Fatty cosmetic oils. Face oil for wrinkles: how to choose and use natural anti-aging cosmetics. Overview of essential cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils help to solve many problems. Experts consider these substances valuable, because they become the main active ingredients in the composition of the most popular products for face and hair care.

Extracts can not only be bought in the store, but also prepared independently, as well as using oils in their pure form.

Each of them has unique properties and often surpasses even the most expensive drugs in its effectiveness.

The production of quality oils is quite difficult. It includes the extraction of vegetable raw materials without the use of high temperatures.

The advantages of natural cosmetic preparations include:

  • absence of chemical additives and preservatives;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • high digestibility by the upper layers of the dermis;
  • the presence in the composition of the means of a huge amount of vitamins and mineral compounds.

Application in cosmetology

Modern cosmetologists believe that oil can be used to care for all parts of the body. They are ideal not only for dry, but also for oily skin. Cosmetic oils for the face instead of a cream can be used in the cold season to soothe the sensitive epidermis, provide the proper level of nutrition and hydration. Pure elixirs are suitable as massage aids. Cosmetic oils for hair help to accelerate the growth of strands, strengthen hair follicles, enhance the shine of the hair.

Most popular oils


Natural cosmetic almond oil is obtained by cold pressing of almond kernels. This product has a light yellow hue and a characteristic smell, as well as a bitter taste. It contains a huge amount of glycerides of linolenic acid, tocopherol, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is very well absorbed into the epidermis.

The elixir is ideal for face and body care. It is considered universal, but is most suitable for nourishing dry, withering dermis, prone to allergies. Cosmetologists advise applying it under the eyes and on the upper eyelids, using it in its pure form and as part of masks.

Almond elixir performs the following functions:

  • softens the upper epidermis;
  • relieves wrinkles;
  • protects the dermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • eliminates peeling and inflammation.

In addition to caring for the surface and deep layers of the face, the extract can be used to improve appearance and giving shine to hair, as well as to strengthen nails.


Natural cosmetic peach oil, the use of which is very wide, is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of peach fruits. This valuable extract contains a huge amount of vitamins P, A, E, C, as well as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, linoleic, linolenic, stearic and oleic acids.

This elixir is considered absolutely hypoallergenic. It is suitable even for baby skin care. That is why it is often included in children's massage products and creams.

Thanks to its valuable properties, the oil performs the following functions:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the upper layers of the dermis;
  • has a regenerating effect on the surface of the face;
  • eliminates dryness and peeling;
  • strengthens the dermis, increases its elasticity;
  • eliminates the manifestations of cellulite;
  • eliminates acne and tightens pores;
  • nourishes hair, accelerates their growth;
  • relieves wrinkles around the eyes.

The cost of peach extract cannot be called low and it is sold, as a rule, in small bottles. That is why in its pure form it is most often applied to the face. For body and hair care, the product is used as part of creams and masks.


Cosmetic castor oil is made from castor bean seeds by cold and hot pressing. This product has a very high viscosity. When applied to the surface, it forms a film. The extract is 85% ricinoleic acid. This makes it a very valuable cosmetic raw material. The product also contains other unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

With regular use of castor elixir, you can notice:

  • elimination of flaky areas;
  • smoothing the relief of the epidermis;
  • slight whitening of the face and body;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • healing of cracks, small wounds on the body;
  • alignment of the skin tone of the face;
  • strengthening hair, eyelashes and nails.

This tool is part of cosmetic products for eyebrows and eyelashes, and can also be used in its pure form.


Coconut oil is 50% lauric acid. This substance has antibacterial properties. The product also contains linoleic, oleic and other fatty acids. It has a firm or creamy texture, which may seem unusual to many.

Coconut concentrate performs a number of functions:

  • slows down the formation of wrinkles;
  • eliminates acne;
  • protects the dermis from external factors;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin after epilation;
  • keeps nails healthy and hard;
  • helps to retain moisture in the hairs;
  • improves well-being.

The use of cosmetic oils

Oils have different properties, but despite this, there are general rules for their use.

Before using them as a face cleanser, you must first clean your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin with a mild soap, lotion or tonic. If a woman uses makeup, she must first remove all the remnants of powder, blush, shadows from the surface of the epidermis, and only then proceed to care.

