Conditions for receiving a pension in a year. Formation of a pension. What to do if the pension is below the living wage

In 2018, from one and a half to two million people will retire in Russia. How the pension will be calculated, what will affect its size is a mystery for most beginners. Employees of the PFRF, as shown by the discussion , do not bother explaining the details and features of the calculation of a particular pension and the reasons why it is often underestimated. Therefore, traditionally at the beginning of the year we talk about how the pension is calculated. We do this in order to help future pensioners avoid mistakes when applying for a pension.and defend their rights.

The algorithm for calculating pensions has not changed since 2015 (with the exception of some annually adjusted parameters), nevertheless, 45-90 has again prepared and publishes a memo-instruction to familiarize "newcomers" with the basic principles of calculating pensions in 2018.

Calculation of pensions in 2018.

You can calculate the amount of the pension accrued in 2018 using our . It differs from all others, including the PFRF calculator, in that it takes into account all periods of a citizen's labor activity and calculates the real, and not the hypothetical, amount of pensions. To carry out related calculations - determining the average monthly salary for any period up to 2002 and finding the coefficient of the average monthly salary (AMS), as well as the amount of pension capital earned for the periods from 2002 to 2015, you can use .

In order to understand how a pension is calculated and what its size depends on, it is important to know the basic principles for the formation of pension rights, as well as the key details and features of the calculations, which are described below.

General parameters that will be used to calculate the size of pensions in 2018.

  • The minimum required insurance period to qualify for an insurance pension in 2018 - 9 years.
    (In 2017 - 8 years).
  • Minimum required value IPK to qualify for an insurance pension in 2018 - 13,8.
    (In 2017 - 11.4).
  • The cost of one pension coefficient ( SPK) in 2018 - 81 ruble 49 kopecks
    (In 2017 - 78 rubles 58 kopecks).
  • The amount of the fixed payment ( FV) to the old-age insurance pension in 2018 will be 4 982 rubles 90 kopecks. (In 2017 - 4805 rubles 11 kopecks).

What parts does the pension consist of and how is it calculated.

The basic pension that a citizen will receive upon retirement in 2018 will consist of the “Insurance old-age pension” and the “Fixed payment”.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension (FV).

Fixed payout ( FV) is added to the old-age insurance pension for all pensioners without exception. Its size in 2018 is 4 982 rubles 90 kopecks.

Law () PV is defined as follows: " Fixed payment to an insurance pension - provision of persons entitled to the establishment of an insurance pension in accordance with this Federal Law, established in the form of a payment in a fixed amount to an insurance pension."

For northerners, disabled people and a number of other beneficiaries, an increased amount of a fixed payment is provided. Details are described in Article 17.

Parts of the insurance old-age pension (SPst)

old-age pension ( SPst) is formed from four parts - three correspond to different periods of the citizen's labor activity, and the fourth is charged for other periods equated to the length of service.

The insurance pension consists of:

  • part of the insurance pension earned for the periods before 2002.
  • part of the insurance pension earned for the periods from 2002 to 2014.
  • part of the insurance pension earned for periods after 2015
  • part of the insurance pension accrued for other (non-insurance) periods.

Individual pension coefficient (IPC)

From January 1, 2015, the pension rights of citizens are measured and taken into account by the value of their “earned” individual pension coefficient (IPK) in points . To calculate the amount of the pension in rubles, you need to know (calculate, calculate) the value of the individual pension coefficient. When IPK is known, then it is multiplied by the value of one pension coefficient (point) in the year the pension is awarded and the amount of the “Insurance old-age pension” is determined in rubles.

In accordance with the structure of the old-age insurance pension, IPK is also calculated on the basis of three main terms with the addition of a fourth, which takes into account pension rights for “other” (non-insurance) periods - military service, child care periods, etc.

For each of these periods IPK defined and calculated in various ways.

Pension rights formed before 2002

(IPK until 2002)

They depend on and are completely determined by three parameters:

  1. Duration of insurance (labor) experience until 2002.
  2. The average monthly earnings of a citizen either for 2000-2001, or for any 60 months (5 years) in a row in the period up to 01/01/2002 (whichever is more profitable is chosen).
  3. Duration of insurance experience until 1991.

