What is the best massage oil for babies? Rating of the best oils from different manufacturers for skin care of a newborn baby. Overview and analysis of the most common on the market. Treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis

Everyone knows that the skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and vulnerable. That is why the skin of the baby needs special care.

Along with baby cream, emulsion and powder, it is important to have baby oil in your first aid kit.

Is it possible to use oils daily and what role they play: we will understand in this article.

Nature has created on the human surface the so-called mantle, that is, the surface water-lipid layer. This layer is designed to protect the skin from exposure environment, temperature changes, and also contributes to the production of vitamin D.

Probably, it would not be superfluous to say that it is through the skin that the newborn learns the world in the first days of life. Tactile sensations are very important for the baby, so the task of the mother is to provide the right care behind the skin.

Surely, every mother has a lot of cosmetics for caring for a newborn. But few people know in what cases it is worth using it.

Oil for newborns may be needed:

  • With diaper rash, especially when it comes to little princesses, on whose body there are many folds
  • With inflammatory processes
  • Behind the ears and on the head
  • For skin hydration

Note! Do not use oil for daily moisturizing. Enough 1-2 times in seven days.

Today, there are quite a lot of types of oils for newborns on the shelves of stores. Products are full of not only wide choice variety, but at very reasonable prices.

Let's move on to the next block of the article to find out what oils for newborns should definitely be on your shelf.

Oil for newborns: which one to buy

Most oils for newborns contain essential antioxidants and trace elements.

Vegetable oils are pressed from the seeds and fruits of plants.

When buying a product, it is better to give preference to cold-pressed oils.

Such oil is not processed additionally, therefore it retains all the useful components.

Types of oils for newborns:

  • Olive. Used for diaper rash, itching, allergic reactions. Perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  • Cacao butter. Used for mild burns and irritation.
  • Avocado oil. Used for long-term hydration of the skin. Many dermatologists prescribe the oil for atopic dermatitis.
  • Peanut butter. Used to eliminate crusts on the head.
  • based on sea buckthorn. Used for diaper dermatitis. Due to its antiseptic properties, it can be used to heal wounds.
  • Hypericum oil. Used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is especially important to apply for mosquito bites.
  • Sunflower oil. Regenerates the skin.

Please note that if a child has a tendency to allergies, you should consult a pediatrician before using any vegetable oil.

Among the cosmetic products for the care of children's skin, oils from world famous brands have proven themselves well: Weleda, Johnson Baby and Bübchen. Distinctive feature presented oils is that they do not contain refined products and are considered environmentally friendly.

Johnsons Baby, Weleda and Bübchen oils are formulated with special moisturizing oils and extracts from medicinal plants. Depending on the needs of the baby, cosmetic products can soothe, dry or moisturize the skin.

For those who primarily appreciate naturalness, we recommend paying attention to products from Weleda. The company positions itself as an organic cosmetics firm.

The presented products cannot be called budget, but this allows it to maintain excellent competitiveness.

Is it possible to prepare oil for newborns with your own hands?

Proper care of a newborn is the key to his health

I would also like to emphasize that any of the oils should be applied after careful hygiene of the newborn. The fact is that vegetable oils clog pores, so there is a possibility of comedones.

You can prepare oil for newborns at home. To do this, you need to purchase a plant product.

Among the most common "recipes" for cooking cosmetic oils, it is worth noting:

  1. Soothing oil for irritated skin. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn. Apply to irritated areas.
  2. Remedy for atopic. Laurel oil, mix with shea butter butter (before this, the butter should be melted). Apply the oil after bath and let it absorb well.
  3. From rashes. Mix sunflower oil with St. John's wort oil 50/50. Treat the affected areas with the remedy. Remove excess with a cotton pad.
  4. Moisturizing oil. Mix shea butter with olive oil (75/25). After the bath, apply the product on the skin. If necessary, blot excess with a towel.

By the way, vegetable oils are great for massage. Some cosmetic companies produce ready-made products for the procedure. Before using one of the types of oils, be sure to consult with the pediatrician on duty. Good health!

