High quality washing powder. Rating: Roskachestvo tested washing powders. Which powder is the most harmless

Choice of washing powder - not an easy task. good remedy must meet five basic criteria.

  1. Efficiency . Detergent, first of all, should remove stains and neutralize unpleasant odors.
  2. soft impact. The powder should not destroy the structure of the fabric or wash out the pigment from it.
  3. Safety . The composition should not contain a high concentration of components hazardous to human health.
  4. Convenience. The tool must be accompanied detailed instruction. In this case, there should not be any additional manipulations before and after washing.
  5. Availability . The price must match the quality detergent.

Dangers in the composition

Over the past few years, more and more attention has been paid to the safety of detergents. But, as practice shows, absolutely natural powders are powerless in the fight against complex stains. Therefore, in the struggle for purity, manufacturers are forced to add all kinds of "chemistry" to the composition. The task of the buyer is to ensure that the amount of aggressive components in the detergent is minimal. It is worth paying attention to four substances.

  1. A-surfactant. Substances dissolve dirt, facilitating its removal from the fibers. But in view of the strong penetrating ability, the particles easily "sneak" into the body through the skin. The accumulation of substances is fraught with allergies, weakened immunity, diseases of internal organs.
  2. Phosphates. Soften water, at times increasing the activity of surfactants. But phosphates cannot be rinsed out of the fabric. Contacting with washed things, the skin may react with itching, redness and allergic rashes.
  3. Perfumes. The basis of the powder has a not very pleasant smell, and the fragrances interrupt it and give the linen the aroma of cleanliness. But often you have to pay for this with allergies, rashes and irritation of the mucous membranes.
  4. Optical brighteners. Reflective particles that create the illusion of a white fabric. These substances, for the most part, are toxic and can accumulate in the body.


Pollution received from external factors is not the only reason why things have to be washed. For a year, a person loses almost two kilograms of keratinized skin particles, a significant part of which settles in the fibers of bed linen and clothing. If you do not wash them properly, there is a risk of the formation of bed mites, as well as the appearance of allergic reactions. To cope with the problem, you need to choose the best powder.

No. 1: Sarma Active

One of the most popular among housewives is Sarma Active washing powder. Can be used for all types of fabric, for any type of washing. Works great on any dirt, but is best suited for bed linen. Well washes sweat marks, skin particles and other biological stains from the fabric. An important feature is moderate foaming, which is good for machine washing. Efficiency is due to the composition.

  • Sulphates (30%). Activate the activity of surfactants. They have pronounced washing properties.
  • Carbonates (15-30%). Soften hard water, increase washing activity.
  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Responsible for the formation of foam and stain removal.
  • Breaks down dirt molecules and discolors stains.
  • Silicates (5-15%). Adjust the pH to keep it constant. Bind pollution.
  • Polycarboxylates (5-15%). Adjust the pH value, making the value constant. Bind pollution.
  • Zeolites (less than 5%). Phosphate substitutes that soften water. They do not harm the environment, but are quite dangerous for humans.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Reduce tissue absorption of powder particles.
  • Defoamer (less than 5%). Prevents excessive formation of soap suds, which makes the powder optimal for machine wash.
  • Antiresorbents (less than 5%). Prevent dirt particles from re-adhering to the fabric.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Water softeners based on phosphorus.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Determine the activity of the detergent in relation to pollution of organic origin. They also contribute to the preservation of the structure of the fabric, preventing the formation of pellets.
  • A complex of reflective particles deposited on the surface of the fabric. The tool will not return the fabric to its former novelty, but will make it visually lighter.
  • Fragrance d-limonene (less than 5%). Neutralizes odors, giving clothes a pleasant citrus scent.

The table will help to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the tool. Despite the overall positive impression, there are also disadvantages.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Sarma Active powder

After washing with powders containing anionic surfactants (A-surfactants), things must be thoroughly rinsed. Getting on the skin, substances penetrate the body and accumulate in the lungs, liver and other organs. Withdrawal begins only on the fourth day.

No. 2: Ariel "Mountain Spring"

Differs in the good washing properties and pleasant easy aroma. It is able to fight pollution at low water temperatures, thanks to a successful combination of components.