Incorrect accounting or underestimation of any of the listed parameters can lead to an underestimation of the amount of the pension.

Pension rights earned during this period are first calculated in rubles and then converted into IPK. Detailed calculation algorithmIPKuntil 2002 described in .

The main calculation problemIPKuntil 2002for retirees, in 2018 is that the Pension Fund (PFRF)does not havefull information about citizens and their work activities for periods up to 2002. Therefore, the valueIPKuntil 2002., which, at your request, will be issued, for example, by the Personal Account of the PFRF website, as a rule, does not correspond to reality. If the calculation for or shows a result different from that indicated in the Personal Account, then you will have to prove your case in the PFRF with official documents confirming the length of service and earnings (employment book, earnings certificates, archival documents, etc.). You need to worry about the availability of such documents and their compliance with the requirements of the PFRF (the necessary seals and signatures) in advance.

Pension rights formed in 2002-2014.

(IPK for 2002-2014).

They depend on and are completely determined only by the size of the pension capital ( PC) formed from insurance contributions to the PFRF for these years.

Neither the insurance period - the duration of the periods in 2002-2014, during which insurance premiums were transferred to the PFRF for you, nor other parameters, have any effect on the amount of the insurance part of the pension earned in 2002-2014. (provided that the total insurance period is sufficient to acquire the right to receive an old-age insurance pension). Calculation and assessment of pension rights formed for 2002-2014 is carried out in rubles on the basis of , which are then converted into points IPK.

How pension rights are calculated and IPK for 2002-2014 detailed in .

Information about this period of employment and about the amounts of insurance premiums transferred is known and recorded on the ILS of a citizen in the PFRF, since since 2002 a personalized account has been fully operational in the PFRF. the value IPK for 2002-2014 can be found in the Personal Account on the PFRF website or on the State Services website, but it will not be possible to influence and change its size. To control the correctness of the data specified in the Personal Account, IPK for this period can be calculated either on or "manually" based on .

Pension rights formed after 01/01/2015

(IPK after 01/01/2015).

They depend and are completely determined only by the amount of insurance premiums received by the citizen's ILS in the PFRF.

From January 1, 2015, after entry into force, the method of calculation IPK has changed. For each calendar year, its value began to be calculated using the formula

IPK year- individual pension coefficient determined for each calendar year starting from January 1, 2015; SW year- the amount of insurance premiums accrued and paid for the corresponding calendar year for the insured person; EAR year- the standard amount of insurance premiums for the old-age insurance pension, calculated as follows

EAR year = 0.16 x Prev. Vel. bases.

Previous Vel. Bases- this is the so-called "limiting value of the base for calculating insurance premiums" - "ceiling" annual salary(cumulatively from January 1 of the corresponding year), from which insurance premiums are accrued in the amount of 22%, of which 16% goes to the formation of an insurance pension (if no funded pension was formed). From amounts exceeding this threshold, insurance premiums are also transferred to the Pension Fund, but at a different rate - in the amount of 10%, and they do not go to the individual personal account of a citizen, but to the "common pool" of the Pension Fund. The limit value of the base is annually set by government decrees.

Reference. Values Previous Vel. Bases :

in 2015 - 711,000 rubles; in 2016 - 796,000 rubles; in 2017 - 876,000 rubles, in 2018 - 1,021,000 rubles.

To calculate and evaluate your annual IPK earned after 01/01/2015, you can use the simplified formulas

  • IPK2015 = (average monthly salary in 2015 / 59,250) x 10.
    Cannot exceed 7.39. If it turns out to be more, then it is equal to 7,39.
  • IPK2016 = (average monthly salary in 2016 / 66,333) x 10.
    Cannot exceed 7.83. If it turns out to be more, then it is equal to 7.83.
  • IPK2017 = (average monthly salary in 2017 / 73,000) x 10.
    Cannot exceed 8.26. If it turns out to be more, then it is equal to 8.26.
  • IPK2018 = ((earnings for 2018 until retirement) x 0.16 / 163,360) x 10.
    Cannot exceed 8.7. If it turns out to be more, then it is equal to 8.7.

IPC for other periods.

