Gratitude to veterans and home front workers. Congratulations on Victory Day. How to write a thank you letter to an employee

For courage and victory
We'll thank you.
Your feat is very great
Important for posterity.

We are immensely grateful
Our veterans.
You gave us the opportunity
Make plans in life.

We survived the difficult years of war,
You have defeated all your merciless enemies.
You saved our huge country,
Those years proudly went down in history.
Thank you very much veterans,
We are proud and admire you!

We would like to thank our respected veterans. You are a great pride, a standard and an example to follow. You have made an immeasurable contribution to the development and life of our great country. We wish you health and longevity, so that by your example you will always set guidelines for young people. Thank you very much.

Our dear veterans!
We know: your wounds do not heal,
And there’s no escape from it,
Because there are scars on the heart.

The war claimed many lives,
But the memory remains, forever.
We will bow to those great years
And we will thank you for the victory.

Enjoy the peaceful silence,
But don’t lose your fighting spirit.
Thank you for the sun, for the dawn.
I wish you health, warmth and long years.

Veterans owe you so much,
For freedom, for courage, for happiness,
We are grateful to your brave hearts,
And we will not be able to forget this,
Maybe at times you feel sad,
The past was sad, sad,
But we remember all your exploits for centuries
We will, courage is not a secret,
We respect you, love you, and such an honor
Give you flowers, bow to you,
After all, we have a decent life and freedom -
Thank you too! We will be proud!

Without you there would be no us,
We wouldn't know the happiness of life.
Thank you our dears,
That they were loyal to our fatherland!

Thank you for the clear sky above us,
For the smiles and laughter of our children.
Thank you for still being there,
This makes our souls warmer!

We are in your debt
Which we cannot make up for!
After all, you fought back the enemy,
We must always remember you
Honor, respect and equal
We all owe it to you!
The hero must remain
In the heart of the one you saved!

We are good to you, veterans,
We speak from the heart in a peaceful hour.
We respect your feat very much,
We admire and honor you.

Thank you very much for the victory,
Gratitude and low bow.
Great fortitude and courage
You are a standard for us forever.

We sincerely thank the veterans,
Privates and lieutenants, captains!
For peace and tranquility, for joy,
May goodness follow you!

We wish you good health,
May love never leave you,
We wish you longevity, abundance,
Don’t let hateful memories disturb you!

We speak for clear skies, for peace
Thank you, veterans!
We thank you for this spring,
For will and tireless work,
Because you fought back the enemy,
They defeated the fascists and drove them away!
We are eternally indebted to you,
After all, you gave your lives!

Veterans, I bow at your feet
And with love I will say in silence -
Thank you, dear ones, for protecting us.
They succeeded in that terrible war.

May God give you health and strength,
Don’t rush to leave to see your friends,
I thank you for today's world,
You live happily and long.

Who saved our native land from destruction,
Who recaptured his homeland in an evil moment -
He chose a peaceful path for us,
I was able to win the victory by taking risks.
And on victory day we will say - hurray!
And we congratulate everyone on this May holiday.
After all, the life of a slave is dull and gray.
If you want to win, then defend yourself. ©

This holiday, this day
He brought us Victory
It is important as a memory for everyone -
Who shed a lot of tears.
To our grandmothers and grandfathers
And parents always -
Let us remember their feat
Many more years to come.
This May day is important
Young people, as an example,
How to fight for the country
Unless you're a hypocrite.
Important for children as a lesson -
This feat for many years
How did you go through the war then?
And their brave grandfather died.
And today I tell you
I wish you to realize
How nice it is on this day
Call the country your homeland. ©

Happy Victory Day!