  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Form a large amount of foam, actively affect pollution.
  • Oxygen bleach (5-15%). Lightens stains.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Creates a barrier to the re-deposition of contaminants on the fabric.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). As a rule, they are added to washing powder without phosphates. They are characterized by good washing abilities. They decompose quickly in nature.
  • Zeolites (less than 5%). Soften hard water, increasing the activity of surfactants.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Dissolve contaminants. Particularly effective against organic stains.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). The effect of whiteness is created due to the presence of reflective particles.
  • Perfume (less than 5%). Removes unwanted odors, giving things a fresh scent.

The powder is not cheap, and therefore the housewives place increased demands on it. The pros and cons of the funds can be found in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Ariel "Mountain Spring" powder

Back in 1997, anionic surfactants were listed as hazardous detergents that adversely affect reproductive function. Therefore, using powders with this component in the composition, rinse things out several times.

No. 3: Frosch

If you are looking for a hypoallergenic washing powder, you should try the products of the German company Frosch. It is a safe alternative to standard detergents. Concentrated dry powder with herbal extracts is safe for the skin and the body as a whole, but ruthless to stains.

For environmentally conscious citizens, Frosch products are the perfect choice. Both the components of the composition and the packaging materials are selected in such a way as to reduce the burden on nature. Resource-saving technologies are used in production. Important - the products are not tested on animals. The powder formula inspires confidence.

  • Zeolites (15-30%). Soften hard water, actively fight pollution.
  • Nonionic surfactants (5-15%). Do not allow detergent particles to settle on the fabric.
  • Soap (5-15%). Safe surfactant on a natural basis.
  • Enzymes (5-15%). They dissolve impurities and "push" them out of the fibers.
  • The fragrance is limonene (5-15%). Gives a subtle orange flavor.

Powders with a natural composition are harmless to family members, but are not always effective in combating stubborn dirt. The table will help to weigh all the pros and cons.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Frosch powder

If you do not like to soak things, use a liquid concentrate for old stains. It is enough to rub the stained area with the product a few minutes before washing.

#4: Losk 9 Total System

Powerful formulation designed to remove stubborn stains from all fabrics except silk and wool.

  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Actively fight against pollution, forming resistant foam.
  • Oxygen bleach (5-15%). Lightens spots. It has mild disinfectant properties.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Prevent re-ingression of contaminants on the fabric.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Soften water, enhancing the washing properties of the powder. Prevent stains from reabsorbing into fibres.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). Active detergents, harmless to environment.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Break down pollution molecules.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). Creates the illusion of whiteness and freshness, thanks to reflective microparticles.
  • Perfume (less than 5%). Responsible for the fresh scent.

The powder does its job well. Nevertheless, a specific pungent smell does not allow him to rise to high positions in the ratings. More details about the pros and cons can be found in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Losk 9 Total System powder

No. 5: Nordland ECO

Eco-friendly and efficient. This is a new generation product that does not contain phosphates. It is important that its composition fully complies with European quality standards. The components of the powder are 90% decomposed in nature, so you can be sure that you will not harm the environment.

  • Zeolites (15-30%). Contribute to the fight against pollution, softening the water.
  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Promotes abundant foaming.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Eliminate the possibility of re-entry of contaminants into the fibers.
  • Soap (less than 5%). A harmless surfactant of natural origin that actively removes stains.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). Eco-friendly detergent.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). Reflective particles for a white effect.

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of components without testing the tool in practice. But this can first be done using a table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Nordland ECO powder

Powder with natural soap in the composition is best loaded directly into the drum.

If you care about the cleanliness of things and the health of the family, you should be prepared for the fact that finding the perfect detergent will take some time and require practical experiments. Be sure to make a "cheat sheet" of hazardous substances. Try to buy powders with a minimum concentration of such components.

The modern market is oversaturated with detergents and cleaning products, among which it is difficult to choose a high-quality and safe powder. It is important that it effectively removes dirt and stains, while not spoiling things and not causing an allergic reaction, which is especially common among young children. Let's take a look at how to choose a washing powder for a typewriter or for hand wash.

