How to get oil stains out of clothes. How to quickly wash greasy stains. Removing stubborn grease from jeans

It is useful to know how to quickly remove a greasy stain from clothes. There are many ways. The improvised means standing on the kitchen table are used: vinegar, salt, baking soda. In difficult situations, solvents, bleaches, gasoline are used. Glycerin, alcohol, modern detergents break down fat well.

There is a certain sequence of actions that is followed when cleaning clothes from greasy stains. To prepare the surface, use a brush with artificial or natural bristles. Her size doesn't matter. When there is no brush for clothes, take a toothbrush. First, carry out dry cleaning of the contaminated area. The bristles remove dust, make the surface of the fabric less dense. This makes it easier for the stain remover to penetrate. Without testing, it is never applied to a greasy spot.

The reaction of the fabric is checked on the back of the product. Apply a small amount of the product and see what effect it has on the color and structure of the fabric. Remove dirt with cotton pads and a soft white cloth. The product is turned inside out. Put a napkin under the stain. The agent is always applied from the periphery to the center of the contaminated area. In this case, the stain does not spread.

Removal of fresh contamination

Getting rid of a fresh greasy stain is much easier. With the help of simple tools that are in the kitchen, fabrics return to their original appearance.

Laundry soap

Need a piece (remnant) of 72% laundry soap. I rub the stains from the front and wrong side. Wrap the item in a bag, hold it there for 12 hours. After that, removing traces of fresh fat is easy. The product is sent to the laundry.


Fine salt should be poured onto the contaminated area, lightly rubbed with your finger. Crystals will absorb fat. The procedure can be repeated several times. Then you need to shake off the salt, wash the product.

Chalk powder

The product is suitable for linen, cotton fabrics, silk and chiffon products. Sprinkle the powder over the entire area of ​​​​contamination, leave for 2-3 hours. Using a damp cloth, remove the chalk, wash the thing in warm water.

Tooth powder, talcum powder, baking soda, baby powder

In order to stop the spread of fat, the stain is sprinkled with powder. Well absorb baby powder, baking soda, talc. They are applied in a thin layer. Wait 2-3 hours, clean with a brush or damp cloth. The item is washed with detergent.

bread crumb

A thing made of velor or velvet is cleaned of fresh greasy stains with fresh bread, more precisely, with a crumb. It is applied to a contaminated surface. Waiting for the fat to be absorbed. Later, the thing is rinsed and washed in the usual way.

mustard powder

Prepare a paste from water and powder. Apply with a toothbrush to the contaminated tissue. Waiting for the product to dry. They clean it up. The item is rinsed in warm water. It takes no more than 30 minutes to remove a greasy stain.

Salt and alcohol

Take 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (ammonia), 3 tbsp. l. water. Everything is mixed. The resulting liquid moisten the area of ​​contamination, allow to dry, wash.


The annotations to the dishwashing detergent indicate that the composition contains substances that break down fat. This is successfully used by housewives to clean trousers, jeans, jackets, blouses, and other things from old traces of fat.

Transparent means are suitable for light things. The gel is applied to the spot area. After 15-20 minutes, the product is washed in hot or slightly warm water. The temperature depends on the fabric.


Products from delicate fabric cleaned with a blotter. They resort to heat treatment:

  • the item is placed on the ironing board;
  • one sheet of blotting paper is placed under the stain, the second on it;
  • iron the area of ​​contamination with a slightly warm iron;
  • the blotter is removed after 8-10 hours.


Ammonia is bought at a pharmacy. It is used for synthetic products and natural fabric. They can remove greasy stains on colored clothes, towels, tablecloths. Ammonia is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Abundantly moisten a cotton pad in the liquid, apply it to the area of ​​​​contamination. After 15 minutes, the thing is rinsed.

How to remove an old stain at home

Improvised means with old pollution can not cope. Returning things to their original appearance is difficult. To remove old stains, more complex recipes and preparations are used.

Stain removers

When choosing a stain remover, the structure and color of the fabric are taken into account. Preparations containing chlorine are not suitable for removing greasy marks from colored clothing.


These include well-known means:

  • starch;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • mustard powder.

They are applied to the stain, rubbed, brushed off. With the help of sorbents and liquid detergent, a paste is made to remove greasy stains at home.


