How to recognize a girl in love. How to confess to a girl in love. Be ready to be rejected

Hello friends. Not every guy who truly loves a girl is able to confess his feelings, for this you need to have special courage and confidence. Many gentlemen, due to the lack of the last qualities, remain silent, and the beauties, not having heard the cherished: “I love you,” leave. In fact, it is not difficult, you just need to tell the truth to your beloved. If you are embarrassed to speak directly or are afraid that you will be rejected, do not despair, today I will teach you how to confess your love to a girl in a beautiful and original way.

Is this really love

Recognition of feelings is a step leading to serious relationship maybe even family. Therefore, you should not rush into it. Meet longer, get to know each other better, and suddenly this is not your person. Some guys make a mistake when, after 1-2 dates or the day after they met, they begin to confess their feelings to a girl. Most often they do this for several reasons:

  1. love at first sight;
  2. banal desire to sleep with a girl;
  3. the desire to bind the beloved tightly to himself.

What do ladies do in such cases? That's right, they leave. They won't believe a single word you say. They will believe more in the second paragraph, some girls will agree to this version of the relationship. In other cases, the ladies will simply not be ready for such a turn of events, they will consider you crazy or they will sharply want to “remain friends”. The reason for this is excessive haste young man, and in love affairs, there is no need to rush.
Before confessing his feelings to a young lady, a young man needs to think about what he really feels for a girl: light love or true love. These two feelings are different:

Love Love
Longer feeling, sometimes for life Short-term, comes on quickly and goes away quickly
Acceptance of the chosen one in its “pure form”, with all the shortcomings, features The desire of the "lover" to remake the chosen one, to develop in him qualities that are beneficial for himself
There are no love triangles, the couple is always good together There is always someone third who destroys the union
Mutual understanding, support for each other in difficult times, sacrifice Selfishness in relationships, the desire to satisfy their needs in the first place
Intimacy is secondary, the feeling of love comes first, the desire to satisfy a partner / partner Intimate life comes first, selfishness in sex

If you figured out your feelings and think that this is love, you need to think at what moment is the best time to confess this to a girl.

When is the best time to confess?

As already noted, early recognition does not bode well. Therefore, to begin with, we highlight the moments when it is better to confess your love:

  • you have been together for more than 3 months;
  • there was an intimate relationship between you;
  • you feel comfortable in the company of a girl;
  • she understands and appreciates you;
  • her friends and family like you;
  • she asks you for advice and help;
  • she respects you and does not allow herself to offend you;
  • the chosen one makes joint plans, where she sees you with her;
  • the lady takes care (like a mother);
  • the chosen one always hears and listens to you;
  • demonstrates his love - kisses, hugs, speaks pleasant words and compliments;
  • respects your opinion, interests and hobbies.

This is an example of an ideal relationship, when partners value and respect each other, if at least 2-3 points matched for you - it's time to act!

What is the best way to open your heart to your beloved?

We will devote this block to all the subtleties of the correct recognition of a loved one in feelings. First, let's define the basic rules:

  1. Right time and place.

It is necessary to confess at the right time, when you are together, the lady is in a good mood and nothing prevents her from saying those very words. For example, if you are watching an exciting movie in the cinema, where the characters declare their love or just kiss at the climax, you can whisper in her ear: “I love you.” At such a moment, she may be the first to confess.

  1. Alone.

You can have your beauty when you are together. So you will feel confident, and no one will interfere. The company of friends or girlfriends will embarrass the lady and you, and in general, when it comes to feelings, there is no place for others. You can publicly confess when you are sure that the chosen one will reciprocate.

  1. Clarity of words.

When it comes to confession of feelings, there is no need to play around, but it is necessary to speak like it is. That is, the words: “I miss you” or “You are very dear to me”, “You mean a lot to me” will not be able to make it clear that you love her. She will understand that you need her, but as a friend, no more, so you need to say right away: “I love you and want to be with you always.”

There are times when a guy and a girl meet long time, but shyness and self-doubt in such situations prevent a young man from confessing, the advice of "experienced" guys will help the beauty declare her love.

