International Jeweler's Day. International Jeweler's Day One of the oldest professions

Jewelry chain 585GOLD

International Day of the Jeweler

January 31 is a little-known holiday - International Jeweler's Day. A day dedicated to those people who not only appreciate real beauty, but create it…

The profession of a jeweler is one of the most difficult and unusual professions in the world, because from the person who is engaged in it, it requires the presence of many, and most importantly, very diverse qualities and skills. This is excellent eyesight, and an accurate eye, and perseverance, and patience, and a healthy strong heart, and possession of special, rather complex techniques and tools, and an innate artistic taste, and sensitive, "golden" hands, and much, much more. Jewelry masters do not enter this profession by accident. As a rule, these are people who are passionate about their work. Perhaps that is why their creations are so beautiful and win women's hearts with such ease.

Usually, when creating jewelry, a jeweler uses a number of professional techniques, such as: casting, polishing, inlay, etching, filigree, stamping, rolling, cutting, folding, etc. To learn all this, a person must definitely work as an apprentice with an already experienced experienced jeweler and actually see and try out all known jewelry techniques. At the same time, it is desirable for him to have a higher education (for example, art) behind him, but not necessarily. The main thing is constant many hours, many years of practice. Jewelery is a rather rare specialty, and you can learn it in just a few universities in the country. Among them: Moscow State University of Art and Industry named after V.I. S.G. Stroganova, St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design and Moscow State Textile University. A. N. Kosygin.

Jewelers usually work either at jewelry factories, or in private small jewelry workshops, as well as at pawnshops and expert bureaus for jewelry appraisal. However, despite all the difficulty of this work and the high cost of the consumables with which they work, the salary of beauty creators is not very high - on average, about 35 thousand rubles. Private craftsmen who are engaged in the creation of designer jewelry, of course, receive more.

The very word "jeweler" came to us from French: joyau means "treasure" and takes its roots from Latin: jocellum is translated as "jewel". There is a similar cognate word jewel in English language.

So, when did the first jewelers appear? It is known that even members of primitive tribes tried to decorate themselves, only instead of precious stones they usually used feathers, teeth and bones of animals. With the development of civilization and culture, there was a gradual development of techniques for finding minerals and processing colored stones. The first centers of jewelry art were Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, as well as India and the Middle East. The first use of native gold was recorded in ancient Egypt as early as the 5th millennium BC. Even then, people highly appreciated the perfect characteristics of this precious metal and made it the main measure of wealth. Surprisingly, in the tombs of the pharaohs were found not only gems, but their imitations, which indicates that even in those days, jewelers had a fairly wide range of skills and knowledge.

In ancient times, manual processing of stones was widespread. In 3000 BC, such popular stones as emerald, topaz, garnet, turquoise were actively mined, processed and inlaid. Initially, only high-ranking political and church figures were the owners of precious stones. Gems were decorated with royal regalia and robes of clergy, and they also decorated the interior. During the Middle Ages, people believed in the magical power of stones and their influence on human life. Quite popular was the hypothesis that each person has a stone intended for him by the date of birth. The secrets of the impact of minerals on the human body are revealed by such a science as lithotherapy.

There are not many people in this profession. We know little about this unique, exquisite work. Beautiful words it is customary to talk about astronauts and the military, rescuers and sailors. But the jewelers are completely invisible. Many are jealous of them, suspect of illegal enrichment. This is characteristic of people with a proletarian bias. But everyone loves jewelry, they are willing to buy them if they have a small free amount. And in the event of a breakage of an earring or a break in the chain, they run to the jewelry workshop.

About the profession

A jeweler is a profession that is full of mysteries, mysteries and secrets. It's hard to imagine a book or movie about jewelry without this character. Jewelers are able to make history, they are trusted with the most secret secrets and the most sacred things. With their work they are able to create unique values, to cut expensive stones and metals. Many things rise in value because of their labor. A jeweler can do what tens of thousands of people cannot do. Even tyrants and dictators treated them with respect.