To remove fat, nail polish remover, acetone, turpentine are suitable. These solvents are mixed with potato starch. The paste is applied to the stain area. Clean off the product after 1-2 minutes.


Bleach contains chlorine. It removes traces of fat on natural white fabrics.

Whiteness is added to cold water in accordance with the instructions. The thing is soaked, then washed.


The old stain of fat on any fabric is removed by biopowder. It contains enzymes that fight any protein contaminants.


To wash a thing with traces of fat, washing powders containing oxygen bleach in the composition help.

Laundry soap

Kitchen towels become snow-white after steaming in a solution of laundry soap and soda ash:

  • soap chips - 200 g;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water.

Things are dipped into the liquid after the soap is completely dissolved. The water in the tank is brought to a boil. The container is removed from the fire after 15 minutes. After cooling, the linen is washed in a washing machine.

Steam treatment

With an iron in steam boost mode, you can get rid of old grease stains on clothes, curtains, tablecloths.

hot starch

Pants with traces of fat are cleaned with starch. It is heated in a water bath. From the inside put a soft napkin folded in 2-3 layers. It will absorb the fat displaced from the tissue. Starch is rubbed into the area of ​​contamination until the greasy stain disappears. Pants are sent to the launderer.


The product dissolves fat on delicate items (blouse, silk scarf) and on skirts, trousers:

  • a few drops of glycerin drip onto the stain;
  • after 30 minutes, moisten a cotton pad in warm water, wipe the area of ​​​​contamination;
  • the thing is rinsed, if necessary, washed.


In several steps, the stain can be wiped off with medical alcohol. The stain is moistened 2-3 times with an interval of 1 hour. Then the thing is washed.

Gasoline and acetone

To remove traces of fat from a leather product, gasoline and potato starch are used:

  • substances are mixed to a state of slurry;
  • applied to pollution;
  • when the paste dries, shake it off;
  • the surface is wiped with a damp sponge.

Things made of thick, natural fabrics are cleaned in a different way:

  • one napkin is moistened in gasoline and placed on the wrong side of the stain;
  • wipe the dirt on the front side with a second napkin;
  • the product is rinsed, washed, dried on fresh air to dissipate the smell.

Hot brine

Grease stains from kitchen curtains are cleaned with a hot salt solution. For soaking in 1 liter of boiling water, salt is dissolved - 150 g. When the water cools down a little, the curtains are lowered into it. After 2 hours they are taken out. Wash and rinse normally.

Turpentine and ammonia

Means are taken in equal proportions, mixed. Apply liquid to the contaminated area. After 2 hours, the item is washed in warm water using soap or washing powder.


Take 1 part of water, 1 part of table vinegar. The resulting solution is moistened with greasy stains. After 1-1.5 hours, the thing is rinsed with a stream of water, washed.

Soda and washing liquid

Remove traces of grease from a white or colored T-shirt with a paste made from dishwashing detergent and baking soda. It is applied with a layer of 1-2 mm on both sides to the area of ​​contamination, washed off after 2 hours.


Carpeting or furniture upholstery spoiled with greasy stains is cleaned with sawdust soaked in gasoline. Sprinkle them on the stains. When the sawdust is dry, they are removed with a vacuum cleaner or by hand. The fabric is washed with a sponge.

Difficult cases

No need to delay removing greasy marks from clothes, furniture, carpet. The more time passes since the stain appears, the longer it will take to remove it.


Liquid gel Fairy perfectly dissolves fat. It is applied to the stain, rubbed with a toothbrush into the pollution. Wash off after half an hour.

Jacket cleaning

Stains on dark-colored jackets are removed with onion juice. To clean fat from light things, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontamination is rubbed with lemon juice.

How to remove from a down jacket

Any detergent is applied to the greasy area of ​​the sleeve (pocket). Remove it with water, brush. The operation is carried out quickly so that the filler does not have time to soak in the liquid. Moisture is removed with a microfiber cloth.

Gentle removal from colored delicate fabrics

Thin viscose fabrics, chiffon require delicate handling. Oily traces are removed from them with glycerin. It is applied for 30 minutes to the area of ​​contamination, then removed with a damp microfiber cloth.

