Scenario of an evening of relaxation for adults at Easter. Scenario of the event “Easter, bright Easter. Easter egg relay game

In the audio recording, the Easter bell ringing sounds, after which the chant “Christ is Risen!”

presenter : (addressing children):
Christ is risen, dear children!
Christ is risen, dear guests!

Children and adults in the hall:
Risen indeed!

The biggest and most joyful, most important Christian holiday has come: Easter of the Lord, the Resurrection of Christ.
On this day we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.
The Resurrection of Christ means for us the beginning of a new holy life. Celebrating Easter, we should try not to sin: not to get angry, not to quarrel, not to deceive, not to be capricious, not to demand better for ourselves, but to love each other and do good.

Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen! people brothers,

each other in a warm embrace

Hurry up to accept!

Forget quarrels, insults,

Yes, bright holiday of Sunday

Nothing will overshadow!

Christ is Risen! Hell trembles

And the sun of eternal truth shines

Over the renewed earth;

And the whole universe is warm

Beam of divine light

Tastes joy and peace.

Christ is Risen! Holy day!

Thunder in all ends of the universe

Praise be to the Creator!

Gone are the sorrows and sorrows,

The chains of sin have fallen from us,

The soul recoiled from evil!

(children stand in the center of the poetry reading room)

1 reader

I love this spring day
April wonderful day.
christ jesus resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate.
After all, he, destroying all barriers,
Resurrection for me too!
With Jesus I will be forever happy,
And my whole family.

2 reader

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night is gone.
The ringing of heaven shines with light, the bells sing.
They sing about the holiday of love, about the miracle of miracles:
The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!
Christ, Christ is risen!

3 reader

A miracle of miracles happened, a prophecy from heaven

And the ringing of bells brings the good news:
Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!
The people rejoice and sing, and it is heard to heaven:
"Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!"

4 reader

It's good to ring the bells on the bell tower,
To make the holiday more spacious, so that the soul can sing.
Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime
The bright anthem of Sunday sounded from all sides.

5 reader

Happy Easter
And we sing: - "Christ is risen!"
We all answer together:
"He is truly risen!"
Years go by
Under the azure sky.
And the nations sing everywhere:
"He is truly risen!"
Everywhere joy and hugs:
"Brother, sister, Christ is risen!
Hell is destroyed, there is no curse:
He is truly risen!"

Children sing the song "Christ is Risen"(A miracle above all miracles)


"Dear testicle for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine without a red egg happy holiday. And why do we color eggs and give each other?

History has preserved this tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed different countries everywhere proclaiming the good news that death is no longer to be feared. She was defeated by Christ, the Savior of the world. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who will believe Him and will love people just as He loved.

Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor always brought some kind of gift: the rich - jewelry, and the poor - what they could. Mary had nothing with her except her faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple chicken egg and immediately loudly pronounced the main news: “Christ is risen!”. The emperor was surprised and said: “How can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? It’s hard to believe that, just like the fact that this white egg can turn red!” While he was saying these words, the egg began to change its color: it turned pink, darkened, and finally turned bright red. This is how the first Easter egg was given.


I painted an egg
A branch, and on a branch a bird.
The cloud flies into space
In the blue skies.
In the middle - a pattern,
And below - Christ is Risen!

Presenter: (showing drawings of Easter eggs)

Did you know that eggs dyed the same color are called eggs. Many housewives boil eggs in onion skins to get krashenka.

If spots, stripes, specks of a different color are indicated on a common colored background - these are specks, from the Ukrainian word “speck”, that is, cover with drops.

Artfully painted Easter eggs are called pysanky. For the drawing of Easter eggs, elements of the plant and animal world are used, geometric figures. Ukrainian Easter eggs are real works of folk art.


During Great Lent, all games and amusements were forbidden, and from Easter the cheerful entertainments of the youth began. Celebrations were held in the open air: boys and girls danced, danced round dances, sang folk songs. And today, fervent spoons have come to our holiday! Meet!

(Musical number "Lozhkari")


Easter is the longest holiday. The whole holiday week is called bright. Every day was celebrated in its own way, and in Rus' there was a tradition - to play games with Easter eggs. The favorite Easter entertainment was skating krashenok. For this, special trays with a chute were made.

Another game was called "Bitki". The players beat with krashenki, whose egg broke or cracked, that loser.

These and other games can still be played today.

Spin the egg game

On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner.

Game "Gorka"

Two prefabricated slides are placed. Children simultaneously roll up dyes from them. Whose rolls further, he won.

Game "Bring the Egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each receives a spoon and an egg. The task of the players is to run to the given goal, return back as quickly as possible without dropping the egg; pass the spoon to the next player.

Round dance "Golden Gate"

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli,
We intertwined our hands.

(Saying these lines, the children shake their clasped hands back and forth).
We raised them up
It turned out to be a beauty!

(Perform 4 steps, simultaneously raising hands and not separating them).

It turned out not simple,
Golden Gate!

(Children continue walking, form a circle.
Further, 1 subgroup of children moves in a circle counterclockwise, continuing to sing, and the children of the 2nd subgroup, in a chain bypass the children of the 1st subgroup clockwise).

Mother Spring walks
Through the fields, forests alone.
Saying goodbye for the first time
Another time is prohibited.

(Children of both groups stop: 1 subgroup - raise their hands up, forming gates, and children of 2 subgroups, to the sounds of the song that children of 1 subgroup sing, run into these "gates").

Mother Spring walks
She is looking for kids.
Saying goodbye for the first time
Another time is prohibited.
And the third time we will not miss you

(With the end of the song, the gates slam shut. They sit down).

And during the Easter week, it is customary to visit and give gifts to each other. So our guys have prepared Easter for you fairy tale gift Teremok.


(fairy tale script)


Scene 1

Music for Nastya. Poorly dressed Nastenka sits on a bench near the house and sews. A friend is standing nearby.

It was a long time ago. At the edge of the forest in a small house there lived a girl Nastenka. None of her relatives remained in the world. But she lived, did not grieve, worked in the garden, and went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And she had a true friend - the dog Druzhok.


And then one day, just before Easter, Nastenka gathered in the village, for a festive service.

In the house I cleaned
Cleaned the windows.
A light is burning in the lamp...
Are we good, friend?

It's good with us, hostess,
Just how not to grumble -
No Easter cake, no Easter ...
How can we celebrate the holiday?

