The best congratulations in verse on the day of the elderly. Wishes for the day of the elderly Toast for the day of the elderly comic

Our dear, dear people of the older generation. We bow before your wisdom, we always take an example from you. Your kind and timely advice helps us in life. Today the country celebrates the holiday of the elderly. We sincerely congratulate you, and wish you a life without grief, good health, great happiness and longevity. May you always be understood and respected. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. May the Lord always protect you, may luck not pass by. ©

It's good that there is such a holiday - the day of the elderly. Let us at least once a year, with a great sense of cordiality, show attention to you, our dear elderly people. We sincerely wish you good health, long and happy years of life. May everything that you dream of come true, may peace and tranquility reign in your families. Rest more, forget about illnesses, and live just for your pleasure. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. May the good angel always protect you. ©

Low bow to you, elderly people, honor and praise. Today is your holiday. Allow from pure heart wish you good luck in everything, happiness and good mood. May your life be long and flow like a full river. May fate always be favorable to you. Let all bad weather and troubles forget your address. We wish you endurance, patience, all earthly blessings. Never lose heart, always be cheerful and self-confident. All earthly blessings to you, family warmth and well-being in everything. ©

Today is a wonderful holiday - the day of the elderly. We congratulate you, our dear ones. We wish you a great mood, good health. May good luck always accompany you. Let your family appreciate and understand you. Let your dreams come true. May spring always sing in your hearts. Good news to you, pleasant interlocutors. Be active and confident. May the Lord always protect you from troubles and evil. May the new day always give hope. Longevity to you and great joy. ©

Let a huge salute thunder on the day of the elderly, and every spark of the festive fireworks gives warmth and joy. May your eyes shine with happiness, may luck often knock on your house. Be always beautiful, wise, may your sense of humor not leave you, may your relatives understand and love you in your families. Let your desires always coincide with your capabilities. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. May hope, faith and love accompany you through life, may the Lord keep you. ©

Congratulations to all seniors today. May this holiday bring you smiles, good mood and a lot of joy. We wish you good health, great happiness, May all troubles and bad weather pass you by. We wish you peace, prosperity and good health. May the cuckoo fill you with long and happy years of life. May God grant you patience, willpower and success in everything. Live long and please us with your presence. After all, we so need your good advice, your wisdom, your life experience. ©

Our dear, kind, sweet, elderly people. From the bottom of my heart, let me congratulate you on the holiday. May your life be like spring water, may your life experience always help us. All earthly blessings to you, peace, prosperity and well-being. Be always loved, respected and desired. May your years and health multiply. May the cheerful excitement of youth always live in your hearts. May God grant you happiness, joy and good luck in everything. May a lucky star light your path, may your dream come true. Wish you all the best. ©

Holidays are personal, professional, church. But there are not so many international ones. One of the pleasant representatives of world-famous celebrations is its name explains everything. The purpose of this holiday is not only to please people. Do not forget to prepare congratulations for people to your relatives and friends. The main thing is to draw attention to their problems, to help the elderly live with dignity in their years. And also highlight the problem of demographic aging of the population.

A wonderful day

On October 1, each representative of the older generation accepts congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. How attention to grandparents is beyond words. In every city on the planet holiday concert. Songs, dances, music, treats - all this for the elderly. I would like to express my gratitude to them for the years of work, the upbringing of children and grandchildren, their life wisdom and prudence.

In 1991, on October 1, the United Nations General Assembly decided to introduce the World Day of Older Persons. In our country, this holiday officially came into force in 1992. From now on, public organizations, charitable foundations, large companies arrange a real holiday for the elderly!

Professional congratulations

Do not forget about those who cannot attend the event for health reasons. The perpetrators of the holiday must receive congratulations on the Day of the Elderly from the organization in which they worked. The management or union sends an employee with a gift, flowers and a postcard.

“Happy holiday to you! We wish you health and long life. You worked conscientiously, gave yourself to your favorite profession selflessly. We remember and love you! Please accept our sincere wishes, good luck and good days!”.

Typically, organizations present their retired employees with more than just a simple congratulation. Small presents have been prepared for the Day: souvenirs, a set of products, books. It is not necessary to buy chic gifts, even if it is a trifle, but the very fact that they are remembered will please!