Clothes already washed

Removing greasy stains from washed clothes is much more difficult. In these cases, resort to industrial stain removers. Use all of the above methods (soap, soda, glycerin, steam).


With the help of 6% vinegar, tulle is reanimated. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The curtain is placed in the solution for 5 minutes, removed. They wash out after a while. Traces of fat on clothes are not a sentence. With the help of the above methods, a damaged item can be returned to life.

A good thing, but a speck on it? What to do? How to remove a greasy stain from clothes or trousers? The first thing to do is to determine the type of pollution, that is, with what we managed to decorate ourselves. What kind of greasy stain on clothes have we “rewarded” ourselves with? In the future, this will help to remove it with the least loss. Or maybe even no loss at all.

It is clear that fresh pollution is washed off much better. Therefore, much depends on how quickly we begin to act. Involuntarily, the legendary phrase from your favorite movie comes to mind: “We urgently need to sprinkle with salt. Take off your dress!" But there is also a hint that it is not always necessary to rush to wash, there are other ways. And although, unlike the heroes of Office Romance, we are not thinking about a trace of wine, but about how to remove a greasy stain on clothes, salt will also come in handy.

  1. SALT

    Salt is universal. With its help, you can easily remove any pollution without much effort. It is impossible to only remove old or stale dirt after washing.

    Sprinkle a pinch of salt on grease stains from clothing. Gently rub in so that the salt is saturated with fat. Repeat these steps, replacing the salt with pure salt, until all the fat is absorbed completely and disappears. Then remove the grease stains in the machine or by hand in the usual way.


    It works great on dishes. But how to get rid of grease stains on clothes with it? A stain on a T-shirt, on pants and other things is easily removed with just a drop of detergent. True, if the place of pollution is large, more than one drop will be required. Hold for a few minutes and rinse hot water. Then wash the item.


    It is quite possible to remove a stain from oil and mulberry from clothes with the help of ammonia: this tool helps in many other cases, for this, 1.5-2 tsp are added to a glass of warm water. alcohol. A cotton swab is wetted and the problem area is lubricated. You can finally reduce the fat by ironing the product through a cotton cloth with a warm iron.


    How to remove a stain from vegetable oil from clothes, without washing? Rub in starch and wait 5-15 minutes. Repeat until the oil stain is gone from the clothes.


    Mustard can help too. Before removing a greasy stain from jeans and colored items, dry mustard is diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream and applied to clothes for half an hour. Then the product must be washed. Complete removal of greasy stains, if they have had time to dry out or are completely old, with the help of mustard will come if it is heated.


    Many bachelors know how to remove an oil stain on trousers quickly and without consequences. For them, removing dirt is not a problem if they use shaving foam. Foam is rubbed into a contaminated place, and after 5 minutes the clothes are washed ordinary powder. And the greasy stain on the jeans is gone!


    And chalk powder will help remove the old greasy stain from light-colored clothes and not leave a yellow coating. It is crushed and carefully distributed. Leave on clothes for at least 2 hours. You can remove the powder with a cloth soaked in warm water. Now the thing can be washed.


    Another way to remove oil stains from light-colored clothes. This method is more suitable for wool products. Spread talc or powder on the problem area. Cover with tracing paper, iron with a warm iron. To completely remove fat, press down on clothes with a heavy object at night.


    You can also remove old grease stains from clothes with blotting paper and a warm iron. Line the clothes with paper, top and bottom. Iron with an iron. If you can’t get rid of it right away, remove the paper, change it to a new one, and repeat the procedure.


    But how to remove an oil stain from clothes with laundry soap? There are 2 ways:
    - just lather the problem area well and leave for a day. Soak and wash the thing in the morning; if the dirt is not removed, repeat the procedure.
    - and the second way is more aggressive. We lather. After a day, wash the thing, lather it again, rub it with sugar and rub it with a brush.


    How to remove traces of mulberry and blots? To do this, you need a simple boiling water. Water the problematic place with a stream of hot water acidified with vinegar. This method is only for natural fabric products.


    Even with the help of a crumb of bread, you can remove a greasy stain on jeans. Bread pressing down to dirt on jeans. Then dilute the detergent in warm water and wash.

Get rid of old contaminants

That's not the task. The seasonal wardrobe change came as a surprise. Oily contamination came from somewhere. And by the looks of it, he's been around for a few months now. How to remove old grease stains?