How to confess to a young lady in love if you are shy

Constant thoughts about the very one, about recognition, can disturb and excite a young man in love, so the guy needs to prepare for this moment in advance and provide for all options for the outcome of the event. All the main tips and tricks boil down to the following:

  • prepare a "scenario", rehearse;
  • try to look into her eyes;
  • be tactful;
  • speak in simple words, do not chant her like a goddess;
  • do not rush the girl with the answer, do not put pressure on her.

But if it is not possible to immediately say about love tet - a - tet, you can write a confession in SMS, in contact, or send a voice confession to your phone. So you prepare the ground, and at the same time you will find out its presumptive answer. Later, everything can be repeated live, but without strong excitement and fear.

How to confess your love in a beautiful and original way: 10 best ways

When excitement and fear are overcome, you can choose the best option for a beautiful recognition. Let's give an example of the most original options:

  1. Valentine's Day.

Suitable for a couple who has been dating for a long time, and at the beginning of a relationship. You can lay out a heart of small candles in front of the entrance and wait for her with a bouquet at the door.

  1. Romantic date.

This is the same option that all the young ladies like. Invite her to a cafe or for a walk, wait for the right moment and say: “My girl, I love you!”

  1. public recognition.

This can be done at a concert, agree with the presenter and at some point go on stage with recognition. Such option is suitable and to propose marriage. Recently, this option has been gaining popularity: at the wedding of friends, where a couple is invited, most often after “Bitterly”, the guy gets up, takes the microphone and confesses his love to his chosen one. A storm of emotions will be provided for everyone.

  1. Like in a movie.

You can use the methods from the films if financial possibilities allow. Remember the hero of the series "Kitchen" Max, who climbed onto a crane with a bouquet and knocked on his beloved's window. Such a recognition will be pleasant to your beauty, and she definitely will not be able to refuse you reciprocity.

  1. Romantic video or presentation.

Suitable for advanced guys in this area. Arrange for her a small movie with your participation, put all your love and soul into it and believe me, she will appreciate it.

  1. Serenade.

This option is suitable for creative young people with an ear for music. Sing her favorite love song and make a confession as you sing.

  1. On your favorite radio wave.

If your beloved listens to the radio, you can call the radio station and declare your love to her there, you first need to ask your beloved to turn on the desired wave.

  1. Simple and easy.

If nothing original comes to mind, you can just come to her with a bouquet of flowers or a small gift, kiss her and say: "Honey, I love you."

  1. Letter.

If embarrassment does not allow you to say everything directly, write a beautiful letter, you can add love poems or confessions there. The girl will be impressed if these are poems of her own composition. And only then you can reinforce the recognition of a romantic date.

  1. Breakfast in bed.

This method is suitable if your loved one spends the night with you or you are with her. In the morning, while your beloved is sleeping, you can run for fresh coffee, ask them to write “I love you” on the foam. You can buy buns or make toast, don't forget the flowers - at least one red rose will already make her day and your confession unforgettable.

When a guy and a girl are adults, their behavior is easy to predict, all actions are already quite mature and deliberate. But what about those who are not yet 18 years old, and even 16 years old. How to confess to a girl in love, which, say, is only 14 years old? We will talk about this further.

How to confess your love to a 14 year old girl

If you like a girl from your class or a parallel one, then you have exactly the same chances as other active boys, especially those who have already begun to show signs of attention to your beauty.

In such cases, you already need to show your masculine perseverance and confidence - as you show yourself at the beginning of communication with her, this is exactly how you will remain in her idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou. For teenagers, everything is not so simple, any step of a guy can be regarded as simple tomfoolery or a “game of hormones”. Therefore, you need to be an adult in dealing with a girl, but to the best of an adult. You can give her signs of attention:

  • help carry her textbooks or a bag;
  • open the door for her at the entrance;
  • compliment her: Nice dress, or a beautiful hairstyle;
  • help her deal with the lessons;
  • write notes;
  • treats her seriously, no jokes;
  • escort home.