May there be peace throughout the whole earth,
May there be peace in your family,
Let there be peaceful dreams
May you and I live in peace!
So that not us, not our grandchildren,
We didn’t hear the sounds of land mines,
No machine gun fire
Not the sound of empty plates in the cupboard.
So as not to trample someone else's boot,
Neither our lands, nor the threshold.
To stop mothers from crying,
Do not accompany relatives to the door.
Don't finish eating, don't get enough sleep,
To fight in water and mud,
See your loved ones in the picture,
So that no one can offend them,
Fight to the death and everywhere,
On land, air, water.
Don't forget about those few
Strict soldiers and officers,
that still remain
They fought for us, for the world,
And bow to all those who fell,
They gave us life and happiness.
Having gone through torment, tears, troubles,
They fought until victory.
I congratulate you and them,
Soldiers of the dead and the living!

May 9 - congratulations:
Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day
May 9, you, country.

Thank you, dear, dear,
Those who protected us then
And those who defended Russia
At the price of military labor.

We congratulate you with love,
And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
Washed by your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.

For Victory Day:
May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, hour of remembrance.
It will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.

Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser mentor.

Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. In search of conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.

So the triumph of the winners
Will be forever marked.
To us, dear parents,
Victory is yours.

These covenants are wonderful,
As dear to us as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
Vigilance of a bright mind.

Be healthy and happy,
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder.

Congratulations to grandmother on Victory Day:
My gray-haired grandmother,
Even though you are cheerful and cheerful
And your soul is young,
The war has touched you too.
I was a little girl,
When she arrived.
Deprived of grandfather and father
Damn you war.
You play everything with me,
Without just taking the game,
What pain still carries, -
You don't want to play war.
And only on Victory Day I
Suddenly I understand why
Always cheerful - sad:
You remember that war.
Sorry grandma that I couldn't
I understood your sadness before!
Apparently I haven’t matured enough in heart,
Asking you to play war.
And on Victory Day every year
Now I hasten to congratulate
All the old people I know,
But first - my grandmother.

Grandmother! You are on Victory Day
Grandfathers fought to the death,
To bring bright May closer
You did a good job -
The fire is burning in the eyes again...
Grandchildren new era
Tells you!
A bullet flew past
And the hour of Victory has come.
Happy eternal holiday, grandma!
Give us happiness for a long time

Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day in verse
You, veterans, are now grandfathers -
Your finest hour passed in battle...
Congratulations on Holy Victory Day
Allow me, dear ones!
The enemy tore you apart with a shell,
The enemy spared no lead on you...
Thank you for still being there -
Defender of the Motherland, fighter -
Man. Grandfather. Father.
You are not young - you are already gray,
But still slim, youthful...
My dear grandfathers -
The property of the entire country!
There are so many troubles on your shoulders.
Heads of camps and executions,
But you also carry a hundred victories
You are in a blaze of gilded glory.
Like on a march, hearts are beating,
Crutches and doctors - for show...
You will be replaced by shelves of grandchildren
And the country will not be offended!

You are forever young at heart,
Even though the wounds ache from time to time...
Happy Victory, big one
Congratulations, veterans!
Let the years fly by
But the memory will live for centuries,
Like a Red Army soldier
He fought fiercely against his enemies.
For peace and happiness, for love,
For life and the first baby talk
You went on the attack again and again,
And the adversary answered for everything.
We are inspired by your feat
We bow our heads to you...
You shed blood for us,
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Congratulations to grandfather on May 9
Congratulations grandpa
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he wasn't there.
Was then as I am now,
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
I just hated it!
He worked like a big man.
For a handful of bread,
The day of Victory was approaching,
Even though he was not a fighter.
Steadfastly endured all hardships,
Paying with childhood
To live and grow in peace
His grandson is wonderful.
So that in abundance and love
Enjoyed life
So that I don't see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

Congratulations on May 9
Alarms that have died down
Thicker than years distant...
Your first roads
It starts with war.

Well, a fight means a fight,
What a boy at seventeen!
But war is such a mess! -
Even in the valor of victories.

The mother waited for her son,
The hour of victory has arrived!
You, who have reached Berlin,
Now here he is, among us.

Cheerful, cheerful,
What years! At least henna! -
As if it wasn't hard
A grueling war.

