Knitted towels for the kitchen. Do-it-yourself terry towel rug ... A small and simple master class! Terry towel rug

Knitted kitchen towels are an unexpected solution. A fun floral finish in contrasting yarn colors will bring summer into your kitchen. Use the colors of the yarn as in the photo or pick them up to your taste.


  • hygroscopic cotton yarn (for example, Bernat Handicrafter Cotton, 50 g / 73 m). For 4 towels you will need:
    main color yarn (white) - 6 skeins
    yarn color A (green) - 1 skein
    yarn color B (orange) - 1 skein
    yarn color C (pink) - 1 skein
    yarn color D (blue) 1 - skein
  • hooks 4.5 mm and 5.5 mm (or the diameter required to obtain a knitting of the density indicated below)

Knitting density: 10 x 10 cm \u003d 14 st.b / n x 16 rows with a hook of a smaller diameter (4.5 mm); 14 st.b / n x 14 rows with a hook of a larger diameter (5.5 mm)

Color change: knit the last column in the row without completing it (on the hook 2 p.). Pick up the new color yarn and pull the loop through the loops on the hook, completing the column. Continue knitting with the new color yarn.


  • c.p. = air loop
  • w.p.p. \u003d air lifting loop (usually ch.p. counts as 1 column)
  • st.b / n \u003d single crochet
  • st.s / n \u003d double crochet
  • KR = circular row
  • rep. = repeat
  • track. = next
  • last = last

First towel

Yarn of the main color, crochet 5.5 mm, tie a chain of 46 ch.

Row 1(front): 1 st.b / n in the 2nd from the hook p., * 1 ch, skip 1 p., 1 st.b / n, rep. from * to the end of the chain. Turn knitting.

Row 2: 1 st.b / n over the 1st st.b / n, 1 st.b / n under the ch., * 1 st., skip st.b / n, 1 st .b / n under v.p., rep. from *, 1 st.b / n over the last. st.b / n. Turn knitting.

Row 3: 1 ch, 1 st.b / n over the 1st st.b / n, * 1 ch, skip next. st., 1 st.b / n under v.p., rep. from *, skip the penultimate st., 1 st.b / n over the last. Art. Turn knitting.

Rep. rows 2 and 3 to a knitting height of 33 cm. At the end of the last purl row, change color to A (see. Color change), then crochet a colored border 4.5 mm.


Row 1(persons): 1 v.p., 46 st.b / n for the rear half loops. Turn knitting.

Row 2: 1 ch, 1 st.b / n over the 1st st.b / n, * 2 ch, skip 2 st., 1st.b / n next. st., rep. from * to the end of the row. Turn knitting.

Row 3: 1 ch, 1 st.b / n in an arch of 2 ch, * 2 ch, x3 times in the next. arch, rep. from * to the end of the row. Cut the thread and fasten off.

Top edge trim

CR 1: with yarn B, crochet 4.5 mm, knit 2 ch, 6 st.b / n in the 2nd from the hook p.

CR 2: 1 vp, 2 st.b / n over each st.b / n before. row. Close the row with a half-column in the 1st st.b / n. (= 12 st.b / n). Cut the thread and fasten off.

Flower: petals knit alternately on front half loops circular row 2.

1st petal

Row 1: connect the thread of color D with a half-column for the front half loop any p., * 1 ch, 2 st.b / n in the same p / loop, 2 st.b / n for the front p / loop next. loops (= 4 st.b / n petals). Turn knitting.

Rows 2-5: Ch 1, 1 st.b / n above each st. prev. row. Turn knitting.

Row 6: Ch 1, sc 2 together twice, yarn over, leaving a long end.*

2-6 petals

Connect the thread color D with a half-column for the front half loop track. untied p. circular row 2. Rep. knitting a petal from * to *.

CR 3: knit for rear half loops circular row 2. Connect the thread of color A with a half-column to any half-loop; 3 vp, 1 st.s / n in the same p / loop, 2 st.s / n in each p / loop to the end of the row; close the KR with a half-column in the 1st st.b / n. (= 24th century)

CR 4: 3 v.p.p., 1 st.s / n in the same paragraph as the last. p / column. * 1 st.s / n in the next. n., 2 st.s / n in the next. p., rep. from *, 1 st.s / n in the last. p., close the row with a half-column in the 3rd cp. (= 36 st.)