Oils must be applied strictly along the massage lines. It is recommended to warm them up a little first. This will significantly increase their permeability, making the procedure much more effective. In this case, in no case should the oil boil or even overheat. This leads to a partial loss of valuable properties.

During the procedure, it is recommended to lie down on the sofa and relax the muscles of the face. Some cosmetologists recommend applying elixirs not directly to the skin, but soaking them in gauze or cotton pads and apply on the face as a compress. After 15 minutes, you can remove excess product. Fatty products are best used at night, since after such a procedure it is sometimes difficult to apply makeup and for some time the surface of the epidermis will shine.

Fatty hair elixirs must be heated in a water bath before use. If we are talking about a coconut product, it is recommended to melt it.

Apply preparations in the direction from the roots to the tips. You can lightly massage your head to speed up tissue regeneration. Next, you need to wrap yourself with plastic wrap and terry towel to get the "sauna effect".

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Hello, in this article we will talk about cosmetic oils for the face, as a unique natural remedy for facial skin care. Made entirely on a natural basis, they have a set of useful qualities that have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin.

Facial skin care

Reaching a certain age, every woman begins to think about the need for additional facial skin care in order to prevent her aging. Effectiveness in this regard is distinguished by natural-based products, such as cosmetic oils. They actively saturate and protect the skin due to the valuable nutrients in the composition. This is a universal remedy: for young girls it is suitable for moisturizing and fighting acne, for older women - to prevent aging, maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Beauticians recommend using anti-wrinkle oils on a regular basis.

Pros and Cons of Using Facial Oils

Natural oils are produced from a variety of raw materials of plant origin - kernels, seeds, fruits. In this case, the technology of "cold pressing" is used, during which the useful and valuable properties of the oil are preserved.

Cosmetic oils should be distinguished from equally popular essential oils. They have similarities in composition, achieved effect and impact. The main difference is the method of application:

  • Cosmetic oils for the face are fully prepared, both for independent use and as an auxiliary component. They are made by pressing or pressing with the addition of extracts, esters or in pure form.
  • Essential oils differ in the concentration of odorous and volatile substances. They are produced only in an industrial way. For cosmetic purposes, essential oil is used as an auxiliary component, due to its high concentration, it is enough to add just a few drops to a cream, lotion, shampoo, massage agent or face mask.

The advantages of oils as a cosmetic product compared to ready-made face care products are recognized by cosmetologists and have long been an indisputable fact. What is the secret of their miraculous effectiveness?

  • Natural composition. No artificial additives are used in the production of oils. Only natural raw materials, and the gentle way of processing it preserves the value and natural benefits of oils.
  • Safety. The absence of foreign components in the composition makes the oils available for use with any type of skin. The exception is individual intolerance, which can lead to the development of allergic reactions. But a wide variety of oils presented easily solves this problem, since you can choose an analogue that suits your skin. In composition, the oil is close in composition to sebum, which is produced by the sebaceous glands, due to which, our skin perceives it perfectly.
  • Wide spectrum of action. The impact of cosmetic oils is very versatile. Their regular use provides active restoration of the skin, its rejuvenation, nourishes and moisturizes, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, fights the first signs of aging, increases skin elasticity and firmness, eliminates fine wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

Despite these advantages, the use of oils has certain disadvantages:

  • Contraindications for use. Oils affect the skin in different ways, in this case, owners of oily skin should use them with extreme caution, choosing a product in accordance with individual characteristics and taking into account the fact that not all oils are suitable for independent use. Individual intolerance is also possible.
  • Certain difficulties in use. If it is allowed to use the oil as an independent remedy, then all that is required of you is to prepare the skin before applying it. Otherwise, a special remedy (mask, homemade cream) is prepared for the application of the oil. Such a product is not recommended for storage, therefore, before each use, you will have to prepare a new portion of it.

In principle, the disadvantages of this product are insignificant, given that the benefits of using it are much more tangible and confirmed by many positive feedback, both cosmetologists and ordinary consumers of this product. Which better oil use depends on individual features skin and preferences, skin care goals. Wide choose cosmetic oils will allow you to choose the most optimal option for you.

