What is the correct name for May 1st? The first of May - what are we celebrating? May what holiday is the official name: the history of the holiday

The list of holidays in Russia on October 1, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays October 1

On October 1, Russia celebrates 8 holidays, including 5 international and 3 professional ones.

International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons is celebrated every year on October 1 around the world. Recall that it was established on December 14, 1990, the initiator of its creation was the UN General Assembly.

It can be said that the establishment of this holiday was, as it were, a continuation of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Aging, adopted in 1982. And in 1991, the UN Principles for Older Persons were adopted.

During the Second World Assembly, a Political Declaration and an International Plan of Action were adopted. It is safe to say that they contributed to a change in the attitude of society towards its elderly members. At this event, for the first time, governments around the world comprehensively studied issues on aging. The problems of providing employment for the elderly, improving medical care, increasing their incomes, and improving social security were considered.

Great attention was paid to the problems of older women, who make up the majority in this age group. After all, as you know, all over the world, the average life expectancy of women exceeds medium duration men's lives. In addition, a significant increase in the number of older people in the world has required a serious review of their role in society and attitudes towards them in general.

One of the most important points of the adopted resolution can be called the recognition of the fact that older people are able to contribute to the development of society. Therefore, they should not be deprived of this opportunity. Unfortunately, our pensioners cannot yet afford the kind of life that American or European grandparents lead. It is to be hoped that this situation will change over time.

The Day of the Elderly was originally celebrated only in Europe, a little later it appeared in the United States. And since the end of the 80s, the holiday has already been celebrated in other countries of the world. On a special scale, this holiday is usually celebrated in Scandinavian countries.

day of the elderly

In Russia, October 1 is also celebrated as the Day of the Elderly, but here it has a slightly different name - the Day of the Elderly. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the emergence of this new holiday was issued on June 1, 1992. Since then, this holiday has appeared in Russia and has become quite popular.

World Architecture Day

The construction of any structures, buildings, structures is preceded by the design stage. It is based on the specification. Determined appearance, operating conditions, list of materials used, functionality of objects. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists engaged in such activities.

When they celebrate

World Architecture Day is celebrated every year on the first Monday in October. In 2018, it falls on October 1 and is not a national holiday in Russia. The action was established by the International Union of Architects (UIA) in 1985.

Who is celebrating

Architects take part in the celebrations, regardless of length of service and place of work. They are joined by engineers, builders, heads of design bureaus, workshops, support staff. The event is celebrated by their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people. World Architecture Day is considered by students, graduate students and teachers of specialized educational institutions, as well as their graduates.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event started in 1985. At a meeting of the International Union of Architects, it was decided to establish professional holiday. After 11 years, the 20th General Assembly approved the postponement of the event from the first Monday in July to the first Monday in October.

The chosen date has a symbolic meaning. She is dedicated to world day housing, held under the auspices of the United Nations. Both holidays are ideologically very close, they profess the common goals of improving the comfort and ergonomics of settlements and places of residence. They have themes installed in advance.

The International Day of Architecture is marked by exhibitions, symposiums, seminars and conferences. Participants make presentations on industry issues. Proposals are being made to improve the legislation. The possibilities of applying new technologies are considered. Particular attention is paid to environmentally friendly materials used in the construction of structures, as well as energy efficiency. It allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing heat carriers and electricity.

In early October, the head of state issues a decree conferring the honorary title "People's Architect Russian Federation". It is awarded to people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the industry. Festivals are held, which have become a gathering place for the leading experts of the region. Excursions and exhibitions are organized, layouts and photographs of objects are demonstrated. You can personally see the outstanding work.

Behind festive table the audience utter warm words, wishes of health and success in responsible work, exchange gifts. Congratulations, toasts ending with the clink of glasses sound.

Ground Forces Day

The ground forces have always been the most massive and important view Armed Forces of Russia.