In addition, you can accompany her on walks after school, communicate on social networks. But it must be remembered that girls at the age of 14 are also going through hormonal changes, so one wrong step (for example, a hasty kiss) can lead to a slap or slap in the face.

It’s too early to talk about adult declarations of love here, but you can do this:

  • dream about the future with her: “What if we got married….” (watch her reaction);
  • write in contact (we'll talk about options later);
  • confess at the holiday (March 8, New Year, The 14th of February).

There are few options, teenagers are more often embarrassed to talk about feelings directly, especially when there is no experience of communicating with girls yet. Therefore, the best option for this is recognition in a social network. Consider the most successful examples on the Vkontakte network.

How to say "I love" in VK

“Your image is stuck in my head, I dream about you more and more often”

"You make my day happier"

"Thank heaven for such a beautiful angel like you"

“My status: “In love”, guess who?”

“You know, one very beautiful and sweet girl does not get out of my head, she is now sitting and reading this SMS”

"You are online - and I live"

"Hurry tomorrow to see you again, my love."

You can write poems about love and the lady will understand that it is addressed to her, change the status to “in love”, monitor her statuses and adapt to them. If you see that there is feedback - she sends emoticons, flirts, then she probably cares about you too.

Often there are cases when the probability that the chosen one will reciprocate after recognition is zero. What to do in this case, if there is a fear of being rejected. I will talk about this below.

How to confess feelings and not be rejected?

The main rule is not to wait for an answer from the young lady. A declaration of love is a monologue that does not require feedback. If the beauty confesses too - great, no - it's okay, maybe she wants to think everything over and not rush into a decision. If a girl clearly said “no”, then it means that she is not your destiny, she should not belong to you and it is pointless to seek her.

If you feel that a girl is also experiencing something for you, but you still can’t understand what kind of feeling it is, you can declare your love and at the same time dot the “and”. Here are a few useful tips in this controversial situation:

  • speak convincingly, you must understand that the fate of your relationship depends on your persuasiveness;
  • be gentle in words, do not raise your voice, do not be rude;
  • be strong and ready for the fact that you may be denied;
  • respect any of her decisions or reactions;
  • do not be nervous if you are very worried - take a sedative, but in no case alcohol;
  • take this matter easier (without "pens");
  • be yourself, do not make yourself a prince on a white horse;
  • speak from the heart and without deceit.

Remember, if the lady rejected you, you don’t need to try your luck anymore and bother her about this, you can just stay with your friends. Over time, you can switch attention to other free beauties.

But not everything is always so sad, there are many cases when a young lady reciprocated recognition, and it was a real holiday for both. Perhaps fate has prepared such a surprise for you, so go ahead and win! Always yours, old ladies' man Panteley!

If you have That Girl in your life and you are ready to confess your love to her, congratulations! Although it’s not easy to say the cherished three words, they will show her how deep your love is and will help take your relationship to the next level.


Part 1

Preparing for a declaration of love

    Rehearse. Confessing love is not easy, especially for the first time. If you are very worried, think ahead about what you will say to her, and this will give you confidence. Decide exactly what you want to say to her and rehearse your confession. Instead of a simple "I love you", you can go a little further. For example:

    • Tell the girl why you love her.
    • Tell her when you fell in love with her.
    • Let her know how much she means to you.
    • Decide if you just want to express your feelings or make a dramatic romantic gesture.
  1. Choose a time and place. Agree, confessing your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You'll surely strive for everything to pass the best way. Choose a place where no one will stop you from expressing your feelings. Perhaps it will be associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose the right time.

    Don't be too sure that she loves you too. Get ready not only to confess your love, but also to hear her answer. Ideally, she will say, “I love you too!” However, the truth of life is that we do not always hear in response what we want.

    Part 2

    Declaration of love
    1. Tell:"I love you". When you are alone with her and you feel that the right moment has come, gather your courage and say: "I love you." Look into her eyes, smile and say these words. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or stage your confession spectacularly - just being sincere is enough.

