Who is given food in the dairy kitchen. Free food for newborns - who should? Dairy food suppliers

Before 2016, many experts assumed that dairy kitchens in the capital would either be abolished altogether and residents would be provided with appropriate cash benefits, or they would be reorganized and placed at pharmacies. The bills approved by the Department of Health of the capital left dairy kitchens in their original form. They carry out their activities in most cases at children's clinics, while in 2016 their range was significantly expanded.

What and to whom is due in Moscow in 2016

Some believe that only parents with babies can use the services of dairy kitchens, while providing only children's products. Such categories of Moscow residents can receive food in dairy kitchens, such as:

  • disabled people;
  • from 0 to 3 years (previously it was up to 2 years);
  • up to 7 years when living in a large family;
  • up to 15 years in the presence of a disease in a chronic form (for example, hemoblastosis).

Order No. 906 of October 29, 2015 provides (depending on the category) a certain set of products, which for convenience can be presented in the form of a table:

To whom is issued What is issued Volume per month (g/person)
pregnant Milk 9000
pregnant Milk 9000
breastfeeding mothers Milk 12000
Juice enriched with vitamins (at least 2 types) 4290
Children up to 2 months Milk formula (dry) 700
Milk formula (liquid) 4800
Children from 3 to 4 months. (in addition to products for children under 2 months old) fruit juice 1200
Fruit puree 1200
Children 5 months Milk formula (dry) 700
Milk formula (liquid) 4800
Fruit juice (at least 3 types) 1000
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit puree (at least 2 types) 1000
Children 6 months Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Porridge, dry (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit juice (at least 4 types) 1200
Fruit puree (at least 3 types) 1000
Children 7-8 months. Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 1400
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 9-12 months Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Kefir 600
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 1-2 years old 2400
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Children 2-3 years old Specialized baby milk 2000
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit puree (at least 6 types) 1200
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Children with disabilities, as well as children from 3 to 7 years old (up to 15 years old with chronic diseases) Milk 18000

Data as of April 2016
From the table above, it can be seen that the range of products is quite large and includes both milk formulas for very young children, and mashed potatoes, kefir, and cottage cheese for older children. In addition, the legislator provided for the supply of products with the availability of various types of juices and purees, which the supplier determines independently.

Who will supply products for the dairy kitchen in 2016

Among applicants for the supply of products for dairy cuisine, an annual competition is held, the obligatory conditions of which are the availability of certificates for children's products that meet all the requirements of the Customs Union.

According to the results of the competition, the following suppliers were selected for 2016:

  • Agat LLC (complementary foods, juices);
  • OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann (milk and kefir);
  • JSC "Novomilk" (milk and cottage cheese).

Therefore, the cottage cheese supplied by Novomilk JSC will be Krepysh, and the kefir supplied by Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC will be Agusha-1 and Agusha-2. These suppliers are manufacturers, so it was not difficult to determine the type of baby products supplied.

LLC "Agat" is not a manufacturer, but carries out only wholesale trade. It will be impossible to determine which specific canned food, as well as juices, will be supplied. Only the range of types of canned food and juices is known:

  • mashed potatoes with veal, pork, chicken, turkey (meat and vegetable with chicken and beef);
  • puree vegetables such as cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, and squash;
  • puree from the following fruits: apple, apricot, pear, as well as berry-fruit with the addition of currants or blueberries.

Attention! All canned foods provided under the program are supplied without added preservatives and starch.

What is included in the dairy cuisine for pregnant and lactating

The menu of dairy cuisine in the capital for pregnant women and for nursing mothers is juice and milk. The difference lies only in the monthly volumes of products provided. So, for pregnant women with a permanent registration of the norm of products are the following:

Nursing mothers are provided with approximately 1/3 more products, which is 12,000 g and 4,290 g, respectively. Pregnant women receive products from the moment they register with a medical institution and after writing an application for the provision of products within the framework of the project. The distribution of products is carried out throughout the pregnancy.

