What food is best for complementary foods. Baby vegetable puree in jars - looking for the best for the baby. Trademark: "Grandmother's basket" - the most inexpensive baby food

The first complementary foods are an important element in the normal development of an infant. The gastrointestinal tract is improving, the child is growing up. He no longer has enough formula or mother's milk. Vegetable puree for the first feeding is the most suitable option. What is better to choose factory jars or a home-made product? Everything depends on the situation. Ready-made puree from a pharmacy is suitable for traveling or walking. But at home, a delicious dish for a baby can be prepared independently.

What should be the first meal?

A few decades ago, babies began to be introduced to adult food as early as two months of age. The crumbs were offered natural fruit juice. However, it was possible to notice that children after adult nutrition categorically refused breast milk or formula. In addition, studies have shown that the stomach of an infant up to four months is not yet ready to accept foods familiar to adults.

Today, children begin to introduce complementary foods from the age of six months with full breastfeeding. If the baby is on artificial nutrition, it is possible to offer adult food to him from the age of four months, but not earlier. Vegetable puree for the first complementary foods is ideal. It is important that the product does not burden the child's stomach, while saturating the baby's body with useful vitamins and microelements.

The first feeding, in fact, is exploratory in nature. At six months, an infant may still be fully nourished with mother's milk or formula. Complementary foods develop a food interest in a small person. Today, more and more parents are leaning towards the so-called pedagogical complementary foods. This means that the mother gives the baby to taste the products from her plate. Those who decide to accustom a child to adult food in this way will also have to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

What should be the first meal? Vegetable puree is the most suitable option. Such products practically do not contain fructose. Along with this, they contain a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of the baby. Vegetables are very well digested and prepare the child's gastrointestinal tract for adult food. If the vegetable is selected correctly, the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimized.

How to choose factory puree for the first complementary foods?

Today you can find many foods for babies. Delicious canned food is also available for first feedings and older babies. What should be the best vegetable puree for the first feeding? What to pay attention to? If the product is offered in a popular network of pharmacies and children's stores, then it should already inspire confidence. However, parents must learn to pay attention to other points. Price is not always an indicator of quality. Often, domestic vegetable purees, which are inexpensive, are much better perceived by the guys than foreign counterparts.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of products in vegetable puree. The first complementary foods may contain broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Carrots and pumpkin can provoke an allergic reaction. Such products can be offered to the baby, but in small quantities. Within a few days it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child. If an allergic reaction does not occur, the dose can be increased.

It is important to pay attention to additional ingredients. Puree contains only natural preservatives. Sugar, salt and other spices are not allowed. If the package has the inscription “Recommended by the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences”, puree can be safely purchased for the first feeding of a baby.

Unfortunately, the honesty of manufacturers is not always a guarantee of purchasing a quality product. It often happens that the seller himself does not comply with the rules for storing products. At the same time, vegetable puree deteriorates even before it falls into the hands of the buyer. The characteristic cotton during the opening of the jar will testify to the quality of the factory puree. In no case should the packaging be deformed.


The Spelenok trademark is the result of the painstaking work of the Sady Pridonya company. Domestic products are of high quality and are very popular among young parents. "Spelenok" is a wide range of products for children under one year old. Trademark and delicious vegetable purees are offered. The advantage is that almost all products are made from raw materials of our own production. Vegetables are grown close to the factory itself. In this regard, the products have a low price.

Vegetable and fruit purees are produced mainly in glass packaging. Artificial preservatives, dyes, biological additives, GMOs are not used in the products. All products undergo appropriate testing in the department of baby food of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


This trademark is also domestic. But its cost is much higher. The manufacturer is also controlled by the RAMS. In addition, Agusha cooperates with the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The brand offers three product lines: "first spoon", "nutrition from 6 months" and "myself". Thus, babies from four months to three years of age can receive quality nutrition.

The brand offers juices, biokefir, fruit and vegetable purees. For the first feeding, the last option is best, according to many pediatricians. Products are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without preservatives, dyes and other chemicals.


According to many parents, this is the best vegetable puree for the first feeding. The company started its work more than 10 years ago and every day the popularity of its products is growing. Today "Theme" is one of the leaders in domestic baby food. Products are purchased both for the first feeding, and for the full nutrition of babies from the first years of life. Attracts a loyal pricing policy of products and its availability. Vegetable puree for the first feeding from this brand can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, as well as in many supermarkets and children's stores.

Especially popular are mashed potatoes from "Themes" based on pumpkin and cauliflower. The products are offered in tins of 125 g. The company also suggests using juices and fruit purees as the first complementary foods.

"Fruto Nanny"

This trademark also belongs to the category of domestic. Millions of parents have made the decision to trust the products of this company and were not mistaken. Vegetable and fruit purees are regularly tested. The company's products are recommended for use by the Union of Russian Pediatricians.