Rules for the selection and use of powder

Choose products according to the type of laundry and the type of soiling. For medium soiling, take standard washing powders; for difficult stains and bleaching, take products containing special components.

In addition, you can find universal products. However, it is better to purchase different means for different types fabrics and types of washing, then you will achieve the desired result and save things for a long time.

Before using this or that product, be sure to look at the label on the clothes or other things that you are going to wash. Perhaps the product cannot be washed by hand or machine, or you need to use only a certain washing program.

In addition, some fabrics cannot be washed with detergents containing bleach or chlorine. You will find the decoding of the symbols on the label.

Regardless of the type of powder, pour as much product as indicated on the package. An increased dosage will lead to an excess of foam in the machine. When washing in cold or cool water, put less powder, as it dissolves worse at low temperatures. Before buying a product, be sure to study the composition.

Powder composition

Almost every washing powder contains surfactants or surfactants and phosphates, which will wash dirt out of clothes and reduce water hardness. Note that ecological (bio-powders) and children's products contain a minimum amount of surfactants and phosphates or do not include these substances at all.

The composition of the powders also includes various additives, flavors and dyes, fragrances and other additional components, including:

  • Enzymes eliminate biological contamination, including herbs, blood, etc. Products containing these substances are not suitable for washing children's clothes and use in hot water, because at high temperature they break up and cease to act;
  • Polymers protect the fabric from dirt settling on the surface;
  • Flavors eliminate unpleasant odors and give things a fresh, light aroma;
  • Lanolin and other softeners are used to wash delicate fabrics to keep their shape. This composition is used for lace, knitwear and mixed fabrics;
  • Defoamers are added to washing powders for machine washing;
  • Chlorides and fluorides are added for disinfection. This is a very aggressive composition, when using which it is necessary to wear rubber gloves.

Of great importance is not only efficiency and careful attitude to the fabric, but also the safety of the powder. The composition should not emit toxic elements, provoke irritation and an allergic reaction. The product must have a safety certificate and contain the appropriate sign on the packaging.

Be careful, such a sign can also be on a fake product. But unlike a fake, a real good washing powder is packed in cardboard boxes, while the first option is laid out in plastic bags. This way of packing is cheaper.

Types of powders

  • White clothing products contain optical, chemical or oxygen bleach. The latter option is used for delicate fabrics. It is suitable for people with sensitive skin and prone to allergic reactions. Such powders contain the mark "Active oxygen" on the packaging;
  • Products for woolen and silk materials should be distinguished by a delicate gentle composition and have a mild effect. Silk and wool are easily deformed and damaged, therefore silk products should be treated with care. A suitable option in this case would be liquid washing gels;
  • Products for colored clothing contain a large amount of enzymes, surfactants and polymers. This composition effectively eliminates stains, while preserving and protecting the color of clothing for a long time;
  • Powders and liquid gels for washing dark clothes do not leave soapy stains on dark and black clothes, like other products;
  • Aggressive powders and chlorinated bleaches are used for washing heavily soiled work clothes. By the way, repeated rinsing will reduce the harmful effects of such products. And after the procedure, leave the clothes to lie down for several days and only then put them on.

How to choose a powder for a typewriter and hand wash

It is not recommended to take the same powders for both types of washing. Many are interested in how these funds differ. The product for hand washing, when interacting with water, foams strongly, which helps to eliminate dirt and stains. But the foam will damage the washing drum, so this product cannot be used for machine washing, as the foam will damage the washing drum.

For washing in a washing machine, choose the right automatic powder, preferably with special additives to prevent scale and plaque in order to extend the life of the device. By the way, special water filters will protect against scale and plaque. How to clean tap water, read.

Automatic powder is not suitable for hand washing, as it contains substances that suppress the formation of foam. And without the right amount of foam, things simply do not wash off.

