How can adults use baby oil. Baby oil for newborns: reviews of manufacturers. Massage oils for children produced in Russia

The birth of a child is one of the most memorable events in life. But the baby in the house is not only moments of boundless happiness. A young mother gets a lot of trouble in addition. The baby needs special care and it is extremely important to approach this issue competently. Among the must-have cosmetic products, skin care oil plays an important role. It is applied from the first days of life. What oil to buy for a baby? What to look for when choosing and which manufacturer can be trusted? It is precisely these questions that we will deal with.

Why Use Baby Oil

Even during the preparations for the maternity hospital future mom must purchase essential supplies. As a rule, the corresponding list is provided by the doctor who observed you throughout the pregnancy. The list necessarily includes oil and cream. These products treat the skin of a newborn in order to moisturize, cleanse the epidermis and avoid diaper rash in the folds.

Later, when you are at home, you will use baby oil for massage. You will rub it on the baby's body after bathing. You will wipe all the folds with a cotton swab dipped in oil to prevent diaper rash. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes delicate baby skin. It is especially important to use it if there is a problem of dryness. In addition, in certain cases, it is allowed to use diaper oil instead of cream or powder.

Oil or cream?

Many parents wonder if it is possible to change the oil for a cream. In the arsenal of children's cosmetics, both products are needed. And each of them has its own application. For example, the cream is more used topically. As a rule, they are treated with certain areas, and not applied to the entire body. Oil is a universal remedy that can help out in different situations.

The difference between butter and milk

Parents are also interested in the difference between butter and milk. What is best for newborns? The main difference is in the consistency. Applied to the skin, the milk is absorbed just instantly. It is good to use it for cleansing. This is a soap replacement. Such a tool maintains a water-fat balance well.

The task of oil is somewhat different. It protects the skin from minor mechanical damage. For example, when rubbing against a diaper, clothes, a diaper. The oil also retains the elasticity of the epidermis and eliminates the problem of dryness. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which is better. This is not to say that one tool is indispensable, and the other is not worth attention. The smart decision is a compromise. You can alternate the use of oil and milk without fear that it will somehow harm the baby.

How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Using the wrong remedy, you risk first of all the health of the baby. An allergic reaction is far from the worst consequences. For example, some products contain parabens. These preservatives can have a very negative impact. Scientists have proven the toxicity of these substances. Moreover, with regular use of cosmetics with parabens, there is a tendency for them to accumulate in the body. No mother wants to knowingly put her own child at risk. That is why before you buy, you should learn how to make the right choice.

To buy the best oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention to:

  • on the composition of the product (among the ingredients there should be no harmful components);
  • on the date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • smell (neutral), consistency (liquid), color (transparent);
  • on appearance bottles, legibility of the font, the integrity of the packaging.

Everything that is applied to the skin penetrates inside. The best oil for newborns with a natural composition. In this regard, excessive scrupulousness does not interfere.

Rating of manufacturers of oils for newborns

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There are a lot of baby oils on the market today. Is it acceptable to buy a cheap segment or give preference to a product of a brand with a worldwide reputation? Someone argues that it is better to pay more and be sure of the quality of the goods. Others, on the contrary, do not consider it necessary to overpay. After all, a good product can be purchased at an affordable price.

How do you know which baby oil is best for newborns? Perhaps the study of the rating of oil producers will help solve the problem of choice. The list is compiled taking into account the popularity of brands, as well as on the basis of a study of the composition.

The advantages and disadvantages that determine this rating may be subjective. Since the source of the information provided is customer reviews.