We celebrate the holiday in the temple,
And not at home at the table.
God will not leave us with you
Do not be sad, my friend, about that.

(Waves his hand, leaves. Druzhok sadly enters the house).

Scene 2

(Cockerel comes up to the house and rings the bell).


buddy (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

And I am the Golden Scallop Cockerel.
From the village, from the guys,
I brought a dozen eggs.
They ordered Nastenka to congratulate
Yes, to amuse the orphan with songs.

(Enters with Druzhok into the house).

So the Lord sent eggs to Nastenka for Easter. This is from a neighboring village, the guys did not forget her. Now there will be something to break the fast!

(Mouse comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Cockerel (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She went to church to pray.
In the morning she will come
Why can't you sleep?

And I am Norushka Mouse.
I brought flour for dear Nastenka,
She will now have pancakes and pies.
She saved me in the hungry winter -
Bread crumbs, seeds for the Mouse in store.

(Enters with Cockerel into the house).

Now Nastenka has flour - Mouse thanked Nastenka.

(Kitty comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Someone who lives in a teremochka
Who-who lives in the low?

mouse (looking out of the house):
Oh, save, cat, cat!

Don't be afraid of me, baby!
The cat won't hurt you.
I came to visit Nastya
And she brought sour cream.
Let me go quickly
To my dear Nastya!

(Comes into the house with the Mouse).

Look - Kitty Mouse did not offend! For the sake of such a holiday, she gave her favorite sour cream for Nastya.

(Butterfly flies up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

kitty (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
In the morning she will come
She prays in the temple.
You must sleep at night!

I brought nectar to Nastya with gratitude.
She saved me from the web now.
And further along the path I went to a beautiful temple,
And I took the nectar and flew to you!

(Comes into the house with Kitty).

How many products have already accumulated - and eggs, and flour, and sour cream, and sugar. In my opinion, it is already possible to bake something ... What do you think it is possible to bake from these products? That's right, kulich!

(Squirrel comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Butterfly (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

I am a smart squirrel.
I am with this good girl I've been friends for a long time
But for the first time I visit her in the house.
My gift is not rich, but poverty is not a vice.
Raisins and nuts I carry a box.

(Enters with Butterfly into the house).

Well, now the Easter cake will come out especially tasty - Squirrel brought raisins and nuts.

(Lamb comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Squirrel (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

I am Baran
Brought a sundress.
Godmother Nastya
Sundress sends and sweets.

(Comes into the house with Squirrel).

Blimey! The godmother sent a new sundress for Nastya! Now Nastya will be smart on a holiday!

(Fox and Bunny come up to the house and ring the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Lamb (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
(seeing Lisa)
Oh, sly Fox!
How is the Bunny not afraid?

On the holy night we must not be at enmity.
The dense forest calmed down before the Mystery.
How glad we can say:
"Christ is risen!"

Truly risen!
Nastya as a gift
Take from us, my friend,
Oil lump
Yes, white curd.

(They give the basket to the Lamb and enter the house with the Lamb).

Both the Fox and the Bunny did not quarrel, but brought cottage cheese and butter. Now the animals will be able to cook something else for Nastya… What? Creative Passover! This is how the Lord managed everything and took care of Nastya.

(Wolf comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Someone who lives in a little house, someone who lives in a low house?

Fox (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come soon.
And who are you?

I am the Wolf, teeth click!
I'm more often free to walk, I'm used to wandering,
But the forester sent me to this Nastya of yours.
He said that he respects and remembers his grandfather,
He gave shoes for Nastya and bowed.

(He bows and enters the house with the Fox.)

And the forester still remembers Nastya's grandfather! That's how many, it turns out, Nastya's friends.

(The Bear comes to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Wolf (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come soon.
And who are you?

I am a Bear, a lover of songs to sing.
I couldn't sleep in the lair.
And how the streams began to ring -
I realized - spring has already come!
So it's Easter again.
And a miracle of miracles happened:
I came to congratulate our Nastya
And tell her that Christ is risen!

Come on, Misha!

No, I will not enter the house -
I'm afraid to ruin it...

The Bear did not enter the house, he was afraid to destroy it. He just turned around and was about to leave, looking - Nastenka was coming!

Scene 3

(Nastya appears and stops the Bear).

Hello, teddy bear!
Sore paw healed?
We will celebrate Easter.
Just nothing to eat...

(Kitty comes out of the house).

How is this nothing? Treats on the table!

(All Nastya's guests and Druzhok come out of the house).

Christ is Risen!

Risen indeed!

(Nastya enters the house. An angel appears).

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - the time of miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
“Truly, Christ is risen!”

(A dressed-up Nastya comes out of the house. Everyone sings the "Easter Song").

The hall is decorated in the Russian folk style "Russian hut" (willow branches, an icon, colored eggs in a basket, Easter cakes on a tray).

Grandmother sits at the table, looks into the distance and reads a poem:

Before Easter.

I remember how before Easter,

Rolling up the sleeves to the elbow,

They scraped the house, washed off the soot,

The window sills smelled of paint.

I remember the sweet smell of vanilla

Before the image - the flame of a candle,

Walked at dusk

Sacred Easter cakes in a bright temple.

Making my way along the narrow bridges,

Through lies, streams and mud

There were old women in white kerchiefs,

Baptized on a high dome ...

A lot happened to me

Life sometimes went downhill

But I knew from childhood

“Christ will not leave me! »

(noise, din, children run in, greet their grandmother).

Grandmother: - Hello my dears, sit down.

Children: - And what are you doing, grandmother?

Grandmother: - Yes, I'm getting ready for the Easter holiday.

Children: - And we can help you, paint the eggs.

Grandmother: - Yes, of course, I will be very happy. (Children get to work, paint eggs)

Children: - Grandmother, what holiday was last Sunday?

Grandmother: - My dear! Last Sunday we went to the Temple, lit up willow branches, and today look: green leaves have already appeared on them. We celebrated a great feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In Russia, palm trees do not grow, but under the first rays of spring, willow branches are covered with a light fluff. Willow twigs serve as a sign of the victory of Jesus Christ over death, and the holiday is also called Palm Sunday.

Here we paint eggs, everyone paints at their own discretion, I want to tell you what this or that drawing means.

Red - red - the color of joy, in next year joy awaits you.

