How to get rid of red stretch marks on the body. How to remove stretch marks at home - simple and affordable methods

No matter how beautiful the skin is, everyone has a risk of developing such a defect as red stretch marks. No one is immune from such consequences of pregnancy, obesity or improper sports training. This article details the meaning, etiology and, of course, the treatment of striae.

What it is

Red stretch marks are atrophic type scars, different stripes and lines, have different lengths and widths. The medical term for such formations on the skin is striae.

Painful sensations do not cause and are not a separate disease. They can range in color from bluish to pale. Basically, the defect affects the skin in places where it is most strongly stretched. This is the stomach, chest, buttocks and thighs, sometimes, perhaps on the hands.

When they appear

Women suffer from stretch marks more often than men, but they also get it quite often.

The main reasons for the appearance:

  1. Pathology of the endocrine system. As a result of hormonal imbalance, the release of elastin and collagen is disrupted. Since these are the main components of the structure of the skin, striae can also appear in a young organism.
  2. maturation of sexual function. During the restructuring of a young body, the level of the hormone cortisol rises. It leads to a decrease in collagen density.
  3. Pregnancy or breastfeeding is the most common cause. It occurs on the chest and abdomen, as a result of overstretching and thinning of tissues.
  4. With Marfan's syndrome (pathological processes of connective tissue).
  5. When taking hormonal drugs.
  6. With excessive body weight, especially in children.
  7. As a symptom of Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  8. Athletes who are rapidly gaining mass. Mostly localized in the area of ​​the shoulders or hips.
  9. Hereditary factor, in diseases that are characterized by obesity.


Stretch marks develop as a result of any injury to the skin, which leads to tears. Places of tears are replaced by connective tissue.

The red color of the striae is given by the vessels that are in the epidermis and burst en masse. They do not remain bright for long, the color, size and shape gradually change. An important point is the depigmentation of stretch marks, because the connective tissue that filled the tears does not have pigment.

In people with fair skin, defects are less visible than those of tanners. Hair does not cover the affected areas as there are no hair follicles.

Interestingly, the direction of the striae indicates a possible reason for the appearance. So horizontal stripes appear with hormonal disorders, and vertical - pregnancy or obesity.

How to remove red stretch marks in the clinic

Getting rid of stretch marks is very difficult and it takes long time. The key to good treatment is the correct interpretation of the cause.

To achieve smooth skin after a scar, you need to remove all the affected layers. Sometimes even deep balls of the epidermis can be drawn into this process. Also, the effectiveness of different methods of healing depends on the duration of the pathological process. Red, fresh stretch marks are most likely to heal without a trace on the affected areas.

The prescribed methods must be comprehensive and ensure a good course of all stages of healing.

Types of treatment for stretch marks:

  1. peeling with chemicals;
  2. laser peeling;
  3. plastic surgery;
  4. microdermabrasion;
  5. wrapping;
  6. mud;
  7. physiotherapy.

Peeling with chemicals is the burning of the epidermis by applying strong acids. Such procedures contribute to the production of your own collagen. The following acids are used: trichloroacetic, phenolic and alpha-hydroxy acids.

The procedure is very painful, so it is carried out only under anesthesia. Diseases of cardio-vascular system are a contraindication, as the drug is very toxic. For best result, before peeling, it is desirable to carry out skin therapy. It is important that this procedure is performed only by a doctor with the necessary qualifications.

Laser applications are a very well-known method of dealing with stretch marks. For this method of treatment, you need to undergo special training. For 1.5-2 months, you need to use a cream with a high content of vitamin C. This operation is performed under anesthesia in a hospital.

Video: Means

The essence of the procedure: alternately conducting the laser of each ball of scar tissue. After discharge, swelling and redness of the lesions are possible. It is also advisable not to sunbathe for about 3 months.

Naturally, the most effective tool remains plastic surgery. Such a procedure is prescribed for patients who have not only stretch marks, but also accumulations of fat or excess skin in this area. But the cost of such a method is not cheap and not everyone can afford it.

Microdermabrasion is the microresurfacing of the thin, upper layers of the skin using aluminum oxide. Removal of several layers, blood circulation of the skin improves and enhances tissue regeneration. The method is painful, but with red, fresh stretch marks, the pain is tolerable.

The treatment of red stretch marks on the abdomen during and after pregnancy has its own characteristics. The choice of procedures for a nursing mother should be selected only by a doctor, because many chemical substances may harm the child.