Place in the rankingName of productAdvantagesFlawsPrice
1 Weleda Calendula Pflegeol (Switzerland)Natural cosmetics from the world leader. Consists of an oil extract of calendula flowers and sesame oil. There are no harmful components. This is the best solution for problematic and sensitive skin. Prevents discomfort, protects against adverse environmental factors. Has an antibacterial effect. There are no age restrictions. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.High cost of goods200 ml - from 800 rubles.
2 Mustela Bebe Massage Oil (France)Gentle natural formula. Used from birth. Protects and moisturizes. Great for massage. Has a calming and relaxing effect. Vitamins E and C are present.Too high price. The purchase is not available to every family.110 ml about 1000 rubles.
3 Little Siberica Baby Emollient Oil (Estonia)Organic cosmetic. It has a pleasant smell and light texture. Contains linseed and borage oil. Creates a protective barrier, prevents irritation, makes the skin soft.In addition to the high price, no other shortcomings were found250 ml - from 550 rubles.
4 Bubchen (Germany)Particularly gentle care for baby's skin. The range includes anti-allergic oil with calendula extract, as well as shea butter and sunflower oil. Eliminates peeling, moisturizes the skin. Consists of natural ingredients. Remarkably absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Does not cause irritation. Good combination of price and quality.Some buyers note the obtrusive smell. There are people who complain that the bottle is inconvenient to use. Over time, it becomes covered with a sticky layer.50 ml - 300 rubles.
5 Pigeon (Japan)Baby moisturizing oil. Consists of components of vegetable origin. Well absorbed. Moderately oily. Suitable for massage. Perfectly moisturizes, protects and nourishes the skin of the baby. Convenient little bottle.The offer is not cheap.80 ml - from 370 rubles.
6 Hipp (Germany)Gentle care for the delicate skin of a newborn. After use, the film does not form. The pores are able to breathe. Means of natural composition. Additionally - vitamin E. Does not contain artificial flavors and dyes. There are no parabens and paraffin, as well as essential oils. Ideal for moisturizing and cleansing. Helps relieve inflammation.It costs more than similar products.200 ml - from 250 rubles.
7 Magic Herb BabyPleasant herbal scent. The tool is colorless. Perfectly softens the skin. Does not cause allergies. The composition contains extracts of chamomile, succession, aloe. Silicone, dyes and other harmful substances are absent. Inexpensive option.TM is unknown. The manufacturer did not manage to win the trust of consumers.200 ml - 110-150 rubles.
8 Chicco Massage oil (Italy)Optimal composition for babies. There is no sticky feeling during use. Absorbs quickly, does not leave greasy stains on clothes. Eliminates dryness of the upper layers of the epidermis, prevents peeling. Recommended for sensitive skin.Not the lowest price among analogues.200 ml - from 450 rubles.
9 Jonson's Baby (USA)One of the most popular brands. The brand name is very popular. The line of oils, in addition to the usual ones, includes oils with the addition of chamomile, aloe, lavender. Conquers the pleasant aroma of each of the products. Suitable for massaging and moisturizing baby's skin. Products are free from parabens.According to some parents, the oil is poorly absorbed, leaves a film on the skin and stains clothes. The composition contains components whose relevance in children's cosmetics is questionable.200 ml - from 200 rubles.
10 Zepter Swiss Nature baby (Switzerland)Product High Quality. Contains only natural ingredients. Neutral fragrance. It is well absorbed, does not form a film. Does not irritate the sensitive skin of a newborn.Overcharge. Only wealthy families can afford such an acquisition.50 ml about 2000 rubles.
11 Our mother (Russia)Good composition. Delicate texture. Does not provoke allergic reactions. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Removes irritation. It is used both after bathing and for massage.The oil is a little runny. During application, it spreads, which creates certain inconveniences. There is no dispenser in the jar.125 ml - from 150 rubles.
12 Eared nanny (Russia)Calming and healing effect. Perfectly copes with the tasks: moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing, preventing diaper rash. The composition includes a string and aloe. budget proposal.Not oily enough for a massage. Among the components there are components that are questionable. Some substances can provoke an unwanted reaction.200 ml - from 100 rubles.

Moms have to decide what exactly to buy for the little man. What should be the priority for parents? The main thing is that the used product does not cause an allergic reaction and brings maximum benefit.

All products included in the list are hypoallergenic and suitable for children from the first days of life. However, it should be taken into account that in some cases even expensive cosmetics with a natural composition are not accepted by the body. This phenomenon is called individual intolerance. As soon as you notice redness or rashes, you should stop using the product and consult a pediatrician.

If you are interested in a particular brand of oil, you can study the reviews of mothers who have used this product for their babies. To date, there is no such cosmetic product that would not be discussed on the Internet.