Green - symbolizes spring. You will have the whole year spring mood.

Variegated - from freckles.

With pine - from the disease. You be healthy.

With yellow ears - for the harvest.

With a house - for a housewarming party.

With an oak leaf - you will be strong.

With a bunny - be brave.

With an angel - for good. The whole year will be accompanied by good.

With a star - be good and obedient to you.

With the Temple - you will be protected from any trouble.

With a bird - to be your songstress.

With flowers - you will have a holiday all year round.

Grandmother: - So we found out what awaits you next year.

Dasha: - Grandma, look how I painted the Easter egg.

(Dasha shows a painted egg)

Dasha reads a verse:

Singer, little bird

I drew on the testicle

A bird chirps to us from heaven:

« »

Grandmother: - You have a very beautiful egg!

Nadya Zolotareva - And I painted a flower,

Painted each petal

May all nature, all plants

Praise the miracle of the Resurrection!

Grandmother: - Well done Nadia,

Your egg turned out amazing!

Diana: - And I will draw God's Temple:

Rays glide over the domes

Cross gilded in the sun

Jesus has resurrected! Jesus has resurrected!

Children perform the song "Christ is Risen"

1 verse

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear is gone – Christ is Risen!

Choirs of Angels from heaven glorify God's Cross!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

verse 2

Light shone over the world - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God among all - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and glorify, now love reigns!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

Grandmother: - Well done guys, we have worked hard for glory. Sit down comfortably, and I will tell you a little about this holiday.

My dears! On the night from Saturday to Sunday, we all went to the solemn Easter service. This service is like a hymn to the Bright Resurrection of Christ, a hymn to the victory of life over death.

Any holiday has its own beauty, its own customs, rituals and signs, there are many of them on Easter, the Easter holiday always happens on Sunday, it was yesterday. This day is called the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The whole world triumphs and rejoices: plants, animals, birds, and people. People kiss each other three times with the words: “Christ is Risen! ” And they answer “Truly Risen! ".

Guys, tell verses about this holiday to us and our guests.

(Children take turns reading verses)

1) Drops drip loudly

By our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us.

So that the holiday is spacious.

So that the soul can sing,

Good on the bell tower

Ring the bells.

Like an angel's song

This amazing call.

Bright anthem of Sunday

Sounds from all directions.

2) Christ is Risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

Of all the churches, the people bring down.

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

3) Christ is risen! - just two words

But how much grace is in them!

We are unearthly bliss again

Illuminated in your hearts.

Sorrow and suffering are forgotten

Forgotten grief and need

Silent groans and murmurs,

Envy and enmity are gone...

4) Christ is Risen! In the rays of love

Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,

Let joy reign in the hearts

Both those who are old and those who are young!

Covenant of blessed Heaven

Sounds to us the song of Sunday, -

Christ is risen!

5) Earth and sun,

Fields and forest -

All praise God

Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy

Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear is gone.

No more malice

Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds

holy words,

in which you hear:

Christ is risen!

Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

All praise God

Christ is risen!

6) What is grace?

It means just to give

It means not to sell

It's like giving as a gift.

It's like Jesus Christ

He brought us salvation!

Christ is Risen!

Children: Truly Risen!

Grandmother: The main place on the Easter holiday is occupied by an egg, painted or painted (shows several eggs, it has become a symbol of the holiday, a symbol of the birth of a new life.

Your mother and grandmother painted testicles. Eggs are exchanged, they are given to relatives, neighbors, to everyone who comes to congratulate them on the holiday. Egg rolling was a favorite Easter pastime. The egg, touching the earth, awakens our mother earth from winter sleep. The egg roll will last all week.

Our painted eggs have already dried up, let's show them to our guests, and we ourselves will admire our work of art.

On Easter there were always festivities, they danced round dances, sang songs, played games. Let's play a game with you.

Game - round dance "You roll an egg"

Children stand in a large circle. The driver gives one wooden egg to any child in the circle, the second egg to the child in the opposite direction. With the words of the song - counting rhymes, children begin to pass the egg in a circle in any direction.

Children sing:

"Roll, roll, testicle,

According to our circle.

Find, find, testicle,

For yourself my friend! »

FROM last word the transfer of eggs in a circle ends. Those who have eggs left in their hands give the testicles to the driver, he says:

“Come out to the circle and dance together for us. »

Everyone clap. Children dance alone or in pairs.

A relay game is being played. "Running with Eggs in a Spoon"

Grandmother: - in addition to colored eggs, Easter cake occupies an important place on the Easter table. Kulich is a tall tasty round bread. It was believed that if the cake turned out delicious, then everything will be fine in the family. At Easter they sang Russian folk songs, played various folk instruments.

The noise orchestra will perform a variation on the theme of Russian folk songs.

Grandmother: -

Christ loves everyone equally.

For Him there is no the most important.

Let us help you in everything!

Happy holiday! Happy day!

Round dance with adults.

(music ends, children leave the room in pairs).

Grandmother: - So our holiday is over and may joy and a bright mood remain in your hearts. "Christ is Risen! »

Malogneushevsky branch

MBOU "Kuibyshev secondary school"

Kursk region, Rylsk

extracurricular activity

by subject

"Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"

on the topic :

« Easter spring».

Prepared and hosted:

Primary school teacher

Gribova Svetlana Alexandrovna



Acquaintance with the traditions, folk signs of the holiday,

Creation of conditions for the manifestation of the abilities of students.


  1. To expand and generalize students' knowledge about the history of the holiday.
  2. To convey to the consciousness of children the importance for the country of preserving the traditions of the Orthodox people.
  3. To develop the ability to master dialogic and monologue forms of speech in accordance with the norms of the Russian language.
  4. Make students responsible for their own activities.
  5. To develop acting skills, a culture of behavior, discipline.
  6. To educate aesthetic ideas, norms of etiquette, conscientious attitude to work.

Easter spring.

Event progress:

The choir sings the troparion of Pascha.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and bestowing life on those in the tombs.

Leading: We have gathered today with you to glorify the most big celebration Orthodox Christians, Resurrection of Christ! After all, Easter is the Celebration of Celebrations. Easter - the longest holiday. The whole holiday week is called bright. Easter is always celebrated in spring and always on Sunday. Christians call it a holiday of love and victory over death, opening the way to an immortal, bright life. Easter has always been considered family holiday. The Easter table was luxurious: plentiful, very beautiful and elegant. They celebrated with their families, went to visit their closest relatives, especially the elders, and always took a painted egg with them.