For socially significant periods - military service, child care and some others, points are also awarded, as a result of which IPC for other periods. It is charged if a citizen did not work during these periods. The number of points awarded for non-insurance periods, in accordance with paragraph 12, article 15 of the Federal Law "", is as follows.

  • Coefficient ( IPK) for the period of conscription military service, as well as periods of service and (or) activity (work) provided for by the Federal Law of June 4, 2011 N 126-FZ "On Guarantees of Pensions for Certain Categories of Citizens", is 1.8.
  • Coefficient ( IPK) for a full calendar year of another period provided for in clause 3 of part 1 of Article 12 is:

1) 1.8 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the first child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

2) 3.6 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the second child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

3) 5.4 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the third or fourth child until each reaches the age of one and a half years.

The final calculation of the amount of the pension

After being calculated IPK for separate periods, they are added up and the final value is determined IPK:

IPC = IPC before 2002 + IPC for 2002-2014 + IPC after 01/01/2015 + IPC for other periods.

With a known IPK the amount of the pension assigned in 2018 is easy to calculate. For this IPK multiplied by the cost of one pension coefficient and a fixed payment is added to the amount received

Pension = IPC x81 rubles 49 kopecks + 4,982 rubles 90 kopecks


1. The described algorithm for calculating pensions remains unchanged and is applied from January 1, 2015 to the present day.

2. The most important period, from the point of view of the possibility of influencing the amount of the accrued pension, is the period of employment until 2002. The amount of the pension can be influenced by choosing the most favorable wages for this period (for 60 consecutive months) and the length of the insurance period (confirming it required documents). To do this, you will have to carefully study the accrual of pensions for periods up to 2002.

3. It is difficult to influence the amount of pension accrued for other periods (after 2002) - all information on the amount of insurance premiums is recorded on the ILS in the PFRF and "is not subject to appeal."

4. We have described the algorithm for a typical, "standard" insurance old-age pension. In some cases - with early retirement, northern experience and other features, additional subtleties in the calculations may arise. Many of them are discussed and understood on our forum in the section. This is a collective knowledge box where you can ask a question and get a hint on how to act correctly in many non-standard situations.

5. Those who participated in the formation of pension savings in the NPF or the UK will additionally receive an addition to the "basic" pension in the form of "Contributory pension". However, since the vast majority of citizens retiring in 2018 either did not form a funded pension or formed it in very small amounts, we do not consider it within the framework of this article and will talk about it in other publications.

Reforms are constantly being carried out in Russia, including those relating to the pension system. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to calculate the pension in 2018.

When calculating the pension in 2018, the total points and the difference in periods between reaching the appropriate age and actual retirement will be taken into account. In addition, the government will index fixed payments and the cost of points.

Pension in 2018 will depend on the following parameters: salary, length of service and the period when retirement occurs. In addition, since 2015, its funded component has been separated from the insurance component. The final amount of the pension depends on the pension points, which will remain relevant in the coming year.

The legislation defines the formula by which the pension will be calculated in 2018:

SP = F×K1 + IC×SK×K2, Where

  • SP - insurance pension;
  • Ф - fixed payment;
  • K1 - a coefficient that increases the payment subject to a delay in retirement;
  • IR - individual coefficient;
  • SC - the cost of the coefficient, which is determined during the actual registration;
  • K2 is an additional coefficient that increases the individual, subject to a later retirement.

The fixed payment depends on indexation, which takes place in February (mandatory) and April (optional). In 2017, the government increased the fixed payment to RUB 4,823. (indexation by 5.4% in February and by 0.36% in April). The final amount of the fixed payment depends on a number of additional conditions.

The current legislation provides for an allowance for a fixed payment in the following cases: disability, work in the Far North, age over 80 years, etc. As a result, the average payment in 2017 amounted to 5,745 rubles. Taking into account the indexation of 2018, the basic fixed payment will reach 5,000 rubles.

The cost of IC also depends on indexation. In 2017, this indicator reached 78.58 rubles, and in 2018 it will increase to 80 rubles.

The individual coefficient is defined as the sum of the annual coefficients (ARC), or pension points. In this case, only those periods when insurance premiums were transferred are taken into account. In addition, a later registration of a pension will increase the individual coefficient.