Top Ten Laundry Detergents

  1. Bimax 100 stains is a universal remedy that is suitable for most types of material, except for silk and wool. Removes heavy soiling, including stains from food, coffee and other drinks. Differs in economical and convenient packaging, but it is difficult to dissolve and dilute in cold water;
  2. Ariel "Mountain Spring" and "Color" give results even in ice water, eliminate stains and unpleasant odors. But they can provoke an allergic reaction and are not suitable for delicate fabrics;
  3. Frosch Color is a hypoallergenic concentrated product with a mild composition without a strong odor. Contains aloe vera, economically consumed and eliminates pollution in cold water, does not spoil things. But it does not cope with old stains and has a high price;
  4. Sarma Active is suitable for most types of fabric, white and colored clothes. Differs in low cost and economical consumption. It effectively washes difficult stains and kills bacteria, while it does not contain harmful chlorine. However, it does not give results in cold water, it is difficult to rinse out and has an aggressive composition;
  5. Tide White Clouds is great for washing whites and removes stubborn stains from cosmetics, food and drink, including chocolate and red wine stains. It is economically consumed, but has a strong specific smell;
  6. Ecover is an ultra-concentrated modern powder free of phosphates, dyes, fragrances and optical brighteners. Eco-friendly product does not provoke irritation and other Negative consequences, easily washes things even in ice water. Suitable for allergy sufferers and children, not harmful to the environment, as it is completely destroyed;
  7. Losk 9 Total System is a versatile product suitable for almost every type of fabric except wool and silk. Gives good result washing, but has a strong odor and can provoke allergies;
  8. Nordland ECO is another ecological product free of phosphates, dyes, fragrances and other harmful elements. Effectively eliminates pollution, completely washed out and odorless, decomposes by 90%. It is used for both hand and machine washing, it has a high cost;
  9. Persil Expert Color is an effective stain remover for colored fabrics with softening ingredients. It dissolves in water in a few seconds, acts already at the first stage of washing and protects the color;
  10. Top House Super Effect is a universal concentrated product for washing white and colored items. Works well on stains. Distinguished by economical consumption and high price.

The effect of phosphate-free powder

Phosphate-free washing powder differs in that it is environmentally friendly and safe for humans. It does not cause an allergic reaction, irritation on the skin and does not lower the immune system. In addition, this powder can be washed in any water, since the temperature does not affect the action of the product. It is suitable for washing delicate fabrics in cool or cold water and for everyday washing.

When using a phosphate-free product, you do not need to actively rub things, just soak the clothes for 6-8 hours and then rinse in clean water. Such a powder is completely soluble and does not contain lime, so the composition is well washed out and does not remain on clothes.

Things do not need to be rinsed many times. In addition, such a product has an unlimited shelf life due to the content of specific components.

Today, many housewives choose phosphate-free powder due to its effectiveness and safety. In addition, it is harmless to the environment, as the components decompose into organic substances. The only disadvantage of such a tool is the high cost.

How to choose baby laundry detergent

Choose products with a special mark “powder for newborns” or “ baby powder". These are hypoallergenic soft gentle formulations. By the way, often on the packages indicate the age of the child for whom you need to use the product. Also pay attention to this.

Before choosing a baby laundry detergent and buying a product, carefully study the expiration date and composition. Children's products should include up to 10% phosphates and up to 4-5% surfactants. However, formulations without the content of these elements are considered the safest. Such powders are made on a natural plant and soap basis.

Children's detergents and cosmetics must have quality certificates, which you can ask for in the store. Let's determine which baby powder is better.