      Show her that you love her. In addition to declaring your love, show the girl that you care about her. After all, actions speak louder than words! Support her: go to competitions she participates in, write her notes with words of support, help her achieve her goals. Here are some more ways to show your love:

      • Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust.
      • Do your best to please her. For example, if she's had a hard day, give her flowers or encourage her in some other way.
      • Don't hurt her. If someone hurts your girlfriend, stand up for her.
    2. Write her a love letter. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying "I love you", others find it easier to put them on paper. Write a beautiful love letter. When the moment is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift or put it in her hand at the end of the date.

      • You can write a simple short note, a heartfelt love letter, or a touching poem.
      • You should not send SMS or a message in the messenger with the words "I love you", "I<3 тебя» или «ЯТЛ».
    3. Let her answer. After the girl has heard or read these three short words, give her time to think and respond to them correctly. When she is ready to give you an answer, all your attention should belong only to her. Listen carefully and respond appropriately. Let's hope she says, "I love you too!"

      • Don't demand an immediate response from her.
      • Don't tell her how you expected her to react or feel.

    Part 3

    And is it love?
    1. Are you trying to impress her? If you like a girl, you will do everything possible to make her pay attention to you. Perhaps you are trying to impress her by taking risks or helping others. Or maybe you are trying to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing musical instruments or sports achievements.

      • If now your actions are dictated by a hidden desire to please a girl, most likely you love her.
    2. Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. Do you notice that during the day your thoughts keep returning to her? Do you want to know if she thinks of you too?

      • If your thoughts are only about her alone, then most likely you love this girl.
    3. Do your feelings for this girl make you feel better? If you are in love, you will struggle to become the person who is worthy of this girl. You may try to improve your grades or behavior, start working or go to church.

      • If you are doing everything possible to become better for this extraordinary girl, then most likely you are in love with her.
    4. Do you want this girl to be happy? If you are in love, you will do everything possible to make the girl you like happy. If she has difficult exams ahead of her, you can offer to help her study, check her answers, or do some household chores. If a girl gets sick, you will take care of her and bring what she needs. If she has had a hard day, you will try to cheer her up and help her relax, laugh and forget about her problems.

      • If you spend your time and energy on making her happy, chances are you love her.
    5. Be confident before talking about your feelings. Three short words "I love you" mean a lot in our lives. After you talk about your feelings, the relationship with the girl will change radically, for better or worse. Before confessing to a girl in love, answer the following questions:

    • Try not to be too nervous and just be yourself.
    • When you say "I love you", you must be sure of your feelings.
    • Practice in front of a mirror many times.
    • Do not be distructed. Let all your attention be on her.
    • If she doesn't say "I love you" back, don't worry. She may just not be ready to confess her feelings to you.
    • Tell her how you feel and wait for her to respond.
    • Don't rush her to answer. The girl needs time, so be patient.
    • Be confident and control yourself.
    • When you see her, take a deep breath and smile. This way you will show her in advance that you like her, and perhaps calm your own nerves.
    • Don't be upset if she says she doesn't feel the same way.


    • Do not overuse the phrase "I love you." This deprives it of significance and makes it banal.
    • Never lie
    • Understand the difference between love and lust.
    • Be prepared for the fact that her reaction to your confession can be anything.

You liked the girl, you decided to tell her about it? Have you been talking with your beloved for a long time, and now there is a need to confess your feelings? Yes, many young people find it hard to give a declaration of love. Doubts begin to overcome: is it worth talking about it at all? Will the girl appreciate it? What words to choose? .. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You will easily be able to correctly confess your love to a girl if you do it with all your heart and approach the task creatively. Do not be afraid of original and bold decisions - after all, you will win the heart of a girl, impress her, leave vivid emotions! May your recognition be remembered for a long time.

