Appetite appeared before childbirth. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Sudden mood changes

The expectant mother can find out about the upcoming birth in about a week or two if she listens to her body, which is actively preparing for the culmination of pregnancy. The results of this preparation are manifested by the so-called harbingers of childbirth. True, it is never possible to say exactly how many days or hours after the appearance of a particular sign, childbirth will begin.

Belly "drops"

Approximately 2 to 3 weeks before delivery, a woman who is giving birth for the first time may notice that her stomach has shifted down. In a woman giving birth again, the stomach usually drops immediately on the eve of childbirth. Moreover, as a rule, the lowering of the abdomen is very noticeable: if earlier it began right under the chest, now you can place a palm between it and the beginning of the abdomen. Many note the lowering and visually. Most women have a protruding belly button. The "lowering" of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus (usually the head) into the pelvic inlet, as well as stretching the lower segment of the uterus and deflecting the fundus of the uterus (its upper part) anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. So the child finds a comfortable position for entering the small pelvis and settles in it. The baby's head is placed approximately in the middle of the small pelvis. future mother. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the head is initially located low, so there is no noticeable omission. In some cases (and this is within the normal range), the baby can “wander” or be relatively high in the pelvis until the very moment of childbirth, and the “lowering” of the abdomen does not occur at all.

Easier breathing

Immediately after the baby begins to sink deeper into the pelvis and the pressure on the chest, diaphragm and internal organs, mom is relieved: it becomes much easier to breathe. Most often, heartburn resolves because there is more space for the stomach and there is no backflow of contents from the stomach into the esophagus. However, this increases the pressure on the lower abdomen and makes it a little more difficult to sit and walk. It is also possible that after the displacement of the fetus down, the expectant mother will have difficulty sleeping, since at this time it is difficult to find comfortable posture. In addition, numbness of the legs is possible, which is due to the lowering of the child's head, which can pinch the nerve endings - numbness can disappear when lying on its side.

Increased urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder. Under the influence of biologically active substances produced in her body on the intestines of a woman, by the end of pregnancy, some liquefaction of the stool and acceleration of peristalsis occur, which leads to diarrhea and mild abdominal cramps. This condition is comparable to the "bear disease" well known to many students and occurs before the exam. It is believed that the appearance of frequent soft stools is not accidental: this leads to the cleansing of the mother's intestines, and at the same time, space is freed up in the pelvis to facilitate the passage of the child. Sometimes this process is so pronounced that it causes serious panic, because women mistake it for food poisoning. So, if there were no significant reasons for indigestion, then you can confidently perceive such a disorder as a harbinger of childbirth.

Pain in the lumbar region

After lowering the child, a woman may experience discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and heaviness. These sensations can be similar to pain before menstruation. At the same time, it is difficult to comfortably settle down in any particular position for any period of time. In order to eliminate discomfort during sleep, you can use several small pillows, placing them under the lower back, under the knee.

The baby is less likely to "push"

Most women notice a slight decrease in the child's motor activity before childbirth, due to the fact that by the end of pregnancy, the fetus weighing about 3 kg is already quite crowded in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the movements of the baby can cause even slight discomfort and be painful for the mother.

Decreased appetite and weight loss

Most often, just before childbirth, the appetite decreases somewhat. Even if the whole pregnancy was hungry, then a few weeks before the birth, women eat little. With regular weighing, the expectant mother may notice a slight decrease in body weight before childbirth (by about 1-2 kg), depending on the increased excretion of water from the body. This is how the body naturally prepares for childbirth: the body must be flexible and plastic.

"The laughter, then the tears"

Curious changes occur in the psyche of women. The expectant mother develops a kind of “inhibition” and “calmness”. This is due to the fact that inhibition processes predominate in the cerebral cortex, and the woman becomes somewhat absent-minded, forgetful, and less anxious. All this has its natural validity. Such changes are necessary so that extraneous thoughts and emotions do not interfere with the concentration on the birth of a child and the formation of the so-called "patrimonial dominant".

Frequent mood swings, characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy, are especially pronounced before childbirth. This is due to the processes occurring during this period in the central nervous and endocrine systems of a pregnant woman. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to periods of vigorous activity.