Youth and old age

Young people do not think about the fact that they will soon become old. It seems that the whole life is full of happy moments ahead. But time does not stand still, and we are getting older, wiser, behind a load of experience and knowledge. “Who needs all this now?” - every second middle-aged person thinks so. Therefore, they will be pleased with any congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. Short poems or long memorized speech - it doesn't matter. They need attention, they need to know that they are remembered and appreciated!

Young people don't understand sometimes

How can you be young in many decades?

The soul never

Remember this, gentlemen!

Whiskey gray, wrinkles on the cheeks,

And the devils all run in the eyes.

And cheerfulness of spirit gives the body eternity,

Coquetry and cool nonchalance.

Every age has its advantages.

Little grandchildren run around the house!

It's not scary to grow old and be a grandmother,

Or cheerful and attentive grandfathers!

You delight us with wisdom and experience,

And we will answer you with care and trouble.

Comic and sincere lines will appeal to the public, but congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in your own words will also sound worthy.


Not everyone has the art of speaking. Some people get lost in public and cannot connect two words. But forewarned is forearmed. Prepare speech templates and add something of yourself if necessary. Then you will not get into an unpleasant, awkward situation.

“With all my heart I congratulate you on the holiday! Be healthy and happy! Never lose heart, smile more and love yourself, take care of yourself! May your old age be joyful, secure, not lonely. You have begun a new segment of life, serene, calm. No need to rush to work, get tired and rush somewhere. Have fun, relax more and be happy!”.

Congratulations on the day of an elderly person can be varied: short, capacious, comic, a little sad, in verse. Most importantly, do not forget to prepare a speech and a good mood!

Dancing and fun

For this wonderful holiday you need to prepare in advance. Make up a script, the introductory and closing speeches should be memorized by the host. Approach this issue in a non-standard way. Contests, quizzes, riddles will be held with a bang. Then you can arrange a tea party, let people talk, remember their young years. If you have a share in preparing a congratulation for the Day of the Elderly, be sure to include dancing in the program. You can invite children's groups or children from senior group nearest kindergarten. The fun will be great, dances and songs will dilute the program with positive.

Congratulate your grandparents, spend an evening with them over a cup of tea, look through family albums. After all, loneliness is the worst state of mind!

What could be more important than people who know so much about this life, who have wisdom, experience, kindness? Dear main people of the Earth, happy holiday! Be always gifted with care, respect, understanding not only of loved ones, but also of those around you. Let harmony live in the soul, and nightingales sing in the heart. Let there be time and a reason for your favorite things, relaxation and enjoyment of life. Let relatives love and honor. Health!

Dear veterans of life and work! Congratulations on the Day of the elderly! We wish that age is not an obstacle to getting joy, happiness and great pleasure from life! We wish you a wonderful mood every morning and for the whole day, love of relatives and friends, respect and understanding! May your bodies be cheerful and healthy, and may your spirit always be on top and strive for the Lord for comfort and joy!

Congratulations on international day old people. I wish you to wake up every time with a good thought, to meet every day with a joyful smile. May the heart not get tired of dreaming and loving, may the soul be filled with happiness and joy, may miracles and warm meetings with dear people happen as often as possible. Health to you, respect for others and peace.

On the International Day of Older Persons, we wish you smiles, kindness and human warmth. Let everyone be gifted with attention and understanding of relatives, care and sincerity. Long life, health and peace in your soul. During your life you have done so much that you deserve respect, prosperity and well-being. Happiness to you!

Happy International Day of Older Persons! Age is a great storehouse of experience and wisdom. This is a holiday for those who, having raised children, and maybe even grandchildren, are not used to sitting around doing nothing. Therefore, I wish you to dream and take steps towards your own desires. And may you have health, energy, strength and opportunities for this!

On the International Day of Older Persons, I want, first of all, to express my respect and respect, as well as wish good years of health, prosperity and prosperity. Let the days of life slowly count, delighting with happy meetings, smiles of loved ones and pleasant surprises from dear people.

You are a pure source filled with life wisdom, experience and knowledge. We wish you good health so that you continue to share with the younger generations everything that you have acquired in your entire life. Happy holiday!

