Anastasia Makeeva read caravan of stories online. Anastasia Makeeva named the names of the women who separated her from her husband. Do you have a favorite pastime or hobby?

In early April, Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk announced their divorce. The artist did not hide the fact that this decision was not easy for her, however, it was impossible to restore her previous relationship with her husband. In June, they officially divorced.

Makeeva did not make a secret of the fact that she had faded into the background for her husband - Matveychuk was completely absorbed in his own career. For the sake of peace in the family, Anastasia had to endure the persecution of her mother-in-law Olga Shalimovna. A woman who had worked as a make-up artist for a long time decided to try her hand as a producer of a production in which her son and daughter-in-law played. Matveychuk's mother began to dictate her working conditions. According to Makeeva, her mother-in-law loved Gleb's former darling Svetlana so much that she tried with all her might to make a star out of her, and therefore approved her for one of the main roles. Anastasia did not tolerate unprofessional work on stage and convinced her husband to exclude the girl from the play. After that, according to Makeeva, Olga Shalimovna harbored a grudge against Anastasia.

“It was our first open conflict, which started a real enmity. On whatever issue related to the performance, I spoke with Olga Shalimovna, my mother-in-law, and not the producer, invariably listened to me, ”the actress admitted.

Makeeva recalls with horror that she could not express her professional opinion on the performance without scandal if her view diverged from the point of view of Matveychuk's mother. Gleb also could not do anything against the will of the parent.

“A little something was wrong, Olga Shalimovna clutched at her heart, and an ambulance was called for her. I cried constantly. Gleb's mother rested on pity, a sense of guilt: she old man, must be taken into account. And as a result, in early April, Matveychuk announced that ... he was firing me! Makeeva recalled.

Anastasia was offended that, for the sake of her mother, her husband decided to exclude a professional actress from the performance, and not to convince her parent that she was not doing her job. The artist said that her mother-in-law interfered in the personal relationship between Makeeva and Matveychuk. According to her, Olga Shalimovna considered herself the main family life own son.

“Once my mother-in-law told me, they say, you perfectly understand that you and my son are together exactly as long as I let you! Of course, I didn’t want to believe her - after all, my husband and I are adult independent people, but life has shown that these were not empty threats, ”said Makeeva in an interview with the magazine "Collection of caravan stories".

“It was our first open conflict, which started a real enmity. On whatever issue related to the performance, I spoke with Olga Shalimovna, my mother-in-law, and not the producer, invariably listened to me, ”the actress admitted.

Makeeva recalls with horror that she could not express her professional opinion on the performance without scandal if her view diverged from the point of view of Matveychuk's mother. Gleb also could not do anything against the will of the parent.

“A little something wrong, Olga Shalimovna clutched at her heart and an ambulance was called for her. I cried constantly. Gleb's mother rested on pity, a sense of guilt: she is an elderly person, she must be reckoned with. And as a result, in early April, Matveychuk announced that ... he was firing me!” Makeeva recalled.

Anastasia was offended that, for the sake of her mother, her husband decided to exclude a professional actress from the performance, and not to convince her parent that she was not doing her job. The artist said that her mother-in-law interfered in the personal relationship between Makeeva and Matveychuk. According to her, Olga Shalimovna considered herself the main one in her son's family life.

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“Once my mother-in-law told me, they say, you perfectly understand that you and my son are together exactly as long as I let you! Of course, I didn’t want to believe her - after all, my husband and I are independent adults, but life has shown that these were not empty threats, ”said Makeeva in an interview with the Caravan Stories Collection magazine.

Anastasia Makeeva is now getting used to the status of a free woman and not only. After her divorce from Gleb Matveychuk, the actress discovered many different talents in herself.

Very soon, her first collection of clothes, which she created together with fashion designer Apollon Baigakoff, will be released, and the leisure center for women "Discover Yourself", which she created herself, has already begun its work. And this is just the beginning. Makeeva admitted that she is learning to live in a new way, she communicates with people differently and really wants to quickly realize her main project - to become a mother.

Anastasia, lately your life has changed dramatically, you have become a free woman again, you are preparing to make your debut as a designer. Tell us more about the collection that you are preparing to launch with designer Apollon Baigakoff, and how did fate bring you together with him?

We met Apollo at the MIFF-2016. At first we just talked and exchanged ideas. I really liked the works of Apollo, they are all so bright, beautiful. Then we decided to create something joint, because both of us creative people and we cannot live without bright colors and impulses to create something new.

The idea was born somehow by itself, that is, it turned out to be so organic and natural for us ... This happens only when very responsible and professional people work in the team! Our collection for urban girls who want to feel like real ladies in the stone jungle.

We came up with images together with Apollo, it is difficult to describe the entire creative process, but I will say that we found contact and understanding of what our collection will be like right away!

Not so long ago, the media wrote that Boris Grachevsky offered you cooperation, is that so? Are you considering his offer?