Top Ten Laundry Detergents for Kids

  1. Eared Nyan is an affordable and inexpensive Russian-made powder that is suitable for washing things for newborns and older children. It removes difficult stains even in cold water, washes well and keeps a presentable appearance things after repeated washing. This is a fairly popular remedy in Russia, but many mothers note the appearance of an allergic reaction in babies;
  2. Aistenok is a hypoallergenic Russian product that is suitable for newborns and young children. Contains aloe vera for a mild soothing effect. Removes complex stains already at 35 degrees and rinses well, which reduces the risk of allergies;
  3. World of Childhood is a natural hypoallergenic remedy that is perfect for newborn babies. It removes complex dirt and disinfects things, has an antibacterial effect, does not dry or irritate the skin during hand washing, and does not cause allergies. However, the powder is difficult to rinse out and has a high price;
  4. Myth for children synthetic compound based natural soap containing optical brightener and fragrance. Harmful substances can provoke allergies, so the product is recommended for children over 1-2 years old and without a tendency to allergies. It washes white linen well and protects the washing machine from plaque and scale;
  5. Tide for children is similar in action to the Myth and is not safe for newborns, however, it has a milder and more soothing effect due to the content of aloe vera and chamomile extract. Effectively removes stains and protects the washing machine from the appearance of scale and plaque;
  6. Kurnosiki - another powder Russian made, which does not contain fragrances and does not form powder dust, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. It protects color and maintains the aesthetic appearance of clothes, but does not lather well and sometimes does not wash difficult stains;
  7. Our Mom is a concentrated product that includes string, chamomile extract and other natural ingredients. It is used for newborn babies and older children, does not cause allergies, disinfects products and kills bacteria, does not dry the skin when hand washed;
  8. Babyline is an oxygen stain remover from Germany based on natural soap, it works at low temperatures and contains elements that prevent the formation of scale;
  9. Garden kids got plenty positive feedback from parents. It is an eco-friendly concentrated fragrance-free powder, which contains silver ions. It is used for children from the first days of life and does not cause a negative reaction, effectively washes complex dirt. However, it is quite difficult to find and buy Garden kids even in an online store;
  10. Amway - American expensive concentrated powder removes the most difficult and stubborn stains without any problems, dissolves quickly, leaves no residue and marks, kills bacteria and disinfects things. Does not provoke an allergic reaction and is suitable for babies older than a year.

Some mothers use laundry soap to wash children's clothes. But experts do not advise using this remedy in this case, because due to the alkali content, it can provoke skin irritations. Choose special baby powders with a safe formula, or dilute a mild soap solution using a neutral liquid soap.

Have you ever thought about what is the key to effective and high-quality washing of your clothes? An automatic machine with many programs and super technologies is only 50 percent of success. The other 50 percent depends on the laundry detergent you use. But which laundry detergent is best? The answer is simple: the one that is harmless. And it doesn't matter if you wash by hand or in an automatic machine, the main thing is safety.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the product, on which the final result depends. How to choose a detergent, what you need to consider first of all - we will describe below.

The choice of powder for washing

Choosing the best product among all the variety on the supermarket shelves is not so easy. Sometimes recommendations from friends or reviews on the Internet help. But most often, the choice of buyers is influenced by the popularity of the brand. Be that as it may, a powder or gel must effectively cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Main Requirements

Good "chemistry" - high-quality, safe for you, and even "harmless" for the machine - must meet the following requirements:

  • Effectively remove dirt and stains;
  • Refresh clothes;
  • Do not contain hazardous substances;
  • Do not cause allergic reactions and other irritations;
  • Rinse well;
  • Do not leave a strong smell and fragrances on the washed linen;
  • Do not settle inside machines.

These requirements must be taken into account by manufacturers of household chemicals. But in reality, everything turns out differently. Next, we will talk about chemical composition detergents, what components they contain, what is their allowable rate.

The composition of the washing "chemistry"

The composition of chemicals directly depends on the purpose of their use. Based on this, they are divided into:

  • Normal - for frequent washing of lightly soiled linen;
  • Auxiliary - to soften the fabric and its further processing;
  • With active ingredients - to remove contaminants of various origins and pre-soak;
  • Universal - for daily use at a water temperature of 40-60 degrees, to combat stains;
  • Special - for woolen, downy products, children's underwear, black, white or colored items.

As you understand, each of them has its own set of components and their different number.

Consider the main components of most laundry detergents:

  1. Surfactants (surfactants) - responsible for the formation of foam and stain removal. The allowable rate of their content is 2-5%.
  2. Phosphates and sulfates act as water softeners, thereby increasing the quality of the effect of surfactants on dirty fabrics, and also prevent the appearance of scale in automatic machines. The norm of their content is 5-10%.

In European countries, phosphates and sulfates are prohibited.

