Scenario "Christmas concert for the elderly." Scenario of the festive concert "Christmas Tale" Scenario exit of the mummers Christmas concert


The curtain is closed. The lights in the hall and on the stage are extinguished. Music sounds, the curtain opens.

Narration - 1:

(an angel boy comes out, which is highlighted by a searchlight gun or an angel comes out with a lit lamp)

In the realm of frost and snow

Crystal gardens blossomed.

To our window from the festive sky

The light of a twinkling star shines.

In every tower, in every light

The golden-winged angel has arrived.

He lit the Christmas tree (lights up)

And, and looked at us with a smile ...

Narration - 2:

(children pass through the hall with handmade postcards, give them to the audience and go up to the stage, lining up)

All prayers will be answered.

A good angel will touch everyone with his hand

And the cross will overshadow every house.

Let peace take over the soul

Happiness will come if we believe in happiness!

Happiness will be, if we are waiting for happiness!

angel boy

Gloria! (angel leaves)

  1. Music number /preferably from those children who handed out postcards/
  1. Music number - without announcement

Music leader. background

nice video series

The birth of Jesus Christ was an event for all mankind. The Bible tells about it this way: God the Creator saw that people became very unhappy on earth. Forgot God's commandments, mired in sin. Became greedy and evil ...

And God decided to send His Son to mankind, so that He would become the Savior of people and teach them to live in kindness and love for each other. And the virgin Mary and the carpenter Joseph were to become the earthly parents of the baby Jesus. It happened over 2,000 years ago...

  1. Music number - without announcement
  1. Music number - without announcement
  1. Music number

Music leader. backstage background

Everything is perfect in God's world

The Creator of the world is hidden in it.

But He is in feeling, but He is in the world,

But He is open in mind.

To know the Creator in creation,

See with the spirit, honor with the heart -

This is the purpose of life

This is what it means to live in God!

  1. Music number - without announcement
  1. Music number
  1. Music number - without announcement
  1. Music number
  1. Music number - without announcement

Spiritual heritage determines our future. May there be peace and prosperity in families, may the old people be wise, and may the children be obedient and attentive. And may this holiday sparkle with a bright star in a series of long weekdays and fill our hearts with love and joy.

They gave you their festive mood:

(list of concert participants)


