When will the pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be indexed? An increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Compensation for spa treatment

One of the types of cash payments for old age in the new year is a pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2018, the latest news suggests that, by order of the President, there will be a significant increase for those who previously worked in the authorities. The news caused a wide response and the desire of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find out what changes are expected and who, what kind of increase should be expected.

Today, there are more than one million people in the bodies, and every year several thousand retire, counting on a solid pension provision.

News about the increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If someone still doubts whether they will raise it, then the answer can be found in the Decree of the head of state. Everything is clearly spelled out in the document and this is the latest news that there is no need to doubt. Regular indexations are planned from January 1, 2018 for retired security officials.

It is not necessary to say once again about the danger of this work and that people who stand for the protection of order and peace should receive decent cash payments after they retire.

Regulations governing the payment of pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • A significant increase in pensions is regulated on the basis of Decree No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, which even in those years made it possible to raise pensions for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • This is clearly and unambiguously spelled out in Article 8 "On Insurance Pensions".

It is in these documents that an increase for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the established amounts is provided. Thanks to this law, retired employees can be confident in their security and receive a decent pension, which is enough for a comfortable life.

After the president's decision, expected by many, current pensioners are looking forward to indexation from the state in the hope of being among the lucky ones with maximum indexation.

Pension reform news has not yet talked about changes at what age police officers will retire for a well-deserved rest.

Types of pensions

For pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and those who are just about to retire, the news from the government is positive and optimistic.

As before, everyone who worked in the authorities can count on three types of pensions:

  • retirement pension;
  • disability pension;
  • insurance old age pension.

Indexation and increase awaits all pensioners, regardless of the type of pension provision. According to reports from the Government, the latest decisions finally approved the future indexation.

This is good news that will raise the living standards of pensioners. At present, no one argues that the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should increase in 2018. Recent polls confirm that the increase is necessary to ensure a comfortable life for pensioners.

Services and departments included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today, the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include more than a dozen different services and organizations.

All of them perform their tasks and have their own leadership:

  • special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • traffic police;
  • operational search management;
  • transport management;
  • LDOVD, etc.

Employees of these services and departments, after retirement, can also count on an addition to their pension. Therefore, those who want to know what awaits the pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 can have no doubt in the growth of payments. This news caused great enthusiasm among pensioners and questions about when exactly this significant event will take place.

Indexation amount and who should expect an increase

The government decided that all police officers in 2018, if the economic situation in the country continues to improve, it is necessary to index the pension. This can be used by every pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The increase in pensions in 2018 will be reflected in the indexation of payments in the amounts established by the state.

There is a 4% indexation for categories that are subject to the regulation.

The Duma believes that the bonus is necessary for those who have retired having reached the maximum retirement age (45 years) and employees who have the necessary length of service (20 years). Pensions will also increase next year.

First indexing in December 2017

The changes introduced will answer the question of what awaits the pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, 2018. The latest news suggests that the first indexation is planned for December this year. Just in time for New Year's Eve.

The following may be eligible for a promotion:

  • participants in anti-terrorist operations (North Caucasus);
  • all who served in the zone of military conflicts;
  • served in the threat.

All these categories can count on an increase at the end of this year. The press receives optimistic news from the State Duma and there is confidence that the matter of increasing pensions will not drag on, as is often the case. All who served and defended order will receive everything they are entitled to at the time set by the government and the President.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the latest news on the pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs indicates their indexation. Each police pensioner will receive additional money. The government expects that there will be no problems or delays with indexation either. Local social welfare services are required to monitor this.


Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018

Russia is one of those countries in which pension legislation is constantly changing. The conditions and number of payments are regularly adjusted, the retirement age is increased.

Today, the legislation also provides for the situation when a person is fired before retirement, in which case his total length of service must be at least twenty-five years or work in the authorities took 12.5 years or more, then the pension is still accrued in the prescribed manner.

