How to make cosmetic cream at home. Nourishing face cream at home. The Best Base Oils for Dry Skin

Undoubtedly, many leading companies in the production of cosmetics for care produce creams that have a good effect and have a beneficial effect on skin cells.

In most cases, such creams contain a large amount of chemically synthesized substances, due to which high efficiency is achieved.

Not always the result obtained is also beneficial for the long-term health of the facial skin. In order to protect your skin from the negative effects of "chemistry", you can try to make homemade.

There are many advantages to homemade face cream over commercially produced ones:

  • the ability to determine the components of the tool yourself allows you to choose only those that will benefit the skin;
  • the need to produce a fresh product, and, accordingly, to use only freshly prepared cream;
  • opportunity change the recipe at the end of the expiration date of the previous cream, which allows the use of funds to achieve various effects. A week for anti-aging, the next one for skin nutrition, etc.;
  • occurrence allergic manifestations or adverse reactions are excluded, because the choice of products for the cream is carried out independently and is pre-checked;
  • despite the large number of devices necessary for the manufacture of funds, their price will be significantly less than creams with a similar industrial effect.

It is worth mastering the art of creaming, it is possible to give beauty not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones, choosing an individual remedy for them.

Despite all the above advantages, you should know and a number of shortcomings worth knowing:

  • handmade creams significantly different in texture from those possessed by purchased funds. At the exit, you can often get an oily, greasy mass with a strong odor. Such creams are more common, which is inconvenient;
  • necessity test each component for sensitivity, otherwise you can get an allergy from the use of the product;
  • considering that the basis of creams is oils, then in addition to the benefits of the product, it turns out blockage of pores. Using homemade cosmetics, it is necessary to carry out a deep cleansing of the face every week, otherwise it will lead to the appearance of blackheads and pimples.
  • the period during which homemade cream can be stored, does not exceed a week period;
  • making facial skin care products at home requires certain skills and the ability to experiment. Without preparation for such an activity, it is unlikely that you will be able to do something of high quality..

How to make a face cream with your own hands?

No matter how complicated and painstaking the process may seem initially, after the first preparation of the cream, everything will become much easier.

The essence of the process is to prepare each component separately, mix everything and place in a convenient container. The following tips will help in the manufacture of tools:

For that, to melt any ingredient, it is best to do this on a steam bath. This eliminates the risk that the product will burn.

  1. Water can be replaced with a decoction of herbs, which can be selected to enhance the overall effect of the cream.
  2. It is better to beat all the components in the field of their mixing until the composition hardens.
  3. Solid ingredients, such as beeswax, can be grated if weighed.
  4. To ensure proper storage of the cream and not to worry about the product spoiling, it is recommended to sterilize the containers before filling them with cream.

Important: utensils and containers that will be used for creaming must be new and not used for other purposes.

Also worth stock up on the necessary equipment in advance that will be needed in the process:

  1. Scales displaying grams.
  2. Table and teaspoon.
  3. Mixer, in some cases a whisk is enough.
  4. Pharmacy syringe.
  5. Glassware (bowls or cups).
  6. Jars of cosmetics for storage or purchased special containers.

Useful Ingredients of Homemade Face Cream

There are a lot of cream recipes. It is worth adhering to the manufacturing technology correctly and a high-quality, effective remedy is guaranteed. However, it's worth knowing basic components, which are used in such a case:

Important: the amount of base oil in the agent must be at least 30% of the total mass.

The question of purchasing components for the preparation of a face care product is quite simple. Most products are available in markets or shops.

This is especially true for those creams that have only natural ingredients in the recipe. You won't have any problems buying them. Their prices are also reasonable the purchase of all components will be at a price much lower than the purchase of the finished product.

If in some recipes there is a need to use components of chemical origin, for example, glycerin, peroxide, vitamin complexes, they can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Concerning essential oils, then in this case it is better to have a proven source of purchases that delivers a quality product. This is very important, because low-quality oil can cause undesirable consequences. A pharmacy kiosk is hardly suitable for such purchases.