Procedure for registration of a dairy kitchen: requirements and documents

The recipient of the products must write a personal application. Pregnant and lactating mothers write an application in person and act independently as recipients. If the recipients of dairy products by law are children, regardless of their age, then the application is written by one of the parents or other legal representatives (guardians or adoptive parents).

This application should be sent to the head of the medical institution, on the basis of which the applicant is subsequently included in the lists of persons for the distribution of products free of charge. The organization to which the application is submitted is determined depending on the category of recipients, namely:

  • pregnant women should send an application to the antenatal clinic;
  • parents of children and nursing mothers should apply to the medical institution where the child is observed (as a rule, the clinic at the place of registration).

In addition to the application, documents are attached that confirm the right to receive products from the dairy kitchen. Among these documents are:

In addition, documents are required to establish that a potential recipient of dairy products has a permanent registration in Moscow, since the program in question is valid only for residents of the capital.

Time and rules for issuing children's products in dairy kitchens in Moscow

The order contains a specific time for the issuance of preferential products. So, the operating mode for distribution points is set from 06:30 to 12:00 daily. At the moment, in various districts of the capitals, the distribution of products within the framework of the project is constantly carried out by up to 6 milk distribution points at each children's polyclinic.

Attention! To resolve issues related to the provision of preferential categories with products from dairy cuisine, Moscow residents should contact the Hot Line numbers that work at each children's clinic.

Delivery of goods is carried out on the basis of the relevant prescriptions of doctors. To issue such a prescription, you should come to the doctor's appointment with the child, if the recipient is a child.

Prescriptions for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age are issued within a month from the date of application, for lactating women and children under 3 years of age up to 3 months, for other social categories up to six months.

Will dairy kitchens be cancelled?

This issue has been discussed for a long time not only among recipients of preferential products, but also among legislators. The introduction of anti-crisis measures throughout the country only exacerbates the situation.

It is likely that dairy kitchens will not be completely abolished in the coming years, since the policy of the state is aimed primarily at ensuring a happy childhood. The provision of socially unprotected categories, which include recipients of free products, is an important social guarantee.

Dairy kitchen items began to open in the Moscow region several decades ago. However, still not everyone knows who can use the help of the dairy kitchen. For whom milk distribution points work, what products they give out and how to get a prescription for free food, read the site in the material of the portal.

What is dairy cuisine

Source: mir-tema.ru Dairy cuisine is a measure of state social support designed for families with small children. Citizens who have registered the right to it receive free of charge not only dairy products, but also juices, fruit purees, etc.

Who can get

Source: Press Service of the Khimki Urban District Administration The following categories of citizens can get food in a dairy kitchen in the Moscow Region:

  • pregnant women (from 12 weeks);
  • lactating mothers (six months after childbirth);
  • children from 0 to 3 years old.

All these citizens must be registered in the region and be registered at the place of residence in health care institutions.

How to get a prescription

You can get a prescription for free meals at the local pediatrician, for pregnant women - at the obstetrician-gynecologist. But first you need to apply with an appropriate application (a sample will be given at the clinic) addressed to the head of the medical institution. The application is supported by the following documents:

  • passport of the parent-applicant (photocopy of the page with registration and the page with a photo);
  • birth certificate of the child (photocopy);
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • a document confirming the fact of residence in the territory of the Moscow region.

The conclusion to receive free food assistance is issued based on the results of a medical examination. The term for which the conclusion is drawn up is determined by the doctor, usually for 1 month. However, the prescription can be issued for several months.

Dairy products

The set of products depends on who will receive the food and what is the age of the recipient. Juice and milk are available for pregnant women and nursing mothers, but in varying quantities.

Children up to 2 months old receive only formula milk, and children 3-4 months old plus fruit juice and fruit puree, from 5 months old additionally porridge and vegetable puree. From the age of 7 months, children are also entitled to cottage cheese, meat and meat and vegetable canned food.

For children from 9 months, the proposed list of products also includes kefir. From the age of 1, children receive special baby milk.