The pension for employees of internal organs is formed on the basis of the salary received and allowances, taking into account the reduction factor. Allowances are a separate topic for the article, and in short, the allowance for a disability received during service is 75%, more than 20 years of service 50%, but not so long ago it was planned to increase this age by five years. 85% is paid for an injury that caused disability, and for a deceased employee, the family receives 30% of his salary.

On average, in 2013, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received 20 thousand rubles, in 2014 this figure increased by 2%, in 2015 it increased only by 1.5%, but compared to 2012, the allowance of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs decreased by 27%.

In 2016, for 20 years of service, a person received 50% of the salary, and for each subsequent year, another 3%. The crisis also affected the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of retirement age, there was no money for full indexation that year, so the government chose a different path and increased the amount of payments by only 4%, taking into account inflation of 7.55. Thus, pensioners continue to lose their own income and it is not yet known whether the situation will change for the better.

Increase in pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018

In 2018, the situation will not change yet in the field of economic development of the country, there is still a budget deficit, and, accordingly, the size of pensions, even for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has nowhere to increase. The increase depends on the accumulated pension points, salary, number and amount of bonuses and other factors.

Pensions for employees of state structures are calculated according to a different schedule, formulas. So far, one thing is known for sure, that the pension system will be reorganized in such a way that the state can replenish the budget. Four years ago, the policy of the incumbent president made it possible to increase the size of pensions by 10%, but over the next years this percentage was eaten up by inflation and even surpassed it.

After the first implementation of the pension reform, the payment began to consist of two parts: a fixed amount and an insurance part. The first part is regulated by the state, it is significantly influenced by a representative of the authorities, and the second part is contributions from the employer in the entire period of the employee's work. All the innovations that are expected will affect only people who retired last year, the rest will receive it with the old calculations.

To be extremely frank, the pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have nothing to hope for in 2018, it is very difficult even for professional economists to determine how the year 2018 will end regarding the reform. There is no money in the budget and this is already an established fact, the entire policy of the government is aimed at filling the deficit, the situation remains unstable, this is one of the reasons why they do not want to give any accurate information.

It's a joy to consider the fact that the president does not plan to reduce the size of pensions, however, inflation will not reach again. In the sphere of such negative events, it is worth saying that Russia is one of the countries that spends huge amounts of money on its army and law enforcement agencies, therefore, even during the crisis, the salaries of employees remained at the level. The situation with pensioners is absolutely unambiguous and not only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also other citizens of retirement age will suffer from the crisis. This trend will not change and probably need to come to terms with it.

Program "Young Family" in 2018

To date, indexation is the only option to increase the size of pension payments to law enforcement officers. There are no free funds in the budget to increase wages, hence the increase in pension payments should not be expected. Even indexation is not carried out to the fullest extent, the state fails to completely block inflation. For 2018, the indexation level will be 4%, experts expect that a strong increase in the level of prices for products and services is not expected, inflation will also be at the level of 4%.

The government has not yet made a final decision on the level of the indexation coefficient. In 2016, there was no talk of any indexation due to the crisis, which was an unpleasant gift for pensioners. In the next 2018, such measures are not expected, but there will be no increase. To implement such a project, funds are required, but they are not in the budget.

Last news

With inflation starting to creep up and commodity prices, there is a good chance it will be 4% or slightly higher in 2018. The main concern is about public debt, rising inflation will lead to measures aimed at increasing the federal budget, today it is spending a lot of money on economic recovery.

If the annual budget deficit continues to be the same or higher, interest rates will increase, as will the pressure on the economy, then government spending will also increase. This may mean that proposals made but not accepted in previous years will be given more serious consideration.

The government will have to counter the effects of a huge federal deficit that has been going on for a number of years. It is unlikely that major reforms will take effect in the near future. It is also unlikely that they will be used to provide better social security indicators for pensioners.