(against the background of music)

Child Reader 1:

Yakov Polonsky.

The news that people began to torment God,

Rooks were brought to us to the north.

Coniferous slums darkened,

Quiet wept the keys.

On the hillocks the stones were exposed

Bald heads covered in frost

And tears began to fall on the stones

Angry winter peeled birches.

Baby Reader 2:

And other news, worse than the first,

The starlings were brought into the wilderness:

Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,

God, the Savior of our souls, is dead.

Clouds thickened from such news,

The air roared with stormy rain ...

Rise up - rivers become seas

And the first thunder swept through the mountains.

Sounds of thunder are heard (recording).

The light turns on.

Baby Reader 3:

The third message was extraordinary:

God is risen and death is defeated!

This victory rushed the news

Spring resurrected by God...

And all around the forests turned green,

And the chest of the earth breathed with warmth,

And, listening to the nightingale's trills,

Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.


Christ resurrected once to forever illuminate the world with the light of His Resurrection. We celebrate today not just memories. “The night is long and dark - swallowed up, gloomy death is hidden, Christ appears before everyone brighter than the sun. The Lord creates the unexpected out of the impossible,” says St. John Chrysostom. Heaven and earth, angels and people merge into one in bright joy. And how not to rejoice on the great and holy day of the Resurrection of Christ! People call the Easter of Christ a bright holiday. Just as the sun shines and warms us, so the light of the soul and the joy of the heart come from our Savior. From heart to heart, from soul to soul, the joyful news rushes - Christ is Risen!

Child Reader 1:

Praise the Lord from heaven

And sing incessantly

The world is filled with His miracles

And glory unspeakable.

Baby Reader 2:

Praise the Lord from heaven

Hills, cliffs, mountains,

Praise, death's fear is gone

I brighten our eyes.

All children:

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

And trampled down death forever.

Baby Reader 3:

Christ is risen! A.N. Maikov.

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

Of all the churches, the people bring down;

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

All children:

Child Reader 4:

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

All children:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Child Reader 5:

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressing ...

Spring is coming full of wonders!

All children :

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Children sing the song "Why is spring so wonderful."

Verse 1:

Why is spring so wonderful, With emerald painted skies? Why is the soul, to delight, sensitive? - Is he resurrected? Rejoice, he is risen!

Couplet 2. Joy flowed in living channels, Like the juice of awakened birches. Why are the sad moments gone? - Christ lives! Rejoice - Christ Lives!

Verse 3

We were justified by His scarlet robes, having received linen! Why do those who are called come to Jesus? - He loves! Rejoice He loves!

Verse 4

New branches stretched to the sun, The garden, waking up, pours aromas. Heart, why are you beating excitedly? - He's coming. Rejoice He is coming.

Reader child:

After a long rant

Communion on Strastnaya,

Orthodox with excitement

They go to the service at night.

With eggs and cookies

Happy Easter and candles.

With a procession, with friendly singing

We welcome Sunday.

The sun dances and plays

God bless all creation

From earth to heaven

Everyone sings Christ is Risen!

Baby Reader 2:

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is Risen!

Death is gone and fear is gone - Christ is Risen!

Choirs of angels from heaven glorify God's cross.

Baby Reader 3:

The Lord saved us from death - Christ is Risen!

The Kingdom of God is among us - Christ is Risen!

Rejoice and glorify - now love reigns!

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!

TEACHER: Orthodox ritual food for Easter was painted eggs, Easter cake - wheat bread, Easter - a dish of sweet cottage cheese. According to custom, all this was to be consecrated on Passion Saturday in the church.

Eggs, Easter cake and Easter were eaten in the morning after returning from the Easter service. The meal usually began with eggs. The first egg was divided into several parts, corresponding to the number of family members. The joint eating of one egg, according to the peasants, was supposed to strengthen the family, maintain friendly relations in it, and maintain love for each other in all its members.

The red-painted egg occupied a central place in the Easter ritual, becoming a kind of symbol of the holiday. The consecrated egg was attributed magical properties. So, according to legend, an Easter egg could stop a fire in a village if it was thrown into a burning house. It could help the mistress find a lost cow, cure livestock from epidemic diseases. An egg placed in a seed wagon could help increase the future yield. Rolling it on the ground on Easter, it was believed, could awaken the earth from its winter sleep.

All these beliefs were explained by ancient, even pre-Christian ideas about the egg as a symbol, sign and means of resurrection and renewal of life.

(The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)

We present to your attention a fabulous production.

Easter scene "Golden Egg".


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

They had a chicken.

The hen laid an egg

Not simple - golden.


Hey old man, wake up quick!


Are there wolves at the door?

What are you talking about, old woman?


Yes, look what I found:

Our little chicken

She laid an egg under a bush.


And what's your problem?

After all, the egg is somewhere!


Yes, the egg is not easy,

Oh, look, gold.


Golden, really?

You and I got rich.


Oh, it burns, blinds the eyes!






You lock him in a chest.

(a knock is heard on the door)


There is no one at home!


You go lock the bolt

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the dogs.

Baba (returning):

On Wednesday I will go to the city,

There is a market on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people there!

I will sell them an egg.

Here I will buy new things,

Forty different skirts

blue floral shawl

I'll fill the chest to the brim.


What are you talking nonsense!

Look, a young lady was found

Dress up in different rubbish.

No, if we are rich,

I will build instead of a hut

Three-story chambers

And gazebos in the corners.


Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old, do not be blissful!

We live no worse than others

We don't need floors!


Am I the owner or not?!

(The egg falls and breaks).

Baba (crying):

Oh, the egg rolled

Rolled and broke.


Calm down, that's enough, baba!

Ryaba will lay eggs for us.

We will paint these eggs

And hand over to the children for Easter.

(Grandfather and woman carry out a basket with colored eggs to the music.)

TEACHER: What a beauty! Look how interestingly colored eggs are! Why were they painted? We will find out now!

Children dressed as eggs come out: White, Blue and Red.

Beloe: (boastfully) And the hen Ryaba just blew me away. True, I am simple, not golden, but useful!

Red and Blue: And we have just been prepared for Easter. Do you see how beautiful we are?