To calculate the GPC, 3 parameters are used:

  • insurance premiums paid from the total income received during the year (CO);
  • 16% contributions from the contributionable salary (set by the government on an annual basis) (CM);
  • a multiplier of 10 is the limit on the number of annual points.

HPC = CO / CM × 10.

Postponing the registration of a pension can significantly increase its size. For example, if a pension is issued 5 years after reaching the required age, then the individual coefficient is multiplied by 1.34. In addition, the fixed payout is multiplied by 1.27. The maximum size of premium coefficients reaches 2.32 for the individual coefficient and 2.11 for the fixed part.

An example of calculating the level of pension for a man who will draw it up in 2018:

At the time of actual registration, the IC is 78 points. At the same time, the fixed payment in 2018 reaches 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point is 80 rubles.

As a result, the pension will be:

5000 + 80 × 78 \u003d 11,240 rubles.

If we assume that a man reached retirement age in 2013, and draws it up in 2018, then the amount of the payment will become much larger:

5000 × 1.34 + 80 × 78 × 1.27 = 14624 rubles.

Retirement problems

The economic crisis, which, unfortunately, is not in a hurry to end yet, is forcing officials to cut government spending again and again. Including under the optimization fall the cost of pensions. In the short term, the ratio of the old-age pension to the subsistence minimum will drop to 50% (against the current 161%). In addition, as early as 2018, the size of the social pension will be less than the required minimum, which will be a real test for pensioners.

According to the latest official data, the number of complaints against NPFs in the past months of 2017 alone has increased 5 times, or almost 3,000 complaints in absolute terms, and by 2018 there will be even more. The reason for this is the conclusion of contracts without the knowledge of citizens and the loss of investment income due to poor awareness of the population.

A painless transition from one pension fund to another is still one of the main problems.

The ratio of the level of pensions to the subsistence level started to decline after the onset of the crisis. Despite high inflation, the government was unable to provide adequate indexation of pension payments.

The cost of living is calculated based on the cost of the basic consumer basket, taking into account the inflation index. According to the forecasts of officials, in 2018 this indicator for pensioners will be 9,364 rubles. At the same time, the social pension in the same period will be 205 rubles less.

The living wage allows you to determine the level of social supplement (the difference between all social payments received and the living wage). In particular, the support provided by the regional authorities is taken into account.

Long awaited reforms

The domestic pension system remains unbalanced, which can lead to serious consequences. An increase in the number of pensioners per employed person leads to an increase in the budget deficit. At the moment, the authorities use a frozen funded pension to cover the costs of the PFR. However, experts note that this only perpetuates the current problems. In order to eliminate the existing imbalances, the authorities must decide to carry out painful reforms.

In 2016, the government launched several initiatives aimed at reducing the pension fund deficit. Officials decided to abandon indexation for working pensioners and raised the retirement age for civil servants. In addition, the authorities decided to purposefully fight with salaries in envelopes, which will increase income from insurance premiums.

However, experts consider such measures insufficient. The authorities should consider options for raising insurance premiums and the retirement age. In addition, the government should abandon existing industry benefits and early pensions, which has already begun to happen. In this case, the state treasury will annually save more than 600 billion rubles.

The passivity of officials is connected with the social sensitivity of this issue. The authorities prefer to postpone making difficult decisions, fearing a rating downgrade.

The calculation of the pension in 2018 takes into account the total points and their value, bonus coefficients and a fixed payment. The later a citizen retires, the higher its size will be. In addition, despite the economic crisis, the government continues to index fixed payments and the cost of points.

Experts note that the current pension provision model remains unbalanced. To correct the situation and reduce the deficit of the pension fund, the authorities need to decide on painful reforms. For citizens, especially those over 35 years of age, we strongly recommend that you explore other ways to save money, such as bank deposits and investments.

In the system of compulsory pension insurance, working citizens form insurance pensions and pension savings.

There are three types of insurance pensions:

By old age

by disability,

On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

The pension rights of citizens are formed in individual pension coefficients, or pension points. All pension rights formed before 2015 were converted, without reduction, into pension points and are taken into account when assigning an insurance pension.

After 2015, the calculation of the number of pension points for the year is based on insurance premiums that the employer pays for his employee to the Pension Fund of Russia at the rate established by the state.

