All-Russian competition of research works Fatherland position. dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day


ABOUTholding a city full-time competition for cadet detachments to the best battle sheet,

dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland

1. General Provisions:

1.1. This regulation defines the purpose, objectives, procedure for organizing and holding a city full-time competition for cadet detachments “Combat List dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2 The management of the Competition is carried out by the Department of Education of the Administration of the City District of Balashikha.

1.3. The competition is carried out by a municipal autonomous institution additional education art school.

  1. Goals and objectives of the Competition.

2.1. Goals of the competition:

  • Formation of patriotic feelings in children, readiness to serve the Fatherland.
  • Popularization of the cultural heritage of Russia, the heroic past of our people, promotion of military and labor traditions, providing creative people opportunities for self-expression.
  • Creation of motivation for the formation of universal human values ​​among young people.
  • Education among young people of respect for the cultural heritage of Russia.

2.2. Objectives of the Competition:

  • Development of creative potential and development of social activity.
  • Identification and support of talented youth.

3. Participants of the Competition.

3.1. Teams of cadets from municipal educational institutions and non-state educational institutions of the city district of Balashikha at the age of 10-17 years old take part in the competition.

3.2.Composition of the team: from 3-6 students of the same age group. Each team must have a name.

3.3. Age groups:

1) Junior group- students aged 10-13.

2) Senior group- students aged 14-17.

4.Organization and procedure for holding the Competition.

4.1 Organizing Committee of the Competition:

4.1.1. Accepts and approves tender documentation.

4.1.2. Develops and approves criteria for evaluating competitive works.

4.1.3. Organizes coverage of the Competition in the media.

4.1.4. Notifies participants of decisions made.

4.1.5. Approves the final decision of the jury of the Contest.

4.1.6. Organizes the awarding of the winners of the Competition.

4.1.7. Forms the composition of the jury, from among the representatives of the organizers of the competition, experts in the field of arts and crafts, media representatives.

4.1.8. It reserves the right to reject the application of the team on the basis of non-compliance with the requirements regulated by this regulation.

4.2. Venue - MAU DO XSh (Mikr.-n. Pavlino, 1, building 2. Directions: from the Railway Station to the stop "Birch Grove", by bus 9, fixed-route taxi 2)



4.3.1. Registration of participants at 10.30.

4.3.2. Opening of the competition at 11.00.

4.3.3. Start of work at 11.30.

4.3.4. Completion of work 13.00.

4.3.5. Time to complete the competitive work - 1.5 hours.

At the end of the work time, they are handed over to the teacher on duty in the office.

4.3.6. Jury work at 13.15

4.4. Each institution can participate in the competition no more than 2 teams(presence of interchangeable shoes is a must)

4.5. It is necessary to submit to the Competition:

  • from February 13-17, 2017 send a preliminary application to the mail:
  • And also on February 20, 2017, submit an application in printed form (Appendix to the Regulation);

5. Execution:

5.1. Teamwork. The work is carried out by a team on A1 format (whatman paper).

5.2. It is allowed to use homemade items: postcards, printed text and illustrations.

5.3. Work at the competition is carried out by the team on its own, without the help of a teacher-curator.

5.4.All necessary materials and tools students bring with them

(Paints, brushes, A1 paper (Whatman paper), pencils, etc.)

6. Nominations:

  • "We are the future defenders of our Motherland."
  • Combat vehicles. (Tanks, planes, infantry guns, etc.).
  • War hero. (Biography, portrait, merits, orders, battles).
  • Combat leaflet on general topics (free topic).
  • Hero of our time

7. Technique of work performance:

7.1. Picturesque solution to the theme.

7.2. Graphic solution of the topic.

7.3. Collage.

7.4. Mixed media.

How to keep a combat leaflet or wall newspaper in the army? It's very simple: you take a piece of drawing paper, a pen, pencils, felt-tip pens - and go ahead.

The battle sheet is a reflection of reality in a platoon in a short period of time, usually a week.
Often combat sheets are drawn by fighters with creative data. After receiving the task from the platoon leader, they can add caricatures of any events or incidents.

The wall newspaper in the company comes out once a month: one informational, the other humorous. This is the same battle sheet, only reflecting the state of affairs in the company.

The wall newspaper covers the same points as in the battle sheet, only in more detail, as well as: general information next month; stories about the days of military glory; news about the development of modern weapons; major events in the world; a list of birthdays for the next month with congratulations from the staff of the unit.

9. Evaluation criteria:

9.1. Compliance with the declared nomination, the chosen topic and the conditions of the competition.

9.2. The quality and craftsmanship of the work.

9.3. The integrity of the composition.

9.4. Originality.

9.5. Completion of work.

9.6. composition solution.