What should be the first meal? Which vegetable puree to choose? According to Fruto Nanny experts, to introduce a baby to adult nutrition, you should choose pumpkin, broccoli or cauliflower. Aromatic carrot-based purees are also offered. But such products are recommended to be given to children after eight months. All purees are produced in airtight glass jars, additionally packed in polyethylene film. Thus, the manufacturer protects the container from dust and dirt.

Reviews show that each glass jar has special divisions in grams. Thanks to this, parents can estimate how much puree the baby has eaten.


This trademark is the result of the work of the well-known Swiss company Nestle. The company manufactures a wide range of products for children, from infant formulas to sweets for adult children. Vegetable purees from this manufacturer are also popular. Reviews show that Gerber products have a delicate texture. Children who eat such purees learn to swallow food correctly and start chewing earlier. The company uses a special production method that allows to preserve all the vitamins and nutrients of the products as much as possible.

What vegetable purees are best for the first complementary foods? Gerber offers four options - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. The trademark does not produce mixed purees.


This foreign brand is no less popular with domestic moms and dads. The German company Hipp is the first competitor of Nestle. Parents can enjoy quality products for about 100 years. The composition of vegetable puree includes products that are grown organically without chemical additives and fertilizers. In addition to the usual zucchini and cauliflower, children are offered to try parsnips, corn, zucchini, and potatoes.

All products undergo rigorous quality control. According to the manufacturer, even the condition of the soil on which the vegetable is grown is taken into account. The Hipp laboratory is considered one of the best in all of Europe. In this regard, the finished product is not cheap. In Russia, vegetable puree from this manufacturer can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets, and children's stores.

Homemade puree for the first feeding based on broccoli

Be that as it may, mom will be able to cook the best vegetable puree for the first feeding on her own. Reviews show that babies are much better at eating foods that are prepared at home. In addition, quality products are available to everyone. And some families generally have the opportunity to grow vegetables on their own estates.

An ideal vegetable for a baby's first food is broccoli. The good news is that this product is hypoallergenic. The likelihood that a baby will develop a rash after eating broccoli is minimized. The composition of the product in large quantities includes vitamins B, E, A, which is important for the full development of a small organism. Broccoli also contains a lot of calcium. The use of such a product helps to strengthen the children's skeletal system.

How to prepare vegetable puree for the first feeding? Recipes are different. Broccoli puree is very easy to make. First of all, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed under running water. You can soak the product in advance in a plate for several minutes. Place a small pot of water on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. To prepare one serving, it will be enough for an infant to boil one sprig of broccoli.

Cook the product until it becomes soft (about 15 minutes). To get a homogeneous mass without lumps, the finished vegetable should be ground in a combine or blender. If the puree is too thick, you can add a little boiled water or breast milk.

How to introduce the first complementary foods? Vegetable puree does not burden the stomach of the crumbs. However, for the first time, half a teaspoon once a day will suffice. Gradually, the daily rate will increase. Closer to 8 months, the child will already eat 50-70 g of vegetable puree.

Vegetable puree from potatoes

Potatoes are ideal for the first feeding only because this product takes up to 40% of the usual diet of an adult. That is, from the first days of life, a baby gets used to a product that will be used throughout life. In addition, potatoes are very well accepted by the baby's fragile digestive system. This product has many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of the crumbs.

To prepare mashed potatoes, it is enough to use a small vegetable. It is thoroughly peeled, washed well under running water. While the container of water is heating (the water must be brought to a boil), it is recommended that the potatoes be finely chopped. So the vegetable will cook faster. Mashed potatoes take 10-15 minutes to cook. After cooling, the vegetable is ground with a fork or using a blender. This dish is great for the first feeding. How much to give vegetable puree? As in the previous case, half a teaspoon is enough.


This product must be included in the diet of crumbs. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, E and useful minerals necessary for the full life of a small person. However, one of the first this vegetable should not be introduced into complementary foods. Carrots can cause an allergic reaction and are quite heavy on an infant's gastrointestinal tract.

Closer to 7-8 months, you can give your child a taste of this tasty and healthy vegetable. Pediatricians recommend not using carrots in their pure form, but adding them to vegetables that the baby has already tried before. So, for example, it will benefit. Potatoes will still act as the main ingredient. Carrots will help dilute the taste to which the child is already accustomed.

Carrots go well with broccoli and cauliflower. However, the ingredients must be prepared separately. Carrots take longer to cook. For the first time, it is enough to weld a few small rings.

After the child tries this vegetable for the first time, it is necessary to observe the reaction of his body for 2-3 days. If everything is in order, the daily intake of carrots in complementary foods can be increased.

The baby is a small, very fragile, vulnerable and susceptible creature to the most insignificant changes for an adult eye. That is why caring mothers try to do everything in the best possible way for their little one.