On the video - tips for moms:

06 Sep 2017 277

  • Atopic dermatitis in infants: photos, symptoms, causes ...

Massage is a procedure that is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Each such manipulation helps to restore physical condition and emotional balance. It is with the help of massage with babies that the mother first establishes psychological contact. Many pediatricians recommend using various oils for massage. It is they who will help the hands to easily glide over the skin. It will not cause discomfort or damage to the skin. Consider the main options.

Types and properties

For babies, it is especially important to choose the right oil for massage. After all, at this age they are very sensitive to smells. If it is unpleasant for your child, it can also affect his nervous system. It is better to choose a product without pungent odors, or even without them at all.

There are many types of oils that can be successfully used when you massage your baby:

    Vaseline. This massage tool was used by our grandmothers. Many people can find Vaseline in the first aid kit. This tool is a liquid paraffin. It has no taste, no smell. That's why it's hypoallergenic. Pediatricians advise using it when massaging babies. This cosmetic product will help moisturize the skin. It perfectly heals wounds, microcracks, protects the delicate integuments of the dermis.

When such a substance is applied to the skin of a child, a thin invisible film appears. It is worth applying a little liquid product so that clogging of the pores does not occur. Massage with such a component should be carried out periodically to prevent the appearance of microcracks on the skin when rubbed with a diaper.

Interestingly, vaseline oil can be perfectly combined with other oils. This will help you get the most out of it.

    Peach and apricot. These liquids are perfect for massaging children. Peach oil is allowed to be used for babies. It will help to effectively moisturize the skin, will be the prevention of skin diseases. Apricot kernel oil will promote muscle tone. This liquid stimulates immune system baby, activity nervous system. All vegetable oils should be preferred. In this case, the main thing is to choose one that will become not only effective for the child, but also loved. This will stimulate the harmonious development of your child.

  • Olive. This oil contains linoleic and oleic fatty acids. They help to strengthen the protective barrier of the skin, soften the dermis. The substance is perfectly absorbed and enriches the cells with vitamins and minerals. However, do not use the remedy when there are diseases of the skin or there is damage to it.

  • Camphor. Camphor oil is usually rubbed on the baby's back and chest. Such a warming compress based on the product can be used for colds. The liquid penetrates deep into the tissues, warms well. It is worth noting that if the child has a temperature, then you should not use this product. The oil can be used for children from 2 years old who do not have allergies, epilepsy, wounds and skin lesions.

  • Essential. These oils will help calm the baby. However, it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to use this product for children who are not yet 2 weeks old. And even after this period, you should be especially careful when using such liquids. It is better to consult a pediatrician before use.

    Wheat. Wheat oil will be an excellent remedy that can help with rashes in the first stage of life, especially if the skin is quite dry. You can actively moisturize the skin of the child, carrying out simple manipulations. Each tactile touch will be pleasant and comfortable.

Which is suitable

It's no secret that the right massage oil will help not only improve the whole process, but also set the vector for the correct and harmonious development child. For newborns, it is better to use vaseline. It will be the safest and best remedy. Also for babies, apricot kernel oil, avocado, olive, peach are well suited.. It is not necessary to use camphor oil and essential oils for babies. It is best to consult with your pediatrician, who will help you choose the right massage tool. An excellent tool for massage up to a year will be Coconut oil. Children will love its light pleasant aroma. At the same time, this tool will help to effectively moisturize the skin, acts as an antiseptic.

Rating of the best

When choosing the best product for your baby, you should pay attention to the best brands that have already earned the trust of customers.

  • Mustela. The massage oil is intended for babies. It will help to perfectly soften the skin, facilitate the massage process. Your baby will only enjoy. The composition includes vitamins E and C. The product has a calming effect, has a relaxing effect. The natural composition is perfect for periodic massage.