10. Summing up and rewarding.

10.1. Teams of cadets who take 1st and 2nd places are awarded with diplomas 3rd place - diplomas.

Appendix to the Regulation

(application form on institution letterhead)

Application form

Annex 2 to the order of the Department of Education


Annex 3 to the order of the Department of Education

Administration of the Balashikha City District from No.

The interregional historical and educational competition of research and creative works of students and schoolchildren "Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held within the framework of the project of the same name of the Interregional Public Foundation "Center of National Glory" and is aimed at returning the history of Russia and perpetuating the names and deeds of our compatriots who have made the greatest contribution to the development of Russian statehood, who have become the personification of a resurgent modern Russia ideas of public service.

Contest Organizers

The initiator and organizer of the Competition is the Board of Trustees of the Center for National Glory project “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center of National Glory Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin.

The competition is supported by:

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation;

· Presidential Library;

· High Command of the Navy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The following persons take part in the preparation and holding of the Competition:

· St. Petersburg State University;

· Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen;

· St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television;

· Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry. A. L. Stieglitz;

· Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House);

· Russian National Library;

· The State Hermitage;

· Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education (LOIRO);

· All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK);

· Russian Society of Historians and Archivists;

· IA "Interfax - North-West".

Main nominations and age categories of the Competition

· Nomination: "Historical" (Appendix 1);

· Nomination: "Literary" (Appendix 2);

· Nomination: "Artistic and visual" (Appendix 3);

· Nomination: "Multimedia" (Appendix 4).

· The third age group: "Students of higher educational institutions".

Thematic content of the Competition

The thematic content of the Competition is determined by the implementation of the Charitable Programs of the Center for National Glory project “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”.

The main thematic areas of the interregional historical and educational Competition of research and creative works of students and schoolchildren "Serving the Fatherland: events and names" in 2016:

1. 165 years since the birth of the Grand Duchess, Queen of the Hellenes Olga Konstantinovna Romanova (1851–1926).

2. 320 years since the creation of the regular fleet of Russia: events that influenced the development and formation of our state as a world maritime power.

3. History of the Russian Constitution (based on the materials of the electronic museum

History of Russian laws: from Russian Pravda to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4. 250 years since the birth of the Russian statesman, writer, poet, publicist and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.

5. 130 years since the birth of the Russian poet, translator and traveler Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov.

6. Soviet pilot, participant in the Spanish Civil War, Hero of the Soviet Union Smirnov Boris Alexandrovich.

If necessary, the organizers of the Competition assist participants in accessing the archives, museum and library collections of the Presidential Library, the Russian National Library, the Central Naval Museum and archival institutions of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for the Competition

Students of 6-11 grades of secondary schools can take part in the Competition. educational institutions, students of secondary vocational educational institutions and students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the participants of the Competition who submitted their works in accordance with these Regulations are called Authors).

In order to popularize the interest of young people in the history of their country, it is possible to participate in the Competition for teachers of educational organizations, employees of museums and libraries, but only as organizers of the work of schoolchildren and students.

Submission to the Competition of works by any of the methods specified in these Regulations means: a) the consent of the Author and / or his legal representatives with the procedure for collecting, processing and transferring his personal data; b) consent to the gratuitous transfer to the Contest Organizer for the entire duration of the copyright of non-exclusive copyrights for their use for any purpose, to the extent provided for in Art. 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

For the organizational and methodological support of the Competition, the Jury and Working group for the competition.

Competition Jury

Honorary Chairman - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Stepanovich Myasnikov.

Deputy Chairman - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Alexander Arkadyevich Korolkov.

The head of the literary section is the director of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vsevolod Evgenievich Bagno.

The head of the art and visual section is the People's Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the RSFSR, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Albert Serafimovich Charkin.

The head of the multimedia section is Pavel Viktorovich Fedorov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Presidential Library.

Heads of the historical section - Associate Professor of the Department of Historical Regional Studies of St. Petersburg State University, Roman Aleksandrovich Sokolov; Associate Professor of the Department of Historical Regional Studies of St. Petersburg State University Anastasia Anatolyevna Meshchenina.

The head of the working group for organizing and holding the Competition is Zalina Medoeva, Vice-President of the Center for National Glory.

Summing up the results of the Competition and awarding

Summing up is carried out after the completion of the work of the Jury of the Competition on the evaluation of works received for its consideration (“The procedure for evaluating competitive works” is indicated in Appendixes 1,2,3 and 4 to this Regulation).

In each nomination and age group, no more than three works are determined with the award of the first, second and third places. The authors of these works are awarded Diplomas of the Board of Trustees of the Center for National Glory project “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”. For the works that won the first places, the Jury makes official reviews.

The authors whose works are recognized as winners (first place) in the relevant nominations and age groups, as well as in some cases the scientific supervisors of these works, will be invited to St. Petersburg to participate in the awards ceremony for the winners of the Interregional Historical and Educational Competition for Research and Creative Works of Students and schoolchildren "Serving the Fatherland: events and names."

