How to remove tangerine stains. How to wash tangerine from clothes: useful tips How to wash tangerine from white clothes

If a appearance tangerine ruined your clothes, this is not a reason to panic, thinking how to remove tangerine stains. In the fight for cleanliness, quality stain removers and other products can help you. To remove a stain from tangerine juice from clothes, you will need: directly stain remover, bleach, washing powder, salt and soda.

To get started, try a tangerine juice stain with a stain remover. Read the instructions for use and test the drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing. If the color is not affected, then, without fear, you can apply a small amount of the product to the contamination. Leave for a while, and then wash the soiled item.

A good tool in the arsenal of a modern housewife can be oxygen bleach. After dissolving its powdery consistency with warm water, apply to the stain for a few minutes. Next, wash the item by adding detergent to the powder compartment. The proportions of the substance to wash the tangerine, check the instructions.

If a stain of tangerine juice has got on a thing that cannot be washed with bleach, use the soaking method. Dilute the powder suitable for this thing with warm water, and leave it overnight. Then wash the thing with your hands, you can use soap to improve the effect.

You can also use the tools that are always at hand. Moisten the cloth and sprinkle salt on the spot. Launder the item after the salt has fought the stain for a few hours.

If all of the above remedies do not help, and there is still a juice stain on your clothes, contact a dry cleaner for help. They use professional tools not found in regular stores. Thanks to the efforts of specialists and high-quality stain removers, there will be no trace of tangerine juice on your clothes.

Many people associate the taste and smell of tangerines with the onset of the New Year. And not in vain, because it is on this holiday in every family at home there is at least a handful of these delicious, juicy and fragrant fruits. But even in the warm season, you can treat yourself to a sour tangerine, which will be just right in the summer heat.

Like any juicy fruit, it can sometimes leave ugly stains. This especially often happens in the family where small children grow up who have not yet learned to eat carefully. Traces of this citrus can be found almost everywhere: on furniture, carpet, walls and, of course, on clothes. Mothers of little fidgets now face a difficult task: how to remove a stain from a tangerine? In fact, everything is very simple. So let's get started.

What might be needed?

Any fruit, and especially citrus stain can be easily removed with improvised means that can be found in the house of any housewife. And if the trace is still fresh, then you can do with ordinary boiling water or warm water with laundry soap.

If the stain has had time to dry, which means that it is good to penetrate into the fabric fibers, then you can’t do without a number of means:

  • table salt;
  • sour milk, kefir;
  • soda;
  • glycerol;
  • oxygen bleach or stain remover;
  • lemon acid;
  • egg yolk;
  • baby soap or laundry detergent.

With this fairly simple arsenal, you won't be afraid of any stains!

Removing tangerine stains from clothes

Washing children's clothes is a rather delicate matter. And the question is not in the clothes themselves, but in the delicate skin of the baby, which is sensitive to all kinds of abrasive agents. You can throw a thing for the house into the washing machine and wash it with baby powder. But what to do with the weekend attire, which flaunts a bright yellow spot, and machine wash will it just kill him? Use a simple and affordable method:

  1. By using cotton pad apply a little sour milk or kefir to the place of contamination.
  2. Leave the item for 20-30 minutes. Lactic acid, which is contained in a fermented milk product, neutralizes the trace of citrus acid.
  3. Wash the outfit by hand in warm water with baby soap or powder dissolved in it.

In this way, you can wash tangerine stains from adult things. Especially with delicate fabrics. Using bleach on a poorly dyed fabric can leave a white mark, and boiling water can brew the dye.

On ordinary cotton fabrics, the orange fruit stain can be removed by simply washing the item in washing machine on the high temperature with the addition of a stain remover in addition to the powder. You can also soak the clothes in a powder or stain remover. If the stain is fresh, sprinkle generously with table salt before washing it.

Getting rid of furniture and carpet from citrus stains

If you accidentally crushed a tangerine slice on the carpet, resort to this method:

  1. Remove excess fruit or juice paper napkin or a towel.
  2. Cover the trail with salt in several layers.
  3. Leave the salt to act, and you yourself go to put the kettle on and prepare an additional remedy, which consists of water and dissolved in it citric acid or vinegar (1-2 teaspoons per liter).
  4. Returning to the stain, take a basin with you for ease of work.
  5. Place the carpet with the stain on a basin or large bowl and pour boiling water over it from the kettle.
  6. If boiling water does not work, wipe the dirt with a sponge soaked in the product you prepared from water and citric acid, and leave to act for 15-30 minutes.
  7. Rinse with warm water and leave to dry over a clean basin.