It is already quite clear that the number of federal employees of pensioners will increase. The budget is already heavily spent on Interior Ministry employees, with a recent report stating that federal employee benefits are 52 percent or more, less for private sector workers. This report became the basis for a meeting that had two objectives:

OGE (GIA) in mathematics in 2018

  • Discuss the latest budgetary management and compare the compensation report for the private sector.
  • Identify potential areas for improvement and modernization in the current year of the compensation system.

It is impossible to predict what changes will occur for current or future retirees after this year's budget negotiations or in legislation. There is no reason to panic, but there is reason to pay attention to changes that may affect the financial component of the life of pensioners in the future.

Substantial change proposals are usually made for those who have retired and often current employees are not affected by such changes.

In a country with significant political and cultural disputes, media and social media dominate the panic. The Russian political system is embroiled in disputes over federal budget policies and spending, which is one reason why accurate forecasting and financial planning is difficult for those planning to retire.


Reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2018. Latest news about the reorganization

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Leading Russian publications have reported that in 2017-2018 the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be subject to changes. At the same time, the last wave of reforms already swept in the past year, when the police was hastily renamed the police, which slightly changed its main functions and powers.

At the same time, Vladimir Vladimirovich insisted that the drug control service and the migration service be added to the system of internal affairs. Until 2016, these services were completely independent units of the executive branch of government.

From the same year, the Russian Guard and its Federal Troops Service were added to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has free access to military weapons, armored vehicles, and the Air Force.

At the same time, measures to reform the system of internal affairs have begun in almost all regions of the country. They, as a rule, are aimed at reducing the number of police officers, as well as transferring some of the powers to other units and structures.

It is worth noting that most of the changes will directly affect the functions of a non-coercive nature, including those related to the medical care of police officers. At the same time, the working group, back in 2016-2017, tried to eliminate polyclinics and sanatoriums that relate to the line of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or transfer them to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, representatives of law enforcement agencies will be required to undergo treatment based on voluntary medical insurance, which will reduce the level of occupational diseases. Now many doctors of clinics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are accused of taking bribes and turning a blind eye to many diseases that are incompatible with service in the organs. When switching to examinations in ordinary clinics, doctors cannot be blamed for such offenses. At the same time, the costs of financing healthcare in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be significantly reduced by about 25 billion rubles.

Reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2018

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2017 and the subsequent 2018 is carried out directly in order to strengthen the level of national security due to the upcoming football action of the 2018 World Cup.

It is pointed out that the traffic police of the Russian Federation will officially cease to exist. This is based on the experience of four years ago, when in Kazakhstan the traffic police and traffic police were combined into one unit. Although you should not think that everything went with a bang there, since motorists are still confused about the powers of these structures.

It is worth noting that the change in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will directly affect the traffic police, most of which can go into regular service. At the same time, they talk about mass purges of the management staff and layoffs of ordinary employees. At the same time, grumbles have already begun among experienced and qualified police officers, whom it was decided to transfer to other units or dismiss from the internal affairs bodies. It is worth clarifying that the recruitment of employees for their positions is quite easy, while those who previously served in the teaching staff do not even need to know the Rules of the Road. The training of such employees is quite expensive, which brings losses to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is a huge disadvantage of the entire system.

Moreover, almost half of the powers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Fire Supervision are transferred to the Ministry of the Interior. By the end of 2018, the entire range of powers of the fire safety service will be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and all other emergency response functions will be transferred to the Ministry of Defense.

Speaking about reforms in the system of internal affairs, one cannot help but clarify the fact that the investigative committee of the Ministry of State Security is moving into it.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to undergo a pension reform, according to which all employees from 2018 will receive a pension increased by about seven percent. This, of course, is very good news, which will pleasantly surprise employees who are going to take a well-deserved rest. At the same time, at the present time, a potential pensioner can clarify the amount of his pension using an online calculator.

At the same time, the rapid reform of the entire well-established system of internal affairs is directly linked to the need to improve the state security of Russia, as well as to the start of the World Cup in 2018. At the same time, it is specified that the holding of elections to the State Duma and the post of President of the Russian Federation may become the reason for such changes.

Reduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2018

At the same time, according to a number of carried out and planned reforms, the number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be significantly reduced. This will happen due to the fact that numerous polyclinics belonging to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be abolished. In addition, employees who previously occupied the positions of employees of the personnel department, staff psychologists, financial workers and those who work in the accounting department of police departments will move into the number of ordinary state officials.

Will go beyond the boundaries of this department, and therefore, will refer to persons removed from positions under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior of the country, persons involved in the issuance of passports, migration cards and driver's licenses.

Employees of departments that deal with extremism at the regional and central levels have already been laid off or are about to fall under it. Their functions are currently assigned to the Russian Guard, and qualified employees simply went to work in this unit. The functions of conducting operational-search activities in the field of combating terrorist organizations and extremism were also transferred to it.

The Ministry of the Interior has little to say so far about the ongoing reforms, the reduction in the number of its employees, as well as the transfer of powers of the abolished departments to other departments. By the way, the reforms also affected the very top, since the Minister of Justice of Russia Sergey Gerasimov was removed from his post. This event took place at the end of August 2017, the reasons for the resignation of a venerable official for ordinary citizens turned out to be a mystery shrouded in darkness.

At the same time, it was Sergey Gerasimov who for a long time was considered the founder of the program to reform the police system, including at the highest level, since he believed that fish, as a rule, rot from the head.

At the same time, literally this winter, Gerasimov sought to ensure that criminal liability for offenses occurring during the expression of the right to freedom of speech, including rallies and meetings, was fully preserved. This measure of punishment will be applicable to those persons who have repeatedly been able to commit administrative offenses.

Dismissal threatens for the slightest misconduct, discrediting the rank of an officer and employee of the authorities. You can fly out of the internal affairs bodies due to visiting bars, cafeterias and restaurants where alcoholic drinks are drunk. At the same time, employees, for example, in the Stavropol Territory, are strictly prohibited from taking loans, including micro loans, from various financial institutions.

The most interesting innovation concerned the fact that the heads of departments are required to visit their subordinates at home every six months and clarify their everyday problems. This is done in order to eradicate corrupt practices and eliminate the need to take bribes. At the same time, the law is subject to revision and has not yet entered into force.

Since the start of the reform in 2016, almost all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are subject to staff reduction, so more than 900,000 employees will have to be fired. In the administration apparatus, ten percent of employees are subject to reduction before the end of the reform, and in the ranks of ordinary police officers, fifteen percent.

In the event that the staff is reduced, this will in no way affect the performance of the functions assigned to them by the state and the legislation of the Russian Federation. All employees will not be fired, as the criminal situation in the region and its characteristics will be assessed.

Quite relevant is the reduction of employees of the internal affairs bodies also because it helps to reduce financial costs and save the budget of the organization in the context of the global financial crisis.

Specialists and analysts argue that, despite the assurances of ministerial officials and deputies, the reform in terms of reducing the number of employees can lead to disastrous results, since the efficiency of the entire power structure will fall. At the same time, the level of crime will inevitably increase and the rate of detection of crimes across the country and individual regions will decrease.

Do not be afraid of layoffs for employees who work on the territory of the Nenets and Jewish, Crimean and Chukotka autonomous circles. At the same time, employees at the lowest level will not be fired, for example, at the posts of district police officers who directly communicate with people. The number of special units is not subject to reduction.

Increase in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2018

At the same time, any reform has its strengths and weaknesses, it is worth noting that an increase in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 is not expected, however, their salaries and allowances will significantly increase.

The leadership of the country and this unit helps to increase the prestige of the policeman, but getting into the position was not so easy because of the increased requirements and ongoing certification.

At the same time, it is still customary to attribute to the main shortcomings the lack of professional personnel who left the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to the fact that they could not pass the certification. At the same time, young people are not in a hurry to take their places, and work is not diminishing.

