Congratulations on the day of air defense cadet. Congratulations on the day of air defense, poems for the day of air defense. SMS congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces

Congratulations on the Day of the Air Defense Forces

D no air defense! And we will congratulate
Those who are at work or at home on a day off
Their work is to defend the Fatherland,
It doesn't matter if it's a general or a private.
They calmly guard sleep
A country tired after a day of work.
Please accept our earthly bow,
The country is with you today, as always!

At Russian air defense has great authority,
These troops have a great responsibility:
They securely guard our sovereignty,
Crushing any enemy in the sky!
Happy Air Defense Day today, we congratulate everyone,
Who is faithful to duty on holidays and on weekdays,
Let every business be accompanied by success,
May health always be excellent!

E there is air defense, which means -
There are no disturbing lightning bolts in the sky,
You boldly solved the problem
Air border guards!
And warmly glorifying
Fearlessness and skill
We wish you health, success
We are on a holiday to air defense fighters!

IN you protect the people
From means of air attacks.
And that protection will not break through
Enemy weapons, no doubt.
Let the enemy tremble, let there be strength
And in the body, in the mind, in the head.
So that dear ones are waiting for you all at home.
And the troubles were aside.
We also want you to be lucky
At work, at home and in life.
To be famous for the enemies in spite.
Yes, and prosperity will not be superfluous.

WITH protect the tran, protect the people,
And we know for sure - the enemies will not pass!
Air defense troops are on guard
And there is no bolder than these guys.
We congratulate them on the holiday now,
And we know that they keep us every hour,
May the holiday bring good to you,
Let the star fall on shoulder straps!

P congratulations on Air Defense Day! Clear skies are yours! We will not hear about what kind of missiles the enemy has... Even the most evil genius will not create a weapon that will bypass you! Today I sincerely wish you long years and fulfillment of your cherished desires!

T keeping loyalty to the radiations,
Do your duty honestly
Air defense troops - like armor
In our heavenly spaces!
By right such troops
Are our pride
Let the service be easy
And life will become brighter and more beautiful!

ABOUT harrow in the sky, like steel, strong,
Knows our probable enemy:
Air defense in Russia - the best troops,
A reliable shield in the immense sky!
Congratulations to our kind words
From the bottom of my heart we send you today together:
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Let your service be calm!

WITH Today we congratulate all those who stand guard over our air borders, who guard the peace of our Motherland in the heavenly spaces.
We wish you happiness and success! It is up to you whether her sky will be peaceful, so never lose your vigilance.
Happy holiday to you!

P VO is not a joke at all
And work is not for everyone
But you in this area
A huge success awaits.
I wish the children
Everyone would be proud of you
To make you happy
By your own destiny.
And today in important holiday,
Celebrate Air Defense Day
I want to be next to you!
It's definitely decided!
So that the toast hurries after the toast -
There's a lot I want to say
So that everything always comes true
What could you wish for.

WITH thanks to all those who do not sleep at the remote control,
Through the dark night who looks at the sky,
And look from the monitor does not reduce,
He always seeks and finds
The one who is uninvited to us in the sky flies,
And if that stranger is silent on “his own”,
Then beware! We do not spare our enemies!
Calmly only look at the peaceful sky!

P under the protection of our sky -
Air defense is always on guard
So that the children of all the earth
They could sleep soundly at night.
We need anti-aircraft gunners
Interceptors are important
And locators too.
The enemy will no longer be able to
Peaceful dream blow up in the country:
The sky is ours.
Congratulations Air Defense!
There is no more reliable than him!

ABOUT patronymic, to those who will not let the enemy through either in clear or cloudy weather, on the Day of the Air Defense Forces, my congratulations fly, let them through to your very heart, please! Let it beat evenly and strongly with you, and let love live in it!

TO like a reliable shield over the country,
You protect our sky
And it's safe
As long as the air defense is on guard!
Walking the paths of war
You deserve honor and glory
Faithful sons of the fatherland,
We are rightfully proud of you
After all, no one can surpass
Russian air defense system
We want to wish you a holiday
Good luck, courage and strength!

R one sky on the castle
And he has a serious guard.
Only the enemy in the distance
The air defense will notice him.
At the moment the threat will track
And the air target will find
A threat from the sky will forestall
And he will bring down the intruder.

IN You keep an invisible air defense shield over the country, and perhaps, perhaps, only peaceful birds, you allow them to fly to our lands, and for this, thank you very much! Be brave and strong, and do not know the unconquered heights in your life!

