When is Mother's Day in Russia. When is World Mother's Day in the year. mother's day in russia international mother's day in a year

To answer for yourself once and for all the question of when Mother's Day is in 2019 in Russia, it is enough to return to certain events in 1998. It was from this year, by decree of the then President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, that the holiday began to be celebrated. Moreover, to celebrate not on any specific date, but every year on the last November Sunday.

The holiday falls on November 24, on this day there will be the last Sunday of autumn, which means that a beautiful holiday is so necessary for every person.

  • About setting the date
  • Why are the dates confused?
  • And what about other peoples?

About setting the date

So, there is no exact date for Mother's Day in Russia, but the holiday is annual. There is no confusion here, just the last Sunday of autumn is considered a holiday, and, of course, every year this Sunday can fall on different dates. For example, in 2019, the last Sunday in November fell on the beautiful date of November 24th. It is on this day that Mother's Day will be celebrated in Russia.

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who was the President of the Russian Federation in 1998, made the Mother's Day an annual holiday and signed a corresponding decree at the same time.

When the holiday was established, it immediately became significant, although, until now, Mother's Day in Russia does not have such popularity as, say, the day of March 8. Nevertheless, this holiday is very important for every person, as well as for all mothers. It reinforces family foundations, it maintains the tradition of a kind, good and respectful attitude towards the mother. Of course, on this day you need to congratulate all women who have already become mothers, as well as pregnant women who are just preparing to become a mother, even for the first time.

Interesting! Mother's Day is a popular holiday in many European countries, including the USA. But they have their own days and dates of celebration. For example, most often I celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May.

Is it worth saying that it is mothers who are the closest and dearest people? Of course, it is worth it, especially on the day of this holiday or on its eve. Every person owes his birth, upbringing and formed worldview to his mother. Moms need to be loved for no reason and be happy simply from the fact that a person has them.

It is clear that the presence of such a holiday as Mother's Day is only beneficial for each person, allowing you to organize important processes in the relationship between parents and children.

Why are the dates confused?

Since 1998, the title of Mother's Day has been assigned to the last Sunday of November. Many people get confused about the dates and this is no accident, because exact date this beautiful holiday was constantly postponed.

The main reasons for the confusion in dates

The holiday appeared in 1988 back in the days of the USSR, but in Russia and at the legislative level it began to be celebrated only since 1999, in 1998 a decree was signed. It turns out that for Russia, the Mother's Day holiday is young relative to many other events.
In Russia, Mother's Day 2019 is not a non-working holiday, this simply cannot be found in the country's Labor Code. Although, on the other hand, the day always falls on Sunday, especially since this is the last Sunday of the current autumn. It would seem that there is nothing easier than remembering the dates of this particular holiday.
Although, the fact that the holiday does not have a specific date also affects the creation of various unpleasant situations. You need to look at the calendar every year in order to clearly understand what date the celebration falls on. Of course, the last Sunday of November sounds beautiful and easy to remember if you wish, but the date is different every year.
Already within the framework of this material, it was said that Mother's Day is celebrated in many European countries, in the CIS and the USA, in Australia and Canada. It turns out that in different countries the dates will be different and this can be confusing. Moreover, not only dates often differ, but even the season when Mother's Day is celebrated in each particular country.

Why is Mother's Day so important?

The celebration was established, according to the initiative of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. Then the chairman of this committee was A.V. Aparin. She made a proposal to celebrate Mother's Day in Russia, and Boris Yeltsin, who was president in 1998, supported the proposal. As a result, the decree "On Mother's Day" was signed.

The decree consisted of a large number of different texts. If we make excerpts, then the decree said why such a holiday in our vast country is important and why it must be celebrated. Briefly, the following points can be highlighted:
Increasing the importance of motherhood in society.
To pay tribute to the work of mothers who work disinterestedly and only for the benefit of their children.
Strengthen family foundations, which are becoming more and more shaky every year.
Pay special attention to women in position and those who have already been able to realize their motherhood.

The celebration of Mother's Day in Russia has since been set to the last Sunday of November, respectively, for 2019 it will be November 24th. The date when you need to congratulate your mothers and just all the women who already have this status. It is clear that in different years Mother's Day falls on different dates. For example, in 2016, the holiday was celebrated on the 27th.