Christmas concert for schoolchildren. Scenario

This methodical development will be useful for organizers of extracurricular activities, class teachers, teachers of additional education. The scenario is intended for holding a concert in the assembly hall for children of middle and senior school age. Art numbers for congratulations in each school or extracurricular institution are selected in accordance with creativity participants of the concert and the desire of the leaders.
(Leaders exit.)
Presenter 1. Good afternoon dear friends!
Lead 2. We are pleased to welcome everyone to our festive, cozy hall.
Lead 1. If the forest is covered with snow,
Lead 2. If it smells like pies,
Lead 1. If the tree goes to the house,
Lead 2. What holiday? (New Year)
Lead 1. We are celebrating a wonderful holiday
Brings happiness people he,
Dreams become reality
And fills the world with good!
Lead 2. We love this holiday very much -
May the New Year will be happy,
Give new dreams
What do you and I want?
Lead 1. New Year is a holiday that both children and adults all over the planet look forward to.
Lead 2. For example, we are used to the fact that on the New year goes by snowball, children mold all kinds of shapes out of it ...
Lead 1. Yeah, and adults, forgetting that they are adults, sledding and playing snowballs ... Well, in between slicing salads ...
Presenter 2. But I wonder what is happening at this time in warm regions, for example, in Africa, in Egypt? ..
(Dance "Egyptian History")
Presenter 1. They say on New Year's Eve
What you don't want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!
Lead 2. Yes, after all, this is how a person works - he always lacks something: in summer you want the Christmas holidays to come faster, and in winter, on the contrary, you want to go to the sea - soak up the sun, drink a refreshing cocktail under the palm trees ...
Lead 1. Yeah, do you know what can happen at sea? ..
(Dance "Pirates of the Black Sea")
Lead 2. Our concert is held on the eve of the bright holiday - the Nativity of Christ.
Presenter 1. 2000 years ago in the ancient city of Bethlehem, where there was no place in the hotel for Mary, who was expecting a child, and her husband Joseph, but there was a place in the barnyard where you could spend the night, and a baby was born, who was named Jesus Christ. Believers consider this event the greatest in the history of mankind, and non-believers celebrate Christmas as a holiday of family peace, gifts and fun.
Lead 2. Maybe not all of those gathered in our hall are Christians, but everyone wants to light their own candle, be with friends, make a wish for the future, listen to good music, and remember their favorite poetic lines.
Presenter 1. The night is quiet ... In the unsteady firmament
The southern stars tremble.
Mother's eyes, with a smile,
Quiet looking into the manger.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Illuminated face of Mary.
Star choir to another choir
Hearing quivering pricked.
Lead 2. This is how Athanasius Fet wrote about the birth of Christ… Each of you is the author of your own thoughts and feelings related to Christmas. They may or may not coincide with the thoughts and feelings of other people, but the main thing is that Christmas unites everyone with goodness! Christmas is the beginning of life, and, therefore, a holiday of childhood.
(Song "Childhood Holiday")
Presenter 1. Do you know that in Rus', in the period from Christmas to Epiphany, young people caroled?
Lead 2. Hey, beautiful hawthorns!
Hey, naughty girls!
Open the doors wider
Yes, let the guests in!
Presenter 1. To you - your neighbors are close;
Not high, not low
Not wide, not narrow
All boyars are purely Russian!
We did not come to you with a hindrance,
And with fun and joy.
Lead 2. Carol - carol! I am alone with my father.
Knee-length casing - Give me, uncle, a pie!
Presenter 1. Shchedryk - Shchedryk! Give me a dumpling
A cup of porridge, a circle of sausages.
Yes, even a little - Give me fat!
Lead 2. Carols, carols, carols - Good pancakes with honey!
And without honey - not like that, Give, aunt, pies!
Presenter 1. Sow, sow, sow, Merry Christmas!
Lead 2. May you be healthy, May you live for many years!
Presenter 1. And now we are in your house
Let's sing and dance in your honor!
Lead 2. We invite everyone to our holidays!
Games and puzzles are waiting for you.
Fortune-telling, dancing, laughter are waiting.
Enough jokes here for everyone!
(Dance "Three girls under the window")
Presenter 1. And you guys know that only Santa Claus rides reindeer across the sky. Deer have never been a means of transportation for our Santa Claus.
Lead 2. Our Grandfather Frost rides a trio of horses, not in the sky, but quite on the ground, or rather on the snow, - after all, he is the flesh of the flesh of this snow, this earth, this nature.
Lead 1. Why should he break away from his native roots? Snow dust rises from under the runners, a frosty wind beats in the face!
Lead 2. A dashing trio rushes across the Russian land - then the owner of Winter, Grandfather Frost, travels around his endless possessions: fields, forests, in which there are many animals of all kinds.
Presenter 1. This is our Earth!
Lead 2. This is our Russia!
(Dance "Our Russia")
Presenter 1. New Year and Christmas are always gifts and surprises.
Lead 2. Here and now, let's not deviate from tradition and hold a comic lottery.

Presenter 1. Christmas party… What could be more touching and beautiful?
Lead 2. Christmas candles are burning on the tables, their gentle flame flickers, beckons, makes us all dream of a miracle and believe that life on this earth was given to us from above.
Presenter 1. After all, the soul of each of us strives upward and, without aging over the years, gives us hope for a long and blessed life.
(Dance "My personality")
Presenter 1. New Year and Christmas are those holidays in which you want to believe in miracles, and you only believe in miracles in childhood.
Lead 2. We all wish in our hearts to always remain children, to believe in pink miracles, and that your dreams always come true.
Presenter 1. And only the ones you dream of would give you gifts!
(Dance "Barbie World")
Lead 2. Dear viewers, are you tired of clapping for us?
Presenter 1. Let's give ourselves a good clap now!
(Games are held with the audience.)