Some women, shortly before giving birth, have a desire for “nesting”: they clean everything, wash, clean, wash. In addition, the term "nesting" refers to the behavior of a pregnant woman, when closer to childbirth she becomes withdrawn, avoids prying eyes and literally wants to hide from the whole world in some cozy warm corner of the house. It also happens unconsciously, instinctively.

"Trial" contractions

These are the so-called "rehearsal" contractions, they are also called Braxton Higgs contractions. Such contractions prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming work, and also contribute to the gradual softening and smoothing of the cervix. Such training contractions are felt as tension in the abdomen: it seems to “reduce” it, there may be a need to bend over a little.

To the touch, the stomach becomes harder than usual (“hardens”, “stands up like a stake”), while there may be pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. Of course, preparatory contractions are not as painful and regular as during childbirth and, as a rule, do not cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. They usually appear after the 30th week of pregnancy. A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. Very often they are mistaken for the beginning of childbirth. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established and the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then this is not the beginning of labor. Doctors call this period preliminary (preparatory). Both normal and pathological course of this period is possible. Prenatal contractions can be quite long (more than a day) and painful, which leads to fatigue of the woman and prevents the development of normal labor activity. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct appropriate treatment.

As already mentioned, preparatory bouts are not accompanied by painful sensations or their pain is insignificant, but already during the preparatory contractions, you can practice the skills of proper breathing and relaxation.

Some pregnant women do not have such “false” contractions at all - this is very individual.

The appearance of secretions and discharge of the mucous plug

Approximately a week before delivery, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, the tissues of the vagina loosen and soften, and the amount of colostrum flowing from the breast may increase.

As the cervix flattens and thins, the so-called mucus plug that keeps the birth canal closed during pregnancy may come off. Mucus plug is cervical mucus secretion from the vagina, which may be colorless, yellowish, or pinkish. It can look very different: a dense clot of mucus, transparent or streaked with blood, or very voluminous liquid mucous discharge, and sometimes these are separate small dense mucous pieces.

Loss of the mucous plug is a sign of the onset of labor. However, the discharge of the mucous plug is not yet a reason to go to the maternity hospital, since it can leave 2 weeks before the onset of labor, or maybe 3-4 days, and even in the midst of the onset of contractions. But if the water breaks or bloody discharge appears from the genital tract, then it is urgent to go to the hospital, as this can lead to serious complications and requires medical examination and observation.

To distinguish the cork from the water, it is necessary to use a white woven pad (diaper), after ironing it. You should observe the discharge: if it is very plentiful (one pad is missing or if the discharge continues for half an hour), you need to think that it is water and go to the hospital. The mucous plug is released at once, and in this case, the discharge will stop within 30 minutes.

The manifestations of precursors before childbirth are very individual for each expectant mother. Sometimes they may not be at all, and in some cases 2-3 signs appear, so if you do not have harbingers, you should not worry. And if the harbingers of childbirth nevertheless appeared, it is necessary to strictly observe the general hygiene rules and prepare everything you need for admission to the hospital, because childbirth can begin at any time.

Without exception, all mothers are concerned about the date of the upcoming birth. And it is impossible to give an absolutely exact answer to it. Even if a woman knows the date of fertilization up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors that affect the birth of a child.

Doctors believe that a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. Based on this period, they calculate the date of birth. There are several ways to calculate the date of birth of the baby. For example, this can be easily established by menstruation. From the first day last menstrual period 3 calendar months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This will be the possible date of birth.

There are also ways to calculate the day of the upcoming birth, which are available only to the doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and the volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not give full confidence in correct definition date of birth of the child.

Now doctors are increasingly inclined to the conclusion that dividing children into full-term and premature babies does not make sense. They explain this by the fact that if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing to worry about if the child is born a little earlier or a little later due date. The main thing is that the child should be physically ripe for birth by this moment. Therefore, pregnancy is now considered normal, occurring in the period from 35 to 45 weeks.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur.

1. Breathing becomes easier

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing becomes easier. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the child has moved down, a woman may experience difficulty sleeping, at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

2. Change in appetite

Appetite may change just before childbirth. Often the appetite decreases. It is good if a woman at this time trusts her intuition more when choosing products. You shouldn't eat for two.