It seems that such a floating date is not very convenient, but the logic and common sense here, of course, are visible. In particular, every year Mother's Day, regardless of what date it falls on, is a public holiday. After all, Mother's Day in Russia, and in 2019, too, is celebrated on the last November Sunday. There is a great occasion to go to visit your parents, cover the rich and beautiful table, prepare in advance good words love and gratitude to my mother.

And what about other peoples?

Despite the fact that this holiday is popular in other countries, even more than in Russia, its celebration does not have a single format. Each country will have its own date, and even its own special traditions.
First time Mother's Day as official holiday began to be celebrated in the United States of America. Moreover, the initiative came not from politicians, but from below. In 1910 in the state
Virginia was the first to host a celebration in honor of mothers, but since 1914, celebrations in honor of Mother's Day have been held throughout the country. In the United States, then and still the date of the holiday is the second Sunday in May.

Another twenty-three countries celebrate Mother's Day on this Sunday in the month of May. It is rather difficult to say why so many countries fell under the influence of the American date. Moreover, this holiday is celebrated in India, and in Hong Kong, OAO, Oman and Qatar, even Saudi Arabia, Estonia.

Why in Russia Mother's Day falls exactly on the month of November, one can only guess. Many analysts are inclined to believe that Russians have so many holidays in May, and International Women's Day is celebrated in March, which is quite close in meaning. But in November, especially at the end of this month, there are not so many holidays. So, there is an opportunity not to forget about Mother's Day and pay special attention to it.

What congratulations are suitable for Mother's Day

We have already published, in this article we offer you congratulations to prose.
Despite the fact that Mother's Day falls on the last Sunday of autumn and winter will soon begin, every mother's eyes are on fire on this day. Of course, everyone, first of all, is waiting for congratulations from their children. I would like to congratulate all the mothers of the country on the holiday, wish only smiles, energy and inspiration. Separately, I would like to wish patience, which is extremely important for every mother.
Mother's Day is a holiday for every woman who has already experienced the happiness of motherhood. Every mother loves her children, because so much effort, time, patience and love have been spent on their upbringing. I would like to wish that everything that was invested in them, the children will definitely return, moreover, a hundredfold. Be friendly with your children and let them trust you, love you and always know that you can come to your mother's breast at any time. life situation. This woman is a saint, she will always help, forgive.
No matter what era is on the street, motherhood is always a great miracle. When a child is born, a woman's life changes a lot, she has other tasks and completely different priorities. Being a mother means bathing in love and joy, bathing your children in this love. But let each mother receive in return as much as she gives to her children or even more.
Mother gives the child warmth and care, affection and awe, love. May all this return to every woman, moreover, in a threefold amount. May children bring only happiness to every woman. Happy Mother's Day!
Mom, I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. First of all, I wish you good health, always good mood as well as love and warmth. Thank you so much for your tenderness and care, for your support and love. You are my dearest and most affectionate person in the world. There are no such words and actions to show you how much I love you.
It's a joyful holiday Mother's Day. In it I want to wish every mother good health, blooming appearance and the joy of what their children have become. Let mother's tears dry all over the world, and every year with children it turns out to become closer.

In the world there is one huge feeling, stronger than which there is simply no. This is motherly love. This feeling is unlike any other and if you receive congratulations on Mother's Day, you already know about it. With the conception of a child, a woman's attitude to the world changes, mothers protect their children not only from the moment of birth, but from the time they are still in the womb. You Strong woman and a good mother, with this I congratulate you.
Only a real mother knows how to forgive and love her children in any situation. Moms need to be protected, because they can give warmth and affection, comfort in the house and warm in any weather. Remember this and let mothers never, in any situation, feel alone.
The very first word a person says is mom. The very first gentle and caring hands in life are the hands of a mother. Moms are the most responsive and kind hearts. So, on Mother's Day, I would like to congratulate every woman who has already experienced the happiness of motherhood. May this happiness be eternal and nothing can overshadow it.
Mom is often the first word in every life. At least, this is how it is sung in the song about the dearest and most beloved person in the world. You are so for me, mommy, and I want to wish you happiness, smiles and beauty on Mother's Day. Let failures pass quickly and do not even leave a trace in life, but happiness in all directions lasts forever.
The closest, my very native person- it's mommy. What a pity for people who do not have mothers, who cannot see kind and loving eyes know that they can always ask for support. Thank you for being with me. I wish you never be upset, always smile, be healthy and happy.
Dear friend. You became a mother, which means that this year I can already congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish you and your baby health, love and happiness. Let the kids grow up wonderful people who will follow the right path in life. For me, you are a real example of a family woman and an excellent modern mother.