With a sharp weight loss, removing red stretch marks on the abdomen is more problematic than in other parts of the body. Subcutaneous fat is coarse and may respond poorly to treatment. Therefore, it is desirable to combine several methods of treatment and adherence to proper nutrition.

Procedures that are carried out in cosmetology centers

Wrapping with algae - thalassotherapy. You can apply spirulina algae, the effect of which occurs after 10 procedures.

Its ability to influence skin tone and supply various microelements and vitamins to it gives a very good result. Fresh, red striae, after such a wrap, can completely disappear, and the skin becomes elastic and embossed.

Vacuum massage is very effective for stretch marks. This method allows you to quickly and painlessly deal with fat deposits and helps to remove unnecessary substances from the tissues.

What can be done at home

It is possible to cure stretch marks at home, but it requires a lot of effort, patience and, most importantly, time.

The most effective home methods are:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • almond oil;
  • hazel oil;
  • olive oil;
  • corn oil;
  • mummy funds;
  • aloe juice
  • blue clays;
  • contrast water procedures;
  • daily use of the hoop;
  • self-massage;
  • physical exercises aimed at a group of muscles in the stretch area.

Several recipes for home use

Massage using essential oils. You need to mix about 50 ml of olive oil with 5 ml of rosemary oil. Instead of olive oil, you can use shea butter or grapeseed oil. For best results, you can add a little vitamin E. Massage the stretch marks for 20 minutes.

Very good and nutritious cream based on aloe juice. For its preparation you will need: aloe juice, vitamins A and E, olive oil. Before use, heat this cream and rub into defective areas.

Massage with corn oil. This oil has a large amount of vitamin E and is good for such red stretch marks. Before applying, you need to warm up, and then massage

Scrub based on olive oil, salt and sugar. This procedure should be used during water procedures. Apply to stretch marks and rinse with water.

Mask with Mummy tablets. This is one of the most effective drugs in the fight against red stretch marks. Dissolve a few tablets in a teaspoon of boiled water. Mix this suspension with your body cream and massage the affected areas.

Baths with different means give a great effect:

  1. with starch and aromatic oils (dissolve 0.5 kg of starch and a little oil in a bath and wash for 15 minutes);
  2. with sea salt and baking soda(dissolve the components in equal parts in water and lie down for about 20 minutes);

Physical exercise is an integral part of any type of treatment. Exercises are selected with an emphasis on muscle groups affected by stretch marks and are carefully worked out. Particularly important physical exercise with red stretch marks on the thighs, since the skin there is very elastic and you can achieve good results with proper and regular training.

It is advisable to use special elastic sportswear and a bandage. This will keep the skin toned and tighten the stretch marks more quickly.

A good effect with red stretch marks on the legs is a seaweed wrap immediately after a massage with essential oils. This method maximally stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermis of the skin of the legs and increases blood supply.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and legs

If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to prepare your muscles and skin in advance.

Stretch marks (striae) - a skin defect in the form of linear stripes, localized in places of the greatest extensibility of the skin. Fresh stretch marks are pinkish or reddish-purple; over time, they discolor, turning into pearly white atrophic lines. Stretch marks are localized mainly on the skin of the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs. They are purely cosmetic and do not cause any physical inconvenience, but even in this case, many women are not ready to put up with the presence of stretch marks. To remove (or reduce the severity) of striae are used chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, seaweed wraps, etc.

General information

The unpleasant problem of the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the skin is familiar to the vast majority of women. Almost 2/3 of the fair sex report their occurrence in the chest, abdomen, hips in the postpartum period, after breastfeeding or as a result of a sharp loss of extra pounds. Stretch marks, or striae, are cicatricial changes in the skin due to microtrauma of its individual fibers.

Despite the fact that stretch marks on the skin are not a dangerous condition for health, they cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners in terms of aesthetics. Women are embarrassed to wear open clothes, try not to sunbathe so that the stretch marks do not stand out for more dark skin. As with any other cosmetic defect, stretch marks must be dealt with even before they appear.

External manifestations of striae (stretch marks)

Three types of stretch marks (striae) are found on the body: filiform, shallow whitish stripes, small pale pinkish scars and longitudinal cicatricial defects of a blue-burgundy color, becoming light over time.

Stretch marks usually occur on the skin of the thighs, abdomen, chest, and with concomitant hormonal disorders - on the face. Stretch marks caused by a sharp decrease in weight are located vertically on the body, endocrine disorders - horizontally.