You have to be very careful when choosing food for your baby.

This statement also applies to food for the baby, especially the first complementary foods. According to the rules, it starts with a one-component vegetable puree. Since children, like their parents, are all completely different, the issue of baby food for babies can be solved in two ways:

  • Self-preparation of food for the baby;
  • Canned vegetable puree.

Arguments in favor of canned puree

Cooking by yourself may be better, but only when there is a firm belief that the products, in particular vegetables, do not contain elements that negatively affect the growing and actively developing children's body. Yes, it is still quite burdensome to grow vegetables recommended for the first baby food (cauliflower, broccoli) on your plot or balcony. It is much easier and more reliable to use canned baby vegetable puree.

Are you sure that the vegetables used for homemade puree are completely safe for crumbs.

Canned because its recipe is developed by specialists in the field of nutrition of precisely the little inhabitants of our green Planet. Scientists and nutritionists take into account a huge number of factors that affect not only the correct physical “maturation” of an infant, but also its mental, somatic and other important functions.

The most selected products go to ingredients in baby puree.

Below is a brief overview of the most famous, high-quality and credible brands of children's vegetable puree.

Popular domestic brands

"Frutonyanya" is a time-tested brand.

"Frutonyanya"- the most famous, demanded, competitive domestic brand. The company produces a huge line of products for the smallest children and older children. Baby vegetable puree to start complementary foods is presented in 4 variations (broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots) - all this is a monocomponent food containing only the vegetable itself and water. For those who have mastered the first dish in their life, the company offers 6 options for different vegetable mixes, which also do not have by-products (salt, starch). Care is shown "Frutonani" and in the way of packaging each children's meal: in addition to the hermetic lid, which is closed at the factory under pressure, the company has provided additional protection in the form of a dense, environmentally friendly polyethylene film from dirt getting under the lid of the jar. It is convenient that divisions in grams (25, 50 and 75) are applied on the film.

All Frutonyanya products are tested, approved and recommended for nutrition of infants by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The price for one 100 gram jar of vegetable puree does not exceed 28 rubles.

Larisa shares her experience of feeding her child « fruit nanny »:

“Almost every mom tries canned food, which she gives to her young child. At the same time, her personal opinion boils down to the fact that it is impossible to eat this incomprehensible substance of a greenish or color that does not inspire confidence at all. So I thought so, until my girlfriends (also young mothers) advised me to try vegetables from Frutonyanya. Having overcome doubts, I bought one jar for testing. Expectations, both mine and the baby were fully justified: both the smell and taste were appetizing, so my daughter ate the whole jar at once and very quickly. Now we are only sitting on Frutonyan.

Economic option

"Grandma's basket"- the most affordable, but no less high-quality Russian brand. The line of one-component vegetable purees of the company consists of:

  • cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • Pumpkins.

This is a great selection, with the exception of the last vegetable on the list, for children on IV with allergies. A jar of vegetable puree, with a volume of 100 grams, can be purchased from 23 rubles.

"Grandma's basket" has won the trust of many mothers.

The assortment of fruit one-component treats for the smallest children is quite diverse. In addition to water and, in fact, the vegetable or fruit itself, nothing else can be found in mashed potatoes.

special treat

For older kids, the company offers cod, pink salmon and salmon puree, which is extremely rare for sale from other manufacturers.

Violetta talks about her impressions of the vegetable puree "Grandmother's Basket":

“During a planned visit to the pediatrician, the latter recommended that I start introducing complementary foods to my son. The doctor offered a choice of 2 brands: "Gerber" and "Grandmother's Basket". I didn’t find a single-component Gerber in the store, so I bought a basket, especially since I heard a lot of flattering things about this brand.

I will say that the product pleased me with its consistency, quantity, and price. I really like that the lid is easy to open. What confused - the smell, not the most pleasant, but the child eats both cheeks, without any whims. We have been eating for half a month - everything is wonderful! I advise!

Popular and in demand

"Subject"- a domestic brand that has gained popularity with many moms and dads (although you can also find Hungarian production). branded "Subject" mainly dairy products are produced, but manufacturers and children, who are just starting to get acquainted with the huge world of new taste sensations, did not ignore. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli - this is an assortment for the first complementary foods. Puree contains only vegetables and water. The price scale starts from 28 rubles for a 130 gram jar.

Puree "Tyoma" does not lag behind in popularity from other brands.

Nadezhda shares about her baby's acquaintance with this brand:

“We really liked it, and the fact that it is liquid is a confirmation of what is written on the package “zucchini and water”. Other manufacturers often add all sorts of thickeners. My opinion: thickeners have no place in baby food. Everything must be natural!