A number of innovations were introduced by order of the Department of Health No. 546 dated 06/11/2014. In order not to spread over the tree, I cite as an example an article from the dairynews.ru website, as well as a link to the source.

"In addition to dairy and sour-milk products, the list includes juices, instant cereals, meat, fruit and vegetable purees. Opening hours will increase - they will work from 6:30 to 12 noon daily. However, parents will have to urgently re-register documents.

From July 1, the rules for issuing free meals for children in Moscow are changing - Zelenograd polyclinics are carrying out an urgent re-registration of documents and notifying parents about this, since recipes of a new format will begin to operate in dairy kitchens in July.

The list of beneficiaries who have the right to receive a free set of food products in the dairy kitchen includes (by order of the Metropolitan Department of Health No. 546 dated 06/11/2014): children under 3 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers with children under 6 months of breastfeeding, children under 7 from large families, disabled children under 18, children with certain chronic diseases under 15. Children under 1 year of age are provided with products from the dairy kitchen under the condition of artificial or mixed feeding. A condition for receiving free meals is a Moscow residence permit - however, in the Moscow region, dairy kitchens have long been supplying children under 3 years old and pregnant women.

Children's food sets for different ages now include:

milk formulas (dry and liquid) for children 0-12 months

fruit juice (1-2.4 liters per month) and fruit puree (800-1000g per month) for children from 3 months to 3 years

vegetable puree (1.9 kg per month) and instant porridge (400 g per month) for children from 5-12 months

children's cottage cheese (600 g per month) from 7 months to 2 years

puree meat and meat-vegetable (560g and 1.3 kg per month) for children from 7-12 months

baby yogurt (2 liters per month) for children from 9 months to 2 years

baby milk (2-2.4 liters per month) for children from 1 to 2 years

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can get milk (6 l/month) and fortified juice (about 2.5 l/month) in dairy kitchens.

Suppliers and trademarks of products for dairy kitchens are still unknown - as Zelenograd.ru was told in one of the Zelenograd points, the first delivery of new food packages will take place on July 1. Presumably, these will be children's products from Wimm-bill-dann and Agushi in small packages.

To receive food in the dairy kitchen, all parents need to re-register documents, since recipes of a new format will begin to operate from July. Now Zelenograd polyclinics are making every effort to notify parents about this - 1-2 weeks before July 1, it turned out that they must submit a written application addressed to the head physician and bring a package of documents: photocopies of the child's birth certificate and certificate of registration at the place of residence (according to form No. 8), the compulsory medical insurance policy and the passport of one of the parents. Pregnant women for service in the dairy kitchen should contact the antenatal clinic in which they are observed.

The new rules provide for a more convenient frequency of food distribution - parents will no longer have to go for it every other day: the order recommends giving out perishable foods (liquid mixture, kefir and cottage cheese) once a week, the rest once a month.

Prescriptions for dairy cuisine will now be issued for up to 1 month for children of the first year of life and pregnant women, for up to 3 months - for children 1-3 years old and nursing mothers, for up to 6 months - for special categories of older children. Children's prescriptions will continue to be written by pediatricians, and they are required to do this in the presence of the child and after his examination.

In addition to the advantages, the innovations also have disadvantages: the variety of the free menu and the expansion of the “clientele” of dairy cuisines hit the other end of the volume of familiar products that were paid for by the state and which Muscovite families are already accustomed to. “If earlier there was more than enough dairy products provided by dairy kitchens, and often even leftovers, now it will have to be bought in addition. Baby milk for babies under one year old is no longer allowed, and the favorite delicacy of many babies - a sweet fermented milk mixture - has completely disappeared from the list of products, giving way to a milk mixture. Other complementary foods will also need to be purchased, the only exceptions are porridge and meat - these products will be given out in sufficient quantities. If we compare the old and new food packages in terms of money, then the new set, alas, is much more modest. Is it possible to say that the milk was "cut down"? Perhaps yes, ”conclude portal experts. However, the availability of a varied diet is important for low-income families, and for everyone else in the formation of children's tastes and preferences, the newspaper writes.