Under the influence of a violation of hormonal regulation or a significant stretching of the skin, its collagen and elastin fibers lengthen, become thinner, which leads to their internal tears. In places of injury to the fibers, the connective tissue grows. At first, stretch marks have a pinkish-purple hue, then gradually fade and become pearly white. If measures are not taken in time, then after a while, the striae will outwardly resemble scars. Dark or tanned skin accentuates stretch marks even more, because the connective tissue does not contain pigment and does not tan.

Stretch marks are not just the result of overstretching of the skin. Stretch marks (striae) are the outcome of the healing of skin collagen and elastin fibers after microtraumas, i.e. their scarring.

Stretch marks are caused by increased secretion of cortisol, a hormone from the adrenal cortex. Its hypersecretion leads to stretching, thinning, and then rupture of the skin fibers, followed by the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks).

The cause of fiber ruptures and their subsequent scarring may be insufficient elasticity of the skin or its poor regenerative ability. Internal microtraumas of the fibers lead to the growth of connective, i.e., scar tissue, in places of tears.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest can be very different: this is puberty, pregnancy, and significant weight fluctuations. Adolescents in adolescence, pregnant women, athletes are prone to stretch marks - all those who, for one reason or another, quickly increase body weight. The hereditary factor also plays a role if stretch marks are present in the family of older women. Another reason for the appearance of striae can be hormone replacement therapy for diseases of the endocrine system.

In people who are forced to take steroid hormones for a long time (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, and other hormones of the adrenal cortex), as well as in patients with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, stretch marks can occur over the entire surface of the body and on the face. Such stretch marks are more pronounced in length, width and area of ​​the occupied body surface than stretch marks of pregnant women or adolescents.

Avoiding stretch marks is not easy, especially in cases where there are objective reasons for this: pregnancy, endocrine problems, poor skin elasticity and already existing stretch marks due to weight changes. But this task is quite solvable if approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of stretch marks should be taken by women who, for one reason or another, are gaining or losing extra pounds. During pregnancy, when there is a significant overstretching of the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs, it is necessary to take special care of these areas of the body. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, dermatocosmetologists recommend the use of creams containing vitamins A, E and C, as well as a collagen-elastin complex.

Professional cosmetic lines Decleor, Babor, Biotherm offer special creams that effectively prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A massage of the most vulnerable areas for the formation of stretch marks of the chest, thighs, abdomen with a light rubbing of olive oil has a good effect. Daily use of products for the prevention of stretch marks, although it does not guarantee a 100% result, but in some cases can serve as an effective remedy against their occurrence.

The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide variety of special phyto-creams: Biotherm (Biovergetures), Galenic (Specific Vergetures), Gernetic, Lierac (Photolastil), Phytomer (Pre Vergetures), Vichy (Vergetures) and many more. others, which effectively fight the appearance of stretch marks. The composition of special skin-firming creams, as a rule, includes active moisturizing ingredients (aloe juice, chitosan, hyaluronic acid), as well as vitamin-mineral complexes, collagen, amino acids and protein hydrolysates. Mandatory ingredients of such funds are vegetable oils(avocado, borage, grape seeds, wheat germ, cocoa, sea buckthorn, primrose, soybeans, thistles, rose hips, etc.), nourishing weak, stretched skin.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Preventive measures to prevent skin stretch marks should be taken even before pregnancy. For this purpose, you can take a course of vacuum or general hygienic massage procedures. Vegetable oils used in massage have proven themselves well, improving skin elasticity and nutrition.

Stretch marks on the thighs are a problem that many face. modern women. What causes such a skin defect? How to get rid of stretch marks? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

If the body happens drastic changes(shifts in the hormonal system, weight gain, pregnancy), then the skin does not always have time to grow in right places. Its inner layers are torn, resulting in the formation of longitudinal or transverse stripes. And the blood from burst vessels gives the wounds a red-violet hue. All this can only dissolve with time.

In medicine, it is customary to use another name for stretch marks - striae. Subcutaneous layers build up, helping to restore the integrity of the coating. If no action is taken, then white stretch marks on the hips will soon appear.

The problem is not even that they are more visible. They're just harder to remove.

Stretch marks on the hips - the causes of their occurrence:

  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • a sharp weight gain (5 kg or more);
  • pregnancy;
  • adolescent maturation.

Is it really possible to get rid of old stretch marks?

The white color of the striae indicates that they appeared a long time ago. It will take a lot of effort to get rid of them. First you need to revise your diet by adding more seafood and fish, vegetables and herbs, nuts and fruits. Drink enough water. You can not do without special procedures - peelings, body wraps, massages and compresses. In especially difficult and advanced cases, it makes sense to contact a cosmetologist and even a plastic surgeon.