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the elderly! Although, the language does not turn to call you old, in spirit you are even younger than many 18-year-olds! However, please accept the wishes of health, inspiration, energy, vigor and well-being. I ask you to tirelessly share your experience, give advice, because your wisdom is the real treasure of the nation! Congratulations!

This holiday is special and beautiful. Today we honor all older people. I would like to wish you good health and long life. May there always be old and faithful friends, beloved children and grandchildren in the house, so that silence never sets in. Look at the past years only with a smile.

Happy World Day of Older Persons, congratulations to all who have reached this respected age. Despite the fact that the head was silvered with gray hair, that wrinkles ran across the face, I wish everyone to keep the stormy youth in their hearts. Let the young spring live in your soul, not allowing you to be sad and mope. Let everyone be able to find interesting hobby and meaning for an active and eventful life.

The autumn waltz sounds and the holiday announces
Congratulations to all seniors today
We wish you happiness, comfort and kindness,
May fate be kind to you.
Let me wish you good luck
Good health, family warmth,
Let you be respected, appreciated, loved,
And in difficult times support friends. ©


Today is your holiday
Let the mood be wonderful
Let songs be sung in your honor
Elderly people! You are worthy of admiration
No wonder your age is called golden.
We sincerely congratulate you all today,
We wish you happiness and warmth,
Well-being, good health, good luck,
Pensions worthy and good. ©

Always appreciate and respect the elderlypeople,
And the words of the beautiful, tender for them do not regret,
They are wise, they are kind, they are simple,
And we need their advice in life so much.
Happy Old People's Day, we congratulate you all,
We wish you happiness and health for many years,
God bless you and good health,
Hope, faith and family warmth. ©

Today we pay respect
To all gray-haired elderly people.
You raised our generation
And we thank you for this!
We wish you health, longevity,
Care and attention of relatives.
You are the jewel of our century!
Congratulations to the elderly!

No, it's not true that autumn is aging,
That gray hair is sadness.
Your years are earthly distance,
Your youth is forever with you.
Let the leaves outside the windows,
I'll raise a glass to summer.
Know that there is no old age in the world,
If in the heart - always spring!

Today is the main and holy holiday,
Celebrating the Day of the Elderly
Good luck, joy, kindness and happiness,
We wish you with all our heart.
May all your dreams come true without fail,
In fate, let everything be fine
In full health live up to a hundred years,
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.


Day of the elderly is a holiday,
This is the day of wisdom, experience, gray hair,
We are always proud of you
You are worthy of admiration and pride.
We wish you a life without turmoil,
We wish you joy, good luck and warmth,
May life be long and beautiful
Happiness may always smile at you.


When we hit a hundred, then
Let's call us old!
Now only two-thirds of life is behind us.
We can't call ourselves young
And we call simply - mature people.
We are "old" because our veins are strong,
And there is still enough optimism.
We cling tenaciously to the experience of life,
He is our compass and our priceless treasure.
No need to lean us against a warm wall for now
You don't have to shout at us through a megaphone.
We hear everything and see all shades,
We continue to run the marathon!
We are “old” because we have lived a lot.
We have seen a lot, and in life we ​​were lucky.
We raise our glasses to our maturity!
We are not old people, to spite all the devils!

The Day of the Elderly, which we will celebrate on October 1, 2019, is a great occasion to express our attention and gratitude to the representatives of the older generation.

Although this holiday appeared relatively recently, its traditions have already developed. On this day, we honor war and home front veterans, pensioners - our grandfathers and grandmothers.

They will be pleased to receive warm and sincere congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verse or prose. Words from good wishes for the elderly can be placed on posters and in wall newspapers, brought on postcards or read aloud at the holiday.

Congratulations on the Day of the elderly in verse

Priceless golden experience.
Let silver whiskey covered -
You are always young at heart
And this is also your strength.

Today we congratulate you
We wish you good health
Attention relatives and friends.
We appreciate you, we love you, we respect you!

Your role is invaluable
In our life, it is!
And such relatives, loved ones
On this day, you can't
Don't congratulate, respect
And do not give warmth!
And for you - all congratulations,
Wishes to live long!
May the sun always shine on you
Let love reign in the house.
May your grandchildren and children
Congratulations again and again!

