Easter script for Sunday. Easter script for Sunday school. Sounds like an Easter troparion

Easter play script.
Based on the fairy tale by I. Rutenin “The Wise Tsar”

Danila is the eldest son
Gavrila - the middle son
Ivan Tsarevich - the youngest son
Elder daughter-in-law
Average daughter-in-law
Youngest daughter-in-law
Angel I - Guardian of the Elder Daughter-in-Law
Angel II - Guardian of the Middle Daughter-in-Law
Angel III - Guardian of the Younger Daughter-in-Law
royal servant

The king sits on the throne in the palace. By seniority, princes enter.

There lived a king. He was good to everyone: both kind and just, and his faith in God was strong. Yes, that's just old for years. The time has come for him to think about whom to leave the kingdom after himself, to whom to transfer the crown. And he had three sons: Danila, Gavrila, and Ivan Tsarevich. So he began to test them. Sent to war, and they all returned victorious. Then the King gave them riddles.

Tell me, my dear sons, what is this: “There is a bridge for seven miles, behind it an apple tree blossoms, and its color covered the whole world?”

(The servant distributes birch-bark letters and pens to his sons. The sons write in silence. The servant gives the letters to the king).

Here are some daring ones! All spelled correctly! “Lent and Easter”! Well go, go!

(The princes bow, leave. The servant leaves).

King (thoughtfully):
What should I do? How to choose a worthy one?
Once an old abbess came to him.

(Abbess enters.)

I know, Tsar Sovereign, what you are sad about. Heed my advice. Command your sons to choose a bride for themselves, and marry them. And then you will find out who has what kind of wife. After all, it is not in vain that people say: what a wife is, such is a husband.

Thank you, mother abbess.
You gave me good advice. I will do so!

(Abbess leaves).

No sooner said than done. Here the princes bring their young wives to the palace. The elder Gavrila chose a boyar daughter for himself. And rich, and noble, and pretty.
(Gavrila leads her princess out).
The middle Danila chose a merchant's daughter. Her dowry is such that you count day and night - you can’t count it. And how it goes - like a white swan will swim.
(Danila brings his princess out).
Only Ivan Tsarevich's bride is not noble, not rich, although she is pretty, and painfully modest. She doesn't look like a princess at all.
(Ivan Tsarevich leads his princess).

Well, my dear daughters-in-law, live peacefully. Take care of my sons. And as a gift to you from me, a chest with precious jewelry and semi-precious stones.

The servant distributes chests to the princesses. The older daughters-in-law open the lids and gasp. The younger bows to the king. Everyone leaves.

(Svetlitsa. The eldest daughter-in-law is sitting on a bench, admiring the jewelry).

The king ordered to find out how the daughters-in-law would dispose of his gifts.
Senior daughter-in-law:
Oh! What pebbles! How many diamonds, emeralds! I command you to sew a hundred dresses for yourself, and adorn all of them with precious ornaments. No one dresses so beautifully, so I should be a queen.

(Angel I appears.)

(The angel sighs sadly and leaves. The eldest daughter-in-law leaves. The Middle daughter-in-law sits in her place. She also admires the jewelry).

Average daughter-in-law:
How many gems are there! It's true, the old tsar wants to make me a queen! I'll hide it all for the time being. (Angel II appears).

Angel II:
Than to collect treasures in a chest, it is better to distribute them to the sick and the unfortunate.
Middle daughter-in-law (waving):
But how will my husband and I sit on the royal throne if we distribute all our wealth to the sick and the unfortunate.

(Angel II sighs, leaves. The middle daughter-in-law leaves. The Younger daughter-in-law with a chest takes her place).

Younger daughter-in-law:
Why do I need so much goodness? Wear it all your life - do not carry it, only on the shelves, but dust in the chests. (Abbess enters.) Hello mother abbess! It's good that you came. Here's a casket for you. This is for the monastery, and decorate the icon of the Mother of God with precious stones.

(Abbess takes the casket, bows and leaves. Angel III appears).

Angel III:
A good heart knows how to act in order to please the Lord God and His Most Pure Mother.

(Angel III leaves. Daughter-in-law leaves).

(Palace. The King sits on the throne).

The king found out about all this, rejoiced for his younger daughter-in-law. And he ordered everyone to gather in the palace again, because he planned a new test for the young princesses. (All three daughters-in-law enter.) He found on the road a beggar, a cripple, and even a dumb one. (The Wanderer enters.) And the King speaks.