Getting rid of stretch marks in folk ways

Fresh stretch marks on the thighs can be eliminated on their own. There are many

folk recipes, time-tested. Let's talk about some of them.

home scrub

A special mixture will help to make the skin more elastic and significantly reduce the number of stretch marks on it. For visible results, rub your thighs once a week with a cooked scrub. The technology is as follows: remove the peel from an orange, mix it with ground coffee, sea salt, olive oil or sour cream. We rub the scrub into the skin steamed under the shower until a slight redness appears. The duration of this procedure is 10 minutes.

Essential oils

Do you want to increase the elasticity of the skin and eliminate fresh stretch marks? Excellent assistants in this matter are essential oils. Today they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Recipe number 1 - mix the oils of hazelnut, orange, wheat germ and rosemary. The resulting product should be applied daily to the thigh area, performing vertical movements from the knees to the stomach.

Recipe number 2 - mix mandarin oil (2 drops), neroli (3 drops) and lavender (3 drops). Try to keep the indicated proportions. Wheat germ oil can also be added to reduce old stretch marks. Rub the mixture every day into the skin of the thighs after taking a warm bath.

Miracle cream

Expensive remedies are not always effective. Eliminate stretch marks on the hips can and regular cream, prepared at home. The main ingredient is mummy. To prepare a miracle cream, you need only 1 g of this substance. You can buy mummy in tablets. So, dissolve it in a spoonful of water, and then add it to a tube of baby cream. The resulting mixture should be applied daily to the places where stretch marks form. Visible results will appear in 2-3 weeks.

How to remove stretch marks on the hips: home treatments

Changing the diet and applying essential oils to the skin is not enough to completely get rid of stretch marks. Without special procedures, you will not achieve good results in a short time. What can be done at home? We offer several options.


This procedure will help improve skin tone and elasticity. To increase blood circulation in problem areas, it is enough to perform light pinching. Before starting the procedure, you can apply a mixture of essential oils or a special cream to the skin.


Any cosmetic products that have collagen in their composition are suitable here,

elastin or cocoa butter. We apply the selected cream or gel on the thighs, wrap them with cling film, go to bed and wrap ourselves in a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. Then we take a shower.

The use of special means

Today, in stores and pharmacies, you can find creams that get rid of stretch marks in the abdomen and thighs. Their cost varies from 100 to 1500 rubles. Many customers are not at all afraid of the price, but of the huge variety of products that promise to eliminate unpleasant stretch marks on the hips. Photos of girls before and after using such creams are often placed directly on the packages. Is it worth believing this? First of all, you should study the composition of the gel or cream. If it includes essential oils (at least 2-3 types), lactic acid, natural plant ingredients or soy extract, then you can safely purchase this remedy.

Salon procedures

If you can’t cope with stretch marks on your own, then it makes sense to contact a professional cosmetologist. The procedures that he will prescribe will depend on the general condition of your body, as well as on the number and quality of the existing stretch marks.

The main methods of dealing with striae:


Now you know how to remove stretch marks on the hips. If you are already closely engaged in solving this problem, you will soon forget about unpleasant white and pink stripes on the skin.

Manifested in the form of strip-like changes in the skin various colors- from red-bluish to almost white.

Prolonged overstretching of skin fibers is the main cause of stretch marks. When the skin is overstretched, ruptures of its fibers (elastin and collagen) occur and the process of replacement occurs. healthy skin scar tissue.

Usually affected areas of the skin in the thighs, abdomen, chest. Stretch marks can be either single or multiple. They are more common in women, but men are not immune from their appearance.

What are the causes of stretch marks?

Pregnancy and lactation- a happy time in the life of every woman, but without sacrifices, this happiness does not get. A woman experiences hormonal stress, rounds at the waist, gains weight, which is often accompanied by the appearance of striae on the abdomen and hips, and during breastfeeding- on the chest.

Rapid weight gain is the most common cause the appearance of striae.

Heavy physical activity, bodybuilding, a rapid increase in muscle volume, are often the cause of the appearance of stretch marks in men.

Hormonal changes may contribute to the appearance of striae in adolescence.

hereditary predisposition- the probability of occurrence of stretch marks is higher in the children and grandchildren of those who have encountered this problem than in people whose blood relatives did not have such problems.

Medication belonging to the group of glucocorticoids - such as prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc. Their long-term use can lead to specific obesity, accompanied by the appearance of striae.