Your goals: why confess?
Great, if you have a good idea why you need this declaration of love. Of course, a declaration of love and a marriage proposal are not the same thing. However, it should be remembered that speaking directly about your feelings, you take on a certain responsibility. Several scenarios are possible.
  1. Harmonious. You love a girl, you want to honestly tell her about it. You do not exclude the possibility that in the future you will become one family and are planning a long-term relationship. In this case, your declaration of love is really honest and sincere, you will not deceive your beloved.
  2. Traditional. You yourself do not know exactly how close this girl is to you. You like it, but you can't think ahead. It's hard to imagine what your relationship will be like even after a couple of months. But you want to get her attention, get some moves, make a good impression. Therefore, you confess your love. Please note that not all girls are smart and experienced enough to understand all the intricacies of male logic. When a girl hears the word "love", she immediately adds to herself - "eternal." Of course, you may be surprised later and logically say that you did not talk about marriage. However, a young girl is able to perceive your confession in this way. Try not to let your loved one down and not push her to rash acts. Then you yourself will not find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. First, sort out your feelings.
  3. Realistic. You know for sure that you will not create a family with this girl. In fact, your feelings are not so deep, and love for you is an easy and non-binding flirtation. Of course, in such a situation it is better not to confess love at all. True, if people know each other perfectly, the girl has views similar to you, you may well tell her about your feelings. Just do not forget to clarify exactly how you imagine your future relationship. Even if a girl looks bold and daring, she can still dream of that “eternal love” deep down. Just speak directly about everything and then you will not be mistaken.
Having understood yourself and your feelings, you can safely begin to prepare for a declaration of love.

We confess to a girl in love correctly: the nuances of recognition
The best option would be to do this: consult with an inventive and smart girl who knows well not only you, but also your beloved. She could give you quite valuable and relevant advice, given your individual characteristics. Of course, such a girl should be a reliable friend. True, you still will not be immune from a subjective look at your relationship. What if your girlfriend just starts to dissuade you from confessing? Completely objective.

  1. Sincerity. Remember that the main thing in your declaration of love is sincerity, and not beautiful, but cold words. The most beautiful phrases will seem too strict and "lifeless" if you do not put real feeling into them. The same that you feel for a girl.
  2. Atmosphere. Your environment will play a big role. Pay attention to how it is created in theaters, clubs, circuses. Agree, the opera would look strange in a nightclub setting, and a circus performance in a philharmonic hall. You need to choose the most suitable place for a declaration of love. There should not be too noisy, crowded. Well, if the atmosphere itself is conducive to romantic feelings and confessions - then it will become your "assistant".
  3. Mood. It is better not to confess to a girl in love when she is not in a good mood. If she just told you about an evil teacher, a cruel friend, or just complaining about a headache, your words will not have the desired effect. No need to "comfort" a declaration of love. This is serious business. Wait until your girlfriend is in a good mood.
  4. Details. Pay attention to details. For example, you have found a good cafe and have already decided to confess your love to a girl there. She didn't like the menu. Or a waitress. You should immediately orient yourself and start looking for another place. Remember that your beloved should not be distracted or annoyed when you tell her about your feelings.
  5. Your appearance. Of course, you are not required to wear a designer suit or tailcoat when you go on a date, wanting to confess your love to a girl. But your appearance still has to match the seriousness of the moment. It is important to take care of yourself, look neat, a little solemnity also does not hurt. For example, if you usually wear sports-style clothes, you can wear trousers and a T-shirt for this occasion, a nice jumper. In general, it’s great if a girl notices that you are a little “dressed up”. She will love what they have done for her.
Given all the subtleties, it's time to choose a way to declare love.

We confess to the girl in love. Several ways to win her heart
You can choose a more traditional way of declaring your love, or choose an original way. Just remember that you need to take into account the character and tastes of your girlfriend. A calm and homely girl can be frightened by a recognition at a bird's eye view, and the flight itself risks remaining a negative impression. A romantic confession on a bench in a shady alley is not very suitable for an active girl. It is better to be guided by the temperament of your beloved and show your imagination.