White: What have you been prepared for?

Red: By Easter. Easter Sunday is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Blue: We were also white, like you, but on Maundy Thursday we were welded and dyed. We are painters now.

Beloe: Why were you painted?

Blue:. Because there is such a custom to exchange colored eggs at Easter. Most often, eggs are dyed red - the color of the blood of Christ.

Red: Sometimes eggs for Easter are not just painted, but painted, painted. Such eggs are called Easter eggs.

TEACHER: The main custom is to exchange colored eggs for Easter and to be christened three times. Someone hands you an egg and says: “Christ is Risen!”, and you answer: “Truly Risen!”. You swap eggs and kiss three times. At the same time, people forgive each other all insults, misunderstandings, and maybe even anger. How could it be otherwise, because this is the joyful day of the Resurrection. Let's get christened with you.

(Children exchange eggs and kiss three times.)


We know that on the bright holiday of Easter there is a custom to give eggs.

And what letters can be seen on Easter eggs? (children answer).

Christ is Risen! - froze on a varnished testicle.


Christ is Risen! - what wonderful words, in them both the victorious message of life over death, and the joy of eternal life.

TEACHER: There are also many signs for Easter.

(Children are given 6 cards, from which you need to collect 3 signs.)

If a it will rain- ... (spring will be rainy)

On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is playing - ... (for a good harvest and a red summer.)

On Easter, you can’t throw and pour out the window - ... (Christ walks under the windows)

Easter quiz for kids. (slides on screen).


While various divine services are performed in our small and man-made temples and we move from holiday to holiday, the great and miraculous temple of nature also does not remain unchanged. And in it various celebrations are performed for the glory of the Lord. So look at the current spring decoration of nature, at the developing greenery everywhere, scattered flowers everywhere, who will not say that now, having slept in a winter sleep, nature seemed to wake up from sleep and, imitating the Holy Church, began to celebrate the day of the Resurrection.

Slides of nature.


How troublesomely everything in nature is renewed at this time.

"Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!" - free liberated waters murmur ...

"Christ is risen!" - the awakened forest whispers ...

“Christ is Risen!” is heard from the green shoots of the fields and the breaking spikelets of new green grass.

And the birds that flew in from afar to praise the spring and the rays of the sun, playing in the clean, warm air, repeat one life-giving message that one cannot hear enough of: "Christ is Risen!"

And nature happily echoes our awakened heart.

The song "God first created the sky" sounds.

God first created the sky

Then he created the earth

Stars hung lanterns -

The vault of heaven illuminated.

And then He created the sea

Rain, dew and waterfall

Rivers, streams, lakes,

Created snow and even hail.

And God saw: Very good

And then adorned the earth

Planted a flowering garden -

Roses, lilies, olives,

Pineapple and grapes.

Created mammoths and tigers

Dinosaurs and elephants

frogs and snails,

Turtles and donkeys.

And the crown of all creation

God called man

And breathed a living soul

To glorify the Creator.

And God saw: Very good

Everything He has made for us

Everything that God has created... for us.

Everything that God has created, has created for us.

The reader child reads near the nest:

Larks curl under the sun

Sing: Christ is Risen!

All over the robin bushes

Sing: Christ is Risen!

In all windows swallows

They shout: Christ is Risen!

Hearts of virgins and boys

Sing: Christ is Risen!

Ringing, ringing bells, ding dong

The bright time has come, ding dong,

And the music is pouring from heaven, ding-dong,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Christ is Risen! - people greet each other.

Christ is Risen! - birds echo them.

Christ is Risen! - Church bells ring.

(The bell sounds.)


The sun has risen

In the fields across the river.

Morning has come

Already blue.

The birds are chirping

In one rapture

Praise Christ

For His Sunday!

Children, you too

Praise Jesus.

That morning He dissolved

Deadly bonds!


Fields, hills, gardens and forest -

Everything was announced around

A beautiful song of jubilation.

Justification came true

All sinners, no more tears:

Christ rose from the tomb in the morning!

He conquered all the powers of decay

With your wonderful Sunday

Let the human race rise up all:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Christ is truly Risen!

Easter is a bright Christian holiday, joyful, uniting believers.

Here came with spring-beauty
Bright holiday for everyone.
hugging, kissing,
Joy is everywhere, laughter is everywhere!

The red sun warms the earth,
White steam comes from the earth
Red ringing is heard everywhere -

Good people dressed up
The dense forest has dressed up,
The good earth dressed up
Silk ant.

Forgotten all the insults -
As if they never existed!
And with nature renewed
The man has been updated.

As if there was no evil in him!
It would be nice to live like this
Yes, not a day, but an eternity,
Forgive everyone and love everyone!

We speak with joy.
We celebrate the holiday to the skies.
We bring the message to the whole universe:
The day has come - Christ is Risen!

TEACHER: Easter is a holiday of love, selfless love, self-denying. I finish our meeting with a poem by Alexei Pleshcheev “Children, love each other!”.

Children, love each other!

Many from your circle

A hard fate awaits.

But who loves and who loves

Life won't ruin it

In the midst of petty worries.

stand for the weak brother

Friendly dense army.

Homeland in the years of adversity

Sacrifice sweat and blood.

Only this kind of love

The human race is alive!


Faith and love!


Joyful miracles!

And let now

Sounds warm:


Christ is risen!

(The song sounds Sound songs to heaven")
Sound songs to heaven
And wake everyone from sleep.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Hurry to meet him.
At the tomb are the messengers of heaven
Meet the wives of the dull.
Greetings - Christ is Risen!
Destroying the darkness of the grave.

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Praise forever to God on high!


The Risen One He Appeared Himself
Mary Magdalene,
Then to all students
Almighty Son of God.
Centuries have passed since then
But the power of Sunday
Mighty, marvelous, great,
Gives salvation to hearts.

Christ is risen!
For Christians there are no words more expensive, higher!
Christ is risen!
Praise forever to God on high!

Christ is risen!
For Christians there are no words more expensive, higher!
Christ is risen!
Praise forever to God on high!

Praise forever to God on high!

Easter games.

Egg rolling.

The favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling: they made a simple wooden or cardboard "skating rink", and around it they freed up a flat empty space on which they laid out painted eggs, or small prizes, or toys. The players take turns approaching the rink and rolling their egg; the object that the egg touches is won.