Here is the holy man. He never stays anywhere for more than three nights. Accept it, my dear daughters-in-law, do the honor.
All right, Father King!

(They bow and leave.)

That's what came out of it.

Everyone leaves...

Svetlitsa. The eldest daughter-in-law is sitting on the bench. A knock is heard.

Senior daughter-in-law:
Come in, come in, holy elder! (The Wanderer enters.) Isn't my husband destined to be king?

(The Stranger spreads his hands in response, cannot say anything. Angel I appears).

Angel I:
Do not pry, do not ask, but show mercy - feed, and put to bed.
Senior daughter-in-law:
Here's another! If he is not sagacious, not a saint, why do I need such a one!

(He waves his arms, drives the Stranger out. Angel I sighs, leaves. The Stranger leaves. The daughter-in-law leaves. The Middle daughter-in-law sits in her place. A knock is heard).

Average daughter-in-law:
Come in, holy Wanderer, and tell me, is it not my husband's destiny to be a king?

(The Stranger enters. In response, he spreads his arms, cannot say anything. Angel II appears).

Angel II:
Accept the poor, do not demand much. Show mercy, serve God!
Average daughter-in-law:
Yes, if he knows nothing, let him step into the stable.

(Gives a piece of bread and sends him away. The Stranger leaves. Angel II sighs and leaves. The middle daughter-in-law leaves. The younger daughter-in-law sits in her place. A knock is heard. The Stranger enters.)

Younger daughter-in-law:
Come in, come in a kind person. Tired from the road? Sit down at the table, let your legs rest. Here is bread, here is borscht, you will sip kvass, and then lie down and rest.

(Angel III appears.)

Angel III:
A kind soul is glad to any guest. She will have a worthy reward from the Lord.

Everyone leaves.

Castle. The king sits on the throne.

The Tsar-father found out about all this and again rejoiced for his Younger daughter-in-law. And after a while, he orders everyone in the palace to gather again.

(All daughters-in-law enter.)

Well, my dear daughters-in-law, I want to know what craftswomen you are. Bake me something for tomorrow!
Daughters-in-law (bowing):
All right, Father King!

(Brides-in-law leave).

And he spoke to them again a word with cunning. It was Holy Saturday that day. The next day, neither light nor dawn, the older daughters-in-law rush to him, it hurts them to become queens.

(Gavrila enters with her elder daughter-in-law.)

Senior daughter-in-law:
Here, Father Tsar, an apple pie for you - lush and fragrant.

(They bow. A servant enters, takes a cake on a tray and takes it away. Danila enters with the Middle daughter-in-law).

Average daughter-in-law:
And here you are, Father Tsar, a cake - all with sugar patterns, and decorated with almonds!

(They bow. A servant enters, takes the pie on a tray and takes it away.)

Why is there no younger daughter-in-law? Why not in a hurry?

(Ivan Tsarevich and the younger daughter-in-law enter.)

Why did you sleep so long? The older daughters-in-law brought me presents early in the morning.
Younger daughter-in-law:
Do not be angry, my King, I was in church all night, I prayed to God for all of us, and I brought you ...

(Ivan Tsarevich opens the towel, and everyone sees Easter cake and Easter eggs on the tray).

Younger daughter-in-law:
Christ is Risen, Tsar Father!
Truly Risen!

(A servant comes out, takes the tray and takes it away.)

The King rejoiced with great joy and made the husband of his younger daughter-in-law king.

(The Tsar puts his crown on the head of Ivan Tsarevich).

Since then, Ivan Tsarevich began to rule that power, and his modest, kind wife became the queen. The older daughters-in-law, seeing the meek light of her virtue, corrected themselves, and tried to imitate their merciful queen in everything.

Easter holiday script for Sunday school children. 16.04.2017.

Sounds like an Easter troparion


1) Christ is risen! The starlings sing.
And, waking up, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring, streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chains shackled in winter.
Still thoughtful dark forest,
But believing in the happiness of awakening,
Wake up! Sing a Sunday song
Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Leading: Christ is risen! What heavenly, bright joy these words sound and, like the ringing of a bell, resound in every Christian soul.

The peace-bearers come out.


Fog and dawn over the half-asleep land,
The women were walking along the slopes.
And with amber oil jug fragrant
They carried it to the tomb of the Lord.

