Celebration in honor of the end of the school year. Congratulations on the end of the school year. Dance with scarves



The script was prepared by Belova Olga Ivanovna. 2011-2012 academic year.

Music sounds.

  1. Good morning, dear guests!
  2. Good spring morning, dear children and teachers!
  3. We welcome everyone to the traditional holiday in honor of the end of the academic year "The Best".
  4. Here he comes, the last day of school,

May is a wizard

Admire yourself

Showered generously tender lilac

Lilac fragrant flowers.

  1. Offsets, abstracts behind!

Summer is waiting for us!

The holidays are all ahead of us!

The school year is over!

Song. Chorus.

  1. We have gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who understand that Russia will prosper intellectually. We thank you for your work, for your studies, for your prizes in olympiads and creative competitions, and we hope that you will increase your knowledge and reach great heightsunder the banner of 529 schools.

The command to bring the banner.

School Principal: I declare the holiday dedicated to the end of the school year open!

  1. Attention! Attention to the performance of the anthem of the Russian Federation!

An anthem sounds.

Song Gaudeamus.

  1. Who issues orders

Knows us well

He comes to school first,

And is he the last to leave?

  1. Who will praise, scold,

Do you know school problems?

Adults and children know!

This is our home director.

  1. Without breaking the canons,

Director first word.

  1. The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school, Bystrova Nina Nikolaevna.

Speech by the principal of the school.



Song "The Most"

  1. Attention school! Now there will be an award for those guys for whom the years of study are not at all a burden and who have achieved excellent results. Knowledge is not easy, it is hard and hard work.

But today, the day has come when your efforts will be rewarded.

  1. These students deserve the loudest praise and endless applause. The best students are awarded by: Bystrova Nina Nikolaevna.

Awarding honors students

And our good students are rewarded ...

Goodies award.



The Olympics is a very important competition

Always useful for a brave student.

Who participated in it at least once,

He will become an ace in this life,

And he will apply this knowledge more than once.

Guys are brave, brave, brave.

We are mathematicians and physicists remote.

We will pass the Olympics

Unified State Examination will be nothing to us,

We will receive a diploma and, of course, we will sing.

  1. Participants of the Olympiad are awarded:

Rewarding participants of the Olympiads.



The song "Morning exercise".

  1. That's how it's always been -

Russia broke records!

It will always be like this - Russia will break all records!

Healthy nation -

This is a huge power!

In the name of the Fatherland and peace

Long live sports!!!

Awarding the best athletes.



  1. Who is the most important in the world

The kindest, most glorious?

Who is he? What's his name?

Well, of course, it's WORK!

  1. Who for all ages and years

The real king of nature?

King of fields, factories, ores?

Who is he? What's his name?

Well, of course, it's WORK!

  1. The word for the award is given ...




Scene in English "Harry Potter"

  1. The seven wonders of the world were created by people in antiquity:

Majestic Egyptian pyramids;

The beautiful statue of Zeus at Olympia;

Lighthouse in Alexandria

2. There is another wonder of the world, no less amazing. And this book is a miracle. Book! It leads us further and further from the knowledge of the first simple truths.

3. She tells us about the fabulous heroes, and about school life, and about distant countries. With a book, each of us travels three hundred years ahead, into the future, and three hundred years back, into history.

4. The word for the award is given to the librarian of our school, Valeria Semenovna




  1. Children draw on glass

Children draw on asphalt

Build a city on the sand

This is not yet on the map.

  1. Children draw on glass

And on the pavement... Let them draw!

And the joy of childhood on Earth

May it prevail forever!




  1. And we write poems

We can show the story

And we go hiking together

We love to sing and dance.

  1. The word for the award is given,




Song "Rolling in the Deep"

  1. Glory to the one who looks ahead

Glory to the forward

Our path from the present

To a bright future!

  1. The word for the award is given ...




  1. Zarnitsa is the best game

School life is a bright time!

There is no better game than this

Let's say together we will answer!

Strengthens our strength

And our spirit tempers!

Performance of the Zarnitsa team.

  1. The word for the award is given ...




  1. Thank you dear parents

Happiness to you, health, long years!

We have always seen helpers in you,

We don't have anyone else!

  1. For warmth, for your kind souls

And for helping us

For care and patience for a long time

Grateful and thank you!