Famous import brands

Gerber- its manufacturer is the Swiss company Nestle. At the first stage of complementary foods, the company offers 4 types of one-component vegetable purees and 2 fruit purees. As part of vegetable puree, you can find only 2 components:

Jars contain 80 grams of product. The company specializes not only in the production of baby food. Nestlé produces a huge range of gastronomic products from baby milk formulas to chocolate. Nestlé has been confidently holding its leading positions in the world market for over 140 years. An 80 gram jar costs a little more than the popular brands described above. About 35 rubles you have to pay for it at the store.

The driver must observe the utmost safety on the road, especially if there is a small child in the car. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and safe, you need to take care of, the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility.

Every mother has a question: “How much should a child gain in weight in the first year of life?” On you will find summary tables where the rate of weight gain in infants is fully described.

Are quality and price comparable?

hipp- a German brand of baby food products competing with Nestlé. It has been known in the world for more than 100 years. As a first food, the company recommends vegetables grown by organic farming (without the use of artificial fertilizers). For toddlers, Hipp offers:

  • cauliflower;
  • Carrot;
  • Potato;
  • zucchini;
  • Parsnip;
  • Broccoli.

Long existence in the market speaks for itself.

A little later, according to the company, you can try corn and pumpkin. Hipp sometimes adds rice flour to some baby one-ingredient meals. Minimum price per jar 80 grams - 45 rubles, and for 125 grams - from 60 rubles.

Natalia says:

“It is important to me what is written on the jar in the composition because my baby’s stool is irregular. Complementary foods were started to improve digestion. With rice or any other flour, I would not take it because it strengthens the intestines of babies. The manufacturer adds flour to make the puree thicker. From this it can be inferred that it was originally liquid. And why? Because they save on ingredients.

Expensive - not always good

brand Semper represents Sweden. The company offers vegetable products enriched with vitamins, minerals and vegetable oils:

  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini with potatoes;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Zucchini with potatoes are wonderful options for the first hypoallergenic complementary foods.

Safe complementary foods are guaranteed with Semper.

Preservatives and any flavors, however, as well as other unnecessary components, except for rice flour, mashed potatoes do not contain. Price for one A 125 gram jar starts from 55 rubles.

The problem of sleepless nights in parents will help to solve. This design allows you to rock the baby without getting out of bed. You save energy to wake up cheerful and in a good mood in the morning.

Diathesis is bright red spots that appear on the cheeks of a child. A red rash can be caused by many different reasons. We'll talk more about them in.

European standards

Company "Heinz" based in the USA. Production and deliveries to different countries are established in Italy. The manufacturer offers a standard set for the first feeding. In the composition of vegetable purees, you can see cornmeal. As the manufacturer explains "for consistency." serving per 80 grams can be bought for at least 36 rubles.

So delicious you can't stop eating!

Tastier means healthier?

"Bebivita"- one of the brightest German representatives of baby food products. The Germans offer the smallest citizens of our country to start acquaintance with new food with:

  • cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots.

"Bebivita" confirms the stereotype of German quality.

In addition to water and the vegetables themselves, the puree includes:

  • Corn oil is a recognized source of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Coarse rice flour.

Alena about extreme cases of using Bebivita vegetable puree:

“We tried “broccoli” from the “complementary start” series. "Bebivita" is not the best option for canned food, but still at least some option. My advice: if there is such an opportunity - to feed the child with a different brand of puree, then it is better to use it. "Bebivita" is an extreme case where there are no other variations, such as on the road."

h2> Who suits what

Nutricia- a Dutch company that produces a rather impressive list of products for babies and adults. Nutricia known in the world for more than 110 years. It has several branches in Russia. For the first complementary foods, it produces jars with:

  • Broccoli;
  • carrots;
  • Cauliflower.

Puree "Nutricia" goes with a bang!

A little later, you can try zucchini with cauliflower. In the composition of vegetable puree, wheat starch or rice flour can be seen. 125 grams of vegetable puree cost about 43 rubles.

Alla talks about her acquaintance with the company's products:

“First I bought cauliflower and broccoli from Grandma's Basket - it turned out economically. I started with a "bast basket" because they had already tried an apple and a pear. My child liked everything. However, those vegetable purees that I bought are terrible. The kid refused to eat them. With "Nutricia" both cabbages were eaten with a bang, although they have apple juice in them.

Quality is the main thing!

Company "Bellakt"- the only representative of baby food from Belarus. For babies, the manufacturer offers the usual list of vegetable purees for the first feeding. There is no flour or starch in these jars. The price for a 100 gram jar is very economical: from 25 rubles.

Quality and excellent taste in one jar.

Your child is your everything. Carefully and joyfully perceive every moment spent with him. Choose only healthy jar food for your kids!

Canned baby vegetable puree is mom's helper in any situation.

Product-test experts, in collaboration with a number of specialists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, carefully analyzed the most common brands of vegetable puree for the first complementary foods in leading Russian laboratories and in numerous test groups consisting of mothers.