The life and work of a jeweler is fraught with risk and danger. The jeweler is always under the gun of thieves and swindlers. He always needs to lead a hidden lifestyle, not to let strangers and dubious comrades into his possessions. The work of a jeweler is one of the oldest types of human activity. Even primitive women adorned their gross bodies at their leisure. beautiful stones, bones of antediluvian animals. And everyone wanted to be unique, more attractive than everyone else. There was a division of labor - the majority chased mammoths, and creative individuals created beauty. And there weren't very many!

The main features of any jeweler:

  • perseverance.
  • Restraint.
  • Patience.
  • Accuracy.
  • Perfect attention.

A jeweler is not just an artist. This is a technically literate person who is familiar with physical properties materials, has unique technologies of soldering, welding, riveting. A fascinating video will help you better imagine the work of a jeweler:

Features of the month

January is the most fun month for our man. Celebrated since the end of December New Year. It smoothly transitions into Christmas and the corresponding festivities. In the middle of the month, the most incomprehensible holiday for other peoples is celebrated: the Old New Year. Then the Baptism of the Lord, Tatyana's day and something else. At the end of January comes the holiday of the end of the holidays! Because the liver and the cardiovascular system already at the limit. And ahead is a harsh February, which ends after the Eighth of March. Few people in Russia are familiar with the holiday date of January 31st. This is the Day of Russian Vodka, which overshadows the work of a jeweler in importance. And on this day, the world celebrates independence from the Internet.

Date picker

Almost no one knows what date International Jeweler's Day is celebrated. The idea itself appeared in 2002. It happened at the festival Golden ring Russia”, which was held in Kostroma. And only six years later the holiday was finally approved. It happened in Tashkent, where the best young talents of jewelry art competed. It was the date of registration of the stamp that became international day jeweler. It is noteworthy that Russian jewelers of the old sourdough celebrate this holiday on May 30th. It was on this day that Carl Faberge was born. And the jewelers of Yakutia have their own special date: October 23rd.

next year

There's no particular reason why jewelers can't celebrate their day with a little celebration. The turmoil that is increasingly felt in Russia will not ban jewelry and labor associated with obtaining unearthly beauty by this time. People of traditional professions celebrate their holidays with a feast, barbecues and dancing until you drop. These are metallurgists, miners, the military. Jewelers are a special caste! These are people of high organization, creative and refined natures. They are little attracted by the banal fun with drinking strong drinks. They are close in spirit to champagne and elite wines. And instead of anecdotes and stupid humor, they prefer intellectual conversations.

It is customary to celebrate this holiday with exhibitions, show your new creations, amaze others and colleagues with unique achievements. No special support is required from the state. It’s not worth asking the authorities for funds to rent an exhibition hall - it’s easier to do it on your own. After all, there is no money now, everyone has been given the installation to hold on! And we will not hear the congratulations of the President. What can spoil the holiday:

  • Disaster.
  • Chaos in society.
  • Massive epidemic.
  • revolutionary situation.
  • Attack on the exhibition of robbers.

But these are all extremes. Jewelers will please us and their colleagues. A friendly exchange of experience will help create new, more unique masterpieces.

Salary of an ordinary jeweler in Russia: 30000 rubles
Famous jewelry brands: BULGARI, TIFFANY, Harry Winston
Founding year of Mikimoto: 1893
Faberge birthday: May 30, 1846
The best jewelry exhibitions in Moscow: "Symphony of Gems", "VDNKh Jewelry Opening Day", "Jewels Inspired by Nature"
The largest network of jewelry workshops in Russia: "Adamas"
Length of wire from one gram of gold: 3 kilometers!

For the epigraph:

The work of a jeweler is not easy, and height is not at all important here,

Perseverance and a keen eye - everyone was surprised many times!

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The International Day of the Jeweler was established in honor of the masters of the jewelry craft and is celebrated annually on January 31st. This solemn event is celebrated by all specialists who work directly with jewelry.

History of appearance

The idea of ​​the birth of this holiday appeared in 2002 at the Golden Ring of Russia festival, held in Kostroma. Officially, this festival was established in 2008 at the festival of young jewelry talents in Tashkent.