  1. Antisorbents prevent the absorption of contaminants by tissues during further use.
  2. Chemical and optical brighteners are used to remove dirt from whites. The chlorine and peroxide they contain contributes to effective removal spots.
  3. Fragrances and phthalates are used to neutralize unpleasant odors. At the same time, the clothes themselves acquire a pleasant aroma.

Too much fragrance can cause an allergic reaction.

  1. Colored granules are a practically harmless component. They are responsible for foaming and contribute to greater effectiveness of surfactants.
  2. Silicates, chlorides and fluorides are the main components of the automatic powder. They protect the machine from corrosion.
  3. Dietary supplements or enzymes are used to eliminate protein and fat contaminants. Their effectiveness depends on the temperature of the water. The optimum temperature for them: 30-50 degrees. Higher temperatures contribute to their complete destruction.

It is impossible to wash woolen and silk products with bioadditives. They quickly destroy the structure of such tissues.

Criterias of choice

In order for the washed things to retain their color and have a neat appearance, consider the following important points.

  • The way of influence on clothes - manual or machine. The composition of the hand wash contains components that increase foaming for greater efficiency.

For washing machines, you should buy chemicals with the “Automatic” icon on the package.

Automatic powders, on the contrary, do not contain components that enhance foaming. For a typewriter, this is dangerous, since an abundance of foam can disable it. Yes, and things will be washed out of poor quality, since the linen will not really be immersed in water.

  • Type of clothing - white, colored or children's. Can't wash effectively white clothes ordinary means or children's clothing universal. So the choice of chemistry should be based on this important criterion.

Children's underwear should be washed with a special detergent that does not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleaching agents. That is, it should be the most harmless.

  • Detergent form - granules, gel, tablets. The former are the most common form of household chemicals. They are more effective than others to wash heavy pollution. What is better powder or gel for washing? It is not easy to answer unequivocally because of the difference in chemical compositions.

The liquid concentrate does not contain bioadditives that remove stubborn stains. Therefore, it is suitable for frequent laundering of lightly soiled items, as well as for clothes made of delicate fabrics, woolen and downy products.

Now you know what to look for when choosing a laundry detergent so that your clothes are fresh, clean and fragrant from using it.

Rating of the best washing powders

The quality of the product is very difficult to check on your own. This will take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, you have to trust the experts who conduct various tests to compile ratings and top lists.

What is the best powder for removing stains?

Name Points Price per kg Good Medium Passable Badly
Ariel "Mountain Spring" 70 412 rub. Drinks and food stains Grease, grass and dirt stains Cosmetics, paint
Ariel "Color Lenore Effect" 68 108 rub. Food stains, grass and dirt stains Drinks, fat Cosmetics, paint

BiMax "100 spots"

66 431 rub. Drinks and food stains Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint

"Eared Nanny"

66 464 rub. Food stains, drinks, grass and dirt Fat Dye Cosmetics
Ariel "White Rose" 65 96 rub. Drinks and food Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint
E Active Plus 2 in 1 Exotic 63 125 rub. Stains of food, grass and dirt Fat, drinks Dye Cosmetics
Tide "Alpine freshness" 63 245 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Biolan Color 63 559 rub. Food contamination, grease, grass and dirt Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Dye Cosmetics

Tide color

63 Stains of grass, dirt and food Drinks, fat Cosmetics, paint
LOSK Color 62 259 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Myth "Frosty freshness" 62 193 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Dosia "Alpine freshness" 61 40 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
LOSK "Mountain Lake" 61 80 rub. Drinks, food Fat, grass, dirt Cosmetics, paint
Persil Color Expert 59 297 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint
Dosia Active 3 57 194 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Dye Cosmetics
Persil Vernel 57 100 rub. food stains Drinks, grease, grass and dirt Cosmetics, paint

From the test results, we can conclude that expensive chemistry is not always of high quality, and cheap is not always bad.

Which detergent is the most harmless

Not all household chemicals are harmless to humans. It can cause various allergic reactions, mucosal irritations, and so on.