Product-test experts analyzed the assortment of vegetable purees presented on store shelves in 9 major Russian cities and chose the most popular brands for testing. We, in collaboration with a number of specialists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, have carefully analyzed the most common brands of vegetable puree for the first complementary foods in leading Russian laboratories and in numerous test groups consisting of mothers.

Test results

Vitamin C

The popular Gerber, Semper and HIPP vegetable purees are very rich in vitamin C: Gerber and HIPP have 22 mg/100 g, and Semper has 16.5 mg/100 g. These are 73 and 55 percent, respectively, of the daily requirement for a 6-month-old baby! According to the norms of Rospotrebnadzor, a 4-6-month-old baby should receive vitamin C at least 35 mg / day.

But in the puree of Babushkino Lukoshko and Bebivita "Zucchini" it is practically absent - 5, 5 and 2.7 mg / 100 g, respectively. Vitamin C is essential for normal metabolism, immune system development and iron absorption. Its deficiency can lead to weak blood vessels and bleeding.


There are few truly useful ingredients in Bebivita "Zucchini" baby puree. Our tests showed that the composition is very low in iron - less than 0.2 mg / kg, which is less than 1% of the daily value for a child at six months. While the norm for children from 0 to 3 years old is 4-10 mg. Insufficient iron intake can lead to hypochromic anemia, fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis, and other problems.


Babushkino Lukoshko "Pumpkin-rice-milk" puree is very sweet and contains five times more carbohydrates than an average vegetable puree. You must remember that this can put unnecessary stress on your baby's digestive system. In addition, it contains sugar. Such a puree cannot be called useful for a child, since a high sugar content provokes the development of caries: the first teeth are very sensitive to it.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for using the results of product tests presented on the site. .

In the first months of their life, babies drink only mother's milk or formula milk, so introducing new foods to food is a big step in a child's life.

When introducing complementary foods, it is important to offer your child plenty of vegetables in order to obtain beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. This is also necessary in order for the baby to develop a habit of new tastes.

Early introduction of complementary foods will prevent further excessive selectivity of the child in food and will enable parents to observe food allergies.

It is better to introduce vegetables first. They contain most of the beneficial minerals and vitamins that a growing body needs. Only when the child's body gets used to vegetables, you can offer the baby fruit. Vegetables have a neutral taste, they do not affect metabolism, do not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

When can you give your baby vegetable puree?

Experts recommend starting to introduce baby vegetable purees into the daily diet of a child at the age of six months. By this time, the children's digestive tract is able to effectively absorb the ingredients of the puree without the occurrence of flatulence.

Before introducing the first vegetable food to your child, make sure it is ready. The young digestive system needs time to develop before it can digest adult food.

  • your baby should be able to hold his head on his own, open his mouth for a spoon, chew food in his mouth and then swallow it;
  • Another indicator that the baby is ready for the first complementary foods is a doubling of the body weight that was at birth.

Carefully monitor the baby's stool after taking a new food. Refrain from introducing complementary foods if you notice watery stools. Perhaps the digestive tract is not ripe enough for vegetable purees.

If the baby does not want to try an unfamiliar product, postpone its introduction for later. Try again after a few weeks.

The initial portion of the administered product should be no more than a teaspoon. If the baby does not have problems with digestion, the dose of complementary foods should be increased every day by a teaspoon until the portion is equal to the age norm.

For children 4 - 6 months old, monocomponent purees from hypoallergenic steamed vegetables are suitable.

First, give your child a small amount of puree from a soft spoon. Do this for several weeks. Start with small meals, half a teaspoon each. Puree for babies should be given after.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't swallow all of the food. Babies often refuse food or spit it out. Remember, every child develops at their own pace. Some will learn to eat from a spoon quickly, others will have little interest. Don't give up, try again.

Pediatricians usually advise starting with green vegetables because they are less sweet than yellow vegetables.

Instead of buying mashed potatoes for children in the store, you can make mashed vegetables for your child at home using complementary food recipes. If you do this, you will know exactly what is in the baby's food. In addition, you can save money this way, since store-bought baby vegetable puree for a child is usually more expensive than home-made.

The best vegetable purees for the first feeding

Zucchini puree for the first feeding is the best choice. It is perfect for babies from 4 months old. It has a mild and delicate flavor due to the fiber and high pectin content. This vegetable has a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, which are of decisive importance for the metabolism of a growing child.

Zucchini is one of the few vegetables that is hypoallergenic. Folic acid, iron, copper, contained in zucchini in large quantities, play a significant role in hematopoiesis.