Some diseases of the endocrine system accompanied by obesity and the appearance of striae, they can also cause the appearance of hypertrichosis.

Possible cause the appearance of striae can be assumed by their location. Vertical stripes appear more often after pregnancy and rapid weight gain. Horizontal - often occur due to hormonal imbalances.

Are striae dangerous?

By themselves, striae do not pose a health hazard and are only cosmetic defect. But sometimes they can signal a health problem that has arisen - if their appearance is caused by diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, when striae appear that do not have a clear connection with skin stretching, as well as with an inexplicably rapid increase in body weight, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist.

Stretch color

Stretch marks can vary in color from dark purple to almost white. It depends on the age of their appearance. Fresh striae have various shades of red-violet color, and lighten over time.

The ability of the connective tissue that makes up the striae to form melanin (the main skin pigment) is reduced, therefore, as a rule, they tan much weaker than the surrounding skin and the tan makes them more noticeable. In some cases, depending on the phototype of the skin and the degree of its transformation into scar tissue, the ability of the cells that form stretch marks to produce melanin in response to ultraviolet radiation is preserved, and sunburn can make stretch marks less noticeable. But even in such cases, there can be no talk of a “healing” effect of tanning on stretch marks - only a “temporarily masking” one.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

The effectiveness of the treatment of stretch marks depends on how quickly treatment is started after they occur.

Complete elimination of striae is possible only in the early stages of their development. Stretch marks that have arisen more than 1 year ago, white, the scar tissue in which is already fully formed, are less susceptible to treatment. It is almost impossible to remove them without a trace, but it is quite possible to make them almost invisible.

Massage, carried out in places of greatest stretching of the skin, has a good effect on its condition, stimulates blood circulation in it. But massage is not always indicated and not for everyone, especially during pregnancy.

Holding water procedures, preferably in the form of a contrast shower - it tones the vessels, giving them elasticity. After it, you need to use moisturizers and oils that help retain moisture in the skin cells.

Compliance with these simple rules allows you to minimize, if not completely prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. And if they do appear, contact us as soon as possible - the treatment of fresh, newly appeared striae is simpler and more effective than chronic ones.

Perhaps you can count on the fingers of people who have not heard and have not encountered the problem of stretch marks. Anyone can have this defect, it affects women who have given birth and not given birth, short and tall, adults and teenagers, full and slender. Red, striped scars do not spare anyone, even men. What are stretch marks on the skin? How to deal with them and avoid their appearance?

What are the types of stretch marks

Scars that form under the skin are of three types:

  • Large burgundy-blue scars, located longitudinally
  • Small scars of pale pink color
  • Thin white stripes of small depth.

In order for stretch marks to form on the body, mechanical stretching of the skin is not enough. If we talk about what causes striae, in a more understandable language, then we can say that they are the result of the healing of micro-tears in the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin. Such injuries occur due to disruption of regenerative processes in tissues or poor elasticity of the skin. The thinned dermis is prone to the formation of internal tears, which over time are filled with connective (scar) tissue.

Atrophic scars can appear on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, chest, lower back, and even arms and face. As a rule, they begin to appear during puberty, during the build-up of muscle mass by athletes, with a sharp weight loss or rapid weight gain, during pregnancy, as a result of a hereditary predisposition, due to certain diseases. Scarring is a serious problem as all layers of the skin are affected. By themselves, ruptures of the dermis do not pose a danger to humans and their treatment in medical institutions is not carried out. But if stretch marks have formed for no apparent reason and there are such alarming symptoms as the growth of excess hair on the back, face, chest, high blood pressure, weight gain, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Teenage scars and how to deal with them

Adolescent children often face such a problem as striae on the back, chest, hips and buttocks. The reason for the appearance of defects is the accelerated growth of bones, behind which the muscles and skin do not have time to stretch. It can also occur as a result of hormonal changes. White stripes that do not sunbathe in the sun can cause serious complexes about their appearance, so many teenagers try to solve this problem as quickly as possible. First you need to contact an endocrinologist to rule out hormonal failure, and only then consider the issue from the point of view of cosmetology.

In the case of teenage scars, it is necessary to act very carefully and find out from the doctor what it is. IN this issue the time factor plays a very important role - the faster you start the fight, the more likely you are to win. For these purposes, cosmetology clinics use peels, mesotherapy, dermabrasion, radiofrequency therapy with laser irradiation, etc. Depending on the complexity of the situation, the doctor may offer a combination of several methods at once. You can also try to smooth out scars at home using traditional medicine recipes.