    Johnson's Baby. This quality product has won the trust of parents. It helps to actively moisturize the dermis, makes it tender, eliminates redness. Natural ingredients have a calming effect. The line incorporates funds with the addition of chamomile, aloe, lavender. Parabens are not used.

  • Bubchen. German quality is the basis of the product. The oil has a particularly gentle effect on the skin. A wide range of products is represented by a product with calendula extract, shea butter, sunflower. The tool will help remove peeling, moisturize the skin. The product absorbs well and leaves no residue. An excellent moment will be the optimal combination of the price-quality parameter.

  • The world of childhood. This tool is represented by a balanced combination of natural peach oil and almonds. Your hands will glide perfectly over the skin. The oil softens the dermis and soothes it. You will feel only fruity aroma.

  • Affectionate mother. This preparation does not contain preservatives and dyes. baby oil ideal for delicate skin. It has a general strengthening, healing effect with daily care. The oil will help moisturize the dermis, nourish it with useful substances, maintain elasticity, and relieve irritation. Thanks to vitamin E, the process of cell regeneration will be accelerated. Anti-inflammatory and protective action is the basis of this bottle. Can also be used by adults with sensitive skin.

  • Natura Siberica. This remedy includes rosehip and evening primrose oils. It will help to actively restore and moisturize skin cells, has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply a small amount of liquid to the baby's skin. Do this with light massaging movements, then continue the procedure.

  • Eared nanny. This option is budget, but no less effective. This brand has established itself as a quality manufacturer. The basis of the product is a calming and healing effect. One bottle will do the job perfectly. Your baby's skin will become moisturized, cleansed, all diaper rash will go away. The composition of the product includes aloe and a string.

It should be remembered that no matter how good a cosmetic product is, and no matter how famous brand If you don't get it, you should always ask your pediatrician for advice. IN childhood the skin is quite soft. Even the most suitable product at first glance can provoke an undesirable reaction in a child. Thus, you should study in detail the composition of the product that you buy in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

For children's skin is necessary regular care so that there is no dryness and diaper rash, oil is released for newborns. In some cases, they are replaced with powder and creams, putting a diaper on the newborn.

Baby oil has a universal purpose. With it, they clean the nose, ears of babies, remove crusts on the head, fight diaper rash and dry skin. Apply it during a massage.

Medicinal properties

Scientists have studied the use various kinds oils in newborn skin care. In the course of scientific research, their medicinal properties were revealed:

  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • moisturizing;
  • relieving irritation and itching.

The choice of children's cosmetics for skin care is large. You can always find the right remedy. The list of the most popular oils with medicinal properties:

  • olive;
  • avocado;
  • hypericum;
  • sunflower;
  • cocoa;
  • walnut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Before using them, an allergy test is carried out. It is evidenced by redness of the skin.

Against diaper rash and burns

Diaper rash appears in the groin, buttocks, armpits. Redness occurs due to poorly wiped skin after water procedures. To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to treat the folds after each bath.

Lubricate the skin with a soft cotton pad. A small amount of the product is applied to it and carried out from top to bottom along each fold. You can use cosmetic preparations for newborns, sold in pharmacies and specialized departments of stores, or use vegetable oils.

There is an opinion among the people that burns should be lubricated with oil. This is a gross misconception. All doctors unanimously argue that this should not be done. The damaged surface should be covered with a sterile napkin and urgently seek medical help.

Fight against gingivitis and stomatitis

The degree of damage to the oral cavity with stomatitis (gingivitis) can be extensive. Because of the infection, the child loses his appetite, he becomes restless. The treatment is always carried out after meals.

Before the first use, check for an allergic reaction to the drug. Apply it to the skin of the wrist. Redness indicates an allergy. In its absence, the oral mucosa is smeared with sea buckthorn oil 4 times a day.

Runny nose treatment

If a young mother does not know how to clean her nose with oil, you can advise her to use sea buckthorn oil. With its help, the child (12 months and older) reduces the symptoms of rhinitis. For 10 days, 2 drops are dripped into each nostril.

