What mixture of goat milk. Children's dairy mixes on goat's milk. What is the best goat milk formula?

The choice of a quality mixture is one of the important moments in the life of a newborn. The product should not only satisfy hunger, but also saturate the child's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals; contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process; be tasty and not cause digestive problems. This is exactly what the Kabrita mixture is, reviews say that it rarely provokes an allergic reaction and prevents colic.


The Kabrita mixture, whose composition is distinguished by nutritional value, contains all the substances necessary for the development and growth of the baby. And if it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, then you can replace mother's milk with this product. The mixture is well absorbed by the child's body, contains natural and high-quality goat's milk.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which the DigestX complex stands out, which includes natural oils (rapeseed, palm, sunflower). The mixture contains goat whey protein concentrate, skimmed goat milk powder and whole goat milk powder. It includes corn starch, as well as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides. The mixture is enriched with minerals. It has added fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid from the omega-3 class. The product also contains arachidonic acid, vitamins, taurine. "Cabrita" includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.

It should be noted that the DigestX complex in the composition of the mixture recreates the structure of breast milk. It improves the digestion process and prevents constipation. Promotes rapid absorption of calcium. Stimulates energy exchange. Prebiotics in the form of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and galactooligosaccharides (GOS) together with live bacteria Bifidobacterium BB-12 strengthen the immune system. Nucleotides are involved in metabolic processes, perform the functions of bioregulators. Omega-3 and Omega-6 have a positive effect on the brain and vision.

Kabrita product range

Under the Kabrita brand, goat milk porridges are also produced for the first complementary foods. So, the produced mixture is divided into three types:

  • "Cabrita-1" - for children from 0 to 6 months.
  • "Cabrita-2" - for babies from 6 to 12 months.
  • "Cabrita-3" - for children older than a year.

Kabrita baby cereals (goat milk is the main component here) are divided into four types:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • buckwheat with apple and apricot;
  • seven-grain porridge with a banana.

All of them are instant, when preparing them, it is enough to pour warm water. Saturate the child's body with useful substances and energy. Does not contain whole milk, sugar, salt, artificial and flavoring additives.

Positive sides

The Kabrita Gold line is a modern mixture of goat milk. Contains the necessary substances for the full development of the baby.

The product contains an adapted protein component, individually selected for each age category, which eliminates constipation and other digestive tract disorders that occur during the transition to artificial feeding. So, the ratio of whey protein and casein is presented in mixtures as follows:

  • "Cabrita-1" - 60% whey protein and 40% casein.
  • "Cabrita-2" - 47% whey protein and 53% casein.
  • "Cabrita-3" - 37% whey protein and 63% casein.

The mixture is well tolerated and digestible. It contains less αs1-casein protein and more β-casein protein. The first complicates the process of assimilation of milk and its digestion.

Complex Digest stimulates the process of digestion. It has a positive effect on energy exchange. Improves absorption of calcium. Prevents constipation and softens the stool. DHA/ω-3 and ARA/ω-6 have a positive effect on brain development and improve vision. Nucleotides provide a good immune response, act as the main tissue for DNA and RNA. They play a major role in the process of energy exchange. They enter into synthesis with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prebiotics and probiotics strengthen the immune system. Supports healthy intestinal microflora.

The mixture has a mild creamy taste that children love. All components are balanced and satisfy the physiological needs of babies aged from one to three years. Ideal for children with cow's milk protein. Does not contain maltodexin, sugar, artificial additives and colors.

Cooking method

Infant formula "Cabrita" is prepared immediately before feeding the child and in the norms indicated in the table.

To obtain one hundred grams of the mixture, you need three without the top of a dry product (this is about 13.5 g), pour 90 g of boiled water. Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Sterilize the bottle and nipple by boiling for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the desired volume of water at a temperature of 40 ° C into the container.
  4. Pour the required amount of dry product into the water.
  5. Close the bottle and mix everything (shake the container vigorously).

When preparing the mixture, you must follow the instructions indicated on the jar. The remains of the finished product are not subject to storage and subsequent use.