That's right, at a press conference dedicated to the premiere of the musical fairy tale "Miracle Yudo", Glachevsky invited me to play with him in "Yeralash". Let's see how this is implemented, while this is only a proposal.

Photo: Dmitry Iskhakov / Antenna-Telesem archive

What other projects are you currently working on?

Recently, I organized a women's leisure center "Discover Yourself", in which I gather all women of different ages. There we get to know each other, communicate, learn to be beautiful, happy, make new friends.

I think the center is very relevant for such a metropolis as Moscow. Despite the fact that we are surrounded by many people, sometimes we feel lonely. In order to help women make up for the lack of communication, I created the center.

It should be noted that in the age of technology, the Internet and virtual communication I still urge you to return to live communication, where we can verbally express our emotions, share secrets and talk about important things. I am also taking part in another amazingly interesting project, which will premiere in the spring or next fall.

This is a musical performance called "Oscar and the Pink Lady", where I will play the pink lady, which is very important for me. The performance is extraordinary, deaf and dumb artists will take part in it. Therefore, in just a few months I have to fully master the language of the deaf and dumb. It seems to me that it will not be easy, but extremely interesting.

Do you have a favorite pastime or hobby?

I have always loved to travel, but recently I have begun to appreciate live communication with people, because this is wildly lacking in my life. Very often, in the pursuit of career growth, we lose those simple things and skills that we have been given since childhood.

Living in a big city, people see nothing but work and home, and spend their energy on those who in any way can contribute to career growth. It all ends with the fact that a person loses the ability to selflessly communicate with other people. I want to restore this balance within myself and therefore I communicate a lot, this is now my favorite hobby.

In what profession would you like to be successful besides acting?

I would like to be a good mother. I think that this is the most important profession for every woman. I really want children and I want to be a worthy mother for them.

As for the rest, I am happy ... I am glad that I became an actress, I am in demand and all the time I try to improve in my business. In addition, pay attention to how much I do outside of my profession: I organized the women's club "Discover Yourself", the children's art academy, I produce my own performances, organize tours, and so on ...

Thus, I want to say that I have acquired many skills that are not related to acting.

Marriage with Gleb Matveychuk lasted six years

Recently, you have undergone changes in your personal life. What is the main lesson learned from marriage?

After Gleb and I divorced, I thought a lot and came to the conclusion that I loved myself very little, paid too little attention to myself and lived too much the life of another person. I realized that I was depriving myself of communication with people and friends. All this emptiness that has formed inside, I fill with communication. I try to easily get acquainted with new people of different professions, it broadens my horizons well and brings a lot of benefits.

After six years of married life and Gleb Matveychuk divorced. Beautiful and successful, they were always in sight, the spouses were considered the perfect couple. But the crisis in relations grew day by day.

“I lived by Gleb, his achievements, problems. And as a result, my own faded into the background - all discussions in the house concerned only the creative path of my husband, who became like a sprinter's race. First it was “Just the same”, and then, almost at the same time, “Battle of the Titans” ... Before that, I barely dissuaded him from the “Ice Age”: “You will get on the ice for the first time at thirty-three, and if injury? And breathing cold for eight hours is harmful, it will be reflected in the voice! Gleb agreed with me, but his television broadcasts. They became the main thing in his life,” Anastasia Makeeva said in an exclusive interview with the Caravan of Stories Collection magazine.

The only outlet for Makeeva was touring with the play "Territory of Passion", when she could be next to her husband on and off the stage. But it was this production that became fatal for Anastasia, when Olga Shilimovna, Gleb's mother, became the producer of the production. “The mother-in-law persuaded the actor to invest in her Alexandra Balueva, with whom she is connected not only by working, but also by friendly relations. And on this basis, makeup artist Olga Shalimovna suddenly announced herself as a producer! Now the mother-in-law constantly interfered in the creative process and controlled everything. The main embarrassment was that she absolutely did not understand the cuisine and the laws of this market ... "It's good that you decided to become a producer, not a surgeon!" I joked, ”recalls the actress.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk Photo: Y. Feklistov/7 Days/Closing of the 36th Moscow International Film Festival

“Gleb also perfectly understood that his mother was in the wrong place, but ... If my husband suddenly decided, for example, without any education, to become a gynecologist, I would honestly tell him:“ You are crazy! But Gleb reasoned differently: this is a mother, but she is doing something interesting for herself! True, the fate of our project and all the artists now depended on it. Among the first production decisions of Olga Shalimovna was to promote an absolute amateur in the acting profession to one of the main roles. Her protégé Sveta - . it ex girlfriend Gleba, who even after their separation remained an integral part of the Matveychuk family and called his parents dad and mom. I almost didn't get around to changing my last name in my passport. Apparently, the Matveychuks were closer to her than their own parents. I was asked to consider her a sister, which, of course, I did not do, ”said Makeeva.