Even purchasing all natural and high-quality ingredients, you can be calm about your expenses. If you calculate the amount used to make the cream, then its price will be very small.. The remaining ingredients can either be left until the next preparation (oil) or eaten. But you can do 100% natural cream for face.

Important: it is best to find out which products suit the skin type individually before determining the recipe for making a cream. In this case, it is worth considering all the features of the organism as a whole.

cooking recipes

Finding recipes for face cream is a very exciting process, as well as the preparation itself. When choosing a particular recipe, it is best to start from the specific components indicated in it, and not from the description.

Knowing which products are right for your skin type and individual characteristics organism and a recipe is selected. In addition, you must always strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the indicated proportions of the ingredients.

DIY day cream

The composition of the cream provides moisture to the skin, eliminate inflammation and mattify the surface of the skin.

Night face cream at home

Let's try to do it by hand. For this cream you need:

  1. Jojoba oil - 10 ml.
  2. cocoa butter - 15 ml.
  3. Olive oil - 50 ml.
  4. Sandalwood (ether) - 2 drops.

For cooking, melt jojoba oil, to which cocoa butter and olives are added. After that, the oils are whipped with a mixer. Sandalwood ether is added during the stirring process. You can store the mixture at room temperature.

DIY homemade moisturizer

At home, you can make a fairly simple remedy for the face. Despite the modest composition, it has a deep moisturizing effect.. Let's see how to make it.

massage cream

The basis of the tool can be baby cream, petroleum jelly or other odorless product with an identical consistency. Additional components can be either natural oils or herbal extracts.

The proportion for the cream is as follows:

  1. The main component is 1 tbsp.
  2. Essential oil - 3 drops.
  3. If the selected additional component is an extract, then its amount is 1 tsp.

It is necessary to mix all the components so that they become a homogeneous mass. The field of this can be filled with a container and, if necessary, massaged the face. This homemade facial massage cream should be applied approximately 1-2 times a week.

Homemade anti-wrinkle face cream

A very effective remedy with a lifting effect that provokes skin cells to eliminate wrinkles in a natural way.

It is recommended to use this lifting cream at home daily. or every other day before bed.


To prepare such a cream at home, you need:

  1. Egg -1 pc.
  2. Cream - 100 ml.
  3. Honey - 10 ml.
  4. Tea tree oil - 3 drops.

All components are mixed and immediately ready for use. This recipe is suitable for those who are starting to cream for the first time.

Do-it-yourself anti-aging face cream

Apply the cream obtained according to this recipe before going to bed every day.

Homemade face cream - original recipes

Recipe Marlene Dietrich

Lifting and whitening cream. The recipe belongs to Marlene Dietrich, which speaks for itself.


  1. Sour cream 21% fat - 25 g.
  2. Lemon juice - 100 ml. If the skin is too sensitive to this component, then it can be omitted.
  3. Yolk from one egg.
  4. Tea tree oil.
  5. Apricot oil.

How to make such a cream?

All components must be mixed and you can use the cream. Storage - in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 3 weeks. This cream is recommended to be used daily at any time. It will give the best effect if applied before going to bed.

Cream with shea butter is able to make the skin moisturized and smooth in a short period of time. Eliminates even the most severe peeling.

Shea butter (4 tablespoons) and camellia oil (2 tablespoons) are melted in a water bath. The components must be mixed during the melting process. After the oils have melted, add jasmine, rosemary or tangerine oil of your choice to them. The amount of oil is 3 drops. An additional component is good to use beeswax.

Important: if the skin has increased dryness, then you can add tocopherol (1 capsule) to the product.

Homemade face cream with beeswax

For a rejuvenating face cream based on beeswax take the following components:

  1. Beeswax - 50 g.
  2. Olive oil - 10 ml.
  3. Coconut oil - 50 ml.
  4. Liquid vitamin E - half a teaspoon.
  5. Any essential oil - 15-20 drops.