It will soon be two decades since in our country Mother's Day is celebrated on the last November Sunday. Every year, it turns out, you need to focus on new dates, but always at the end of November.

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The celebration of Mother's Day in Russia became possible thanks to the efforts of a special Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The petition of representatives of this organization led to the fact that in 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 120 "On Mother's Day", a celebration date was allocated to honor all the mothers of our country, as parents who give life and continue the race, taking on not only the care of education of the younger generation, but also helping children to form, become personalities, choose their own path.

Date of Mother's Day 2017 in Russia

It should be noted that in, Mother's Day is usually celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Therefore, in 2017 this holiday falls on November 26.

history of the holiday

The holiday is rooted in history for almost 130 years. For the first time, the fact that a special day should be set aside for the celebration of Mother's Day was talked about in the United States back in the nineteenth century. But the calls were heard by the government only in 1910, when the familiar Mother's Day was established in America. Now this holiday is celebrated in more than 135 countries around the world.

What is the meaning of Mother's Day

The first thing that comes to mind is the veneration of the feminine, giving birth to a new life, and then growing it. But initially the goal was formulated differently. The organizers of the holiday intended to draw public attention to the problems of motherhood in each individual country.

Thanks to the work of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs, as well as the organization of an accompanying holiday for the population - Mother's Day in Russia a new, more accessible educational program for children, including preschool education. Questions were raised such as medicine, relationships in the family unit, psychological aspects motherhood, governmental support family values, the organization of public committees and even just women's clubs, trust services - all this and much more has been done thanks to the simple introduction of a new holiday. All this became possible due to the fact that from now on, in our country, the problems of motherhood are put on the same level with other state problems. They began to talk about this, which means they began to delve into and help.

Happy Mother's Day 2017

It has become a wonderful tradition to congratulate random passers-by mothers with children from the male population of Russia. They are given small souvenirs, flowers or postcards. In factories and offices, it is customary to arrange tea parties after a working day, during which they congratulate all the mothers of the work team on their well-deserved holiday.

When is this holiday held? International Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world on the second Sunday of May. In 2018, its date falls on May 13th.

How is World Mother's Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The program of celebration of International Mother's Day includes seminars, lectures, discussions, exhibitions, concerts, charity events.

In the USA and Australia, carnations, which are pinned to clothes, have become its symbol. A colored carnation signifies that the person's mother is alive, while white flowers are used to commemorate departed mothers.

History and traditions of International Mother's Day

World Mother's Day has a long history. Even in ancient Greece, there was a holiday dedicated to mothers. A similar day was celebrated in ancient Rome. As in our days, people gave gifts to their mothers and surrounded them with care and attention.

Mysteries with rites in honor of Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, were arranged on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor.

The ancient Celts honored the mother goddess Bridget. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in Great Britain on the second Sunday after the beginning of Lent, Mother's Sunday was celebrated throughout the country.

And the traditions of celebration international day mothers were born in the USA. In 1872, Julia Ward Howe published the Mother's Day Proclamation, but this holiday did not receive wide support at that time.

On May 7, 1907, an elderly woman named Mary Jervis died in West Virginia. The daughter of the deceased, Anna, sent many letters to various state institutions and authorities with a request to dedicate a separate holiday to honor mothers.

Her initiative at first did not find understanding, and then Anna Jervis brought thousands of her supporters to government offices.

In 1910, the authorities of the state of Virginia finally recognized this holiday as official, and in 1914, National Mother's Day was established in the United States. Later, it began to be celebrated in 23 countries of the world - this is how the International Mother's Day appeared in the 1930s.

Currently, in 30 states, a similar holiday is celebrated on other days:

  • in the UK on the first Sunday in March
  • in Egypt - March 21,
  • in Kyrgyzstan - on the third Sunday of May,
  • in Sweden and France on the last Sunday of May,
  • in Kazakhstan - on the third Sunday of September,
  • in Belarus - October 14,
  • in Russia - on the last Sunday of November.

Mom is the one to whom we owe the very appearance of being born, the one who protects us all our lives, the one who disinterestedly gives us her love, whose eyes are full of light and kindness. To help express your love and consolidate the tradition of honoring the most important person on earth, a warm and sincere holiday is called - Mother's Day.