Experienced mothers advise which oil is best for massaging newborns, and which one is suitable for children prone to allergies. Women express their opinion about expensive and cheap goods. Many describe examples of the use of certain tools in practice. There are also arguments about what is more needed, oil, cream or milk.

In order not to overshadow the joy of motherhood with the health problems of the baby, buy high-quality baby products from trusted manufacturers. Too much is at stake for the question of choice to be treated carelessly. Enjoy the shopping!

Everyone knows that the skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and vulnerable. That is why the skin of the baby needs special care.

Along with baby cream, emulsion and powder, it is important to have baby oil in your first aid kit.

Is it possible to use oils daily and what role they play: we will understand in this article.

Nature has created on the human surface the so-called mantle, that is, the surface water-lipid layer. This layer is designed to protect the skin from exposure environment, temperature changes, and also contributes to the production of vitamin D.

Probably, it would not be superfluous to say that it is through the skin that the newborn learns the world in the first days of life. Tactile sensations are very important for the baby, so the task of the mother is to provide the right care behind the skin.

Surely, every mother has a lot of cosmetics for caring for a newborn. But few people know in what cases it is worth using it.

Oil for newborns may be needed:

  • With diaper rash, especially when it comes to little princesses, on whose body there are many folds
  • With inflammatory processes
  • Behind the ears and on the head
  • For skin hydration

Note! Do not use oil for daily moisturizing. Enough 1-2 times in seven days.

Today, there are quite a lot of types of oils for newborns on the shelves of stores. Products are full of not only wide choice variety, but at very reasonable prices.

Let's move on to the next block of the article to find out what oils for newborns should definitely be on your shelf.

Oil for newborns: which one to buy

Most oils for newborns contain essential antioxidants and trace elements.

Vegetable oils are pressed from the seeds and fruits of plants.

When buying a product, it is better to give preference to cold-pressed oils.

Such oil is not processed additionally, therefore it retains all the useful components.

Types of oils for newborns:

  • Olive. Used for diaper rash, itching, allergic reactions. Perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  • Cacao butter. Used for mild burns and irritation.
  • Avocado oil. Used for long-term hydration of the skin. Many dermatologists prescribe the oil for atopic dermatitis.
  • Peanut butter. Used to eliminate crusts on the head.
  • based on sea buckthorn. Used for diaper dermatitis. Due to its antiseptic properties, it can be used to heal wounds.
  • Hypericum oil. Used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is especially important to apply for mosquito bites.
  • Sunflower oil. Regenerates the skin.

Please note that if a child has a tendency to allergies, you should consult a pediatrician before using any vegetable oil.

Among the cosmetic products for the care of children's skin, oils from the world famous brands Story by: Weleda, Johnson Baby and Bübchen. Distinctive feature presented oils is that they do not contain refined products and are considered environmentally friendly.

Johnsons Baby, Weleda and Bübchen oils are formulated with special moisturizing oils and extracts from medicinal plants. Depending on the needs of the baby, cosmetic products can soothe, dry or moisturize the skin.

For those who primarily appreciate naturalness, we recommend paying attention to products from Weleda. The company positions itself as an organic cosmetics firm.

The presented products cannot be called budget, but this allows it to maintain excellent competitiveness.

Is it possible to prepare oil for newborns with your own hands?

Proper care of a newborn is the key to his health

I would also like to emphasize that any of the oils should be applied after careful hygiene of the newborn. The fact is that vegetable oils clog pores, so there is a possibility of comedones.

You can prepare oil for newborns at home. To do this, you need to purchase a plant product.

Among the most common "recipes" for cooking cosmetic oils, it is worth noting:

  1. Soothing oil for irritated skin. tablespoon olive oil mix with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn. Apply to irritated areas.
  2. Remedy for atopic. Laurel oil, mix with shea butter butter (before this, the butter should be melted). Apply the oil after bath and let it absorb well.
  3. From rashes. Mix sunflower oil with St. John's wort oil 50/50. Treat the affected areas with the remedy. Remove excess with a cotton pad.
  4. Moisturizing oil. Mix shea butter with olive oil (75/25). After the bath, apply the product on the skin. If necessary, blot excess with a towel.