When doctors are asked if the nose can be treated with oils, they advise children under one year of age to instill carrot juice diluted with sunflower oil.

For baby baths and massage

Massage is a procedure useful for the baby. By doing it, the mother establishes contact with her child. To prevent damage to the skin, be sure to use a special massage tool:

  • "Eared nanny";
  • "Affectionate mother";
  • "The world of childhood".

Not only cosmetics are suitable for massage, vaseline, olive, peach can be applied to the skin of a child. All of them are of natural origin, soften the skin, are well absorbed.

What parts of the skin can be applied to

The body of a newborn has a feature - skin folds. Most babies have them, they are located on the neck, buttocks, the surface of the legs, arms. The care product is applied to various parts of the body:

  • axillary folds;
  • wrinkles on the neck;
  • buttocks;
  • folds on the legs and arms.

They clean the toes, palms, the outer surface of the auricles. With its help, crusts are removed from the nasal cavity, and scales are removed from the scalp.

Aromatherapy for babies

Aromatherapy as a means of correcting the conditions of the baby is used from 2 months. Before use, consult a doctor. Grape seed oil is taken as a base; from esters, children are suitable for:

  • lavender;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • sandal.

Aromatherapy tones, normalizes sleep.

The best oils for newborns

There are a lot of baby skin care products on sale, each has its own set. useful properties. They are used for daily skin hyena and troubleshooting.

sea ​​buckthorn

It contains various vitamins, their concentration is quite high, which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes of the following problems:

  • burns;
  • wounds;
  • cracks;
  • diaper rash.

Before application, the problem area is cleaned (washed) with a solution of furacilin. Prepare it from ½ cup of water and one tablet. A gauze napkin moistened with oil is applied to clean skin. The compress is fixed with a bandage.


It warms up and penetrates well into the skin tissue. It is used for compresses for colds. First, it is heated, then applied in a thin layer on the chest and back. Contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy;
  • age up to 2 years.


They treat dermatitis, eliminate diaper rash, it is applied under the diaper. It can be used to clear the nasal passages. First, the nose is washed with saline. From mucus and crusts, use cotton turundas soaked in peach oil.

Essential oils

Concentrated esters are diluted with water, used for massage and while bathing.


From vegetable sunflower, linen, olive are popular. They contain vitamins and substances that promote skin regeneration. You can buy them at any store. For cooking, you need unrefined or first-pressed raw materials.


Means for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash. This is liquid paraffin, which contains vitamins and minerals. Vaseline oil lubricates the skin folds, this protects the dermis from inflammation.

Why oil sterilization is necessary

The oil may contain harmful microorganisms. Immunity in newborns is weak. To exclude infection of the skin, use only sterile plant materials.

Mom herself can make a skin care product for her child; first-pressed vegetable raw materials are suitable. It must be sterilized before use. Do it in a water bath. Take a saucepan, fill it with cold water, put on fire.

Oil is poured into a glass bottle, put in water. It should sink almost to the very top. After boiling, boil water for at least 7 minutes. Sterile raw materials after cooling can be used for their intended purpose.

Features of the use of sterilized oil

Sterilized oil is used to clean the nose and ears. Remove scales from the scalp. With its help, the child is relieved of diaper rash and peeling. It is convenient for them to lubricate the skin during the massage.

Terms and rules of storage

Boiled butter is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the required volume is poured into another container and kept at room temperature for some time. After heating, it is used for its intended purpose. Doctors advise to sterilize a small amount of raw materials (100 g) immediately before use.

Indications and contraindications for use

Oil is used only externally. To clean the scalp from crusts take olive oil. It contains linoleic acid. It improves skin regeneration. Crusts on the head are smeared with baby oil after bathing. After a while, they soften, they are easily removed with a cotton swab. In addition, baby oil has other uses:

  • nasal cleansing;
  • ear treatment;
  • elimination of dry skin;
  • diaper rash treatment;
  • massage.

Rating of the best manufacturers of products for children

Parents have a natural question: which oil is better. Every mother wants the best for her baby. Some are guided by the brand, while others are based on the price.