What date is Mother's Day

Despite the fact that the significant Mother's Day is a holiday that has international status, in each country it is celebrated on different days. So, for example, in England, the country that became the ancestor of this holiday, a significant day always falls on the first Sunday of March. In the United States, which initiated the celebration of Mother's Day in our time, this holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Together with the States, mothers are honored on the same day in Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Cyprus, Turkey, Australia and many other countries. Our closest neighbors are getting ready to celebrate the holiday in the fall - in Belarus on October 14, and in Kazakhstan on the third Sunday in September. What date is Mother's Day celebrated in Russia?

In our country, this day is also celebrated in autumn. By a special Decree of the President, the country celebrates it on the last Sunday of November.

Mother's Day in Russia in 2017

1998 is the time when Mother's Day appeared on the Russian list of holidays. This year, a special Decree of the President established new holiday, designed to help express your love for the closest person on earth - mom. At the suggestion of the Committee for Family Affairs, the deputies of the State Duma considered the possibility of establishing a new holiday for our country. And so, almost twenty years ago, a new holiday date appeared on the calendar - Mother's Day, the last Sunday of November.

For almost ten years this holiday remained practically unknown in our country. But for several years now, on the eve of Mother's Day, the action "Mom, I love you!" has been launched all over the country. Events held within its framework contribute to the popularization of the holiday. In particular, the activists of the movement hand out free postcards with the symbols of Mother's Day - forget-me-nots. Postcards along with congratulatory verses can be presented not only to your own mother, but to any woman who proudly bears the title of mother.

Traditions and history

As mentioned above, the country that gave the world Mother's Day was England. It was here that every year for several centuries - from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Mother's Sunday was celebrated. Mothers were honored on the second Sunday of Great Lent, a month before Easter.

The next tradition to celebrate Mother's Day was picked up by the United States. At the beginning of the last century - in 1910 - this idea was recognized at the official level, first in one state, in Virginia, and four years later, throughout the country.

Following the United States, the idea of ​​honoring mothers was picked up by other countries. In 23 of the countries that recognized the holiday, Mother's Day began to be celebrated in the same way as in America - on the eve of summer, on the second Sunday of May. About thirty states have determined other days for this holiday. In the Russian Federation, Mother's Day is celebrated in late autumn, at the end of November, as opposed to the spring Women's Day on March 8th.

For more than a century, each country has its own customs and traditions that distinguish this day from others. In the United States, for example, it is customary to give flowers to mothers, and in Australia, residents pin a carnation flower on their clothes on this day. Someone pampers mom with delicious pies - especially, as in Sweden, for example, pastries are appreciated own production. Someone gives cards and writes poetry. Someone is trying to free this day from any work - for example, it is customary to do so in some areas of France and Germany.

A bit of history

The tradition of paying tribute to the most important person in everyone's life - the mother - originates in patina-covered eras. Historians and sociologists are sure that Mother's Day goes back centuries, at the time of antiquity. In mid-March - the Ides of March - the ancient Greeks held feasts and performed rituals in honor of Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods. According to researchers, these mysteries were the reason for the emergence of a new holiday in modern history.

Don't forget to wish your mothers a happy Mother's Day in 2017.

Mother's Day 2016-2017 - what date is the holiday celebrated in Russia and in the world?

Mother's Day is an international holiday, but there is no single date on the calendar when mothers accept congratulations from their children. In most countries - the USA, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Malta and Cyprus, as well as in Estonia and Ukraine, this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In Belarus - October 14, in Georgia - March 3, in Egypt - March 21, in Armenia - April 7, in Greece - May 9, in Kazakhstan - on the third Sunday of September, etc.

What date is Mother's Day celebrated in Russia? Mother's Day in Russia has been celebrated annually since 1988 on the last Sunday of November. In 2016, Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on November 27, and in 2017 Mother's Day will be celebrated on November 26.

Unlike the International women's day, on Mother's Day, mothers and pregnant women are usually congratulated, and not all the fair sex.

Mother's Day is a bright and very touching holiday. After all, it is the mother who is the most important person in the life of each of us. She gives us her love and care, tenderness and affection, kindness and patience, she is always ready for self-sacrifice, she will always support in difficult times and come to the rescue.

Mother's Day 2016-2017: a good gift can be greeting cards, including handmade ones, flowers, small souvenirs and other pleasant little things. However, the main gift for the mother, of course, is attention and warm words of gratitude.