CR 5: 3 v.p.p., 1 st.s / n in the next. p., * 2 st.s / n in the next. n., 1 st.s / n in the next. 2 p., 2 st.s / n in the next. p., 1 st.s / n in the next p., rep. from * until 4 sts remain until the end of the row; 2 st.s / n in the next. n., 1 st.s / n in the next. 2 p., 2 st.s / n in the last. p. Close the row with a half-column in the 3rd ch.p.p. (= 50 Art.)

CR 6: 3 v.p.p., 1 st.s / n in the next. p., * 2 st.s / n in the next. n., 1 st.s / n in the next. 3 p., 2 st.s / n in the next. p., 1 st.s / n in the next p., rep. from * until 6 sts remain until the end of the row; 2 st.s / n in the next. n., 1 st.s / n in the next. 4 p., 2 st.s / n in the last. p. Close the row with a half-column in the 3rd ch.p.p. (= 66 st.)

CR 7: ch 1, tie the edge with single crochets step by step, at the end tie 7 ch. for the loop, close the row with a half-column in the first st. Cut the thread and fasten off.

Video tutorial on how to knit a step step:

Threading the ends of the threads remaining at the ends of the petals into the needle, sew the petals along the edges.

Second towel

Knit as first, changing yarn D to A, yarn A to D.

Third towel

Knit as first, changing yarn B to D, yarn D to C, yarn A to B.

fourth towel

Knit as first, changing yarn B to A, yarn D to B, yarn A to C.


Gather the top edge of the towel to the diameter of the finishing circle. Sew trim to towels.

Do you know what is the main sadness of craftswomen, and knitters in particular? This is the lack of practical application of their labor.

Tied towels

Of course, I'm not talking about knitted sweaters and tunics, because these are the MOST NEEDED things in the world! But as for various decorative crafts, it is often more interesting to knit them than to use them later.

Kitchen towel with tied edges solves several problems in one fell swoop:

I recently made several of these towels and am extremely pleased with them. I didn’t even think that they would be so uplifting! In this article, I will tell you how to decorate a kitchen towel with your own hands.

Crocheting the edge: scheme and materials

Tools and materials

You can decorate absolutely any towel, towel or napkin.

I needed a material that absorbs water well, so I bought several terrycloths and a meter of special fabric for kitchen towels (waffle). From each napkin, one full-fledged product was obtained, and two towels came out of the cut.

Yarn I used cotton tm "Yaroslav" (350 m / 50 grams).

Towels tied in two additions with a crochet No. 2.1.

Towels processed with a thread in one addition with a tool No. 1.8.

For strapping, I applied the scheme found on the Internet. She is in and on my Board "Border" in the social network Pinterest. There is also a scheme for decorating a towel. You can use any other pattern if you wish. Both openwork and solid ornaments will be appropriate here.

Original openwork binding

How to handle the edge correctly: a hook or a needle

To prepare the fabric for tying, you must first form an edge to which it will be easy to tie the border. There are two ways to do this:

  • overcast seam with a needle;
  • knitting "bushes" crochet.

In this case, I chose the second method. Overlock seam is not strong enough for items that will be used so intensively.

Edge preparation:

More details on how to work are shown in the video. You can check it out below or on channel "Anna and knitting needles" on YouTube.

DIY gifts: an hour of work and everyone is happy

Let's call the preparatory row the first.

Completed 5th R

Implementation of the 6th R

Completed 6th R

And here the problems began, because the rapport of the pattern is designed for two arches. I have 11 of them, not divided in half.

When I knitted the first towel (white with a white border) it was a little narrower and it turned out 10 arches, so I applied the original pattern and did not suffer.

When working with a purple border, I had to get out. I have developed my own scheme.

Changed scheme for strapping the first side of the product

Modified scheme with a good example

When making a product for yourself, you can choose any materials and colors, but if you need to tie a towel as a gift, I would recommend some neutral patterns and yarn shades.