Produces Massage Oil German firm Bubchen. It contains natural ingredients derived from soy, sunflower, shea, preservatives in it are absent. You can use the massage tool from birth:

  • cleanse the skin;
  • moisturize after a bath;
  • remove crusts on the head;
  • eliminate rashes;
  • Do massage.


Production is located in Bulgaria. Skin care products contain plant extracts. In children's cosmetics there are no aggressive substances, dyes. Bebble baby skin care products can be used from 0 months.

The most popular brand. This American trademark produces a wide range of children's skin care products. Cosmetics contain no parabens. Purpose of products:

  • massage;
  • hydration.

Execution options: classic and with the addition of vegetable raw materials: aloe, lavender, chamomile.

Baba Moments Chicco

The Italian company Chicco produces hypoallergenic products for newborns. Baba Moments Chicco is used for massage. It contains a substance derived from coconut milk, as well as rice bran, vitamin E, fragrance.


It is the world's leading manufacturer natural cosmetics. Swiss company produces cosmetics for babies High Quality. They contain natural esters (sesame, calendula, almonds). They use Weleda products from the first days of life, the feedback from parents is positive.

When choosing a children's cosmetic product, you need to carefully read the composition. Refuse to buy if the list contains a preservative, stabilizer, dye. The most budgetary and safest option for newborns is cold-pressed vegetable oils bought in a regular store. After sterilization, they can be used in the daily skin care of the child.

The skin of a newborn needs careful and gentle care. To keep it tender and soft, you need to use baby oil. You always want to choose the best for the baby, but how to understand which oil is more suitable for the child, and is it necessary at all?

Today we will look at the features best oils for kids about well-known manufacturers of children's cosmetics. You can also watch a helpful video on this topic.

Is a remedy necessary?

Attention: The use of oil is recommended by pediatricians and neonatologists. The scope of its application is quite wide: lubricate the folds with cotton pad moistened with oil to prevent diaper rash, for a gentle massage, for treating the nose, lubricating the whole body after bathing, and also for the head to get rid of crusts.

Professionals recommend using the oil after bathing to hydrate baby skin and avoid dryness. It is necessary to wipe all the folds, areas behind the ears with a cotton pad. Sometimes oil can be used instead of diaper cream.

It is important to choose an oil for your baby, considering all its components, as well as what it is needed for. There is a remedy that is intended only for getting rid of crusts on the head, but there is one that can be used for everything - from daily care before wiping any specific areas. What kind of oil to massage, how to wipe a child or what to use for wrinkles, we will consider below.

Difference from cream and milk

Young parents often face the question, is there a difference between oil, cream and milk? What is better to choose from a wide variety of good baby products?

  • Cream it is more intended for processing certain parts of the body on which minor irritations have appeared, it is undesirable to spread the whole baby with them.
  • Oil can be used in many cases, applying to all areas of the skin of a small child. The oil is designed to protect the skin from mechanical damage that can occur during the friction of the diaper on the baby's legs, or such as peeling or dry skin. The main difference between butter and milk is the consistency, and that the latter is quickly absorbed.
  • Milk more suitable for cleansing the skin, instead of soap. It allows you to maintain water-fat balance.

It is better that in the arsenal of a young mother there are cream, milk, and oil. They can be used alternately, or according to the situation.

Rating - which is better?

Bubchen - from crusts on the head of a child and for daily care

Contains sunflower and shea butter, as well as calendula extract. The oil can be used for massages, daily routines such as wiping wrinkles, flaky skin, and as a remedy for scabs on the head. Designed for children from birth.

To get rid of crusts on the scalp of a newborn, you need to pour a little oil on your hands, and then carefully and gently distribute it over the baby's head to problem areas. After 15 minutes with a comb or soft brush, small in a circular motion you need to carefully remove the scales from the scalp.

After applying the oil, wash your hair thoroughly with baby shampoo.. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once or several times a week until the problem is resolved.