  1. The word for the award is given ...


Friends! We often say words

What the great genius wrote:

"Master, before your name

Let me humbly kneel!

Thank you my teachers

For your hard and great work!

The earth is famous for teachers,

Her disciples will bring glory to her.

To the music, the presentation of flowers to teachers.

  1. Our holiday is coming to an end! And along with it, the academic year, which brought many victories and good fame to our beloved 529 school. This is our common merit.
  2. Lessons are over at school

We moved to the senior class,

Lie down in the sun

The river invites us.

  1. We'll take a break for the summer

Let's gather strength

And at the beginning of September

Let's get together again!

Music sounds.

Scenario of a school-wide holiday dedicated to the end of the 2015-2016 academic year "Goodbye, school! Hello summer!"

Purpose of the event:

Help motivate learning;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

To form a respectful attitude towards the work of a teacher, educator at school;

To instill in students a sense of responsibility towards the school and parents;

Create a festive atmosphere for students, teachers and parents.

- Summing up the academic year.

Preparatory work for the holiday:

    Presentation "Meet us!" (photo about the life of each class and school for the academic year);

    preparation of the holiday program;

    diplomas, gifts, certificates;

    musical accompaniment, a slide film from the life of the school.

Hall decoration: balls, garlands. Above the stage is a poster with the name of the holiday;

Music sounds (school songs). Children enter the hall together with class teachers.

Event progress

Fanfare sounds

Leading: Today is a fine and gentle day,

Today is not an easy day.

Summer smells of flowers and fairy tales.

The sun is in the sky like a golden ball

Good morning! Good spring morning, dear children, teachers, parents and distinguished guests! We welcome everyone to the celebration in honor of the end of the school year "Goodbye, school! Hello summer!". The school year flew by quickly and imperceptibly. Most recently, it seems, it was September, and now summer is on the doorstep. During this year, our girls and boys have grown up, become smarter, more attentive, kinder, more mature. Ahead is summer!

Control, lessons behind!

Summer is waiting for us!

The holidays are all ahead of us!

The school year is over!

Leading: The holiday dedicated to the end of the school year is declared open.

Sounds like "The Anthem of Russia"


The lessons are over, the breaks are over,

School lunches, walks after the shift,

Notes and homework,

Concerts, discos, meetings.

Someone is sad, someone is very happy,

And someone is waiting for well-deserved awards ...

And those who have been active for a whole year,

A surprise is sure to await.

Leading: And how diligently tried the youngest students of our school - first-graders! All successfully moved to the second grade.

The most difficult is the first class!
First class is the hardest!
Because because,
Because the first time!

Presenter 1: Our first-graders have prepared a musical gift for everyone. A word to first graders.

Presentation by 1st grade students

Song "What color of summer"

Rewarding students 1a with diplomas - Bolshakova L.V., Sinyutina E.V. - class leader

Performance of students of grade 1b

Song "The sun came out"

Rewarding students with 1b diplomas - Bolshakova L.V., Mishura A.V. - class leader


Leading: Attention school! Now there will be an awarding of those guys for whom the years of study are not at all a burden. And it doesn't matter how many years they have been nibbling at the granite of science, the main thing is that they have achieved excellent results in this matter! But today, the day has come when your efforts will be rewarded. All year you tried, studied, but some of you especially excelled. We are glad to welcome in this hall the pride of your classes, and of our entire school - you, dear honors students! They deserve the loudest praise and endless applause!


It is impossible not to love excellent students:
We admit they are cute -
Faithful, reliable friends,
Those who bear the title of excellent student!

The word for congratulations and awarding excellent students is provided Director of the school Bolshakova L.V.

(He calls all the excellent students, they line up on the stage in front of all the students of the school). Rewarding excellent students with commendable sheets, letters.

Dance senior dance group "Coffee with milk"


Leading: Yes guys! You all worked for a year: some learned to read and write, others crammed the multiplication table, others determined the declension of nouns ... There was a lot of work. And today, at this solemn line, we will find out the names of those guys who deserve special praise for their work! These are our good guys.

The word for congratulations is provided Deputy Director for Education Alymova Natalya Vladimirovna + Bolshakova L.V.

For good students from the lips of teachers

There were compliments

And from you the reward will be

They receive thunderous applause.