Squash puree

Very nutritious puree for babies. Squash is rich in calcium, fiber and vitamins, it can be given to children from 4 to 6 months. This is another sweet tasting food, very soft and easy to swallow.

pumpkin puree

Rich in ascorbic acid, iron and many nutrients. Pumpkin is a great addition to a child's diet, the perfect companion for less sweet vegetables like squash and green beans. It also goes well with fruits and meats. In addition, pumpkin is high in fiber, low in fat, and very low in calories.

Cauliflower puree

From about six months, you can give the baby cauliflower. It is a vegetable rich in vitamins C and K.

Green bean puree

If you think your baby is ready to try green vegetables, baby green bean purees are a good option for a 4-5 month old baby's first complementary foods.

Beans are rich in vitamins A and K, which contributes to the formation of the baby's immunity. Using it as the first green vegetable in complementary foods will help your baby get used to green vegetables.

Pea mash

Even if the parents don't like peas, the child is more likely to eat them. Peas are another favorite among young children because they have a sweetish taste. This food is high in protein, contains a lot of fiber and improves digestion. Peas are also rich in vitamins A and C.

Broccoli puree

Broccoli is one of the most advanced green vegetables. It is usually administered within 8 to 10 months. This vegetable contains a lot of fiber and ascorbic acid. Useful for constipation.

Potato puree

This is one of the best first purees for babies. Potatoes are very soft and pleasant to taste. It contains a lot of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the child's immune system. Due to the high content of coarse fiber, this vegetable will help with digestion.

Carrots are another favorite vegetable for babies. This is because carrots also have a sweet taste. Rich in beta-carotene, carrots are a nutritious addition to a child's diet.

The high content of vitamin A promotes healthy vision and helps the body resist infection. In addition, carrots are versatile - they can be mixed with various fruits, meats and other vegetables.

Turnip puree

As soon as the baby crosses the 6-8 month mark, try giving him a turnip. It is rich in ascorbic acid and calcium, it has a high content of coarse fiber and protein. Turnip is sweet in taste and easy to digest.

Eggplant puree

Eating eggplant saturates the body with vitamins A, B6 and folic acid. This vegetable also contains minerals such as potassium and calcium. The high fiber content will help the child to adjust the stool with constipation.

Spinach puree

Rich in calcium and loaded with antioxidants, spinach is ideal for older children. This leafy green vegetable contains many nutrients, including vitamin A, selenium, and iron.

Spinach is high in nitrates, so it should be eaten in moderation.

Beet puree

Add variety to your baby's diet with antioxidant-rich beets. As soon as the child has tried various yellow and green vegetables, it is time to taste this wonderful root vegetable. Beetroot contains a lot of calcium, potassium, vitamin A and coarse fiber. This vegetable is nutritious and will please the baby with its colorfulness.

Asparagus puree

Bright and delicious, asparagus is packed with vitamins and nutrients, including iron, calcium, and vitamin A. But like cauliflower and broccoli, this fiber-rich vegetable can be difficult to digest.

Wait until the child is a little older (from 10 months) before offering this puree. Asparagus can be eaten on its own or mixed with other vegetables.

To prepare puree for the first feeding, follow these steps:

  1. Choose fresh, ripe vegetables for your first feeding. The most delicious and nutritious vegetable puree for baby food is made from the freshest vegetables that are at their peak of ripeness.

    Choose vegetables with firm flesh and bright colors. Avoid mashed vegetables with stains.

  2. Frozen or canned vegetables can be used to make a puree for the first meal, but they will not have the same nutritional value and taste as puree made from fresh vegetables.
  3. Any kind of vegetable should be pureed, although green vegetables are more difficult to get a smoother puree. Carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, and any other vegetables with flesh become softer when cooked.
  4. Wash vegetables. By manipulating them under running cold water, make sure that all traces of dirt are removed.

    You can use a vegetable cleanser if you are cleaning vegetables that have been treated with pesticides.

  5. If necessary, peel the vegetables. Cut off the top and bottom ends of the vegetables with a knife and remove any bruises.
  6. Cut vegetables into thin slices. Cutting vegetables into slices instead of sticks will reduce cooking time, and the baby puree will become more uniform.
  7. Boil some water in a deep bowl. You don't need to fill it all the way, you just need some water to steam the vegetables. Two to four glasses of water is enough, it all depends on the size of the dishes used.
  8. Steaming vegetables is the best way to preserve nutrients. Boiling vegetables is another option for preparing them, but it has been proven that some beneficial vitamins are destroyed when cooked.
  9. Steam vegetables for 15 to 20 minutes. Fill a special basket with vegetable slices and place it in the pot. Cover the pot to start cooking the vegetables.

    Avoid large quantities of vegetables in the cooking container. You may have to do it in batches.

    After 15-20 minutes, the vegetables should be soft enough.

  10. If there is no special basket, place the vegetable slices in boiling water. Boil for a quarter of an hour or until soft.
  11. Use a blender. Place 1 cup cooked vegetables in a blender, adding a little water if necessary to achieve a smoother texture.
  12. Transfer the puree from the blender to a container used for feeding the baby.