First peacebearer:

From our thoughts, from the severity of loss
Rows of wrinkles formed on the pale forehead;
And we carry aromas in vessels,
As a tribute to love, Teacher on the coffin ...

Second Myrrhbearer:

Christ prayed, bloody sweat
He fled from his drooping brow,
For the human race, for the evil race
Christ sent prayers!

Third myrrhbearer:

Fire of holy inspiration
Glittered in the features of His face!
endured deathly torment
And the pain of the crown of thorns!

Fourth myrrhbearer:

Who will help us a big stone

Push back that closed the cave?

To pour out grief to us at the grave with tears,

Strengthen the weakened faith!


Do not be afraid! Masters of Christ
Are you looking for the Crucified Body?!
The Savior has risen from the grave!

Announce it to everyone boldly!

Fear not, the heavens rejoice now!
Open your previously closed mouth!
Proclaim to all the meaning of the good news!
The Savior is not dead, our Lord is alive!

Whether you are a warrior, a publican, a Jew or a Greek,
Salvation can be found in Him!
I proclaim joy to everyone from heaven,
Jesus, your Savior, is risen today!

Third myrrhbearer:

We will spread the message to the ends of the earth:
We will live forever! We will rise too!
Take faith, take it quickly!
Jesus of Nazareth invites everyone!

Myrrhbearers (line by line):

Christ is risen! And here with the dawn
The shadow of the long night is thinning!
For us lit up above the ground
For a new life - a new day!


Take heed, earth and circle of heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

****************Easter Bell Ringing************

Presenter: From time immemorial, people dyed eggs for Easter, baked Easter cakes, cooked Easter cottage cheese.


Granddaughter, brother, rather call,
Yes, roll up your sleeves
Let's bake an Easter cake!

Granddaughter: If only he would come out!

Grandson: If only he would come out!


Any business: such work,
Do you fight the spiritual, external battle...
We, relying on God's bounty,
How do we start?

Grandchildren: Humble prayer!


That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to help us!
Our labors for the meal of love!

Together: Lord, our God, bless!


Though this white flour is pure,
All the same, pass it through a sieve, granddaughter!


There are a lot of impurities here, grandmother,
Small lumps, specks are hidden!


Confession to us from sins and temptations
It cleans thoughts like a good sieve!

The repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator!
Let us liken our heart to oil,
All covering with deep humility…


Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
Generously put in Easter cake without fear!


But he never rises
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are empty
If love is not accompanied by faith!

Granddaughter: the dough is made with intelligence and skill!

Grandson: Let's finish with a hot oven!
Grandmother: Here is our Easter cake festive dish!

Together: Happy Easter to you, good people!

Elder grandson:

Just yesterday, I was sad that we had been fasting for so long ...,

But a slide of fresh Easter is already whitening on the table!

It smells like Easter cakes in the house, my mother's kitchen is clean!

Soon, soon with candles we will go to meet Christ!!!

We will go in pitch darkness, covering the light with our hands!

And for the unearthly joy we will flow like a human river!

Pushing back the darkness of the veil, we will hear - there is no death!

The Lord lives! "Christ is Risen!" and "Truly!" in reply!


Holidays holiday - Easter of the Lord!

People were at Vespers today.

The ringing of bells is heard everywhere!

A happy holiday in our land!

Holidays holiday! Believe and praise!

Send a prayer to God in heaven!

Runs ingirlsAnd with a BIBLE IN HANDS
I know for sure - He is risen! And I know firsthand. I read about it in a wonderful book, In which there are many miracles. But it's a miracle, I'll tell you, Under the power of God alone. After all, only God Jesus Christ suffered for us and suffered death. But having shown the teachings of love, Christ is risen! And Sunday - This is a miracle of miracles. I know for sure He is risen!

The song sounds "They're ringing, the bells are ringing"

(A boy and a girl enter with a basket of eggs)

Bird singing outside the window!
Today is a holiday - Sunday! (M)
Resurrection of the Lord! (D)
That is why we have today
There is a cookie on the table.
Next to him is a mountain of testicles (put)
red, yellow, blue,
And with a pattern, and simple
In a brand new box.
Me and my sister dear
They came to the temple to bless them.
Let's Eat on Easter
All neighbors and friends! (points to the room)
Come visit us soon! (bows to everyone in the belt)

Let's sing the Easter troparion :(light all the candles)
Your resurrection, Christ the Savior,
Angels sing in heaven
And vouchsafe us to the earth
Praise you with a pure heart!