  1. Romantic date in a cafe or restaurant. To do this, it is better to choose a place that is not very crowded, where you will not be distracted by noise, bright light. Recognition in a cozy atmosphere, at a table, is quite traditional, but does not lose its relevance. Just try to give it a special flavor. Give the girl some kind of souvenir, something sweet and touching. Flowers, decorations, toys and sweets in beautiful boxes are always in trend.
  2. recognition in nature. It can be a park, a lake, a beautiful alley. Here you can easily surprise a girl by presenting her with a bright bunch of balloons, a huge bouquet, offering to launch a luminous flashlight together. Speak, act, enjoy.
  3. Love is in the air. When your girlfriend is not very afraid of heights, you will surely be able to capture her imagination by offering to take a romantic flight in a hot air balloon. Are you high enough already? It's time to get your gift and say the main words! They are sure to make the right impression.
  4. Two in a boat. If you like to swim as a couple, a lake or river is also a great place to get recognized. Such a day will definitely be remembered.
  5. Letter. There is another option. Write a letter. Real or virtual. Big message or short message on the phone. You can record the whole appeal on video and send it by e-mail, publish it on the Internet. True, you will not be able to observe the girl's reaction to your confession.
Remember that girls have a more subtle mental organization than guys and they pay attention to everything that the representatives of the stronger sex may seem like a "trifle". Open space for creativity, be sincere! The girl will certainly appreciate it and she will like your declaration of love.

Sooner or later, but each of us has a moment when that same life partner is found! When you have finally sorted out your feelings and realized that this is exactly the person you need, it remains to make a confession.

During this period, a hurricane of emotions sweeps through the head, causing various questions. But, having given an answer to each of them, you understand that confessing love is more difficult than it seemed at first.

Preparing for recognition

It is necessary that the confession be kept secret, otherwise the impression will not be fully realized. I know from experience: do not tell your best friends or sisters about your plans if they are unverified!

Only preparation can lead to the expected result!

Practice and Gifts

You need to carefully consider your words and choose the most appropriate tone. Practice in front of a mirror, observing your facial expressions and facial expressions, and also try gesturing. You must sound confident and assertive, without letting your woman doubt your intentions.

Read also:

Prepare some nice gift, it does not have to be expensive at all. Even a trifle in the form of a pleasant toy will noticeably improve your mood and give you a smile.

Place and Time

The same alley, street, restaurant or square where you were best together. Vivid memories are superimposed on top of words, causing much more pleasant feelings not only for your girlfriend, but also for yourself.

A favorite place will contribute to your confidence and give you a chance to succeed. Not only you, but she also appreciates him very much, remember this. Such places are strictly individual, so there is simply no one formula for everyone.

This time should be free from worries, be easy and suitable for what would change your life. Literally everything matters here. Starting from the coolness on the street and ending with grandmother's health problems. Understand? She should not be distracted by work or anyone other than yourself. For this period, you are her only entertainment and experience!

Find out when your woman will be free from routine affairs, when the frequency of her thoughts will be tuned to you! Choose the most suitable weather or even season.

If there is no convenient opportunity now, it is better to wait than to rush and make you laugh, however, here you need to feel the situation subtly, since excessive slowness is also harmful!

Be ready to be rejected

No ideal revelation will bring love itself, if it was not there before. By talking about your feelings, you may not feel her feelings. The girl has the right to ignore you, missing what was said, deaf, or, on the contrary, to answer sharply and unpleasantly.

You can not push and continue in the same spirit. If it is not ready now, then the time has not yet come, you only need to wait. Pretend that nothing happened, if you have already been refused, be strong to accept and try to understand why this is so.

One of the steps is to be prepared for failure. The guys who made the confession in the video didn't expect this turn, but you can't predict the future.

If you focus on these tips, the likelihood that everything will go exactly as it was intended increases! A list of useful actions that can help get out of a difficult situation, or vice versa - not to get into it!

  1. Do not talk right and left about your feelings! Learn about them, your girlfriend should just from you!
  2. Be yourself, do not be too shy or embarrassed, confessing your love.
  3. Do not rush her with an answer, let her think as much as she needs!
  4. Answer the question for yourself - "Are you sure of your feelings?"
  5. This is an important day, and you should look accordingly. Put yourself in order, yet confess your love!
  6. Match your words! Every spoken word of love must be reinforced by your feelings. Speak sincerely, confidently and calmly!
  7. Be attentive to your interlocutor, do not take your eyes off her, but there is no need to stare stupidly!