Defects formed during pregnancy and after childbirth

Most pregnant women know that during a period of intense weight gain and tummy growth, terrible red and blue stripes can appear on the body, which are difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately, many begin to think about how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth, and this is not entirely correct. The fact is that you are wasting precious time and the opportunity to make the situation less deplorable. When the first scars appear, it is necessary to sound the alarm and begin their treatment and prevention. Currently, there are a huge number of various cosmetic products that help the skin cope with stretching and withstand stress. The sooner you start using these tools, the more chances to save beauty.

What are the causes of stretch marks during pregnancy? A significant role in this matter is played by the hereditary factor: if your mother, sister had such problems, then you should not hope for a miracle and expect that everything will work out. In addition, do not forget about hormonal changes, which thin the skin, preparing the ligaments for childbirth. The result of such training can be striae on the hips. Do not forget about the rapid weight gain and increase in body volume.

If during pregnancy you did not have any stretch marks, then this is fine, but you should not relax. It is very important to continue to use means for the prevention of subcutaneous ruptures further, as the hormones are still out of order, the weight fluctuates, and the milk begins to arrive. It is after childbirth that striae are most often formed on the chest. A woman's breasts begin to grow rapidly and the skin simply does not have time to stretch. Daily massage of the mammary glands, contrast showers, all kinds of creams and lotions will not only help protect the breast from scarring, but also preserve its elasticity and beauty.

Of course, during this happy period, the health of the child is most important, but this does not mean that you need to forget about yourself. If you are trying in every possible way to preserve your beauty, then you should know how to treat stretch marks during pregnancy. Firstly, it is better to start immediately, without postponing this problem for later. Secondly, radical cosmetic procedures like mesotherapy, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing. Better give preference natural remedies: recipes based on mummy, massages, peelings from natural ingredients, special creams and lotions. Choose the best gentle skin care program for you.

Subcutaneous scars when taking hormonal drugs

Athletes who diligently increase their muscle mass sometimes experience the appearance of white stripes on their arms and legs. Stretch marks on the hands indicate that the skin in these places has become thinner and there has been a breakdown of collagen structures. The cause of defects in the skin can also be the use of hormonal drugs for rapid muscle growth. In the future, after the withdrawal of hormones, the muscles may return to their previous state or decrease slightly in volume, but the stretch marks will remain.

The problem of stretch marks is also faced by people who are forced to apply hormone-based creams and ointments. In this case, the areas of the skin affected by remedy, lose their elasticity, become dry and scarred. It is especially unpleasant if whitish stripes appear on the face. On how to remove stretch marks on the face, you need to consult with a cosmetologist who will be able to assess the situation from a professional point of view and choose the best method of treatment.

How to deal with scars on the body

As mentioned above, today a huge number of ways have been developed and invented to get rid of skin defects. Depending on the financial situation, you can choose professional removal in the beautician's office or methods for home use. The main thing in this business is not to retreat and believe in success. Only perseverance will help you achieve results.

If the stretch marks are not too big and still quite fresh, then you can try traditional medicine recipes. You can try to remove striae on the legs, stomach, and back with badyagi powder diluted in a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting slurry is applied to the problem area and rubbed for several minutes. The effect is obtained as from mechanical grinding in the cabin.

As gentle means, you can try peeling. How to remove stretch marks at home with a regular scrub? Very simple. For this you will need sea ​​salt, coffee or sugar. The listed ingredients must be applied to steamed skin while taking a shower and rubbed for 5-10 minutes until redness appears. You can mix sugar and salt, coffee and salt, etc. Over time, you will notice how the skin begins to even out, and stretch marks become less noticeable.

Red striae and methods of dealing with them have recently been widely discussed. IN modern world it is important to look good, and skin imperfections can cause low self-esteem. If for some reason you are unable to deal with the problem yourself, contact a professional. Dermabrasion, laser resurfacing will help get rid of the problem forever.

Some of the methods that help get rid of stretch marks are described in the video:

Preventing stretch marks is better than treating them. During pregnancy, in adolescence, with a change in body weight, it is necessary to use special creams, oils and lotions. These products consist of natural ingredients and are not hazardous to health. They must be used until the risk of defect formation disappears.

If you are fighting scars on your own, we recommend taking a photo before starting treatment. Evaluate the results after each procedure, but do not rush to draw conclusions before a couple of months. ethnoscience helps, but not as fast as professional methods. The main thing in this struggle is perseverance and patience.