Scenarios of professional holidays. Scenario of entertainment event "calendar" Presentation of comic nominations to employees

SHE: Today we celebrate our professional holiday - Russian Police Day. We, as they say, and the cards in hand. More specifically, microphones. And I must say, holding a microphone in your hand is much more pleasant than a military weapon.

HE: Plus it's safer. And the safety of our citizens is just the job of the police. I think it's time to start the holiday vigil.

SHE: I really hope that it will be calm, without incident.

HE: Don't worry, everything is under control - the police are in the hall and on the stage. This means - no incidents, except congratulatory ones.

SHE: A festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Russian Police opens with a vocal ensemble (number) ....

1.Concert number

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts and communication with suspicious persons.

SHE: And so I want the weekend - more often, and the challenges - less often! But in reality...

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts, communication with various suspicious persons. This is our working day, nothing can be done.

SHE: But today we see in the hall and on the stage only faces familiar and dear to us. And this is a completely different ... holiday business. Musical gift sounds performed by …. She dedicates her number to her beloved dad and his colleagues.

2. Concert number.

HE: Recently, we have experienced global changes.

SHE: You mean renaming the militia to the police? Then, I hasten to reassure you ... We just returned to our roots.

HE: As far as I understand, we are waiting for an excursion into history?

SHE: Quite right. Back in 1715, Peter I created a public order service in Russia and called it ... the police, which in Greek means "government of the state."
Even then, law enforcement agencies were assigned an honorable, important role in maintaining and observing laws.

HE: Today we have been entrusted with an equally important and pleasant mission - to congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday, standing on this stage.

SHE: And I am pleased to announce the next issue of our holiday program. Sings (dances ...) for you ...

3. Concert number

SHE: We continue the conversation about the upcoming changes ... What do you think about the new form?

HE: I believe that a man in any form is good! You women are used to changing your wardrobe according to your mood.

SHE: By the way, I'm in the same mood right now. You announce the next number, and I'll change into my dress uniform.

The leader leaves.

HE: Dear friends! Accept congratulations from the dance team ...

5. Concert number

SHE: A lot of books have been written about police officers, and entire series have been made about them. But the songs about the police - count on the fingers.

HE: I can't agree with you. The songs of many popular artists are dedicated specifically to the police. For example, the songs of Stas Mikhailov, the Roots group and many others.

SHE: And I always thought they sang about love.

HE: Everything is correct. About the love of the police. Here, listen and watch!

6. Video for songs of popular artists.

HE: Well, are you sure?

SHE: Your example is another proof that a good song will always find its fan. They sing for you...

7. Concert number

SHE: There is such a title - the wife of a policeman ... After all, each new star on the shoulder straps of a beloved man is her alarm calls, sudden, and often dangerous, business trips, sleepless nights ...
The next issue of our holiday program is dedicated to these loving, patient, courageous women.

8. Concert number

HE: Traffic police inspectors, guards, OMON fighters, district police officers, criminal investigation officers, police officers on duty, heads of passport offices ... In the service we are always restrained and strict, but at home ...

SHE: At home we are waiting for the usual everyday worries. Everything is like everyone else; family, children, weekdays and holidays.

HE: I really want the alarm calls to be heard less often, and the hours spent in the circle of relatives to be as much as possible.

9. Concert number

SHE: Honoring Russian police officers today, I would like to say special words of gratitude to our fellow veterans. We wish them health and family well-being.
A song is being performed for you...

10. Concert number

HE: Dear Colleagues, the students of the secondary school convey their congratulations to you.

11. Video with congratulations.

SHE: Perhaps one of these boys and girls will choose to serve in the ranks of the police as their profession. In the meantime, they are faced with a difficult choice.

HE: But we hope that their choice will turn out to be correct, they will become worthy citizens of their country and will also stand guard over the law.
Accept congratulations from...

12. Concert number

SHE: Not for nothing is sung in the song: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult."

HE: And no matter how they call us, the police, the police - the essence remains the same. We are all ready to help those who need it. And our saving number - 02 remains unchanged.

13. Song "02" - all participants of the concert

Scenario of the NGO day holiday and dedication to freshmen.