(Names the number of students by grade who finished the school year with “4” and “5”They line up on stage in front of all the students in the school.)

Awarding good students with diplomas.

Presentation of the 3rd class. Song "Good mood"


Leading: But not only the guys studied in the school year. They were able to do many interesting things. We have gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who understand that Russia will prosper intellectually. We thank you for your work, for your studies, for your prizes in olympiads and creative competitions, and we hope that you will increase your knowledge and reach great heights .

The word is given - deputy

Awarding with diplomas.

5th grade performance. Song "Warm Summer"


Leading: Who studied hard

He excelled both in education and behavior.

"5" and "5" - the circle is excellent.

Let's name the guys exemplary

The word is given - deputyAlymova N.V. + Rogaleva N.G.

Awarding with diplomas.

Leading: For you, dear children, students of the 6th grade have prepared a musical gift.

6th grade performance. Song "Fly, fly, petal"


Leading: Among our children there are many talented artists, singers, dancers, many active, enterprising girls and boys. And today we want to thank them for their active participation in the social life of the class and school. They are real assistants to class teachers - they defended the honor of the class on the school stage, the honor of the school at city events. - Deputy according to VR Rogaleva N.G. +Alymova N.V.

Rewarding activists with diplomas and sweet prizes.

Rewarding teachers with certificates - Bolshakova L.V.

2nd class performance. The song "Hello, my Motherland!"



Leading: That's how it's always been -

Russia broke records!

It will always be like this - Russia will break all records!

Healthy nation -
This is a huge power!
In the name of the Fatherland and peace
Long live sports!!!
The word for awarding the best athletes of our school is given to: deputy according to VR Rogaleva N.G. and Onboev E.V.

(Awarding the best athletes)

The song “The most - the most” sounds - Grade 7


Leading: Among you guys, there are students who conscientiously and responsibly treat physical work, those who worked in a labor detachment during the school year. After all, work ennobles a person, and labor skills will be very useful to you in your later life.

Rewarding the guys from the labor team with diplomas - Rogaleva N.G.

Presentation of diplomas and certificates for participation in competitions and olympiads to teachers and students

Rewarding - Alymova N.V.

Leading: We want to say a big thank you, of course, to those without whom our educational, creative victories would not have taken place. These are our dear teachers.

Friends! We often say words
What the great genius wrote:
"Master, before your name
Let me humbly kneel!

Thank you my teachers
For your hard and great work!
The earth is famous for teachers,
Her disciples will bring glory to her.


Leading: Today we want to thank our parents for your educational, creative victories.

Rewarding -Director of the school Bolshakova L.V.

Leading: Thank you dear parents

Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen helpers in you,
We don't have anyone else!
For warmth, for your kind souls

And for helping us
For care and patience for a long time
Grateful and thank you!

For you dear parents dancing girls from the junior dance group

Dance - junior dance group ""

Leading: For a whole year you studied, tried.

You read, you wrote, you counted.

They sang songs, danced lightly,

We were waiting for the red summer.

And today we say goodbye to the class.

Summer-summer! We are glad to see you!

Take a break from us dear school!

We'll be back to you in September!

Ring, our last call,

Ring, bell, ring!

Call that on this day

The academic year is over...

Ending music sounds

All students and teachers disperse to their classrooms for class hours.

Concert program "Celebration of Honor - 2017".

Student and student

So, changing in a string

Days go by, years go by

We come and go

To the school sweet, kind house,

Where we study, where we live.

The memory of childhood calls us.

Time changes course.

And an excellent student, and a prankster -

Everyone knows:

Together:it is a holiday today!

Music "Road without end" (against its background)

Man, like a star, is born

In the midst of an obscure, misty milkiness.

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity.

Generations of creators

Age after age, the earth is imperishable,

Man, like a star is born

To make the universe brighter!

Good afternoon dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you to the traditional holiday of honor and pride of the school!

By tradition, this holiday in our school takes place at the end of the school year. Here we honor the most talented and intelligent...

the strongest and smartest...

all those who bring good fame to our school and make the life of the school itself interesting and joyful.

Today we will sum up your achievements. We will be able to see everyone who especially excelled this academic year.


The school is famous for its deeds,

The school is famous for its students.