That was a long time ago,

Grandmother said

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the king an egg.

It was all white, It was all round.

gave, gave,

"Christ is Risen," she said.

And Tiberius accepted

The gift was not rejected

He said: "I will believe,

If I see a miracle myself.

He held an egg in his hands

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle blush

On Sunday, I believe."

The egg seemed to hear


Tiberius in the hands

Horror was in his eyes.

“This is such a miracle!

That's such a miracle!

I will not argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly risen!”

Video "Mary Magdalene and Tiberius" song by Svetlana Kopylova


Children read poetry

1) The message flies in all directions:
Messenger angels trumpet,
Christ is sung in heaven:
He has risen from decay!
It's not fiction, not a fairy tale,
Main holiday our Easter!

2) Resurrection of Christ! All are full of love and affection.

We have come here now to celebrate the Easter holiday.

3) The song in the heart sounded, Easter Red has come!

A field, a river, a forest whispers: “Rejoice, Christ is risen!”

Pleases and amuses now a miracle of miracles!

Evil and grief receded - Jesus Christ is risen!

4) Who is so great in this world,
Whose glory is higher than the stars?
Not doubting for a moment
We are speaking: (together) Christ

Who in the world has no equal?
Who brought light to the world?
Who is the king of kings: One answer!
So who is He? (together) Christ

Who voluntarily went to the cross
And He carried His own cross?
Who was crucified, then resurrected?
Of course (together) Christ

Whom the Father to heaven
Divinely lifted?
Who are miracles today
Reveals to us? (together) Christ

5) People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright Holiday of Sunday,
God of Truth! God of Forces!

Girl: Christ is risen!
All. Truly Risen!

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of this blog! Today's article will be devoted to Easter scenarios, because very soon April 28 is the Easter holiday. By tradition, in kindergartens and schools, performances are held for this bright holiday with the direct participation of children. In this regard, I want to offer ideas for productions and I will be very glad if you like them ...

And according to tradition, all celebrations end with the eating of all kinds of other treats. All together, cheerfully and amicably at the same table celebrate the Bright Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes victory over death!

Scenario for Easter 2019 in kindergarten

The Resurrection of Christ is the most important and special holiday for all Christians, including children. Therefore, in order to introduce them to Russian traditions and customs, I offer you a script for the Easter holiday in a playful way to create a joyful festive mood.

Children enter the hall to the music.

1 Presenter: Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday, the holiday of spring, fun and kindness. A holiday when everyone forgives each other, rejoices and welcomes spring. The holiday of all Christians is Easter! Happy holiday to you!

1 child:

Calling all kids
Girls and boys
Drink tea
Sing and dance!

2 leading: Easter is considered one of important holidays among Christians, on this day it is customary to congratulate each other on Christ's Sunday and exchange testicles, before that they are painted with bright colors.

2 child:

Spring wakes up
Dress up the meadows
The sun shines and plays
Christ is Risen!

Everyone sits down at the table. There is a samovar and eggs on the table.

1 presenter: One of the most wonderful Easter games is egg breaking. The rules are simple: two testicles knock against each other, whoever has the egg remains intact, he won. But the loser should not be upset either, because the broken shell symbolizes all the sorrows and hardships that go away with the shell.

Children break eggs and eat. Everyone who wins is given a candy.

2 leading: wait, wait. Something is missing on the table.

2 leading, looking around the table: Oh oh oh, how we forgot. There are no cakes on the table! What would Easter be without them?

Grandfather-Sly appears on the stage with a basket of Easter cakes.


I passed by here
I heard your problem
Here I brought you a cake
But I won't give it up for nothing!

1 presenter: And what do you want, Grandpa?


I guess two riddles
Difficult, wow, do not guess!
Well, if you understand
The table will be nicer.

2 leading: Come on, guess. Our kids are smart, they know everything, they can guess everything.


Wow, look.
Went to the fire
To me in the morning friend Fedot
I told him "Christ is Risen"
Well, he told me: ... ..

Children in chorus "Truly Risen."


What smart
Do you want to eat baked from the oven
Delicious, sweet, ruddy like from the sun
Easter symbol, beautiful ...

Children in chorus "Kulich".


Well, kids, well done
Grandpa got tricked
So be it, I'll give you sweetness
But grandpa needs to rest
Sing a song please
That's when we'll talk.