Cannot be used for cooking for baby:

  • unboiled water;
  • unsterilized nipples and bottles;
  • expired product;
  • mixture after improper storage and transportation.

After opening, the packaging should be used within a month and stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C.

Indications for the introduction of a mixture of goat's milk

The Kabrita mixture (reviews note that the crumbs eat it with pleasure) is well absorbed by the children's body. Suitable for babies with intolerance to cow's milk protein and often spitting up after feeding, as well as those with low anti-reflux properties. It has a delicate texture that does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is quickly absorbed by the child's body. The mixture stimulates the digestion process, removes constipation and helps to cope with diarrhea, colic and bloating.


The Kabrita product contains not only nucleotides and prebiotics, but also probiotics, or "live" dairy cultures. On the one hand, they have a positive effect on the immune system, and on the other hand, they inhibit the formation of the natural intestinal microflora.

As with cow, they can cause allergies, since beta-casein is an animal protein. In case of an allergic reaction to proteins, special hypoallergenic products should be chosen. In this case, the selection of food for the crumbs should be handled by specialists.

And yet, which is better - "Nanny" or "Cabrita"?

There are many mixtures on the market, but the most popular with goat milk are "Nanny" and "Cabrita". They contain only casein proteins. Both the first and second companies produce mixtures for the following age categories: for children aged 0-6 months, from 6 to 12 months, over twelve months. The first mix has a 'Nanny Classic' variant which is for babies from 0 to 12 months old.

Both mixtures are adapted and as close as possible to natural nutrition in their composition. Made from goat's milk with reduced protein content. Nanny uses only goat milk powder, and the mixture is considered casein (ratio - 20/80), and Kabrita uses partially skimmed milk and goat whey protein concentrate with a casein index of 60/40.

In the manufacture of the mixture, the structure of goat's milk changes. Most of it is replaced by vegetable oils and fish oil, but it is natural fats that give the result when processing the food eaten in the intestines. So, in "Cabrite" there are fewer such components than in "Nanny".

The development of mental abilities and the formation of the nervous system are affected by polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it is important that mixtures contain them. Also, products for children should contain arachidic and docosahexaenoic acids, which play an important role in the formation of the central nervous system and the retina of the eye. Both mixtures meet these requirements.

Many experts advise against buying baby food containing palm oil. In "Nanny" it is not, while "Cabrita" contains this component. Both mixtures contain a vitamin-mineral complex that meets all the needs of the child's body, but there is less iron in Karbit than in Nanny.

The Nanny Classic mixture also does not contain nucleotides and prebiotics, unlike Nanny-1,2 and Kabrita-1,2,3, which contain them. Nucleotides are involved in strengthening the immune system, and prebiotics maintain the stability of the intestinal microflora. Such mixtures are not given to children suffering from diarrhea.

Kabrita, unlike Nanny, contains a probiotic. These are live bifidobacteria plus a prebiotic. Such a composition has a beneficial effect not only on the intestinal microflora, but also on immunity, but at the same time can have a negative impact on the formation of one's own intestinal microflora.

Both mixtures are expensive and not easy to find in a regular store.


The Kabrita mixture (the price makes the product unaffordable for many mothers) is packaged in jars of 400 and 800 g. for the bank. This is an expensive and high-quality mixture.

Cow's milk is the basis of most infant formulas. However, there is a group of infant formulas, small in terms of brand diversity, that are produced not on cow's milk, but on goat's milk. Goat milk formulas are adapted milk formulas designed to feed healthy babies. They do not apply to specialized mixtures used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Depending on the composition, two types of mixtures are distinguished: mixtures based on whole goat milk and mixtures based on demineralized goat milk whey.

Important! Mixtures based on goat's milk do not belong to and can cause allergic reactions.

Milk mixture "Nanny" on whole goat milk

This mixture is produced by Bibikol (New Zealand). Depending on the degree of adaptation, 4 types of mixtures are produced: It is the only formula containing whole goat's milk in the composition. Like cow's milk, this milk contains more casein than whey proteins, so "Nanny" is a casein-dominant blend (20/80 ratio of whey proteins and casein). Such a ratio is allowed by the technical regulation TR CU 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products" for adapted milk formulas.