Good afternoon, dear masters and teachers!

Good afternoon, dear students!

Today we celebrate a double holiday - the Day of Primary Vocational Education and the holiday of initiation into freshmen.

1 part

Let's start with history...

The history of NGOs dates back to the first years of Soviet power.

In June 1920, a decree "On educational professional service" was issued. Young people between the ages of 18 and 22 fell under this duty. As a result, the number of students has tripled. Factory apprenticeship schools gave rise to the vocational school. And by the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century, the graduation of FZU students amounted to 180 thousand people.

On October 2, 1940, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 37 "On the State Labor Reserves of the USSR" was issued and the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Union was adopted "On the drafting of urban and collective farm youth into vocational schools, railway schools and factory training schools. A single centralized system was created vocational education.

In total, 1549 schools and colleges were organized, where more than 400 professions and specialties were trained.

Teenagers of the 40s substituted wooden boxes to the lathe to reach the control levers. It was their hands that made 6 million mines, repaired 11 thousand steam locomotives, 5 thousand tractors. During the war years, 2 million 475 thousand people left the walls of the schools.

In December 1970, a decree was issued to renamevocational school inPU, which indicated the need to train workers with secondary education ..

On the day of the young worker (on the day of primary vocational education), the best students and teachers, veterans of labor - graduates of prof.-tech. schools. They were awarded state awards and banners, praised and thanked for their work. Graduates of the vocational education system were Yuri Gagarin, Zinoviy Gerd, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Ekaterina Obraztsova.

In Moscow, and now at the "Sickle and Hammer" plant, a poster, forgotten since those times, hangs "There is no higher rank in the world than a working person."

Nowadays, workers make up 68% of the employed population. They produce the main product, they pull pipelines, they extract oil and gas.

Ural! Testament of the ages and together -

A harbinger of the future

And in our souls, like a song,

He enters with a mighty bass -

Ural! The supporting edge of the state,

Her earner and blacksmith,

The same age as our ancient glory

And the glory of the current creator.

These words of Alexander Tvardovsky are more relevant than ever. We really live in the very industrial center of Russia. Prikamye is one of the most economically developed regions of the Urals.

This wealth needs a good owner, it needs working hands.

"Working people are the color of our society, our glory and pride." Throughout the history of its development, the NGO system has accumulated vast experience and has always been in demand in the regions of the Kama region. Today, both at the Federal and at the regional levels, they again talk about the priority development of this sphere of education, and about strengthening the requirements, about changing the relationship between vocational education and civil society.

part 2

Our educational institution.

A Our school was created by people who believed in the prospect of developing the educational policy of the region and firmly knew that a generation of young people would be able to fulfill themselves within the walls of the educational institution being created.

And today we gratefully name the names of these wonderful people who gave birth to a new educational institution.

THIS: Beryozkin Alexander Pavlovich

Volgin Nikolay Vasilievich

Volgina Galina Petrovna

Tomilov Nikolai Mikhailovich

Gorbunov Leonid Grigorievich

On the basis of the order of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Perm region No. 195, dated August 19, 1992, order No. 1 "On the organization of vocational school No. 11" was adopted.

For 21 years, our educational institution was led by directors:

Tomilov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1992-1996)

Gorbunov Leonid Grigorievich (1996-1998)

Shavrin Alexander Gennadievich

And for 13 years, the educational institution has been developing and functioning under the able leadershipPishchuleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

This year, our large and friendly team has replenished with 1st year students. And today is your holiday.

Dear freshmen! Here is a carefree childhood. You have chosen a difficult but necessary path, deciding to become a professional in your field.

Do you want to become a professional?

hurry up to our branch

If you are handsome and look like a top model,

Yes, and not stupid, not stingy with a smile,

It means that you are good for us - it is not worth shunning us.

Here you will discover the talent in yourself and master the profession.

Yes, it is on professionals that the world is kept. I wish there were more professionals. And you know who wants it the most? Of course, the head of the Karagai branch of the Zyukai Agricultural College Pishchuleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna is the permanent head of our educational institution

Speech by Nadezhda Vladimirovna

part 3

Owning any profession that benefits people is both useful and honorable! As folk wisdom says: “Profession is not a burden, it won’t pull your shoulders” and “A little work is better than a lot of idleness.”