Festive concerts, exhibitions, evenings, sports games and competitions, master classes, family festivals, distribution of promotional cards that can be sent by mail or just presented to mom, congratulations to mothers of many children and heroine mothers - this is not a complete list of events held in different cities V last years as part of the All-Russian social action for Mother's Day, "Mom, I love you!". Forget-me-not is the symbol of this action. According to some beliefs, this wonderful flower is able to bring back the memory of people who have forgotten their loved ones.

November 26 is the date when mother's day in 2017 in Russia. In each country this day is celebrated and, despite the fact that it may fall on different dates, it is still an important event for each country. After all, it is mothers who replenish the population of their state. Since 1998, the Russian Federation has set just such a date for Mother's Day: the last Sunday of November. That is, answering the question of what date is Mother's Day in 2017, everyone who wants to celebrate such a day and congratulate mothers should mark November 26 in the calendar.

No need to explain to anyone who a mother is. This woman who gave life, who took care of the little man and continues to take care of the child even after he becomes an independent adult. Many today say that mother is a profession. After all, so much strength and knowledge needs to be invested in a child.

What is the first word we say almost immediately after birth - Mom! The most important word, the most important person on earth is only Mom! We owe a lot to her, especially our birth. And in honor of all mothers in the world, for several centuries there has been a holiday Mother's Day. Mother's Day is celebrated all over the world, but it falls on different dates in each country. So, for example, Mother's Day 2017 in Russia will be held on November 26, that is, on the last Sunday of the month. Whereas in Ukraine - on the second Sunday of each year in May, and in Belarus - this day is celebrated in October. But no matter in which country and when Mother's Day is celebrated in 2017, all congratulations on this day are accepted by mothers from all over the world, as well as those who are preparing to become one in the near future, that is, pregnant women.

Interesting! In the West, Mother's Day is so important holiday that it began to be celebrated since the middle of the 18th century and, of course, are still being celebrated. In large public institutions, this holiday is even shortened.

About setting the date

For many years now, Russian Mother's Day has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This is convenient, because regardless of the year, such an important day is a day off for many women and their children. You can meet, celebrate an event and wish each other a lot of good things, because on a weekday there is not always enough time and energy for this.

Accordingly, when is Mother's Day in 2017 in Russia, what date will differ from year to year. This is due to the fact that the date is set for the last Sunday of autumn, that is, always in November, but the number changes from year to year. In particular, with regard to 2017, we are talking about the date of November 26 and we should not forget about it.

How and where to congratulate

Know the number when Mother's Day in 2017 in Russia in various educational institutions. In kindergartens and schools, by this day it is customary to arrange holiday concerts and put on plays. And even more people make gifts for mom on this day. With your own hands, of course, because all the love and warmth of the soul is invested in such souvenirs, as if a holiday is a little summer.

In turn, each child can come up with their own gift for Mother's Day. What could it be? You can make a postcard with your own hands, you can make soap self made, you can have a frame for a photo, and if finances allow, you can give her a trip to where she dreamed of going for a very long time, but everything was not possible or time. A lot could prevent one of your mom's many dreams from coming true, so help her make it come true.

It cannot be said that in our country Mother's Day has become the same popular and generally recognized holiday as, say, March 8th. But work in this direction is underway, and each person, congratulating his mother on this day, can contribute to the development and popularization of such an important event for every citizen. This is especially true for small towns, villages and towns.

What is the most interesting for mothers, pupils of kindergartens, students in schools, in art houses and just even in shopping centers of big cities on Mother's Day 2017, congratulations will be held, and for their children there will be a competition for the best congratulations on Mother's Day. The same thing can be arranged at home, especially if you have many children in the family. Dads, along with their children, came up with a scenario for Mother's Day in advance, covering festive table with all sorts of treats, will greatly please their wives and mothers of their children. On Mother's Day, congratulations and in the script, you can include such contests as the best drawing of mom, who will make mom's hair more beautiful, who will dress mom more elegantly, who will put her on warmer, given the cold weather, who will cook tastier and faster favorite dish mothers and many others. The main thing here is your imagination and love in your own mother!

About world traditions

In our country, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. The holiday was established at the official level relatively recently, only in 1998. But many historians say that such a day was known even in antiquity. In different regions, such holidays had different names, but the essence was the same: to perpetuate motherhood, to show one's respect and love for one's mother.

Different countries have their own traditions dedicated to this day. We are just starting a tradition of making handmade gifts in honor of the holiday. In Australia, where this day has been celebrated for a long time, it is customary to pin a red carnation to clothes if the mother is still alive and a white carnation if she is no longer alive. On this day all over the world, regardless of which date it is celebrated, you need to visit your parents.