3. Weight loss

Before childbirth, a woman may lose some weight. The body weight of a pregnant woman can decrease by about 1-2 kg. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before childbirth, the body must be flexible and plastic.

4. "Omission" of the abdomen

A woman may notice that the stomach has shifted down. The "omission" of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the entrance of the small pelvis and the deviation of the bottom of the uterus anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic area. In primiparas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before delivery. In re-children - on the eve of childbirth.

5. Sudden change of mood

The woman is looking forward to her time. She can’t wait to give birth (“hurry up.”). The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. A woman prepares to meet a baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. Just please don't overdo it.

6. Frequent urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of a woman, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Like before an exam.

7. Pain in the lower back

After the child is shifted down, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

8. Change in the motor activity of the fetus

The baby can calm down a little, then move very actively. He, as it were, chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.

9. Irregular uterine contractions

After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible, but irregular uterine contractions in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not mean the onset of labor at all.

10. There are three main signs of childbirth:

The beginning of childbirth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From that moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy, pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. The importance of the feature is not in the very fact of contraction, but in its rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (other periodicity is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. Between contractions, the abdomen is relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

- Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug. The mucus plug can go away 2 weeks before delivery, and maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the onset of uterine contractions to dilate the cervical canal - thus expelling the mucus plug. The mucus plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of the mucous plug is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.

- Discharge of water. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water slowly flows out. It can break suddenly, then the waters "gush in a strong stream." From time to time this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. More often this occurs in multiparous. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. If the waters receded immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the family home immediately!

Childbirth as it happens

Every woman starts labor differently. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "quickly", that is, the contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. In the third, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although all women develop and proceed in their own way, there are some points that are the same for most women.

Has it started?

The long wait should soon end - the mother will be able to press the baby to her chest. She is happy, but as the deadline approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Can pain be relieved?

There are a lot of questions about the upcoming birth of a young woman who has not given birth before. Of course, this process is different for everyone. Many pregnant women begin to feel restless the day before labor starts, sometimes experiencing palpitations, fever, or headaches. In some people, painless uterine contractions may intensify or appear for the first time. There may be an upset bowel or an increase in pressure, the appearance of pain in the back, in the lower abdomen or in the bones of the pelvis. In most cases, there is an increase in mucous secretions, including with ichor - the discharge of the so-called mucous plug.

It comes on suddenly

However, there may not be any precursors - in some cases, childbirth begins suddenly, with the onset of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that help open the cervix and gradually move the baby forward through the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic pulling pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, which becomes more regular and stronger. If the contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it's time to get ready for the hospital. If the maternity hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, do not try to drag out time while waiting, for example, for your husband (or mother) from work - immediately call a specialized ambulance.

It is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby's head through the uterine os and the birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but, experiencing it, the woman gains confidence that the matter is moving forward vigorously. When attempts are added to contractions, the final period of the birth of a child begins. During attempts, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push with all her might (at this moment she needs to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor in charge of childbirth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. Understandably, contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods of pain relief.

Dispelling fears

Some women in labor are afraid that they will not be able to cope with labor pains, and therefore they ask for pain relief in advance. As with an ordinary headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out Fresh air, others immediately grab the medicine.

It is good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And future mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively, as before - they can consciously influence the birth process. For a pregnant woman, it is important to find out in advance what kind of help this or that clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with a gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and inspire firm confidence in a successful outcome.

The longer the gestation period, the more a woman is not confident in herself, she is more afraid of childbirth, and, in addition, she can’t wait to see her baby as soon as possible. Many of the women hold on to the expected date of birth, like a saving straw. However, to actually calculate or predict the exact date childbirth is simply impossible, one can only guess.

Already at the 38th week, the pregnancy is considered full-term, and they begin to talk about prolongation at the 42nd week. It follows that labor can begin at any time for about 4 weeks. However, this does not mean that a woman will not have the opportunity to prepare at all. Before giving birth, the body goes through a huge number of changes that may suggest that very soon the baby will be born.

These changes are called harbingers of childbirth. Harbingers include signs such as:

  • lowering of the abdomen;
  • false contractions;
  • stabilization or reduction of maternal weight;
  • discharge of the mucous plug;
  • mood swings and nesting instinct;
  • frequent urge to urinate and defecate.