By the way, vegetable oils are great for massage. Some cosmetic companies produce ready-made products for the procedure. Before using one of the types of oils, be sure to consult with the pediatrician on duty. Good health!

On the video - tips for moms:

06 Sep 2017 277

  • Atopic dermatitis in infants: photos, symptoms, causes ...

The birth of a baby is a joyful moment for every family. However, with the birth of a child, parents face additional questions. One of them is proper care after the baby. How to ensure reliable protection skin from diaper rash, cracks and an allergic reaction?

Should I use oil?

While the baby is in the womb, he is completely under the protection of the mother, even his skin is protected amniotic fluid. After birth, the child remains defenseless, and his thin and delicate skin needs constant care. Here is where it can help.

Several ways and purposes of use:

1. Diaper rash. The skin of the baby is prone to the formation of diaper rash, which appear due to the release of sweat. To reduce the likelihood of inflammation, it is recommended to treat the folds on the child's body after bath procedures.

2. Birth crusts on top. For their speedy disappearance, it is recommended to periodically use oil with vitamins after a bath ( A and E ).

3. Dryness. You can use a moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.

4. Massage. In order to help the child develop harmoniously and in a timely manner, massage sessions are recommended. It can be carried out both independently and with the help of a professional. Whichever option you choose,must be purchased.


On store shelves huge selection care products for delicate baby skin. There are several types of oils:

1. Cleansing - designed to cleanse the skin of dirt and sweat secretions.

2. Massage - used for massage to warm up the skin and improve blood circulation. Thanks to the ease of sliding, the process is facilitated.

3. Calming - used for skin prone to irritation. Often recommended for use in dermatitis.

4. Nourishing - designed to create a barrier on the skin. The composition of such oils includes additional elements that create protection against the effects of adverse weather conditions.

How to make the right choice?

To choose an oil that will take care of your baby's skin, you should pay attention to the following product features:

1. Composition. baby oil, compoundwhich is extremely important, must contain natural ingredients. It should not contain formaldehyde, parabens, dyes, phenoxyethanol, triclosan and other harmful components.

2. Aroma. qualitythe child should not smell. Only a light, barely perceptible aroma of herbs is allowed.

3. Child's age. How younger child, the more carefully you need to approach the choice of oils. So, for newborns, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic options. Beforehand, it is advisable to use the purchase on a small area of ​​​​the baby's skin in order to check the product for the child's allergy to it.

4. Best before date. Only a high-quality and suitable product can be used for children's skin.

Baby oil for newborns

For the little ones, several types of oils are perfect:

1. Peach - one of the most popular and useful. It has hypoallergenic properties. Perfectly copes with dryness, irritation and treatment of dermatitis.

2. Vaseline is the most affordable. It is with this oil that children's folds are treated already in the hospital. It perfectly eliminates the milk crust, moisturizes the skin and prevents the occurrence of prickly heat.

3. Sea buckthorn - medicinal oil. It is known for its regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

4. Almond - universal oil. It is great for any skin type and is an excellent basis for massage treatments. An additional positive property of this oil is its protection from exposure to sunlight.

5. Shea butter is suitable for problematic and sensitive skin. It nourishes and softens, it is recommended to use for dermatological rashes. This type of oil can be used even undiluted.

6. Olive is known for its caring properties. It is suitable for the care of the delicate skin of the youngest children. When buying, give preference to the cold-pressed option.

7. Sasanqua oil is one type of oil that can be used even undiluted. It is rich in nutrients and deeply hydrates the skin. Due to its properties, it is recommended for redness and peeling.

Not all oils can be used in their natural form. Undiluted, the following types are allowed for use: almond, peach, apricot, sunflower, sasanqua. Partially to be diluted: wheat, castor, avocado oil. Only a small addition to fixed assets is allowed: vanilla, pistachio, grape, coconut, jojoba and some others.

Main manufacturers and their characteristics

1. Weleda is a popular brand all over the world. Based on user surveyscan be found in the line of this brand. The cosmetics of this manufacturer is known for its natural composition and the absence of chemical additives.According to reviews, baby oilperfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin of even the smallest children. The only drawback of this brand is its cost (from 1000 rubles).