Clap those who consider themselves to this category:
- Everyone who is present is clapping.
“Only the beautiful half of humanity.
– Only our protection and defense.
- Only those who like good food.
– Only those who are against smoking.
“Only those who have never been late for class.
– Only those who love holidays.
“Only those who love to sleep.”
“Only those who love Snickers more than Bounty.”
“Only those who are in excellent spirits.
2. Petka and Vaska
The hall is divided into two groups - "Petka" and "Vaska".
Leading: In a small clearing stands a beautiful house,
And a cheerful gnome lives in a beautiful house.
Gnome, gnome! What is your name?
If it shows " Petek", they say:
- I have polka-dot pants,
I came here for the Christmas tree
Because I'm good!
If it shows " Vasek", they say:
- I have a plaid shirt,
I came here for the Christmas tree
And I brought you candy!
Remarks. The facilitator points to the groups in random order, can point to them at the same time.
3. STAGEDING OF THE SONG "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
I will need people to play the roles: "Herringbone", "Snowstorm", "Frost", "Hare", "Wolf", "Horse", "Old Man". Everyone else will sing the song in chorus, and our artists will show the actions. Begin!
"Artists" for the performance are given masks and costumes.
Lead 1. Guys, do you know that the first country where a Christmas tree was introduced specifically for children is Germany. Most of the Christmas traditions also came to European countries from Germany.
Lead 2. The tree is a symbol of the tree of paradise, the tree of life. And we wish you that your life will be illuminated by the bright light of happiness, love, health and prosperity.
Presenter 1. A good mood was not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. In general, always smile!
(Dance "City everyday life")
Lead 2. As usual at Christmas parties in Russia, in ancient times, poems dedicated to Christmas were read, psalms and songs were sung.
Presenter 1. The song is the soul of the people. And our people are great, strong and cheerful!
Lead 2. So let the broad and generous Russian soul flow, glorifying Christmas and the salvation of the world.
(Song of Christmas)
Presenter 1. And we continue the theme of Christmas gifts and surprises and once again hold our joke lottery.
(A ticket lottery is held)
Lead 2. Many centuries ago, the Christmas holiday was celebrated as the restoration of paradise on Earth. There was a belief that the Jericho rose blooms on Christmas night. The modern Christmas tree is a symbol of the tree of paradise.
Presenter 1. Near the cave where the Savior of the world was born, three trees grew: spruce, olive and palm. The olive tree brought golden fruits as a gift to Christ, the palm tree - a tent of green leaves as protection from heat and bad weather.
Lead 2. And the spruce? Modest and prickly, not knowing what to bring as a gift to baby Jesus, she began to cry. Her tears dripped abundantly with transparent resin ...
Presenter 1. And a miracle happened! Stars fell from the sky and littered the Christmas tree with a dazzling brilliance. Then she joyfully raised her branches and for the first time appeared to the world in all her glory.
Lead 2. Since …
Every year she shines
On the day of the great celebration,
And announces with lights
Holy holiday Christmas!
(Christmas song)
Presenter 1. On the day of Christmas, as it is done from time immemorial, you need to stop and think about what you have done for your loved ones, relatives and friends?
For those who give you their heart and appreciation?
Lead 2. In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens blossomed.
To our window from the festive sky
The light of a twinkling star shines.
Lead 1. In every tower, in every light
The golden-winged angel has arrived.
He lit the Christmas tree
And looked at us with a smile ...
Lead 2. All prayers will be answered.
A good angel will touch with his hand
Every day, every house, every corner,
And peace will take over the soul,
Lead 1. Happiness will come if we believe in happiness!
Happiness will be, if we are waiting for happiness!
(Dance "Pray for parents")
Lead 2. The next number of our concert is a dance called "Drakosha".
Lead 1. It would seem, what is the connection between the dragon, the New Year and Christmas? Yes, the most direct!
Lead 2. The fact is that the dragon represents everything positive that exists in the world. The combination of the world of birds (wings) and the world of reptiles (serpentine body) makes this mythological animal an intermediary between two worlds - heavenly and earthly.
Lead 1. It is a symbol of the life-giving power of water, energy and mind, so the dragon also symbolizes the sage. In ancient Rome, it meant military power, which, by the way, is where the Russian word "dragoon" came from.
Lead 2. And our dragon is small and very kind! And we wish you strength, energy, wisdom and kindness!
(Dance "Dragon")
Presenter 1. And our meeting, unfortunately, is coming to an end. And I want to say again...
Lead 2. Glory to Christmas!
Glory to the holiday!
Presenter 1. Glory to the sun in the sky high!
Glory to a clear, wide man!
Lead 2. Glory to the desired New Year!
Glory to the Russian people!
Presenter 1. We will always be friends with everyone!
And let the Star of Christmas shine!
(Dance "33 States")

Music sounds. The leader takes the stage.


Good evening, dear friends!