In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

We have achievements in our school!

All those who have done a good job

Honor, paying their deeds,

And succeeded in them

We invite you to join us for a holiday!

Here at this school for a whole year

You crowned your work with success.

Parade of achieved victories

All winners - meets!

"It's raining men"

+ PRESENTATION about school activities.

School is a special world! This is a unique state!

School is joys and sorrows, miracles and traditions.

School is childhood and youth!

At school, together we overcome the difficult road to knowledge, success ...

But we are getting great results!

Have you forgotten how it all began?

Music "Mustached Nanny"

(6 children run out with cubes)

Our school is the whole world! Here we are carefully folded hard-earned knowledge...

(a cube with a + sign rises high)

- Delili equally difficult...

- Did you read harmful...

- Multiplied worthy…

- equated your fate to the fate of the city!

And even countries!

And as a result, for a year, many talented students! "talent"

which have been building for a whole year far going plans! "road"

And with their diligence and work, they achieved high results! "knowledge"

Our school is a place where they believed and believe in every student! "school 11" - line up the word on the floor

"Mustachioed nanny" (children leave)

There is very little left and our whole friendly team of students and teachers will sum up all the work.

But today, here in our hall - the best of the best.


Here are those who are famous for academic achievements.


Those who delve into the secrets of science and research.


Here are those who, not sparing themselves on treadmills and playgrounds, won prizes and ...



Those who give their talent, their creativity, their art to grateful viewers.

Here are those who know how to create with their own hands.


You again and again from year to year prove that you are the best!

The best students of our school!

And for you, for our friendly team, a student of class 6 "B" Artem Krainov performs with the song "The crew is one family."

Krainov Artem with the song "The crew is one family."

Once a first-grader boy,

Coming home from school for the first time

Parents ask: “How are you?

Did you like your first class?"

I liked it, but that's all the details, -

The son taunted his parents in response,

So why didn't you just tell me?

And why, answer, you hid all your life,

That they go to school for 10 years?”

There are some guys in our school for whom the years of study are not at all a burden.

And no matter how many years they gnaw at the granite of science, the main thing is that they have achieved excellent results in this matter!

We are glad to welcome those whose names are known not only in our school, but also outside of it.

Those who won more than one victory on olympiads different levels.

They deserve the loudest praise and endless applause!

To reward the best Olympiads, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


For you, science is a true friend!

But experience is confirmed by deeds.

We wish you to become candidates of sciences,

And we already see you as doctors!

For you, elementary school students perform the dance "Russian Folk"

Dance elementary school "Russian Folk"

Talentedchildren give hope

Participate in competitions, dance and sing.

And there are no barriers to their creative path

After all, school is a start, and life is all ahead!

It's great that in our school there are talented guys who make school life brighter and more interesting with their creativity. It's time to reward them for their active participation in the creative life of the school.

For the awards, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Song "Merry Wind"

Khaidarova Alina 6v

Khaidarova Albina 4a

Are you tired yet? And then from the very morning, lessons, changes ... Look how much time has passed ...

We offer a little warm-up, arrange a short physical minute.

You need to perform all the actions that will be discussed in the poem.

Let's call the physical minute "We are one family."

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Say hello to the neighbor on the right

Say hello to the neighbor on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Touch the neighbor's nose on the right

Feel the neighbor's nose on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the left

Hug the neighbor on the right.

We're friends.

Warm up…

Who lifts you up to heaven?

Only myself!

Who brings you down from on high?

Only you!

Where are the keys forged in your destiny?

Only in you!

How will you pay for the lost battle?

Only by yourself!

But today we are talking only about the battles won. About those who won these fights.

Sports surnames of the country

Known to the world, we are proud of them!

There are glorious sons of the Fatherland!

The Motherland is proud of its athletes!

And it all starts - at school sometimes,

In a simple physical education lesson,

Then - years of hard work,

The path to the master - work without hack-work!

Basketball, volleyball, athletics, skiing, team competitions. In total and not to list, where only our athletes did not declare themselves.

We congratulate the winners of various sports awards and wish them further victories!

And to reward the best athletes of the school, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Athletes and sportswomen

Beautiful and smart.

You are the pride of our school

The hope of the whole country.

Students of the 8th "B" class enter for you.