Tips from undergrads

    And on our own behalf, we would like to add our own rules and laws for the life of students: if you were late for the branch of the technical school and came only to the second pair, do not be upset - it is never too late to study.

    Ask questions in lectures if you don't want to be asked questions in the exam.

    Never wake a sleeping friend - this will attract the attention of the teacher.

    The fish rots from the head, and the student- from the "tail".

    If your head is full of thoughts about tomorrow's exam until late in the evening - lie down to rest for 9-10 hours - everything will go away by itself.

    Do not make a too smart face on the exam - this may end with an additional question.

    Remember! When you go to the exam - put 5 rubles under your heel - get a five!

    Do not forget to tell everyone that on the day of the exam you should be scolded with the last words!

    During tests and exams, you can’t wash your hair, otherwise the knowledge won’t stay in your head!

    You can’t paint them either - otherwise the teacher won’t recognize you!(laughs)

    It is better to find out the name and patronymic of the teacher in the corridor before the exam, and not during it, then your chance of successfully passing will increase slightly!

    Don't forget to use your notes during the exam!...the main thing is not to be seen!

    Do you know that teachers divide students into "dogs", "lizards" and "coachmen". "Coachmen" are those who ride in troikas. In “lizards”, as soon as one “tail” falls off, the next one immediately grows. And the “dogs” have a smart, smart look, but they can’t say anything.

part 4

It's time to give the floor to your masters. It is they who will be your mothers and fathers during all these difficult but interesting years of study. It is they who will call your parents daily and remind them that their children are still students. For several years they will not only share sorrows and joys with you, but will also become a reliable link between you and the administration of the branch of the technical school

parting words of masters and class teachers.

SERGEY SEMENOVICH, Marina Alexandrovna, Alexey Viktorovich

part 5

By enrolling in our educational institution, you have made the right life choice. And if you take your studies seriously, thoughtfully, creatively, then your future profession will reward you by revealing to you all the secrets of mastery.

Hard work and dedication never go unnoticed, they evoke a sense of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition not only within the walls of the branch of the technical school. The main thing is to never stop there. Confucius once said: “Always strive for more; he who does not strive for more - does not have a little.

Dear freshmen, the solemn moment is coming.

Let there be many different professions -
All of them do not like the idle,
All of them do not like laziness.
I will overcome all things.
I will pass exams, tests, -
I'm not afraid of this job.
And I'll be patient.
On this I swear!
I know this path is not easy
And there are many temptations on it,
But don't fool yourself
And learn somehow
As a student, I am ashamed
Both funny and inappropriate.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
On this I swear!
It's not enough to be a good kid -
I will become a professional.
This is what I decide!
I declare this proudly!
This is the path to my luck
And it cannot be otherwise.
Away with doubts and sadness!
I swear to be a student!

the host gives the floor to the first-year students. Two of them approach the microphone.

FIRST. Let me thank everyone who is with us today for the kind words of parting words.
SECOND. We also have something to say. And this is our first appeal in a new capacity, we address the head of the branch.

O wisest of the wisest!
Oh, smartest of the smartest!
Oh, the strictest of the strictest!
Don't take it as flattery
What is this time of year
When more often - bad weather,
An ode has been laid down in your honor
And we decided to present.
In the upcoming exams
This should be taken into account.
We are very prone to learning
We love to cram laws
And work with abstracts
And sit in the reading room.
But we suffer from modesty:
Though we feel we know
But we are silent and we all sigh,
At least there are spurs in the pockets.
In the upcoming exams
This should be taken into account.
We are not afraid of work
In the field, too, we will excel,
Although we are not very upset,
If the front of work has dried up.
But for the humblest dinner
We'll hit it all off.
Tighten the straps
We don't want any.
The freshman is no fool!
Well, if a disco,
Or other fun
We are ready for laughter
Dance in a row all night.
Well, what if it's difficult?
Open our eyelids in the morning
Taking a day off isn't bad.
Well, in short, we do not mind!
We need help with this!
Well, here are the couplets
The poets have written for you.
Even though it's not serious
(We are not serious people),
We'll grow up soon
Soon we'll all be wiser
Let's go gray, let's go bald...
TOGETHER. Freshmen, go!