1 presenter: Well, guys, let's show grandfather how we can sing songs?

Children begin to sing a song about Easter.

Din Dong (Song for Easter)


Thank you children
Here are your cookies
Well now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!

2 leading: Oh, grandfather, where are you? Stay with us, let's eat Easter cakes, drink delicious tea. Such a holiday all today.


Are you inviting? Well, thank you
Maybe I'll really sit
After all, on such a wonderful holiday
It's a sin for me to be alone

Grandfather-Sly sits down to the children at the table, while taking sweets out of his pocket. The tea party begins.

Easter performance for schoolchildren

This celebration in Rus' was called differently: Bright Sunday, Great Day, Christ's Sunday. The holiday was long-awaited and the most joyful for children. On this day there were the first round dances, swing riding, funny easter games, the children went around the yards, which were similar to Christmas caroling, often they were called that: green Christmas time. To complete the holiday for schoolchildren, early work of teachers and parents is needed. Tell about history and traditions, prepare themed gifts and souvenirs with your own hands, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, and prepare everything you need for games, and the scenario below will help you with this ...

Child (1):

Like bright coloring

Appeared at school Easter!

Brought in her basket,

Eggs, buns, cakes,

Cakes, pancakes and tea.

Happy Easter!

Host (1): Dear friends! On this wonderful sunny day we were united by a great Christian holiday. Every spring, Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, the brightest celebration.

Host (2): How much do you know about Easter? Let's go through the basic facts.

Host (2): Easter is the most important Christian celebration, lasting forty days. Currently, the date of Easter in any particular year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, which makes Easter a movable holiday.

Host (1): This year, the official date is April 8th.

Host (2): From the Hebrew, the name of the holiday is translated as "transition". Most of all, I bet you enjoy painting eggs. Here eggs symbolize rebirth. According to legend, the first Easter Egg St. Mary Magdalene presented to the emperor of Rome, the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. The color of the blood of Christ is red.

Host (1): Christ is risen!

Host (2): Truly Risen!

Host (1): Exchanging testicles and congratulating each other on Easter day with the words: “Christ is Risen!” - and receiving in response: "Truly Risen," Christians profess faith in the resurrection. If the resurrection had not taken place, the new faith would have no foundation and would have been in vain. But Christ has risen and thereby revealed Divine grace.

Child (2):

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

On the table fragrant Easter cake,

A pile of colored eggs.

You will not see gloomy faces!

Host (2): Do you love Easter? What custom do you like the most? I will give you a riddle. Your task is to finish the poem for me.

The hostesses baked for the holiday in the oven

Lush, ruddy miracle - ...

(ANSWER: Easter cakes)

Host (1): Kulich - my favorite treat for Easter - the most delicious easter tradition, and very old! I know that he is a product for breaking the fast. During the full year, bread is part of meals, meals, and only once during this time does it become festive, Easter. Neither a wedding nor a birthday loaf can compare with it in terms of its status: Easter cake not only serves to break the fast, but is also a symbol of a great day, illuminated in a holy place, a church.

Host (2): Do you know that kulich is the younger brother of artos? This is the name of the sacred bread, which is placed on the lectern on the first day of Resurrection for the entire Bright Week, having previously been illuminated. They are even similar in shape. Artos - "leavened bread". Kulich is also a metaphor for the bread that Christ shared with the disciples after His Resurrection.

Child (3):

Look what a miracle

Did mom put it in the dish?

Here is an egg, but not a simple one:

golden painted,

Like a bright toy!

There are stripes, curls,

Lots of little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?

Like in a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave the answer to everyone:

- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know

Symbol of life on earth!

Host (1): Surely, you guessed what tradition we are talking about now! We have known this custom since childhood, we love it, because in such trifles as decorating, painting, painting eggs, creativity can unexpectedly develop! How great it is to prepare for the holiday with the whole family in the evening, and then, in the early morning, arrange funny Games on Easter themes and there are rosy Easter cakes!

Host (2): Surely, you know such a fun tradition as “beating eggs”. When we clash two testicles in a short battle, a kind of test of strength. The winner is the one whose egg did not crack.

Host (1): My favorite entertainment for Easter! Do you like to play? Now I will ask the most daring to rise from their seats! I need two volunteers.

The essence of the game: two eggs are placed on a hard, smooth surface. After the “start” command, the children simultaneously begin to spin the eggs. The one whose egg lasts the longest wins a sweet prize.