Today is a hard day

He is a saint for everyone.

Christmas has come to visit us.

We are starting the celebration!

There is music and bells ringing.

On stage is the Fashion Theater with the Cathedrals of Russia collection. Spotlight highlights the appearance of each model. There is a voiceover.

Wonderful ringing of bells

Joy awakens in the souls.

Midnight their call

Flies into the silence of heaven.

And solemnly soars -

Annunciation of the new day.

That's how the bells ring

Merry Christmas to us.

The models leave the stage. Audience applause sounds. The leader comes out.


On this day, we cleanse all souls,

For Christmas we want to wish you:

Forgiving people, as bequeathed from above,

And, God forbid, bring love to others.

May the Star of Bethlehem, which shone in the night sky two millennia ago, shine over Russia, may its light bring joy and peace to your homes.


It seems to me that our people

Looking forward to this holiday every year.

Christmas comes to Russia majestically,

And on this day, we have no right to be sad.


We wish you all, kind people:

May your holiday be wonderful

Let life become more beautiful

The house is a full bowl,

And what is most important -

Let Santa Claus say.

Music sounds. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage.

Father Frost. Hello dear friends! Good Christmas evening!

Let everything come true

What do you think.

May good hopes

The New Year doesn't disappoint.

Give strength to the weak

Sick - health.

May it be abundant

Peaceful and kind

Let it be happy

And a happy year.

Happy new year friends!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year!

Music sounds. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the stage.

Leading. Christmas and Christmas time are celebrated by the people,

Singing for you on stage...

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. This song is good, but the next number, I think, will be a real surprise for you. Meet!

Performed number of amateur performances.


We were gathered for this holiday

Year of a new beginning.

Outside the window, the winter is harsh,

Let the word warm the heart.

With warm words of congratulations and wishes, he addresses you ...

Congratulation of the head of the city.

Leading. The snowy scattering of congratulations continues ... (name of the soloist).

The song is being played.

Leading. Mysterious and beautiful Christmas night. She makes every mother's heart beat stronger, overflowing with love, kindness and affection.

The cradle shakes Mother,

Bent over and sing

Gently looks at the Child,

Sweet dream calls to him.

Performance of the Theater of Fashion with the collection "Pink Dream".

Leading. On this holy night of Christmas, the unique world of stars calls and beckons, opening its arms to all mankind.

So let the Christmas stars today, in gratitude for this, hear our songs, see us beautiful, cheerful and provocative!

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Christmas stars...

Each of us is looking for a lucky star among them. We wish everyone who dreams of this to catch this little fiery ball in their open palms today.

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Here's another Christmas surprise for you.

I think you'll take it for an encore.

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. And now we will give the soloist the floor, she sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.

Leading. Judging by your applause, dear audience, our festive evening is taking place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And you, like us, are glad of this meeting and expect new pleasant acquaintances from her. Well, we won't disappoint you. On stage... (name)!

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Your applause is again needed, sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.


At Christmas, all people dress up in costumes, They try to surprise everyone with all this.

Let's go with you now without haste Let's look at the collection of models "Poteshki"!

Performance of the Theater of Fashion with the collection of "Nursery Rhymes".

Leading. The year 2019 has come.

Snowflakes are dancing in the sky

And congratulations spread around the planet.

Emerald let the stars shine

Let sorrows be carried away

May everything come true, whatever you wish

On this snowy winter night.

Dear friends!

Health to you, strength and new victories,

Congratulations and musical greetings from us!

Performed number of amateur performances.


How good, friends, that this evening

Our meeting took place.

All evening we give you surprises.

We tried our best,

So that Christmas magical whims

They gave joy, happiness and dreams.

Fanfare sounds. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the stage. The final song plays.

Leading. Happy new year dear friends! Merry Christmas!

Be happy!

The script of the Christmas concert

IN 1. In the realm of hoarfrost and snow, Crystal gardens have bloomed. The light of a twinkling star is shining through our window from the festive sky. In every tower, in every light room, A golden-winged angel flew in. He lit the Christmas tree (lights up) And looked at us with a smile ...
IN 2. All prayers will be answered. A kind angel will touch everyone with his hand And every house will be overshadowed with a cross. Let peace take possession of the soul, Happiness will come if we believe in happiness!