The history of the creation of the Ground Forces goes far back into the depths of centuries. It can be said with confidence that the ground forces of our country have always played and continue to play the most important role in achieving victory over the enemy and protecting national interests. Until recently, in Russia, so rich in all sorts of dates, there was no holiday dedicated to the ground forces. And only by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549, October 1 was established as the Day ground forces Russian Federation.

history of the holiday

And this day was not chosen by chance. It was on October 1, 1550 that a historically turning point in the construction and development of the regular Russian army took place. On this day, the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan IV (the Terrible) issued the Sentence “On the placement in the Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people”, which laid the foundations for the first permanent army, which had signs of a regular army. In accordance with this decree, archery regiments and a permanent guard service were created, and an artillery detachment was assigned to independent genus troops.

The archers were armed with improved artillery, mine-explosives, and handguns. In addition, the system of recruitment and military service in the local army was streamlined, the centralized management of the army and its supply were organized, and permanent service in peacetime and wartime was established.

International Music Day

According to the new direction of prenatal education, the perception of the world by a small creature begins with sounds. The very first impressions the human embryo receives through the thickness amniotic sac, capturing the slightest vibrations and sound vibrations.

If you dig deep into the centuries, when a person could not yet speak, music already existed in the form of sounds: lulling lowing, frightening roars, and so on. It is part of life on earth. We are surrounded by a huge number of sounds and melodies, most of which are not caught by our hearing or are perceived in certain periods of development (children's sensitivity to ultrasound).

An international professional holiday is dedicated to this type of art.

When is it held

International Music Day is celebrated annually on October 1 all over the world. The event was approved at the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council at UNESCO) in 1973, and the official celebration began in 1975.

Who is celebrating

International Music Day 2018 gathers everyone who wants to join the great and eternal art: professional musicians, artists, teachers, student vocalists and ordinary people with their direct participation.

history of the holiday

One of those to whom modernity owes the existence of this international date, is a citizen of the USSR, Russian composer, pianist and well-known public figure D. D. Shostakovich. The most famous musician of the last century and doctor of art history in the late 40s. became a political exile, was deprived of the title of professor at the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories and fired from there.

His "holidays" lasted more than 10 years, but already in 1955 Shostakovich's career was restored, and a new creative upsurge began. The musical legacy he left is performed in various countries. Like many of the world's classic masterpieces, it has received a new direction in modern popular rock processing.

Probably, any medieval festival or carnival, as well as palace balls, can be safely attributed to the prerequisites for the emergence of the holiday, if not to the event itself.

World Habitat Day (World Housing Day)

Problems with housing and living conditions are among the most acute in the political and economic life of any state. The situation is changing for the better every year (new houses are being built, new lands are being developed), but the shortage of square meters per capita is still great. It is with the goal of providing housing for all the world's inhabitants by the year 2000 that World Habitat Day was established. Despite the fact that the goal was not achieved by the set period, the celebration of this date continues every year.

When does it pass

World Habitat Day is celebrated every first Monday in October. The date was set at the 119th plenary meeting (40th session) of the UN General Assembly in resolution No. A / RES / 40/202 of December 17, 1985. In 2018, events are held on October 1. Russia joins the celebrations.

Who notes

World Habitat Day is celebrated by those who, having housing, remained indifferent to this problem, especially the current situation in undeveloped countries, as well as those who are concerned about the living conditions of people: land and air pollution, the growth of diseases in cities and much more. Every year the celebrations are dedicated to a new theme.

history of the holiday

In 1976, during the Vancouver UN Conference on sustainable development settlements, the topic of housing problems and related living conditions was given a key position. The Commission on Human Settlements worked on this issue and made its recommendations to the 40th session of the UN General Assembly. The result of their consideration was the adoption of a decision on the approval of this holiday.

The event received the name "Habitat" as a result of the translation of this word from the Latin language (habitabilis - "a place that has a population and is suitable for living (habitat)". Translated from English, this means " living conditions". It is also the name of the United Nations Center for Human Settlements.