It is extremely rare that all these signs appear in one woman, more often there is a situation when, a few weeks before childbirth, a woman 2-3 signs appear. In some cases, especially in primiparas, there are no forerunners of childbirth at all, or the woman simply does not recognize them.

When do the harbingers of childbirth begin and how long do they last?

Everything is very individual, for some women 3-4 weeks before delivery, others have everything in a couple of days. In fact, already at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth can make themselves felt. A lot depends on whether a woman gives birth for the first time. In the second and third births, the harbingers are usually more pronounced and are observed closer to the onset of labor. Despite the fact that the harbingers of the onset of labor are not at all necessary, it is still worth talking about them in more detail so that women are ready for them and know about what this or that sign says.

Lowering of the abdomen

Not only a woman is preparing for the birth, her child is also in a hurry to be born. 10-20 days before the onset of labor, the fetus can radically change its position - move closer to the small pelvis. Together with him, the bottom of the uterus also descends, and hence the woman's stomach. It moves lower, changes shape. Following this, the pressure on the stomach and diaphragm decreases. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe and eat, but it is now more difficult for her to walk and sit. Like many other harbingers of childbirth in multiparous, lowering of the abdomen occurs later, sometimes literally on the eve of childbirth. Approximately lowering of the abdomen, as a harbinger of childbirth in primiparous occurs at 37 weeks, and in multiparous at 39-40 weeks.

Increased urge to urinate and defecate

The descending uterus presses on the bladder, as a result of which it has to be emptied more often. In addition, hormonal changes affect the intestines and the rate of fluid excretion from the body. All this leads to the fact that pregnant women have to go to the toilet more often.

Since this phenomenon is directly related to the lowering of the abdomen, this harbinger of childbirth in primiparas is usually observed at 37-38 weeks.

Stabilization or weight loss

Another harbinger of approaching childbirth may be the stabilization of the weight of the pregnant woman. As mentioned above, the fluid from the body of a woman before childbirth is excreted at a faster rate, while the appetite decreases, and sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all.

This leads to the fact that the weight of the pregnant woman stops at one value, and sometimes decreases by 1-2 kg. However, only those women who weigh themselves regularly can notice this.

Instability of the emotional state

Abrupt mood swings can also be harbingers of the onset of labor. A woman becomes anxious, apathy can suddenly be replaced by a thirst for violent activity.

Often during this period, a pregnant woman begins to clean the apartment, sort out children's things, and in especially acute cases, even starts repairs. Or vice versa, she tries to retire, hide from everyone.

All this is called the nesting instinct. Thus, a woman instinctively prepares for the appearance of a baby, she wants not only her to be ready for his birth, but also the “nest”, that is, the apartment.

false contractions

Many women experience the phenomenon of false or training contractions. The uterus is preparing for the birth process. For this organ, it is associated with prolonged and intense stress.

Under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, 2-3 weeks before delivery, the uterus begins to contract arbitrarily from time to time. These contractions feel like contractions. Many women are frightened and immediately begin to gather in the hospital.

It is necessary to make sure that we are talking about labor activity, and not about harbingers before childbirth. This is both easy and difficult to do at the same time.

It is best to calm down and try to relax first. You can lie down in a warm bath, false contractions from such a procedure usually either completely disappear or become less sensitive.

There is another significant difference: training contractions, unlike true ones, are not regular, in addition, the interval between them is not reduced. It is necessary to calculate the breaks between contractions and their duration.

Mucus plug

The surest harbinger early delivery is, perhaps, the exit of the mucous plug. This usually happens 1-2 days before the onset of labor. The cork can come out immediately - a dense mucous lump, brownish in color, or in the form of spotting. This harbinger of childbirth can make happy both primiparous and multiparous at 40-41 weeks.

Harbingers of preterm labor

Talk about harbingers premature birth it would not be entirely true. However, there are some signs that may be symptoms of preterm labor:

  • pulling pains and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • cramping pains;
  • leaks of clear liquid.

You should not take the calculations given here too seriously, since the body of each woman is individual. The main thing is to listen to your feelings and in the last weeks be ready for a trip to the hospital, not relying entirely on the harbingers of childbirth.

I like!

