Dinner is served! History and traditions of International Chef's Day. International Chef's Day When is World Chef's Day

Cooking is quite rightly considered not a craft, but an art. And fortunately, much more accessible and tangible than, say, painting or sculpture. Well, who among us would refuse the opportunity to have a really tasty meal? Therefore established professional holiday is a cause for joy not only for the chefs themselves, but also for the entire very large clientele.


The establishment of a new holiday would have been impossible without the mass spread of the profession of a cook, because initially its representatives served only the wealthy elite of society. A similar trend appeared from the end of the 18th century and culminated in the creation of a little-known organization - the "World Association of Culinary Chefs". This event dates back to 1928. Members of the association today are more than 8,000,000 professional chefs from all over the world.

In 2004, at the annual congress of the Association, it was unanimously decided to establish their own holiday for chefs all over the world. As a holiday date, the founding day of the Association itself, which fell exactly on October 20, was adopted. Since then, the holiday has been celebrated annually everywhere, including Russia.


In a meeting international day Chefs are attended by representatives of various specializations:

  • chefs of fashionable restaurants;
  • grillers;
  • sushi manufacturers;
  • kitchen workers;
  • bakers;
  • food industry technologists;
  • confectioners, etc.

Also, representatives of "related" professions - waiters, bartenders, employees of the hotel and restaurant business become participants in the festivities. Numerous people close to the "birthday" people join the celebrations.

The list of events held on this day is also very wide. This:

  • professional competitions;
  • exhibitions of the most outstanding culinary products;
  • trade fairs;
  • thematic festivals;
  • quizzes, etc.

Of course, within the framework of the holiday there is also a place for a rich cultural program, including concerts of various scales and performances by outstanding artists and performers. Well, it is simply impossible to imagine a chef's holiday without a professionally set table!

International Day of Cooks and Cooks is a professional holiday for specialists whose work is related to cooking. The celebrations are attended by chefs, cooks, confectioners, technologists, kitchen support staff. Catering establishment owners, authorities and travel agencies are helping to organize holiday events. They are joined by their friends, relatives and close people. The holiday is also considered by teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

In Russia, in 2020, International Chef's Day is celebrated on October 20 and takes place at an unofficial level 17 times.

The purpose of the holiday is to demonstrate the importance and significance of this profession for the community, the exchange of experience.

On this day, cooking competitions and exhibitions of culinary products are organized. Cooks compete in cooking original dishes and creating dishes large sizes. Promotions and tastings for visitors are held in catering establishments.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

International Chef's Day was established in 2004 by the World Association of Culinary Societies (WACS). This organization consists of about 8 million people from all over the world, so the holiday quickly spread to all corners of the planet.

Holiday traditions

In Russia, on this day, master classes are organized to prepare original dishes. Chefs exchange experience, share culinary secrets. Cooking competitions are held.

On this day, in many cafes and restaurants, the owners hold promotions for their visitors, treat them with original dishes. Exhibitions of culinary products, tasting pickles are held in public catering establishments and amusement parks. Masters create dishes of large sizes, set records that claim to be included in the Guinness book. Charitable events are organized with the collection of funds that are sent to orphanages and for the provision of treatment to children.

Task for the day

Feel like a chef. Find a recipe for a dish you've never cooked before. Involve family members or a soul mate in the culinary process.

  • The assistant of the ancient Greek god of healing Asclepius, the cook Kulina later became the patroness of the art of cooking. It was from her name that the word "cooking" came from.
  • The specialty of a cook originated in Rus' in the 11th century. As a science, culinary began to develop only in the 17th century, when the process of spreading catering establishments - taverns - began. Then they were replaced by taverns, and later by restaurants.
  • In Russia, the first book of culinary recipes (“Short Cookbook Notes”) was written in 1779 by S. Drukovtsev.
  • On March 25, 1888, the first culinary kitchen was opened in St. Petersburg.
  • In France, there is a tradition that a chef's hat should have 100 folds. 1 fold equals 1 egg recipe.
  • According to historical data, for the first time the profession of a cook appeared in the ancient Greek civilization on the island of Crete in 2006 BC. Among the subjects of the ruler was a man whose duties included preparing food for the soldiers.