    You can wash off an old greasy stain in boiling water with the addition of half a glass of salt. Grease is absorbed by the salt. After that, things need to be washed with ordinary powder.


    You can remove an old greasy stain from a T-shirt without streaks and a trace with turpentine. First, a cotton swab dipped in it should be drawn along the border of the “problem”. And then, they remove it with movements from the center of pollution, to the edges.


    A few drops of glycerin will remove an old oil stain if you moisten the item with them for just 30 minutes. Then remove the glycerin with a clean cloth.


    How can I remove old greasy marks on the carpet? Wood chips soaked in refined gasoline will do. They need to be sprinkled on the carpet and wait until they dry. We get rid of sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.


It is important that we are not only concerned with how to remove grease stains from clothes, but also not to choose products that are too aggressive so that things remain intact. And here's some more useful information.

  • It is desirable to have something that can remove oil contamination from clothes, that is, a suitable tool: cotton swabs, napkins, brushes, cotton rags.
  • First, with a weaker solution, check how the oil stain can be removed with it. If possible, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Removes dirt from both front and back.

Of course, it plays a role where we put a fat stain on ourselves. We will start from this: what is at hand. If we neutralize a greasy stain from clothes at home or at a party, then almost everything is used, from chemistry to scissors, which will help to radically deal with the problem by cutting fashionable holes on clothes. 🙂 Or, at least, sewing on the place of the "award" cute patch. And this is also an option when it seems that we have done everything, but our successes have not been crowned with success.

In the article we tell you how to remove a greasy stain from clothes. We will list ways to wash fresh and old dirt from things and shoes. Following our tips, you will learn how to remove stains using dishwashing liquid, laundry soap, table salt, starch, gasoline, ammonia, vinegar, coffee, baking soda and ammonia.

How to remove a fresh grease stain from clothes

Before removing a greasy stain from clothes at home, the stained area should be soaked in hot water for 5-7 minutes.. This will help to clean the thing more quickly and efficiently.

Fabric processing is best done from the wrong side. This will remove the stain faster. At the same time, before removing a greasy stain from white clothes, it is necessary to put a piece of cotton fabric under the place of contamination so that the clean areas of the thing are not soaked through and the stain does not spread through the clothes.

Before removing grease stains from clothes, soak the item in water.

There are many specialty stain removers available at hardware stores. We will tell you how to remove a grease stain on clothes using improvised means.

Dishwashing liquid

One of the easiest ways to get grease stains off a T-shirt at home is dishwashing liquid. If the clothes are white, then it is better to choose a colorless liquid to avoid staining the fabric.

A small amount of dishwashing detergent is applied directly to the place of contamination, rubbed into the fibers of the fabric and left for 15 minutes. After that, the stain should be rubbed with a sponge or clothes brush and rinsed thoroughly in warm water to wash off any remaining soap solution.

Laundry soap

This product is suitable for removing stains from delicate fabrics. Laundry soap is also used to wash stubborn dirt. To do this, the tool is combined with more potent components.

Before you remove a grease stain from a delicate fabric, check that the detergent you have chosen is suitable. To do this, apply a small amount to the area of ​​​​the fabric on the inside of the item, rub it into the fibers of the fabric and wait 15-20 minutes. If the fabric is not deformed and has not lost color at the treatment site, then you can safely use the product.

To introduce greasy stains with laundry soap, it is pre-rubbed on a grater, and the resulting chips are diluted in hot water until a thick foam is obtained. It, in turn, is applied directly to the site of contamination and gently rubbed into the fabric. The product is left for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.


This tool is widely used to remove stains from any type of fabric, even delicate ones. Before removing a greasy stain from silk at home with salt, moisten the stained area with a little water. After that, the greasy trace is abundantly sprinkled with salt, lightly rubbed into the fabric and left for 5-7 minutes.

If after this the stain has not disappeared, then the procedure should be repeated. After the complete removal of the contamination, the item is washed in the washing machine in accordance with the recommendations on the clothing label.