Host (1): Did you know that eggs dyed the same color were called eggs; and if on a colored background it was possible to make out dashes, strokes, specks - a speck.

Host (2): There were also Easter eggs - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns, at that time very mysterious. The best craftsmen of the village prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. The pastry shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs. Yummy! And well-known jewelry firms created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone ...

Host (1): What are you all about eggs and eggs, because besides them there are such beautiful traditions. Do you know that, in ancient times, on the first Easter week, everyone could practice bell ringing? It's hard to imagine that these days.

Host (2): But the most important and bright tradition of Easter is helping your neighbor. Mercy to poor people, lonely, abandoned people. Charity is important, is and will be an integral part of the holiday!

Host (1): Here I agree with you. How many good deeds have you guys done? Remember that all good things will be recreated for you from above, and the holiday is just an additional reason to become better, to help out a friend. A tradition that everyone should think about.

Child (1):

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

Child (2):

On the table fragrant Easter cake,

A pile of colored eggs.

This holiday is bright, clean

You will not see gloomy faces.

Child (3):

They say: "Christ is risen!",

“Yes, he has truly risen!”

Breaking the veil of darkness

He came down to people from heaven.

Child (4):

Christ lives and people believe:

If we part with evil,

Life will go on. Will be eternal

Peace with love and kindness!

Host (1): And on this festive note, we say goodbye to you! Time to drink tea!

Children go to the set tables with Easter cakes and other delicacies.

Christian play for Sunday school children

Easter is the main and most beloved among people Orthodox holiday. Often, you want to spend this day with joy, in a warm family circle.
Opens celebratory event director of the school, who gives the floor for congratulations to the priest.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! Christ is Risen!
On this wonderful, festive day, there is joy and warmth in the heart, and I want to share it with each other! In these Paschal, joyful days, the Lord has called us to common happiness!

Host 2: The most ancient Christian author wrote about this bright day in this way: “Today our entire Universe, as one family, can turn to Christ. We will not see travelers in the steppe, sailors in the sea. The common people left their work and took out patterned outfits ... all life's anxieties were replaced by quiet family happiness.

Presenter 1: Everyone is well aware that Easter in Rus' is considered not only one of the most important holidays, but also the most fun and beloved. Preparation for it began much earlier than the celebration itself. Let us now take a look into the past and see how the people are preparing for Easter.

The chambers of the princess. The nanny comes.

Nanny: It's time for the princess to get up, the morning is outside the window. The last day of Maslenitsa celebration is Forgiveness Sunday.

The princess comes.
Let's nanny ask each other for forgiveness, but whatever with a pure heart enter Great Lent.

Nanny: Look, forty days will fly by - Easter will come.
Come in Tsarevich

Tsarevich: Hello nanny! Good morning my sister!

Nanny: May God bless the Great Post!

Tsarevich: The time before Easter has come to our joy!

Nanny: Oh my children, remember fasting for the smart is not a burden, but a great joy.

Princess: Nanny, tell us about the celebration of the Blessing?

Nanny: Of course I will. We must remember how the Archangel Gabriel came to our land and brought the good news to the Virgin Mary. Yes, he said that she would become the Mother of the Son of God. There is also a good tradition to release birds into the sky on this day.

Children come out holding toy birds in their hands. The music "bird chirping" is playing (supposedly the birds are being released).

The nanny appears again on the stage with a willow branch.
Nanny: Now the post ends. We will be soon Palm Sunday celebrate.

Children carry out decorated willow branches.
Nanny: look princess, what a beautiful willow we have! All decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Princess: Oh what a beauty! What you will not find on it: apples, nuts, ribbons.

Tsarevich: You should have seen a willow tree on our square, feast for the eyes!

Princess: I'll go up to the window, from there you can see the procession.
Bell ringing music.

Princess: All the same, palace craftswomen and masters worked hard. Do not be afraid for more than a week they did a verbochka.

Tsarevich: Oh, oh look! The Patriarch has left the Cathedral! I took a bough from the willow and went back to the cathedral. Why?

Nanny: It is he who will consecrate the willow and then they will send it to the people of the village. Children, here we are at the very top of Lent. Here, Here is the final week before the Great Easter.

Song of happy bell ringing.

Song for Easter "Christ is Risen"

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing;
Of all the churches, the people bring down;
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressing ...
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Scenario Easter production for elementary school children.