To remove a tangerine stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture, you can use a steam cleaner, if available. In the absence of such, try to wash the stain with a soapy solution.

Try to clean a stain that has had time to dry with glycerin mixed with egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the place of contamination, leave for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.

If folk methods were powerless, resort to using oxygen bleach for colored fabrics. Mandarin juice can be removed from leather or leatherette upholstery with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

How to remove traces of tangerine juice from the walls

If little hands have stained the tile covering on the wall with tangerine juice, it does not matter. It is easily washed off with a cloth dipped in warm water and soda. In the same way, stains are washed from painted walls, but with wallpaper everything is not so simple.

Washable vinyl wallpaper can be wiped with a soft, slightly damp cloth. But initially do it in an inconspicuous small area. If the wallpaper has not faded or darkened, feel free to use it on pollution.

With paper wallpaper, there are not so many ways. Before re-pasting expensive wallpapers, try treating a tangerine stain with porridge made from water and flour. Wait for the mixture to dry and carefully remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Before resorting to drastic measures: going to a dry cleaner, replacing furniture, new repairs, try the suggested methods for getting rid of tangerine stains.

A traditional orange treat - a smart tangerine - is an adored delicacy of many, especially in New Year. This juicy and tasty fruit is loved by both children and adults. In addition, peels are often used as a natural flavor, and zest is used to season dishes or even make cosmetic masks based on it.

But, unfortunately, very often in the midst of happy Holidays the question arises: "How to remove a stain from a tangerine?". This is not surprising, because both children and adults can get dirty with this sweet juice. However, you can easily use home remedies to eradicate the stain. The main thing is not to postpone the problem indefinitely. As long as the stain is fresh and the fabric has not yet been soaked with juice, it will not be difficult to clean the product.

How to get rid of traces of tangerine on clothes

  • Boiling water. Use this method only if the fabric is white or permanently dyed. Pour water into the kettle and boil it. Pour a continuous stream of boiling water over the fresh stain and wash the item by hand or with any powder that matches the type of fabric.
  • Dairy products. This method copes well with the problem under consideration. Dip clothes with a stain in sour milk, fermented baked milk or koumiss and leave to soak for 5-7 minutes. Then rub the contaminated area with laundry soap, wash the fabric and dry.
  • Salt. On each festive table there is always salt, which will easily help you remove the stain from the tangerine. Just place the thing in a dry basin, but be sure to unfold it. Sprinkle table salt on a fresh stain, or make a slurry of salt and water and rub it on a trace of a tangerine. Leave clothes with salt for 30-40 minutes, then wash them first in cold water and then in a warm solution of laundry soap. Rinse thoroughly and dry the fabric.
  • Glycerol. This method is suitable for colored clothes. Just treat the stained area with glycerin (if you want to deal with the stain more effectively, add egg yolk to the glycerin), then soak the fabric for several hours and wash in warm water.
  • Cleaners. To solve the problem, you can use special cleaning products, choosing the appropriate stain remover or oxygen bleach for whites. Read the instructions on the package and start cleaning. If after applying the stain remains on the spot, soak the clothes in the powder solution overnight, and wash the clothes again in the morning.

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Appetizing and tasty mandarin is the most favorite delicacy of almost everyone; peel is made from citrus peel to create seasoning for several dishes, as well as for the preparation of cosmetic masks. Orange fruits have become a common delicacy around the Christmas holidays.

But all gastronomic pleasures also have the second side of the coin - the so-called random spots. After all, things that are stained with tangerine juice are quite common, in particular, when children grow up in a home. To remove contaminants of this kind at home, you can use improvised means.

You will need a few things:

  • stain remover;
  • salt;
  • egg yolk;
  • glycerol;
  • sour milk (suitable: fermented baked milk, koumiss);
  • kettle with boiled water.