On this day, presentations of new products and lessons of the highest professional skills are traditionally held by experts in their field. Students of the art school present their teachers with products made in their own author's style. Jewelry stores hold promotions: discounts on goods are widespread.

jewelry craft

A jeweler is a craftsman who makes and repairs jewelry. He must have the skills to work with various types of metals and their alloys. He must be able to connect the component parts of the product, give it a shape and bring it to a marketable appearance. He is characterized by diligence, patience, self-control, filigree and creativity.

  • They do not produce jewelry made of pure gold and silver, since they have low strength. That is why alloys are used in handicraft. Fineness is the percentage of gold and silver in a precious metal. For example, a 585 sample shows that the product consists of 58.5% gold.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian are the patrons of jewelers and blacksmiths in the Orthodox Church.
  • The profession of a jeweler is inherited. As a rule, if parents are engaged in this business, children follow in their footsteps.
  • Archaeologists believe that ancient Greece became the birthplace of this craft - here the ancestors of modern jewelers first carved stone.
  • This professional activity does not allow unrestrained and quick-tempered people. Before starting training, future specialists are required to pass a psychological test and pass a narcologist. These procedures were provided in order to save money - scrupulous work involves great emotional stress, and therefore people with a weak psyche can spoil expensive raw materials.
  • Carl Faberge is the richest and poorest jeweler. His products are known all over the world and are in great demand among collectors. The Fabergé egg that this great artisan made was sold at auction for $18.5 million. Surprisingly, Karl died bankrupt - after the revolutionary movements of 1917, his entire fortune was taken under arrest, and he had to leave the country.

All over the world your professional holiday - International Jeweler's Day- the masters say that they make our life more beautiful.

It is believed that the idea of ​​creating this holiday first arose in 2002 at the Golden Ring of Russia festival, which was held in Kostroma. And in 2008 in Tashkent, at the festival of young jewelers, it was decided to establish January 31 as International Jeweler's Day. The date was chosen due to the fact that it is in January that jewelers register their hallmarks.

The profession of a jeweler is one of the most ancient, because people have always loved to adorn themselves. The first jewelry was made from a variety of auxiliary materials that could be processed with primitive tools of that time. It could be beads made of shells, necklaces made of fangs, pebbles with a hole in a leather strip ... The leader of the tribe wore the richest and most luxurious jewelry.

Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of jewelry art. Here, for the first time, stone carving was made, jewelry made of precious metals with gems appeared. The works of ancient masters still amaze with their beauty and grace. Precious stones, pearls, amber, gems were used in jewelry. It was customary to embroider outerwear with small pearls.

The history of jewelry in Russia is rooted in the distant past and begins with the birth of Kievan Rus and the Vladimir-Suzdal principality (9th-12th centuries). The centers of Russian jewelry art at different times were the ancient Russian cities of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Moscow and many others.

In Rus', gold and silver frames for stones were widely used, and the precious stones themselves were considered a symbol of supreme power. They were inlaid with the crown, scepter, royal rod and orb. The royal storerooms were constantly replenished with gems, which were brought from all over the world.

In the middle of the 17th century, the extraction of Russian gems began. Malachite deposits were discovered in the Urals, and agates, carnelian and jasper were mined in Siberia.

Under Peter I, the Ural gems gained worldwide fame. In Rus', they began to build grinding and cutting factories.

The brilliant age of Catherine II became one of the pinnacles of Russian jewelry art. Products jewelry factories of those times is characterized by an original combination of new forms and at the same time traditional Russian aestheticism.

For every time in Russian jewelry art there is a favorite combination of gem scales. If in the second half of the 17th century the works of Russian jewelry factories were distinguished by the combination of bright sapphires and rubies in one product, often in combination with enamels, then in the 18th century the diamond became the favorite stone of the aristocracy - a cut diamond.

In the middle of the 19th century, precious stones began to be mined in Russia - diamonds, emeralds, topazes, rubies. The art of stone processing at that time reached a high level.

