How to clean the armpits of a jacket from sweat. How to clean a jacket without washing at home - effective tricks. Getting rid of sweat odor

Sweating is a natural, natural process. But sweat has a rather unpleasant smell. This is what causes problems for many people. Athletes and just people who sweat intensely know firsthand how hard it is to wash clothes from the smell of sweat. In this article, you will learn many options for solving this delicate problem, namely: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.

Supporters of everything environmentally friendly try to use folk methods even in the fight against traces of sweat under the armpits. We have collected the most common methods that will allow you to get rid of the smell and sweat on clothes.

How to get underarm sweat smell out of clothes without washing

It happens that there is no way to wash clothes or the fabric from which these clothes are sewn will not survive such treatment. What to do in this case? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? Here are some cleaning options without washing:

  • On the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing, in the place where the armpits are located, it is necessary to pour a thick layer of baking soda, rub it a little and leave it like that until the morning. The baking soda will absorb the unpleasant odor and you just have to shake it off the product.
  • Boil water in a small saucepan and add a few tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it. While the vinegar water is boiling, hold an item that emits unpleasant odors over the steam.
  • You can wipe problem areas with pure vinegar 9%. No need to rinse. Wait for the clothes to dry. It is best to dry in the air, the smell of vinegar will disappear quickly.
  • The smell of sweat on clothes can be removed by applying this method. It is necessary to mix 1 unit of salt, 4 units of water and 4 units of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and apply with a sponge to the stained area. Rub lightly, and after 10 minutes wipe with a sponge dipped in clean water.

How to remove the stubborn smell of sweat from clothes

The longer dirty clothes lie unwashed, the more the smell of sweat will eat in. And the more difficult it will be to withdraw. Therefore, try to clean such products as quickly as possible.

  • Perfectly copes with stubborn sweat stains table salt. You need to add 2 tablespoons to a glass of water. This solution is well rubbed into the fabric and left for half an hour. Then wash. This method is more suitable for natural fabrics.
  • The “smelling” trace is also washed off with the help of laundry soap. Lather generously on sweaty areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash as usual.
  • In a solution of salt (a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water), put one tablespoon of ammonia. Treat contaminated areas and leave for 15 minutes.

How to remove the smell of sweat from a jacket

Outerwear does not have to be dry-cleaned. You can get rid of the bad smell yourself. There are several ways to keep your jacket fresh.

  • It must be ventilated regularly fresh air.
  • You can stuff your jacket with newspapers. They absorb odors and moisture well. To do this, fasten the product and fill it with crumpled newspapers.
  • Places where excessive sweating has left its mark can be treated with ammonia and water. After that, just take the thing outside and ventilate well.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a leather jacket

The skin has a special porous structure. Therefore, it very well absorbs various odors, including unpleasant ones, like sweat.

  • If the smell is not strong, try gently washing the area of ​​the lining where the armpits are. Try not to wet the skin, so as not to spoil it.
  • Bad breath is caused by pathogenic bacteria. Destroy them easily with a disinfectant, such as soda. It is necessary to make a thick gruel out of it, adding a little water to it. With the resulting mixture, process the inside of the jacket. You need to apply in a thick layer. Wait for the baking soda to dry. After that, it should be removed.
  • A leather product can be rid of an unpleasant odor with citric acid. It must be diluted in half with water and treated with wrong side. After wiping, leave the jacket in the fresh air.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a jacket

Some people, by virtue of their profession, have to wear a jacket all the time. In this case, of course, you can not do without such problems as an unpleasant smell. Then the question arises of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, namely from a jacket.

  • Take one part of rubbing alcohol, one part of ammonia and three parts of water. The solution must be mixed and treated with problem areas from the inside. Next, blot clean tissue paper. After the jacket dries, the smell to be removed should disappear.
  • If you need to clean the jacket in the winter, it will be enough to take it out to the balcony. In the cold, it will be well ventilated, and the smell will go away. And you can use the freezer. Before sending the jacket there, pack it in a plastic bag.
  • If the product can be washed (find out from the tag on it), then do this by adding grated laundry soap to the water. Rinse in water with a little vinegar.

If the smell of sweat remains on clothes after washing

Fabric softeners and fabric softeners will quickly cope with the problem of unpleasant odors.

In the wardrobe of each of us there are many things made of synthetic materials. Namely, they remarkably absorb odors and do not “release” them for a long time. It is enough to wear such clothes once, and washing will already be needed. But it often happens that even she does not save from a sharp aroma. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes in such cases?