New sensations in the body during pregnancy are a natural and normal phenomenon. It is important to figure out in time whether the sensation that has appeared is a symptom of a pathological condition, such as a threat of abortion, or is it a natural sign of the development of the pregnancy itself.
Such signs at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy are the so-called harbingers of childbirth - markers, the readiness of the woman's body for childbirth. Listen to the word "harbingers." What is its meaning? These are heralds, foreshadowing some upcoming important event, preceding it. Harbingers appear a few days before the onset of childbirth, when the pregnancy is considered to be full-term, and the baby is fully mature and ready for extrauterine existence, i.e. after the 37th week of pregnancy.
The baby's lungs are already developed enough that he can breathe atmospheric air. special cells of his lungs begin to produce biologically active substances - this is a signal for the mother's body. In the parent "control center" a planned relocation takes place, an installation is given for the exit. The expectant mother experiences syndromes that are very similar to birth.
However, harbingers are recognized not only to notify. Each harbinger occurs in connection with changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Moreover, the change is characterized by the suddenness of the occurrence of spasmodicity, sharpness, therefore it attracts the attention of a woman.

The main signs of harbingers of childbirth

1. The earliest harbinger is the prolapse of the abdomen of a pregnant woman.

What does it look like? About 2-3 weeks before the birth, you will find that the stomach has dropped. Often this happens suddenly, somehow suddenly. Still, the height of the fundus of the uterus, which increases weekly by 1 cm and by the 37th week is about 37-40 cm (if there is only one baby in the uterus), suddenly decreases by 2-3 cm in a few hours.
Of course, this does not go unnoticed: breathing becomes easier, the shape of the abdomen changes - it becomes flat, sloping from above. According to one of the pregnant women, at first, when the stomach is high, “at least put a cup and saucer and drink tea.” And at the time of the implementation of the precursor, which we called “abdominal prolapse”, the uterus immediately becomes 2-3 cm lower. You can no longer put a cup and saucer. Between the chest and stomach, the palm now easily fits. Why is this happening? The lower segment of the uterus before childbirth becomes softer and stretches. The child descends, tightly pressing his head against the bone rim of the small pelvis, and the stomach becomes lower.

Signs of a harbinger:
the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Shooting pains in the perineum and legs may appear, because with all its weight the child presses on the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
easier breathing (the pregnant uterus no longer presses so hard on the lungs)
decrease in motor activity of the baby.
It is likely that a child's reduced motor activity may puzzle or frighten you. The child is pressed against the bone ring of the small pelvis with his head, as a result of which he stops turning and can only move his arms and legs. So the decrease in perturbations is quite understandable and normal.
And the purpose of the harbinger is clear: fixing the head prevents the baby from turning over and facilitates the onset of the birth process. The birth canal for the child is already passed by three centimeters! And only ten will remain in childbirth.
In the case of the pelvic position, the lowering of the presenting part does not occur. Due to its large size and softness, the baby's bottom cannot fit into the bony ring of the mother's pelvis.

2. Mucus plug

An equally significant criterion for the body's readiness for childbirth is the release of the mucous plug from the genital tract. During pregnancy, thick cervical mucus in the form of a cork prevented access to the uterus by harmful microorganisms, and by the time of delivery, it liquefies and flows out of the genital tract.
Liquefaction of mucus is facilitated by estrogens, the level of which rises for childbirth. We do this 3-5 days before delivery. You will find on the pad a muco-watery discharge of beige or Brown, sometimes with streaks of blood, in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. Usually this happens in the morning, at once, the next morning the discharge may be repeated. At this stage, the question may arise: is this amniotic fluid?

After all, both those and other discharges are liquid, and at first observation they seem to be similar. (By the way, water is normally poured out at the end of the 1st stage of labor, and prenatal effusion is rarely observed.) Compare:

Departure time:

cork - 3-5 days before delivery
water - At the end of the 1st stage of labor, sometimes before childbirth or at the beginning

cork - Slimy beige, brown, may be streaked with blood
water - Transparent, can be light pink, light green

cork - Liquid, mucous
water - watery

cork - in portions of 1-2 tablespoons, several days in a row
water - Constant leakage, positive symptom of "cough shock"

What to do:
cork - watch
water - Go to the hospital

Water, unlike the mucous plug, is clear, warm and constantly leaking. A simple cough can be used as a diagnostic criterion. With tension in the abdominal wall, the water will flow more strongly, and the amount of mucous plug will not change.