The advantage of this remedy is that it is absorbed quickly, moisturizes the skin well and helps to get rid of diaper rash. Can be used daily. The disadvantage of this product, some buyers call an obsessive smell. The price for 50 ml is 300 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Pflegeol - to clean the nose and for daily use

The composition of the oil includes medicinal calendula and sesame oil, which allow you to carefully care for the skin of a newborn. Due to its natural composition, the oil can be used for daily nourishment of the skin to avoid dryness, for massage, for rubbing wrinkles, as well as cleaning the nose.

Advice: To clean a small nose, you need to moisten a cotton swab in oil, and then clean the nasal passages in a circular motion.

The advantage of this product is its naturalness and wide scope. The disadvantage is the high price. Price - from 800 rubles for a bottle of 200 ml.

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil - for massaging babies

Natural composition with vitamins E and C. The product can be used from birth to moisturize or massage, for example, the tummy to prevent baby's colic. The oil is gentle, has a calming and relaxing effect..

If you use oil during a massage, it will be more pleasant and beneficial. You can not pour the product directly on the baby's body. You need to pour a little on the mother’s hands, grind and warm the oil, and only then proceed to the massage, gently rubbing the product into the delicate skin of the child.

Advantages - the naturalness of the product, it can be used daily for various procedures. The only downside to this oil is the high cost.. Price - for 110 ml 1000 rubles.

Hipp - for baby's folds

The natural composition, which includes almond extract and vitamin E, helps to moisturize and soften the delicate skin of a newborn. The oil can be used for any procedure, including rubbing wrinkles to prevent dryness, diaper rash and redness.

The oil is good for inflammation and irritation.. To wipe, you need to moisten a cotton pad in oil and carefully go through all the folds, as well as behind the ears, under the neck. The folds on the arms and legs, armpits and ass also need to be wiped with oil.

The advantage of the product is that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors. No parabens, paraffin and essential oils. Suitable for both moisturizing and cleansing baby skin. Of the minuses, one can name an allergic reaction in some babies. Cost - from 250 rubles. for 200 ml.

Magic Herb Baby - for rubbing

This oil consists of chamomile, aloe and string extract, which allows you to carefully care for your baby's skin.. This oil can be used during a massage, after bathing, to wipe the folds with it, as well as areas behind the ears. This should be done with a cotton pad (cotton pad) or hands, applying a little oil, and then wiping all areas.

The advantage is that the product smells good, has a good effect on moisturizing and softening the baby's skin, and does not cause allergies. The disadvantages include only the fact that the product did not have time to become popular and not many people know about its existence, thereby not having time to win the trust of customers. The price for 200 ml is from 110 to 150 rubles.

Jonson's Baby - baby hair product

This is an oil based on a mineral base, that is, a petroleum product. The composition includes coconut oil, which does not allow the skin to breathe due to the formation of a film. You can choose oil with chamomile, calendula or aloe. The oil is intended for many procedures, including moisturizing the hair of a newborn. The cost of such oil is from 200 rubles per 200 ml.

our mother

After opening, a natural remedy can be stored for no more than three months. The composition includes calendula extract, cedar and sea buckthorn oil. The oil can be used to moisturize the baby's skin after bathing. It is quickly absorbed, which is not very convenient for massage.

The advantage is the naturalness of the product, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, eliminating skin irritations. The disadvantage is that it spreads during use due to its consistency and not a convenient vial without a dispenser. Price from 150 rubles. for 125 ml.

A wide range of oils is presented in stores and pharmacies, so without trying a certain remedy, you cannot be sure of it. When buying oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain dyes and preservatives, as well as other harmful and chemical substances. The smell should not be sharp and unobtrusive.

It is important to choose the oil that is right for you.. It can be massage, moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing, relieving irritation and more. You can choose one tool that will be used for daily care and all procedures.

Important: Be sure to carry out an allergy reaction before use, as this is a very unpleasant disease. To do this, you need to smear a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's skin with oil and leave for a day. If this area does not turn red and rashes do not appear, then you can safely use this product.