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War!
I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the Great Holy Victory! Every year that memorable day of the victorious spring of 1945 gets further and further in time, and every year it gets closer to our hearts. And the significance and historical weight of the heroic deed of the liberating warrior is becoming ever more majestic.
We bow low and pay deep filial tribute to those who heroically walked long, thorny battle roads, and then revived their native land from the ashes after the Great Victory. There are no words that could fully convey all the gratitude for your, dear veterans, immortal feat in the most brutal war that humanity has ever known.
We understand that May 9 is the most precious and tragic date for you. How you got this Victory cannot be described in words, but your hearts hold all the sorrow of those long war days. And we, although we were born in peacetime, have had the most tender and reverent feelings for this May holiday since childhood. We respect you and bow to your great feat!
We will do everything to be worthy of the feat of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in order to fully fulfill our sacred duty to you.
Let there be harmony and prosperity in every home, because the eternal desire of the people for peace, freedom, and a better life is invincible.
From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone prosperity, health and happy longevity.
Happy Victory Day!

Congratulations on May 9 in prose
Dear Veterans, our beloved grandparents!
I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday has entered our hearts as a symbol of heroism and unparalleled courage of the people who defended peace on earth.
There is no family that has not been touched by the war. We sacredly honor the memory of our fellow countrymen who did not return from the battlefields. We remember the feat of the great workers who forged Victory in the rear. We are grateful to the defenders of all generations who dedicated themselves to serving the Fatherland.
It is worthy to continue the traditions of our fathers and grandfathers, to increase the wealth of our native land - the sacred duty of the younger generation. Memory lives in good deeds aimed at well-being and prosperity.
Happy Great Victory Day, dear Veterans!
I wish you goodness, prosperity and peaceful skies!

Congratulations to home front workers and veterans on May 9 prose
Dear home front workers, dear veterans!
Let me congratulate you on May 9, the Great Victory Day!
The further the victorious year of 1945 goes into history, the more we realize the greatness of the unparalleled feat of our victorious people, which centuries later will be a vivid symbol of unbending courage and perseverance. On this sacred day, we bow our heads low to the blessed memory of those who died, who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in fierce battles! Their names are forever inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the grandiose battle with the enemy. Home front workers deserve sincere gratitude and gratitude. In plants and factories, on collective farm fields, they did everything to bring the moment of the long-awaited Victory closer.
And in the post-war years, a heavy burden fell on your shoulders - to raise the country from ruins, to restore the economy destroyed by the enemy. Thanks to the selfless work of the older generation, our Motherland has become one of the leading powers in the world.
Good health, happiness and peace to you!

Dear veterans, home front workers, fellow countrymen!

I cordially congratulate you on Victory Day!

Our country will never forget the blooming May of 1945. It united the happiness of Victory, pride for the Fatherland, and the pain of loss. We will always remember at what price this greatest day in our history was paid, because the tragedy of the war touched every person, every family. We are proud of your glory and bow our heads low before those who gave their lives for our land, our freedom, our lives. The memory of them is not only in obelisks and unquenchable fire, but also in our hearts, it gives us the strength to move forward and be worthy of the immortal feat of our grandfathers and fathers.

A low bow to you, home front workers, for your selfless work! During the war years, you stood at machines, worked on collective farm fields, giving the front everything they needed: weapons, clothing, food.

Thanks to your feat and work, our very life is possible. You pass on your experience and knowledge, uniting generations into a single chain. And most importantly, in all your trials you have retained what we sometimes lack - hope and faith in the best.

With all my heart I wish you good health and active longevity, warmth and happiness. Let loving and caring children, grandchildren, and friends always be with you!

Thank you for saving the world!

P.A. Malyshkin, Head of the district

Dear veterans!

Dear residents of Nizhneingashsky district!

Please accept congratulations on the greatest holiday in the history of Russia - Victory Day!

He is dear to every family. The feat of the generation that won the Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the memory of mankind as a model of courage, perseverance and unity.