3. Change in the well-being and mood of a pregnant woman

The next harbinger that occurs a few days before childbirth is a change in the state of health and mood of the pregnant woman. There may be an emotional upsurge, sudden euphoria, unreasonable sadness, tearfulness. For the third trimester, childbirth and the postpartum period, they are most characteristic. Sometimes these feelings quickly replace each other during the day. There may be sweating, flushes of heat to the head, slight dizziness, a feeling of chills. These manifestations are associated with pronounced hormonal changes before childbirth.
4. Protrusion of the navel

A protrusion of the navel may appear in the third trimester of pregnancy (before the 37th week) and is probably associated with a general softening of the connective tissues of the body and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, as well as with overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall and abdominal skin.
5. "Duck walk"

The center of gravity shifts, and the woman, when walking, compensatory tilts her shoulders back. When a pregnant woman walks, she puts her legs not in one line, as it was before pregnancy, but slightly spreading them, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. This is important in order to better hold the increased volumes. There is nothing wrong with this, this is a typical gait of a woman before childbirth. if this is the first pregnancy, then the woman will walk like this for 2-4 weeks. During subsequent pregnancies, the abdomen drops literally on the eve of childbirth.

6. Weight loss

2-3 days before giving birth, a woman may lose a little weight (1-2 kg). Due to what, then, body weight can change so quickly? Of course, due to the release of the body from excess fluid in the form of urine. The usefulness (physiological) of this precursor lies in the fact that as a result of a decrease in the liquid component of the blood (recall that urine is formed from blood), the blood thickens, its clotting increases, which helps to reduce blood loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional volume of liquid that was previously used for the production amniotic fluid, an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother and child is no longer needed - and excess water is excreted from the body. Sometimes this period is characterized not only by frequent urination, but also by diarrhea. The intestines before childbirth also need to be cleaned.
Perhaps the most significant and tangible harbingers of childbirth are premonitory contractions and the maturity of the cervix.

7. Precursor contractions

Precursor contractions - non-rhythmic uterine contractions that appear a few days before childbirth, usually in the evenings. Women often call them trial contractions, which makes sense. The purpose of pre-vesticular contractions is to prepare the birth canal, and specifically, to promote the maturation of the cervix - its shortening and expansion.

Precursor contractions are well felt. How can you recognize them?

To begin with, let's figure out what a fight is and is there a fundamental difference between forerunner, labor pains, normal contractile activity and increased uterine tone.
The mechanism of occurrence of all these states is the same.
This is an increase in the contractility of the uterus, the tension of its muscle layer. And since the uterus is a completely muscular organ (plus the mucous membrane from the inside and the connective tissue base of the peritoneum - along the outer surface), we say that the contraction is a contraction of the uterus, meaning by this its muscle. The uterus at the same time for some time (usually up to a minute) becomes dense, tense, well contoured, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum.

The differences are as follows:

Normal contractile contractions (called Braxton-Hicks contractions by doctors) are natural, brief, painless contractions of the uterus, usually noticeable after the 24th week of pregnancy. They appear 4-6 times a day and are considered a normal manifestation of the contractile activity of the uterus, which demonstrates its ability to tension, reminds of itself. In addition, at the time of the change in tone, blood circulation improves, which allows you to deliver more nutrients to the child.
We are talking about increased uterine tone with frequent and prolonged uterine tension, exceeding the frequency and intensity of Braxton-Hicks contractions. In the event of an increased tone before the 37th week of pregnancy, this is a sign of the threat of premature birth.
The same contractions, but after the 37th week of pregnancy, are already called precursor. They have their own characteristics. The main distinguishing feature of precursor contractions is their irregularity. The contractions themselves are short - only a few seconds, rarely - up to a minute. Pauses between such contractions vary greatly and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes.
Precursor contractions usually appear 5-7 days before childbirth, in the evenings or at the beginning of the night, preventing the woman from falling asleep for several hours. Then they pass by themselves or after a massage, a warm bath, soothing tea. A few hours before delivery, mild uterine tension may be accompanied by loose stools. Sometimes contractions are represented only by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and aching pains in the lower back and sacrum. It's uncomfortable. You can alleviate the condition by breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen clockwise, softly and gently, with the whole palm.
Labor pains differ from precursor contractions in their regularity and gradual increase in frequency and intensity.
As soon as contractions begin, note the time between them by the clock. Within two hours you will have no doubt about the nature of these contractions. Labor pains will increase regularly and gradually, but you cannot say the same about precursor contractions - they are incomprehensible, sluggish, irregular.