Z and the fact that the sky is clear,
Thanks air defense
For the radiant sun
moon overhead,
For our peaceful morning,
For a quiet evening
For the trills of the nightingale,
For the warm breeze
For your honor and courage,
Because every hour
No rest and no rest
Keep the peace for us.

Z protecting the blue sky
Are you ready for a combat fight.
And no matter how insidious the enemy is,
It won't fly overhead.
And you stand guard day and night
So that nothing happens
No more reliable than protection- That's for sure!
Congratulations on Air Defense Day!

TO what kind of war can there be when we have such air defense troops? We are absolutely sure that everything will be fine while you are on duty, keep the peace of the Fatherland! Happy Air Defense Day, heroes! Each of you is a protector, but also just a person, which means that you definitely need more luck and love in your life!

WITH safety is above all,
Tasks are not more important, probably
The air defense troops carry out their service,
Keeping both the oath and loyalty to the Motherland,
You, like epic heroes,
The Russian sky is dressed in armor,
We sincerely thank you on the holiday,
We wish you good luck, health, success!

Today is the day of the air defense forces, so let's wish them to always shoot down only the necessary, military targets, never miss and act as a guarantor that no one in our country will be attacked from the air. Congratulations to all who are connected with the direction of air defense. May all be well in your life and career.

You, friends, are familiar with anti-aircraft installations and interceptors firsthand. You are ready to react with lightning speed at that decisive moment when the invader looms like a threatening shadow, violating the boundaries of the peaceful sky over the Motherland. On this day, we would like to pay tribute to all air defense troops. We wish you to keep an eye on happiness and good luck, so that at the right time you can easily intercept them!

Congratulations on professional holiday. I wish you only a cloudless blue sky, clear airy borders. Thanks to your work, not a single enemy will cross the air borders of our homeland. I wish you good luck and patience, health and professionalism. Let no one ever dare to encroach on our majestic sky. Happy Air Defense Day!

Congratulations on Air Defense Day,
We give our congratulations
We wish you happiness, smiles,
Let every soldier be able to
Realize the dream right now
And become happy and rich.
Let's hang out more often
You guys succeed.

All air defense soldiers -
Very nice guys
Not in vain all around
They call you - eagles!

We congratulate the eagles
And the eagles, of course, too,
There is no one in the world
Who would be dearer to us!

And wish you to fly
Without war, but only in peace,
On earth you live
In your own apartment!

Air Force
Protect the sky of Ukraine,
Let him be harsh slightly,
But in the soul - so vulnerable.
You guys, congratulations are ready,
It will sound today for everyone,
Let for your golden heads
Life cook only happiness and success.

Today we congratulate the air defense forces,
Let them protect their native country
We wish peace and joy to all of them,
And we will drink with you for your dream.

We are all grateful to you,
May happiness bring dear congratulations.
Guard Ukraine, we vigilantly ask
May God help you in your service.

Holiday today - Air Defense Day,
And we dedicate congratulations to them!
These warriors have stern faces,
They guard the Russian border,
Not just a border - air space,
Therefore, their work is very necessary.
We owe them a clean sky,
We congratulate them and thank them!

The sky is clear from attacks thanks to
air defense,
The country would not have you -
We would be stuffy from enemies.
We will read congratulations like a toast,
Let it sound loud and serious
After all, air defense will not leave the post,
If suddenly there is a danger in the post.

The sky of the country is under reliable protection,
Warriors from below look at him,
And if suddenly the defense is broken -
They won't let anyone into the sky.
Congratulations will lift your spirits
On your legal holiday today,
Anger at problems will cool down a little,
And again the crew will come to work.

Happy Air Defense Troops Day
We congratulate you, sending low bows!
Guys, we respect you for everything,
And as friends we simply adore!

We wish there were no problems in the service,
And in life - complex mental dilemmas!
We send you congratulations from the heart,
And let fate hide from worries!

Happy day of the strongest, most courageous troops,
Air defense congratulations.
Service to you responsible and proud,
I wish with all my heart.

May order always be in life,
Your thoughts are clear in your head.
Always be fair to everyone
Be honest with yourself and others!

I am air defense troops
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
To the brave guys
Good luck.

To be healthy
Successful, strong
Let it not be only
Guys, war.

Let families be a stronghold
You will have peace
Let your spirit grow
And the strength will not decrease.

Representatives of the air defense forces, happy holiday to you! We wish you a clear sky and a friendly sun over your head today, good luck in all matters, the implementation of plans, health, success and great unearthly happiness!

Happy Air Defense Day!
You are protecting us from all sides!
We wish you a peaceful sky
Be strong and strong!