Front-line soldiers, home front workers, and concentration camp prisoners suffered unimaginable trials.

This is a generation of heroes that survived terrible battles, occupation, loss of loved ones, hunger, deprivation and crushed fascism. Our duty is to preserve and pass on to descendants the memory of those tragic and heroic events. Oblivion must not be allowed; we must all constantly remember at what cost peace was achieved, and worthily bear the proud title of a victorious people.

Low bow to you, dear veterans, and endless gratitude for your wisdom and support. Health, good events, attention of people close and dear to you!

Pyotr Pimashkov, State Duma deputy

Dear veterans and home front workers!

Dear residents of the village!

We congratulate you on the brightest and most sacred event for each of us - the 71st anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Years pass, but the significance and greatness of this event does not fade with time. The Great Victory is inscribed in the chronicles of families with countless inscriptions on obelisks and slabs of mass graves, inscribed in history with immortal feats. Generations change, our children and grandchildren grow up under a peaceful sky. Every year, celebrating the Great Victory, we remember its price. We honor the heroes and mourn the fallen. With deep respect we thank our veterans and everyone who worked in the rear. We say our sincere thanks to them for the peace and freedom they gave us.

Dear veterans and home front workers! From the first months of the war until the victorious day, you honestly fulfilled your duty to your Motherland. Having taken on an unbearable burden, you survived and won, preserving the main thing - life! Your courage, faith in the future and ability to overcome life’s adversities are a symbol of indestructible fortitude and a role model for all of us. A low bow to you, the winners, for your perseverance and courage, for your immortal feat and the will to live. May your days be filled with the love and care of your loved ones. Know that children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will always be proud of the generation that defended and revived our country. We will carefully preserve the memory of your feat. In your Victory is the heroism and fortitude of millions, the memory of how valuable peace on earth is. We wish all of us well and new victories in peaceful life! Prosperity and prosperity, joy and happiness!

Head of the village of Nizhny Ingash V.I. Konovalov.

Chairman of the Nizhneingashsky Village Council of Deputies T.G. Zinoviev

Dear residents of the Nizhneingashsky district, dear veterans, home front workers!

I cordially congratulate you on the great holiday - Victory Day!

On these sacred May days, we remember four long and painful years of the bloodiest war in human history. In this fierce battle, the spiritual greatness of the nation was revealed. And nothing can diminish the role of the Soviet people in the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Our country paid an exorbitant price for the Great Victory. Millions of those who fell on the battlefields, were tortured in fascist dungeons, and died in the rear. We will never forget about them.

Today we address words of sincere gratitude to our dear veterans - soldiers of the Soviet army, fighters of the people's militia divisions and partisan brigades, and home front workers. We are proud of their military and labor feats, unbending will, courage, perseverance and selfless devotion to the Motherland. From their example, current and future generations will learn true patriotism, the highest moral qualities and creativity.

My deepest bow to you, dear veterans, for your courage, fortitude, self-sacrifice and great love for the Fatherland!

With all my heart I wish you good health, peace of mind, peace and prosperity! Happiness in your home and native land!

Happy Victory Day!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Vladimir Reinhardt

Dear veterans! We are so glad that we have you and we can still congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. Your feat is invaluable, because it was you who gave us a unique opportunity to live, build a future, and make choices. By saving us from the unbearable hardships of fascism, you deprived yourself of much, which to this day we cannot always compensate for you. Please accept our selfless love and boundless respect.

IN AND. Kardashov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region

Dear comrades!

Please accept sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Victory Day!

The memory of the struggle and the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, even 71 years later, unites different generations of our Motherland and makes us invincible in the face of any challenges. Low bow to the participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers for the peaceful sky above their heads.

For us, they will always be an example of courage and bravery, selfless love and devotion to their people and the Fatherland.

We wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, prosperity and clear skies above your heads.