Number 8 "B" girls.

Every person in his life does first step. The first step towards mother's gentle hands. Towards the teacher. The first step on the path to knowledge, success, victories.

Our kids, elementary school students, also take their first steps in studies, sports, and creativity. Let's give them the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.

Song of students 2 "B" class "We are all sailors."

And besides creativity, our kids have already been able to express themselves at city competitions and sports competitions.

To reward the youngest students of the school, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Well, what do you wish? Learning, of course -

To achieve heights and depths in your learning!

Let every school day pass for good reason,

You need to know a lot, a lot

To become like the hero Gagarin,

To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

And we believe that you will definitely have a big victory ahead!

Students of the 5th "B" class perform for you.

5 "B" dance

After such a parade of stars, I think no one will doubt that “If the stars are lit, then someone needs it!”

Of course you do! Even necessary! I know such wonderful people, true experts in their field, for whom finding and lighting stars in the school sky has become a matter of life! These are our respected teachers!

Who are ready to give you parting words today, so that each student wants to become brighter, more interesting.

Presentation by school teachers.

Well, the program is over.

Olympics pedestal.

Science does not tolerate falsehood.

And if you put in the work,

You will be supported and understood!

And the school is proud of all of you!

You are best! As always!

Good luck everyone! We wish you new victories and achievements in the coming year!

Grade 10 + Teachers "People think about the good."

Closing remarks by the director.

This event combines the last call and the reception of good and excellent students. Great for small schools with a small number of graduates.


"School Starfall" 2014

On the stage tree, with fives, stars and balls.

The song is about the school.

Vedas 1 Good morning, dear guests!

Vedas 2 Good spring morning, dear children, teachers and distinguished guests!

Vedas 1 We welcome everyone to the holiday in honor of the end of the school year "School starfall".

Vedas 2 control, lessons behind!

Summer is waiting for us!
The holidays are all ahead of us!
The school year is over!

Vedas 1 The holiday dedicated to the end of the academic year is declared open.

Vedas 1 The main culprits of today's holiday are graduates. So, meet: our graduate Stanislav Sychev.

Vedas 2 Let's stand up to meet the one who leaves school for the big world!

(the soundtrack of the song “When we leave the schoolyard” sounds)

Vedas 1. Such is the solemnity

Everyone only has one time in their life.

Let's not break tradition

An eternally young waltz is being danced for you! (waltz grade 4)

2 ved

The word about reading the order for admission to state exams is given to the deputy director for educational work Chukreeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

1 ved. The floor for parting words and congratulations is given to the director of the school Popova Marina Borisovna.

Dear Stas! Take the traditional key from your heart,

to open the door to life and boldly walk through it. (Director hands over the key)

Veda 1. In life, each of us has many teachers: in childhood,

both in youth and in maturity ... But the first school teacher

remains in memory forever. The floor is given to the first teacher of Stanislav Frolova Zoya Vasilievna

Vedas.2 Today is a holiday not only for graduates, but also for those who have helped you all this time, experienced with you. The floor is given to Stas's grandmother, Sycheva Nina Nikolaevna.

Ved1 Today, together with Stas, graduates of the basic school are worried, those who will take the state final certification for the first time

Vedas 2. - Today they are also experiencing solemn moments, because for some of them today is also the last school day at school. Meet the 9th graders.

1 ved

The word about reading the order for admission to the state final certification is given to the deputy director for educational work Chukreeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna. (order, congratulations)

Vedas.2 Dear children, you heard a lot of kind words today, and those who crossed the threshold of our school for the first time this academic year, these are our first graders, are in a hurry to congratulate you! (poetry, song)

Ved1 Now the moment has come solemn and important! Our graduate gives an order to the 10th grade. (The response word is given to Sychev Stanislav - a mandate, words of gratitude)

Song 9 and 11

Ved.2 We wish 9th and 11th grade no fluff or feathers!

Ved1 And our holiday continues

2 ved We have gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who understand that Russia will prosper intellectually. We thank you for your work, for your studies, for your prizes in olympiads and creative competitions, and we hope that you will increase your knowledge and reach great heights .

For a whole year we grew fruits on this tree.

Today we are harvesting. Let's start with the main fruits - our academic success. They are symbolized by marks-five. Knowledge is not easy, it is hard and hard work. The word for congratulations and awarding the excellent students is given to the Principal Popova M.B.