The manufacturer substantiates its position on the use of whole goat milk by the peculiarities of the breed and nutrition of New Zealand goats, and therefore, their milk in terms of the composition of protein fractions becomes very close to human milk. Due to this, it is not necessary to introduce milk whey into the mixture to reduce the allergenicity of the protein, and the milk retains more beneficial properties, as it undergoes less processing. The use of whole goat milk keeps the milk fat in the mix, containing easily digestible medium-chain and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which, according to the manufacturer, are especially abundant in New Zealand goat fat. But since goat's milk does not contain all the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids, marine fish fats are used as their source. In addition, goat milk fat allows you to completely eliminate palm oil as a source of palmitic acid.

Important! Nanny Blend is a blend based on whole goat milk without palm oil.

According to the carbohydrate component, the Nanny mixture is not much different from other adapted mixtures. Since both cow's and goat's milk contain less lactose than human milk, it is additionally added. In addition, the mixture of Nanny Classic, Nanny 2 and Nanny 3 contains maltodextrin. The use of whole goat milk preserves the nucleotides naturally present in it, which does not require their artificial introduction. Goat milk already contains quite a lot of taurine, so less is required. Nanny 1 and Nanny 2 mixtures contain prebiotics necessary for the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora. According to parents, children like these mixtures, they help normalize stools and reduce them, and also rarely cause allergic reactions. The price for 400 g of the mixture is 1332 rubles.

Goat milk whey mixtures

There are three trademarks on the modern market: Mamako, Kabrita and MD Mil SP Goat. The basis of the protein component of such mixtures is the whey of goat milk, thanks to the introduction of which it becomes possible to maintain the ratio of whey proteins and casein as in human milk. The fat component is fundamentally no different from that in conventional mixtures, as it is represented by a mixture of vegetable fats, and goat milk fat is found in trace amounts. All mixtures contain nucleotides, prebiotics and a vitamin-mineral complex that provides the child's needs for trace elements and vitamins.


Produced by ILAS S.A. (Spain). Depending on the degree of adaptation, 3 types of mixtures are produced: "Mamako-1" (0-6 months), "Mamako-2" (6-12 months), "Mamako-3 with bifidobacteria" (from one year).

"Mamako-1"(0-6 months), 400 g. The ratio of whey proteins and casein is 50/50. The carbohydrate component is represented by maltodextrin and lactose. Prebiotics, nucleotides. Price 1060 rubles.

"MD Mil SP Goat"

Produced under the trademark MD (Switzerland and Spain). Depending on the degree of adaptation, 3 types of mixtures are produced: "MD Mil SP Goat-1" (0-6 months), "MD Mil SP Goat-2" (6-12 months), "MD Mil SP Goat-3" (from one year).

"MD Mil SP Goat-1"(0-6 months), 400 g. The ratio of whey proteins and casein is 60/40. The carbohydrate component is represented by lactose. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 acids is 7:1. The osmolality of the product is as low as possible compared to other goat milk formulas. Prebiotics, nucleotides. Price 1379 p.


Produced by Hyproka (Holland). Depending on the degree of adaptation, 3 types of mixtures are produced: Kabrita Gold-1 (0-6 months), Kabrita Gold-2 (6-12 months), Kabrita Gold-3 (from one year).

"Cabrita Gold-1"(0-6 months), 800 g. The ratio of whey proteins and casein is 60/40. The carbohydrate component is represented by lactose and modified starch. The composition includes easily digestible β-palmitate. Prebiotics, nucleotides, probiotics. Price 1150 r.

When is the best time to choose goat milk formulas?

  • as an alternative to conventional formulas based on cow's milk;
  • for feeding healthy children who have a predisposition to food allergies to cow's milk proteins (the father or mother has an allergy);
  • if the child has digestive problems (frequent regurgitation, constipation).

It is not recommended to give a mixture of goat's milk to a child with lactase deficiency, due to the rather high content of lactose compared to low-lactose mixtures (no more than 10 g per 1 liter of the mixture). The minimum content of lactose contains the mixture "MD Mil SP Goat-1" (49 g per 1 liter of the mixture).