8. Ripening of the cervix

The cervix is ​​a muscular formation with circularly arranged muscle fibers that form the entrance and exit from the uterus. In this case, we are interested in the exit function. Opening slightly in the prenatal period, the cervix becomes soft, pliable, short (1-1.5 cm versus 3 cm during pregnancy), which facilitates its further opening already in the process of childbirth. Such a cervix is ​​​​mature, which means it is ready for the onset of childbirth.
This harbinger is more noticeable to the obstetrician during examination than to the woman herself. The maturity of the cervix is ​​an important criterion for the readiness of the body for childbirth. Readiness corresponds to a certain state of the nervous system (the inclusion of a generic dominant), a hormonal background that corresponds to the end of pregnancy and has reached the threshold level necessary to start the birth process.

The closer the expected date of birth gets, the more woman listens to the changes that occur in her body. What signs warn that childbirth is already very close?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is a smooth change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone produced by it (the main hormone that supports pregnancy) decreases, but the level of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. Under the influence of the latter, the birth canal is prepared for the upcoming birth, and a generic dominant is formed in the brain - the nerve centers are restructured and their sensitivity to impulses from the uterus increases. In addition, the more estrogens, the more elastic and extensible the tissues - the cervix, the walls of the vagina and the perineum. That is why the body begins to intensively produce them before childbirth.

In addition, the cervix shortens, softens and slightly expands, and the mucus that has accumulated in its canal comes out. The head of the fetus should descend as tightly as possible and press low against the entrance to the small pelvis. All this in the body of a woman is manifested by specific changes, which are called the harbingers of childbirth.

It must be remembered that the harbingers of childbirth can appear both a few hours and a few weeks before the development of regular labor. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact time of the onset of labor, focusing on the precursors. They do not require hospitalization or treatment and are a normal response of the body to changes in hormonal levels.

For some expectant mothers, the preparation of the body for childbirth occurs imperceptibly, without the appearance of warning signs, and this is also absolutely normal. Most often this applies to expectant mothers who are expecting their first baby. In women giving birth for the second time, the precursors are often more pronounced and begin at a more early dates. This is due to the fact that the cervix of such mothers responds faster to hormonal stimuli, softens and opens a little earlier. Training contractions during the second pregnancy are disturbing earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the expectant mother already knows how they manifest themselves and recognizes them earlier. What signs are attributed to the harbingers of childbirth?

Prolapse of the abdomen

The downward displacement of the bottom of the uterus (that is, its upper part, located under the ribs) occurs approximately 10-14 days before delivery. The expectant mother notices that her stomach has dropped lower. This is due to the fact that the presenting part of the baby (that is, the part that will be born first, most often the head) is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetus takes the position most convenient for childbirth.

Moving down, the uterus ceases to exert pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. Therefore, after the stomach drops, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe. If in the last month she was bothered by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs after eating, after the prolapse of the uterus, these phenomena often disappear without a trace. However, by moving lower, the uterus will put more pressure on the bladder and rectum. In this regard, urination and stool become noticeably more frequent. Therefore, often women a few days before the upcoming birth begin to run to the toilet more often.

Weight loss and loose stools

As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone dominates. One of its actions is fluid retention in body tissues (which can be manifested by edema). On the eve of childbirth, with a decrease in the concentration of progesterone and an increase in the amount of estrogens in the blood of a pregnant woman, excess fluid is actively removed from her body. This explains the decrease in body weight 7-10 days before delivery. Depending on the severity of edema, weight can decrease from 300-500 g to 2-2.5 kg. At the same time, the woman draws attention to the fact that it is now easier to put on shoes, traces of socks and tights become less pronounced, rings are removed more freely.