So that after washing there are no such unpleasant surprises, you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

  • Before washing soiled clothes, soak them for 45 minutes in warm water. Lather under armpits first laundry soap. Add some vinegar or baking soda to the water. You need to soak separately, not mixing with other clothes, otherwise the smell may be absorbed into other things.
  • Before turning on the washing machine, add to it, namely to the drum, half a glass of 9% vinegar and 3 tablespoons of soda.
  • The amount of powder needs to be slightly increased.
  • You can use oxygen bleach, you can also wash colored items with it.
  • Use fabric softeners.
  • In all washing machines There is a pre-wash feature. Use it, as it will help rid your clothes of unpleasant odors and heavy soiling.
  • Dry the washed clothes only in the air.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on white clothes

Yellow sweat marks are especially visible on white clothes. Getting rid of them and the smell will not be easy, but it is possible even at home.

  • Mix water and vodka in equal proportions. Treat the area where the armpits are located with the resulting solution. And then wash it normally.
  • Perfectly cope with yellow marks and a sharp aroma of hydrogen peroxide. Add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. In this solution, you need to soak the product for half an hour. After processing, wash things in the washing machine. You can add a bleaching agent to the powder.
  • Add two aspirin tablets to a glass of lukewarm water. They need to be crushed first. Stir until completely dissolved and treat the soiled areas. Leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse and wash with powder.

Sweat-wicking inserts prevent stains from appearing on clothing.

Removing the smell of sweat and its traces is a rather difficult process, so try to prevent the problem. Watch your personal hygiene. Wash things more often using a high-quality powder. In winter, wear a T-shirt under a sweater. If you still can not cope with your sweating, you can buy special sweat pads. They are very thin and will be invisible to others.

Important! When using any tool, do not forget about the possibility of spoiling the thing. So be sure to test before use. Apply a small amount of the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. If its structure and color do not change, you can safely apply this method.

Not really


The smell of sweat gives trouble to its "owner" and the people around. This "aroma" can spoil the whole impression, even if you are dressed to the nines and in the most fashionable things. It also happens that even after washing it is preserved - it is so resistant. Fortunately, there are several useful advice on how to get rid of adversity from clothing items.

Sometimes, in order for the unpleasant smell to disappear, it is enough just to dry the thing in the sun and fresh air after washing. But not always the usual washing helps, sometimes special modes or additives to the powder are required. There are folk proven methods of removal.

Removal by washing

For starters, the smelly thing should be soaked for 30-40 minutes before washing, in order to kill unpleasant odors for sure. When soaking, add half a glass of vinegar or salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Before the main wash, we also recommend soaping the problem areas with ordinary laundry soap - it will degrease the stains and remove the amber.

When removing the smell of sweat, do not neglect soaking

Do not leave things that smell of sweat next to other clothes - the smell of sweat easily transfers to surrounding objects.

If time does not endure, and there is simply no time to soak, then when washing in a washing machine, use stain removers as additional support for washing powder. For colored linen - oxygen bleaches, and for white - chlorine.

Sweat-smelling things are best washed with a double portion. washing powder, but do not forget to put things on an extra rinse.

Folk Tip: Pour half a cup of vinegar into the rinse compartment of your washing machine and launder as usual.

Modern household chemicals also offer a solution to the problem with the help of special products against various odors. For example, "SmellOFF sport" is a product that can be used during washing, as well as locally sprayed on certain areas. According to the instructions of the product, it is enough to add it to the powder at the rate of 100 ml. for 10 kg. underwear. The composition includes surface-active detergent components, enzymes and plant extracts.

SmellOFF universal remedy for removing various odors can also be used against the smell of sweat

Another organic silver based product is Silverster:: Impregnation / Rinse. Its action is based on the disinfecting properties of silver, due to which microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor are killed. The instructions say that before washing, just soak the clothes with the product, and then wash. Or soak and dry without rinsing.

"Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse" - a product that kills bacteria on clothes

It is worth noting that both products are suitable for any type of fabric.

Unfortunately, the problem does not always go away after washing. This is especially true of the armpits - places where sweat is released the most. In this case, you need to treat the smelling areas separately. To do this, you can use folk remedies.

Folk remedies to remove the smell of sweat

Unfortunately, this problem is not new. Therefore, to date, in the arsenal of housewives, several effective recipes have been accumulated to combat unpleasant odors. The most effective tools are actually at everyone's fingertips. Let's list them:

  • Vinegar. If the smell is fresh, then vinegar essence is suitable, but for a stubborn, old one, it is better to take pure vinegar. To remove, spray on the desired area and lightly rub the product into the fabric. Rinse afterwards. Vinegar does not harm the color, so it can be used on any fabric.