It is better to choose an essential oil that does not have a strong smell. For example, rose oil, lavender oil or sage oil. You can even take several types of oils.

egg recipe

  1. Tea tree essential oil - 3 drops;
  2. Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Heavy cream - 1 cup;
  4. Egg - 1 pc.

Whisk the egg. Add cream, honey (a source of vitamins and antiseptic substances) and essential oil. Mix everything well and store in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days. This cream is very good as a night cream.

Homemade Zinc Face Cream

You will need:

  1. Glycerin - 20 gr;
  2. Zinc oxide - 20 gr;
  3. Starch - 10 gr;
  4. Benzoin tincture - 3 ml;
  5. Water - 10 ml.

Mix glycerin and zinc together, add potato starch, benzoin tincture, distilled water. Beat the mass with a mixer.

Useful video

Watch master classes on making homemade creams:

The process of making face cream at home is not only very useful, but also interesting. Providing beauty and care for the skin of the face, each time there is an opportunity to improve skills and invent your own unique recipes.

Good day, dear ladies! The other day I ran out of a night face cream, and I didn’t have time to order a new one, as usual. I had to go shopping in search of a suitable one, at least for a while.

Now in stores (and in pharmacies too) the choice of creams is simply huge. Here you go - dear, French. And you know what surprised me? According to the inscription on the package, it is suitable for everyone, well, absolutely for all skin types. And for me, for example, she is special: very sensitive. A little something is wrong - immediately a rash, allergies, peeling.

Unless it is possible to buy such cream, for itself favourite? There is no trust in a remedy that suits everyone: after all, our skin is different and, how many times I have already said, it is impossible to use products for dry skin with oily skin and vice versa. Let me make a better homemade face cream. I will make it with my own hands, and I will definitely know that it will contain only those components that will definitely suit me.

Component Selection

What is needed for a cream? What does the cream in general and homemade, in particular, consist of? Broadly speaking, these are:

  • Solid base (lanolin, beeswax, solid and natural vegetable oils: almond, cocoa butter,).
  • Liquid base: liquid natural vegetable oils, glycerin. Solid and liquid bases may be present together, or there may be only one of them in the recipe.
  • Emulsifiers: thanks to them, the product will be homogeneous and will not delaminate. Emulsifiers are lecithin, lanolin, sucrose stearate, borax (all this can be bought at a pharmacy). An emulsifier can simultaneously be a solid phase (lanolin, beeswax are both a base and emulsifiers at the same time).
  • Liquid phase: distilled water, rose water, or.
  • Supplements: Our "Potion of Youth" can be made with essential oils, honey, egg, fruits, aloe, pharmacy vitamins - and other ingredients, the composition of which varies according to your desire and according to tolerance.

But in what proportions and which ones to choose depends on the type of your skin. By the way, under the influence of external conditions, as well as with age, it changes. After winter, the skin usually becomes drier. Accurately determine your skin type will help you.

For beginners, it will be useful to watch this video:

Dry and combination skin

Is your skin prone to dryness? Or does it have alternating patches of dry and oily/ normal skin? Then for you, dear ladies, such moisturizing and moisture-preserving ingredients as:

  • oils - apricot, shea, olive, peach, macadamia, jojoba, sesame, coconut;
  • beeswax, guar gum;
  • esters - jasmine, patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
  • propolis,
  • perga,
  • vitamin E

For aging skin

Suitable lifting components:

  • gelatin,
  • beeswax,
  • lanolin,
  • soy lecithin,
  • butter - cocoa, almond, sea buckthorn, olive,
  • herbal oil extracts
  • vitamins.

For young skin (normal to oily)

  • oil - grape seed, milk thistle, peach, almond,
  • dry yeast,
  • "esters" of rosemary, lemon, bergamot.