Cosmetic oils for a youthful face

Name Description Purpose of application Contraindications
Camphor oil In the production of oils, the bark, leaves and branches of camphor laurel are used. For cosmetic purposes, only white essential oil of camphor is used.Anti-inflammatory effect and wound healing effect, relieves acne and prevents their appearance, tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, fights age spots.It is not used as an independent or basic remedy, due to the high concentration of active ingredients it can cause irritation up to skin burns, it is impossible for pregnant women, during lactation, in the presence of dermatitis, eczema, asthma and epilepsy.
Castor oil It is made from the seeds of a poisonous plant - castor beans. It has a pronounced softening effect, which provides a high content of ricinoleic acid.It is used in combination with care products for sensitive and dry skin, softens and moisturizes it. Stimulates rejuvenation, reduces the amount, dark spots become brighter. Suitable for skin care around the eyes.Individual intolerance, does not apply independently, only as part of other means.
Linseed oil To get it, you need flax seeds. The oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, as well as biologically. active additive to food due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega3.One of the best options for dryness, peeling and inflammation. Flax seed oil deeply moisturizes, reduces acne, age-related changes in the form of fine wrinkles, nourishes the skin and improves overall condition.
Olive oil Olive oil is the leader in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, natural antiseptics and antioxidants, vitamin E.The best option for nourishing and moisturizing skin prone to dryness, in the fight against the first signs of aging, as well as pronounced signs of age-related changes, it is recommended to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.Not recommended for oily skin, but limited use in homemade skin care products is acceptable.
Sesame oil Derived from African sesame seeds, the oil contains magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as acids such as: stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, etc.The oil is suitable for almost all skin types. It is especially effective for skin care around the eyes: it removes puffiness, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and smoothes fine, superficial wrinkles. Useful for dry skin, reduces flaking and irritation. Promotes regenerating processes and forms a natural protective barrier against negative impacts environment stimulates the production of collagen.Individual intolerance. It is used as a basic basis for cosmetics.
Rosehip oil Derived from wild rose seeds, this product contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid and vitamin C.The tool is indispensable for a course of rejuvenation, can be used as an independent skin care product in the eye area, reduces swelling and pigmentation.Skin prone to oily, acne, individual intolerance.
Wheat germ oil The oil is obtained from wheat germ, contains a high concentration of "beauty vitamin" - vitamin E, which is indispensable for anti-aging procedures.Recommended for dry facial skin prone to flaking and inflammation, effective for combating the first signs of aging: fine wrinkles, reduced skin turgor.It is not recommended as an independent remedy for oily skin, individual intolerance.
Sea buckthorn oil Sea buckthorn fruit and seed oil contains vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C.The regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil have found wide application, both in cosmetology and medicinal wholes. It promotes the speedy healing of cuts, shallow wounds, softens dry skin and reduces cracks. With its help, acne, eczema, dermatitis and lichen are treated. As a rejuvenating agent, it is used alone or as part of other agents. The oil reduces pronounced wrinkles and helps to slow down their increase.Individual intolerance.
apricot oil Apricot kernel oil contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as A, E and F. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition.Softens and nourishes even rough skin. Restores the natural natural protective layer. Effective as an anti-wrinkle prophylactic for the eye area.Individual intolerance.
Jojoba oil To obtain jojoba oil, the fruits of an evergreen shrub (Simmondsie chinensis) are used. In its structure, it is strikingly different from the oils presented: a thick and viscous consistency resembles liquid wax. It contains a rich complex of amino acids, a high percentage of protein, as well as vitamin E.Jojoba oil actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, it can be used for sensitive skin prone to inflammation and rashes due to its healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Evens complexion, fights age-related changes, especially this oil is useful for the skin around the eyes.Individual intolerance, is used only as part of care products.
Almond oil Almond oil is obtained from the kernels of bitter almonds. It has found wide application in cosmetology due to the high content of useful substances: carotenes, phenolic compounds, B vitamins, as well as A and E, phytosterols and tocosterols, linoleic acid glyceride, polyunsaturated fatty acids.The light texture of this oil makes it ideal options for all skin types. It promotes the processes of tissue regeneration and renewal, slows down the aging process, saturates and nourishes the skin, moisturizes and fights peeling, protects against ultraviolet radiation, creating a natural barrier on the skin that prevents the negative effects of the environment.Individual intolerance.
Peach oil The seeds of the fruit peach tree give a useful and effective oil for cosmetic purposes. It is enriched with vitamins A, E, group B, contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as oleic, linoleic, stearic and palmitic.The oil has a light texture and is therefore suitable even for sensitive skin and the skin around the eyes, it can be used as an independent tool, applying pointwise to problem areas. At age-related changes increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles, improves complexion.Individual intolerance.
Grape seed oil Antioxidant-rich grape seed oil also contains vitamins B, A, C, E.The oil is recommended for all skin types, including oily and problematic. It regulates the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation, tightens pores and gives the skin a matte finish. Grape seed oil moisturizes the skin, preventing its dehydration, stimulates the natural processes of rejuvenation and collagen production.Individual intolerance.
avocado oil From the avocado fruits rich in useful substances, an oil that is no less useful for the skin of the face is obtained. It contains antioxidants, micro and macro elements, essential oils. The presence of squalene promotes rejuvenation and slows down the natural aging process, it also provides better absorption of carotene, increases the production of collagen by the body.Individual intolerance.