Presidium of the Regional Veterans Council

Dear veterans, home front workers, widows of participants in the Great Patriotic War, former minor prisoners of fascist camps, residents of besieged Leningrad! The Presidium of the District Council of War and Labor Veterans cordially congratulates you and your loved ones on Victory Day!

Every year the significance and historical feat of the Soviet liberator warrior becomes more and more majestic. We bow before you and pay tribute of deep respect to everyone who showed courage and heroism, walked the battle roads, and then revived their native land from the ashes after the Great Victory.

There are no words that can fully convey all our gratitude to you for your military and labor feats in the most brutal war. We express our deep gratitude for your active life position, may there be harmony and prosperity in every home. We wish you health and festive mood.

Dear Lower Ingash residents!

We cordially congratulate you on the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory!

Never has our Motherland been exposed to such danger as during the years of Hitler's invasion.

The Soviet people fought not just with fascist Germany, but, in essence, with all of Europe, conquered by Hitler. But we won because our strength was in truth, in the unity of the front and rear.

We are deeply indebted to those who gave us the Great Victory and the right to life. Therefore, we, citizens of Russia, do not have the right to forget the truth about that war. We will not forget those who stood like a wall at the forefront of all fronts, who tirelessly and selfishly forged Victory in the rear. We bow deeply and pay tribute of deep respect to the Children of War, who, along with adults, bore all the hardships and hardships of wartime.

I bow to you for your military and labor feats, for the fact that in the most difficult hour the country did not flinch and did not fall to its knees! We sincerely wish you good health, confidence in the future and prosperity!

Nizhneingashsky district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Dear residents of the Lower Poimensk!

We sincerely congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! The unparalleled courage, bravery, and devotion to duty of our soldiers ensured the defeat of a strong and cruel enemy and brought liberation from fascism to the countries of Europe. Every year the historical significance of this event becomes more significant. Victory Day is a holiday that is celebrated in every Russian family. It is imbued with our pride and gratitude to veterans, home front workers, widows of fallen soldiers, concentration camp prisoners - everyone who experienced the hardships and hardships of wartime. We are grateful to have become heirs of their exploits and achievements.

We wish you, dear veterans, long life, inexhaustible energy, good health, warmth and attention from your family and friends!

We wish all our fellow countrymen happiness, prosperity, peaceful skies above our heads and all the best!

With sincere respect, Head of the village M.F. Kireev,

Chairman of the Council of Deputies L.V. Sergienko,

Village Veterans Council

On May 9, the whole country celebrates Victory Day! Today we must not only once again remember the unprecedented feat of the people, but also understand the significance of this Victory!

Victory is a holiday that unites young people, old people, adults, and very young citizens of our Motherland. Victory Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to everyone who fought or worked on the home front during wartime. Over the years, the generation of war veterans passes away, and we can only keep the bright memory of the heroes of war and labor and try to be worthy of their feat.

No matter how many years pass, we will always remember who gave us the right to live on our land, speak our native language, have our own statehood, culture and traditions, who gave our Motherland a future.

Dear fellow countrymen, dear veterans! On this wonderful holiday we wish you happiness, prosperity, health, peace and joy!

Sincerely, Head of Sokolovsky Rural Administration A.M. Bazhenkov

Dear veterans, pensioners and staff of FKU IK-50 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

We cordially congratulate you on the 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War! Years pass, but May 9 remains in our hearts the most solemn and majestic holiday, which we celebrate with special trepidation, excitement and joy. This day was won by courage and heroism, saturated with the blood and sweat of our fathers and grandfathers, who with honor managed to endure all the hardships and hardships of war and found the strength to restore the country destroyed, but not broken by the enemy. We will never forget at what cost we got the Victory. The war touched every family, taking tens of millions of lives and leaving thousands of cities and villages in ruins. They say that time heals wounds... However, the pain and bitterness of loss will never subside, the memory of those terrible days will live forever, passed on from generation to generation, from parents to children, from heart to heart.