Read more about and mixtures in these articles.

Goat's milk formulas have several advantages over cow's milk formulas.

  1. Due to the special composition of the protein fractions of goat milk, under the action of gastric juice, a more delicate clot is formed, which is easier and faster to digest.
  2. The composition of goat's and cow's milk proteins differs from each other, so there is a possibility that in case of intolerance to cow's milk protein, there will be no allergy to goat's milk. Formula manufacturer Nanny believes that adding whole goat's milk further reduces the chances of an allergic reaction.
  3. Due to the content of whole goat's milk, the "Nanny" mixture forms smaller fat droplets, which increases the digestibility of the product. Other mixtures based on goat's milk do not have this property, since they practically do not contain milk fat.
  4. Mixtures have a pleasant creamy taste.

How to switch to goat milk formula

  1. The mixture is introduced into the first feeding on an empty stomach in a volume of 10 ml.
  2. In the event that digestion remains normal and no manifestations of allergy appear, an even larger volume of the mixture is introduced for the next morning feeding.
  3. The volume of the mixture is increased in such a way that already on the third day it was possible to proceed to the gradual replacement of the second feeding.
  4. By the end of the week, goat's milk formula should be the main component of the baby's diet.

Can goat milk be used instead of formula

The use of goat's milk from the first days of a child's life instead of a mixture is not desirable, since it is not fully adapted to the needs of a growing organism. This is understandable, because goat's milk is intended for a goat, and not for a human child. Goat milk differs from human milk in a number of ways:

In this regard, giving goat's milk instead of a mixture is not recommended. Like most non-adapted mixtures, it should be administered no earlier than 9 months.

In contact with

Faced with the need to choose the right food for the baby, parents have to choose an adapted formula. Among the entire range, products based on goat milk should be singled out separately. What properties do they have, what are their benefits and when are they recommended for feeding a baby?

Application features

  • They are not curative. They are recommended for feeding babies from birth.
  • Their taste is pleasant, delicate and creamy.

Why is goat's milk better than cow's?

The main difference is the absence of cow's milk proteins. Since the structure of proteins from goat milk is completely different, these mixtures can be used in case of allergy to conventional adapted mixtures.

With a mild allergy to cow's milk, replacing the baby's diet with a mixture of goat's milk will eliminate bloating and other digestive disorders, as well as a rash. At the same time, goat milk mixtures are not classified as hypoallergenic, since the proteins in them can also cause an allergic reaction. That is why the change should be done gradually and very carefully.

In the stomach, the goat's milk mixture turns into a loose clot, which is easier to digest than a very dense clot formed by cow's milk proteins, and also does not irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, they are recommended for children who have frequent regurgitation.

With digestive problems, mixtures based on goat's milk can be a real salvation.


  • Goat's milk is very similar to breast milk, especially in the composition of the fat component.
  • The fat in this type of milk is represented by smaller droplets of fat than in milk from a cow.
  • The use of such milk helps to heal wounds and get rid of infections.
  • Goat milk is high in calcium, a mineral important for building bones.
  • Probiotics and nucleotides are added to the goat milk mixture for greater benefit, which increase the immunity of the crumbs.

Harm and disadvantages

  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Compared to adapted cow milk formulas, the cost of goat milk products is higher.
  • According to the ratio of protein fractions, goat's milk (like milk from a cow) is classified as a casein product, and women's milk contains more albumins (whey proteins).
  • Due to the excess content of phosphorus and calcium in milk from goats, the production of mixtures from it provides for an artificial correction of the mineral composition.

Overview and comparison

Not so long ago, the Russian market for goat milk mixtures was represented by only two brands - the New Zealand Nanny and the mixture from the Spanish manufacturer MD mil Kozochka. Since 2012, Spanish-made Dutch mixes Kabrita and Mamako have been sold in the country.

Nanny mixes were the first to be sold in Russia. They are made from whole goat milk and are represented by 4 types for different ages. A mixture of "classic" is fed to a child from 0 to 12 months. Since 2007, MD mil Goat, which is made from skimmed goat's milk, has been imported into the country. They are represented by a mixture of 1 (for babies under six months old), 2 (for babies from 6 to 12 months old) and 3 (for babies over a year old).