If the thing with which you want to remove greasy stains cannot be washed, for example, a cover from upholstered furniture or outerwear, then the place of contamination can be treated with starch. Before removing a greasy stain from a jacket, the powder is diluted with water until a slurry is formed. The resulting product is treated with a place of contamination and left for 10-15 minutes. Dried starch is brushed off. If the stain remains, you need to repeat the procedure.

How to get old grease stains out of clothes

Before removing an old greasy stain from clothes at home, it must be soaked in hot water for 30-40 minutes to facilitate washing. If the place of contamination is extensive, then the whole thing is soaked.

Before using any product, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.

Strong substances are required to remove old contaminants. Therefore, before removing a stubborn greasy stain, it is necessary to study the labels on the clothes in order to choose the right method and prevent damage to the item.


Vinegar is used to remove stubborn stains. Before removing a greasy stain from clothes at home after washing with this product, you must wear rubber gloves. They will protect the skin of the hands from the negative effects of acid.

Vinegar is preliminarily diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting liquid is applied to the site of contamination and left to soak for 15 minutes. After that, the thing must be rinsed in cool water and washed with powder.

The same cleaning method can be applied to denim. Before removing a greasy stain on jeans, they must be soaked for half an hour in soapy water and only then treated with vinegar. This sequence of actions will speed up the stain removal process.


How to wash kitchen towels from old greasy stains? Ammonia solution can be used to remove such difficult contaminants.

To prepare it, one teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution is applied to the place of contamination, a piece of white cotton fabric is applied on top and ironed at medium temperature. In this case, greasy spots should go to the top layer of the fabric.


Refined gasoline is used to wash old stains from cotton, linen and knitwear. Before removing a greasy stain from trousers at home, on the wrong side, a piece of cloth soaked in gasoline is placed under the place of contamination. Top stain treated cotton pad dipped in the agent.

In this case, the stain should be removed from the edges to the center. This will prevent the contamination from spreading to clean areas of the fabric.

How to get oil stains out of shoes

To successfully remove grease stains from shoes, you need to know which products are safe and effective for different materials. A single rule for cleaning all types of products is the preliminary removal of dirt and dust. To do this, you can use a damp cloth, which gently wipe the shoes. After that, you can start cleaning. Consider the most common tools for different products.

Leather shoes

For removing grease stains leather shoes use coffee grounds. The product is applied directly to the stain and left for 10 minutes. After that, the mass is removed with a soft cloth. If the stain still remains, it can be treated with a piece of onion.

To remove grease stains from leather shoes, a solution of baking soda is also used. It is dissolved in warm water, a soft cloth is moistened in the resulting liquid and the place of contamination is treated. To prepare the solution, add 1 teaspoon of soda to a glass of water. After removing the stain, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth to remove the remnants of the cleaning agent.

Suede shoes

For suede shoes The most effective way to remove grease stains is a combination of wet and dry methods. To do this, the place of contamination is first treated with a solution of ammonia and laundry soap. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of the product and a tablespoon of soap chips to a glass of water. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.

After treating the stain with this solution, starch is poured into the place of contamination and left for 10-15 minutes so that the agent absorbs excess liquid along with dirt. The powder is brushed off with a brush, and the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth.

cloth shoes

To wash fabric shoes, you can use the above methods for removing stains from clothes. As an additional agent, glycerin is used. It is applied directly to the place of contamination, rubbed into the stain and left for 10 minutes. After that, remove the agent with a wet swab.

You have learned how to remove grease stains from suede shoes, leather goods and fabrics. Let's summarize.

For more information on how to remove grease stains from clothes, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Before removing a greasy stain from clothes at home, the stained area should be soaked in hot water for 5-7 minutes. This will help to clean the thing more quickly and efficiently.
  2. To wash fresh grease stains, use laundry soap, dishwashing liquid and table salt. Hard-to-remove contaminants are washed with potent agents such as gasoline, ammonia, and vinegar.
  3. To remove grease stains from leather shoes, use coffee grounds and a solution of baking soda. Suede products can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and laundry soap.

Our article will tell you how to wash greasy stains. Grease stains can appear everywhere - on clothes, on furniture, naturally in the kitchen - this is the most common place for them to "live", on doors, etc. In our article, we will share simple methods fight fat on different surfaces and in different places.

Removing stains from clothes

First, we’ll tell you how to wash a greasy stain from clothes and give it a presentable look again. appearance. There are many simple ways to eliminate this pollution without a trace.