  • If you abuse words of love too often, it will make them priceless and unnecessary.
  • Never lie. This is especially true when it comes to the future.

Original examples

Monotonous standard themes are already tired, and I want something new! Being special and the best guy is sometimes not as easy as it seems!

For a unique recognition, your chosen one herself can help, her tastes and interests should take shape and be reflected in you. It's time to show your creative abilities, as there may not be a second such case.


  • Write a love play and act it out with your friends.
  • Write a poem or write a song.
  • To paint a picture, even if it doesn’t work out very well for you, symbolism is important here!
  • Go to one of the desired places.
  • A paper note in one of the chocolates.

The most successful example of an original confession of feelings I saw in the movie “Love Actually”

Declaration of love

So the much-desired moment came directly, where it would be necessary to put into practice all the theory collected earlier. Take a deep breath and relax.

The first time is the most difficult, but as a rule, the first love most often, if it does not bring eternal happiness and life together, then it will certainly give you experience for the future.

  • Banal - "I love you" ideally can do everything you need, producing the desired effect. If the girl herself has very strong feelings for you, then such a simple phrase will be more than enough, of course, if she feels your sincerity and purity of intentions.

Tell us what exactly is so dear and important to you in it, why does it not allow you to fall asleep at night and why did you choose it? However, it is up to you to decide exactly how to say these words, and no one can do it better than you yourself.

  • Strengthen gentle and affectionate words with deeds. Alternatively, after a declaration of love, give the girl the opportunity to answer only after a while or at the end of the walk, caring for her as much as possible all this time.

Make her as happy as possible for this day, and perhaps she will make you happy for life.

  • Be supportive and supportive. In a serious relationship, everything is built on trust in each other. Learn to fully believe and accept the girl's whims, even if they are not clear to you.

At the moment of recognition, this foundation should already be in place, and if for some reason it still doesn’t exist, lay the first brick by fulfilling one of the desires or by providing your physical support in her work.

  • Her problems are now your problems. This is the responsibility that falls on you from now on and you must accept it. If earlier you could still have separate difficulties that needed to be solved, now these are your common difficulties.

You, as a man, should take the initiative in all possible cases, and, if possible, offer a solution. The girl’s hope is on you in the first place, since it is you who are her main amulet and talisman from all the failures and difficulties of life.

How to overcome insecurity?

They are afraid, and doubt is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely all people are afraid of the unknown and uncertainty in their future, they are afraid to make important decisions, as this will significantly change the life to which they are so accustomed.

To get rid of the constraining uncertainty, first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly is its cause?

Most often, the main reason is doubt about personal merits and qualities. You underestimate your talents and put yourself deliberately below her. Think you can only be her friend? That you are unworthy of such a beautiful companion? Nonsense! Relax, any guy is able to conquer any girl, and your uniqueness alone will be enough for this. So use it and just be yourself! Don't pretend to be someone you weren't and never will be. You are You, no more and no less, understand.

If you don’t like something in your own character traits or don’t like the physical body, do it! No one will do it for you, and putting on the costumes of other characters is not only self-deception, but also a deception of a girl. And what kind of relationship can be built on lies?

If, doubts arise because of the consequences of your confession? If you are afraid of responsibility, are not ready for serious conversations, then this is not the time to make such bold statements.

Confessing love is not just saying 3 short words and walking by the hand. Love is above all a responsibility that comes with age and should not be expected in the early years. Love is more difficult than it was in your life before. Love is a complex wave that, in addition to pleasure and happiness, can bring tears and disappointments.

To experience true love, with all the consequences that come from it, is a heavenly delight. If you are afraid of being covered by this wave, if you are ready only for its light and light side, then move away from the shore and let it spread away from you, tempering your character and preparing at this time a new wave, already yours.