Search for Easter eggs.

You can play the following game with visiting children: one of the elders hides eggs with surprises in different places in advance - cardboard, plastic, glued egg-shaped envelopes with small prizes (you can, of course, hide such delicacies popular with today's children with a toy like Kinder Surprise).

If there are many children, you can divide them into two teams, each of which will strive to win as many eggs as possible in the allotted time. Of course, we must try to ensure that each child finds at least one egg and takes it home as a prize.

Choking eggs.

This is also an old Russian game: by hitting the opponent's egg with a blunt or sharp end of a colored egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracked - lost!


(props - caps according to the number of players)

A leader is chosen, all players turn away. The host hides the egg under one of the hats. Players take turns trying to guess which one. The host raises the hat that the player points to; guesser becomes the leader.

Whose egg will spin longer.

If it’s a pity to break the eggs, you can check whose egg will spin longer. At the command of the leader, the players must simultaneously spin their dyes on a flat surface. Whose egg will spin the longest is the winner, he takes the lost eggs as a prize.

Relay "Easter table"

2 teams are participating. Depending on the number of participants, the stages of the relay race are determined. For example.

1st stage

The first participant runs to the table (removal of 5-6 meters). He needs to peel an egg boiled for Easter and painted, eat it (put salt, warm tea so that he can drink it), put the shell in a matchbox, close it and return back with it.

2nd stage

The second participant, having reached the table, must carefully cut the cake, put it on a plate in pieces.

Stage 3

The third participant prepares Easter from the proposed set of products: cottage cheese, butter, raisins, cream.

Stage 4

The fourth participant is given a spoon and an egg. He should roll up to Easter table» along the paper track with a spoon egg. And the fifth participant must roll the egg with his nose .. You can continue the number of stages of the relay yourself.

"Merry round dance"

On Easter it was customary to sing cheerful songs and dance round dances. Now we will try to restore this tradition.

All guests stand in a large circle, in the center of which is the host with a basket of Easter eggs. He is blindfolded. Any cheerful folk music sounds. The round dance moves clockwise, and the leader circles in place counterclockwise.

The music is suddenly turned off. The leader and the round dance stops. In front of whom the host stopped, he must complete any simple task that the host offers, and for this he receives an Easter egg.

"Easter Bell"

During the Easter holiday in Rus', bells rang in all churches.

Several people are involved in the game. Everyone chooses a sheet with the name of the song proposed by the presenter, for example, “Evening Bells”, “Bell”, “Walks along the Don” or any other melodic Russian folk songs.

It is necessary not to sing the selected song, but to portray the bell ringing, saying instead of the words “Bom-bom-bom” or “Ding-ding-ding”. The one who more accurately performs the motive and makes it interesting and fun wins.

The floor is given to the priest present.

Teacher: This concludes our event. Everyone is invited to the solemn tea party.

Moderator: (to the children)
Christ is risen, dear children!
Christ is risen, dear guests!

Children and adults in the hall:
Risen indeed!

The biggest and most joyful, most important Christian holiday has come: Easter of the Lord, the Resurrection of Christ.
On this day we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.
The Resurrection of Christ means for us the beginning of a new holy life. Celebrating Easter, we should try not to sin: not to get angry, not to quarrel, not to deceive, not to be capricious, not to demand better for ourselves, but to love each other and do good.

Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen! people brothers,

each other in a warm embrace

Hurry up to accept!

Forget quarrels, insults,

Yes, bright holiday of Sunday

Nothing will overshadow!

Christ is Risen! Hell trembles

And the sun of eternal truth shines

Over the renewed earth;

And the whole universe is warm

Beam of divine light

Tastes joy and peace.

Christ is Risen! Holy day!

Thunder in all ends of the universe

Praise be to the Creator!

Gone are the sorrows and sorrows,

The chains of sin have fallen from us,

The soul recoiled from evil!

(children stand in the center of the poetry reading room)

I love this spring day
April wonderful day.
christ jesus resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate.
After all, he, destroying all barriers,
Resurrection for me too!
With Jesus I will be forever happy,
And my whole family.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night is gone.
The ringing of heaven shines with light, the bells sing.
They sing about the holiday of love, about the miracle of miracles:
The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!
Christ, Christ is risen!

A miracle of miracles happened, a prophecy from heaven
And the ringing of bells brings the good news:
Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!
The people rejoice and sing, and it is heard to heaven:
"Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!"

It's good to ring the bells on the bell tower,
To make the holiday more spacious, so that the soul can sing.
Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime
The bright anthem of Sunday sounded from all sides.

Happy Easter
And we sing: - "Christ is risen!"
We all answer together:
"He is truly risen!"
Years go by
Under the azure sky.
And the nations sing everywhere:
"He is truly risen!"
Everywhere joy and hugs:
"Brother, sister, Christ is risen!
Hell is destroyed, there is no curse:
He is truly risen!"

Children sing the song "Christ is risen" (A miracle above all miracles)

Song "Christ is Risen"

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is risen!
Death is gone and fear is gone - Christ is risen!
Choirs of Angels from heaven glorify God's Cross.
He is not among the dead - Christ is risen!
Light shone over the world - Christ is risen!
You see His tomb is empty, Jesus Christ is alive!
Christ is risen - truly risen! (2 times)
The Lord saved us from death - Christ is risen!
The kingdom of God is among us - Christ is risen!
Rejoice and glorify - now love reigns!


"Dear testicle for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. Without a red egg, it is impossible to imagine a bright holiday. Why do we color eggs and give them to each other?

History has preserved this tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the joyful news that there is no longer any need to be afraid of death. She was defeated by Christ, the Savior of the world. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who will believe Him and will love people just as He loved.

Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor always brought some kind of gift: the rich - jewelry, and the poor - what they could. Mary had nothing with her except her faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple chicken egg and immediately loudly pronounced the main news: “Christ is risen!”. The emperor was surprised and said: “How can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? It’s hard to believe that, just like the fact that this white egg can turn red!” While he was saying these words, the egg began to change its color: it turned pink, darkened, and finally turned bright red. This is how the first Easter egg was given.

I painted an egg
A branch, and on a branch a bird.
The cloud flies into space
In the blue skies.
In the middle - a pattern,
And below - Christ is Risen!

Presenter: (showing drawings of Easter eggs)

Did you know that eggs dyed the same color are called eggs. Many housewives boil eggs in onion skins to get krashenka.