The beginning of complementary foods plays a decisive role both in the functioning of the digestive system and for the healthy state of the child as a whole. Parents should be very careful about the nutrition of their babies in order to avoid further problems.

Every mother wants to give her child everything only the most. The first complementary foods fall on baby puree, from the variety of which the eyes run across the shelves in large stores. How to determine what is suitable for the baby, will benefit and become the most delicious treat? The rating, which drew attention to the quality of baby puree, according to the Marka.guru portal, has collected the best food manufacturers for children.

Baby food is a category of products that requires special care when choosing; only proven and high-quality products should be preferred. This group includes baby cereals, purees, juices, mixtures. Before you go to the store to buy baby puree for feeding your baby, you should decide what to look for.

  1. Age group. On each package of baby food, it is written which age group the product is recommended for use.
  2. Best before date. Baby puree, made according to all the rules, should be stored for no more than two years in a sealed form and no more than a few days in an open refrigerator. When dairy products are added to the puree, the shelf life is reduced.
  3. Compound. Pay attention to the contents of each jar. The presence of preservatives, dyes, salt and sugar in the composition indicates a poor quality of the product. An ideal puree should consist of water and the main component prescribed on the jar (vegetable, fruit, berry, meat).
  4. Package. The quality of the product directly depends on the type of packaging. Glass jars are the most attractive because packaging impurities do not get into the product, canned metal jars have a long shelf life, cardboard boxes reduce the cost of the item.
  5. Appearance. It is important to purchase products without visible deformations. Since the food is intended mainly for babies, who are most sensitive to all types of foods, any flaw can affect the final quality of the puree.

1. Humana

The rating of baby purees is opened by Humana, which became the choice of many mothers in 2018. The production of baby purees is based on the complete rejection of preservatives, the composition includes only natural products. Organic puree contains all the trace elements necessary for a child. All components were grown without the use of pesticides and harmful fertilizers, their balance makes Humana healthy and tasty.

One of the features of the Humana company is the use of uniform recipes for all plants in the world.

Each type of product has a high quality control, which allows the company to get into the rating of baby food every year.


  • natural products;
  • age categories from 4, 6, 8, 10 months;
  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • quality control;
  • a single recipe;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • recommended for diabetes.

Disadvantages: not found.

Vegetable purees are packed in glass jars with a volume of 125 grams, the average cost is 75-120 rubles. Fruit also have a volume of 125 grams, only the average price is already 75-140 rubles. Mashed potatoes with a full meal (for example, Carrots with potatoes and chicken or Pumpkin with rice and chicken) are packed in glass of 190 grams, the price is 145-187 rubles. Among the unusual flavors, Humana Pear-Mango Puree can be noted.

Humana prices:

2. Gerber

The best baby food cannot be without the Gerber brand. The history of mashed potatoes began when Dorothy Gerber decided to make mashed potatoes for her child at her husband's enterprise. A modern company carefully treats the quality of its products, starting with the preparation of seeds for future components and ending with the sale of finished jars.

All fruits and vegetables are grown in ecologically clean areas. Quality control is carried out in laboratories built on the territory of the enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the sterility of products.

A wide range includes purees of different types - one-component, multi-component, soft-packed fruit, vegetable with meat, and fruit and milk. An innovative solution was soft drinking packaging, which is convenient to use puree on the road and on a walk, takes up little space.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • age categories: first stage (4 months), 6, 8, 10 months;
  • a series of fruit and milk purees;
  • innovative soft packaging;
  • hypoallergenic products;
  • without preservatives;
  • quality and fresh ingredients.

Disadvantages: not found.

The cost of Gerber purees varies from 39 to 319 rubles.

Gerber prices:

3. Nutricia

The brand has identified 4 groups for puree: orange (fruit), beige (fruit with yogurt), red (meat and fish) and green (vegetable).

For baby food, three stages of baby puree have been worked out:

  • vegetable and fruit - recommended from 4 months;
  • fruit and curd, vegetables with meat - recommended from 6 months;
  • vegetable and meat with pieces - recommended from 8 months for the development of chewing abilities.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives, dyes and flavorings;
  • quality control;
  • division into stages of introduction of complementary foods.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price is in the range from 37 to 75 rubles.

Prices for Nutricia :

4. Grandma's basket

The best baby food in Russia is associated with grandmothers, who treat their grandchildren with special care. For the manufacture of Babushkino Lukoshko puree, only high quality natural products are used.

The technology is used in production to preserve all the nutrients that benefit any child.

Raw material suppliers guarantee an environmentally friendly product that excludes the use of genetically modified fruits and vegetables. Dyes, flavors and preservatives are also not used.

For sale, two types of puree packaging are used - in jars (100 grams) and soft drinkable doypacks (90 grams).