For the skin around the eyes

Natural oils, vitamins F, A, E.

Master class in practical chemistry

A good cream with a delicate structure is not easy to make at home. It is possible that it will quickly exfoliate, mix poorly, turn out to be too greasy.

But do not be alarmed: in any case, homemade will be better than purchased, if only because all of its ingredients are known to you and carefully selected. And if it suddenly turned out, in your opinion, not very good, it can be used not for the face, but for the body.

Attention! When preparing the cream, it is very important to observe the proportions and procedure.

Let's start our lab. We will need: a water bath, several glass bowls (preferably transparent to see the changes), a syringe for adding liquid ingredients and a mini-mixer. Is it possible to mix without a mixer? Yes, it is possible, but with its help we will achieve better fragmentation of immiscible ingredients, and, therefore, the structure will turn out to be more homogeneous.

How to make a cream: preparation scheme.

  1. First, put our solid phase (wax, shea butter, etc.) in a bowl, grinding it first to small chips so that it melts quickly and evenly.
  2. We heat up to 60 degrees so that our solid components melt. We add thick liquids heated to the same temperature: liquid oils, glycerin.
  3. We add the water phase heated in the same bath: herbal decoction, water, tea.
  4. We remove both phases from the bath and connect them.
  5. If the emulsifier was not part of the solid phase, add it immediately after combining with the liquid. The amount of emulsifier, if we add it separately, is no more than 8-10%.
  6. Mix very well and start beating. How long to do it? Until our potion cools down to room temperature. If we stop whipping early, then everything can delaminate. It is possible to do this while keeping our bowl in a cold bath, but it is better to do this with a sufficient level of skill in "creaming", otherwise the cooling may go too quickly and in different layers in different ways and our cosmetic product will not be homogeneous.
  7. When the cream has almost cooled down, add vitamin supplements. They cannot be added to hot, in order to preserve all the active ingredients. Essential oils add 2-3 drops. Active substances - the most effective components - here each woman should select the proportions individually - add a syringe, a little bit. We continue to beat well.
  8. We transfer the finished cream into a jar with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.

Important! Homemade cream has a short shelf life. 4-5 days in the refrigerator, in extreme cases - a week. To prolong it, you will have to add preservatives.

How to extend the shelf life of the cream

By following some rules, you can get a cream that will stand in the refrigerator for a month or two without spoiling and without losing its properties. And for this you do not need harmful preservatives at all. Like this? And like this: after all, preservatives are not only chemical, but also natural. We will add just such to the cream.

Here are some tips:

  • First of all, water spoils in the cream. If you need a cream with a long shelf life, do not add the aqueous phase - or add at a minimum. But this can make the cream too thick.
  • Some natural vegetable oils for the face can go rancid within a few months. So always check the expiration date.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that counteracts rancidity.
  • Essential oils (especially tea tree "ether"), propolis, chamomile extract and walnut are natural preservatives. Use them when preparing a long-term storage cream. Just remember about bleaching. For dark skin It is better to take a nut extract.

Well, finally, they are the best recipes.

Do-it-yourself youth

From wrinkles

Base - oils: sesame, cold-pressed olive, grape seeds - 7 ml each.

We heat the oils and the aqueous phase in a water bath, combine 1 tsp. borax (this is an emulsifier), 40 ml of the aqueous phase. We interfere with a spoon, we use the mixer only when our product begins to cool. Add 2-3 g of vitamin E and the same amount of A, 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Can be used as a day cream.

Home lifting

This is a nourishing anti-aging cream that does not require cooking. Very good for skin tightening.

You can do it right in the jar. Just make sure to sterilize the jar first. Drop iodine into it (1 drop is enough). Let's add honey (liquid, of course), (we'll take a spoonful of everything. Mix it properly - that's it! But, of course, this is more of a mask than a cream - we can hardly keep honey on the skin for a long time.