Not everyone will be able to do this, but if you prepare all the necessary materials in advance, everything is possible!

The guys showed the contrast between different approaches, a little sarcastic, but intelligible message:

Every man in his life comes that quivering and responsible moment when he wants to confess his love to a girl. And here the task arises: how to do it beautifully and correctly in order to charm the chosen one once and for all. Even the most daring and inventive men, when they fall deeply in love, begin to worry and worry about a frank confession. You have to puzzle over what words to choose correctly, in what environment to open up, in what way to win the heart of a woman. After all, we are talking about intimate feelings for a loved one.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

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    How to tell a guy that I like him

    Keep in mind that no one knows your soul mate as you know them. In order not to goof off and not be left with nothing, you should listen to the following tips:

    Advice Description
    Be naturalDo not try to portray someone you are not, otherwise the confession will turn out to be insincere
    Keep your emotions under control
    • Manage your emotions and don't be nervous.
    • Do not immediately get upset if, after confession, the girl will be silent. Maybe she just isn't ready to open up about her feelings for you yet.
    • Tune in to any course of events, not only positive and joyful
    Show care and attentionConcentrate only on your one, her emotions and mood
    Be honest

    Speak in your own words, do not plagiarize. If you use the words of a poet or writer, be sure to indicate this

    Try to look confidentPractice in front of a mirror for self-confidence
    Be patientAfter announcing feelings, wait for a response
    Be tactful
    • Do not overdo it with the phrase "I love you" - it sounds implausible.
    • If she does not love you, in no case should you be imposed - it looks stupid and causes a backlash up to irritation.

    Prepare for a serious conversation in advance. Consider all possible factors and life circumstances that occur in the life of the chosen one at the time when you want to confess.

    You may have to wait a bit with the date and place of the planned event. Force majeure may arise: grief in the family or treatment in the hospital. Then she simply will not be able to adequately perceive the information received, since the time is not suitable for romantic emotions.

    How many roses can you give a girl

    It's time to act

    There are several options for original declarations of love.

    Declaration of love to a girl

    Love letter

    If you are embarrassed to declare your love openly, you can write a beautiful, romantic letter. You need to write it in your own handwriting, and not type it on a computer. So it will be possible to immerse the girl in those warm sincere times when everyone wrote letters to each other and sent them by mail. Any girl will like to plunge into the atmosphere of mysterious love letters, to feel with what heart and soul the words from a loved one are written. A woman will keep such a letter and secretly reread the confession many times.

    The best text that can be written is the sincere thoughts, emotions and feelings that a girl evokes, without pathos and catchphrases. It can be used for more daring activities and invite on a romantic date. Sample letter text:

    Beloved, I feel for you a wonderful and very tender feeling that warms my heart when we are not together. I really want my love to warm you too!


    If you are a girl, it is always nice to hear a love confession in verse in a beautiful romantic setting. Seeing loving, burning eyes and endlessly listening to the pleasant sensual voice of your man is incredible magic. For example, you can read this verse:

    Burning heart and soul

    There is no escape from these thoughts.

    I love you like crazy

    And there is no longer any doubt about it.

    You are so beautiful, sincere, tender,

    The sun shines brighter with you.

    You are the embodiment of kindness and kindness,

    My soul raves about you.

    Recognition on asphalt or billboard

    Every woman at any age is like a little girl who wants to get into a beautiful fairy tale with a happy ending. It is not worth limiting yourself or her to banal confessions. Now there are many unique, original ways to open the soul. You can modernize the outdated methods of past generations:

    • Phrases lined up with candles on the pavement in the light of the moon and the starry sky under the window have a wonderful effect. You can write: You are the one for which I began to live" or "I love you so much!
    • A surprise for your beloved will be a billboard with a frank confession and her photograph. Get to the point if you bring him with your eyes closed for her birthday. Text example: You are excellent, amazing, always amazing and amazing! Love you! Your.

    The girl's reaction to such a pleasant surprise will be unforgettable. There are many worthy tricks to prove the words you want to say. Try if you do not want the girl to refuse you.