The right to an old-age insurance pension arises if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • reaching the age of 60 for men, 55 for women. Certain categories of citizens are entitled to the appointment of an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule;
  • for persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation, from 01/01/2017, an increased retirement age is in effect, which increases annually by 6 months to 65 years for men and 63 years for women;
  • availability of the required insurance period, taking into account the transitional provisions of Art. 35 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-F.In 2018, the duration of the insurance period required for granting an old-age insurance pension is 9 years, with a gradual increase to 15 years from 2024.
  • the presence of a minimum amount of pension points, taking into account the transitional provisions of Art. 35 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.In 2018, this is 13.8 pension points to30 from 2025. Mthe maximum number of pension points for the year in 2018 is 8.70.

The number of pension points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of the insurance (work) experience. For each year of labor activity of a citizen, provided that employers or he personally accrue insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, he has pension rights in the form of pension points.

The insurance pension is guaranteed to be increased by the state due to annual indexation.

The old-age insurance pension is calculated according to the formula:


SP \u003d IPK * SIPC + FV, Where:

  • joint venture - insurance pension
  • IPK - this is the sum of all pension points accrued on the date of assigning an insurance pension to a citizen
  • SIPC - the value of the pension point on the date of assignment of the insurance pension.

When assigning a pension from 01/01/2018 = 81.49 rubles. Indexed annually by the state.

  • FV - Fixed payment.

As of January 1, 2018, the fixed payment is 4,982.90 rubles, its amount is annually indexed by the state.

Thus, the calculation of the insurance pension in 2018 is carried out according to the formula:

SP \u003d IPC * 81.49 + 4982.90

For each year of later application for the appointment of a pension after the right to it has arisen, the insurance pension will increase by the corresponding premium coefficients.

Every citizen of Russia, upon reaching retirement age, has the right to use state support, which is expressed in the regular payment of pensions. It is important for future pensioners to be informed on how to correctly apply for an old-age pension in 2018.

The government plans to annually increase the retirement age by 1 year to 65 years. This applies to both men and women. Therefore, before starting the procedure for obtaining a pension and leaving work, it is necessary to clarify whether all the conditions for retirement are met. The next step is to submit the documents to the designated authority.

In 2018, the increase in the retirement age will affect only civil servants, 61 years for men and 56 years for women. Despite the fact that some liberal forces seek to extend these changes to others, the president still considers the age of 60 for men and 55 for women as the optimal age for retirement in Russia. There are only 3 main requirements for the appointment of regular payments:

  1. The age of applicants must be 60 for men and 55 for women;
  2. Official work experience of at least 9 years;
  3. The number of pension points is not less than 13.8 (depends on the length of service, the amount of deductions and the age at retirement).

A citizen is required to have official employment, otherwise he will not gain a sufficient number of individual points and experience. In this situation, he will be entitled to only social pension payments.

An application for an old-age pension must be submitted as soon as the right to receive it has become. If you do this after two months or more, part of the funds will not be paid. The application is considered within 30 days.

How to start applying for an old-age pension, and what documents you need to have

In order to properly go through the procedure for assigning a pension, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • in the nearest available branch, in person or by phone, receive information on the time of admission and the list of documents for submitting an application;
  • at the place of work to clarify when it is more profitable to retire and why;
  • collect all papers, including an application, the form of which can be downloaded from the website of the pension fund.
  • submit documents to the department and receive a receipt for the receipt of documents. Within three months, convey the papers that are missing;
  • receive notice of the appointment of pension payments.

The set of documents required for submission includes: passport, work book, certificate of earnings for the last 5 years, SNILS, certificate (diploma and other education documents), birth certificate of children, military ID (for men). Additionally, you must submit a marriage certificate and a change of name (if any).

If a pensioner continues to work even after reaching retirement age, it is not at all necessary to rush to start applying for a pension. The later he retires, the higher the level of accruals will be.

Having reached a certain age, Russian citizens are entitled to state pension payments. The old-age pension in 2018, in addition to the retirement age (60 years for men and 55 for women), requires an insurance period and fulfillment of other conditions established by law. For our country, this is the most common type of pension provision.