For young skin

This product is designed for young oily skin. Cooking according to the scheme described above. For 30 g of the base - almond oil - we take 60 ml of basil decoction, 5 ml of ginger extract. Before adding the liquid phase, we add 2 g of an emulsifier - sucrose stearate and 10 drops of grapefruit "ether".

For dry skin

We are preparing according to the scheme. Base - avocado oil, 30 g. Liquid phase - orange water. After adding it, we add and dissolve the emulsifier: 2 g of wax. As an active substance - vitamin E, 10 drops of "ether" geranium. The resulting remedy is well suited.

For combined

This is a short shelf life cream with glycerin and butter. Mix in a bath for a tablespoon of olive and creamy base. Add a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of camphor oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Let's take an infusion of chamomile as a liquid phase, it, accordingly, will need 4 tbsp. l. (twice as much as the basics).

For sensitive

The base is black cumin oil. Emulsifier - stearic acid, liquid phase - 60 ml of tea (green) and 7 ml of chamomile extract. Add 5 drops of verbena "ether".

In conclusion, see how to make hand cream. The recipe, though with a preservative, but easy to prepare:

Well, that's all for today. I wish you successful experiments. Stay tuned for blog updates, leave comments and all the best to you.

Face cream plays a huge role in skin care. Of course, the whole body requires attention, but it is the face that remains open at all times of the year. The skin of the face must be protected from the sun, prevent dryness, eliminate excessive oiliness and fight the signs of aging.

Skin types and cream selection

In order for the face - the visiting card of a woman, to be beautiful, and the skin to be well-groomed, there are different kinds care products.

women use cosmetic soap, lotions, masks, scrubs, tonics, milk and, of course, face cream. This remedy is chosen individually, taking into account the expected effect, type and condition of the skin.

Skin type is determined by the level of water-lipid balance. This is something to consider before making your own homemade face cream.

In addition, the composition of face creams is determined by the age condition of the skin. For each age, special care products are used.

Separately allocate products for the care of the area around the eyes. These are gentle, light creams that have special properties and are very economically consumed.

Creams for all ages and all skin types can be purchased from representatives of cosmetic companies. However, any factory cream will contain a fraction of preservatives for a longer shelf life.

Therefore, it is possible to prepare creams yourself from natural ingredients, using proven recipes for facial skin creams.

Technique for making homemade creams

Making a cream at home is exciting and interesting. You will know the exact date production, you will be able to comply with all storage conditions and personally control the quality of the ingredients.

However, be prepared for natural cosmetic can do no less economical than purchased from a well-known company. For example, when buying a cream with argan oil, you pay for a weighted and measured composition, and to prepare one jar of cream with a few drops of oil at home, you will need to buy the entire bottle of an expensive product at a pharmacy.

Also, handmade creams cannot be stored for a long time. They can be kept for two weeks in the refrigerator, and then the expiration date ends.

To make creams at home you will need:

  • dishes that you will not use for table setting (it may come into contact with inedible ingredients);
  • grater and knife for grinding solid foods;
  • a large syringe so that you can measure the amount of ingredients;
  • a small mixer or blender with a whisk, for effective whipping of the mass.

Places where you can get the necessary ingredients:

  • pharmacies ( essential oils, glycerin, vitamins);
  • apiaries and fairs (beekeeping products: honey, beeswax);
  • cosmetic stores;
  • online shopping.

Many solid materials will need to be melted in a water bath. To do this effectively and not spoil the ingredients, you will need:

  • fill a pot with water and boil to steam;
  • place a smaller container on the pan and place the ingredients in it;
  • the temperature of the steam will melt the mass to a liquid state suitable for making cream.

Having mastered the basic principles, you can experiment and combine substances specially suited to different types skin.

Do-it-yourself face cream is easy to make, recipes are available for materials and equipment. Actually, the preparation of any cream takes place in five stages:

Having familiarized yourself with the nuances of choosing a cream by skin type, the basic basics of preparation, the necessary tools and tricks, you can prepare a face cream at home, create your own, ideal composition.