Today, many telegrams have been sent to future professionals in their field (read telegrams )

game "Question - answer" (see leaflets)

part 6

Awarding of the winners of the sports festival and participants of the summer project

the floor for congratulations is given by Sidoruk M.A. and Pishchuleva N.V.

The final

Life would have boring prospects,

Whenever we know, chewing bread for breakfast,

What is thorough, diligent, patient

The worker in the village does his work.

He does not seek honor and glory,

He is very modest and unpretentious in everyday life,

By work, he simply benefits the state

Work bowing to the ground.

Happy is the man who does what he loves!

Great joy - work!
In the fields, at the machine, at the table!
Work to a hot sweat
Work without extra bills -
All the happiness of the earth is due to work!
We wish you that the chosen profession becomes your favorite and brings you a sense of pride and joy from the realization of your own need for people!

part 2


Ruslan: Once upon a spring evening

youth dreamed of

"Where can we go?" -

I thought, I guessed.

School is good, college is better. I would incarpenters go, let them teach me!

Tatiana: It’s good to be a carpenter, but it’s better to be a bartender, I would go as a waiter, let them teach me!

In the lessons we will be taught: how to serve, what to pour

And we will set the tables in such a way as to surprise you all.

We get a lot of interesting knowledge….

Ruslan: Being a waiter is useful and being an electrician is cool.

Being a bartender is good, but a tractor driver is better, I would go as a driver, let them teach me!

Tatiana: Man works not only for the sake of daily bread. Work, favorite work bring joy to a person, help to assert themselves, find their place in life.

Does not like the work of a cold soul

And hands untouched by the spark:

Then the heart is unemployed,

And sometimes the target is invisible.

He loves clarity and skill,

He appreciates boldness and intensity.

He becomes a creation

When the master himself became the creator.

- We will now tell and show about our educational achievements

« My profession is my destiny!”

Viewing presentations

Common song "We have young people ahead of the year ..."

Once again I looked at the calendar of professional holidays, I was pleasantly surprised. Almost every year new professions appear, and, of course, new dates on the calendar with a reason to celebrate and congratulate each other.

The Again Holiday website contains ideas for occasions of various sizes, so I am sure you will find the right option to chat with colleagues in an informal setting.

I’ll make a reservation right away, there are no ideas here for the case when the management gathers the team for an official event with a concert, for which each department needs to prepare numbers for a skit. There are enough such scenarios for every professional holiday on the Internet, I will not repeat myself.

Here are the options for those who are ready to brightly celebrate their professional holiday (the concept of a “turnkey” holiday is not being discussed now, since in this case it is enough to call us, we will offer a lot of bright ideas :-)).

Celebrating in the office

professional cake

It's not just sweet beauty. This is a themed cake, with which you can first take a picture from all angles, and only then eat it. It's nice that the skill of modern confectioners embodies any idea, so you can not limit yourself to ready-made samples from the Internet, but come up with something special.

In principle, tea drinking with such a cake is already a great option for holding a professional holiday :-).

We decorate the room

Again, holiday decorations can be themed. Decorators will make any shape out of balls or create a panel with a pattern that reflects your professional symbol. Call if you are in Moscow :-).

Ordering personalized gifts

I like that there are services where you can order one or more souvenirs (rather than a minimum order of 100 pieces). In principle, all colleagues can order different personalized gifts with the symbols of the profession. These can be engraved souvenirs (lighters, pocket mirrors, stationery organizers), wine boxes, aprons, mugs, flash drives, vases and chocolate labels.

Order a themed sand show

Oh, this is very beautiful and festive! The most amazing thing is that "sand" artists create an animated story before your eyes to the music, which will show everyday life, victories and achievements in your profession. If you specify the script in advance, the story will be created specifically for congratulating your colleagues. If you have a room with a projector - perfect!

We organize a master class

To be honest, I'm a little surprised by the surge in adult interest in creating handmade gifts. Still, the age of tablets and smartphones is outside the window ...

Drawings and inscriptions for decorating items can be thematic, and the tasting hosts can be in the form of workers in your profession.