We wish you a reliable rear,
At home, to wait dear,
We wish you great courage
Strong male friendship!

Troops I'm air defense today
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you a peaceful sky
Tranquility and silence.

Thank you all for your service
For every brave flight of yours,
I wish you happiness friendship
I wish you to live without worries.

Health, nice guys,
And understanding in the family,
Let thanks only
Your dossier is always full of.

For the air defense forces, today is not so simple -
They should celebrate their holiday today!
Let's raise a glass and say a fiery toast
For these people who are so important in Russia.

May there be more success and victories in life,
May everything that is planned come together immediately.
Serve the Motherland, you are bolder every day,
Protect the country and each of us!

On the day of air defense, I congratulate you,
Defenders of the bottomless skies,
I wish you all health in the body,
Cars - flying equipped.

Victories in the service, in personal life,
Good luck, great joy,
May everything be fine with you
The danger will pass.

Let dreams come true
Hold tight to the steering wheel
With all my heart I wish you
So that the finest hour has come soon.

We celebrate Air Defense Day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You protect the spaces
You are good at your job.

I wish you well and happiness,
And let the sky be peaceful
From the heights break all sorrows
And crush the pain and sadness.

Happy Air Defense Day
I want to congratulate you with all my heart!
Moms and wives are proud of you!
I wish you great success!

May there be peace, tranquility and prosperity,
But if anything, you will fight back!
Under the power of you orders, all tasks!
You are important defenders of the country!

On the Day of the Air Defense Forces
My congratulations
Fighters brave and bold,
I want to wish excellent service
Defenders of the peaceful sky.
I wish you to be a heavenly shield,
Protect us from thunderstorms and storms,
The sun bathes in its expanses
Let the blue azure.
Let the rainbow in the sky build bridges
Flocks of birds fly up
I wish you peace, love and kindness
To you, guardians of the heavenly borders.

I am the anti-aircraft troops
With all my heart I will congratulate you!
Let your service be very difficult,
But we can't take your courage away!

We wish you only peace and harmony,
So that all your affairs go well,
And so that this festive date
Brought you lots of success!

Happy air defense day
Congratulations to everyone now.
Imperceptibly and a crow
Do not slip past us!
We all see, we all know
And a friend we wish a friend,
Only pure peaceful skies
Well, in life only miracles!

Air defense is not a joke at all,
And work is not for everyone
But you in this area
A huge success awaits.
I wish the children
Everyone would be proud of you
To make you happy
By your own destiny.
And today is an important holiday,
Celebrate Air Defense Day
I want to be next to you!
It's definitely decided!
So that the toast hurries after the toast -
There's a lot I want to say
So that everything always comes true
What could you wish for.

We are for air defense
Let's raise a toast and read congratulations
Because we can do it today
And congratulate the guys on a great day.
Let everything be great with you
Let all life go like clockwork
And our congratulations now
Send you rather to the masses.

Only atmospheric precipitation should fall from the sky, and all air defense services are well aware of this, whose employees we congratulate today on the Day of Air Defense Forces! May the sky be clear and clean for you, decorated with a friendly sun, both in the service and in civilian life!

We are celebrating Air Defense Day.
We wish you more strength in the fight!
We know about your work.
After all, we have chosen the world for ourselves.
We wish you peace in heaven.
We would like to visit more often
Your relatives, let it be like a song
Life will go on peacefully!

you protect the people
From means of air attacks.
And that protection will not break through
Enemy weapons, no doubt.
Let the enemy tremble, let there be strength
And in the body, in the mind, in the head.
So that dear ones are waiting for you all at home.
And the troubles were aside.
We also want you to be lucky
At work, at home and in life.
To be famous for the enemies in spite.
Yes, and prosperity will not be superfluous.

Your service is serious for a reason:
Do not miss you in the sky and crows.
Therefore, we congratulate you, troops,
Air Defense.
Let the enemy not even dare to attack,
As long as you keep your vigilant watch.
Just don't forget how to dream
And you will definitely find happiness.

Today is a big professional holiday for all air defense fighters. The guys guard the air cordons of our mighty homeland day and night at the post. Let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. God bless you good health and good luck. Let there always be a happy take-off, and an easy landing. May the good mood never leave you. I wish you good, true friends who will definitely come to the rescue in difficult times. Let your endurance, courage and bravery be an excellent example for beginners. Be always happy.

For the country to sleep peacefully
Keep it worthy
Needed everywhere - on earth,
Well, from the sky as well.
Happy air defense day,
You, who wear epaulettes,
We congratulate now
We know you protect us!