If spots, stripes, specks of a different color are indicated on a common colored background - these are specks, from the Ukrainian word “speck”, that is, cover with drops.

Artfully painted Easter eggs are called pysanky. For the drawing of Easter eggs, elements of the plant and animal world, geometric shapes are used. Ukrainian Easter eggs are real works of folk art.


During Great Lent, all games and amusements were forbidden, and from Easter the cheerful entertainments of the youth began. Celebrations were held in the open air: boys and girls danced, danced round dances, sang folk songs. And today, fervent spoons have come to our holiday! Meet!

(Musical number "Lozhkari")


Easter is the longest holiday. The whole holiday week is called bright. Every day was celebrated in its own way, and in Rus' there was a tradition - to play games with Easter eggs. The favorite Easter entertainment was skating krashenok. For this, special trays with a chute were made.

Another game was called "Bitki". The players beat with krashenki, whose egg broke or cracked, that loser.

These and other games can still be played today.

Spin the egg game

On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner.

Game "Gorka"

Two prefabricated slides are placed. Children simultaneously roll up dyes from them. Whose rolls further, he won.

Game "Bring the Egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each receives a spoon and an egg. The task of the players is to run to the given goal, return back as quickly as possible without dropping the egg; pass the spoon to the next player.

Round dance "Golden Gate"

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli,
We intertwined our hands.

(Saying these lines, the children shake their clasped hands back and forth).
We raised them up
It turned out to be a beauty!

(Perform 4 steps, simultaneously raising hands and not separating them).

It turned out not simple,
Golden Gate!

(Children continue walking, form a circle.
Further, 1 subgroup of children moves in a circle counterclockwise, continuing to sing, and the children of the 2nd subgroup, in a chain bypass the children of the 1st subgroup clockwise).

Mother Spring walks
Through the fields, forests alone.
Saying goodbye for the first time
Another time is prohibited.

(Children of both groups stop: 1 subgroup - raise their hands up, forming gates, and children of 2 subgroups, to the sounds of the song that children of 1 subgroup sing, run into these "gates").

Mother Spring walks
She is looking for kids.
Saying goodbye for the first time
Another time is prohibited.
And the third time we will not miss you.

(With the end of the song, the gates slam shut. They sit down).

And during the Easter week, it is customary to visit and give gifts to each other. So our guys have prepared an Easter gift for you - the fairy tale "Teremok".


(fairy tale script)


Music for Nastya. Poorly dressed Nastenka sits on a bench near the house and sews. A friend is standing nearby.

It was a long time ago. At the edge of the forest in a small house there lived a girl Nastenka. None of her relatives remained in the world. But she lived, did not grieve, worked in the garden, and went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And she had a true friend - the dog Druzhok.


And then one day, just before Easter, Nastenka gathered in the village, for a festive service.

In the house I cleaned
Cleaned the windows.
A light is burning in the lamp...
Are we good, friend?

It's good with us, hostess,
Just how not to grumble -
No Easter cake, no Easter ...
How can we celebrate the holiday?

We celebrate the holiday in the temple,
And not at home at the table.
God will not leave us with you
Do not be sad, my friend, about that.

(Waves his hand, leaves. Druzhok sadly enters the house).

(Cockerel comes up to the house and rings the bell).


Friend (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

And I am the Golden Scallop Cockerel.
From the village, from the guys,
I brought a dozen eggs.
They ordered Nastenka to congratulate
Yes, to amuse the orphan with songs.

(Enters with Druzhok into the house).

So the Lord sent eggs to Nastenka for Easter. This is from a neighboring village, the guys did not forget her. Now there will be something to break the fast!

(Mouse comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Cockerel (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She went to church to pray.
In the morning she will come
Why can't you sleep?

And I am Norushka Mouse.
I brought flour for dear Nastenka,
She will now have pancakes and pies.
She saved me in the hungry winter -
Bread crumbs, seeds for the Mouse in store.

(Enters with Cockerel into the house).

Now Nastenka has flour - Mouse thanked Nastenka.

(Kitty comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Someone who lives in a teremochka
Who-who lives in the low?

Mouse (looking out of the house):
Oh, save, cat, cat!

Don't be afraid of me, baby!
The cat won't hurt you.
I came to visit Nastya
And she brought sour cream.
Let me go quickly
To my dear Nastya!

(Comes into the house with the Mouse).

Look - Kitty Mouse did not offend! For the sake of such a holiday, she gave her favorite sour cream for Nastya.

(Butterfly flies up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Kitty (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
In the morning she will come
She prays in the temple.
You must sleep at night!

I brought nectar to Nastya with gratitude.
She saved me from the web now.
And further along the path I went to a beautiful temple,
And I took the nectar and flew to you!

(Comes into the house with Kitty).

How many products have already accumulated - and eggs, and flour, and sour cream, and sugar. In my opinion, it is already possible to bake something ... What do you think it is possible to bake from these products? That's right, kulich!

(Squirrel comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Butterfly (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

I am a smart squirrel.
I have been friends with this kind girl for a long time,
But for the first time I visit her in the house.
My gift is not rich, but poverty is not a vice.
Raisins and nuts I carry a box.

(Enters with Butterfly into the house).

Well, now the Easter cake will come out especially tasty - Squirrel brought raisins and nuts.

(Lamb comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Squirrel (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
And who are you?

I am Baran
Brought a sundress.
Godmother Nastya
Sundress sends and sweets.

(Comes into the house with Squirrel).

Blimey! The godmother sent a new sundress for Nastya! Now Nastya will be smart on a holiday!

(Fox and Bunny come up to the house and ring the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Lamb (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come in the morning.
(seeing Lisa)
Oh, sly Fox!
How is the Bunny not afraid?

On the holy night we must not be at enmity.
The dense forest calmed down before the Mystery.
How glad we can say:
"Christ is risen!"

Truly risen!
Nastya as a gift
Take from us, my friend,
Oil lump
Yes, white curd.

(They give the basket to the Lamb and enter the house with the Lamb).

Both the Fox and the Bunny did not quarrel, but brought cottage cheese and butter. Now the animals will be able to cook something else for Nastya… What? Creative Passover! This is how the Lord managed everything and took care of Nastya.

(Wolf comes up to the house and rings the bell).