Finished strapping

Of course, if you know for sure that the one who will be the happy owner of the finished product loves hot pink, this remark is not for you.

How to make a gift practical: a loop on a kitchen towel

I provided the second side of the towel with a loop. I personally like it more conveniently, and they dry so quickly.

How to hang a towel

Example of using a finished product

Product example

Preparing the fabric for strapping is done in the same way as for the border. Further work should be carried out according to the scheme.

Scheme with fillet mesh elements for tying the second side of the product

An important feature: when knitting an openwork border (the first side of the towel), each cell is located on 3 loops of the base.

But while tying the second side of the towel, I had to pull off the edge. Therefore, each cell is placed on 4 loops of the base (more on the diagram and in the video). In total, 18 cells. This means that when knitting the 3rd P, you need to skip not 2, but 3 base VPs. Otherwise, the strapping will be too high and the towel may touch the floor.

When the last row (16 stsn) is completed, the thread must be cut off and the stbn should be tied.

Particular attention should be paid to the corners: to get a clear corner, you need to knit 3 stbn from the top of the extreme STsN.

Knitting loop:

  1. Attach the working thread to one of the corners.
  2. * Run 3 VPs, then knit 2 “lush columns” of 2 STsN * into the first loop. Repeat the described algorithm 19 times (20 columns in total).
  3. Attach the top of the last "fluffy column" to the second corner of the towel, cut the thread and fasten the tail.

Everything, a tied kitchen towel as a gift, is ready. It remains only to hide all the tails and douse the product with steam.

As I mentioned, I usually hide ponytails with a needle.

Finished towel

Only this method can provide a satisfactory level of quality. As a result, it is not at all visible where the threads were tucked and where the knots are located. Even after washing, the ponytails do not look out.

Strapping options

Since I used cotton to make my own gifts, I can iron the towel with a clear conscience. If you doubt the safety of the pattern, you can cover it with a damp cloth (for example, a pillowcase) and then iron it.

How to fold and wrap a gift

Purpose: to get a smooth and perfectly flat edge. The hook gives a fairly dense pattern, so I'm not afraid that it will stretch.

How to pack gifts with your own hands

I once had the good fortune to purchase an impressive pack of gift bags.

They cost mere pennies, but repeatedly rescued me. I advise everyone this option, it is suitable for packaging a variety of items: from sweets to a notebook.

You can pack one tied towel, a set of napkins and towels, or pick up related accessories. I think sets of towels with soap, hair brushes, manicure sets, face and hair masks, and other combinations would look good.

If you did not purchase packages, but packaging "mica" in a roll, then you will need a stapler for packaging.


In this way, you can combine your creative impulses with the need to present someone with a present.

Simple gifts require very little money and time, but they bring a lot of pleasure to everyone).

In the video below, all the information presented in the article is presented more clearly.

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There are many more interesting publications ahead.

Bath terry towels do not last forever, and after several years of active use they lose their appearance, rub in places or even tear. What to do with them? Someone makes dust rags out of them, someone throws them away, and we offer to make a soft rug for the bathroom, toilet or hallway out of old towels! A small and simple master class will help with this.

How to make a rug

In order to make a do-it-yourself towel rug, you will need:

3-4 large (or small) terry towels (an old terry bathrobe is also suitable);
needle and thread;
good mood!

How to make a do-it-yourself towel rug: work progress

⇒ Step 1. The rug can be solid or multi-colored, depending on the source material. Take the towels and cut them into long strips 6-8 cm wide. The size and thickness of the rug will again depend on what kind of towels you have, how many of which strip width you cut.

⇒ Step 2. We will not reinvent the wheel. The basis of the rug is an ordinary “pigtail” of three strips of towel. There can be two options for working: either you weave separate pigtails, and then sew them together, or first sew the strips together, and then weave a long braid from them. The second option in finished form looks more neat and beautiful, since the junction of individual braids is not visible.

⇒ Step 3. In any case, when weaving pigtails, use pins so that the weave does not warp, and every 10-15 cm, discreetly fasten the weave on the back with a thread.

⇒ Step 4. When the pigtail is ready, start twisting it into a circle from the center, securing it with a thread.

All! We put a rug of towels in the bathroom and use it!