World Vegetarian Day

Vegetarianism is not just a way of life, but also a kind of philosophy that people who eat meat products categorically refuse to accept. However, at the moment, approximately 10% of the population of our planet are vegetarians. This is a fairly significant figure, so it is not surprising that they have their own significant date called World Vegetarian Day.

It has been celebrated every year for several decades and falls on October 1st. Moreover, a wide variety of events dedicated to this topic are held in different countries for a whole month and ends on November 1st with International Vegan Day, that is, a person who adheres to the strictest principles and does not eat not only meat, but also fish, seafood, milk and dairy products.

The history of the holiday

The initiative to declare October 1 as World Vegetarian Day was made in 1977 by representatives of the North American Vegetarian Society. In 1978, they were supported by the International Vegetarian Union. The main goal of all these people was to spread the ideas of vegetarianism among the world community and the desire to prove the enormous benefits of this lifestyle for human health.

Therefore, they organize all kinds of actions and flash mobs, which are held both on the streets of cities and in social networks. Participants of these events make calls to stop killing animals for food, share their own experience and try to attract as many citizens as possible to their side.

Arina Shipovnitsa

The national holiday of Arina Shipovnitsa is celebrated on October 1, 2018 (September 18 is the date according to the old style). On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyrs Ariadne of Promissia (Phrygian) and Irina of Egypt.

In honor of which of the saints the holiday is named is unknown. After all, Arina is both an abbreviated form from Ariadne, and a variant of the pronunciation of the name Irina.

About the martyr Irene of Egypt, it is only known that, being a Christian, she opposed the pagans during the reign of the Roman emperor Aurelius. Like many others, in particular Sophia (who is also remembered on October 1), she was tried, subjected to numerous tortures and beheaded.

The martyr Ariadne lived in the town of Promission in the Phrygian region. She was the concubine of the head of the city until she refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods and announced publicly that she was a Christian. For this, they beat her, tortured her body, tearing out pieces of meat with sharp hooks, and threw her into prison. After a long deduction without food and water, Ariadne was released and left the city.

Traditions and rituals

Rose hips are harvested and dried on this day. According to legend, the berries collected specifically for Arina Rosehipovnitsa have wonderful property double power to heal from various ailments. They are also used in cooking.

Seeing a crane wedge in the sky, knowledgeable people will definitely wish them a good journey and a speedy return. Among the people, this bird symbolizes the arrival of warmth and is considered the messenger of God. According to legend, in the autumn they carry away the souls of the dead, and in the spring they show the way to the souls of babies who are soon to be born.

Birthday postcard

It is customary to celebrate the birthday of a postcard every year on the first of October. Despite the fact that such printed and colorful souvenirs have practically disappeared from the everyday life of most people, the date is celebrated all over the world. After all, just a few years ago, for every holiday, millions of families received dozens of beautiful cards with thematic drawings, on the reverse side of which wishes and congratulations were written in calligraphic handwriting.

history of the holiday
On the last day of autumn 1865, it was proposed to create a postal open card. This idea was introduced by von Stefan, who then headed a series of post offices of the North German Confederation. Unfortunately, that year the proposal did not find much support and approval from the direct participants of the profile conference.

The possibility of an open card was safely forgotten, but after 3 years Pardubica and Friedlein, who were book dealers, offered to issue postcards with several printed phrases on the reverse side. Buyers had only to underline the necessary expressions. But this option was completely rejected.

In 1869, one of the newspapers in Vienna published the idea of ​​an economics professor named Hermann. He suggested creating postcards that were very reminiscent of the previous versions. But the innovator pointed out the need to reduce the signature on the back to 20 words. This creative and useful idea found approval.

So that the activities of the Austrian postal department were not hindered, the place for the message was made strictly limited. On October 1 of the same year, the so-called correspondent card was issued. That is why the date of her birth falls on this date, which has been celebrated all over the world since time immemorial.

The list of holidays in Russia on May 1, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays May 1

Holiday of Spring and Labor (May 1)

We will tell you which holiday is celebrated on May 1. Its history began in 1886, when American workers organized a strike and demonstration that ended in a bloody clash with the police.

