlocutor in a different way.

Research conducted at British universities will help to become a sexier woman. They talk about the need to reduce the distance between you and your interlocutor. If you want the man you're talking to to see sexuality in you, enter his intimate space.

In the psychological perception of a man, a distance of up to one and a half meters is considered friendly. If a woman breaks this barrier, then her interlocutor begins to perceive her differently. To do this, it is enough to lean a little in a conversation to say something important in a quiet voice. How to reach for the ear of the interlocutor. With such a clever trick, you will achieve a different look at you.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the intuitively opposite sex is drawn to people who copy their movements when talking. This does not mean the antics of your interlocutor. Just watch his hand movements. If he adjusted the cuffs, make a similar movement after a while, etc.

And the last advice - live without deceit. If you smile, then do it sincerely.

Only daily work on yourself and adherence to 9 basic rules will help you find a balance between inner and outer beauty, and your life will become full of new and vivid impressions.

This publication will be of particular interest to men who have not yet found the lady of their hearts. In order for a potential chosen one to pay attention to you, you need to know some behavioral features. You will also get acquainted with the preferences of women when choosing a gentleman.

1. Notice Universal Flirting Signals

You will never be refused to continue dating if you learn to recognize the signals of female flirting. Psychologists say that women's interest manifests itself equally in a Parisian cafe and in the depths of the Amazon. Women don't learn flirting signals, they absorb these skills with their mother's milk. If a lady smiles at a fan, then quickly raises her eyebrows and opens her eyes wide, then she is showing genuine sexual interest. Further, the procedure is as follows: the girl lowers her eyelids, tilts her head down and slightly to the side. Very often, this behavior is accompanied by a nervous giggle. At the same time, hands can cover the face from embarrassment.

2. Pay attention to the girls in "your league"

Most often, people look for a companion according to the degree of their own attractiveness. Researchers from the University of California at Barkley uncovered a curious detail when they observed the behavior of 60 men and women looking for a romantic partner on a dating site. Most people liked the physical beauty of the opposite sex.

However, when it came to dating, they sent a request to a person approximately equal in terms of attractiveness. Psychologists explain this by saying that people intuitively do not want to be rejected. If the person looks much better than you, you are afraid of being rejected. If it's less pretty, you're worried that it's not a good choice.

3. High status person

Women are attracted not by the appearance of men, but by the degree of their wealth. In one recent experiment, women were asked to rate the appearance young man by photo.
The men photographed next to a silver Bentley Continental looked preferable to the participants than those photographed in front of a Ford Fiesta. The same conclusions can be drawn regarding luxury apartments and an ordinary apartment as a background in the picture. This is not the fault of ladies' commercialism, but evolution.

4. Look a little older

It turns out that young women often prefer to choose a partner older than themselves. This is especially true for girls who are financially independent. Evolutionary psychologists tend to believe that the secret lies in women's shorter reproductive cycles. Men, unlike beautiful young ladies, can reproduce at any age.

What is the “portrait” of a noteworthy man? To answer this question, let's analyze two polar opposites: masculinity and femininity.

Masculinity and femininity

According to Z. Freud, both active and passive principles live in every person. And natural qualities can "drift" from one pole to another. But the boy from childhood should be directed to the development of masculine qualities of character.

Otherwise, when a boy grows up under the constant care of his parents, because everything is served ready-made, and he does not have to expend effort and develop skills, he will undoubtedly grow up infantile.

It is very difficult then in adulthood to get on your feet on your own, without help. A person himself must feel the need to grow up and learn to make decisions, make mistakes.

If a person is helpless in the real world and afraid of difficulties, he is still a child, no matter how old he is. He will subconsciously look for a caring soul who will give him a sense of security. He needs a parent-boss and a wife-mother.

Such a man cannot be a defense of a weak woman. And, therefore, will not be successful in the union. Indeed, in marriage, both a man and a woman are destined for their own family role.

Of course, all girls want to become the wife of a strong, strong-willed person who has a social status and material opportunities to support a child, and she does not need an “eternal child” who seeks custody from her and wants her to replace his mother. But he, for sure, will be able to find his couple with a woman who has the character of a "navigator". Such a union of both of them will lead to harmonious development, and it is possible that, following her example, he will also learn to be active, because male pride will be infringed.

What makes a man attractive

A man doesn't have to be handsome to attract the attention of women. And not even property status comes first in the image of an attractive gentleman.

So what is the secret? Everything is simple, in the ability to show the quality of activity.

The dependence of the attractiveness of a man on his activity

Activity is the ability to focus on what you want and achieve it. That is, the man who shows interest in relation to a woman and is ready to move mountains for her sake deserves attention.