The most harmless chemistry is phosphate-free. It has the following qualities:

  • Is an environmentally friendly product;
  • Perfectly washes dirt even in cold water;
  • Disinfects well;
  • Can be used for baby clothes;
  • economical;
  • Has no expiration date;
  • It dissolves well, rinses out in water, leaving no white streaks;
  • Can be used on any type of fabric;
  • Protects against scale in automatic machines.

Its main drawback is its high price.

If the product is phosphate-free, then it will not contain harmful surfactants, bleaches, chlorine. Its main components are soap and essential oils.

The most popular brands of phosphate-free household chemicals

Galinka- an eco-friendly product of the Ukrainian brand of the same name. Can be used for both hand wash and machine wash. No fragrance or synthetic dyes. It does not cause allergies and other irritations, so it can be used to wash baby clothes.

amway baby- American-made liquid concentrate. Must be diluted in boiling water before use. Its high price is justified by its high quality. Hypoallergenic product, odorless, contains enzymes of natural origin and active oxygen.

Persil- German products with microgranules. It is used for washing things of any type and color, it removes stains well. But you need to follow the recommendations for doses that the manufacturer indicates on the package.

Persil smells strongly, so they are not recommended to wash children's clothes.

"Karapuz"- a product based on palm oil, which promotes strong foaming. Therefore, "Karapuz" copes even with dried spots. It has no smell, it is used for washing children's things. It is not recommended to use an automatic machine.

When taking into account all the criteria and nuances, the choice of powder will not be difficult. Read carefully its composition, then the washed things will not only be clean, but also harmless to you.

To clearly show which powder is currently the best for a washing machine, we have compiled this rating.

It included top five powders, popular with buyers.

The criteria for evaluating powders for washing machines were:

  • The ability to cope with both fresh and old stains.
  • Compound. Since clothes and bedding are adjacent to the body, it is important that the washing powder does not contain harmful impurities and various allergens.
  • No unpleasant or intrusive odors.
  • Powder versatility.
  • Possibility of its use even for thin delicate fabrics.
  • Control purchase data.

Laundry detergent MIF machine Frosty freshness

The Russian washing powder MIF surprises with its budget cost - in total 85 rubles per kilogram. At the same time, it is quite popular and this is due not only to the low price.

First of all, it should be noted versatility. This powder can be used in both hot and cold water. Undoubtedly, for use when washing delicate and colored fabrics, this is a significant plus.

Another bonus is efficiency due to the increased concentration of detergent components. Because of this, the powder is consumed more slowly than its less concentrated counterparts.

It is also suitable for use in hard water - special elements soften the water, preventing it from negatively affecting the structure of the fabric.

Buyers of this powder note its ability to wash greasy spots, traces of clay or oil paint without the use of additional stain removers. But with old stains, he no longer copes, you have to use additional funds.

In addition, the powder does not leave marks even on black clothes - a definite plus, since most analogues in this price segment cannot guarantee the absence of this problem. The smell is also pleasant - pleasant and unobtrusive.

There is no sticky film on things either. But you can’t do without rinsing - it’s still better to wash the powder well.

The composition does not contain aggressive or toxic elements, so the risk of allergies is minimized.

Of the minuses - fragility. Many note that the aroma disappears already on the second or third day.

However, given that of the powders in the low price segment, only Myth received practically no negative reviews and deserved a place in the rating, it is definitely worth paying attention to.

Ariel Professional Color

Our next nominee costs a little more, which you can purchase at a price from 147 rubles per kilogram. Its distinguishing feature is a recommendation for use in hotels and restaurants. However, he copes with home washing more than successfully.

The powder is designed to be used for colored fabrics. However, as buyers note in their reviews, he copes with the washing of white clothes or bed linen with a bang.

True, there are significant limitations.

The powder is not suitable for washing silk and natural wool products.

However, despite this, we decided to include it in the ranking due to its outstanding stain removal ability.

According to reviews, Ariel Professional Color successfully removes even the oldest and most difficult stains: absorbed and dried grease, blood stains, soot. At the same time, the absence of the need to use various stain removers allows you to significantly save.

Another nice feature- preservation of the color of colored things. Even if you collect things in the washing machine different shades, they do not shed and the colors are not distorted.