This holiday, which is celebrated in 140 countries of the world, has become a symbol of the class struggle and the unity of workers who defend their rights.

May Day was one of the main holidays of the Land of the Soviets. Since 1918, according to the Labor Code of the RSFSR, May 1 has become a non-working day.

And according to the decision of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On public holidays, dedicated to the day International, and about special days of rest", since 1928 became a day off and the next day - May 2.

In the Soviet years, festive demonstrations were held in our country on this day, in which workers carried banners with portraits of political figures, leaders in production, appeals, slogans, etc., and military parades were organized.

The official May Day demonstration in the USSR was last held in 1990.

On May 1, 1991, a rally was held on Red Square in Moscow against the increase in prices for consumer goods, organized by trade union organizations.

In 1993, at a rally followed by a procession in the capital, there were clashes between demonstrators and riot police.

Living day

From the very early morning, the spring holiday of the Slavs begins - Zhivin's day. Alive - the goddess of life, birth, spring, fertility. She is the wife of Dazhbog and the daughter of the Goddess Lada. Alive - the Goddess of Life and Spring in all manifestations. It is she who gives the vitality of the Family.

Zhiva is the goddess of all life-giving forces mother nature, the first shoots of spring and the waters seething from melting snow, the patroness of young wives and young girls. By the way, Christians replaced the cult of the Goddess Alive with the cult of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

On this day, all women perform ritual dances around the fire with brooms in their hands, thereby clearing the place of evil spirits and all kinds of evil spirits. So they glorify the Goddess Zhiva, who sends spring to Earth, reviving nature. Also on this day, it is customary to jump over the fire, thereby clearing all kinds of misfortunes, ailments and obsessions that have accumulated over the long winter.

Kuzma Ogorodnik

The folk Christian holiday Kuzma Ogorodnik is celebrated on May 1 (April 18 according to the old style) of each year. By church calendar on this day they honor the memory of St. Cosmas of Chalcedon, confessor, bishop.

Other names of the holiday: St. Kuzma's Day, Cosmas, Kuzmin's day, Gardener.

The day was nicknamed the gardener due to the fact that Saint Cosmas is the patron saint of vegetable gardens and crops. But the cuckoo, which begins its song in the green kingdom, is also an important bird of this day.


Saint Cosmas lived in the VIII-IX centuries. Born in the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the city of Constantinople. Even in his youth he decided to devote his life to Christianity. Cosmas left the vain world, went to a monastery and became a monk. He strictly fasted and prayed. Over time, he managed to achieve perfection in many ways.

After Cosmas was appointed bishop of the city of Chalcedon (Calcedon), he more than once had to deal with heretic iconoclasts. He sacredly guarded Orthodox teaching from their attacks and continued to worship holy icons.

For the disobedience of the church, which succumbed to the heresy of iconoclasm, the bishop of Chalcedon was arrested. After some time, he was subjected to torment, persistently offered to give up the worship of holy icons. But Cosmas firmly endured the torture and remained unshakable in his faith. One of the tortures was his last. The saint presumably died in 816.

Birthday postage stamp

history of the holiday

The English boy Rowland Hill, who later became a teacher, was used to hearing from early childhood how his mother, who worked in one of the city's post offices, constantly complained about some kind of absurdity in her work, the unjustified high cost of postal services. Among other things, the woman repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​possible improvements and solutions to many problems at the post office.

Rowland Hill remembered his mother's conversations well and in 1837 published a satirical article, which also contained some ideas about the reorganization of the postal service and the improvement of its work. It was thanks to this publication that just three years later the English postal service began to work according to a new unified system, initiated by Rowland.

The very first stamps appeared simultaneously with the transition of the mail to the new system. On May 1, 1840, a batch of 1p stamps was issued. They were done in black and featured the profile of Queen Victoria. A couple of days later, new stamps arrived at the post offices. Their face value was already two pennies, and they were blue.