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • soft drinking packaging;
  • environmentally friendly products.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price varies from 25 to 110 rubles.

Prices Grandma's basket:

5. Frutonyanya

Puree reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction on the baby's skin, as it does not contain sugar.

The puree mixture is necessary for babies, as it contains more vitamins than breast milk. A serving in one jar of Frutonyan is designed for one dose.

In production, only environmentally friendly products are used, which differ from those that can be found in stores. A new line has been released in doypack packaging, which allows you to take the product with you for a walk.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • portions for one application;
  • doypack packing;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • hypoallergenic series.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price varies from 22 to 55 rubles.

Prices for Frutonyanya:

The Sady Pridonya company has a circular production cycle - only products from the company's farms are processed for processing. This guarantees the absence of preservatives, making the product exclusively natural. The low cost is due to the lack of transportation costs for the purchase of raw materials.

Production is carried out according to all standards on high-precision equipment created by the company's technologists.

A huge range of flavors is able to satisfy the needs of any child.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • products in the puree are produced on our own farms;
  • Quality Management System;
  • low cost, hence the low price;
  • hypoallergenic series.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price is in the range from 22 to 65 rubles.

Prices :

7. Theme

The company specializes in meat and meat and vegetable purees. The addition of fruit purees can be found in Tema cottage cheese and biocurd.

New equipment is used for production. All products are intended for children from 6 months. High quality natural raw materials are used. Meat purees are produced in small cans made of a material that does not affect the quality of children's products. Curds are presented in standard plastic cups with a foil top coating.


  • there is a series of cottage cheese with the addition of mashed potatoes;
  • no added salt or starch.

Disadvantages: in the assortment there are no vegetable and fruit purees for the first complementary foods.

The price of canned meat varies from 37 to 93 rubles. The average cost of cottage cheese is 34 rubles.

Theme Prices:

8 Semper

A variety of dishes can interest any adult - mango, apple with strawberries, Mediterranean risotto with sea bream, vegetable sauté with sea bass, vegetables with veal liver, spaghetti bolognese - a real restaurant for kids from Semper chefs.

The volume of each portion is calculated for a certain age. Fruit purees can be found in a convenient drinkable soft package. In the same package, porridges with the addition of puree are presented.


  • soft pieces of vegetables;
  • without starch;
  • cereals without adding milk;
  • meals like adults;
  • natural ingredients.

Products in soft packaging can be purchased in the range from 67 to 88 rubles. Purees for big children - from 109 to 157 rubles. For kids - from 78 to 118 rubles.

Semper prices:

9. Heinz

Heinz is the best baby food manufacturer in the USA. Only high-quality natural ingredients are used in the manufacture. The puree is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex.

The compatibility of used products is carefully checked in laboratories. Recipes developed under the supervision of pediatricians and pediatric nutritionists.

Control takes place at every stage of production, which eliminates the ingress of low-quality products on store shelves.


  • no dyes, GMOs, flavorings;
  • only certified suppliers;
  • lack of flavor enhancers;
  • recipes developed by pediatricians.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price of Heinz puree varies from 32 to 98 rubles.

Prices for Heinz:

10. Agusha

Agusha puree is perfect for the first feeding of a baby. The hypoallergenic mixture is absolutely safe for the child's body.

Before reaching the consumer, any of the produced purees goes through 72 stages of quality control.

The Agusha company has singled out a separate series for the start of complementary foods "The First Spoon", which contains mashed potatoes that take into account the peculiarities of the digestion of newborns. The assortment of purees is complemented by innovative packaging that allows you to take the product on walks and on the road.


  • 72 puree quality checks;
  • contains pieces of fruits and vegetables;
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • hypoallergenic formula.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price of Agusha puree varies from 28 to 69 rubles.

Agusha prices:

11. Hipp

Hipp puree is considered a great helper for modern mothers. Vegetables and fruits for puree are grown without artificial fertilizers and growth regulators.

The structure of vegetables is not disturbed during processing, which gives the baby useful Omega-3 acids when consumed.

The manufacturer guarantees that the meat purees are made from the meat of animals fed only with natural feed. The assortment is complemented by a meat and vegetable and fish and vegetable menu, presenting to the children complex dishes enriched with vitamins and close to home cooking.

The finished product Hipp is packed in sterilized glass jars from 80 to 220 grams.


  • without preservatives and dyes;
  • without sugar and salt;
  • enriched with Omega-3.

Disadvantages: high cost.

The cost of Hipp puree is in the range from 35 to 136 rubles.

Hipp prices:


Each child is a separate person, so the baby should purchase products taking into account the characteristics of the body and taste wishes. Ready-made purees have greatly simplified the life of modern mothers, allowing them to save time on preparing homemade complementary foods. Marka.guru has collected the best high quality baby purees.