November 26, 2017 is the date when mother's day in Russia. But not every year we are talking about the number "26", because the fundamental factor here is precisely the last November Sunday. In general, it is symbolic that in our country the holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of such a beautiful time as autumn. Do not forget to congratulate mothers on this day, smooth out all conflicts, if any. This is a celebration of gratitude and love!

Posted by: stvalerija
Date of: 22.10.2015 / 16:24


When is Mother's Day in 2017 in Russia, what date

Mom is one of the most important words in the life of any person. And this is understandable - largely thanks to her, we saw this light, learned this life ... Many women see their destiny in the birth of children and fully realize themselves in motherhood. Therefore, this holiday in our country could not be ignored. He is officially approved by the President Russian Federation almost 20 years ago - January 30, 1998. And since then it has been widely celebrated in all cities, having met with the approval of most residents.

And if you still don’t know when Mother’s Day is in 2017 in Russia, what date it is celebrated, then it’s time to correct this annoying mistake! The date of the holiday is movable - it is always the last Sunday of the month of November. That is, if you look at the calendar of this year, the event falls on November 26th.

If you wish, you can mark this day by attending an annual lecture (or seminar) dedicated to the topic of motherhood. Many public organizations hold such events, inviting distinguished teachers and psychologists. This is done for the purpose moral education and children, and the parents themselves, careful and respectful attitude to the mother at any age.

Mother's Day in Russia is also celebrated in many institutions of school and preschool education. Both in schools and kindergartens prepare for it in advance - they make postcards and other crafts, rehearse numbers for performances. And then they hold concerts congratulating the perpetrators of this celebration.

However, Mother's Day is not only a public holiday. If desired, it can be made deeply family. It takes a lot of desire and a little time. You can come up with something new every time on this day, or you can take one idea as a basis and turn it into an annual tradition. At least drinking tea with a cake is so easy and so nice!

You can find Happy Mother's Day greetings online or, if you have a talent for it, compose your own. Print on beautiful paper or rewrite it in a postcard you bought / made yourself. Or go the other way - read a selected poem at a family tea party! Below we describe several interesting options gifts for moms that can be quite easily realized with your own hands.

I would like to believe that all mothers will receive congratulations on this day from their children, regardless of the existing relationship. After all, our life is so fleeting. Today we have loved ones, and tomorrow ... anything can happen tomorrow. Let's remember this and show care, respect and love to our mothers while we still can.

9 ideas creative gifts handmade for mom

There are many ways to make this day special for the one who brought you into the world and raised you. And the great thing is that mom will appreciate everything you do for her this holiday: be it a handmade necklace or a thoughtful card. She will no doubt understand that the gift was made with love.

Then why not make this holiday unique in 2017? Anyway, your mom has been changing dirty diapers for a long time. It is worth rewarding her for all her efforts with something unusual, maybe even sentimental. There are many different interesting ideas handmade gifts for Mother's Day. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to be an expert artisan.

The list below features 9 creative DIY gift ideas that any mom will love.

1. Personal flower pot

If your mother has a small garden, or she likes to have beautiful flowers, you can make an unusual flower pot for her with a design to her liking. Draw her favorite flowers on it or glue her favorite photo, the one where you are still quite a baby. There will surely be tears of joy in her eyes as soon as she sees him.

2. Ice cream stick bracelets

Who said Mother's Day gifts have to be expensive and tasteless? Nobody. And this cute personal bracelet will remind your mom of all those little things that you brought home as a child.

3. Lavender, chocolate or rose cream soap

Anything spa-related makes a fantastic Mother's Day gift for any busy mom. After a bath with this soap, your mother will smell delicious, and will feel fresh and cheerful, which she may need. Don't forget the pretty packaging and she'll be convinced you bought it from some expensive store.

4. Flower chandelier

A gorgeous floral chandelier is probably something your mom doesn't expect to see in her house. And, of course, she will fall in love with this art object, considering its beauty and your efforts. It is not so difficult to build a chandelier, but it will bring a lot of joy, and will remind you of the past spring and summer.

5. Bath bomb in the shape of a heart

No need to spend an exorbitant amount of money on luxurious bathroom items when you can only find instructions for making bath bombs. The main thing is that you have silicone heart-shaped molds on hand, so the gift will become more atmospheric and very cute.