Read more on © DairyNews.ru"

I draw your attention to the fact that this applies to both Moscow and the Moscow Region, but there will obviously already have their own rules.

If I find an order from the Metropolitan Department of Health, I'll post it.

Who is eligible for free meals?

The following privileged categories of citizens who are residents of the city of Moscow have the right to receive a free set of food products in the dairy kitchen (in this context, read "registered in the city of Moscow"):

  • children under the age of 1 (one) year, provided they are on mixed or artificial feeding;
  • children aged from 1 (one) to 3 (three) years;
  • children from large families who have not reached the age of 7;
  • disabled children;
  • children under the age of 15 with the following chronic diseases: chronic glomerulonephritis, malignant neoplasms, hemoblastoses.
  • pregnant women;
  • lactating mothers, until the child reaches six months, provided that the child is breastfed.

If a child under three years of age has the right to a free supply of food on the basis of a doctor's opinion on several grounds, food is provided according to age.

If the child is found breastfed up to six months, the right to a free food holiday is granted breastfeeding mother only.

The procedure for issuing free meals

To be included in the lists of recipients of free food according to the opinion of doctors, in the name of the leader medical organization (the application is written in the approved form):

For children under 3 years old parents (legal representatives) of children submit a written application at the place of observation of the child, in the name of the head of a medical organization that includes a milk distribution point.

Pregnant women in the antenatal clinic at the place of observation for pregnancy, in the name of the head of a medical organization that has a milk distribution point, taking into account the territorial principle of servicing a antenatal clinic.

breastfeeding mothers make a written statement at the place of observation of the child, in the name of the head of a medical organization that includes a milk distribution point.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

For women - photocopies of passport pages with a photo and the "place of residence" page

For children under the age of three:

  • photocopy;
  • photocopy;
  • photocopy (compulsory health insurance);
  • photocopy of the identity document of one of the parents of the child (passport).

For children from large families under the age of 7, disabled children, children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases - the documents indicated above for children under the age of three and a photocopy of documents confirming that the child is classified as a privileged category. Such a document is a certificate of a large family of the city of Moscow, a certificate of medical and social expertise, a medical certificate of the presence of a chronic disease.

The issuance of a conclusion for the free distribution of food products is carried out based on the results of a medical examination and is recorded in the medical documentation:

  • Pregnant women - an obstetrician-gynecologist in the "Individual Pregnancy Card" (form No. 111/U);
  • Children - by the local pediatrician in the "History of the development of the child" (in the form No. 112 / U);

How often do you need to write a prescription?

A prescription for free meals is issued for a period of:

  • up to one month - for children of the first year of life and pregnant women,
  • up to three months - for children aged from one to three years and nursing mothers,
  • up to six months - children from large families, children with disabilities, children with chronic conditions under the age of 15

Dairy kitchens at children's clinics must now give out free meals daily from 6:30 to 12:00 (previously, dairy kitchens worked until 10 am).

Dairy food suppliers

tender for the supply juice products for pregnant women and nursing mothers in 2014, LLC PROGRESS, a company that produces baby food FrutoNyanya and baby food Malysham, won in 2014 through Moscow milk distribution points. A contract with all districts of Moscow (including Troitsky and Novomoskovsk) for the supply of non-concentrated mixtures of fruit juices has already been concluded.

tender for the supply complementary foods and meals(canned meat, fruit and vegetable and fruit homogenized; vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures) was won by the Agat company, the main activity of which is the wholesale trade in food products. Since this is not a manufacturer of baby food, it is not possible to say which company will supply food and complementary foods.

Tender for an additional purchase for the supply of dairy products(milk, kefir, cottage cheese) is not yet completed. The winner in the tender purchase is planned to be determined on 10.07.2014. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the dairy products issued in the dairy kitchens will remain "Agusha" for the time being.

Supply dry adapted milk formula for children will be carried out by the company ROAO "Moskva Zlatoglavaya", which produces dry milk-based baby food "MIKAMILK" and "LVISHKA".