    Vinegar effectively fights sweat odor

  • Salt. Apply a solution of salt (1 tbsp. Per glass of water) to places that emit a smell, or rather rub it into a cloth. Then rinse with water. If you remove ambre from white clothes, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution to remove yellow spots at the same time. After treatment with a solution of ammonia, it is better to wash the item.

    Salt solution can be applied to any tissue

  • Lemon acid. With a fresh smell that has not yet had time to eat into the fabric, a slice of lemon will cope: rub the area that smells of sweat with it and rinse in warm water. For a more old one, it is better to use citric acid: dilute one teaspoon of acid in a glass of water and moisten the smelling place on the clothes, then rinse the item.

    Unpleasant odor will be eliminated by a solution of citric acid

  • Shampoo. Shampoo for hair degreases well, besides contains fragrances with aroma. Apply shampoo to the sweat stain and wash the area. Rinse afterwards.

    A drop of shampoo will give a new scent to clothes

  • One of the most effective means- ordinary laundry soap. Just wash the necessary places with soap and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse.

    Laundry soap - an economical and effective remedy for the smell of sweat

  • Soda. Wet the cloth and sprinkle baking soda on the desired areas. Lightly rub the baking soda into the fabric and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse the item.

    Baking soda can eliminate the smell of sweat and dry

  • Aspirin. Prepare a slurry of 4-5 aspirin tablets and apply it on sweat spots. After half an hour, wash as usual. We recommend using aspirin on white clothes - it will remove odor and yellow stains from sweat.

    Aspirin has the ability to bleach fabric

  • Dry clothes properly

    One of the conditions for the absence of unpleasant odors on clothes is proper drying after washing.

    Get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes will help the sun and fresh air

    The sun and fresh air will help in this. To dry a thing in the sun, it must be turned inside out so that the color of the product is not damaged. The sun's rays should reach all problem areas.

    But the sun does not always please us with its light. In this case, after the clothes have dried, iron them through gauze, previously moistened with a weak vinegar solution. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat and more.

    How to get rid of considering different items of clothing

    The methods and means of struggle listed above are not always universal. For example, you can’t wash a wool sweater for the longest time possible. And outerwear and generally can not always be washed. Therefore, the type of clothing and fabric should be considered when choosing a method.

    Leather jacket, jacket, coat

    The leather jacket cannot be washed. Nevertheless, the problem of the smell of sweat also affects her - it remains on the fabric lining, as a rule, on the armpits. In order to remove it from the lining leather jacket, use vinegar. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray underarms from the wrong side. There is a more radical method: pour hot water into the bath and add about a glass of vinegar. Hang a jacket inside out over the bathtub. The steam from the vinegar bath will do the trick.

    Another removal method can be applied to a jacket, jacket or coat: sprinkle baking soda on the underarms from the wrong side and leave overnight. Shake off the soda in the morning.

    To remove the smell of sweat from a jacket, jacket or coat, the armpits can be treated with ammonia. To do this, prepare a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 1, apply ammonia on a sponge or cotton pad and wipe the armpits on the clothes. In no case do not rub from the front side! Ammonia is an extreme measure used for an old "aroma".

    Another folk method of removing from outerwear is to stuff a coat or jacket with dry newspapers. They will absorb the smell in a few days and remove excess moisture.

    If it's cold outside, you can simply hang your clothes out in the fresh air. The bacteria causing this phenomenon will die and the thing will no longer smell bad.

    Items made from natural fabrics

    For natural fabrics - linen, silk and wool, use salt. saline solution apply to the smelly area, and then rinse the item in warm water.

    For woolen sweaters, you can use ammonia: add 2-3 tbsp to a basin of cool water. l. ammonia and soak the item for 30 minutes. Wash after that.


    It's no secret that the leader in "sweating" is sportswear. This is logical, because physical exercise suggest profuse perspiration. Therefore, it was specifically for sportswear that special products were invented in the first place, which are described above - “SmellOFF sport”, “Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse”.

    But if there is no special tool, then you can turn to folk remedies. The peculiarity of removing odor from sportswear is that it is better not to apply some kind of agent locally, but to soak the thing as a whole. Because when playing sports, all sweat glands are actively working, and almost the whole thing suffers from sweat, and not individual areas. For any tracksuit, a saline solution is perfect - 3 tbsp. l. per glass hot water. Salt should be thoroughly mixed.

    But boxing gloves cannot be washed, because they can become deformed and become unusable. For gloves, you can also use special odor sprays or stuff them with newspapers, for example, at night, and remove them in the morning. After each workout, gloves are recommended to be hung out in the fresh air.