6. Wooden photo puzzle

Choose her favorite family photo to be the base of this puzzle. Having done some simple manipulations, you will make a gift that will be a wonderful decoration for your desktop, at home or in the office. The puzzle will look even more spectacular if you put it in a wooden framed box.

7. Lavender bath salt

With just a few ingredients, DIY bath salts will finally let your mom step back from the world and indulge in luxurious indulgence, if only for a little while. She deserves it, right?!

8. Floral herbal perfume

Not only do these homemade perfume bottles look beautiful with colorful flowers and herbs inside, but they will wrap your mom in a wonderful fragrance. True, you need to make sure that she is not allergic to any components.

9. "52 things I love about you"

This is a classic DIY gift that is both creative and touching. All you need is a deck of cards and a few other trinkets. List 52 things you love most about your mom and have her read this on Mother's Day. Everyone in the house will have wet eyes, trust me.

March 1, 2020 fans of good football will be able to enjoy another game of the two most successful clubs in Spain - Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.

Any meeting of these two principal rivals is called El Clasico.

The current game will take place as part of the 26th round of the Spanish La Liga at the Santiago Bernabeu arena, the home stadium of the Real Madrid club.

At the moment, after 25 league games, Barcelona are top of the Spanish First Division standings with 55 points and Real Madrid are second with 53 points. The lead gap is quite small, and according to the results of the upcoming match, the distribution at the top of the standings may well change.

Start time of Real Madrid v Barcelona on March 1, 2020 (Sunday) at 21:00 local time, which corresponds to 23:00 Moscow time.

The game will be shown live "First channel". Broadcast start - 22:50 Moscow time. 03/01/2020

That is, Real Madrid - Barcelona (football match March 1, 2020) - start time, where to watch:
* at 23:00 Moscow time.
* on the "First" channel.

International day on which the dearest people in the world are honored for us - mother's day in 2018 is celebrated on November 25. What traditions are inherent in this holiday, what history does it have, and why do all mothers wait for it with such impatience and trepidation? We have tried to collect this information in today's article.

The history of Mother's Day in Russia and the world

As such, the history of Mother's Day is hard to trace. Love for one's mothers must be brought up and is brought up in decent families everywhere. In the 17th century, the so-called Mother's Sunday was celebrated in Great Britain, on which children gave them gifts and made promises, which then had to be fulfilled before the next date of the holiday.

The holiday became widespread in 1904, when the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, addressed the nation, in which he proposed to make the second Sunday of May. He was supported by the public, and subsequently 23 countries decided to follow the example of the States, making this day Mother's Day. If you are asked - Mother's Day in 2018 - what date is celebrated in Russia? - you will know that this year it fell on November 25, last November Sunday.

Despite the widespread celebration of Mother's Day, it falls on different dates in different countries. This is primarily due to the fact that many countries have their own state and National holidays, on the eve of which it is celebrated, and combining two holidays in a row is not so easy. Or rather, it is not easy to return to the working week later.

Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia the last Sunday in November. In 2018 it is the 25th. In other countries, the holiday falls on the following dates:

In Kazakhstan, this is the third Sunday of September (in 2018 it is the 16th),
- in Egypt - March 21,
- in Belarus - October 14,
- in Sweden and France - the last Sunday of May (the 28th),
- in the Philippines - May 10,
- in Georgia - March 3,
- in Armenia - April 7,
- in most other countries - the second Sunday in May.

Traditions for Mother's Day. What to give in 2018?

The main tradition of Mother's Day is, of course, congratulations. But it is important to remember here that congratulations are made to women who have children and women who are "in position" - pregnant. This distinguishes Mother's Day from International Women's Day (which is celebrated on March 8), since in the second case, all the fair sex accept congratulations, regardless of whether they have children or not.

In America and Australia there is a special tradition associated specifically with Mother's Day. It is expressed by wearing a carnation flower on your clothes on this day. The color of the flower has a strong meaning. Colored carnations are worn by those whose mother is in good health, while white ones are worn by those whose mother has died.

In Russia, the forget-me-not plays the role of such a flower, showing that children never forget their mothers. But we do not have a link to the color of the flower. Forget-me-nots are depicted on thematic postcards that can be sent on this day by Russian Post at special discounted prices.

Now you know what date Mother's Day is celebrated in 2018 and what memories and history are associated with this holiday. Love your mothers, take care of them and never forget that you were born because of them.