From the Ural gems were made not only Jewelry, but also a variety of art objects: vases, figurines, candlesticks, tabletops, which were in great demand among the wealthy public.

In the second half of the 19th century, the jewelry house of Carl Faberge was founded, which quickly gained fame and began to fulfill orders from the royal family. IN jewelry Faberge used rock crystal, jasper, jade, lapis lazuli and different kinds quartz. The Faberge Jewelry House supplied its products to almost all the imperial and royal houses of Europe, Asia and Africa. Faberge products that have survived to this day are highly valued by collectors and true lovers of jewelry masterpieces.

The traditions laid down by the great jewelers of the past continue modern masters, delighting us with beautiful products that meet all the canons of jewelry art.

In the Orthodox tradition, Saints Cosmas and Damian are considered patrons of blacksmiths and jewelers. The holiday in honor of their memory is called Kuzminki and is celebrated twice a year - and in a new style.

Catholics have a legend about Dunstan, the patron saint of blacksmiths and jewelers. One day, the devil appeared in his smithy and demanded a horseshoe for his hoof. Dunstan recognized the devil and began to shoe him so painfully that he asked for mercy. Dunstan released the devil only after promising that he would never visit a place where there was a horseshoe. Commemoration of Saint Dunstan - .

There are also regional holidays in honor of this profession. So, since 2010, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakut jewelers have been celebrating their professional holiday.

Who knows how diamonds shine?
Who will find marriage everywhere and at once?
Who is accustomed to the light of stones,
And who has no relatives of gold?
Who is like a sculptor or a poet?
There are no limits to his talent
He sees the world in bright colors,
Congratulations, jeweler!
Not easy, laborious at times,
Your work is like unearthly,
Masterpieces are worth millions
And they beckon, tease with a languid gaze,
Let the craft flourish
What beauty has brought to the world!

On January 31, Russians celebrate a wonderful holiday - Jeweler's Day. This profession is one of the oldest on earth, because at all times, both women and men loved to wear jewelry made of precious metals and stones on their bodies.

Similarities of modern gold jewelry were first made in Egypt, where this craft was especially developed, and the products, as a rule, were very heavy and massive. Today, representatives of this profession surprise the world with their unique handmade masterpieces.

Jewelers appeared on the territory of Russia only in the 15th century, and they were Greeks. The first jewelry factory was created by order of Peter I and was located in Peterhof. For the first time, it was here that Russian craftsmen mastered the technique of processing stones, which were actively mined in those days. And already in the 19th century, Russia began to extract real diamonds, rubies, topazes and emeralds from its bowels. With the coming to power of Catherine II, the stocks and collections of jewelry factories were distinguished by their original forms and combinations of metals and stones.

Today, jewelers can hardly be surprised by any wonderful stone. But in honor of the holiday, you can give them a lot of congratulations, kind words and small gifts in the form of original figurines or images of the patrons of jewelers - Cosmas and Damian.

Jeweler's Day 2021 - congratulations

Ladies love diamond rings
Ladies respect pearls!
In general, jewelry talents
Let's admire for ages!

You are on Jeweler's Day congratulations
Please take it from me as soon as possible!
I want to wish you good luck
And let life be more fun!

You always command respect
And let there be many customers!
You appreciate every moment
Neither sadness nor sadness touches!

If you need something unusual -
Are you ready to do it right now?
Platinum and gold are familiar
Materials, in general, for you.

Being a jeweler is a calling!
You need to have a stylish taste,
In order not to know disappointment -
Just cause admiration!

Let the products be sold out
Everyone wants to have!
Your hands are strong, skillful
They get to do a lot of things!

Congratulations on Jeweler's Day!
And in your honor I say -
I respect your work
And I love silver and gold!

Put on a beautiful ring -
Or maybe a new necklace, -
We thank you heartily
You are a jewelry couturier!

I want you to smile
Never discouraged
So that all products succeed
Everywhere and everywhere and always!

Jeweler's Day card 2021

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