In almost every developed country there is such a thing as a dairy kitchen. Russia is no exception. This unit is intended for families with small children (up to two or three years old) and is a form of assistance from the state. The composition of the issued dairy products may vary depending on the city. But in order to receive such state assistance, you need to collect the necessary list of documents and go through a certain procedure, which will be discussed below.

Like any state aid, in order to receive dairy products from the kitchen, you need to collect a certain list of documents.

The following documentation is required to process meals in a dairy kitchen:

  • a statement written in the name of the head physician of the designated medical institution to which you are applying for meals;
  • certificate of average family income;
  • the applicant's internal passport;
  • a copy of the certificate registering the fact of the birth of the child;
  • a certificate issued by a children's clinic confirming the transfer from breastfeeding or artificial to mixed feeding of a newborn;
  • a certificate giving information on the number and composition of registered persons in the place of residence of the applicant;
  • a certificate that is issued upon registration of a person at the place of arrival (when issuing a certificate of average family income);
  • certificate, with information on family income for the last three months. It should include the following information: salary, pension, alimony, unemployment benefit, scholarships, etc.;
  • work book (copy) or employment contract. This document is needed in the case when an able-bodied family member is not currently working;
  • documentation confirming the lack of income (for example, the lack of payment of various benefits, scholarships, limited working capacity, etc.);
  • certificate of registered marriage or divorce thereof (copy);
  • certificate of the appointment of alimony (which are received and paid);
  • a written statement from one of the guardians or parents confirming that there is no previous permission to receive free dairy products;
  • a prescription issued by a local pediatrician, which makes it possible to receive free milk baby food. A prescription is issued only if the parents came to the appointment with the baby, otherwise the doctor cannot prescribe it (although this fact depends on the region). The prescription is issued for a month and contains information about the quantities and composition of the dairy products received;
  • a medical policy for a child on his compulsory insurance;
  • a certificate confirming the registration of the newborn at the place of residence of his parents;
  • documents that may be the basis for issuing free milk meals: a certificate confirming that the family has many children, a child has a disability or chronic illness, etc.

Registration stages

Registration of this state aid is possible in several places (it all depends on the need and the situation in which it is issued).

Stages of dairy kitchen design:

  • Finding out if this service is available in your city. Information is issued by the Department of Health;
  • contacting your child's pediatrician for a prescription required in the kitchen. The prescription number is entered into the child's card. The prescription must be taken every month, and before the 25th;
  • after that, you need to collect the remaining documents and submit them to the food outlet at the place of residence. You can receive the ordered dairy products within ten days from the date of registration.

The norm of issuance in the usual case is once every two days, and in the case of prescribing only milk, you need to receive food once every five days.

The delivery of food is carried out only during strictly defined hours of operation of milk. They usually work from early morning, even on holidays and weekends.

Orders in the kitchen, depending on the area, can vary greatly. So, in some regions, dairy products can be issued only to the parent who issued the permit (issuance to other persons is possible only with a written power of attorney), in others - to relatives or even acquaintances.

Who needs dairy

Before ordering this assistance, you need to find out if you are eligible for it.

The list of persons who are entitled to this state assistance may vary depending on the region of the country.

In an approximate form, the list of persons who are entitled to free milk meals includes;

  • newborn children up to a year in case of combined or artificial feeding;
  • children in the age range from one to two;
  • children who belong to a large family (up to seven years old);
  • disabled children under 15 years of age;
  • pregnant women. In this situation, the conclusion on the issuance of milk nutrition is drawn up by the doctor of the antenatal clinic who leads the pregnancy;
  • lactating women until the newborn reaches six months of age.

It is legally established that only one of the parents / guardians is entitled to receive permission for free meals for newborns and children of the second year of life in the following situations:

  • for a newborn (up to a year old), parents are eligible whose average per capita family income does not exceed two living wages in size (calculated per capita);
  • for children in the age range from one to two years with an average per capita family income of parents that does not exceed one living wage (calculated per capita).