2. Mustela - a brand that uses only natural ingredients for the production of products. In the line of oils, you can choose an option for every taste.Baby massage oilwill be an excellent basis for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The disadvantage of the brand is the reviews consider the high price of products (from 1000 rubles).

3. Little Siberica - a pleasant oil for the skin of babies. The composition contains a complex of vitamins, perfect for both self-use and for massage sessions. The price of goods - from 600 rubles.

4. Bubchen - a popular brand among buyers. The oil contains natural ingredients, moisturizes well and is quickly absorbed. Among the shortcomings of the product of this brand, reviews note the inconvenience of use and a pungent smell. The price of the product is quite democratic - from 300 rubles.

5. Johnson & Johnson - one of the most popular brands of oils.They contain natural ingredients in their composition, but chemicals are also used in addition. Among the minuses of the brand, reviews note the appearance of a sticky layer on the skin and poor absorption. An economical option, the price starts from 250 rubles.

6. "Eared nannies "- brand products moisturize the skin, but are poorly suited for massage, according to reviews. The composition contains chemical compounds that can cause an allergic reaction. The price of the product is from 150 rubles.

Homemade baby oil

In order not to wonder which oil to choose, you can cook it yourself. For this you will need:

1. Natural unrefined oil (sunflower or olive).

2. Stove.

3. Saucepan.

4. Water.

So that the oil does not cause a negative skin reaction, it should be cleaned and sterilized. It is necessary to prepare a water bath and warm the oil for several minutes. If desired, the infusion can be boiled for 15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that the liquid itself does not boil. Bubbles you will observe only on the water.

The second option for making homemade butter is to simply heat it in a saucepan over low heat for 20 minutes.

Which is better - oil or cream?

Very often, parents ask themselves the question: what is better to buy - massage oil or baby cream? The answer is simple: you need both products. The cream is used only on certain parts of the body, and baby oil can be applied to the entire surface, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

What is the difference between oil and skin milk?

If you compare milk and oil with each other, then you need to pay attention to the purpose of use and consistency. The milk has a softer texture, due to which it is absorbed almost immediately. It is used to cleanse the skin instead of a soapy solution. The advantage of milk is its ability not to disturb the water-fatty film on the skin.

Baby oil has a different purpose. It is designed to moisturize the skin, prevent its damage and drying. The oil will perfectly protect the surface from rubbing, sweating.

Baby oil, reviews of which are described in the article, is a product that is necessary for every baby. To make it easier to make a choice among the abundance on the market, you can always study the opinions of experienced users. It will be useful to get acquainted not only with the rating best brands but also with real advice from women. This or that agent can cause an allergic reaction or cause skin irritation. The most popular among users of baby oils are oils Weleda and Bubchen.

Instead of an afterword

Whichever product you choose, always pay attention to the reaction of your baby's skin. Give preference to quality products, and you can avoid many problems.

Many couples during their sexual intimacy use special lubricants that replace their natural lubricant. These specialized factory-type products help to get rid of the unpleasant sensation of dryness during contact, and also allow you to solve a number of other problems. However, what to do if right time did you not have such a gel with you? Is it possible to replace him with henchmen or natural remedies? And what can be used instead of lube?

General information about the benefits of lubricants

To begin with, it is worth finding out what is remarkable about the so-called intimate lubricant. Most often, it is a kind of oil or milk with a somewhat viscous and moist base. The aim of the product is to replace the natural female secret, the release of which occurs in the case of excitation of the partner. Based on this, we select following features factory lubricants:

  • the creation of a thin protective film that helps protect the genitals of both partners from micro-tears and other types of minor damage that are possible with "dry" contact;
  • ensuring easy sliding of the genital organs in contact with each other;
  • getting rid of discomfort during intimacy;
  • creation of protection against genital infections (due to the presence of antiseptic ingredients in the composition of lubricants);
  • imparting additional sensations leading to an increase in the state of excitation;
  • providing care sensitive skin genitals.

We will talk about what can be used instead of intimate lubricant and what not.

Is it possible to replace lubrication with massage cream or oil?