Awarding honors students

1 ved. – Dear Marina Borisovna, let me interview you.

2 ved. – Have you not been very upset with us during this year?

1 led. -How would you like to see us next year?

Both Vedas. -We promise to get better.

Vedas 1 Game with the audience (The game is a great way to establish silence in the hall and draw the attention of children to what is happening on stage. The host says something like this:) Dear guys! Look at the ceiling! Do you see the clouds hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...
One drop (everyone claps their palms with one finger).
Two drops (everyone clap their palms with two fingers).
Three drops (everyone clap their palms with three fingers).
Four drops (everyone clap their hands with four fingers).
A torrential downpour has begun (everyone clap their hands).
And the "star rain" fell down (stormy standing ovation).
Then everything is repeated in reverse order and there is silence (the rain stops).

The Olympics is a very important competition
Always useful for a brave student.
Participants of the Olympiad are awarded: ...

Rewarding participants of the Olympiads.

Healthy nation -
This is a huge power!
In the name of the Fatherland and peace
Long live sports!!!
The word for the award is given ...

Awarding the best athletes.
Vedas 1:

Guys, let's cheer up! Do you like to play?

(Game with the hallParam-Parerum)

Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey!
Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey!
Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Moderator: How are you feeling?
Guys: Wow! (show fist with thumb up)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion?
Guys: Yes!
Host: Then: Hurrah!!!
Guys: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!

Vedas 2 NOMINATION "ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS of district events".

1 ved The floor for the award is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work Vakukh O.V.


1 ved Thank you dear parents

Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen helpers in you,
We don't have anyone else!
2 ved For warmth, for your kind souls

And for helping us
For care and patience for a long time
Grateful and thank you!

(amateur performance number) _____________________________________________
ved.1 Friends! We often say words
What the great genius wrote:
"Master, before your name
Let me humbly kneel!
Thank you my teachers
For your hard and great work!
The earth is famous for teachers,
Her disciples will bring glory to her.
Vedas2 For you dear teachers dance _____________________________________________________

Vedas 1 We invite the guys from the Restless circle to the stage

Vedas. And our holiday is coming to an end! And with it the academic year, which brought many victories and good fame to our beloved school. This is our common merit.

Vedas 2 . The result of our work became more visible.

And now the moment of farewell has come.

And now there is no more important moment

For the last bell to sound.

1 host: The honorable right to give the last bell is granted to a student of grade 11 Sychev Stanislav and a student of the first grade ____________________________________________

Vedas 2 Lessons are over at school

We moved to the senior class,
Lie down in the sun
The river invites us.
We'll take a break for the summer

Let's gather strength
And at the beginning of September
Let's get together again!
Music sounds.


1:- Summer is ahead. What is summer?

What is summer?

That's a lot of light.

This is a field, this is a forest.

This is 1000 miracles.

It's clouds in the sky.

This is a fast river.

These are bright flowers.

This is the blue of height.

There are 100 roads in the world -

For baby feet!

2:- And most importantly, summer is 98 days of rest, because the holidays begin!

Today is a special day

And joyful for us:

Holidays are coming soon

How happy our friendly class is!

Finished school

Freedom ahead.

Forget about the lessons

We are three months old!

Today is a special day

He is joyful for us:

"Holidays! Holidays!" -

Rejoicing third class!

We'll be back in class now not soon.

Games are waiting for us, songs by the fire,

Looking forward to hiking...

Goodbye school!

Hello, summer is a ringing time!

Just went to school

Yes, they sat at the desk,

Yes, they signed in notebooks,

They made a noise during the change,

All friends were heard

Suddenly vacation for some reason

Here we are attacked.

And today the last lesson is finished,

The last bell rings in the corridor.

But wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I have found.

On the river and in the field, I remember the school.

I remember that I moved to the fourth.

1: - All this will come in ... a day. During this year we have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot of new things.

2: - And how many interesting, funny and not so stories were in this academic year. Let's remember them.

This morning is summer.

Indeed -

The sun flooded the sky with light.

We have matured today

Went up a step.

Learning should be fun

Learning should be fun

Let's have fun learning

To study well!

1: -"Home story":

Dad took the book and I.