Also, in each nomination and age group, the Jury of the Competition determines ten works, the Authors of which are sent a Certificate of Participation in the Competition.

The scientific supervisors of the works, who took the first, second or third place in each nomination and age group, are awarded with the Diploma of the Competition.

In order to encourage educational institutions to motivate them to participate in the Competition, the Jury, based on the results of the work, may apply to the Board of Trustees of the Center for National Glory project “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names” with a proposal to award the educational institution with a Commemorative Diploma of the Board of Trustees of the project “Serving the Fatherland: Events and names."

Expenses for the Contest, including travel from the regions to St. Petersburg and back, meals, accommodation and excursion program for the Authors whose works are recognized as winners (first place) in the relevant nominations and age groups and in some cases scientific data supervisors works provided by the organizers.

Contact Information

[email protected]



The authors perform research papers (research, abstract) on the chosen topic and send them to the Contest Jury. Recommendations and advice on the preparation of the work The author can get from the secretary of the Working Group. The working group for the Competition collects entries and sends them to the Jury for consideration. As the competitive works are received, information about them is formed and published in the Contest group on the Vkontakte website in the form of a list indicating the full names of the authors and the title of the works.

Works are accepted

Rules for registration of works

1. Title page;

3. Introduction;

4. Main body;

5. Conclusion;

6. List of used literature;

7. Applications.

The title page of the work indicates the full name of the educational institution, the topic of the work, the names of the author and supervisor, the place and year of writing, the full postal address of the author of the work with a postal code and phone numbers.

The next page contains a table of contents with the exact title of each chapter and the indication of the initial pages. The introduction should contain a general statement of the problem, a rationale for the novelty, originality of the chosen topic, a review of the literature and sources used.

The main part directly reveals the content of the chosen topic.

The conclusion contains the conclusions, the results of the work. Independence of judgments and assessments is encouraged.

Bibliographic references are made to the sources used in the preparation of the work. The list of used literature should be drawn up in the form of a bibliographic list. Illustrative materials are given at the end of the work in the form of appendices.

Contact Information:

Interregional Public Fund "Center of National Glory"

Address: 191119, St. Petersburg, st. Driving around, 46-B

Website of the Competition on the Internet: competition-serving the fatherland.rf

The name of the Contest group on the Vkontakte website: “Contest “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”” (

Secretary of the Contest Working Group: Stanislav Morozov, +79213200882, [email protected]



The authors perform creative work(literary works, essays) on the chosen topic and send them to the address of the Competition Jury. Recommendations and advice on the preparation of the work The author can get from the secretary of the Working Group. The working group for the Competition collects entries and sends them to the Jury for consideration. As the competitive works are received, information about them is formed and published in the Contest group on the Vkontakte website in the form of a list indicating the full names of the authors and the title of the works.

Works are accepted

1. Through self-registration on the Contest website
https:// contest-serving the fatherland.rf/;

2. Post of the Russian Federation at the address: 191119, St. Petersburg, st. Riding around, 46-B, MOF "Center of National Glory".

The work must be accompanied by a letter with the following information:

FULL NAME. supervisor, his mobile phone number;

Full postal address (with postal code) of the educational institution and telephone number.

Works received by the Competition Jury after the specified deadline are not allowed to participate in the Competition. Submitted works will not be reviewed and will not be returned.

Rules for registration of works

The materials submitted for the Competition must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. Artwork must not contain:

Political slogans, statements that are anti-state and anti-constitutional in nature;

Information that degrades the dignity of a person, or a particular national group of people;

Materials made in violation of legal copyrights;

Grammar, stylistic errors.

Written work must be formatted according to the following structure:

The title page of the work indicates the full name of the educational institution, the topic of the work, the names of the author and supervisor, the place and year of writing, the full postal address of the author of the work with a postal code and telephone number. It is also necessary to indicate the genre format of the work (essay, interview, story, etc.)

The main part directly reveals the content of the chosen topic. It should contain a general statement of the problem, the originality of the chosen topic, an overview of the sources used. Independence of judgments and assessments is encouraged.

Bibliographic references are made to the sources used in the process of preparing the work. The list of materials used should be in the form of a bibliographic list. Illustrative materials are given at the end of the work in the form of appendices.

Print on one side of A4 (210×297 mm) paper.

Page margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, bottom - 2 cm, top - 2 cm to the page number.

The text is printed at 1.5 intervals, the red line is 1.25 cm.

Font: Times New Roman, font size - 14 pt.

The total volume of the text (excluding appendices) should not exceed 30 pages.