In order to deal with the question of a possible replacement of intimate lubricant, you should deal with its types. In general, they can be divided into three groups of funds:

  • created on a water basis;
  • made on an oily basis;
  • made from silicone.

Based on this information, the following question arises: “Can a cream be used instead of a lubricant?”. According to experts, such a replacement is allowed. In this case, it is best to use a massage cream or oil. However, there is one "but".

Before applying to intimate area, should be carefully studied chemical composition these funds. For example, it is worth giving up creams and oils containing menthol, mint, as well as red pepper, mustard and other ingredients with a strong cooling or warming effect. Otherwise, a burning sensation or a slight cold tingle on the skin will prevent you and your partner from concentrating.

What can be used instead of home: a simple recipe

Incredibly, not only household chemicals, but also ordinary fruits can have adhesive and enveloping, and most importantly, sliding properties. Who would have thought that a wonderful lubricant can be prepared from food in the refrigerator and any improvised means.

For example, did you know that you can use a ripe banana and running water instead of an intimate lubricant? To prepare such a lubricant, you must perform the following steps:

  • take a ripe banana and peel it;
  • cut the banana into small circles and place it in a blender;
  • grind the fruit in a blender and put the gruel in any small container (you can use a cream jar);
  • add some water to the delicious banana mixture.

Natural lubricant is ready. The main advantage of this remedy is its naturalness and the absence of any adverse reactions of the body. This is due to the fact that the banana, as a rule, does not cause allergies. It does not irritate, but moisturizes the skin. In addition, since the composition you prepared is quite edible, it is perfect for preliminary oral caresses. Here's what you can use instead of lube.

The original lubricant made from starch and water

An excellent alternative to synthetic lubricants is a starch-water mixture. To create it, you should take some starch, pour it with the same amount of water and put it on fire. Then you just have to stir it occasionally until it thickens.

After your jelly thickens, it is recommended to remove it from the burner and put it in a cool place until it cools completely. The original substitute for liquid vaseline for intimate pleasures is ready. This is for creamy textures. But can oil be used instead of lubricant? And which one is suitable in this case? Let's consider further.

Attention! Using folk recipes to prepare a homemade lubricant, be vigilant and careful. Follow the instructions and do not overdo it with the dosage. Be aware that the ingredients in the products you use can cause allergic reactions and inflammation.

Simple lubricants with added oil

Returning to what can be used instead of a lubricant for sex, you need to remember about oil-based products. In this case, you can use whatever you have. For example, sesame, coconut, linseed or olive oil is suitable for these purposes.

To prepare such a lubricant, you should prepare a small saucepan and a bowl into which you need to pour about 5-10 tablespoons of oil. Then it is necessary to pour water into the vessel, and place the container filled with oil above.

Next, put the future lubricant on the fire (you should get a water bath) and heat the liquid. In total, this preparation will take you no more than 15-20 minutes. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil or any liquid type aphrodisiac to the boiling agent. As you can see, it turned out to be a good lubricant with excellent sliding characteristics.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

The use of herbal and fatty oils not always equally useful for your intimate caresses. For example, many couples are interested in whether it is possible to use butter or margarine instead of lubrication? Theoretically - "yes", since all these products have excellent sliding properties.

However, it should be understood here that the components of these foundations are not intended for use in the genital area. And although they, like other oils, will allow you to slip and relieve dryness, their abuse can lead to quite the opposite effect. For example, there is a risk of irritation and even swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the above products is not recommended by doctors and other specialists.

In addition, oil can destroy the structure of the latex, which leads to a violation of its integrity.

Is it possible to use baby cream for lubrication?

Some couples claim that it can be used instead of anal lubrication. This judgment is true and at the same time erroneous. So, on the one hand, such a kind of lubricant perfectly moisturizes and is absorbed into the skin. That's just it is good if you use it on the outer surface.

With deeper contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the cream may not be absorbed at all. As a result, fatty and insoluble components of this product may remain inside you, which will become an excellent habitat for various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, the use of a fat-containing cream leads to the destruction of the material from which the condom is made, which jeopardizes your sexual intimacy.

How safe is Vaseline to use?