“Congratulations on International Chef's Day! Let your life boil like hot broth on the stove, your career grow like yeast dough, success be lush like whipped cream, and the breathtaking aroma of love reign in the air of the family!

“On this wonderful October day, the whole world celebrates International Chef's Day. These guys fill our lives with joyful, delicious moments, thereby making us all kinder and better. We want to thank them for all the goodies they come up with and cook for us. Be happy"!

“On Chef's Day, may the sweetest wishes of all wonderful chefs come true! Let a satisfied visitor always come back to you for a new portion of happiness that you fill your dishes with! Happy professional holiday!


Recipe book. Personalized recipe book will be a great themed gift. In such a book, the necessary recipes and culinary notes will be kept at hand.

Kitchenware. Dishes, appliances or food storage containers will become a practical and useful gift for a cook. Before choosing a gift, it is necessary to clarify what kind of culinary utensils the chef needs.

Apron. An apron with an interesting inscription, drawing or embroidered name will become original and an interesting gift. Such an accessory will complement the working style of the cook.

Kitchen timer. A kitchen timer is a useful gadget for a professional cook. It will allow you to monitor the cooking time of products and will become an assistant in the kitchen.


fruit portrait
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare several identical sets of fruits that will correspond to the number of participants. Each participant from the proposed props must make a portrait of a famous person or one of the guests of the holiday. The winner is the one whose work will be the most original.

spice shop
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare jars with various spices. Contestants are blindfolded with tight bandages. Their task is to sniff each jar and name what it contains. The one who never makes a mistake wins.

Culinary geography
Two teams take part in the competition. The host takes turns calling the countries, and the teams must answer the name of the dish of the national cuisine. The first team to answer gets one point. At the end of the competition, the number of points is calculated. The team with the most points wins.

About the profession

Cooks - creative people. They must be clean, attentive, responsible, accurate, have a rich imagination, developed color and taste perception. They need to think and act quickly, have high efficiency and improvisation. They are required to know sanitary standards, cooking technology, weights, safety precautions, and be able to understand kitchen utensils.

This holiday in other countries

The International Day of the cook and culinary specialist is celebrated in more than 70 countries of the world, including Ukraine, Belarus, Japan, France, Britain, Germany and other states.

Although this profession has existed since ancient times, the holiday was established quite recently. The decision to adopt it and the date on which it was appointed were put forward by the chefs themselves at the international congress of the association of culinary communities in 2004. The injustice to the representatives of this profession has been corrected, and now every year on October 20 in more than 70 countries, chefs and culinary specialists accept congratulations and delight others with their delicious masterpieces.

When the profession of a cook appeared, history is silent. However, it is not difficult to guess that people with the ability to cook delicious food have been successful for as long as humanity has existed. After all, it is very difficult to find such a person who would not like to eat deliciously, but not everyone knows how to cook gourmet dishes.

The first cooking recipes written down on paper were found in Babylon, Ancient China and Egypt. Some have survived to this day. The first cooks appeared there, earning on their skills. Over the centuries, cooking has developed more and more, new traditions in cooking have appeared.

By the way, there is a legend that the name "cooking" comes from the name of the cook of the Greek god of healing Asclepius, whose name was Kulina. She became the patroness of chefs.

IN different countries ah, they treated cooking in their own way. In some, they remained completely indifferent to food, while in others, on the contrary, the ability to cook deliciously was valued more than gold. Special schools were organized where they taught culinary arts, and a good cook sometimes cost a fortune.

At the end of the Middle Ages, the championship in the best achievements in this industry was occupied by Italy. A little later, France became the center of culinary arts. Contributions to the development of cooking were made not only by specialists in this profession, but also by government officials, professors, scientists and even composers.

Special attention was paid to the cooks who served in the royal palace. They were one of the main persons in the state and enjoyed the confidence of the king. In France, under the leadership of the chief royal chef, about 800 cooks and assistants worked at the court. In England, under the reign of Richard II, the number of workers in the kitchen reached 1000 people.