The procedure for evaluating competitive works

Evaluation of works submitted to the Competition is carried out taking into account the following criteria for assessing the quality of competitive works:

Works must be independent research;

· All works are checked for plagiarism;

· Correspondence of the content of the work to the declared topic, the level of disclosure of the topic;

· The level of information competence;

· Originality of creative work;

· Culture of work registration, fulfillment of the declared requirements for registration;

· The uniqueness of the presented materials.

Works that reveal a specific event (for major events - one of its sides) or the biography of a specific person, as well as the use of archival documents, are welcome.

Contact Information:

Interregional Public Fund "Center of National Glory"

Address: 191119, St. Petersburg, st. Driving around, 46-B

Website of the Competition on the Internet: competition-serving the fatherland.rf

The name of the Contest group on the Vkontakte website: “Contest “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”” (

Secretary of the Contest Working Group: Stanislav Morozov, +79213200882, [email protected]



The authors perform creative works (painting, graphics, sculpture, photo) on the chosen topic and send them to the Contest Jury. Recommendations and advice on the preparation of the work The author can get from the secretary of the Working Group. The working group for the Competition collects entries and sends them to the Jury for consideration. As the competitive works are received, information about them is formed and published in the Contest group on the Vkontakte website in the form of a list indicating the full names of the authors and the title of the works.

Works are accepted

1. By mail of the Russian Federation to the address: 191119, St. Petersburg, st. Riding around, 46-B, MOF "Center of National Glory".

Artistic and graphic works are presented in frames or passe-partout ready for exhibition display. Works framed with glass will not be accepted. Sculptural works are sent in packaged form.

The work must be accompanied by a letter with the following information:

FULL NAME. supervisor, his mobile phone number;

Full postal address (with postal code) of the educational institution and telephone number.

The deadline for submitting works for the Competition is October 01, 2016. Works received by the Competition Jury after the specified deadline are not allowed to participate in the Competition. Submitted works will not be reviewed and will not be returned.

Rules for registration of works

The materials submitted for the Competition must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. Artwork must not contain:

Political slogans, statements that are anti-state and anti-constitutional in nature;

Information that degrades the dignity of a person, or a particular national group of people;

Materials made in violation of legal copyrights;

Grammar, stylistic errors.

The procedure for evaluating competitive works

Evaluation of works submitted to the Competition is carried out taking into account the following criteria for assessing the quality of competitive works:

Work must be independent;

· Originality of creative work;

· Correspondence of the content of the work to the declared topic, the level of disclosure of the topic;

· The level of information competence;

· Culture of work registration, fulfillment of the declared requirements for registration;

· The uniqueness of the presented materials.

Works that reveal a specific event (for major events - one of its sides) or the biography of a particular person are welcome.

Contact Information:

Interregional Public Fund "Center of National Glory"

Address: 191119, St. Petersburg, st. Driving around, 46-B

Website of the Competition on the Internet: competition-serving the fatherland.rf

The name of the Contest group on the Vkontakte website: “Contest “Serving the Fatherland: Events and Names”” (

about the X Interregional festival-competition "ALTAR OF THE HOMELAND" -2016:
Moscow regional stage *

The 2016 competition is dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema, the 1000th anniversary of the presence of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos, the 400th anniversary of the repose of the Monk Irinarch the Recluse, who blessed the folk heroes K. Minin and D. Pozharsky for the liberation of Russia from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, the 400th anniversary of the day of the death of Kuzma Minin, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the legendary pilot A.P. Maresyev (May 7/20, 1916 - May 18, 2001), the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the 55th anniversary of space exploration (Yu.A. Gagarin's flight into space in 1961), the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


Public Association "Altar of the Fatherland", DOSAAF of Russia, educational organizations of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, with the support of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the Regional Public Fund of Patriarch Hermogenes, the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow, the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives, Regional Public Organization of Veterans and Disabled Forces "OMOFOR - Suvorov Appeal", Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Moscow City Diocese (Russian Orthodox Church), Nikolo-Ugresh Orthodox Theological Seminary, RNP "Altar of the Fatherland", NGO "Nizhny Novgorod community in Moscow", Administration of the Balakhna municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, LLC "Russian Nobility Assembly".


Goals: introducing children, adolescents and youth to the history of the Fatherland, its heroic past and its shrines, the spiritual values ​​of Orthodoxy, acquaintance with the great personalities of Russia, enrichment spiritual world adolescents and young people, the education of moral and patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in their Fatherland, the perpetuation of the feat of the heroes of the past; formation of traditional family values.


    to intensify the interest of children, adolescents and youth in national history;

    identify talented youth, promote their self-realization through creative activity;

    promote the education of patriots and worthy citizens of the Fatherland;

    to form in children and youth a respectful attitude towards parents and elders, towards the values ​​of family life.