Not every novice employee or graduate of a law school can pass certification, as they do not have sufficient experience gained over the years of service.

The prestige of the profession in order to fill all the vacancies in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was decided to increase with the help of high wages. According to the order of the President of Russia, the salary of an ordinary employee in 2018 will be increased to 150% of the salary of an employee in 2012, while it was decided to retain all allowances and benefits.

So, in 2018, a police lieutenant, depending on allowances, the region of service and benefits, will receive an average of 38,750 - 96,875 rubles. However, after various deductions and payment of taxes on hand, the policeman will receive approximately 33,713 - 84,281 rubles. These data indicate that the financial well-being of an internal affairs officer will rise by an average of 2.5 times compared to the level of 2012. At the same time, the allowance for any special conditions of service will reach approximately 20%.

However, the increase in police salaries will entail for ordinary citizens who work in the public sector, an increase in the cost of food and basic necessities.

Due to the peculiarities of the profession and its negative impact on health, the retirement period for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has distinctive features from the retirement age of other civil servants. The minimum length of service for retirement in 2018 can be considered 20 years of experience in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Under the new, not yet approved, bill, it is planned to increase the length of service to 25, starting in 2019.

Retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 latest decisions of the President: pensions for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The head of state ordered to increase pension payments to people who used to be employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for this type of pension. In this case, they will be able to receive payments for a certain length of service, disability, or insurance, everything will directly depend on the documentation provided.

In the case of the loss of a breadwinner, the family will receive regular payments, this is provided by the state. Today, the government has planned a large-scale indexation, which will significantly increase the pensions of this category of pensioners. The first stage has already ended, payments have been increased by 4%, and it is planned to review these payments again in the near future.

The retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, the latest decisions of the President: the situation today

Today, there are more than one million people in the bodies, and every year several thousand retire, counting on a solid pension provision.

A significant increase in pensions is regulated on the basis of Decree No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, which even in those years made it possible to raise pensions for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is clearly and unambiguously spelled out in Article 8 "On Insurance Pensions".

It is in these documents that an increase is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the established amounts. Thanks to this law, retired employees can be confident in their security and receive a decent pension, which is enough for a comfortable life.

As before, everyone who worked in the authorities can count on three types of pensions:

  • retirement pension;
  • disability pension;
  • insurance old age pension.

The Duma believes that the bonus is necessary for those who have retired having reached the maximum retirement age (45 years) and employees who have the necessary length of service (20 years).

Participants in anti-terrorist operations (Northern Caucasus), who served in the threat department and those who served in the zone of military conflicts can count on promotion at the end of this year.

The retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, the latest decisions of the president: the procedure for calculating pensions

Those with 20 years of service can count on a seniority pension. The term can be reduced if two conditions are met:

  1. The total work experience of a person is 25 years or more.
  2. Of the total experience, at least 12 years had to work in law enforcement agencies.

Persons who do not meet any of the two listed conditions, but their term of service is at least 15 years, are assigned social benefits.

When calculating the pension allowance, the following amounts are taken into account:

  • salaries for rank and position;
  • increase for the service life;
  • reduction factor;
  • special allowances.

The latest news about the size of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs speaks of an increase in the reduction factor. At the end of 2017, it is 69.45%, and from the beginning of next year it is planned to increase it to 71%. Experts are actively saying that the President and the Government are serious about raising the reduction factor to 100%.

Retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 latest decisions of the President: forecasts for increasing the retirement age

Among the possible unpopular measures of Putin's fourth term in the government at various times were called raising the retirement age, optimizing spending on social support and raising the personal income tax.

In 2018, the retirement age for civil servants is 61 for men and 56 for women. In accordance with the current legislation, a gradual increase in the age for assigning an old-age insurance pension to state and municipal employees is provided. The retirement age for this category of citizens increases annually by 6 months, and by 2026 it will reach 65 years for men, 63 years for women by 2032.