In addition, weight loss on the eve of childbirth may be associated with increased and thinning of the stool. The latter also occurs due to an increase in the concentration of female sex hormones and increased excretion of fluid from the body. Since loosening of the stool occurs most often when sufficiently high concentrations of estrogen are reached, this precursor is quite reliable and usually appears 1-2 days before the onset of regular labor. However, when loose stools appear in late dates pregnancy, especially if it contains mucus, streaks of blood, an unpleasant odor, you should consult a doctor, since such changes may be a sign of food poisoning.

Discomfort in the lower back and abdomen

Approximately 1-2 weeks before delivery, discomfort may appear in the lower back (in the sacrum) and in the lower abdomen. Such changes in a woman's well-being are caused by stretching of the pelvic ligaments and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. These sensations are often pulling or aching and in no case should be sharp and intense.

Change in appetite

Some expectant mothers notice that their appetite has changed 5-7 days before giving birth. Most of the time it decreases. This is due to changes in the vegetative nervous system and hormonal background.

Emotional instability

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth can lead to emotional instability, which is manifested by frequent mood swings without any external causes. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. You can notice such manifestations approximately 7-10 days before delivery.

"Nesting Instinct"

Often, before childbirth, the “nesting instinct” is very pronounced, when the expectant mother begins to sew, wash, clean, prepare things for the baby, etc. At the same time, it must be remembered that you should not be on your feet for too long, lift heavy things so as not to endanger yourself and the baby.

Change in fetal activity

3-5 days before birth, the motor activity of the fetus usually also changes. Most of the time, the baby is quiet. The growing child is already cramped in the uterus, and in addition, before childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid which makes it even more difficult to move.

Removal of the mucous plug

One of the important harbingers of childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which often causes concern for expectant mothers, forcing them to urgently apply for medical care. In fact, there is no reason to worry.

The mucus plug is a large amount of thick mucus, usually clear or yellowish in color, sometimes streaked with blood, giving it a pinkish color. It can be released all at once or in several portions. The discharge of the mucous plug can occur both a few hours and a few days before the onset of labor and is a favorable sign of the preparation of the cervix for labor, its softening and "ripening". During pregnancy, the glands of the mucosal canal of the cervix (cervical canal) secrete a special secret. The secret is a sticky, thick, jelly-like mass that forms a kind of cork. The mucous plug completely closes the cervical canal and prevents the penetration of bacteria from the vagina into the uterine cavity. Thus, it protects the fetus from infection. Before childbirth, when under the influence of estrogens the cervix begins to soften, its canal opens slightly, and the mucous plug that fills it can stand out.

After the discharge of the mucous plug, swimming in reservoirs, visiting the pool and in the bath is not recommended, since the risk of infection of the fetus and membranes of the fetal bladder through the ajar cervix increases. During this period, you should limit yourself to a shower.

Harbinger contractions

From the 37-38th week, so-called training contractions appear (they are also called false, precursor or Braxton-Hicks contractions). Their occurrence is explained by an increase in the level of estrogen in the mother's body, as a result of which the uterus becomes more excitable and begins to contract. So she "trains", preparing for the upcoming great job, and her neck softens and shortens. Training contractions are irregular, lasting from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Distinctive feature there are different time intervals between contractions: for example, within one hour there may be several short contractions of the uterus, then the next after an hour, then after 20 minutes. Often training contractions are painless, weak, their nature varies depending on physical activity and body position. These contractions disappear after taking an antispasmodic, and a warm shower can also relieve them. They will neither lengthen nor intensify, and the intervals between contractions will remain uneven. The main difference between training contractions and "real" contractions is that training contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix.

Training or real contractions?

Real labor pains have certain characteristic features. They are regular, repeat at regular intervals, for example, every twenty minutes, and last for twenty seconds. The duration, strength and frequency of labor pains gradually increase. At the same time, the intervals between birth matches are gradually reduced. Contractions that open the cervix are usually more painful than training ones, do not go away from changing the position of the expectant mother's body or a warm shower, taking an antispasmodic, disrupt the normal rhythm of a pregnant woman's life, and do not let her fall asleep.

The expectant mother at the time of the contraction feels tension in the abdomen, which gradually increases, and then gradually subsides. If at this moment a palm is placed on the stomach, it can be noted that the stomach becomes very hard, but after that, the labor pains completely relax and the stomach becomes soft again.