The teacher-turned-postal reformer was invited to the post office and had an excellent career there. By the way, in the postal service of the Russian Empire, stamps began to be officially used as a guarantee of payment for services since 1858, however, in St. Petersburg, “stamp covers” for the needs of the city post were already used in 1845.

May holidays are celebrated not only in the post-Soviet space. In one form or another, something is celebrated at this time throughout Europe. It can be round dances around the Maypole, making fires or just an innocent trip to nature with food and drink. And all this is an echo of a completely different holiday, which the ancestors of modern Europeans celebrated thousands of years ago - Walpurgis Night. It falls on the night of April 30 to May 1.


The ancestor of Walpurgis Night is the feast of the Florals. The Sabines, who lived in Central Italy, celebrated it three thousand years ago. And in the VIII century BC. e. it was officially celebrated by the Romans. The holiday was dedicated to the goddess of flowers and spring Flora, a "relative" of the ancient Greek Chloris.

Games in honor of Flora were held from April 28 to May 3. It was fun party Roman plebs. Houses and tables were decorated with armfuls of spring flowers, people drank, ate, walked and had fun. Roman prostitutes took an active part in the holiday. Sexual freedom is on the rise these days.

Floralia, albeit in a somewhat ennobled, "urban" form, preserved the memory of the village holidays of the arrival of spring. The main goal of the villagers at that time was to help the awakening nature and ensure the harvest and fertility. To this end, the villagers massively indulged in sin, and also drank and ate plentifully.

Exactly the same way they celebrated May 1 in the Celtic countries - in Ireland, Scotland, Wales. The Beltane festival was dedicated to Belenus, the god of the sun and fertility. An important part of the holiday were the ceremonies associated with the blossoming branch, Maypole or Maypole. A young tree was cut down, then decorated with ribbons, placed on an elevated place and danced around it. By the way, our round dance is around Christmas tree comes from this tradition.

In the evening, calling Belenus, the Celts kindled fires and jumped over them. According to legend, this helped the sun god to rise higher in the sky and ensured high seedlings of cereals. After midnight, the guys and girls retired to the forests and all night long they were engaged in stimulating that same fertility.

May Day was celebrated all over Europe under different names. But his essence was the same everywhere - to help nature wake up from winter stupor and ensure the harvest.

Dark Ages

Centuries passed, the Roman Empire fell, the Great Migration of Nations began. Europe barely survived all these catastrophes. However, from Gibraltar to Tara, the locals continued to celebrate May Day with pleasure according to the precepts of their ancestors.

Christian missionaries tried to eradicate an indecent holiday. However, the flock remained faithful to their traditions. Then the holy fathers decided to change the holiday.

Approximately in the 860s, Walburga, the abbess of the Heidenheim monastery, who had died a hundred years earlier, appeared in a dream to the German bishop Otgar of Eichschett. Walburga complained to the bishop about the desecration of her grave. He immediately ordered her remains to be transferred and solemnly reburied. A "hype" was organized around the relics - they allegedly streamed myrrh and performed miracles. Lives of Walburga appeared, in which numerous miracles she performed were described.

Already in 870, Pope Adrian II canonized the deceased. St. Walpurgis Day, by an interesting coincidence, fell on May 1st. Now all decent Christians on this day were supposed to go to church and pray to the saint, and not participate in ungodly pagan rites.

But the complex intrigue of the churchmen was not successful. For centuries, people continued to celebrate May Day, but now pagan rites fell on the day - or night - of St. Walpurgis.

Almost all ancient rituals have been preserved, although they have been reinterpreted. Bonfires were now lit, ostensibly to protect the people from the witches that swept through the night air. For the same purpose they beat church bells.

The Maypole continued to be erected and danced around it. The custom, beloved by young people, of going out into the woods at night has not disappeared. Back in the 16th century, eight hundred years after the “Christianization” of May Day, an English writer bitterly noted: “I heard from people who are very respectable ... that hardly one third of the girls who went to the forests ... returned home as chaste.”