At the age of 30 years, preference should be given to oils with a light texture (peach, almond), they are suitable for caring for young skin, regulate the sebaceous glands and moisturize. In the future, pay attention to the oils recommended for the care of the area around the eyes - this area is primarily prone to the appearance of wrinkles.

Cosmetic oils after 50 years are avocado, jojoba. They will saturate aging skin with a complex of nutrients, helping to smooth fine wrinkles and improve skin tone.

How to use facial oil

Cosmetic oils are suitable for various. The absence of synthetic components makes them safe to use. Of course, one should not exclude individual intolerance to a certain oil. To identify this, it is recommended to conduct a test before use: apply a couple of drops of oil on the elbow bend and leave for several hours. If no reaction followed, you can safely use the oil for cosmetic purposes.

Features of the application depend on which oil is used. Not all oils are suitable for independent use. This means that the oil can be added to a cream, mask or make your own skin care product. Given the natural composition of cosmetic oils, products with their addition will be prone to rapid spoilage. That's why the best option- mix the product immediately before use.

If self-use of oil is allowed, then before using it, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the face:

  • Make light peeling and other cleansing procedures.
  • The oil is applied pointwise, on problem areas with light massage movements. The best time to use oils is in the evening.
  • After application, wipe off any remaining oil. paper napkin.

This method allows you to use cosmetic oil instead of cream.

Recipes for skin care products based on cosmetic oils

Products made using cosmetic oils have a wide spectrum of action. For daily care it is recommended to add a few drops of the selected oil directly to the cream. Such a tool must be used for a long time on a regular basis. A faster and more noticeable result can be achieved with the help of cosmetic masks based on oils. Enough 2-3 sessions per week for 3 weeks. Masks are applied to clean, dry skin and aged for about half an hour, then the remnants are removed with a paper towel or washed off.

Camphor mask

  • camphor oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamin E - 3-4 drops;
  • rosehip decoction.

Mix the oil with the yolk with the addition of starch and vitamin E, the resulting mixture is diluted with rosehip broth to get a puree-like structure.


  • linseed oil - 1 tsp;
  • jasmine and rose petals - 1 tbsp;
  • currant leaves - 1 tbsp;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • beeswax- 1 tbsp;
  • vitamin A - 8 drops.

Grind the leaves, heat the margarine, melt the beeswax and butter for a couple, mix, adding vitamin A. The resulting cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Castor mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin

  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp

Mix honey and oils, heat milk and pour oatmeal, let it brew, combine with the rest of the ingredients.

Sesame oil for regenerating masks

  • sesame oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • honey 1 tsp

Melt honey in a water bath, add butter, beat the yolk and pour into the mixture.

Revitalizing Nourishing Sea Buckthorn Mask

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp;
  • blue clay - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg yolk.

Grind the yolk, it should be at room temperature. Warm sea buckthorn oil slightly. Mix everything together.

Wheat germ oil rejuvenating mask

  • oil - 1 tsp;
  • a small potato;
  • egg yolk.

Grind potatoes in a blender or food processor, mix with oil.

Mask based on rosehip oil against wrinkles

  • rosehip oil - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • baby cream - 5 g.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face.

Apricot mask for skin rejuvenation and nutrition

  • apricot oil - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • some milk.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, add a little warm milk to make a gruel, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients.