Dear veterans and widows of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers during the Great Patriotic War, we will always remember you and be proud of you! A low bow to you for standing, enduring, not retreating, for ridding the whole world of the fascist plague. Eternal memory to those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland! On this bright day we wish you good health, optimism, prosperity, peace and goodness. May you be surrounded by the love and care of your loved ones every day!

Happy Great Victory Day!

Management, personnel group and work with personnel of PKU IK-50 GUFSIN of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, council of the local branch of LLC veterans of the penal institution

The Nizhneingash Village Council of Veterans congratulates the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the widows of the participants of the Great Patriotic War, and home front workers on Victory Day!

You are our pride, our role model, you gave us the opportunity to live in peace! We bow to your exploits, strength of spirit and will, and unbroken heroism. Be healthy!

You have given a priceless gift to all subsequent generations. Thank you for this! I wish you happiness, prosperity and as much good as possible!

May 8 is a professional holiday, the Day of the Operational Service of the Penitentiary System.

Dear veterans, pensioners and the staff of the operational department of the institution! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you good health, fulfillment of your plans, peace, harmony and understanding in your families, personal happiness and prosperity!

Management, personnel group and work with personnel,
Council of the local branch of LLC Veterans of the Penal Institution FKU IK-50 of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The institution of PKU KP-51 of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory cordially congratulates on the Great Victory Day all participants in the war, widows and home front workers, the personnel of the institution, and residents of the Nizhneingashsky region.

Fireworks are going off in your honor today.
We congratulate you, veterans, on Victory Day!
It's great that this holiday exists.
Thank you, our grandparents!
You have carried your heavy cross with dignity.
And they undoubtedly deserved glorious honors.
We wish you many wonderful years to come,
So that you never grieve about anything!

Administration, Veterans Council

Dear veterans, home front workers, widows of fallen and deceased soldiers, children of war and all residents of Tin.

I congratulate you on the holiday, Great Victory Day. And with all my heart I wish everyone health, success and prosperity during this difficult time. 71 years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1,418 days and nights, ended. It was difficult at the front and in the rear, but our people survived and won. If there were no reliable rear, there would be no victory. Once again I wish you patience and peaceful skies above your head.

With sincere respect, participant of the Great Patriotic War A.F. Matveev, Krasnoyarsk

Dear employees and veterans of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhneingashsky region!

We cordially congratulate you on the great holiday - Victory Day! This day was and remains one of the brightest, most solemn and significant for all of us. It contains all the power, all the fortitude and greatness of ordinary people who, in difficult times, rallied and defended their Motherland. Despite the fact that this day is moving further into the depths of time, the victory has great historical significance for all of us. Today there are so few people left to whom we can say “thank you” for this feat. I really want the present and future generations of residents of our area to honor and respect this important day and everything that stands behind it.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! We express our deep gratitude to you and wish you and your loved ones long years of health, prosperity and peaceful skies above your heads! Let victory accompany you everywhere and always, let only kind and sincere people be nearby.

HE. Kotenok, Head of the Department for Work with Personnel of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhneingashsky District

Home front workers and distinguished guests gathered in a beautiful hall in the Slavyanka cafe to celebrate a significant day - Home Front Workers' Day.

“We gathered to remember the past, talk about the present, dream about the future,” the chairman of the society N.I. said it well. Zatsepina. And kind words of appreciation and gratitude, musical gifts to the heroes of labor exploits were given by young artists of the House of Culture.

As a symbol, the children brought lit candles into the hall.

A generation that did not know war,
We accept your pain as our own,
So that there is no more trouble,
Today we light a candle.

Traditionally, a minute of silence was held to honor those who died during the Great Patriotic War and those who passed away in peacetime.

The home front workers gave everything for Victory, everything for life; as children and teenagers they replaced their fathers and grandfathers in the fields, at the machines and open-hearth furnaces. They gave everything to the front and kept only the crumbs for themselves; they steadfastly endured hardships and troubles.