It's not for nothing that they say that opposites attract.

It is convenient for a woman to remain passive, to wait until a man "ripens" for an adult and responsible life.

The feminine beginning of a woman is looking for a reliable support for creating a family hearth. It is designed to be a "berth" for a man - a navigator. There are people "anchored", and there are true "navigators". So, "anchored" people are passive, unsure of their abilities. They need to overcome many internal obstacles before they venture on an independent path full of worries and fears.

Volitional and leadership qualities

It is with a strong-willed and responsible man that a woman is able to show her best feminine qualities - trust, tenderness, affection, care.

To win the girl of your dreams, a man needs to be confident, be able to take risks and think about the well-being of tomorrow. This is how male leaders behave. Those who know how to attract attention, both in word and deed, can find a way out of the current difficult situation, have a strong character - the world is spinning in the hands of such men.

Conversely, weak men cannot overcome the difficulties that life presents them.

Man: extrovert and introvert

Not all men who express themselves eloquently in society are passive.

There is a division in psychology into extroverts and introverts.

An introvert is more closed, passive in communication. An extrovert is talkative and quickly knows how to get along with people, makes acquaintances, looks for new interlocutors. It's hard for him to be alone with his feelings. He tries to escape from his internal problems. An extroverted man is unlikely to be able to tell a woman directly about his feelings. He is not prone to "sensitive" conversations.

In contrast to him, the introverted representative of the stronger sex spends more time inside himself, it is difficult for him in noisy companies. You will not meet him at a party - unless an extrovert friend brings him by force. An introvert experiences moments of life's failures very deeply, analyzes, ponders. He has a huge inner world, but in public he looks “quieter” and it is often difficult for him to approach a woman. Although at the same time he can be strong, and responsible, and intellectually developed. At critical moments, he can, and even considers it necessary, to show truly masculine willpower and remarkable endurance. But he lacks confidence, he doesn't have a "macho look".

An extrovert, on the other hand, has enough confidence, and even in excess. So it can be windy and fickle. Ideally, when everything is harmoniously developed in a person - activity and passivity, extroversion and introversion. But we are all far from perfect on this planet. Remember that each person is unique, and chooses here the heart, not the mind.

To become an attractive man, you need to develop in yourself the inner qualities of a leader and the qualities of character that girls like. You can read about it on our website.

A woman wants to be attractive and like men, regardless of age. When she feels attractive, the whole world is painted with bright colors and inner beauty breaks out, forcing others to pay attention to the smile and eyes.

Beauty, charm, attractiveness are different qualities. Together they make a woman unique. How to become attractive to men?

It will take some effort on yourself. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself. Emphasize the advantages, accept the shortcomings if it is impossible to change. Some imperfections in appearance can be done individual feature, which differs from others by non-standard. Watch out for appearance, this is the first thing that attracts men. Well-groomed hair, soft makeup, neat manicure will make men pay attention.

Appearance plays a role in a woman's attractiveness to men. You need to keep fit and eat right. So you can immediately “kill” two birds with one stone: achieve a slim figure, which men will certainly notice, and get rid of health problems.

  • Communicate openly . If they give attention, do not cut it off or leave, showing how mysterious and inaccessible you are. Such behavior dooms a woman to loneliness. If you close yourself from people with a blank wall of impregnability, a slender figure will not help.
  • Don't be afraid to show affection . Let the man know that he is cute and that communication with him is a pleasure. Do not think that only a man should confess his feelings, and a woman should only accept. This is a wrong opinion. Flirt correctly with men, if necessary, approach first.
  • Don't be ashamed of feelings . It is better to tell the chosen one about them, so that later you do not regret that the relationship did not work out.
  • Remember the sense of proportion . If you go too far in flirting, you will ruin everything. Do not impose yourself, an annoying lady will have to learn, if necessary, to shut up in time, men will appreciate it. For a man it is important when they listen and hear.
  • Learn to listen . When asking questions to a man, listen carefully, trying to notice the style of communication. If a man speaks slowly, do not rush, speak slowly and vice versa, if he speaks quickly, try to keep his style. Remember what the conversation is about, what the man refers to, what he quotes, so that you can return later. Communication will create the impression that a man knows you, that it was in you that he found a kindred spirit.
  • Praise the man . Women's encouragement is necessary, although he does not admit it. It is praise that he expects from a woman to whom he is not indifferent. A person will be inspired when he is praised, as if a second wind will open or wings will grow behind his back. He will feel more confident and outdo himself. Take advantage of this potent remedy, encourage your chosen one in time, and he will consider you the best, charming and extraordinary. Praise doesn't get boring. Praise sincerely, not flatteringly.
  • Do not complain about life and do not discuss life's difficulties and problems . Talking about health problems, talking about household topics, about problems in the family are straining. It is better to treat all troubles with humor. Be cheerful and smile, keep an unsaid intrigue, become a mysterious stranger who radiates positive emotions.
  • Don't be afraid to appear weak . Let the man know that you need him. Let him feel strong, courageous and reliable. Just do not abuse, do not sink to the likeness of a capricious lady who requires attention. There must be a sense of proportion in everything.