"The Parable of Whom the Savior Came to Visit." Easter performance for children 7-10 years old.

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention the scenario of an Easter production for dramatization in Sunday school and in the primary level of a secular general education school (based on the sermon of Archimandrite Pavel Gruzdev "About a woman who was waiting for Christ to visit").
The material may be useful to teachers of Sunday schools, teachers primary school, organizers, teachers of additional education, creative people.

Target: Orthodox and moral education children through the literary word; familiarity with Christian traditions.
Tasks: acquaint with the Easter holiday; make it clear to children that a person is judged by his actions; develop Creative skills through theatrical activities; bring up moral qualities- compassion, mercy, philanthropy, disinterestedness, good nature.

Preparatory work: conversations about the holiday of Easter, making Easter crafts, exhibition design children's creativity; preparation of props, costumes, scenery.

Characters: presenters (2 people) - adults; father, parishioners, Anna, Verochka, Verochka's father, the boy Vanyushka, yard boys, a tramp, a neighbor - children.

Progress of the production

Why today in the temple
Do all the troparion sing in the morning?
Because the Easter holiday
It's time to celebrate!
colorful eggs
On a plate are
Sweet fresh pie
Emits fragrance.
Joy fills the heart
Flying to heaven.
And lips whisper in delight:
"Jesus Christ is risen!"
(L. Lychangina)

"The Parable of Whom the Savior Came to Visit"

Scene one. "In the temple"

Presenter 1:
- This story happened on Easter.
- The people joyfully crowded in the temple, Batiushka consecrated Easter cakes and colored eggs ...
- At that time, there was a very righteous woman named Anna in the temple. She went to services, kept all the fasts, read the Gospel and prayers daily - in the morning and in the evening, in a word, she was a real righteous person.

Anna whispers a prayer, crosses herself:
- Lord, save me, save me, a sinner ...

Next to Anna is a little girl named Verochka, also saying a prayer.
- Lord, give me a new good mommy! Since you took my mother to your place in heaven! Help my unfortunate dad find an affectionate kind wife! And then he will stop being sad!

Host 2:
- Suddenly Anna distinctly heard a voice: “Today I will come to visit you. Wait for me!" (Voice is heard offscreen.)
Presenter 1:
- Verochka, who was standing nearby, also heard these words, and she was very happy with them, because she instantly understood, felt that Christ was speaking to her.
- Both Anna and Verochka hurried home to prepare for a meeting with God.

Scene two. "Vanyushka"

Host 2:
- Anna laid a snow-white festive tablecloth on the table and began to prepare for the arrival of a dear guest: she took out a red fish from the refrigerator, cut pink bacon and put thick jelly. In the middle of the table, the hostess placed a large fragrant Easter cake and colored eggs.
The table turned out to be notable. Rich. Delicious.

Presenter 1:
- And Verochka and dad lived very poorly. There was nothing to lay on the table.
The girl peeled the potatoes and put them to boil. I ran to the garden for green onions. And they had bread at home. But the last edge.

At this time, there was noise and din in the yard. It was the yard boys who beat the boy Vanyushka, they didn’t like him very much and beat him for nothing.
- Vanyushka escaped and ran away from his tormentors. He jumped into the house and began banging on Anna's door.
- Hey, where are you, little devil?
Vanyushka breaks into Anna's apartment, tries to sneak past her to hide from her pursuers.
- Look, you trampled, damned!
Grabs the boy by the scruff of the neck, drives him out, muttering:
- I'm here waiting for God, but this booger gets in the way under my feet ...
He slams his door with a bang.

At this time, the door of the apartment opposite opens and Verochka calls the frightened Vanyushka to her.
- Hurry, Vanyushka, run here, I'll hide you!
Vanyushka runs to Verochka.
- Thank you, Verochka!
He sits down at the table, sobs softly, smears salty tears over his dirty little face.

- You must be hungry, let me feed you. Here's a potato, onion, dip it in salt and eat it to your health!
In the meantime, I'll pour you some sweet tea.

She turns her back to the boy, pours tea into a mug, adds sugar, stirs.
He turns back, and Vanechka is gone. As if it never existed.

Verochkaonly throws up his hands in amazement:
- How quickly Vanyushka ran away ...