1. Music. room. Zhuravskaya Ksenia "Two angels".

В 1. - Merry Christmas to you! Let candles shine today, let children's laughter be heard, let all people rejoice!

2. Music. number - ensemble "Ladushki" "Christmas Night".

B 2. The birth of Jesus Christ was an event for all mankind. The Bible tells about it this way: God the Creator saw that people became very unhappy on earth. Forgot God's commandments, mired in sin. They became greedy and evil... And God decided to send His Son to humanity, so that He would become the Savior of people and teach them to live in kindness and love for each other. And the virgin Mary and the carpenter Joseph were to become the earthly parents of the baby Jesus. It happened over 2,000 years ago...

3. Music. number - Rudenok, Sushkevich "Christmas".

V. 1. Guys, just recently we celebrated with you a wonderful and fun party- New Year. So let 2015 be for you as bright and colorful as this one. Christmas tree. I suggest you once again plunge into this wonderful holiday.

4. Music. number - Sasim Natasha "New Year".

Q. 2. Guys, do you know that the first country where the Christmas tree was introduced - especially for children - is Germany. Most of the Christmas traditions also came to European countries from Germany. The tree is a symbol of the tree of paradise, the tree of life. And we wish you that your life be illuminated by the bright light of happiness, love, health and well-being musical gift students give you 1st grade, the song "The Christmas tree is not cold in winter." IN 1. Well done boys! Real artists! And who else will please us today with their creativity? Can we dance? I would have danced! 2. Of course we will dance! The girls from the team ______ (6 "A") have a very cheerful, dancing, perky character!

5. Dance 6 "A" class

IN 1. You used to look out the window in the morning - and there the blizzard was spinning in a wild snowy dance. And it is so interesting to watch this fabulous round dance of snowflakes. 2. Looks at the windows of the kids: Who worked in the morning? Outside the window is white and white, All the paths are covered with snow, On the trees the laces of the Earth barely touch, That is a blizzard girl, A skilled lace sewer.

6. Music. number - Shirvel Nina "Snow-white blizzard".

IN 1. And you guys know that only Santa Claus rides reindeer across the sky. Deer have never been a means of transportation for Santa Claus, that is, me. I ride a trio of horses, not through the sky, but quite on the ground, or rather on the snow, - after all, I am the flesh of the flesh of this snow, this earth, this nature, why should I break away from my native roots, snow dust rises from under the runners, a frosty wind hits my face! B. 2. A dashing trio rushes across the Belarusian Land - then the owner of Winter, Grandfather Frost, goes around his endless possessions: fields, forests, in which there are many animals of all kinds.

7. Music. number - Pivovarskaya Daria "Forest Deer"

V.1 .: And now - riddles! Snow Maiden, can you help me? (in turn they make riddles to children): It grows upside down, and not in summer, but in winter. As soon as the sun bakes, she will cry and die. (Icicle)
No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking out my friend. I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back. (Sled)
The stars circled in the air a little, Sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)
The two of us rolled a lump, An old hat on it, They did a nose and in an instant, It turned out ... (Snowman)
He will answer the call with a call, He will answer the word with the same word, He will answer laughter with laughter, It is called .... (Echo)
It barely blew in winter, They are always with you, Two sisters will warm, Their name is ... (mittens)
In winter, during fun hours, I hang on a bright spruce, I shoot like a cannon, My name is ... (clapperboard)
It’s beautiful sometimes in summer, But it’s good in winter, It brought us a lot of joy, Good today ... (Santa Claus)

IN 2. May the most cherished desires come true. Think, dream and may all your wishes and dreams come true!

Muses. number - Kozlovtseva Maria "Steam"

(Christmas Eve Scenario)

1 LEADER: Christmas Eve… What could be more touching and beautiful? Christmas candles are burning on the tables, their gentle flame flickers, beckons, makes us all dream of a miracle and believe that life on this earth is given to us from above, because the soul of each of us strives upward and does not grow old over the years, gives us hope for eternal life .

2 LEADER: 2000 years ago in the ancient city of Bethlehem, where there was no place in the hotel for Mary, who was expecting a child and her husband Joseph, but there was a place in the barnyard where you could pass the night, and a baby was born, who was named Jesus Christ. Believers consider this event the greatest in the history of mankind, and non-believers celebrate Christmas as a holiday of family peace, gifts and fun.