May Day finally became Walpurgis Night only with the heyday of the Inquisition, in the Renaissance. During the day, people were afraid to celebrate, it remained to gather in the dark. Places for gathering were chosen remote, deserted. Such was, for example, the Broken Mountain in Germany, Blokula in Sweden or Bald Mountain in Kyiv.

Any participant in Walpurgis Night could be declared a witch or witcher. The unfortunate creature fell into the hands of the Inquisition and, under torture, told absolutely monstrous things about May Day night. From the protocols of interrogations, we know her approximate scenario.

At night, when everyone fell asleep, the women stripped naked and rubbed themselves with a special ointment. Its indispensable component was the fat melted from the body of the baby, whom the witch killed in advance with her own hands.

Having smeared herself with ointment and smeared a broom or a stick with it, the witch flew out into the chimney and rushed to the place of the general gathering. There she was met by Satan himself. He could take the form of a goat, a wolf or a fox. In Sweden, however, he looked just like a hefty red-bearded man in red pants and a gray coat.

Witches worshiped Satan, but they did the opposite. Instead of kneeling down, they squatted down. Instead of bowing their heads, they threw it back. Then they kissed the devil in indescribable places and served a hellish mass - all church hymns were perverted, and a freshly slaughtered baby was eaten as a sacrament.

Then came the feast. Delicacies could be served here, or all sorts of rubbish could be served - such as the half-rotten limbs of corpses. The poorest witches said that they ate cabbage soup, porridge and milk from the devil - it is not difficult to imagine how these women were starving in reality, if such food seemed to them a feast.

After dinner, there were dances - they always danced back to back, so that everything was "not like people." And Walpurgis Night ended with a sinful sin. According to the beliefs of that time, from the intercourse of a witch and a devil, dwarfs, freaks, toads and snakes were born. Back in the 18th century, ordinary people literally believed that the philosopher Voltaire was born by his mother from Satan. A bonus to the whole ceremony could be the beating of babies.

Historians are still arguing what caused this infernal nonsense, on the basis of which thousands of people were executed. Whether the unfortunate so acted sophisticated torture in the cellars of the Inquisition. Either they were recounting their hallucinations caused by taking henbane - it was part of the "witch" ointment. Perhaps the altered state of consciousness of the "witches" was provided by ergot, which was often infected with rye and rye flour. Or maybe it was just a literary tradition that the inquisitors forced into the slurred cries of the accused under torture.


Today, Walpurgis Night has become a popular and well-selling tourist attraction. It is celebrated by neo-pagans, New Age enthusiasts, and followers of Aleister Crowley. US folk mythology says that the super-rich people, the world's "secret government", gather in the forest in the spring to worship the devil. A detailed depiction of the rite can be seen in the fifth season of House of Cards.

But positive traditions spring holiday fertility survived, paradoxically, into Labor Day. The American proletarians very aptly set this date for May 1, although the reason for the date was the shooting of a demonstration in Chicago, which took place not on May 1, but on May 4.

On this day, the working people of the countries of the world go out into nature, drink and have a hearty snack. Dancing and revelry are included in the assortment. In general, our contemporaries celebrate the arrival of spring according to the precepts of their ancestors. Even the stubborn atheist V. I. Lenin used mythological imagery, arguing that on May 1 the workers “celebrate their awakening to light and knowledge.”

Ideally, the Leninist subbotnik fit in with the tradition of the spring holiday. From time immemorial, the inhabitants of European countries at the end of April cleaned their houses, put things in order in the garden and garden, collected all the junk that had accumulated over the winter, and solemnly burned it in “cleansing” fires. Inquisitors and communists come and go, but the pagan traditions of our ancestors remain with us forever.

Many people no longer remember which holiday is celebrated in our country on May 1, 2020. At first it was called the Day of the International, later - the Day of International Solidarity of Workers - the First of May, and now - the Holiday of Spring and Labor.