Someone who lives in a little house, someone who lives in a low house?

Fox (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come soon.
And who are you?

I am the Wolf, teeth click!
I'm more often free to walk, I'm used to wandering,
But the forester sent me to this Nastya of yours.
He said that he respects and remembers his grandfather,
He gave shoes for Nastya and bowed.

(He bows and enters the house with the Fox.)

And the forester still remembers Nastya's grandfather! That's how many, it turns out, Nastya's friends.

(The Bear comes to the house and rings the bell).

Whose house-teremok, who lives in the house?

Wolf (leaving the house):
Nastenka lives in the house,
She will come soon.
And who are you?

I am a Bear, a lover of songs to sing.
I couldn't sleep in the lair.
And how the streams began to ring -
I realized - spring has already come!
So it's Easter again.
And a miracle of miracles happened:
I came to congratulate our Nastya
And tell her that Christ is risen!

Come on, Misha!

No, I will not enter the house -
I'm afraid to ruin it...

The Bear did not enter the house, he was afraid to destroy it. He just turned around and was about to leave, looking - Nastenka was coming!

(Nastya appears and stops the Bear).

Hello, teddy bear!
Sore paw healed?
We will celebrate Easter.
Just nothing to eat...

(Kitty comes out of the house).

How is this nothing? Treats on the table!

(All Nastya's guests and Druzhok come out of the house).

Christ is Risen!

Risen indeed!

(Nastya enters the house. An angel appears).

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - the time of miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
“Truly, Christ is risen!”

(A dressed-up Nastya comes out of the house. Everyone sings the "Easter Song").

Christ is Risen! the sun is playing
Christ is Risen! - rustling leaves
Christ is Risen! - proclaims loudly
Sacred words from the pulpit, father.
They have the joy of life, the denial of death,
Our hope, faith and love,
In them is the voice of the one Orthodox Church,
And it sounds all over Russia again.
Christ is Risen! - congratulations on Easter,
Christ is Risen! - the heart sings
Christ is Risen! Even children know
Christ is Risen and calls us to the Kingdom of God!


Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen! Truly risen!
He is risen... And this is the Resurrection
Grant us eternal salvation!

In the morning at dawn, Jesus was resurrected,
Praise, children, the Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb, the seal is broken,
And the birds are chirping - how can we be silent ?!
The winner of death brought joy to us.
Praise God, children, Jesus Christ lives!


Where are you going?

We're going to church for the Easter service!

And did you have a desire to push through the churches on Sunday?

So after all, Sunday is called Sunday because the Savior was resurrected on this day. Easter is the biggest event, the great Resurrection. If you don’t go to church that day, then you miss the most important thing!

Let's go, Vanya, I like to light candles in the Church. Their lights are so warm and inviting. When I light a candle, I am always happy and sad. I even sigh.

This is because the candle is a small sacrifice.

What about the big sacrifice? When do you get a lot of money?

And the great sacrifice is the one that the Lord brought for all the sins of the world.

And what did he bring?

Himself. He died a painful death on the Cross.

He walked resignedly on a thorny path,
He met joyfully both death and shame;
The mouth that spoke the doctrine of strict truth,
They did not utter a reproach to the mocking crowd.

He walked meekly and, crucified on the cross,
He bequeathed freedom and love to the peoples;
For this sinful world, vice embraced by darkness,
His holy blood was shed for the neighbor.

And again before the eyes of three crosses ...
Here is the execution and the cry of the crowd and the executioners
And the Romans laugh and whistle whips
And the hands of the pierced Christ...

Those hands that recently healed
Who blessed the children
And bread was handed out to hungry people,
Today they were pierced and crucified.

Calvary Larisa Zuykova

Is it worth it to be God if you get killed?

You talk like a human being, and a person usually loves himself more than others.

Here you are baptized. Wear crosses. What for?

I have a gold cross, beautiful.

But my grandmother makes me. He says that without a cross I will completely get out of hand.

And the Lord carried His cross through the whole city on his shoulders, and my Saint Simon helped him. And your holy John the Theologian and your holy Mary Magdalene stood at the Cross and mourned Christ.

And your saint, Nastya, what did you do?

My saint became famous later, but my name in Greek means "resurrected."

Perhaps we will go with you.

Only, with candles, we will definitely go around the temple!

Of course let's go! And in the morning, if you don’t fall asleep, you’ll see how the sun plays, Rejoice at the Resurrection!

The sun woke up early, its beam roams the meadow.
We, leaving the temple, kiss each other three times.

We remember the commandment of the Lord again at Easter:
Consent, peace and affection, and love for our loved ones.



Granddaughter, brother rather call,
Yes, roll up your sleeves -
Let's make an Easter cake.

If only he would come out!

If only he would come out!

Any business - study, work
Do you fight the spiritual, external battle
We, relying on God's bounty,
How do we start?

Humble prayer!

That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to help us!
Our labors for the meal of love.

Lord our God, bless!

Though this white flour is pure,
All the same, pass it through a sieve, granddaughter!

There are many here, grandmother, various impurities,
Small lumps, specks are hidden.

Confession to us from sins and temptations
It cleans thoughts like a good sieve.
The repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator.
Let us liken our heart to oil,
All covered with deep humility.

Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
Generously put in Easter cake without fear ...

But he never rises
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty chimera,
If love is not accompanied by faith.

The dough is made with intelligence and skill,

Let's finish the job with a hot oven,

Here is our Easter cake on a festive dish -

Happy Easter to you, good people!


What's this?

Whatever you want, I bet that this is Vanya calling!

I don’t understand anything, how did he get to the bell tower?

According to an old Russian custom, during the whole Easter week, any good Christian could go to the bell tower and ring the bells - in honor of the big holiday.

So he can't.

SEMYON Your heart will tell you. Look how happy and loud he comes out.

Christ is Risen! And singing pours in a rolling wave from heaven.
Gone are the mournful commotions... Holy night—Christ is Risen!
It is still dark, but the ray of the east has gilded the slumbering forest...
Streams of the stream are flowing ... Truly, Christ is Risen!
Oh, this marvelous phenomenon - the holy Miracle of miracles:
Hell is destroyed by the Cross and Light of the Resurrection: Christ is Risen!
As soon as over the sinful darkness, the preponderance of Light came true -
Once again it flashed like a wave: TRULY IS RISEN!