Another sensational tool that bosses and their subordinates talk about so often is Vaseline. Affordability and the availability of a suitable viscous structure that can facilitate the movement during sexual intercourse makes many couples think about using it. But is it as good and safe as they say about it? Let's start with the fact that this tool is very difficult to wash off. It not only remains on the skin, but also leaves unattractive greasy spots on clothing and underwear.

Further, the use of this substance can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of your partner's vagina. As a result, this can lead to the reproduction and accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Moreover, sometimes the use of this remedy causes redness, and even burning of the skin. And finally, Vaseline destroys the protective layer of the condom and damages it. The same applies to used sex toys.

Suppose you know what can be used instead. For example, your choice fell on a water-banana composition. What's next? The use of such a lubricant will be safe if you follow a few simple rules. First, you need to apply the product on a clean and dry wiped body. Secondly, it should be spread with a thin layer with light blotting movements. Thirdly, after applying the banana composition, do not forget to wash off its remnants with running water.

Another important point: homemade lubricants are not suitable for daily use. Despite the fact that most of the ingredients used are not allergens, their regular use may well provoke a negative reaction in your body. For example, do not abuse starch lubricants. Recall that this substance is considered an excellent nutrient medium for the reproduction of various microorganisms and fungi.

What to do if there are complications?

When using homemade lubricant, pay attention to how you feel and how your body reacts. If you subsequently experience any discomfort (and it does not disappear even after taking a shower), it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Now you understand that you can use some natural ingredients instead of lubrication. However, their use is associated with a certain risk and with all the ensuing difficulties.

The skin of a newborn needs careful and gentle care. To keep it tender and soft, you need to use baby oil. You always want to choose the best for the baby, but how to understand which oil is more suitable for the child, and is it necessary at all?

Today we will look at the features best oils for kids about well-known manufacturers of children's cosmetics. You can also watch a helpful video on this topic.

Is a remedy necessary?

Attention: The use of oil is recommended by pediatricians and neonatologists. The scope of its application is quite wide: lubricate the folds with cotton pad moistened with oil to prevent diaper rash, for a gentle massage, for treating the nose, lubricating the whole body after bathing, and also for the head to get rid of crusts.

Professionals recommend using the oil after bathing to hydrate baby skin and avoid dryness. It is necessary to wipe all the folds, areas behind the ears with a cotton pad. Sometimes oil can be used instead of diaper cream.

It is important to choose an oil for your baby, considering all its components, as well as what it is needed for. There is a remedy that is intended only for getting rid of crusts on the head, but there is one that can be used for everything - from daily care before wiping any specific areas. What kind of oil to massage, how to wipe a child or what to use for wrinkles, we will consider below.

Difference from cream and milk

Young parents often face the question, is there a difference between oil, cream and milk? What is better to choose from a wide variety of good baby products?

  • Cream it is more intended for processing certain parts of the body on which minor irritations have appeared, it is undesirable to spread the whole baby with them.
  • Oil can be used in many cases, applying to all areas of the skin of a small child. The oil is designed to protect the skin from mechanical damage that can occur during the friction of the diaper on the baby's legs, or such as peeling or dry skin. The main difference between butter and milk is the consistency, and that the latter is quickly absorbed.
  • Milk more suitable for cleansing the skin, instead of soap. It allows you to maintain water-fat balance.

It is better that in the arsenal of a young mother there are cream, milk, and oil. They can be used alternately, or according to the situation.

Rating - which is better?

Bubchen - from crusts on the head of a child and for daily care

Contains sunflower and shea butter, as well as calendula extract. The oil can be used for massages, daily routines such as wiping wrinkles, flaky skin, and as a remedy for scabs on the head. Designed for children from birth.

To get rid of crusts on the scalp of a newborn, you need to pour a little oil on your hands, and then carefully and gently distribute it over the baby's head to problem areas. After 15 minutes with a comb or soft brush, small in a circular motion you need to carefully remove the scales from the scalp.

After applying the oil, wash your hair thoroughly with baby shampoo.. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once or several times a week until the problem is resolved.