3.1. The festival-competition is held in the following categories:

3.2. Members:

Teenagers and young people aged 14 to 30 years and teachers over 30 years old are invited to participate in the festival-competition (nominations "Creativity of a Patriot Teacher", "My Collection", "Pedagogical Workshop: Programs, Notes, Scenarios", etc.). Children under the age of 14 are allowed to participate in the creative team.

3.3. Stages of implementation:

The festival-competition is held in two stages:

Stage I - preliminary (COLLECTION OF APPLICATIONS)- carried out within educational organizations (March 2016);

Stage II - qualifying- held at the sites of educational organizations of the city of Moscow ( Appendix 3)(April 2016)

Stage III - final, interregional, regional - is held in the city of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region (late May - early June 2016).

3.4. Filing an application.

3.4.1. Applications for participation in nominations "Historical local history", "Literary creativity", "My collection", "The river of times: genealogy", "Pedagogical workshop: programs, abstracts, scripts", "Fine arts": I stage, correspondence), "Theatrical Art": I stage, correspondence) according to the established form ( Annex 2) together with the works SHALL BE SENT by e-mail from March 14 to March 31, 2016:

    "Historical local history" TOGETHER WITH WORKS [email protected] (Kvasova Svetlana Alekseevna);

    nominations for participation "Literary creativity" [email protected] (Putilina Galina Viktorovna)

    nominations for participation "My collection" TOGETHER WITH WORKS (in the form of a presentation) are sent to e-mail [email protected] (Sautkina Lyudmila Ivanovna);

    nominations for participation "River of Time: Genealogy" are sent TOGETHER WITH THE WORKS by e-mail [email protected] (Alpatova Lidia Nikolaevna);

    nominations for participation "Pedagogical workshop: programs, notes, scripts" are sent TOGETHER WITH THE WORKS by e-mail [email protected] (Babalaeva Maria Viktorovna)

    nominations for participation "Art" are sent TOGETHER WITH THE WORKS by e-mail [email protected] (Pimenova Elena Igorevna)

    nominations for participation "Theatrical Art" are sent TOGETHER WITH RECORDING SCENES FROM THE PERFORMANCE, PERFORMANCES by e-mail [email protected] (Khalchevskaya Olga Alexandrovna)

3.4.2. Applications for participation in nominations "Fine Arts", "Photo Essay", "Applied Arts" in the prescribed form ( Annex 2 ) together with the works are FOR RENT from March 14 to March 31, 2016 at the venue of the competitions ( Annex 3 ):

    nominations for participation "Art"(in paper form) TOGETHER WITH WORKS are handed over to the College of Architecture and Urban Planning ("MKAG") - b. KAMS No. 17. (Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya St., 50A - 2nd building of KAMS, room 32; 3rd floor) - Elena Igorevna Pimenova;

    nominations for participation "Photo essay" TOGETHER WITH THE WORKS are handed over to the First Moscow Educational Complex (1MOK) ( st. Tikhomirova, d. 10, building 1, office 401)- Kukunina Olga Mikhailovna;

    nominations for participation "Applied Arts" TOGETHER WITH THE WORKS are handed over to the Moscow State Educational Complex, high school"Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia" (proezd Stratonavtov, 15, office 301) - Kurachenkova Lidia Eduardovna.

3.4.3. Applications for participation in nominations “Artistic word”, “Patriotic song”, “Military sports competitions”, “Creativity of a patriot teacher”, “Intellectual marathon”, “Historical costume”, “Musical performance”, “Tourist activity” in the prescribed form ( Annex 2) SHALL BE SENT BY E-MAIL from March 14 to March 31, 2016:

    nominations for participation "Art Word" sent to email allanik20091@ rambler. en(Nikitina Alla Vasilievna);

    nominations for participation "Patriotic Song" sent to email [email protected] (Statsenko Marina Nikolaevna);

    nominations for participation "Military sports" sent to email elenav@ c olleg e Elena Viktorovna);

    nominations for participation "Creativity of a Patriot Teacher" sent to email [email protected] (Ivanova Ekaterina Grigorievna);

    nominations for participation "Intellectual Marathon" sent to email [email protected] (Shandrina Olga Vasilievna);

    nominations for participation "Historical costume" sent to email [email protected] (Negrey Natalya Viktorovna);

    applications for participation in the nomination "Musical performance" are sent to the electronic [email protected] (Yurchik Inna Alekseevna);

    applications for participation in the nomination "Tourist activity" are sent by e-mail [email protected] (Leonov Anatoly Martemyanovich).


The final meeting of the Organizing Committee and the jury following the results of the Moscow (qualifying) stage of the X Interregional Festival-Competition is held in April-May 2016.

The winners of the competitions (in all nominations) are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee, the participants - with certificates of participation (the CERTIFICATE IS SENT TO THE E-MAIL SPECIFIED IN THE APPLICATION). The winners of competitions in certain categories participate in the final stage, which will be held in the city of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod Region, at the end of May 2016.