Daddy's - big, thin mine.

I thought, I thought everything

And decided to say: "I want a big

Papa smiled

Didn't react

He took my book

He gave me mine.

For a long time I tried

But he couldn't read.

"What are those letters?"

"Formulas, son"

Very interesting,

Just don't understand

I asked again

Change book.

And my dad said to me:

"Be patient, son,

I used to be too

I couldn't understand them."

2 : Let's visit "At the lesson":

Answer me, Guskov.


How many legs do mosquitoes have?

One hundred!

Who nests in the reeds?


What do you know about mice?


What are you up to, mischievous?


I put a deuce, where is the diary?

− Ate!

1: -Yes, there were deuces in our diaries.

And I have a briefcase in my hand

And everyone is walking light.

And everyone walks here and there.

And just like that, and on business.

And near the house number two

There is bus number two.

And the steamer from afar

For some reason he gave two beeps.

And the legs barely drag

And the head went down

Like the head of the number two.

And everyone walks here and there.

And just like that, and on business,

And someone sings a song

Someone sells candy

And someone is buying.

And I have a briefcase in my hand

With a huge deuce in the diary.

With a heavy deuce in the diary.

And everyone is walking light.

2: - Let's look at the lesson of literary reading.

I'm sitting on the reading

I look at the book for a long time.

I'm all sitting and looking

I don't find any sense in it.

Play and dream.

Well, here I sit

And I look in the textbook.

I teach this way and that

Thought does not fit

I grind and grind

But I can't remember.

That would be according to the books for a long time

It would be better to make a movie.

I would be excellent

I would teach everything on TV.

1 : - Yes. It would be great, but I also like to read books. And what else do children do at school during lessons and breaks? Listen to a conversation between two friends.


my girlfriend,

Aren `t you ashamed?

At the lesson, I ate a bun,

Think you can't see?


my girlfriend,

I didn't eat it.

I took a bite fifteen times,

I didn't want any more!


my girlfriend,

Aren `t you ashamed?

You fight with boys

Think you can't see?


my girlfriend,

I don't fight.

Hit two on the neck (points to two boys)

I'm afraid of the third! (points to the third boy)


my girlfriend,

Aren `t you ashamed?

In the lesson you were spinning

You think you can't see!


my girlfriend,

I didn't turn around.

Looked back twelve times

I didn't want to anymore.

2: - Yaroslav, don't you think it's time for us to rest? Turn!

Change, change!

Climbs 3 "A" on the wall.

Very friendly 3 "B"

The whole is on the head.

Well, 5 "A" and "B",

They sit on the pipe.

Wet hair, disheveled look

A drop of note runs down the neck.

Maybe Fedya, Vitalik, Andryusha,

Did you dive in the pool all the time?

Or were they plowed on, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! During the break they rested!

1: - Guys and parents, we offer to play the game "Tell me a word", there are only two of them - boys and girls.

1. For a motorcycle racing draw

They only strive...


2. They play bows and bears,

Of course, just...


Z. Any repair will be arranged subtly,

Of course, just...


4. Spring dandelion wreaths

Weaving, of course, only ...


5. Bolts, screws, gears

Find it in your pocket...


6. Tie yourself bows

From different tapes, of course ...


7. Skates on ice drew arrows,

Played hockey all day...


8. Chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...


9. To measure strength in front of everyone,

Of course they just love...


10. They wore uniform aprons

At the old school...


2: - Well done, very attentive. Well, now it's the turn of the win-win lottery.


1. To always be very nice, wash your face with soap (soap) more often.

2. If you want to go back to childhood,

This modest apparatus can come in handy (dummy).

4. Lottery your ticket only pulls on a package (package).

5. In order to strengthen friendship in the class, we want to give you a paper clip (paper clip).

6. In life, you need to hope for the best.

Glue take, if something does not stick (glue).