  1. Salt. As soon as a tangerine stain appears, it is necessary to immediately begin to remove it - if the juice from the citrus product penetrates deeply into the texture of the fabric and dries, it will become even more difficult to clean such a product. Lay the soiled thing in a bowl and pour table salt on fresh stains. It is advisable to pre-prepare a gruel of water and salt, and then rub the place of contamination with it. Clothes should lie down for more than half an hour, after which they can be washed first in cool water, then washed in a warm solution of soap, preferably laundry. Rinse the cleaned item thoroughly.
  2. Boiling water. Water is poured into the kettle and brought to a boil. The stain from the tangerine should be splashed with boiling water, under a constant stream. Later, you can wash the thing by hand, or in a washing machine, while using any cleaning agent that is suitable for this type of fabric. Remember: cleaning, in this way, citrus juice is allowed only from a snow-white canvas, or from a very resistant surface.
  3. Dairy. Clothes stained with tangerine juice must be dipped in sour milk, koumiss, or fermented baked milk. Thus, the housewives manage the emerging citrus stains by means of “sourdough” for 5-7 minutes. At the end of this procedure, it is necessary to rub the clothes with laundry soap, and then wash them until they are completely clean.
  4. Glycerol. On colored clothes, rub the tangerine juice stain with glycerine. To achieve the greatest result, you can also add the yolk from a chicken egg to this pharmacy. After that, the thing must be left soaking for a couple of hours. When time passes, it is necessary to wash the thing in the usual way.
  5. Cleaners. Choose a suitable stain remover or oxygen brightener (but only for snow-white items!). Traditionally, special cleaning mixes work well with tangerine juice.

Proceed according to the indicated instructions indicated on the packaging of this product. If there is a visible halo in place of your stain, you should soak the clothes in a small solution of the powder throughout the night, and wash them again in the morning.

Removing an orange stain is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The yellow spot completely eats into the fabric and does not leave it despite any efforts.

Orange and its juice leave noticeable stains on clothes.

How to remove a stain?

It is better to remove a stain from an orange by fighting it. when it is just planted. It is better to find a few minutes of free time, wash the stain and send it to the machine. Effective method remove orange stain on clothes - vinegar with water. Wash the area under cold water, a fresh stain should come off under a stream of such water. If the trace is solid, treat the area with vinegar, and then rinse under cold water.

If not dirty delicate fabric clothes, it is enough to pour over the trace with boiling water and wash.

Tangerine stains on delicate clothes should not be removed in this way, as the fabric will deteriorate.

The best way to remove an orange or tangerine stain on clothes is to use salt. It is sprinkled on the contaminated area, wiped and washed in the machine in the usual way.

Glycerin, which lubricates the problem area, also helps to remove a stain from a tangerine or an orange from clothes. After a few hours, the thing is washed in the usual way.

To remove stains use:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • detergent;
  • petrol;
  • acetone, etc.

Acetone can quickly solve the problem of orange spots

The stain is outdated: what to do?

It is not always possible to immediately remove the stain from the tangerine from the clothes, then you can remove the trace of the juice with the help of special stain removers. The choice of means depends on the material of clothing and color. To avoid streaks, the area before using the stain remover can be treated with powder or moistened with water. Then pour the remedy on the area of ​​​​the juice mark, leave for a few minutes and wash the clothes in the usual way.

Also, the old juice mark is removed by soaking the fabric in water with a stain remover on long time. The water temperature must be cold. When the soaking time has already expired, the product can be washed in a typewriter or by hand.

You can soften the trace by dousing it under steam, but it is not always possible to remove the juice in this way from all fabrics, because a delicate product cannot be doused with steam. To remove the old trace of juice, a bite is used, a disk is moistened with it and applied to the site. After a few minutes, the thing is washed.

You can also remove a trace of citrus fruits with soda or detergent. The most popular way is to use detergent. It is not suitable for delicate fabrics, but effectively allows you to remove the mark from any other.

You can mix baking soda and dish detergent, place on the trail for twenty minutes, then rinse under cold water and wash as usual.

You can erase a mark on white using various means. For those cases when it is necessary to remove contamination from an expensive item: do not wash or soak, take the item to a dry cleaner. The main thing is that they will be able to erase the trace there only if you yourself did not try to remove it.