Anti-wrinkle jojoba oil mask

  • jojoba oil - 8-10 drops;
  • retinol - 1 ampoule;
  • egg yolk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (1-2%) - 1-2 tbsp.

Grind the yolk, add the rest of the ingredients, the cottage cheese should be at room temperature.

Mask based on almond and argan oil

  • almond oil - 1 tsp;
  • argan oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients.

Peach mask against wrinkles and age spots

  • peach oil - 1 tsp;
  • blue clay - 3 tablespoons;
  • cornstarch - 1 tbsp;
  • water at room temperature.

Mix clay with starch and dilute with water to make a slurry, add oil, apply to clean skin.

Regular skin care with the help of cosmetic oils contributes to maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This affordable tool in its effectiveness can replace expensive cosmetics and even salon procedures. The composition of masks and creams can be combined, adding or excluding certain components, taking into account the characteristics of your skin.

The topic of the article is cosmetic oils. Let's talk about them useful properties oh, what is the difference between edible oil and cosmetic oil, which oil is more suitable for which skin. You will learn the best cosmetic oils for face, hair and body care, their composition, application and description in the table.

Cosmetic oil is an oil product intended for face, body and hair care. It is obtained by cold pressing of plant materials (fruits, seeds and kernels) and high-quality filtration without exposure to high temperature. Such actions contribute to the preservation of all the beneficial properties inherent in the plants from which it is prepared, and also increases their shelf life.

Cosmetic oils do not contain an aqueous phase, due to which the product turns into an emulsion or cream.

Often, edible oil is confused with cosmetic, although there are differences in them. Cosmetic oil, as a rule, is used only for cosmetic purposes, is produced with the Virgin mark. This means its production from raw materials using cold pressing and the absence of impurities in it. Typically, this oil is used only for external use. But edible oil is added to dishes.

It is worth noting that some cosmetic oils, such as olive or linseed, are also added to dishes. But cosmetic camphor oil can only be used externally.


Oils are of 3 types:

  • vegetable and mineral;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with ethers or other components.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its chemical composition and effects on the body. Oils accelerate cellular metabolism, activate the synthesis of collagen and fibrinogen, moisturize the skin, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

What is the difference between essential oil and cosmetic

Often, essential oils are confused with cosmetic oils, believing that they have an identical composition, effectiveness and effect. But this opinion is erroneous, there are some differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is an independent product that is ready for use. Has a complex chemical composition and several components. Contains base vegetable oils, pure esters and extracts.

Essential oil is a product with a high concentration of mixtures of odorous and volatile substances, which is made from different parts of the plant using high technology. Esters instantly dissolve in the air and do not leave greasy marks.

For use in cosmetics, they require a fatty carrier, which is usually in the form of salts, foodstuffs and base vegetable oils. Essential oils are also added to the composition of factory care products (creams, lotions, balms, shampoos).

Cosmetic oils, unlike esters, can be used as an independent product - this is the main difference between oils.

At the same time, esters should be introduced into the composition of cosmetics only in a small dosage.

The benefits of cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils for the skin have the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • improving tone, elasticity and firmness.

Also, oil products can be used for any type of skin and as a effective remedy against premature aging.

Experts recommend using oils during massage, because they increase the effectiveness of the procedure, providing a therapeutic and preventive effect (anti-cellulite, anti-stress, soothing, tonic). The substances included in the product have a positive effect on the epidermis, improve its structure and accelerate regeneration processes, normalizing lipid metabolism.

How often to apply cosmetic oils? You can use them for daily care and cleansing of the skin of the face, its nutrition and hydration. You can add natural oils to homemade and commercial cosmetics.

And that's not all! You can use these products as base oils in aromatherapy! However, most oils have a natural sun protection factor, so you can use them before and after tanning.

As a rule, cosmetic oils are applied to the face and body in the evening for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter, oils are used instead of day cream. The product is applied to pre-cleansed skin, after a few hours the residue is removed with a paper towel. Oils quickly penetrate the skin, reaching its deep layers in a couple of minutes.

Oils are especially beneficial for hair and nails. They strengthen hair follicles and nails, activating their growth and improving their appearance.

The effectiveness of oils is due to their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Due to this property, oil products are quickly absorbed into the epidermis. In addition, natural oils rarely cause allergies, so they can be used by girls and women with very sensitive skin.