From the best works submitted to the competition, an exhibition will be formed, which will be held as part of the final holiday of the Festival-Competition.


Participation in the festival-competition - no organizational fee. Travel expenses (meals, accommodation) and transportation costs for delivering the winners of the Moscow stage to the venue of the final, III stage of the Festival-competition in the city of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod Region and back are borne by the sending organizations, the awarding of participants is financed by the host.


The Organizing Committee and the jury include an asset of the public association "Altar of the Fatherland", leaders and employees of the DOSAAF of Russia, heads and teachers of educational organizations, clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, RNP "Altar of the Fatherland" (Balakhna), scientists, representatives of patriotic public organizations(cm. Appendix 4).

* Regulations on the X Interregional Festival-Competition "Altar of the Fatherland" were prepared taking into account the peculiarities of Moscow on the basis of the "Regulations on the Interregional Festival-Competition" Altar of the Fatherland ", approved by the Organizing Committee of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod Region.






Also on this topic.


All-Russian competition for research local history worksstudents "FATHERLAND"


  • 1.1. The All-Russian competition of research works of local lore of students "Fatherland" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held FGBOU DOD "Federal Center for Children's and Youth Tourism and Local History" with the information support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society".
  • 1.2. The direct holding of the Competition is carried out by the FGBOU DOD "Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History"
  • 1.3. The purpose of the Competition is the patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the younger generation by improving the tourism and local history research and excursion work with students of the Russian Federation.
  • 1.4. Objectives of the Competition:

- improvementorganization and content of training and education of the younger generation in the process of implementing tourist and local history activities;

- development and activation of educational and research activities of students in the field of local history;

- identification and support of talented children and youth in the field of local history and research activities;

- summing up the results of research work, sharing experience in organizing research activities of students;

Development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in interconnection, introduction of modern scientific achievements into the practice of local history work in children's educational organizations (institutions);

- exchange of experience in the framework of the local history movement of students of the Russian Federation "Fatherland";

- education of patriotism among schoolchildren, careful attitude to the natural and cultural heritage of the native land;

- improvement of moral and physical education of students.


  • 2.1. Students of educational institutions of general, primary vocational, secondaryvocational education and additional education for children aged 14-18 years (for the period of the final of the Competition), as well as heads of local history associations of educational institutions in Russia, teachers.
  • 2.2. Only individual participation in the Contest is allowed.


3.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • archaeologists i (study of the historical past of the region according to material sources; study of the direct remnants of human activity);
  • Military history of Russia(study of military history on the basis of local history material, perpetuating the memory of fellow countrymen);
  • Cultural heritage(studying the cultural heritage and creativity of the inhabitants of the native land, fixing the events of the cultural life of the native land);
  • natural heritage. Young geolo gi (study and protection of natural heritage; development of research activities of students in the field of geology);
  • Pedigree (study of pedigrees, family traditions and rituals, development and encouragement of interest in the history of the family);
  • school museums. Story children's movement. History of education(study of the history of individual educational institutions, school museums, history of children's and youth organizations);
  • Countrymen. Historical necropolis of Russia(study of the life and activities of fellow countrymen; study of the history of life and sporting achievements of Russian (Soviet) athletes, participants in the Olympic Games);
  • Chronicle of the native land(studying the history and nature of the native land from ancient times to the present day, compiling an annals of our days, the study of individual, the most striking or little-known historical events, natural phenomena or the reconstruction of the general history of the region;
  • Literary local history e. Toponymy ka (study of the literary heritage of the native land, development literary creativity students, the study of the origin of geographical names in their native land);
  • Ecological local history (the study of the natural environment in all its diversity);
  • Ethnography (study of the material and spiritual culture of peoples, their family and social life, economic activities and ethnic processes);
  • Great Patriotic War (the study of the events of 1941-1945; the course of hostilities, monuments, the study of battlefields, the combat path of formations formed in their native land, the heroic actions of fellow countrymen);
  • Historical local history (study of the history of the native land for all the time available on material and documentary monuments ). Within this topic can be conducted study of little-known historical events, historical processes, revealing the role of historical figures and the masses in these events and processes.
  • Culture and folklore of the native land (study of the culture of the native land according to folklore and material sources; studying architectural, artistic, oral creativity of the inhabitants of the native land, fixing the events of cultural life and ethnogenesis);
  • Ecological tourism (study of the nature of the native land, the state environment, anthropogenic impact on the environment, for the purpose of its protection and reproduction);
  • Young guides ( developing and conducting your own excursions prepared on the material their museums or home area and the development mini-excursions on a given topic).