    Synthetic clothing

    Things made of synthetics do not pass air and moisture well, so stains and the smell of sweat appear on them more often than on things made from natural fabrics. Therefore, synthetic clothes should not be worn for a long time and sent to the wash regularly. But if the problem has already arisen, then such means as laundry soap, soda will do. Salt solution can also be applied to synthetic items.

    How to prevent bad odors

    Any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Ours is no exception. To prevent unpleasant odors, follow these rules:

  • change regularly. Do not wear sweaty clothes for more than one day, and if possible, immediately change into fresh clothes.
  • Use antiperspirant deodorants that prevent sweat odor.
  • Remove underarm hair - smooth skin smells less.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics. Then the skin will “breathe” better, and there will be less sweat than in synthetic things.
  • Under warm clothes, wear cotton T-shirts or T-shirts.
  • How to get odor out of underarm clothes. Video

    All people sweat - it's inevitable. But it is not at all necessary to endure this phenomenon and walk in foul-smelling clothes. Knowing the means of dealing with this trouble, you can wear your favorite things for a long time and communicate with others without hesitation.

    Sweating is a natural process in our body. With sweat, all the harmful bacteria come out. Abundant excretion brings great inconvenience. Sweaty smell causes discomfort for yourself and others. avoiding similar situations You need to take care of your things. Clothes can be soaked, washed thoroughly, and it is already harder to effectively remove sweat from a coat or down jacket. Do not throw away the good expensive thing? People who have found a way to fix the problem share their personal experiences.

    Modern ways

    The first thing that may come to mind is to hand over outerwear for chemical treatment. But dry cleaning services may not be available nearby. Moreover, this method is expensive and time consuming. Not everyone can afford to use this method all the time.

    Sprays are a quick modern way to remove various odors.. Any household chemicals store offers such products. In a well-ventilated area, spray onto sweat-smelling areas and leave. The composition of the sprays includes harmless proteins that do not mask, but destroy odors. This method is fast and efficient, but may not always be at hand at the right time.

    Folk methods

    When it is necessary to remove the effects of sweating without washing outerwear, the means that are always at home will help.

    Apple vinegar

    Activated charcoal can save a down jacket or coat. Grind 2-3 tablets into powder, apply to the required area, leave for several days. Then gently clean with a special solution of 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 2 glasses of water.

    Ammonia with water will help. A glass of water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, use a sponge to lightly rub the desired part. You can add 1 teaspoon of salt for better results. It is advisable to leave it so that the smells disappear and the down jacket dries out.

    Regular vinegar can remove sweat. Table acetic acid, water mixed in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons in 1 cup of warm water. Apply this mixture, let it soak. Baking soda will get rid of the strong smell. After treatment with the solution, lightly sprinkle the underarm area, then clean with a brush for outerwear.

    Baking soda can also help with sweat odor.

    You can remove the problem with apple cider vinegar. With a cotton swab or a clean cloth dipped in an undiluted substance, rub the sweaty area. Can be sprinkled citric acid areas, pre-wetting them slightly.

    A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can get rid of the trouble. It is necessary to gently pull the lining, lower it into the essence, detect 30 seconds, wring it out and hang it up. This method is suitable for outerwear with dense lining fabric.

    Sweat can be removed using gasoline, then ammonia. The method should be used rarely and carefully. Frequent use may damage the coat.

    Vodka can also remove odor. Moisten problem areas a little, wait a couple of hours. If the material allows, treat with a steam iron, otherwise hang out in fresh air.

    Cold can help fight sweat odor

    Before using all folk methods, it is recommended that you first check the reaction of outerwear by treating an inconspicuous small area.

    Long-proven methods will help get rid of unwanted odors without washing.

    The sweaty smell will help remove the cold from outerwear. When processing a down jacket in winter, it is enough to place it in a cold place. In summer, wrap a downy coat tightly with a plastic bag, send it to the freezer for half an hour. Then straighten and let dry. Thanks to the cold, the bacteria freeze, the unpleasant odor disappears. In this way, you can process any thing.

    Newspapers can remove the smell of sweat. Coat the coat with buttons or a zipper, stuff with clean newspapers, leave for a few days. Pay special attention to the sleeves. Then it is desirable to hang a down jacket to be ventilated.

    AT modern world a person spends most of his life in motion and this negatively affects the clothes we wear.

    Everyone sweats and that's normal, but the bad smell that comes from sweat restricts our movements and makes us feel uncomfortable.

    It's much easier when you're in light, loose clothing that's easy to wash and odor free.

    Much worse things are with winter clothes. In this article, we will try to analyze how you can get rid of unpleasant odors from clothes such as coats or down jackets.