Types of pensions in Russia

In the Russian Federation, there are several types of pension provision, which are divided according to the terms of appointment. According to Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001, a pension can be:

  • Old-age insurance (otherwise called labor insurance) - to receive it, you must reach retirement age, have at least a minimum insurance period and the required number of points.
  • Social - payments of this type are assigned in the case of disabled people or persons who have lived to old age, but do not have the necessary length of service.
  • State - such provision is intended to compensate for the lost income of certain categories of citizens (for example, victims of radiation, military pensioners or test pilots). This type of accrual depends on a number of conditions - the absence of another form of income, the presence of seniority, etc.

How is the old age pension calculated?

In accordance with the pension legislation (which came into force on January 1, 2015, the federal law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”), the procedure for calculating social benefits for old age implies the fulfillment of several conditions. These are conditions such as:

  • Reaching retirement age (55 and 60 for women/men).
  • Required experience. This indicator increases annually, and for 2018 it is 9 years.
  • Availability of the required amount of pension points. For 2018, this number is 13.8 points.

Those who want to apply for an old-age pension in 2018 should definitely take into account that when calculating the insurance period, only the time of official employment is taken into account (that is, when the employer made transfers for the pension fund). Informal work or freelancing without a record in the labor force does not affect the length of service, therefore, those who seek to receive social benefits from the state when they go on a well-deserved rest need to get an official job.

Who is eligible for old-age insurance pensions

The legislation clearly defines the persons who can receive pension payments. These people can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Citizens of Russia: women not younger than 55, men - 60 years old, with the established amount of insurance experience.
  2. Citizens of Russia in the civil service: - from 01.01.2017, a multiplying coefficient is introduced - annually the retirement age for this category will increase by six months (with a "ceiling" of 63 and 65 years for women / men). For this category, the old-age pension in 2018 is intended for women who have reached the age of 56, for men - 61 years.
  3. Citizens of Russia who have worked in the northern territories (and areas equated to them) for at least 15 years: women at least 50, men - 55 years.
  4. Foreign citizens: women not younger than 60, men - 65 years old, with a Russian work experience of at least 15 years.

To calculate payments, the Pension Fund has special formulas that take into account age, seniority and other indicators. At the same time, it is important that the length of service also includes the time of study at a higher educational institution or military service. Working in hazardous conditions implies an early retirement date (as a rule, the amount of payments in this case will be higher).

Terms of receipt

The minimum length of service and the individual pensioner coefficient (IPC) are not constant values ​​- until 2025 they will increase annually. Therefore, the requirements for old-age pensioners will change every year. The table shows this dynamics, according to the Law "On Insurance Pensions":

How to issue

Making payments involves a certain sequence of actions. Step by step it looks like this - you need:

  1. Collect the necessary documentation confirming the length of service and the required benefits.
  2. Prepare an application for the FIU and submit along with a package of documents.
  3. If necessary, provide the required documentation.
  4. Find out about a positive decision and start receiving pension payments.

Where to go

An application for receiving payments is submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Another option is to do it through the Multifunctional Center (MFC). In this case, the payee can:

  • contact in person;
  • use the services of a legal representative;
  • fill out an application in electronic form on the PFR website;
  • send the document by mail;
  • do it with the help of the employer.

Russian citizens who have traveled abroad must apply directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Shabolovka st., 4). In all cases, the date of application will be the day when the application was accepted (the letter was sent), and if the document is prepared in electronic form, the time of submission via the Internet. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to prepare and submit an application no earlier than one month before the retirement date.

What documents are needed

In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit a number of documents confirming that the applicant is entitled to an old-age pension in 2018. The package of documents should include:

  • passport of a Russian citizen (or residence permit - for foreigners);
  • document on compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • work book and other documents confirming the length of service and its duration;
  • data on average monthly earnings for the last 5 years;
  • supporting documents in the presence of additional circumstances (for example, early retirement for those working in the Far North).

Terms of appointment

An application submitted to the FIU is considered within ten business days from the date of submission or mailing, while 3 months are given to prepare the documentation package. If this deadline is not met, the submission time is considered the day the last document was submitted. Payments are assigned from the time of application, but not earlier than the required age. However, if an employee leaves work and prepares an application within 30 days, payments can be assigned earlier than the day of application and the pension is assigned from the next day after completion of work.