If the stain is fresh:

  • Salt is a well-known method that can be observed even in the movies. Everyone remembers the movie "Office Romance" and the scene romantic dinner Novoseltseva with Lyudmila Prokofievna, when he recommended salt to remove the stain. Immediately after something greasy has got on the clothes, you need to generously sprinkle this place with salt and rub it in a little, then brush it off with a napkin. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat until the stain disappears. Then wash the clothes.
  • Laundry soap is an equally well-known method of dealing with fresh stains. The bottom line is this: we lather the area of ​​​​contamination with 72% laundry soap and leave it for several hours, then wash it.
  • Starch - almost all housewives have it. The actions are the same as when applying salt: rub into the stained area, then remove starch residue.
  • Dishwashing liquid - applied to the stain, dissolves it and pours boiling water over it. The item is then laundered.
  • Sugar along with laundry soap. We lather the area affected by fat, then sprinkle sugar on top, rub it with a brush, then wait 15 minutes, and erase it - the stains, as it never happened.
  • A crumb of white bread. It is used to absorb fat, then the clothes are treated with soapy water and washed.

If the stain is old and stubborn:

  • One of the most famous methods is the use of gasoline. We take any cloth soaked in gasoline, put it under the soiled clothes, and then we process the dirty area with a swab also soaked in gasoline.
  • Salt again. Only in contrast to the above method, now we are preparing an aqueous salt solution. 150 grams of table salt, which everyone has, is added to a liter of hot water or boiling water, then we lower clothes into the resulting solution.
  • Wood sawdust. Soaked in gasoline and poured on top of clothes. You will have to wait a while, and then brush them off and send the cleaned thing to the wash.
  • Vinegar. A solution is prepared - 50% water, 50% vinegar. We put clothes with a greasy stain into it, wait a quarter of an hour and, as usual, wash it.
  • Coca Cola. This western drink will also serve as a good helper in the fight against stains. We lower that area of ​​​​clothing with a greasy stain in Coca-Cola for a couple of hours and wash it.

How to clean grease stains from doors

On interior doors, stains also often appear over time due to touching them with greasy hands, for example. However, you should not change the canvas or the entire door - using the methods that we will now describe, you will learn how to wash wooden doors from greasy stains and bring your doors back to their original appearance.

PVC doors.

To remove the stain, you will need: a sponge, liquid soap and toilet cleaner.

  1. First, mix soap with toilet cleaner in equal amounts,
  2. then apply to the stain, carefully rubbing the resulting solution with a sponge or cloth,
  3. wait about seven minutes, and then wash everything off the door with plenty of water.
  4. After these procedures, it is required to wipe the door dry.

A simple method available to every housewife that does not require a lot of time.

Doors from chipboard.

It must be remembered that the top layer of this type of door is paper. It follows that when removing the stain, you need to be careful and not rub the door hard.
To remove the stain, you will need to arm yourself with isopropyl alcohol, a cotton pad and paper napkins.

  1. We apply a sponge moistened with alcohol to the stain, then wait five minutes,
  2. We wipe the door with a napkin.

Do not hold the sponge for more than five minutes, as this may damage the surface.

Doors from MDF.

In this case, potatoes will come to the rescue. Using it, you can not spend money on special cleaning products, but get rid of dirt and stains on your own.

  1. Cut potatoes into two halves
  2. Apply the cut side to the door and rub
  3. When the potato juice is completely dry, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If after this procedure you notice stains on the doors, then you can eliminate them with talcum powder. It is applied to a dry cloth and the surface is treated.
If the stain is fresh, you can remove it with a solution of water and dishwashing detergent. After removal, the door must be rinsed with clean water.

How to clean greasy stains in the kitchen

Most often, greasy stains appear in the kitchen - on dishes, on furniture, on the stove, etc. To prevent the growth of bacteria, to put things in order and cleanliness in the kitchen, it is not necessary to use expensive detergents. Let's talk about how to wash grease stains using folk remedies.