    The main sweating process takes place in, and it is there that clothing suffers first of all. Also, the coat collar and, possibly, the area around the arms will suffer from increased sweating.

    Why there is an unpleasant odor

    Sweat itself is odorless. Unpleasant odors are caused by bacteria. It is they who are to blame for the unpleasant smell that appears from clothes.

    The problem of excessive sweating has existed in people throughout our existence, so at the moment there are many ways to rid your coat of the unpleasant smell of sweat:

    • Chemical processing. Perhaps the most obvious way to remove odors and sweat stains from clothes is to take them to the chemist. processing. However, this method has a number of disadvantages. The most important disadvantage is that this process is quite expensive and time consuming, so it is quite inconvenient to use it.
    • Sprays. A method that perfectly answers the question of how to quickly and effectively rid your coat of the unpleasant smell of sweat. You can buy spray at any home store. They do not mask harmful substances, but destroy them in the bud.
    • Cold. As mentioned earlier, sweat itself has no smell. It is secreted by microorganisms that live in sweaty areas of the body. Cold kills such bacteria and rids clothes of the unpleasant smell of sweat. In the winter season, it is enough just to hang clothes on the balcony (rope), and in other seasons, you can put clothes in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours.
    • Vinegar. You can also get rid of unpleasant odors of sweat on coats and other clothes at home with the help of ordinary 9% table vinegar. The method is extremely simple: apply in any convenient way to the affected area. After some time, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the clothes to rid them of the smell of vinegar. If the procedure did not help the first time, then repeat it again.
    • Laundry soap. The areas affected by sweat must be treated with laundry soap and left in this state for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running water and dried. A fairly convenient and cheap way to clean a coat at home.
    • Activated carbon. Dry cleaning coats good way rid your clothes of bad smell. The method of application is that from two or three tablets of coal you make a powder and pour it onto the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing and leave it in this position for a couple of days. The main disadvantage of this method is its duration, because sometimes it is necessary to get rid of the unpleasant smell of clothes in a short time.
    • Salt. Salt cleaning will work effectively only on natural fabrics. It is quite difficult to remove the smell from synthetics in this way. Sweaty areas of clothing are rubbed with a solution of one tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water, after which it is thoroughly washed.
    • Soda. Spread it in an even layer on the affected area. Then rub it into the stain a little. Wait about 20 minutes and carefully wipe the baking soda from your clothes.
    • Newspapers. Paper is also a material that absorbs odors well. The coat must be buttoned up and stuffed with clean newspapers, leaving it in this condition for several days. After this time, it will be necessary to air the coat.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. An excellent remedy for combating the effects of excessive sweating. For use, it is necessary to make a solution with a ratio of 1 liter of water to 1 tablespoon of peroxide. Then apply this solution to the desired area, leave it in this state for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the clothes and dry them. It is important to remember that when cleaning a white item, noticeable traces may remain, in which case the item should be washed after processing.

    There are more aggressive methods for cleaning the stubborn odor:

    • gasoline and ammonia. If sweat does not come out in the usual way, you can use a combination of gasoline and ammonia. However, it is worth remembering that this method is fraught with great risks and it is not recommended to use it too often, as this can cause irreparable damage to your coat.
    • Vodka. Problem areas can be treated with vodka, after which you need to wait a couple of hours. If the material of the clothing allows, then it is necessary to process it with an iron, and if not, then hang it out in fresh air.
    • Ammonia or cologne. To remove the musty smell on clothes, ammonia tincture or the usual triple cologne can help. It is enough just to wipe the affected area with a sponge moistened with one of these solutions, and then dry the coat on the balcony.

    In order for your clothes to remain fresh and not acquire unpleasant odors, they must be properly stored, and some rules must be observed:

    • Store items in dry, closed cabinets or drawers. To prevent clothing stored in such places from acquiring a characteristic unpleasant odor, it is necessary to put bags of lavender, mint or soap bars in them. The aroma emitted by them absorbs the unpleasant odor, replacing it with itself.
    • Items stored in the closet must be dry. Excess moisture leads to dampness, as well as a characteristic mold and a corresponding unpleasant odor.
    • Don't forget about personal hygiene. Take a shower regularly and the problem of excessive sweating will not bother you so much.
    • Use strong antiperspirants, they keep sweat from underarms to a minimum.
    • Things made from natural fabrics are looser, which allows the body to "breathe" and not produce as much sweat.
    • After home cleaning, the clothes are dried in the fresh air until the characteristic odors of the substances used in the cleaning disappear.

    Remember that the condition of your clothes is up to you. It is up to you to decide how to deal with the manifestations of excessive sweating on your clothes.