Raising the retirement age will not bypass the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to experts, having decided to raise the retirement age for them, the current government plans to save a significant amount (we are talking about several trillion rubles a year) to restore the Russian economy. Including, and to improve the quality of life of pensioners.

However, the draft law on raising the retirement age was not passed, as it received resistance from trade unions.

Talks about changing the minimum length of service have been going on for a long time - the idea was voiced back in 2013. The bill has already been prepared, but has not yet been approved, now the authorities are considering putting it into effect. In addition, the reasons for extending work until retirement are very serious.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs employs 15 million citizens, while the popularity of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is growing every year. There is a rationale for this - benefits, financial assistance, early retirement and other bonuses attract many. Also, do not forget about the growing prestige of the work. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a certain financial limit, which is spent not only on the needs of working employees, but also on retired people.

An increase in the number of employed automatically leads to an increase in the number of future pensioners. In turn, this will lead to the fact that the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be spent only on pensions and salaries. Annually, payments to employees in the reserve of various state structures reach about 350-400 billion rubles.

If no measures are taken, then the budget will not allow to acquire the necessary equipment, train new employees and provide full protection to the population. Therefore, they began to consider increasing the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to 25 years from 2019.

Also, the issue of a large amount of paper work of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which requires automation, has already been raised. This will reduce the number of employees who do not earn their real wages, but simply sort through the papers. Such measures will reduce costs without reducing payments to pensioners.

There is no word yet on an official date for the bill. The imaginary probability of abandoning the strategy of increasing the length of service until retirement should not cause great hopes. The budget cannot fulfill its obligations to support such a huge number of pensioners.

The extension of service, by increasing the length of service, will allow, with the same number of employees, to reduce the number of retirees. Under the new project, it is proposed to increase the length of service from 20 to 25 years.

There is also a more critical scenario. A few years ago, a plan of law was prepared, gradually increasing the length of service to 30 years. Now we are not talking about it - you must first make sure that the chosen direction is effective. It is likely that the extension of the term of work for 5 years until retirement will solve the problem with the budget deficit in this industry.

Significantly changed the size and conditions of retirement. This affected all areas of activity, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on two key parameters: the salary of the position and the salary of the rank. In addition, the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the length of service, indexation and more.

Retirement of employees of the Ministry of the Interior

Usually people retire at the age of 55 (for women) and 60 (for men). There are people to whom a pension is assigned before reaching the retirement age. These include military pensioners, medical workers, teachers, employees of hazardous industries, etc. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have at least 20 years of experience in order to calculate a pension. Moreover, depending on the situation, not only the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for length of service, but also for disability, loss of a breadwinner can be assigned.

This bill will come into force in 2019. But the government does not want to stop there. There are proposals to increase the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 25 to 30 years by 2025. The bill has already been drawn up, but has not yet been adopted.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The final amount of the pension will be formed taking into account benefits. They can be conditionally divided into the following types: basic, tax, transport, medical.

Benefits are received by all citizens retiring, but their size, the number depends on the department that will pay the pension. Priority positions are occupied by the military and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Upon retirement, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following basic benefits:

  1. Getting housing. A pensioner who does not have his own housing has the right to receive an apartment.
  2. Tax incentives provided at the regional level.
  3. Benefits for medical care, treatment, provision of medicines.
  4. Travel concessions.

The state also provides benefits to close relatives of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among all the benefits provided, pensioners most often use housing and those that are exempt from paying taxes. But it is worth knowing that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not receive them for utility payments.

To apply for benefits, you must submit the following package of documents to the appropriate authority:

  1. Pensioner's passport.
  2. A document confirming that a citizen is a pensioner.
  3. Documents for real estate, vehicle, land and other evidence confirming ownership.

After the submission of these documents, the tax authority will recalculate and will not further charge taxes to the pensioner.