Over the past year, the number of orders has increased dramatically, I will list the most popular master classes:

  • wine degustation
  • making handmade chocolates
  • perfume master class
  • T-shirt painting
  • tea ceremony
  • drum master class

Professional karaoke

I think you yourself are well aware of the list of songs that your colleagues like or are specially written for the representatives of the profession. I attended karaoke party dedicated to Medic's Day, on which songs with a diagnosis were selected. Very funny 🙂

Here are just a few:

  • “And my heart stopped, my heart stopped” (diagnosis: heart failure).
  • “If you don’t hear me, It means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).
  • We walked with you, I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: hysteria).
  • But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket, then everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
  • I know - you want, I know for sure - you want, I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).
  • It hurts me, it hurts, Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).
  • Judge people, judge God, How I loved, I went barefoot in the frost to my sweetheart (ORZ)
  • I got drunk drunk, I won't get home (alcoholism)
  • Black eyes, passionate eyes, Eyes burning and beautiful! How I love you! How I fear you! Know that I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)
  • I'm not an angel, I'm not a demon, I'm a weary wanderer. I am back, I am resurrected
  • And knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)
  • Hot sun, hot sand, Hot lips - a sip of water would be. (sunstroke)


Picnic or cooking duel

If your professional holiday takes place in the summer, you can’t think of anything better. We need to go to nature! And here are the options...
Before the picnic, you can hold a culinary duel "Grilled Dishes". There will be no losers, as you will eat everything cooked together. Each team will have a professional chef, so there is no need to worry about the quality of the dishes, everything will be delicious. Very tasty and very fun.

in a sporty way

A sports holiday is also a great way to celebrate a professional holiday. For summer corporate parties, a rope course, football-volleyball competitions, comic all-around, are suitable.

If your holiday is in the cold season, order bowling lanes and. All these "competitions" are combined with a good snack in a cheerful company, so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time.


Quite an exciting story game, which, by the way, adapts to any team and profession. Quests are also held in the office, but if you decide on something completely unusual, choose an exit quest.

This may be the territory of an old manor, a museum complex, or simply the scenery of Mosfilm. The appearance of several professional actors in the quest is always unexpected, and the climax of the plot is difficult to guess until the very end. Here's a convenient one.

In a cafe-restaurant

There is, in fact, nothing to advise here, because even the menu of many restaurants is slightly adjusted for bank employees, accountants, builders and oil workers with a good appetite and mood.

I can only offer to dilute the gastronomic holiday with some 20-minute show. What could it be?

  • cover band with your favorite people of your profession repertoire
  • dancing couple
  • magician
  • soap bubbles show
  • laser or light show
  • chemical show
  • other original genre artists

Of course, not all ideas are listed here, I will gradually add a page.

I wish everyone to brightly celebrate their professional holiday this year!
Call if you are in Moscow, we always have fun!

"Idea : employees present a new fashion collection "Dress code".
This scenario is suitable for companies that celebrate their professional holiday, and in which the dress code problem comes to the fore.

Choose from employees, the most interesting characters, characteristic personalities who can theatrically show everything that is required of them

Idea : organize a chic feast with competitions on the "banking theme".
And if you are looking for an unsurpassed corporate party scenario that all your employees will remember for a long time, then we are in a hurry to offer you interesting ideas for organizing your holiday.

Choose a good expensive restaurant. It's not the case that bankers sit in cheap bars. Therefore, learn more about this establishment and spend time in it, try the “cuisine” in order to understand the atmosphere and atmosphere of the restaurant as best as possible.

Idea : Organize a professional holiday for the tax authorities in the form of the game "Intuition".

Do you want to laugh and have fun at your professional holiday? Then organize a holiday for the tax authorities according to the scenario "Day of tax authorities and tax officials."

On the eve of the holiday, gather before the holiday with a working group, no more than 5-6 people, so that no one tells you ahead of time about your preparations

Idea : celebrate the professional holiday of accountants with humor.

Do you want to surprise your accountant girls on Accountant's Day? Then they will like the scenario for Accountant's Day "Prikhod".