  • Cleaning with soda. Most often used for cleaning the kitchen and kitchen utensils. It is a fine abrasive that does an excellent job of removing grease on metal surfaces, but tends to leave small scratches. Therefore, soda is often used together with other substances, such as sunflower oil. Having prepared a solution of soda and oil in a ratio of 3 to 2, you can wash a wooden kitchen with it.
  • Mustard powder. First, we note that mustard powder is completely harmless to health and even good for the respiratory system. The metal surface to be cleaned must first be poured with boiling water, and then sprinkled with a layer of powder. He, soaking in water, perfectly copes with fat and corrodes it. Then it is simply washed off with water, leaving the surface completely clean.
  • Clay. The use of clay does not look very aesthetically pleasing during the cleaning process, but it gives effective results.
    Vinegar is added to the clay and this mixture is applied to greasy surfaces. Absorbing fat, the clay leaves all treated areas completely clean. You will only have to wash off the remnants of the mixture with water.

Specialists who have been working in cleaning companies for more than a year share the following tips and talk about what not to do:

  • Do not wash linoleum floors with soda or washing powder with hot water
  • Do not use abrasives to remove stains, as the result will be deep scratches and the surface will be damaged.
  • Products made of natural stone are destroyed by acids and alkalis, so they cannot be used.
  • The bath should not be washed with acid-containing products, so as not to damage the surface


As you can see, there are many folk ways greasy stains that do not take much time and do not require large material costs. All the necessary components are in every kitchen and are always at your fingertips, it is only important to know how to use them. We hope that they were useful to you. Thank you for your attention!

Each of us may face an unpleasant situation when a greasy stain appears on clothes after dinner. As a rule, it is quite difficult to get rid of such ingrained pollution. In this article, we will talk about the most effective ways removing greasy stains from colored and white clothes with modern means and folk methods.

Preparatory stage

First of all, before removing, it is necessary to make preliminary training. This will remove the stain more effectively.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Clean clothes from dirt and dust with a dry brush.
  • Prepare the necessary "inventory", such as a brush, cotton swab or a small white cloth.
  • Prepare a solution. It is recommended to try a weak consistency and gradually increase if necessary.
  • Test the prepared solution. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to any unnecessary tissue and analyze the result. If there is no damage, then you can use the solution.

Removing oily stains with folk remedies

Fresh dirt can be easily removed natural remedies. Consider the most common methods.

Laundry soap

This method is especially well suited for a fresh stain that has not had time to be absorbed. To do this, you need to lather the contaminated area as soon as possible and leave it to soak for 12 hours. In this case, it will be most effective to wrap with plastic wrap or cellophane. After that, you can wash the item in the usual way.

By adding sugar to the laundry soap, the time to remove the greasy stain will significantly decrease and take about 15 minutes. Soap the stained area, sprinkle with a little sugar and rub with a brush. After 15-20 minutes, the clothes can be washed in the usual way.


As soon as you notice a stain, immediately sprinkle a large amount of salt on the stained area. After 15-20 minutes, the salt will absorb most of the fat and you just have to wash your clothes.

Advice! For all types of dry cleaning (salt, chalk, starch), use oppression - a press of heavy things: books, an iron, a jar of water. So the granules of the selected product will come into closer contact with the tissue and absorb fat better.


Grease stains from a light natural fabric can remove chalk. Just sprinkle the area with powdered chalk and do not touch for about 2-3 hours. Use a damp cloth to remove the residue and wash the item in the usual way.

Toothpaste or powder

You can get rid of fat on woolen things with the help of ordinary tooth powder. Apply the product to the area, put a blotting paper or tracing paper on top and iron the clothes. Next, put a small oppression, for example, a few books and leave it all night. In the morning, wash the item according to your type of fabric.


From the front and back sides on the stained area, put a sheet of blotting paper and iron with a warm iron. It is necessary to do this procedure several times so that the fat is completely absorbed into the paper.

White bread

Apply a crumb of white bread to the dirt, and leave until the fat is absorbed. After washing in warm soapy water. This method is especially suitable for velvet products.

Ammonia solution

Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water. The prepared solution is applied to the contaminated area, put a clean cotton cloth on top and iron with a warm iron. In this case, the fat remains on the tissue.

mustard powder

Mustard powder perfectly removes greasy stains from linen products. To do this, mix the powder with water to the state of sour cream. Apply the prepared mixture on the stain and leave for 50 minutes. You can then wash with warm water.