Videos secrets

Secrets of female attractiveness

There is no single recipe for attractiveness. Men are different, what one likes, the other is indifferent. There are trends to follow.


Follow the rule: makeup matches the place and time of day. Day makeup not bright and defiant. In the evening, you can add a little brightness.

If a woman uses foundation or powder, they are applied minimally to slightly improve the tone of the face and make it even. Blush helps to create a pleasant and healthy complexion, and to model it. Blush is chosen not flashy and defiant, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Men pay attention to the figure and eyes. Underline and highlight them. Curl your eyelashes with a tweezer, eyeliner or pencil, make arrows along the upper eyelid and apply mascara to lengthen them.

Lipstick use a natural color. For evening makeup, you can choose bright and saturated.

well-groomed skin

Love your skin, even if it has flaws. Shea butter added to the cream helps to even out the complexion, and tea tree oil will help fight acne. If you add rosemary oil to your night cream, you will gradually get rid of acne.

Take bubble baths sea ​​salt, oils and the skin will become soft, velvety. Fruits and vegetables will also help. It is worth exfoliating regularly and washing with cool water.

hair care

well-groomed hair no less attractive to men. Make it a rule to regularly visit a beauty salon, where they will make a stylish hairstyle and manicure, and correct eyebrows. Do not copy others, find your own style that will emphasize individuality.

Take care of your hair at home nourishing masks. If you don't like the color of your hair, tint it. Cosmetologists advise not to dye your hair more than one tone, as regrown hair roots stand out noticeably after a while. It is better to use paints without ammonia, so you can save your hair. Women constantly use hair dryers or curling irons. This is also harmful. Use a heat protectant spray that will keep your hair looking healthy and shiny.


Choose a style of clothing that emphasizes advantages and hides flaws. Men prefer femininity, give preference to skirts and dresses. The drawing on the dress should not be large and “flashy”, this man will not be appreciated. The dress should not be too tight, preferably semi-adjacent from a flowing fabric.

Any skirt can be worn. Don't tease a man and don't dress too much short skirt. She will not leave room for his fantasies and soon the interest in the person will pass. It is better to wear a skirt above the knees, even if you have beautiful legs. Ideally, if there is a slit or smell on the skirt, this will attract the attention of men the most.

Choose blouses or blouses in neutral colors, fabric that is pleasant to the touch and allows body heat to pass through. Focus on the chest, this is another element that catches the eye of men, just so that the neckline is not too open. Do not wear a blouse that is too sheer, which will immediately give out the secrets of underwear.

To make your legs slim, wear shoes with heels. Avoid overly high heels and intimidating platform shoes. A man may not appreciate the efforts. Most importantly, shoes should be comfortable so that bloodied legs do not distract from the romantic mood.

Under the clothes there should be beautiful underwear, and the perfume should be refined, subtle and not too harsh. By following the rules, the attention of men is guaranteed.

Modeling the body

To look slim and beautiful, do not be lazy and change your life. Make it a rule to go to the gym or accustom yourself to daily exercises, let it become normal and become a habit.

Start small. Let the morning exercise be minimal in time, 5 minutes, then every day increase the time and load. It is difficult to start, there are a lot of excuses and reasons not to do exercises. The main thing - do not give up and do not succumb to laziness, showing weakness. If you overcome difficulties, in the future you will not be able to start the day without charging. And believe me, life will sparkle with other colors.

Change your diet

Train yourself to eat breakfast. Breakfast should include complex carbohydrates, protein, juice, or fruit. It is better to have breakfast no later than one hour after waking up. Refrain from snacking on chips, kirieshkami, hamburgers, sweet soda, such food adds calories. Use nuts or fruits as intermediate snacks. Avoid canned, fatty and fried foods. Steam or boil, include vegetable salads in your diet.

Eat at the same time, do not skip lunch or dinner, do not starve yourself. The body must receive calories, this is the basis of proper nutrition. Don't eat too much. Poultry meat, lean fish, vegetable salads, boiled potatoes, cereals are allowed.

If you follow the rules, you