Buy each accountant a gift in advance, I don't think they should choose a gift, such as a calculator or other stationery

Idea : hold games and competitions between teachers related to teacher topics.

If you want to please your teachers on Teacher's Day, then prepare a small holiday for them on your own, and the Teacher's Day scenario is what you need.

Make an invitation to the holiday for all teachers, tell the time and place where the event will take place

Idea : to organize an event for tax officials on their professional holiday.

Do you want to celebrate Tax Authorities Day with humor, participate in contests, games and sit in a friendly atmosphere with your tax colleagues? Then the scenario "The auditor is coming to us" will suit you.

Find the most risky and talented employees from among the employees who will be able to play the theatrical production of "Auditor is coming to us"

Idea : to celebrate Tax Day on your own, interesting and with competitions.

If you want to gather with your employees at a common table and celebrate the holiday in a warm atmosphere, then the scenario of the professional holiday "Taxman's Day" will suit you.

Make a congratulatory poster for all employees of the tax authorities

Idea : Celebrate Police Day with the team.

You want to congratulate your colleagues on their professional holiday, Police Day, then you will like the scenario of the professional holiday Police Day “Our service is both dangerous and difficult”.

Choose a room where a holiday for employees will take place, you will decorate the room yourself. Posters on the walls will be related to the police theme "Detective look for a thief", "Our service is both dangerous and difficult" and make caricature drawings or collages with photos of your employees

Idea : organize a fun holiday for financiers in your company with games and competitions.

If you want to arrange a holiday for your financiers in the company, then the scenario of the professional holiday of the Day of the financier "Money loves an account" is exactly what will suit you.

You will have a comic holiday today, so the atmosphere of a holiday and good mood should be created in the morning

Idea : celebrate a professional holiday in your medical team.

Do you want to take a break from working days, visitors and relax in your own team in a fun and relaxed way? Then the scenario of the professional holiday of the Day of the Medical Worker "Health Recipe" is exactly what you need.

First, make an invitation to your healthcare workers

Idea : to celebrate a professional holiday with a team for the title of "Best Detective".

Do you want to celebrate the militia day in an interesting and fun way with your team? Then the scenario of the professional holiday "Detective" is exactly what you will like.

Decorate the room in which you will celebrate a professional holiday with the team

Idea : to spend the traffic police day with the whole team in an informal setting.

Do you want to take a break from all worries on your professional holiday and just relax with colleagues at a corporate holiday, but not just relax, but also take part in funny and comic contests? Then the script "Day of traffic police" is what you need.

Choose the hosts for the event, it is best that the hosts be dressed as traffic cops from "Nasha RUSSIA"

Idea : leave all employees of your office to nature.

You want to see your colleagues in an informal setting, to understand how they can organize themselves in an unusual environment for them, so the test for stress resistance is ready for you. Then the scenario “It's great that we are all here today” will be very useful to you.

Contact the school of tourists in your city and ask them to help you

Idea organize an event in the team dedicated to the Day of the customs officer.

Do you want to celebrate the Customs Day in an interesting and unforgettable way? Then the scenario of the professional holiday "Customs gives the go-ahead" will suit you.

Consider the location where the event will take place. You can call it "Festive Border" and, by the way, you need to decorate the room in the appropriate style.

Idea : organize a holiday for employees and their families.

Do you want to spend your professional holiday Fireman's Day with your family and employees and also have fun celebrating it? Then the scenario of the professional holiday "My dad is a fireman" will suit you.

Think about what you can do with children and make them really like dad at work

Idea : to spend a holiday in the circle of teachers, or rather, an unofficial part of the holiday.
One Teacher's Day is like another. Festive line, flowers from students, traditional gifts. After a hard day, teachers will gather in the teachers' room and wearily have a glass of champagne... And that's all?! But what about the holiday? Holiday to be!

If possible, and the weather allows, go to the recreation center, there are more places, and the benefits of fresh air are undeniable

Idea : fun and interesting to spend the international Day of the Chief (Boss) in the office.
This holiday was not invented by the bosses, imagine, its invention belongs to the secretary. This means that it will be celebrated not by bosses in their narrow elite circle, but by subordinates together with their boss. This script for Chef's Day suggests that your boss is a sociable person, not a stiff one.