It happens that the product cannot be washed, and a greasy stain has already been put on it. In this case, starch will help remarkably. It is necessary to rub the product into the contaminated area for 1-2 minutes and leave for 10 minutes. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until complete cleansing.

Dishwashing liquid

In addition, you can cope with pollution on any product using a dishwashing detergent: dishwasher powder or liquid dishwashing detergent. It must be applied to the stained area, left for 10-15 minutes, and then washed.

Shaving foam

To do this, apply the foam to the product, rub it into the fabric with light movements and leave for 5 minutes. Then you can wash in the usual way.

Gasoline and alcohol

Alcohol, gasoline and turpentine will help get rid of any kind of pollution. The main thing to keep in mind is that such compositions must be used carefully and carefully. Do not apply them to the fabric for more than 2 minutes. This is due to the fact that the components of any of these agents can begin to destroy the structure of the fabric, thereby ruining the thing.

Moreover, such compounds must be used only in their pure form, for example, refined gasoline, pure or medical alcohol. Otherwise, the product will appear, which will be much more difficult to withdraw.

Stain remover rating for greasy stains

In modern times, there is a very large variety of chemicals in stores that help get rid of greasy contaminants. Everyone will be able to find for themselves a suitable product with the necessary qualities, as well as satisfying the cost.

Tool name Mode of application Price

Vanish (Vanish)

One of the most popular brands of stain removers for both color and white items. To remove a greasy stain, you just need to apply the powder or gel to the stained area, rub a little to foam and activate the cleaning granules. Then wash.160 rub
Frau Schmidt (Frau Schmid)

Austrian tool. Perfectly removes pollution of various formations. An important point is that it is suitable for any type of product. It contains bile soap. To remove grease stains, apply the product on the item, leave for 2 hours and can be washed in the usual way.230 rub
Ecover (Ecover)
The Belgian product perfectly copes with any pollution. Contains plant and mineral components, due to which it decomposes without leaving harmful substances. To clean the stained area, apply the product for a few minutes before washing.230 rub
Amway (Amway)
Spray stain remover. Removes any contamination without prolonged exposure. It is enough to spray on pollution before washing.250 rub

Removing stains from different materials

Removing a greasy stain from each type of fabric has its own specific nuances.

Fabric type Grease stain removal method
  • Table salt - pour salt on a greasy stain, leave for 30 minutes, wash.
  • A solution of ammonia and water (a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water).
  • Household chemicals.
Delicate fabric(wool, silk, satin, fine chintz)
  • Dentifrice.
  • Vinegar with water.
  • Stain remover for delicate fabrics.

Wash only in cold water!

Synthetics To remove grease stains from synthetics, you can use in any of the above ways from folk methods or apply stain remover.
Denim To remove a grease stain from jeans, you need to rub into the stain with a toothbrush the usual dish detergent, for example, Fairy. Rinse after 30 minutes and wash as usual.
Upholstery and carpet pile First of all, it is necessary to collect the remaining fat so that the stain does not spread further. This can be done with a napkin. Then apply to the contaminated area salt, soda or starch and leave for 15 minutes. Vacuum after the time is up. If there was a lot of fat, then this procedure must be repeated several times.

Features of removing fat from white things

A greasy stain on a white fabric is considered one of the most difficult. It is important to choose the right remedy for cleaning, so that it does not itself become a pollutant for the thing.

  1. Dry cleaning:
    • Chalk. It contains an absorbent substance that prevents the further spread of fat into the tissue. In addition, chalk perfectly masks pollution.
    • Has properties similar to chalk starch.
  2. Wet cleaning:
    • A solution of laundry soap with sugar.
    • Alcohol.
    • Stain remover (gel) for white fabrics.

When washing colored items, do not use the following:

  • Bleach.
  • Acetone.
  • Petrol.
  • Kerosene.
  • Mustard powder.

Getting rid of old and stubborn dirt

Of course, you can get rid of old pollution with a variety of chemicals or use folk methods. They are no less effective and efficient than store-bought household chemicals.

At the same time, many housewives will find simple components:

  • When removing greasy stains, flammable agents are often used, such as gasoline, acetone, ammonia and others. In addition, these substances are also found in purchased household chemicals. Therefore, when using these components, you must be careful and careful, as well as carefully observe safety measures.