Step by step recipes

Choose a step-by-step recipe for your age-related skin condition and the desired effect. Apply homemade face cream in the morning and evening. Apply the composition to clean skin, rub in with light movements and leave on the face until completely absorbed.

Before placing the cream in a jar for storage, wipe the container with ethyl alcohol to disinfect.

How to write a prescription if some ingredient is not in the pharmacy? Many oils and herbs can be replaced with substances similar in properties and make a cream recipe yourself. The written list of substances may be modified.

Chamomile cream

Dry Skin Ingredients:

For combination skin add:

  • tea tree essential oil - 3 drops;
  • camphor alcohol - 1 tsp

Pour boiling water over chamomile and leave for an hour, add glycerin to the infusion. Mix melted butter with castor and essential oils. Mix the mixture, beat with a mixer, cool and place in the refrigerator.

Rejuvenating phyto-balm


Squeeze juice from leaves and petals. Mix one tablespoon of the resulting liquid in a water bath with melted beeswax, oil and vitamin A. Beat the mass until cool.

Oil eye cream


  • oil (olive, almond, peach) - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamins E, A in oil - 3 drops each.

Mix the ingredients with a wooden stick in a suitable storage container. Apply morning and evening to the skin around the eyes.

Universal cream

This composition is suitable for oily, dry and aging skin, eliminates the problem of acne.

Melt beeswax in a water bath, add oils (olive, argan, baobab, essential oils), vitamins, rose hydrosol. Remove the mixture from the water bath and stir until cool.

Be careful when using peppermint and orange oils (you may feel cool or slightly sting, omit these oils from the recipe in the latter case).

Cream based on lanolin

This composition is suitable for dry and normal skin. Ingredients:

Infuse coltsfoot for 40 minutes, pouring one glass of boiling water. In a water bath, mix lanolin and oils, observing the proportions. Add coltsfoot infusion and plantain juice. Beat with a mixer until cool.

Homemade natural cosmetics allow you to effectively care for your skin, bring benefits and health. Be creative, have fun and be beautiful.

Today, homemade cosmetics are gaining momentum in polarity. Many women and even young girls prefer natural care, although there are those who consider ready-made cosmetics produced on an industrial scale to be much more effective than natural ones. This is a deep delusion. Cosmetics made from natural ingredients are as effective as even the most expensive products. If you still decide to use such cosmetics, you should know that for each type of skin it is necessary to select the ingredients that are optimally suitable for it.

Creams, masks, tonics, prepared at home, have a completely natural composition, no additives and hormones that can be addictive. Homemade cosmetics have one significant drawback - a short shelf life (no more than two weeks, but there are those whose shelf life is no more than two days).

To prepare a homemade face cream, you will need various components, including non-standard ones, which, in most cases, can be purchased at pharmacies.

The procedure for preparing creams at home.
Usually, the process of making homemade cream takes place in four stages:

  • ground solids (eg beeswax, cocoa butter) are melted in a water bath;
  • then liquid substances are added to them (lanolin, vegetable or stone cosmetic oils, glycerin, honey, oil extracts from herbs, etc.);
  • the water component is added to the cream last (drinking water, herbal infusions), after which the mixture is removed from the water bath and beaten intensively;
  • Without ceasing to beat, essential oils are introduced into the cooled mass, the mixture should be beaten until completely cooled.
  • The finished cream is transferred to a clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and stored in the refrigerator.
Cream recipes for home cooking.

Creams for dry and sensitive skin.
First, you should prepare an infusion of the leaves of the coltsfoot, for which you need to brew a tablespoon of the leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Then, in a separate bowl, combine two tablespoons of lanolin and a tablespoon olive oil, put the resulting mixture for ten minutes in a water bath, then add the strained coltsfoot decoction and a tablespoon of freshly prepared plantain juice (crush eight plantain leaves and squeeze out the juice). Hold the mass in the bath for another minute, then remove and grind thoroughly until the mass cools completely. Use the cream twice a day.