IN Ancient Rus' the first mention of cooks began to appear in the tenth century. Later, personal chefs began to work at noble houses. The hosts boasted to each other about the masterpieces of their chefs. It was prestigious to have a skilled specialist.

In the 18th century, a separate science arose - cooking. Taverns, taverns, and later restaurants began to open, where every visitor could taste a dish prepared by a professional chef.

Nowadays, chefs create a whole extravaganza of cooking. They compete with their talents in the ability to create a masterpiece from products. Such competitions are especially lively on International Cook's Day. Not only competitions are organized, but also master classes where everyone can create their own masterpiece under the guidance of famous chefs. There are also exhibitions of unique products of culinary art, where you can not only look at wonderful creations, but also try them.

Every year its professional holiday - Chef's Day- say chefs and culinary experts around the world. international date was established in 2004 at the initiative of the World Association of Culinary Societies. This organization, by the way, has neither more nor less than 8 million members - representatives of the culinary profession from different countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that the professionals of world cuisine have found their holiday.

The celebration of the International Chefs Day in more than 70 countries has acquired a large-scale character. In addition to the chefs themselves, representatives of authorities, employees of travel companies and, of course, owners of public catering establishments, from small cafes to famous restaurants, take part in organizing festive events. They organize skill competitions among chefs, hold tastings and experiment with cooking original dishes.

The profession of a cook is one of the most sought after in the world and one of the oldest. History, of course, is silent about who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​cooking the meat of the hunted game or the plants collected in the forest. But there is a legend about a woman whose name gave the name to the entire industry - cooking.

The ancient Greeks revered the god of healing Asclepius (aka the Roman Aesculapius). His daughter Gigeia was considered the guardian of health (by the way, the word “hygiene” came from her name). And their faithful assistant in all matters was the cook Kulina, who began to patronize the art of cooking, called "cooking".

The first recipes written on paper appeared in Babylon, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, as well as in the countries of the Arab East. Some of them have come down to us in the written monuments of that era, and if desired, anyone can try to cook the dishes that the Egyptian pharaoh or the emperor of the Celestial Empire ate.

In Russia, cooking as a science began to develop in the 18th century. This was due to the spread of catering establishments. At first it was taverns, then taverns and restaurants. The first culinary kitchen in our country was opened in 1888 in St. Petersburg.

We wish you only delicious food!
And for that you need the ingredients:
Love, health, friendship and comfort,
And more kind words and compliments!

Let's add a pinch of joy and good luck,
A smile will give the dish the right taste,
And if tears, then only from happiness - not otherwise!
Happy Chef's Day, we congratulate you!

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There are professions that are popular at all times. The chef is one of them. Everyone seems to know how to cook. But making food tasty, beautifully decorating cooked dishes, is not given to everyone. Indeed, in the work of a cook, the main thing is that the client likes what he cooks and wants to eat this dish more than once.

In ancient times, the cook set the mood for his ruler. If the sovereign was pleased with the food served, then he was happy. Tasteless dishes made the ruler angry and gloomy.

Delicious food becomes the meaning of our life. Sometimes it makes people dependent. Some of us do not know the sense of proportion. From gourmet dishes, you can lose your mind. But if you don’t like the food, then there will be no benefit from eating it.

The profession of a cook is worthy of respect. They make our life more enjoyable. Thanks to them, we can enjoy cooked food, we always have good mood. A well-fed person is always happy, is in an excellent mood. Specialists in their field, we must thank for their excellent dishes. It is very important to congratulate culinary specialists all over the world on their professional holiday. For our favorite experts, there is one day a year when the whole planet honors the great culinary experts. The annual date for celebrating International Chef's Day is October 20th. The holiday is quite young. He emphasizes the importance and significance of the food industry profession. It appeared thanks to the World Association of Culinary Societies in 2004. It was they who approved the day of honoring the chefs. 70 countries joined the idea of ​​the organization. Russia is included in the list of countries.

It is difficult to say why the professional holiday appeared recently. Masters who surprise us with their culinary masterpieces deserve more. Therefore, at least once a year we are obliged to express our gratitude and appreciation to them.