They also note a pleasant smell that lasts up to a week - a definite plus when washing bed linen.

The powder is also quite economical- one kilogram is enough for thirty washings. This is more than powders in this price segment.

Pleasantly pleased and the absence of soap streaks on clothes - something that middle-class powders often sin with. In general, for the money, the powder can be considered almost perfect, if you close your eyes to some limitations.

Dall sensitive

The cost of one kilogram of powder is about 400 rubles. However, according to consumers, this price is justified. In our rating, this powder was, first of all, in terms of quality.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate its environmental friendliness - the drug consists of predominantly phosphate-free components therefore safe for children and allergy sufferers.

And indeed - many reviews have never mentioned cases of irritation and allergies when using this powder.

Moreover, young mothers wash their clothes for children - is this not a worthy recommendation of the quality of the goods?

They also note its high ability to wash any stains. even the most persistent ones. Due to its formula, the powder is indeed considered to be a stain remover at the same time. Even if you forgot about some thing and it has lain in the washing tank for a long time, this is not a problem. The powder will reliably remove stains and unpleasant odors.

It is often used to bring the special form into the proper form, tk. the powder copes without additional funds even with very dirty clothes.

It is suitable for both hand and machine wash.. This helps out a lot in those situations when you need to quickly stretch one or two small things. Most washing machine powders do not have this option.

One of the small cons almost complete absence of smell. Rather, it is, but very weak and unobtrusive. For those who love floral scents or frosty freshness, this powder is not suitable. However, if you remember that it is often used to wash children's clothes or in the presence of allergies, then this becomes clear.

A little overhead and the price - not everyone is willing to pay four hundred rubles per kilogram of powder. However, the absence of the need to buy additional funds partially pays for the high cost.

Perfect Multi Solution

The price of 250 rubles per kilogram refers it to the powders of the middle price segment. However, like most Korean household products, it has a number of distinctive features compared to analogues from other countries.

As for aromas, everything is more complicated. Lovers of bright persistent odors will not appreciate Perfect Multi Solution. It removes unpleasant odors during washing with the help of natural extracts of green tea and lemon. Of course, these ingredients do not have strong aromatic properties. But for asthmatics who react to strong chemical odors, such a powder can be a salvation.

Of course, the powder copes with its direct duties with a solid five - otherwise it would not have made it into our rating. According to owner reviews, Perfect Multi Solution is suitable for both colored and white laundry. There is also a video on the Internet where the powder solution noticeably brightens the stains already when soaking.

It does not have a special whitening effect, despite the manufacturer's statement.

But stains, even very persistent ones, are removed very well. This powder was especially recommended by a man who managed to wash things after painting the room - no doubt a worthy recommendation.

They also note its ability to effectively deal with sweat stains, which will please athletes and those who like to wear light-colored clothes.

Washing powder WascheMeister Universal

If you are looking for a good washing powder, then pay attention to the German WascheMeister Universal. Its cost, as for an environmentally friendly phosphate-free laundry detergent, is low - only 100 rubles per kilogram. In Russia, it is sold in packs of 10 kilograms - this is enough for three hundred washes.

Versatility will please you: the powder is suitable for both hand and machine washing. Works well with both cold and hot water; copes with pollution on white and color fabrics.

Usually, such universal washing powders are not strong enough in some way, but here buyers note that the powder copes with all the declared functions quite well.

It copes with old stains, such as greasy drops or traces of chocolate, without the addition of special stain removers. When it comes to washing whites, WascheMeister Universal does not have a bleaching effect, but it does remove stains well. However, bleaching for universal powders is rather a minus - it would limit the possibility of washing colored fabrics.

Adds economy to powder and presence of calcium supplements. Thanks to them, the formation of scale on the mechanism of the washing machine is prevented. This eliminates the need for special drum cleaners and prolongs the life of the washing machine.

Life hack: Did you know that regular citric acid can easily replace such products?

The aroma of the powder is fresh, pleasant and quite persistent.

A little inconvenience is caused by the lack of instructions in Russian and even English. However, even if you do not know German, schematic instructions will help you understand the dosages of the powder for different washing modes and temperature conditions.