New calendar sheet
Autumn outside the window
And today we are not in vain
At one table.
Today we honor talent
The sharpness of ideas
Will, experience, optimism
Old people!

Congratulations on this day!
Good health and mood,
Let life be full of surprises.

So that the house is full of laughter and fun.
We wish you smiles, joy, long years,
Do not lose heart and do not be sad, luck
And many, many victories!

Older people especially appreciate the attention of their relatives. How can we express our love and gratitude to our parents, grandparents?

Choose a suitable congratulation on the Day of the Elderly for your dear and close people. Warm and soulful lines will warm the hearts of your loved ones. Our site contains poems for the Day of the elderly, which they will certainly like.

Poems for the Day of the elderly

We wish you good health
Long life,
To be filled with joy
The whole world was for you.
optimism, cheerfulness,
Sunny days for you
So that they do not know sorrow,
Live more fun!

On the Day of the elderly, accept congratulations:
We wish you peace, goodness,
Love relatives, health, mood.
May life be generous for the holidays!
Let the grandchildren please and the children help,
Let life be comfortable and clean,
After all, age is not a hindrance, we know for sure.
Let there be eternal spring in your soul!

October begins
Honor, respect day.
We congratulate all the elderly,
We wish you many bright days!

Let your old age be respected
And wisdom twisted in years.
Let everyday labor fatigue
Never weighs on you!

Health to you, well-being,
Calm, peaceful, bright days.
Relatives and friends of the best,
Good neighbors and friends!

At a holiday in honor of veterans and pensioners, older people will be especially pleased if these verses with congratulations on the Day of the Elderly are performed by children.

Happy Senior Day!
Health, joy, kindness!
Live for at least half a century
And never be sad!
Good luck, bright bright days,
Forget about all your troubles.
More loyal friends
Years have no power over you.

Accept this congratulations
It has sincerity and soul.
Good health, patience
For years to come!

On the day of the elderly
We wish you happy years
And we ask you to live longer than a century,
Without sorrows and other troubles!

Happy Seniors Day
Great health to you
Strength, courage, luck.

Let it shine more
From the joy of the eye!
More laughter, happiness,
May God keep from evil.

You are no longer twenty or forty,
Your respectable age is not a secret,
On account of dozens of achievements,
On the account and thousands of victories.
Be healthy forever

Live happily ever after
Happy Senior Day
Young at heart and soul!

How to congratulate on the Day of the elderly on the official part of the holiday?

You can congratulate the heroes of the occasion on this wonderful holiday in prose.

Official congratulations for pensioners on the Day of the Elderly can also be sent to addressees by representatives of authorities and public organizations, including veterans' associations.

Dear our veterans, people of respectable age!
Accept the most warm congratulations Happy Seniors Day! This holiday symbolizes the inextricable link between generations. Each of you has gone through a glorious career path and made a great contribution to the development of our city. You are our support, a storehouse of experience, knowledge and wisdom.
We wish you all good health and active longevity, understanding of relatives and friends, joy and cheerfulness, warmth and comfort! May peace and goodness always reign in your homes!

Today we honor those who created and defended everything we are rightfully proud of. We know that only by preserving the continuity of traditions and values, the bearers of which are people of older generations, it is possible to ensure the progressive development of our society. We wish our veterans good health and long life, warmth and happiness. May loving and caring children, grandchildren, friends always be with you!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the Day of the elderly - a holiday of wisdom and kindness! This date is a great opportunity to say warm words of gratitude to you - our fathers and mothers, veterans of war, labor, pensioners, for many years conscientious work.
Behind you big life. Your knowledge and richest experience are especially important in today's conditions, when, along with the initiative of the young, the life wisdom of the elders is required.

Let advanced years not become a reason for despondency for you, and your vitality will last for a long time! We wish you good health, good spirits, long happy years of life, love and attention from your family and friends!

Dear veterans! We bow before your wisdom, your good and timely advice helps us in life. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, wish you good health and longevity. May your loved ones always understand and respect you, may only reliable friends meet on your way. May the Lord always protect you from troubles!

Congratulations dear, respected and dear people on the holiday! Let age not be a burden to you, health does not fail, children delight you, and grandchildren delight. Let your eyes shine only on joyful occasions! Relax more and enjoy every minute of life. Happy Seniors Day!