You need to look at the expiration dates of the product, especially after opening. There are oils that can be stored for only three months, there are those with a longer shelf life.


Baby's skin requires careful and constant care, so it is important to choose the right product.. It should moisturize, nourish and soften, and most importantly - not cause allergies. If any reaction occurs, stop using this product immediately.


Almond oil is considered one of the best oils for the skin. It can also be used in small children. Also, almond oil copes well with irritations, dryness, prickly heat. Does not cause allergies and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Almond oil works well in combination with other products. You can add a drop of lavender oil to it - this mixture is suitable for a relaxing bath that will calm the baby and relieve him of anxiety. For a light massage of the abdomen, chamomile is also added to a teaspoon of almond oil. This procedure will help.


Calendula is often used for baths, but after water procedures, calendula oil will be useful for children's skin. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. They can treat irritations on children's skin and small wounds. This oil is useful for seizures in the corners of the mouth and. Calendula is also used in massages for small children.

Calendula cream is suitable for babies who have appeared, and for older children who are already running and jumping with might and main, this oil is useful for getting rid of bruises, abrasions and insect bites.


Castor oil is well known as a "savior" for dry skin, hair and nails. This oil can be found in the composition of many children's cosmetics, and all thanks to its excellent ability - it increases the protective properties of the skin of both babies and adults. The oil also moisturizes and softens the skin. You can apply it after taking a bath.

And if the child is injured, castor oil is not scary - it will help heal cuts and abrasions. Just apply it to the affected area several times a day. By the way, if the newborn, also try castor oil.


Chamomile oil will suit your baby if he has sensitive skin. It can be used from two weeks of age. It will calm the baby, help to fall asleep and. Chamomile oil is also used for prickly heat and diaper rash in children.

They believe that chamomile eliminates an inferiority complex and, in difficult conditions of life, helps to adequately cope with difficulties, avoid depression and anger.

This oil is a must have for every mom. It is not only universal, but also suitable for babies from two weeks of age. Children can already have aromatherapy in the form of baths or massages several times a week. Such procedures with chamomile oil will remove the anxiety and anxiety of the baby, help you fall asleep faster. Like calendula oil, chamomile works well for diaper rash.


This oil is very light and absorbs quickly. Nourishes dry skin well and helps heal small cracks. Most often it is used in the summer while sunbathing.

Coconut oil contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, K and C. It has antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties and is sometimes even used instead of toothpaste, as it strengthens enamel well and. The only thing is that you should not use coconut oil in its pure form; for children's procedures, mix it with others. healthy oils, for example, with chamomile.


Mustard oil is considered beneficial and safe for baby massage. It is quickly absorbed and effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the baby. The oil is rich in vitamins A, E and F, therefore it is used not only for external use for babies, but it is also recommended for mothers to take it - a complex of vitamins helps the embryo to fully develop. But this is not all the "usefulness" that mustard oil contains - it also contains vitamins D, B3, B6, B4, K, P and many other necessary substances.

Consuming mustard oil with food will help you heal faster from colds. It also has a lot of other properties - this oil has analgesic, antiviral, bactericidal, wound healing effects.


Olive oil, despite its popularity in cooking, is also used externally. appears already in the first days of complementary feeding. It is especially good because high temperature practically does not emit toxic substances, unlike other oils, so it is more suitable for cooking meals for babies. This oil is also useful for those who have problems with the stomach, intestines or liver.

But it is often used in massages. Olive oil removes dryness of the baby's skin, irritation and restores the water-lipid balance. It is also good to apply it in the summer, as olive oil protects the skin from UV rays.


Sesame oil is considered very useful in caring for delicate baby skin. It is recommended to use it during the period of active sun, when the skin needs protection from ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil also moisturizes and soothes irritated skin, helps with burns and cracks.

The oil contains vitamins E, A, C. When coughing, sesame oil can be used in rubbing. It also helps with difficulty breathing, tracheitis and.