History and traditions of celebrating May 1

We will tell you which holiday is celebrated on May 1. Its history began in 1886, when American workers organized a strike and demonstration that ended in a bloody clash with the police.

This holiday, which is celebrated in 140 countries of the world, has become a symbol of the class struggle and the unity of workers who defend their rights.

May Day was one of the main holidays of the Land of the Soviets. Since 1918, according to the Labor Code of the RSFSR, May 1 has become a non-working day.

And according to the decree of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On holidays dedicated to the International Day, and on special days of rest", since 1928 the next day, May 2, became a day off.

In the Soviet years, festive demonstrations were held in our country on this day, in which workers carried banners with portraits of political figures, leaders in production, appeals, slogans, etc., and military parades were organized.

The official May Day demonstration in the USSR was last held in 1990.

On May 1, 1991, a rally was held on Red Square in Moscow against the increase in prices for consumer goods, organized by trade union organizations.

In 1993, at a rally followed by a procession in the capital, there were clashes between demonstrators and riot police.

How is May 1st celebrated in 2020?

The traditions of the Soviet May Day are a thing of the past, but some customs remain. Now on May 1, there are demonstrations, which are timed to coincide with the actions of trade unions, political parties and movements of various directions. Street processions, exhibitions, fairs, concerts and other entertainment events are organized.

Talking about what holiday falls on May 1, one cannot help but recall another of his traditions - "may days". Before the revolution, they were illegal gatherings of workers outside the city, and today they are picnics.

Talking about what holiday is celebrated on May 1, it must be said that over the years, May Day has lost its former political character. We perceive it as an opportunity to spend free time with our family and friends, to have a good rest.

Today May 1 for many is just an echo of the Soviet past. But his story is interesting and unusual. The article will tell about how the pagan holiday was transformed into International Labor Day. Yes, indeed, the traditions of this celebration originate in the mists of time. At that time, our ancestors celebrated a holiday that symbolized the beginning of a new season of field work. And that means labor.

goddess festival

The authorities make many adjustments to the people's perception of certain phenomena. The ruling elite at all times wanted to root their ideology in society. The scope of their activities extended in all directions: from the interpretation of history to the establishment of celebrations.

The formation of the tradition to celebrate May 1 is very interesting. What kind of holiday on the first day of the third month of spring was known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Each of these peoples worshiped the goddess Maya. She was the patroness of farmers. Every year, the peasants, in order to appease the goddess, staged mass celebrations. The date was May 1st. On this day, any work was canceled. Everyone was celebrating the arrival of the new harvest season. Later, the Romans named the month after Maia.

Russian celebration

Celebrated modern holidays and the Slavs. April 30 and May 1 were highlighted in red on their calendar. The ritual that our ancestors performed was called Radonitsa. The essence of the May 1 holiday among the Slavs is the departure of spring cold. The dead were also honored these days. Gifts were brought to their graves, among which were painted eggs. They greeted the goddess Zhiva, who had the power to revive nature. The whole day of May 1 was taken for rest. People bathed in cold water to cleanse themselves, and burned ritual fires on the banks of the rivers.

With the advent of Christianity, representatives of the church set themselves the goal of exterminating pagan rites. This applied both to Maya, the patroness of fertility, and to Russian rituals of honoring the dead. But getting rid of a cheerful and joyful holiday has become a difficult task. Everyone knew what an important holiday May 1st was, and they continued to celebrate it.

Therefore, it was decided to transform the traditions. pagan holidays springs were presented as the triumph of the Resurrection of Christ, adopting some of the original elements.

First day of workers

For ten centuries of Christianity, the holiday of the arrival of heat disappeared and was already celebrated as a miracle of resurrection. But historical events have made their amendments.

On April 12, 1856, Australian workers organized a protest march. The main requirement was to transfer workers to an 8-hour working day and at the same time not to reduce wages. Then fortune was on their side. They achieved their goals without bloodshed. Since then, they have celebrated their victory annually.