7. This thing, although modest, is of great use (pen).

8. This thing is necessary for fans of extreme sports (iodine or bandage).

9. It's good to pin a big badge (badge) on the jacket.

10. Don't frown on a clear face - you get an egg (egg).

11. How the heart beats loudly, loudly, and you got this roll (roll).

12. For reading, we have a magazine for you (magazine).

13. To get fives, a notebook (notebook) will come in handy for you.

14. So as not to forget your friends, it is useful to keep their pictures (photo album).

15. This thing is very useful for those who want to be smart (book).

16. This thing is very useful for those who want to be beautiful (mirror).

17. Invite guests more often, drink fragrant tea (tea bag) with them.

18. To make life seem sweet, treat yourself to a chocolate bar (chocolate).

19. With shortcomings in the fight, always be on horseback (horse figurine).

20. This is the year of the monkey, it brings you good luck (monkey figurine).

21. You won’t live without mistakes - you will erase them with an eraser (eraser).

22. If the lights are turned off in the house, this item (candle) will help you.

23. Matches are not a game for children, but a tourist is nowhere without them (matches).

24. Life is not sugar, they say about someone who is not rich, who is unhappy and unhappy, hangs his head violently ... So that they don’t say that about you - take sugar, live without sadness

(sachet of sugar).

25. Road to dinner spoon - wait a little dinner (spoon).

26. In order to shine with a smile, we should not all forget about it (toothbrush or paste).

1: - Prizes received, but it seems to me that we forgot about something.

2: - Of course, they forgot. About friendship!

After all, each of us is an individual

And this, of course, is unique!

We will admire our differences!

Give each other kindness and just smile!

We are different? We are equal!

And there are no barriers to friendship

We are all children, we are just children

We don't need to fight!

1: - From year to year, the friendship of the guys grew stronger, and now you know what to answer my questions.

Need to live in peace together?


Do adults and children need to know this?

Need to!

If a quarrel happens - bad?


We need to make amends right now, right?


2: And we have a song about the friendship of boys and girls

(performance of the song)

2: - They remembered about friendship, but in the summer there will be some other important events ....

1: - In the summer we will have birthdays. We invite ……………

A shadow hung in the sky!

The sky is unclear.

Only every day in life

Light and beautiful.

Especially good

This one without a doubt

The day you are looking forward to

This birthday.

The wind dispersed the clouds

The sky is blue.

The day is even more beautiful

Became even brighter.

And especially good

This one without a doubt

The day you are looking forward to

This birthday.

1: - What do we wish the birthday people?

Birthday is a wonderful day

Joyful, cheerful.

We wish you "excellent"

You study at school!

And we also wish you

Help mom at home

And of course never

Don't offend kids.

2: - As a gift to the birthday people, a dance performed by …………………..

1 - Prepared a musical gift and…………………...

2: - Thank you girls.

1: - There will be many interesting stories in the summer. Let's see how the boy Roma visited the village in the summer.

Summer ………. led

Vacation in the village.

Grandma melted the oven

Started baking pancakes.

Eat, my granddaughter, get better,

Gain more strength.

Ate………. fritter stack,

Lie down in the cold to take a nap.

Lie down on your stomach

Here comes the afternoon snack.

rolled over on his back,

Woke up just in time for dinner.

In the morning he went on a hike

In the village garden.

Only a step stepped from the boundary,

I suddenly got lost in the rye.

It's necessary, it's necessary

Neither the garden nor the hut are visible.

Only rye wall around.

Where is north? Where is the south?

……….. he called his grandfather and grandmother,

Then he started crying loudly.

I don't get tired here

I came here to recover...

And why did I just climb

In this impenetrable forest?

The guys went to the garden,

……. ... the poor was found:

“What did you give vent to tears?

Better join us

We will work in the field

Let's not forget football

Let's start sunbathing, swimming

Let's gain strength!"

Hooray! We're going on vacation!

I will be more often in nature

And draw with paints in the album.

I have a lot of interesting things to do

Sometimes it's too lazy to study

But it's boring to have fun all day

And if we stop learning

Then we would soon get tired of idleness.

Classes are over, let's go to the camps!

Burning, burning crimson dawn in the morning.

Comrade parents, our camp is not far away -

Are you with us, would you like to go for a day?

Good company, fun time

Walking and swimming, games around the campfire.

And the sun in bright blue

He doesn't take his eyes off the guys.

Until autumn, until autumn, goodbye, beloved class!

2: - Here they are - those who sat in the evenings over a book,

Here they are - those who learned to write and count ...

1: - For patience, perseverance and diligence

Let's congratulate you guys!

Well, now it's time to take stock of our school year.