Competition entries must be completed in accordance with the requirements according to Appendix No. 2.

materials submitted for the Competition must include :

  • application (Appendix 1).
  • information (copy of the minutes of the Regional Organizing Committee) on the regional stage of the Contest.

Preliminary application for participation in the Contest in doc or rtf format should be sent until February 25, 2016 by email:[email protected].

  • 3.2. The All-Russian competition of research local history works of students "Fatherland" is held in three stages:
  • 1 stage - regional the stage takes place in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation up to 1 February 0, 2016
  • 2 stage federal (correspondence) stage - February-March 2016
  • Stage 3 Final (full-time) stage - April-May, July 201 6 years.
  • 3.3. Competitive materials received at the regional and federal (correspondence) stages are evaluated in accordance with the requirements presented in Appendix No. 2.

    The results of the Competition are summed up at the final stage.

  • 3.4. From each constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the federal (correspondence) stage, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, send no more than three works from the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each nomination on paper and electronic media.
  • 3.5. Entries along with the application on paper and the protocol of the regional stage of the Contest are sent before 25February 2016 (postmarked) to the Organizing Committee at the address: 111033, Moscow, Volochaevskaya st., 38a ( Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children " Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History» ) indicating "Competition" Fatherland - 201 6".
  • 3.6. According to the results peer review competition works are determined by the participants of the final(full-time) stage at which an invitation to participate in final (full-time) stage.
  • 3.7. At the final of the Competition, participants can take part in competitions of creative works:

    Photographs, works of painting and graphics;

    Video films;

    Literary and local history works, local history maps and atlases;

    Artistic programs or numbers of individual performers;

    Tour guides.

  • 3.8. Entries will not be accepted for the Contest if:
  • the content of the submitted work does not correspond to the subject of the Competition;
  • decor competitive materials does not meet the requirements of the Competition.
  • the presented work received one of the prizes at other All-Russian competitions held in previous and current years.
    • 3.9. Submitted materials are not returned, evaluation protocols and reviews are not sent to the authors.
    • 3.10. The best works (or abstracts of works, or fragments of works) of the finalists of the Competition, on the recommendation of the jury, will be offered for publication in journals:"Children's and youth tourism and local history of Russia", "Young local historian", "Local history almanac", other methodological, pedagogical and scientific journals.


4.1. General management of the preparation and conduct final (full-time) stage of the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee. (Appendix 4).

Organizing Committee:

  • approves the program of the Competition, the composition and working conditions of the jury, the list of winners and prize-winners final (full-time) stage of the Competition for each nomination;
  • accepts competitive works for participation in the federal(absentee) stage;
  • informs the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage in the field of education,about the results of the competition.

    The decision of the Organizing Committee is drawn up in a protocol and approved by the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Organizing Committee.

  • 4.2. For the preparation and holding of the regional stage of the Competition, the relevant organizing committees are created on the ground.
  • 4.3. Competition Jury:
  • evaluates materials received at the federal (correspondence) stage in accordance with competitive requirements;
  • determines the winners (1st place) and winners (2nd and 3rd place) of the Competition according to the average score in each of the nominations.
  • 4.4. The decision of the jury for each nomination is drawn up in a protocol and approved by the chairman of the jury.


  • 5.1. All participants of the final (full-time) stage of the Competition receive a diploma "participation to the Final All-Russian competition research work of local history students "Fatherland"".
  • 5.2. Winners (1st place) and prize-winners (2nd and 3rd place) and diploma winners each of the nominations of the Competition are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee and memorable prizes.
  • 5.3. Supervisors of the competition works of the winners, winners and diplomats awarded by the Organizing Committee.
  • 5.4. By decision of the Organizing Committee, individual participants may be awarded with incentive certificates and prizes.
  • 5.5. By decision of the Organizing Committee, to establish prizes of public organizations, other legal entities and individuals.
  • 5.6. Winners (1st place) and prize-winners (2nd and 3rd place) of nominations for students who are 14 years old at the time of the final of the Competition can be nominated as candidates for the award to support talented youth as part of the implementation of the priority national project " Education".


  • 6.1. The federal stage of the Competition is held at the expense of budgetary and non-budgetary funds.
  • 6.2. Costs associated with evaluation of work at the federal stage, passing participants Finals (full-time stage) Competition and persons accompanying them, accommodation and meals during the Final (full-time stage) of the Competition, excursion and educational expenses carried out at the expense of the sending party.

Requirements for registration of competitive works:

Local history research papers up to 10 pages of computer typing (A4 format, Word for Windows, Times New Roman font, size 14, one and a half spacing, all margins - 2 cm).