Historical excursion into the profession of a cook

Probably Chef's Day international holiday because many of us consider ourselves masters of cooking. Everyone has their own signature dish. It doesn't matter if it's scrambled eggs or tobacco chicken. We all cook delicious food to please our loved ones.

IN modern world many catering establishments. Numerous cafes, restaurants, canteens and eateries are always in demand. Why do we like to visit such places? These are the merits of chefs who prepare original original dishes, we cannot make them at home, or we cook them in a completely different way.

The cook is very ancient profession. She appeared a long time ago. The need for food has divided all of humanity into those who know how to cook and those who do not. Now it is difficult to determine which recipe appeared first. Perhaps our ancestors cooked mammoth at the stake and shared this knowledge with each other.
There is a wonderful legend that is associated with the advent of cooking.
Once upon a time, the inhabitants of Ancient Greece worshiped the gods. One of the most revered was the god of healing Aesculapius. He lived with a wonderful daughter, Gigea. And Gigeya was helped by the dear girl Kulina. She cooked amazingly, knew a huge number of the most exquisite dishes. Her name was decided to perpetuate in history. Cooking has become the art of cooking. And the talented Kulina is considered the patroness of all cooks, because the term "cooking" came from her name.

With the advent of writing in ancient Egypt, the first recipes began to be written on papyrus. Then culinary letters appeared in other states. Among them are Ancient China and Babylon, the Arab countries. Some old recipes have come down to us. But most were lost. In addition, their cooking equipment is different from ours. Therefore, it is difficult to cook an authentic ancient dish these days.

Culinary art began to develop in Rus' in the 18th century. It was at this time that the first taverns began to appear. They were replaced by eateries and taverns. S. Drukovtsev published his "Cookery Notes" for the first time in 1779. They contained many recipes for culinary masterpieces that we still use today. And the first specialized kitchen opened in 1888 in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. Later, cafes and restaurants began to open.

Cooking in Russia was formed in the family. Big role it was played by women. Cooks began to be invited into the families of wealthy people in the 11th century.
The famous chef's hat must contain 100 pleats. There are so many different egg dishes out there. This discovery was made by the French.

A little about the profession of a cook
Being a good cook is hard enough. These people must have high creative potential. Their profession requires to be attentive, neat, clean and responsible. Their fantasies are to be envied. In addition, they must be hardworking. When preparing their favorite dishes, they must improvise. They should have a developed sense of taste and color. They must adhere to safety regulations, know all items of kitchen utensils.

How is International Chef's Day celebrated?

It is customary to celebrate the professional holiday of all chefs on a special scale. Often there are comic contests for the guests of the celebration. Among them are "The thinnest potato skin", "The longest peeling of apples". The holiday is saturated with an amazing atmosphere. There are always huge crowds of people.

On Chef's Day, a huge number of mass events take place in all corners of the globe. On this day, all catering workers compete with each other in exquisite cooking. Each chef shows his skill. The jury chooses the best and presents memorable prizes and gifts. And all visitors taste the prepared masterpieces.

In addition, the owners of public catering establishments introduce visitors to their signature dishes. The best specialists culinary arts show master classes on cooking their signature dishes. On this day, everyone can learn something new, feel like a chef.

Tasting specialties is always present on this holidays. Many states prepare their national dishes and treat everyone.

Culinary exhibitions are organized on International Chefs Day. It is very popular to create dishes of gigantic sizes. This is how the largest cakes, sandwiches, pizzas and other dishes appear. Often such masterpieces fall into the Guinness Book of Records. This event is broadcast by many TV channels. Media representatives make photo reports.

Grandiose dishes at the festival have long gone down in history. The Japanese have made the biggest hot dog ever. Its length reached 60 meters. The Italians wanted to bake the largest five-meter pizza. She weighed 24 kilograms. The Americans managed to make a huge one hundred kilogram meatball. Croats cooked a sausage 530 meters long.

The professional holiday of cooks gathers not only culinary specialists, but also public figures, politicians, artists, representatives of travel agencies, owners of cafes and restaurants. All of them demonstrate what a huge role food workers play in our lives. Charity events take place on this day. The money is donated to sick children. There are also competitions among amateurs of culinary arts.