On Air Defense Day
I congratulate you, dear friend!
You stand on the sensitive guard of the sky,
And keep everything under control!
So let it be in your life -
Hold your destiny in your hands!
May courage be with you!
May the Motherland treasure you!

I love sunshine in April.
Substituting the muzzle for the rays,
From quiet bliss I am thrilled,
And congratulations to you!
First I would like to point out:
UFOs do not fly to us,
Book a business trip here
The air defense service interferes!
Thank you sky borders
We are locked up all the time!
I want to shoot all the troubles
The antiaircraft gun of happiness in difficult times!
While I said congratulations to you,
An object with a scary "carrr" sound
Passed over my head...
And it hit me so hard!
That is a sign of fate! Not zabobons!
That is a sure sign for money!
To the Air Defense Forces
I will send this object ...

What kind of war can there be when we have such air defense troops? We are absolutely sure that everything will be fine while you are on duty, keep the peace of the Fatherland! Happy Air Defense Day, heroes! Each of you is a protector, but also just a person, which means that you definitely need more luck and love in your life!

Russian Air Fleet Day -
Feast of Courageous People
Whose profession is to live in the blue sky
As easy as fish in water!
Whose profession is to sail across the expanses
Miracle - "fifth ocean",
Embroidering patterns in the sky
Defeating rains and fogs
Whose ability to fly like a bird
Gives people hope and joy
Whose work can we be proud of?
Who deserves an award!
Young always and beautiful!
Congratulations with warmth and love
Happy Russian Air Force Day!
And we wish you well and health!

Enemy aircraft will not be allowed into our sky
Anti-aircraft troops.
They will repel the attack with one blow,
Instruments are adjusted, radars are adjusted.
We wish them good health and a friendly team,
And love, of course, and excellent service.
So that the enemy could not penetrate into his native sky,
We dedicate congratulations to the air defense troops!

When you eat, when you sleep
Or you sit with a girl in the cinema,
You know that your peace is protected,
The borders of the sky guard
Russian air defense troops!
They are celebrating today!
We all congratulate them together,
We wish them quiet duties!

Congratulations on the Day of the Air Defense Forces! Your guns are not afraid of sparrows, but enemies! How glorious that every day we admire the clear sky, and every corner of the sky is under your supervision and protection! Be glorious soldiers and real, happy men!

Under the protection of our sky -
Air defense is always on guard
So that the children of all the earth
They could sleep soundly at night.
We need anti-aircraft gunners
Interceptors are important
And locators too.
The enemy will no longer be able to
Peaceful dream blow up in the country:
The sky is ours.
Congratulations Air Defense!
There is no more reliable than him!

The Air Defense Forces are having an unusual day.
We send them our congratulations.
May the rockets always be in good order,
Let there be a guarantee that the cities
Planes will not bomb from the sky,
That we will live calmly and peacefully!
And also we hasten to wish for the holiday
Children are less likely to be sad and bored!
Today let the concerts sound for them
And the girls smile generously!

Protect the country, protect the people,
And we know for sure - the enemies will not pass!
Air defense troops are on guard
And there is no bolder than these guys.
We congratulate them on the holiday now,
And we know that they keep us every hour,
May the holiday bring good to you,
Let the star fall on shoulder straps!

All airspace is under your control. Congratulations on Air Defense Day! Let your technique be accurate, however, not inferior in vigilance to your eagle vision! Let the days of service pass with dignity, and sometimes they are marked by promotion, but civilian life also pleasantly pleases with quiet, bright happiness!

Ground Forces Day- professional holiday of military and civil servants ground forces armed forces Russian Federation. It is celebrated in Russia annually on October 1 on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The ground forces of the Russian Federation include the following types of troops: Motorized Rifle Troops, Tank Troops, Rocket Troops and Artillery, Air Defense Troops of the Ground Troops, Special Troops. Some of these military branches also have their own narrowly professional day, for example: Tanker Day, Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, Air Defense Day, etc. in order to consolidate the brotherhood of arms between the various branches of the ground forces.

The date chosen for the "Day of the Ground Forces" is not accidental: on October 1, 1550, the Grand Duke of Moscow and the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan the Terrible issued the Sentence "On the Placement of a Chosen Thousand Servicemen in the Moscow and Surrounding Districts", which in fact became a key document in the further formation and development of the ground forces of the Russian Empire.

The Day of the Ground Forces is a holiday for those who bear the main blow in a situation of armed conflict. Let's congratulate these courageous defenders of the state who are not afraid to risk their lives for us - the civilian population. Let us express the hope that we will be able to live in peace with other countries, avoiding war and any armed conflicts.

Congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces in verse

Russian Ground Forces Day
It is necessary to solemnly, amicably meet.
And congratulations to you, dear,
I have planned the holiday to start!
In the best traditions you serve for a long time
And I don't intend to stop just yet.
And all friends and, of course, relatives
Your character is loved, for sure!
Clearly, specifically, always only to the point,
You appreciate all the guys at work,
And on the holiday that we celebrate today,
In honor of the ground troops, let the trumpets blow.

Russian ground forces -
Glory to the Army and strength!
Your service is not easy
It is not easy for your dear ones either.

Your post is on the front line,
And your element is dry land,
May they always wait for you at home,
May luck be with you!

May you not have to go to war
Show your skills.
Let the sun shine peacefully
Under the sky, a chance to love.

Let the fireworks thunder, do not subside!
Ground forces celebrate their holiday.
You, infantrymen, deserve attention,
You receive awards for courage, courage, efforts.
Congratulations on your holiday guys!
I wish you to be brave, strong, brave.
Good luck to you, peace, happiness, kindness,
Service so as not to be a burden.

Congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces in prose

The Russian ground forces deserve the true respect of all the people and gratitude for maintaining a peaceful life and guaranteeing maximum protection against all kinds of obstacles. I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! Thank you very much for being involved in the preservation of peaceful life, guaranteeing maximum protection from all kinds of obstacles. I wish you many positive days and confidence that there will never be sad events in the future. Let the positive will certainly manifest itself in numerous events, and the chances of finding real happiness will become more and more. Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Ground Forces Day, a holiday that is a wonderful confirmation of the value of peace and a manifestation of the gratitude of the entire Russian people.

Infantry, artillery and anti-aircraft gunners. All these are the ground forces of Russia, whose professional day is celebrated today in all corners of our country and even beyond its borders! I am proud for you to join in congratulations and wonderful wishes, which may adorn you better than any awards and give you all the best in this life!

"Mother Infantry" has always been loved in Russia. And for good reason. In all wars, the ground forces bore the brunt of the burden. At present, according to military experts, the main threat to peace is local wars and armed conflicts, including those unleashed by international terrorists. And that the Ground Forces play a decisive role in the settlement of such conflicts, as well as in the fulfillment of peacekeeping tasks. So let's today, on the Day of the Russian Ground Forces, we congratulate all the employees of the ground forces who have a long and bright history, and we wish to add new pages to this glorious history, if possible - peaceful ones.

SMS congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces

Short congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces

Ground Forces of Russia
The holiday is celebrated.
Congratulations, fighter
I wish you happiness and victories!

Happy Army Day to you!
I wish you joy and peace
So that every moment you are fate
Happiness and love gave.

Service in the army is an honorable job!
Our warrior, you are an example to follow!
The infantry is celebrating its day today,
And you are an exemplary officer in the infantry!

I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the Ground Forces,
Wish you good health, add success to it,
Love, warmth, good luck, always luck in everything!
I wish you an easy service and a promotion!

Happy Army Day, happy day in the trenches,
Let the flag proudly fly and the transporter fly,
Weapons and valor, and military wisdom
He will overcome obstacles, he will stun the enemy!

Voice congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces

Congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces on the phone you can listen to and send your favorite to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on the Day of the Ground Forces

Fireworks are roaring across the country today
This is in your honor, guys, fighters, believe me.
Accept congratulations from us today,
Drink, eat, be merry and don't lose heart!

After all, for good deeds, for military awards,
In general, there is something for which you, landlords, should be respected.
Happy Ground Forces Day! You are our joy
And our pride! Be healthy! Keep it up!

Happy professional holiday to everyone who serves in the ground forces!
Soldiers polish the whole barracks in the morning,
And in overcoats - glamor, and in hairstyles - gloss.
At lunch, one hundred grams will boldly drink the guys
On the holiday of the glorious, brave Ground Forces.
Together! 'Cause they don't care
In rain, heat and snow for the country to serve.
Every enemy knows: it will always be the only way -
They cannot defeat the ground forces.
Dear friends, I congratulate you on the Day of the Ground Forces and wish you the very best, serve honestly for your country!

You are not in the sea and not in the sky guarding peace, -
You boldly repulse the enemy at the forefront!
Your service is not easy at times, not easy simple days,
We ask in our prayers: "God, save the guys!"
We are waiting for you at home and love you, and we are proud of you.
Happy Ground Forces Day, soldiers, sons of our Motherland!
Today we will drink bitter (her mother!) To the bottom for you,
So that your service is calm and measured!