Medicine for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation seeks medical assistance, then it should be provided to him free of charge, but only if the medical institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. In other cases, the patient pays all the costs of treatment on his own.

Once a year, a pensioner has the right to receive a free ticket to a sanatorium, which is assigned to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Travel to the place of rest and back is paid.

Some family members can also hope for benefits, namely, a pensioner can buy a ticket for a family for half of its cost.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occupy a priority position in the provision of additional social services. However, benefits are not available to everyone. You can clarify what exactly is required in a particular case by contacting the specialists who assign a pension (human resources department at the place of work).

The amount of social benefits is constantly changing. Many are interested in whether it is planned to increase pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Up to 1 million people serve in the structure of law enforcement agencies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs includes employees of the police, special forces, the State Inspectorate for Road Safety, departments and departments of the districts of the Russian Federation.

Types of pensions for law enforcement officers

According to federal laws No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 and No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following types of pension payments:

  • by seniority;
  • due to disability;
  • insurance;
  • survivors' dependents.

For length of service, the length of service in the bodies must be at least 20 years. The benefit is issued after reaching the age of 45 and dismissal due to health reasons or as a result of a reduction. The main condition is that the total length of service is from 25 years, and work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is more than 12.5 years. A detailed calculation of the length of service is carried out on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 of 09/22/1993.

Making a payment after receiving a disability is due to persons who became disabled in the performance of official duties or no later than three months after the dismissal. Employees injured in combat operations are considered disabled due to military trauma. When health problems are not associated with the performance of duties, disability is issued due to illness during military service.

Women over 55 and men over 60 are entitled to an insurance pension. The minimum pension of a police officer is related to the following conditions:

  1. The pensioner scores more than 13.8 points to receive money.
  2. Insurance experience is at least 9 years.

Please note that the individual pension coefficient increases by 2.4 points every 12 months until it reaches 30 points.

Survivor benefits are assigned if the police officer died in the line of duty or within 3 months after dismissal. The amount of the allowance is set as follows:

  1. After death from a wound on duty - 50% of the allowance of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  2. Death due to disease - 40% of the cash benefit.

Disabled family members receive such a payment: children under 18, disabled people, mother, father or spouse after reaching retirement age.

Will there be an increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019

The increase in the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurs due to the following processes:

  1. Indexing for inflation. Now, according to the Central Bank, inflation is 4%.
  2. The growth of the reduction factor. The pension provision is calculated according to the formula: PO = 1.2 * (Salary by position + Salary by rank + Bonus for seniority) * 72.23%, where 72.23% is a reduction factor. It depends on the salary. For 2016, the figure was 69.45% and did not rise. The maximum coefficient size is 100%.

The amount of benefits for employees who continue to work is not indexed. After the end of the service, a recalculation will be made, and they will receive an insurance pension with increases and indexation.

A special pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not planned in 2019, but the all-Russian reform of the pension system will also affect the category of pensioners of law enforcement agencies.

Indexation of pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The increase in pensions is associated with an increase in the allowance for state employees by 4%. Due to the unstable economic situation, its size has not changed for the last 5 years.

Type of pension provision

Indexation, %



It is typical for our country that the conditions in the process of issuing a pension are constantly changing. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also no exception; by the beginning of 2018, a pension reform is being prepared. There is no need to wait for a decrease in the level of pensions; on the contrary, indexation of pension payments is expected.

Before you begin to analyze what changes await the employees of the Ministry of the Interior, you should figure out who belongs to them. So, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a Russian citizen who serves in a unit of internal affairs bodies called the police.

On duty, police officers are forced to accept some restrictions related to the nature of their activities. Therefore, the calculation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out according to other criteria. This type of pension is one of the types of military pension. But, despite this, these varieties are financed by different sources, the calculation of the pension of a police officer is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Pension payments are assigned to police officers after they retire.