The volume of applications - no more than 10 pages. Research local history work should contain:

  • title page indicating (from top to bottom):
  • names of the organization and association;
  • topics of work; last name and first name (in full) of the author, class;
  • last names, first names and patronymics (in full) of the head and consultant (if any);
  • year of performance of work;
  • a table of contents listing the sections below;
  • introduction, where it is necessary to formulate the problem; purpose and objectives of the work; substantiate its relevance; conduct short review literary sources on the research problem; indicate the place and timing of the study; give a description of the study area;
  • research methodology (description of methods for collecting, primary and statistical processing of the material);
  • research results and their discussion. If necessary, tables, graphs, etc. should be used;
  • conclusions (short answers to the questions posed in the tasks);
  • conclusion, where the persons who helped in the performance of the work can be noted, further prospects for the work are outlined and given practical advice arising from this study;
  • a list of sources and used literature, drawn up in accordance with the rules for compiling a bibliographic list. The text of the work should contain references to sources and literature.

    Large factual and numerical data, as well as drawings, diagrams, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc. can be included at the end of the work - in applications. All applications should be numbered and titled, and references to them should be made in the text of the work.

    Cartographic material must be conventions, scale.

    The title page is not included in the volume, but is estimated (see sample below).

    Fatherland - 2016

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Department of Education and Science _________________ areas

    Institution of additional education for children

    All-Russian competition of local history research works of students"Fatherland"

    Nomination "_________________________"

    Work theme

    Prepared by:

    Full Name

    student of ______ class

    Main place of study

    Address educational institution with zip code Home address with zip code Contact phone number: email:


    Full Name

    Position and place of work

    Job address with zip code

    Contact number: email:

    City (settlement) - year

    Annex 2

    to the Regulations

    All-Russian competition and researchlocal history worksstudents "FATHERLAND"


  1. Criteria for evaluation research work(assessed in points):
  • 1.1. Distance assessment of homework:
  • substantiation of the topic, novelty, local history nature of the work - up to 3 points;
  • historiography (literature review), sources, experimental data- up to 4 points;
  • content, - up to 7 points;
  • consistency of presentation, style, literacy - up to 5 points;
  • author's contribution to the study - before 3 points;
  • the structure of the work, the correspondence of the title to the content, the scientific reference apparatus - up to 4 points;
  • design of the work (title page, bibliography, accuracy, literacy, compliance with the Regulations) - up to 2 points;
  • The maximum (final) score for this competitive task is 30 points.

  • 1.2. Homework protection:
  • content speeches (author's point of view, consistency, completeness of the disclosure of the topic)- up to 8 points;
  • performance work (quality of speech, ability to use visual material)- up to 5 points;
  • methods and techniques research - up to 5 points;
  • own experience, author's position - up to 5 points;
  • use of visualization (tables, figures, photos, videos, presentations) - up to 3 points;
  • work on the section (questions, participation in the discussion, etc.) - up to 2 points;
  • extra points Jury - up to 2 points.

    The maximum (final) score is 30 points.

  1. Criteria for evaluating creative works additional competitive program:

During the Competition, competitions in nominations are held in accordance with the Regulations.

Each participant of the Competition can submit several of his creative works in different categories. Each creative work is necessarily accompanied by a brief annotation (volume - 1 page).

All competitive creative works must reflect their own experience in local history activities and meet the following criteria (each of the criteria is evaluated on a 5-point system):

2.1. Video films, photos , works of painting and graphics, literary- Local history works.

  • 1 Contents 5
  • 2 Quality , artistic level 5
    • 3 Practical significance 5
    • 4 Originality 5

      Total 20

      2.2. Art programs

    • 1 Content, artistic level 5
    • 2 Execution quality 5
  • 3 Performance decoration (costumes, musical escort) 5

    4 Originality 5

    Total 20

    2.3. Tour guides

    1. Tour content 5
    2. The quality of the performance, mastery of the material 5
    3. Proficiency 3
    4. Excursion arrangement (exposition material, equipment)) 5
    5. originality 2

Total 20

Volume Video -, DVD - films - no more than 10 min. Photo size - at least A4, preferably with a passport. The duration of the performance at the competition of guides is no more than 10 minutes.

Send genuine valuable materials (museum, archival, etc.) and bring do not do it. If necessary, it is advisable to use copies. Tablets and other visual material, as well as works creative competitions(video films, photographs, literary and artistic works, etc.) participants they bring with them.

Materials received for the All-Russian competition are not returned, reviews are not issued.

The composition of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the All-Russian competition of research local history works of students "FATHERLAND"


Mikhail Mikhailovich


director of the federal state budgetary


Vladimir Ivanovich

(executive Secretary)

Deputy Director federal state budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History"


Alexander Grigorievich

Advisor to the Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History"

M alanicheva Galina


chairman of the Central WITH Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments

(by agreement)


Sergei Ivanovich

Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Young local historian"

(by agreement)

Vasin Gennady Ivanovich

Head of non-commercial h European partnership "SUDOD"