1 LEADER: Not all of those gathered in our hall are Christians, but everyone wants to light their own candle, be with friends, make a wish for the future, listen to good music, and remember their favorite poetic lines.

The night is quiet ... In the unsteady firmament
The southern stars tremble
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet looking into the manger
The manger quietly shines in the eyes
Illuminated face of Mary
Star choir to another choir
Hearing quivering pricked.

This is how Athanasius Fet wrote about the birth of Christ… Each of you is the author of your own thoughts and feelings. Christmas related. They may or may not coincide with other people, but the main thing is that Christmas unites everyone with goodness!

2 LEADER: Tonight, everyone can light their own Christmas star - a candle. To do this, you just need to help make this evening interesting and memorable for all those gathered.
Many centuries ago, the Christmas holiday was celebrated as the restoration of paradise on Earth. There was a belief that the Jericho rose blooms on Christmas night. The modern Christmas tree is a symbol of the tree of paradise.
Which of the guests of the Christmas evening will help me continue the legend of the Christmas tree?!
“Near the cave where the Savior of the world was born, three trees grew - spruce, olive and palm. The olive tree brought golden fruits as a gift to Christ, the palm tree - a tent of green leaves as protection from heat and bad weather. And the spruce? Modest and prickly, not knowing what to bring as a gift to baby Jesus, she wept, her tears were abundantly dripped with transparent resin ...

I saw these tears
One star from the sky
Quiet whisper to friends
She said something...

What did she say? What happened next? Continue my story! Whoever guesses the continuation of the legend best of all gets the right to light their Christmas star and make a wish.

(After suggested options)

Right! A miracle happened! Stars fell from the sky and littered the Christmas tree with a dazzling brilliance. Then she joyfully raised her branches and for the first time appeared to the world in all her glory.

Since …
Every year she shines
On the day of the great celebration
And announces with lights
Bright Christmas holiday

The first candle by the Christmas tree is lit by ..., i.e. the one who told us the legend of the Christmas tree.
(Music, candle lighting)

1 LEADER: Authors of different eras and genres dedicated their works to the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree never casts a gloomy shadow. In the rustle of her needles, we see the words: "Kindness, faith, hope, love."
Today we light a candle under the name Kindness! Tell us about the best day of the outgoing year, about a kind person, about a kind word that saved you from a gloomy mood. (interview about kindness)

2 LEADER: Santa Claus, who comes to the children of Russia in New Year, this, by the way, is a Christmas character, and his progenitor St. Nicholas, i.e. in Russia - Nikolai Ugodnik.
Which of the guests can tell about the Russian brothers. Father Frost, for example, about Santa Claus, does he ride a troika or harness reindeer?

(After stories)

Now all those who shared with us thoughts about kindness and about Grandfather Frost, I ask you to come to the Christmas tree and light your candle, not forgetting to make a wish!


2 LEADER: The Christmas tree is magical. Under it, the most modest person will boldly tell a poem, the most timid one will sing or dance! It’s good to tell a fairy tale under the Christmas tree, but it’s best to stage it.
I need help - five talented actors: three young men (boys) and two girls (girls) to play the roles of a rich man and his wife, a poor man and his wife, and a good magician. You are the actors of the theater of pantomime. You need to listen to my fairy tale, which in many countries is told to children with different variations, and to show what is happening in the fairy tale with a movement, a gesture.
An old wizard was walking around the world, very kind. On the very eve of Christmas, he saw the poor man and his wife, their poor house, and was very surprised, because. I have never seen such poverty. But the poor man treated him to the last piece of bread, and his wife poured him a glass of hot tea without sugar, brewed with herbs. The poor man took off his last shirt and laid it on the old man by the hearth, not knowing that he was a magician. The poor man's wife hugged her husband, and they sat by the hearth all night, warming each other, there was nothing to sleep on. In the morning, the old magician thanked them and, as if by accident, left his luggage. Came out and disappeared. The woman ran after her, but the old man was gone. And when the eye unfolded the bundle, gold coins fell out of it. With this money, the poor built a house for themselves, a new school for children and helped all those who were suffering. The rich man saw new house, ran to the poor man, and, having learned that they had let the old man in for the night, began to tear his hair. And the rich man's wife began to tear her hair, and on him! They became bald and died of greed. the same old man they did not let in to warm themselves on Christmas Eve. The tale is simple and the moral is simple: Be kind to people!