Thirty years later, in 1886, on another continent, workers in the United States and Canada decided through rallies and demonstrations to also achieve an 8-hour working day. It happened on May 1st. Everyone knows what kind of holiday this day is, but not everyone knows that its story is tragic.

The strikers sought a limited working day (before that it ranged from 12 to 15 hours), fixed wages and social guarantees. Every city revolted. But Chicago became the center of the protests.

Motherland 1 May

The events in Chicago went down in history as the Haymarket Rally. About 40,000 disgruntled workers took to the streets of the city. The next day, one of the leading factories laid off more than 1,000 workers. Offended and unemployed people staged another demonstration. Under the gates of that factory, the uprisings were dispersed by the police, with dozens of people injured and several strikers killed.

Even more bloody events occurred three days after May 1. The history of the holiday has taken a new turn.

On Haymarket Square, in a shopping center, a rally was organized against the reprisals of the authorities. Everything was relatively calm. The police were about to clear the area. But one of the provocateurs threw a bomb at the guards. The police started firing. Many peaceful protesters were killed in the shooting. Repressions followed, and after a while, apologies from the authorities.

The whole world learned about the so-called May 1 revolution. What holiday could be based on these events? Of course, they began to celebrate the victory of the workers over the system!

Underground May Day

He officially presented the event and introduced the Congress of the Second International to the people. This structure united in its ranks socialist workers' parties from all over the world. In 1889 in Paris it was decided to celebrate the day of the proletariat in memory of those who died in Chicago. The proposal to take to the streets of the city every year and fight for their rights has taken root. Since then, the glory of May 1 has spread throughout the world. The holiday in Russia (during the time of the empire) was first celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw. IN next year St. Petersburg was already clandestinely rejoicing at the Day of the Workers of the World. There, the workers hid from the governing authorities in the forest. Under the guise of a picnic, people discussed important revolutionary issues. Moscow also picked up the movement. The first proletarian May Day took place there in 1895.

Openly celebrated Labor Day in 1917. The celebration had a bright political coloring. Slogans, exclamations, portraits of political figures - everything was directed at the class struggle. A year later, with the coming to power of the Soviets, a law was passed stating that from now on, May 1 will be celebrated at the national level. What kind of holiday and how to spend it, every Soviet person knew.

working people time

The brightest May Day actions were organized by the Soviet government. The teams have been preparing for the celebration for weeks. It was not only a day off, but also a large-scale cultural program, which was planned by the elite.

The parades of the Union were envied by the whole world. People went to the demonstrations with pleasure. Each labor collective fought for the best banner.

In order to bring the masses to the streets in the first years, the authorities cheated. The leaders sent a convoy of vehicles through the main squares, among which was a tank. Onlookers gathered to see the miracle.

The parades of the 1920s and 1930s are remembered for their magnificent acrobatic and gymnastic numbers. Various skits were also staged in which the capitalists were ridiculed. This is what the holiday of May 1 was in the Soviet Union.

Labor Day

A celebration in the Union called International Day started. But later the name changed. Since 1930, May 1 has been known as the International Solidarity Day of the Proletariat. Years of the Great Patriotic War made their modifications. Then the day was renamed the Fighting Holiday of the International Proletariat. Further, a new official name- International Labor Day. But the people called him simply - May 1. The history of the holiday originates in the United States, but it is worth noting that workers there rest on the first Monday in September.

In more than 140 countries, workers are given a day off on May 1 or on the first Monday of the month. Another 80 states celebrate the holiday on a different day.

Forgetting traditions

Today, the scenario of the May 1 holiday has acquired new features. It is worth noting that fewer and fewer Russians want to devote this day to mass actions. Experts say that such a decline in activity is due to the fact that during the communist ideology, going to the parade was forced, while now even the parade itself has lost its original qualities.

IN modern Russia May 1 has lost its political context and is celebrated as the Holiday of Spring and Labor. Officially, this status was granted to the celebration on December 30, 2001, which is indicated in article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.