Children over the age of two are generally not eligible for free meals. However, in some regions exceptions are allowed (for example, in Moscow). Therefore, such opportunities should be additionally learned directly on the ground.

All children can be fed, regardless of diet, health and most medical conditions.

In addition to the above requirements for recipients, a mandatory medical opinion is required to apply for this type of assistance.

Getting a prescription

In this section, we will consider in more detail the moment of receipt of the recipe. As already noted, it is prescribed by the local pediatrician. The doctor draws up a prescription based on the child's indicators: weight, height, health status and nutritional characteristics.

To obtain a prescription, you must provide a certificate confirming the appropriate average per capita income for the specified family, as well as information about the composition of the family.

The prescription is issued to the applicant on the same day that the application was made.

After the prescription has been written out, the registration of this assistance can be considered almost complete.

What food is served in the kitchen?

The norm that determines the issuance of milk nutrition is calculated by local governments. They also regulate the procedure for its registration and determine the organization that will deal with its issuance.

The range of products offered in dairy kitchens may vary depending on the region.

List of offered products:

  • fermented milk mixtures (200 ml each);
  • milk (200 ml each);
  • kefir (200 ml each);
  • cottage cheese (50 g each);
  • dry mix (500 g each).

The composition of the issued dairy products depends on the recipe, which was issued by the district pediatrician based on the child's vital signs, his age and nutritional needs.

To receive state assistance in the form of a special milk allowance for a child, you need to go through a certain procedure and collect a list of necessary documents. The composition of the milk allowance is determined only by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of a newborn or a child up to two or three years old. Eating dairy products will help your baby grow up healthy and strong.


Dairy cuisine, as a measure of social assistance, did not remain in the distant Soviet past, but exists on the territory Russian Federation still. In accordance with federal legislation, this program is financed from regional budgets, so it is at the local level that a decision is made on which benefit group is entitled to free distribution of baby milk and what are the norms for issuing special nutrition.

Who is eligible for free dairy kitchen?

Throughout Russia, the following groups of the population have the right to receive milk on a free basis:

  • babies under one year old who eat artificial mixtures or receive a combined diet;
  • children from a year up to the age of three;
  • preschool children up to the age of seven from families with many children;
  • disabled children until the age of fifteen.

Expectant mothers and women who feed their children with breast milk have the right to receive special milk until the child is six months old.

If a child who was left without parental care had the right to receive special milk, the right can be transferred to his guardians.

To receive milk, you must first take a doctor's note who observes a pregnant woman in a antenatal clinic, or at a pediatrician who observes children. The standard diet of a dairy kitchen includes milk mixtures in dry and liquid form, cereals, mashed vegetables and fruits, as well as juices.

Children under three years of age are provided milk, kefir, cottage cheese And puree from fruits. Children from nursery group to fifteen years old are issued only milk. Expectant mothers and women during lactation receive milk and fortified juices.

Required documents for attachment

In order to be able to receive special milk, it is necessary to write a request to the head doctor of the institution where the applicant is observed, which can be a future or nursing mother, children from birth to fifteen years old, depending on the benefit group, guardians and trustees. A whole package of additional documents must be attached to the application:

  • an identity document of the applicant;
  • Certificate of non-receipt of milk nutrition in another institution
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • documents granting the right to receive dairy cuisine free of charge.

The last type of documents includes the conclusion of the medical commission, which confirms the baby's disability, the presence of pathologies in the chronic course, the need for special nutrition, etc. If free meals are issued for members of large families, this fact must also be confirmed by a certificate of family composition. A doctor writes out a prescription for special milk, without this document it is impossible to receive this social assistance.

Registration for the dairy kitchen through the State Services

Sign up for dairy cuisine through the portal public services only those users who have completely completed the registration procedure and confirmed their account will be able to, since this service will not be available for simplified accounts. After authorization on the portal in the catalog of services in your personal account, you need to select " Feeding pregnant women breastfeeding mothers and children under the age of three.