The advantage of this remedy is that it is absorbed quickly, moisturizes the skin well and helps to get rid of diaper rash. Can be used daily. The disadvantage of this product, some buyers call an obsessive smell. The price for 50 ml is 300 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Pflegeol - to clean the nose and for daily use

The composition of the oil includes medicinal calendula and sesame oil, which allow you to carefully care for the skin of a newborn. Due to its natural composition, the oil can be used for daily nourishment of the skin to avoid dryness, for massage, for rubbing wrinkles, as well as cleaning the nose.

Advice: To clean a small nose, you need to moisten a cotton swab in oil, and then clean the nasal passages in a circular motion.

The advantage of this product is its naturalness and wide scope. The disadvantage is the high price. Price - from 800 rubles for a bottle of 200 ml.

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil - for massaging babies

Natural composition with vitamins E and C. The product can be used from birth to moisturize or massage, for example, the tummy to prevent baby's colic. The oil is gentle, has a calming and relaxing effect..

If you use oil during a massage, it will be more pleasant and beneficial. You can not pour the product directly on the baby's body. You need to pour a little on the mother’s hands, grind and warm the oil, and only then proceed to the massage, gently rubbing the product into the delicate skin of the child.

Advantages - the naturalness of the product, it can be used daily for various procedures. The only downside to this oil is the high cost.. Price - for 110 ml 1000 rubles.

Hipp - for baby's folds

The natural composition, which includes almond extract and vitamin E, helps to moisturize and soften the delicate skin of a newborn. The oil can be used for any procedure, including rubbing wrinkles to prevent dryness, diaper rash and redness.

The oil is good for inflammation and irritation.. To wipe, you need to moisten a cotton pad in oil and carefully go through all the folds, as well as behind the ears, under the neck. The folds on the arms and legs, armpits and ass also need to be wiped with oil.

The advantage of the product is that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors. No parabens, paraffin and essential oils. Suitable for both moisturizing and cleansing baby skin. Of the minuses, one can name an allergic reaction in some babies. Cost - from 250 rubles. for 200 ml.

Magic Herb Baby - for rubbing

This oil consists of chamomile, aloe and string extract, which allows you to carefully care for your baby's skin.. This oil can be used during a massage, after bathing, to wipe the folds with it, as well as areas behind the ears. This should be done with a cotton pad (cotton pad) or hands, applying a little oil, and then wiping all areas.

The advantage is that the product smells good, has a good effect on moisturizing and softening the baby's skin, and does not cause allergies. The disadvantages include only the fact that the product did not have time to become popular and not many people know about its existence, thereby not having time to win the trust of customers. The price for 200 ml is from 110 to 150 rubles.

Jonson's Baby - baby hair product

This is an oil based on a mineral base, that is, a petroleum product. The composition includes Coconut oil, which does not allow the skin to breathe due to the formation of a film. You can choose oil with chamomile, calendula or aloe. The oil is intended for many procedures, including moisturizing the hair of a newborn. The cost of such oil is from 200 rubles per 200 ml.

our mother

After opening, a natural remedy can be stored for no more than three months. The composition includes calendula extract, cedar and sea buckthorn oil. The oil can be used to moisturize the baby's skin after bathing. It is quickly absorbed, which is not very convenient for massage.

The advantage is the naturalness of the product, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, eliminating skin irritations. The disadvantage is that it spreads during use due to its consistency and not a convenient vial without a dispenser. Price from 150 rubles. for 125 ml.

A wide range of oils is presented in stores and pharmacies, so without trying a certain remedy, you cannot be sure of it. When buying oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain dyes and preservatives, as well as other harmful and chemical substances. The smell should not be sharp and unobtrusive.

It is important to choose the oil that is right for you.. It can be massage, moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing, relieving irritation and more. You can choose one tool that will be used for daily care and all procedures.

Important: Be sure to carry out an allergy reaction before use, as this is a very unpleasant disease. To do this, you need to smear a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's skin with oil and leave for a day. If this area does not turn red and rashes do not appear, then you can safely use this product.

You need to look at the expiration dates of the product, especially after opening. There are oils that can be stored for only three months, there are those with a longer shelf life.


Baby's skin requires careful and constant care, so it is important to choose the right product.. It should moisturize, nourish and soften, and most importantly - not cause allergies. If any reaction occurs, stop using this product immediately.