1 LEADER: Now, please, smile! All your wonderful actors light their candles! May their wishes come true!

2. HOST: My desire is simple! Let's play the old Christmas game - forfeits! We choose the host with the help of a simple Christmas counting rhyme!

(All comers are lined up in a large circle. For each word, the host touches the participant in the circle).
Christmas, Christmas!
It's just magic
We start to play
I'm starting to count!
One, two, three, four, five!
We will collect fantasies
We will collect fantasies
One, two, three, four, five!

(Forfeits are going to other presenters)

"Fantu" must be an actor
And a good director!
Do everything, tell
One, two, three, four, five!
There's a leader in this circle
Man is omnipresent!
He should know best
What to order "fantas"
What to ask the "fant"
And what to ask him!
I count: one, two, three!
Our leader come out!

(Game of Fanta)

1 LEADER: Our Leading "Phantom Specialist" has the right to light his own Christmas Candle! The best performers - phantoms are also given such an honorary right.

(candles are lit, music sounds)

2 LEADER: Let's remember another funny Christmas game - fortune-telling! But not those fortune-telling when a girl throws a boot over the threshold, or pours wax into water or listens to what name will be said in order to find out about her betrothed. We will leave this for personal use. Today the game is a guessing game, I bury the “golden ring on a string”, I bury it, for my beloved (her), I keep it, I keep it, whoever gets the ring will call me beloved (my).
A ring on a string is hidden in a circle. The person inside is cool, if he guesses, he says: “You are my (th), beloved (th), you are beautiful (th)” and go out of the circle with the one who guessed the ring on the string. Beli does not guess, becomes in a circle, and the one he pointed to goes to the center of the circle and become the leader!)

(After the game "Ring on a string")

The resulting couples are invited to light their Christmas candles!

(After the performance, each participant lights his own candle, if there are no speakers, there must be invited artists for the mini-concert)

2 LEADER: It's time to dance. Christmas is a bright, cheerful holiday! Cheerful music sounds, and the legs themselves ask to dance.

(dance block)

1 LEADER (addressing the leader): Dear ... I watched you dance and laughed a lot. Like this (trying to copy) and like that, and like that !!! (laughs).

2 LEADER: I can also show you how you danced. And so, and so, and so (laughs). By the way, our laughter set me up for another Christmas one. Mirror game. One person is allegedly standing in front of a mirror. Allegedly, he combs his hair, straightens his outfit, and even makes faces, and the second one, his mirror, imitates him, repeating all the movements of a person.

(The game "Mirror", lighting candles, music)

1 LEADER: Friends, what is a Christmas party without gifts?! Santa Claus consulted with Santa Claus, and they sent something amazing to our evening: a Christmas stocking, very long, in which there are gifts for the guests of the evening, there will not be enough for everyone, but we will choose some of the “lucky ones” with the help of a simple Christmas quiz. Whoever answers the question first, right, gets the right to take the present out of the Christmas stocking!

So the questions are:
-How old is Christ? (2000)
- What does the name "Jesus" (God the Savior) mean?
- "Jesus" - the name of the Greek, Latin or Spanish? (Greek)
- From what name (word) in Hebrew was the word Jesus formed in its Greek form Jesus? (Joshua)
What was the name of Jesus' mother? (Maria)
Who saw Christ first? (wizards, shepherds)
– Why does the Russian Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on January 7th, while almost the entire Christian world celebrates on December 25th? (Russians celebrate Christmas according to the old calendar)
– What Christmas dishes are popular in many countries of the world? (from goose)
– Where did the Magi (wise men) see the star before the birth of Christ in the West or in the East? (in the East)

2 LEADER: Right! In the East! And we live in the Far East, and we are among the first to celebrate Christmas! (presentation of gifts for the answers of the quiz immediately)

Glory to Christmas!
Glory to the holiday!

2 LEADER: Glory to the sun in the sky high!
Glory to a clear, wide man!

1 LEADER: Glory to the desired New Year!
Glory to the Russian people!
At Christmas we will not say goodbye!
I don't want to part with the story...
Let's be together forever
And let the Christmas Star shine!

2 LEADER: The candle that we lit is a piece of that star!
Today you have become kinder, you are better!
Create yourself and your life in the rays of hope
And believe that life will be much better than before!

(Music, lottery, games: hide and seek, streams, etc., etc.)