Kabrita blends have appeared on the Russian market since 2012. They are represented by the same age range as MD mil Goat. Mamako mixtures appeared later than the others - in 2013 and are not yet widely known.



Nanny 1

MD mil SP Goat 1

Kabrita 1

Mamako 1

Whey protein to casein ratio


Up to 290-320 mOsm/kg

310 mOsm/kg

278 mOsm/kg

310 mOsm/kg

320 mOsm/kg

The ratio of fatty acids Omega6 to Omega3

8:1 up to 4 months, 7:1 over 4 months

Calcium in 100 ml mixture

Vegetable oils

Sunflower, rapeseed, coconut

Palm, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower

Soy, palm, sunflower

Palm, rapeseed, sunflower

Palm oil









modified starch








Arachidonic acid



In Nannie's mixtures, the ratio of whey proteins and casein is increased towards casein, which prevents the development of constipation. However, in this parameter, it is significantly inferior to human milk and other mixtures from goat milk. Also feature is the absence of palm oil. The lactose content is reduced.

MD mil Goat

The advantage of the MD mil Goat mixture is the absence of starch, due to which the digestion of such a product does not lead to bloating and colic. In addition, it has the lowest osmolality, so it does not burden the intestines and kidneys of the baby. According to the ratio of omega fatty acids, it is as close as possible to mother's milk. She also wins in terms of lactose content.

In children with allergic reactions to cow's milk protein and soy, the use of a traditional complex of specialized products does not always work well. In such cases, it is important to replace them with other foods that do not cause manifestations of intolerance and at the same time ensure adequate mental and physical development of the child. Goat milk formula may be the solution.
In recent years, scientific confirmation has been received that goat's milk has a composition that promotes better absorption of proteins, fats, and micronutrients. This makes it possible to use milk formulas based on goat's milk for the dietary nutrition of healthy children and as the main food, if the mother does not have or does not have enough milk, and an allergic reaction has appeared on the cow protein of the previously prescribed mixture.

What is their difference from other adapted mixtures?:

The main whey protein is represented in them by alpha- and gamma-lactalbumins, while in cow's milk it is beta-globulins.
A special form of casein promotes the formation of a delicate food clot and better digestion of proteins.  
The amino acid profile is close to that of breast milk.
Small fat globules are better absorbed.
A higher content of medium-chain fatty acids, which can be absorbed even without the participation of bile acids, improves the "nutrition" of enterocytes and promotes the transport of nutrients through the basolateral membrane.
Contains lysozyme, more growth factors, nucleotides.
The lactose content is lower than in cow's and even breast milk.

Infant formulas based on goat's milk are recommended for underweight as a supplement to breast milk or an adapted mixture, and they are also prescribed for skin and gastrointestinal manifestations of allergy to cow's milk protein. A mixture of goat's milk is not an option in case of sensitization to its protein or lactase deficiency in a child.  

Please note that although this product is close in composition to mother's milk, it does not fully correspond to it in many ways. In addition to goat's milk, it contains more than half of the artificial ingredients, and only in the Nenny mixture is their exact content indicated.

Analysis of the composition of existing mixtures:

"Nanny" - low adapted goat milk mixture (46% of the total composition) for children from birth. Made in New Zealand. It is a casein formula (casein / albumin - 80:20), enriched with taurine, carnitine, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Marking "1" means that the food is intended for babies up to 6 months, "2" - the second half of the year of life. "Golden Goat" is recommended for children older than a year. "Amalthea" - instant fortified goat's milk for babies after 3 years. The same 1-2-3 age formula applies to the rest of the mixtures.

It should be noted that the casein proportion in this mixture is almost the opposite of that in a woman's milk. The high content of "heavy" casein can lead to metabolic disorders and the possible development of obesity already in childhood. Milk mixtures on goat milk "MD mil SP goat" "Cabrita" and "Mamako" in this regard, they are more adapted to breast milk.
The higher bioavailability of goat milk lipids loses its significance in mixtures. In order to bring the product closer to breast milk in terms of this indicator, it is simply removed during production from primary raw materials. Polyunsaturated fatty acids from the fat of cod fish species, necessary for the proper development of the nervous tissue, visual and auditory analyzer, are added to the mixture in the optimal ratio. Most of all it is aged in the mixture "MD mil SP goat".