Melt two tablespoons of margarine and a piece of beeswax in a water bath, add a teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil(apricot, olive). After combining the components, add a teaspoon of a mixture of chopped fresh parsley leaves, currants, nettles and roses. After that, remove the mass from the bath and beat well.

Melt a tablespoon of beeswax in a water bath, add 50 ml of almond oil, a tablespoon of jojoba oil. After that, add a tablespoon of rose water and remove from the bath. In the process of whipping into a cream, ten drops of rosemary oil. The resulting cream is recommended for night use.

Melt 10 g of beeswax in a water bath, combine with 80 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of shea butter, add 100 ml of rose water. After that, remove the mixture from heat and add grapefruit seed extract and one capsule of vitamin E to it.

Melt two teaspoons of emulsifying wax, four teaspoons of lanolin and five tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil with a water bath. At the same time, two teaspoons of glycerin, six tablespoons of water and half a teaspoon of borax should be heated in another bowl until it is completely dissolved. When the wax and oils are melted, gradually introduce the mass from the second dish, while not ceasing to interfere wooden spoon. The result should be a thick white cream.

First, an oil extract of calendula flowers is prepared, for which add ten tablespoons of vegetable oil to a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers and leave to infuse in a dark place for a day. Shake the infusion daily. Next, melt two tablespoons of beeswax in a water bath, then combine with two tablespoons of the resulting oil infusion and a tablespoon of corn oil. Mix everything thoroughly and add a teaspoon of glycerin to the still hot composition. Whisk the cream until completely cold.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers, for which two tablespoons of raw materials pour 100 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours, cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Then melt a tablespoon of butter in a water bath, add the same amount of castor oil, half a teaspoon of glycerin, and lastly add four tablespoons of cooked chamomile infusion. Stirring constantly, gradually introduce a teaspoon of camphor alcohol. If desired, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil that best suits your skin type. The cream is also suitable for normal skin types.

You can also prepare another composition: melt a tablespoon of creamy margarine in a water bath, add three teaspoons of any natural vegetable oil (olive, almond, etc.), two teaspoons of castor oil, and then add a teaspoon of glycerin, two teaspoons of honey, two egg yolks and two teaspoons of camphor alcohol. At the very last moment six tablespoons of chamomile infusion should be added to the mixture (see preparation above). Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Store this cream in a cool and dark place. This cream is especially recommended for sensitive skin.

Rub the petals from five rosebuds in a water bath with a tablespoon of creamy margarine, then add two teaspoons of pre-melted beeswax, and then add a teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution to the composition. Rub everything well.

This cream restores skin elasticity and also prevents skin aging. In addition, it is especially recommended sensitive skin with a tendency to inflammation and irritation. To prepare it, add 20 g of lanolin, 2 g of spermaceti and 10 ampoules of aloe extract to 10 g of peach oil.

Cream for normal skin.
Heat a teaspoon of beeswax and a teaspoon of olive oil in a water bath. Separately, heat a tablespoon of carrot juice and add two pre-beaten egg yolks to it. Gradually introduce the carrot-egg mixture into the warmed oils, grind thoroughly.

Rejuvenating face creams.
Melt 15 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 80 g of olive oil, 45 g of cocoa butter, 10 g of royal jelly, mix the components well for ten to twelve minutes. Then the mixture must be removed from the heat and add one and a half liters of water. Mixing is best done with a hand mixer. The result should be a creamy mass, which must be poured into a pre-prepared glass jar and stored in a dark place. This cream is recommended to be used once or twice a week.