By seniority

The procedure for the retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 for length of service

This type of pension involves the retirement of a police officer after 20 years of service, or 25 total experience, provided that at least half of these years the person has served in the authorities, upon reaching 45 years. In the second option, you must specify the reason for the dismissal. Such a pension may be granted upon reaching the final age, due to illness or ill health, or in connection with the reshuffling of personnel in the department. 12.5 years of experience begin to be taken into account only after the assignment of a certain title. The main question that worries most employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is how length of service is calculated. The exact answer can be found in the Ordinance of the Light of Ministers.

Periods that are counted as length of service: service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military service, work in the drug control authorities and the Federal Penitentiary Service, fire fighting.

Grace periods are periods of service in hot spots. Just as for privates and officers, length of service is considered to be training in universities, but not more than five years. The calculation is that two months of training is equal to one month of service. For rehabilitated employees, the time spent serving the sentence is also equated to the length of service.

Calculation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 by length of service

The amount of the pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received for the length of service is calculated according to the following factors:

  • The amount of salary of the position in the state that the employee held before the dismissal.
  • The amount of salary for a special rank.
  • Additional payments due to the employee for the length of service.
  • Monthly food allowance in cash.

Here are the criteria based on which the amount of monthly pension payments is calculated. For example, a police officer has more than 20 years of service, his pension will be made up of half of the full years of service, plus 3% for each subsequent year.

Disability pension payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

Disability retirement for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is possible in cases where the disability was acquired while serving in the police, or within 3 months after its completion. Disability is assigned only after a medical examination and on the basis of its conclusion (see).

Pension payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the loss of a breadwinner

For this type of pension, the family members of the employee who was in the service, who are dependent on him, have the right to count. This includes minor children, spouse and parents. Relatives can receive such a pension if death occurred when the employee was in the service, within three months after the dismissal, or when death occurred from injuries and wounds received in the service. There are two options for calculating the pension. When death occurs as a result of a wound, relatives receive a monthly compensation in the amount of 50% of the allowance of the deceased employee. If the death was due to illness, the pension will be 40%.

Indexation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

For several years now, the government has been talking about increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the coming year, 2018, an increase in payments by 3.7% is promised from January, in the second half of the year, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can count on at least 4%.

The basic formula for calculating pension payments to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is calculated according to the following principle:

(Salary according to position + Salary according to rank + Bonuses and allowances) * 69.45% * pension as a percentage = The amount of pension payments.

You can also independently find a pension calculator on the Internet and find out the amount of payments by entering the data necessary for the calculation.

Raising the retirement age for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

Recently, the issue of increasing the length of service from 20 to 30 years has been actively discussed, but so far such a law has not been adopted.

Before leaving for a well-deserved rest, the employee must submit an application addressed to his head of the department. For this application, special forms are issued in the personnel department. Here, the future pensioner must indicate the following:

  • Surname name patronymic in full;
  • Personal phone;
  • Rank currently available;
  • Address of residence and registration;
  • Reason for leaving;
  • The pension for which the employee claims;
  • Information about the monthly salary and, if any, about the pension paid earlier;
  • Indicate the composition of the family;
  • Number and signature.

Additional increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

Pensioners who receive a seniority pension can apply for the following allowances:

  • Participant in armed conflicts;
  • Reaching the age of 80;
  • 80 years or more, and the acquisition of a disability of the 1st group;
  • Disabled dependent, one to three.

In addition to the basic pension payments, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for a second old-age pension. This takes into account the insurance experience, it must be at least five years. The age of the applicant for the second pension is from sixty years old, should already receive payments for the length of service.

Can a police officer be deprived of his pension?

Deprivation of the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is possible if he commits a serious or especially serious crime at the time of service, but only if the court deprives the employee of a special rank, then he also loses his pension.

  • Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can expect an indexed pension in December of this year.
  • Employees of the Russian Guard will also receive an increased pension at the end of 2017 on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In total, the federal budget has allocated 11 billion rubles for pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and power structures.