The content of palmitic fatty acid is also important, namely its beta fraction (the same contains human milk). It is a plastic building material for all body tissues. In the Kabrita mixture, it is present, in Nanny it is not at all, and in the rest it is in an unfavorable position for assimilation.

When choosing infant formula with goat milk, pay attention to the content of the prebiotic complex. This component of the mixture contributes to regular gentle bowel movements. It is better to choose a mixture with a prebiotic with a tendency to constipation, and without it - with frequent loose stools. The manufacturer usually indicates the presence of this component in the name.
The carbohydrate composition of the mixtures: lactose and maltodextrin. The addition of maltodextrin makes the mixture easier to digest, helping to create a feeling of satiety. It contains the brands "Nanny", "MD mil SP goat" and "Mamako". The mineral, vitamin and nucleotide ratio of all presented mixtures complies with international standards.

Goat milk mixture: reviews of mothers:

Replacing the traditional cow's milk formula with this product greatly improves the condition of children with indigestion associated with cow's milk protein intolerance. It has also been observed that when adding a mixture based on goat's milk to the main diet for underweight children, body weight gradually returns to normal.

Better bioavailability of proteins and fats, minerals and vitamins, saturation with growth factors and medium chain triglycerides contributes to the speedy recovery of intestinal enterocytes. May be used for mild lactase deficiency.

"Cons": this is a high-tech product and its cost significantly hits the pocket of parents. In addition, to find a mixture - you still have to try. Food allergies most often occur to casein. The properties of this protein in goat's milk, although more favorable, can still cause an allergic reaction. The percentage of its content in mixtures is much much overestimated.
And most importantly, not a single mixture can replace the priceless mother's milk. And even the most adapted goat milk mixtures cannot be compared with its truly miraculous qualities.

As you know, the best way to feed a small child is breast milk. But sometimes it happens that for some reason a young mother is not able to breastfeed her child. What to do then?

The answer to this question is quite simple. In order to replace the baby's mother's milk, it is necessary to use special mixtures. And at this stage, a rather difficult question arises: what kind of mixture to choose for your child?

Recently, there has been more and more talk about goat's milk. After all, it has a fairly wide therapeutic spectrum. Since goat's milk helps to normalize the work of the stomach, helps to restore vision, restores the body after diathesis, and of course it affects the increase in hemoglobin.

As you know, most of the infant formulas are made on the basis of the usual cow's milk. But if you try, you can find a mixture of goat's milk. designed exclusively for feeding perfectly healthy babies. Please note that goat milk mixtures are not medicinal. There are two types of milk based goat milk nutrition: mixtures based on whey from goat milk and of course based on the so-called whole milk.

Why is goat's milk healthier than cow's?

One of the main differences between the most useful milk - goat, oddly enough, is the absence of proteins in the most common cow's milk. In this regard, nutrition based on such milk can be consumed even if the baby has allergies.

Also, an important priority of goat's milk is an easier perception of it by the child's stomach. That is why goat milk mixtures are most often recommended for those children who spit up more often than necessary.

In which case is it better to choose mixtures based on goat's milk?

  • As a replacement for the usual mixtures.
  • If your baby has ventricular problems.
  • If you are allergic to the so-called cow protein.

baby food rating

Mixture based on whole goat milk "Nanny"

This mixture is made exclusively in New Zealand, by Bibikol. This holding produces only four levels of food adaptation for children (“Nanny Classic” - from 0 to 12 months, “Nanny-1” - from 0 to 6 months, “Nanny-2” - from 6 to 12 months, “Nanny-3 "- from 1 year).

Remember that only this mixture is based on whole goat's milk. This company produces infant formula based on a ratio of 20% so-called whey proteins and 80% casein. The holding substantiates its clear position by the fact that the milk of a special breed of goats is used in the process of making the mixture. Because their milk is quite similar to normal breast milk. Therefore, manufacturers do not have to additionally add whey so that the milk retains as many useful properties as possible.