Home front workers were congratulated by: Chairman of the United Council of Veterans and Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Moscow Region Kommunar V.N. Ekimova, Chairman of the Society of Home Front Workers of the Great Patriotic War N.I. Zatsepina, Chairman of the Society of Juvenile Prisoners of Nazi Concentration Camps M.P. Gunninen. The city administration took an active part in organizing this meeting. Low bows, wishes for goodness, happiness, health, and peaceful skies were addressed to the great people - the victorious people.

Thank you, home front workers,
For the fact that we are living now,
For not visiting us in our dreams
That war thundered for many years.

A veteran, participant in the Great Patriotic War, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday, Daisudov Yakov Shlemovich read a poem of his own composition about the difficult war years, which ended with optimistic wishes for a good, peaceful life. Another veteran, Klavdia Vladimirovna Zakharova, (she is 91 years old), mastered origami, made it out of paper and presented a couple of swans to the chairman of her society, N.I. Zatsepina. Nadezhda Ivanovna celebrated her anniversary several months ago, but now is a wonderful opportunity to congratulate her on her double holiday and present her with flowers.

This is how they are - our workers, they are not used to sitting idle, but they also know how to relax. We prepared a small concert on our own, enjoyed participating in the “Guess the Song” competition, and sang familiar melodies: “In the Dugout,” “Katyusha,” “Smuglyanka,” “Blue Handkerchief,” “Oh, the Viburnum is Blooming” and others. And to the song “Victory Day”, performed by Artem Gushcha, everyone rose from their tables in unison.

The festive evening took place, kind smiles on the faces of the veterans - this is the main thing for all the organizers of the event.

Today I want to sincerely thank those who went through the pains of war. Those who sacrificed their youth and health for the sake of their country and its inhabitants. Our dear veterans, I bow to you for your heroism, courage and perseverance. For giving us our freedom, our life. You are the pride of the country, Heroes with a capital letter, an example to follow. Thank you for going through all the horror and staying alive. Health, long life and peaceful skies to you!

Thank you very much, our dear veterans. You performed not just feats, you not only defended your Motherland, you made great history and fought for a peaceful and happy life. Thank you for your heroism and dedication, for your courage and for our peace.

We would like to thank our respected veterans. You are a great pride, a standard and an example to follow. You have made an immeasurable contribution to the development and life of our great country. We wish you health and longevity, so that by your example you will always set guidelines for young people. Thank you very much.

We will always be in an unpaid debt to you, dear veterans. No amount of gratitude for the peaceful sky and carefree childhood, for your reckless youth and the opportunity to study, for the honor of the country and for the fact that you can proudly raise your head at the word “Victory” can express our gratitude to you. Low bow to you!

Thank you very much, dear veterans. You have made a difficult and brave path to peace and our happiness, we will always be sincerely proud of your exploits and dedication, great deeds and desperate patriotism.

Dear veterans, expressing my gratitude to you, I want to say - thank you! Thank you for your courage, heroism, bravery and bravery. For loyalty, devotion and sacrifice. Your feat is alive! You are our heroes! Thank you for everything you have done!

Dear veterans, thank you for walking the earth today, for being able to love and build families, raise children and enjoy life. We are grateful to you, dear veterans, for your exploits, for your courage, courage, desire, bravery, heroism. Thank you for the peace.

Thank you very much, our dear veterans, heroes of all times and the most courageous people! Thanks to you, we live in this world, sing, fall in love, build families and raise children. Thank you for your Victory. Be healthy and mentally rich. We wish you not to know a single day of loneliness and sadness.

Dear veterans, today we bow our heads with gratitude in our hearts, expressing our boundless respect for the immortal feat you accomplished during the war. We wish you happiness, warm emotions, health and longevity.

Our dear veterans, our eternal heroes and great people, thank you for the fact that we now live and enjoy the sun, for the fact that we raise children and grandchildren, for the fact that we have the opportunity to love, dream and bring our ideas to life . You have forever left a huge mark in the memory of all generations, may God grant you good health and abundance of strength.