Scene three. "Tramp"

Anna walks around the apartment, sighs:
- Where are you, God? I am faithfully waiting for you...
And again in the yard are heard bold shrill sounds. Anna looks out the window, and there, right under her window, stands a tramp, all ragged and dirty, and screams loudly, demanding to feed him.
- Kind people! Give me something to eat! Stomach crumpled! Feed! Kind people!
- Ai-ai-ai, shame on you!
There he asks. Go to work!
- I can't work. I'm disabled!
- Disabled person, how did you become one? Where are you going with your disability pension?
- Get out of here, I'll say goodbye .... I'm waiting for an important guest.
Closes the window.

At that very moment Verochka's window opens.
- Come to us, uncle, I will feed you what I can.
Host 2:
- The tramp came to visit the girl.
She fed him leftover potatoes. And drink sweet tea.

Scene four. "Neighbor"

Presenter 1:
- Suddenly Anna felt a strong draft in the room, shivered her shoulders shiveringly, went to the window to close it.
- Hey, rain! Yes, how cold!

Host 2:
- The woman saw on a bench in the yard a young woman with a baby in her arms.
- Hey neighbor! Why are you sitting in the rain? Have you quarreled with your husband again?
And the girl sits, gets wet and does not answer anything, only looks at her with huge sad eyes. And it is not clear whether tears are running down her cheeks, or raindrops.
- Oh, stupid! Think about a baby! Go home!
Anna closes the window more tightly.
Host 2:
- But Verochka did not close her window, she, on the contrary, ran out into the yard and began to persuade her wet neighbor to come to her to warm up.
- Come to us soon, why are you getting wet in the rain with the baby ...
The neighbor accepts the girl's friendly offer.

- Have a seat, please, right here. Now I will feed you...
Presenter 1:
- And suddenly Verochka saw that the tramp had eaten all the potatoes, and the sugar bowl was completely empty ...
Only a stale piece of bread remained on the table.
- Oh, well, at least I'll pour you some tea ... Yes, with bread.
The neighbor took a sip of tea and replied:
- Thank you, Verochka, let's go ...
- Well, where are you going to look at night! Let's do this with you: stay the night with us! Lie down on my bed.
- Dad will come home from work late, but he won't tell you anything. He is very good, kind, only unhappy and lonely.

Host 2:
- Vera laid the young mother with the child on her bed. And she herself went to the window - to wait for God to visit. Yes, I fell asleep by the window.
- At this time, the girl's father came home from work.

The father carefully enters the room and sees a young woman with a child on his daughter's bed. Very surprised.
Father (astonished):
- Where is my girl?
And running out of the room, he begins to look for his daughter.
Verochka is sleeping sweetly on the windowsill, with her head resting on her palms, the coolness of the night blows from the open window.
The father takes the child in his arms, closes the window, carries the daughter into the room. But what is it? Verochka's bed, on which a mother and child had just been peacefully rescued, was empty...

Presenter 1:
- Vera's dad was very surprised at such a miracle. He thought he was crazy. This is what it means to live without God, without prayer.
- The father put his daughter to bed, carefully covered with a blanket. And for the first time in his life, he crossed himself.

Scene five. "Conversation with God"

Host 2:
- Anna was very upset, she removed all the treats from the table in the refrigerator without even touching them.
- I read the evening prayers, and sighing sadly, lay down to sleep.

The woman woke up from a bright light that came from the icon of Christ, standing in the red corner.
Sounds the voice of Christ behind the scenes.
- Wake up, Anna!
Anna wakes up, frightened sits up in bed.
- God! You!? And I was waiting for you during the day, setting the table ...
- I came to you three times today!
Anna in amazement:
- How did you come? When?! (Perplexed.)

- I came to you as a beaten boy, a tramp and a baby.
- A young mother, your neighbor - this was my mother, the Virgin.
- You didn't let us in! Condemned... Scolded...

Anna cries out:
- Oh, Lord, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize! How embarrassing! - sobs bitterly.

Presenter 1:
- Christ forgave Anna and he ruled in such a way that she first regretted, and then fell in love with Verochka's dad and became Verochka's foster mother. And they lived happily ever after! And never forget about God!

Who is pure in heart
We love the Lord
Nothing bad will happen to him.
Who lived in darkness
But out into the light
The Lord forgave him, heard him.
Doing good
Don't talk about
You will be well-received later.
Holy Easter is a time for miracles!
Christ is risen! Truly risen!
(L. Lychangina)