Also pay attention to the fact that due to the use of whole milk in the mixture, milk fats are fully preserved. In addition, thanks to the use of goat fat, there is absolutely no need to use palm oils.

Based on the so-called carbohydrate component, Nanny infant formula has absolutely no distinctive features compared to other mixtures. Compared to women's milk, goat's milk contains a significantly lower amount of lactose, so it must be added additionally.

Goat milk whey mixtures

As far as whey-based formulas are concerned, there are currently only three brands of baby food on the market. The fundamental component of such mixtures is the so-called whey from goat's milk.

Thanks to the use of this whey in baby food, it becomes as close as possible to breastfeeding.


This brand of baby food has the highest level of osmolality. Despite the fact that this option is the most accessible. In this brand of mixture, the level of nucleotides is significantly increased.


Karbita - baby food based on goat's milk
One of the main benefits of the Kabrita blend is a sort of different ratio of casein to whey. It is this indicator that contributes to a much better digestion process. Also, the presence of prebiotics cannot be discounted.

As a result of the fact that this mixture does not include maltodextrin, therefore it can be given to children with diabetes.

MD mil Goat

MD mil Goat - baby food based on goat milk
One of the main advantages of this mixture is that there is no starch in it at all. It is thanks to this that after taking the mixture, the child will not experience bloating and, of course, colic. Also, this mixture does not load the small ventricle, since the level of osmolality is significantly reduced in it. This brand of baby food is as similar as possible to mother's breast milk.

Choice of baby food

Criteria for choosing baby food based on goat's milk:

  • First of all, you need to buy infant formula based on the age of the child.
  • You can not ignore the composition of baby food.
  • You should also pay attention to the expiration date.
  • If you choose a mixture for a child who is under half a year old, then the composition of the mixture must include taurine, nucleotides, polyunsaturated acids and iodine.
  • The best option would be to find out the doctor's recommendations regarding the choice of baby food. Since nutrition is a very important moment in the upbringing of a small child, this process must be taken seriously.

Benefits of goat milk

Superiority of goat's milk infant formula compared to cow's milk formulas

  • Due to the fact that the composition of such mixtures includes the so-called special protein fractions, goat's milk is much easier to digest in the baby's body.
  • Unlike the same, goat does not cause any allergic reactions at all.
  • Baby food based on goat's milk is more palatable.

Goat milk or formula?

Can I give my baby goat's milk instead of formula?

  • In the first months, it is better not to give the baby pure goat's milk, since it differs significantly from the usual mother's milk by a huge number of criteria:
  • Much more protein in milk.
  • The predominance of casein over albumin, and in mother's milk, the opposite pattern prevails.
  • Goat's milk contains significantly less lactose than mother's milk.
  • But there are an order of magnitude more minerals than a small child needs.

Based on this, we can conclude that it is not recommended by doctors to give your baby goat's milk instead of a mixture.

Goat milk - rules for use

How to start taking goat milk formulas?

  • The first time such a mixture should be given in a volume not exceeding 10 ml.
  • The second intake of baby food, which is based on goat's milk, can be given only if the previous attempt to introduce a new food in any way affected the health of the child.
  • The volume of consumption of the mixture should be increased gradually, but only so that for the third day the child can fully eat.
  • By the end of the week, this kind of mixture should take the main place in the baby's diet.


Based on this information, the conclusion is that goat's milk formula primarily belongs to the category of the most common so-called adapted milk formulas necessary for high-quality nutrition of babies. Since such baby food includes all the required components for the full development of your child.

Once again I would like to remind you that baby food based on goat's milk is not medical, and also does not belong to the category of hypoallergenic. Such a mixture can be used as the most common replacement for formulas based on cow's milk that we are used to. Also, such mixtures can be included in the child's diet at the request of the parents.

In the event that your little baby is allergic to the so-called animal proteins, when choosing a mixture for further feeding, preference should be given to precisely those mixtures in which the protein is not split. Pay attention to the fact that goat milk formulas are definitely not hypoallergenic.