Table of cosmetic oils and their properties

The table below provides a description of the main cosmetic oils, their composition, properties and applications.

Cosmetic oils for the skin and face are becoming more and more popular. The most famous and reputable cosmetics manufacturers add aromatic natural oils to their creams, balms, tonics and masks. And this is not surprising, since the natural ingredients of these oils are very effective in moisturizing, restoring and rejuvenating the skin.

Often natural oils of various fruits, fruits and plants are added to shampoos and hair balms. Their healing and regenerating properties are beneficial at the cellular level...

Cosmetic face masks with homemade aromatic oils.

Cosmetics based natural oils and the ingredients are quite expensive. Few people know that they can be successfully prepared at home by adding home-made or purchased cosmetic oils. The easiest way to use cosmetic oils at home is to add pre-prepared oils to face or body masks. Homemade aromatic oils for the face are also added in small portions to any day cream and applied to the skin as directed in the instructions for this cream. In this way, the result will not be noticeable very soon, but it will be persistent and long-lasting. To achieve the best and fastest results, it is better to add oils to homemade masks, they will make the skin soft and smooth in 2-3 applications.

Apply homemade masks for 2-3 weeks, 2 times a day. So the quick result is fixed and turns into a long-term one. Wash off this mask after 25 minutes.

Recipes for cosmetic oils and masks for cooking at home.

1. Cosmetic oil: oatmeal.
Pre-cooked oatmeal in milk is cooled to room temperature and mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil (porridge should be taken a tablespoon). Butter and honey (a teaspoon) are added to the resulting mass. Perfect recipe for home use.
2. Cosmetic oil: sea buckthorn.
One second tablespoon of yellow clay is mixed with egg yolk and a teaspoon of warm sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil itself, you can not buy. It is easy to get it at home. To do this, grind half a kilogram of sea buckthorn together with the bones in a meat grinder and pour 100 ml. vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. Let it brew for a few days and drain.

3. Cosmetic oil: palm.
A tablespoon of palm oil is mixed with a tablespoon of false wheat or oatmeal. Add any fruit juice (2 tablespoons) to the resulting mass. Since palm trees do not grow in our natural and climatic zone, palm oil cannot be prepared independently at home. It will have to be bought.
4. Cosmetic oil: coconut.
Coconut oil (a teaspoon) and freshly brewed green tea (1/4 cup) mix with rice flour (a tablespoon).
5. Cosmetic oil: almond.
For dry skin, oatmeal (a tablespoon) is mixed with a tablespoon of warm water. If the skin is oily, then mix wheat flour with cold water in the same amount as with dry skin. Add almond oil (2 teaspoons) and lemon juice (a teaspoon) to the resulting mass. The recipe is pretty easy to make at home.
6. Cosmetic oil: avocado.
An excellent lip balm is prepared with this aromatic oil, it will protect your lips from the wind. Shea butter is heated in a water bath, then 5 drops of avocado oil and jojoba wax are added. Pour the resulting mass into a convenient container and place in the refrigerator to solidify. To heal cracked lips, add 5 drops of cedar or juniper oil to the cooled mixture.

7. Cosmetic oil: peach.
1 tbsp mix peach oil and cream in a blender. Add peach puree (2 tablespoons) to the prepared mass and mix.
8. Cosmetic oil: apricot.
Mix the same amount of apricot oil and pre-chopped oatmeal with warm milk (a tablespoon). Warm honey (1 teaspoon) is added to the resulting mass. Recipes for cosmetic oils from peach and apricot at home can be prepared by residents of the southern regions of the country, the rest will have to buy fruit oil, and already make the mask at home.
9. Cosmetic oil: jojoba
Mix the same amount of little jojoba and castor oil.

Any of the above aromatic oils from fruits and berries can be easily obtained at home. The recipe for making such a cosmetic oil is the same for all fruits and berries and is similar to the recipe for sea buckthorn: fruits or berries are ground together with seeds and infused in ordinary vegetable oil, then filtered. Vegetable oil will draw out and take away all the useful aromatic substances and fatty acids contained in the pulp and pits of fruits. Then it remains to gradually add them to the masks. With the help of aromatic oils and masks prepared at home, the skin on the face will become elastic, soft and smooth. You can achieve all this without leaving your home, everything is completely healthy and completely inexpensive.