Put 15 g of wax in a water bath to melt. At this time, chop one small cucumber on a fine grater. As soon as the wax melts, add two tablespoons of almond oil and a mass of grated cucumber to it. Put the resulting mixture on fire and simmer for an hour. Then cool the composition and apply as a night nutrient with aging skin.

Creams for oily skin.
Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in cool water and leave for a while to swell. Then add a tablespoon of liquid honey, two tablespoons of glycerin, 100 ml of water into it, in which dissolve an aspirin tablet. Put the resulting composition in a water bath for fifteen minutes, then remove from heat and beat until the cream cools completely.

Grind two tablespoons of melon pulp, chopped currants, mountain ash, strawberries, quince fruits. In the resulting berry mass, add two tablespoons of melted bone fat, two egg yolks, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil. Thoroughly grind the ingredients until smooth, gradually, without ceasing to interfere, introduce a teaspoon of camphor alcohol.

First, you need to beat 4 yolks well with a tablespoon of olive oil, add 200 ml of fresh cream to the composition and mix everything thoroughly. Set the mixture aside. Now squeezed juice from one lemon and crushed zest of it should be poured with a glass of hot water and let it brew for an hour and a half. After that, strain the infusion and mix with the juice of another lemon and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Now the resulting liquid should be gradually introduced into the mixture of butter, cream and yolks. Mix thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency, add two-thirds of a glass of camphor alcohol to the composition. Pour the mixture into a half-liter jar, top up hot water and mix everything well. Such a cream should be stored in a dark and cool place, be sure to shake before applying. The product nourishes oily skin, tones and tightens pores. The cream is best applied at night on the face and neck.

Creams for all skin types.
First, pour half a teaspoon of borax with three tablespoons of water and let it swell. Put in a water bath to melt the beeswax. Then add two tablespoons of olive oil, cocoa butter and almond oil to it. Now the oils and borax should be combined and thoroughly rubbed.

Squeeze juice from two glasses of strawberries. Add four tablespoons of sugar to one glass, put the mixture on fire. As soon as the juice with sugar boils, add two tablespoons of lanolin previously melted in a hot water bath, the same amount of refined vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil. Last but not least, a glass of strawberry juice should be kept. Whisk everything well.

Thoroughly mix 5 g of aloe powder in 40 ml of distilled water, only this must be done very carefully so that lumps do not form. Then add 20 ml of rose water or infusion of rose petals to this mixture (brew two tablespoons of crushed petals with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour, then strain) and a teaspoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients and put in a water bath. Warm up a little and add 100 g of fresh lard. The mixture should not be overheated. Transfer the finished composition to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Apply once a day, applying a thin layer to the face and neck.

Melt a teaspoon of emulsifying wax and the same amount of beeswax in a water bath. Separately, in a water bath, heat five tablespoons of lanolin, the same amount of olive oil (can be sunflower) and wheat germ oil. Combine both mixtures. Then heat a mixture of half a teaspoon of borax and five tablespoons of water until it is completely dissolved. Then this liquid is gradually introduced into the heated mixture of wax and oils. You can add a few drops of perfume. Whisk the mixture until completely cooled.

Nourishing eye creams.
Melt a teaspoon of glycerin in a water bath, then add the same amount of liquid honey. Then add a teaspoon of gelatin and four tablespoons of boiled water to the mixture. The mixture should be hot, but not boiling. Then remove the mixture from heat and let it stand for ten minutes, after which the mixture is well mixed. Store the cream in a cool place for no more than a week.

Melt a tablespoon of lanolin with a water bath, then add three teaspoons of almond oil to it. Mix everything well and remove from the bath. While whipping the mass, add a teaspoon of powdered lecithin and two tablespoons of cold water into it.

To nourish the skin of the eyelids, cosmetic oils are perfect: almond, olive, peach, apricot, grape. You can use mixtures of oils. Apply oil with gentle and light driving movements an hour before bedtime. Immediately before going to bed, the skin of the eyelids must be blotted. paper napkin to avoid swelling.