Pension payments are made every month. At the same time, the recipient himself can choose a convenient delivery method for him. In addition to the recipient himself, a pension can be issued to a trustee - this requires a power of attorney and an annual confirmation of the pensioner's registration at the place of receipt.

The existing methods of delivering pension payments provide the recipient with the opportunity to choose the option that suits him (by notifying the Pension Fund of Russia with a personal appeal or by logging in to your personal account on the site). These are options such as:

  • With the help of the Russian Post - with home delivery or collection at the post office. When delivering to your home, a schedule is set and the end date of the delivery period is determined - it will be different for different post offices, so it needs to be clarified in advance. If pension payments are not claimed for six months, they are suspended until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Through a bank - directly at the branch or with a transfer to a plastic card. Money is transferred without commission, on the day of receipt of funds from the Pension Fund, and you can withdraw them from the card at any time. From July 1, 2017, banks issue only plastic cards of the Mir national payment system for pension payments.
  • Through an organization engaged in the delivery of pension payments - a complete list of these organizations is on the PFR website. The order of receipt is the same as with the help of the Russian Post - at the company's office or with home delivery.

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension

As of the end of 2018, the fixed pension payment is 4805.11 rubles, which are accrued every month. This amount can be increased if the pensioner is included in the preferential list - then, depending on the category, the amount of the surcharge will be 6246.64-21622.99 rubles. The table lists the categories of citizens who are entitled to a monthly fixed payment:

Monthly payment amount, rubles

Without dependents - citizens over the age of 80 or disabled people of the first group


Citizens under the age of 80 and not having a disability of the first group with 1-2-3 dependents


Residents of the Far North (and areas that are equated to it)

When using the multiplying factor, the pension will increase by the specified amount


those who have worked 15 or more years in the regions of the Far North, and having a work experience for men - 25 years or more, for women 5 years less.




those who have worked 20 or more years in the regions of the Far North, and having a work experience for men - 25 years or more, for women 5 years less.

Persons under the age of 80 without dependents and in the absence of a disability of the first group

Persons without dependents over 80 years of age or if there is a disability of the first group

Persons under the age of 80 with 1-2-3 dependents and in the absence of a disability of the first group


Persons with 1-2-3 dependents over 80 years of age or if there is a disability of the first group


Old age pension increase in 2018

Pensioners belong to the category of socially unprotected disabled citizens (only a few continue to work after taking a well-deserved rest), so they are very susceptible to changes in consumer prices. In order for the paid pension to correspond to the level of inflation, the amount of payments is adjusted annually (indexation). With the growth of inflation, the insurance pension will also increase within the limits of the prescribed indexation and taking into account the cost of the IPC. Thus, from February 1, 2018, old-age pensions and fixed payments will increase by 5.8%.

Minimum size

In old age, it is directly related to the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP), which is annually set by the Government of Russia (for example, for 2018, the PMP is 8,540 rubles). At the same time, different regions may have their own allowances from the budgets of local levels, so PfP-2017 for Moscow is 11,561 rubles, for the Moscow region - 9161 rubles, and for Yakutia - 13,907 rubles.

What to do if the pension is below the living wage

In some regions, the minimum old-age pension in 2018 is less than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner - for example, Ivanovo (7977 rubles) and Kursk (7460 rubles) regions can be cited. Looking at the list of PHC by regions of Russia, the difference in the size of pension accruals is very noticeable, but this does not mean that pensioners in these subjects of the federation are forced to endure hardships, as it may seem at first.

In a situation where regional payments are lower than the federal PMP, an allowance is set for pensioners to compensate for this difference, based on additional laws adopted by regional authorities. The smallest amount that will be paid to a Russian old-age pensioner in 2018 will be equal to 8,540 rubles - in its pure form or with increases if necessary.

Will there be indexation for working pensioners

In 2018, an innovative technology will be used for the indexation of pension accruals. Initially, funds for indexation were included in the budget, and the percentage of the increase obviously had to exceed inflation. This makes it possible to calculate the old-age pension in 2018 without relying on statistical calculations and to increase pension payments by 3.7 percent from January 1, 2018, and not from February 1, as it was before. The average value of the pension-2017 is 13,557 rubles, from 2018 it will increase to 14,045 rubles. This means that the average increase will be 488 rubles.


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