What to wish on your friend's birthday. Birthday wishes for a friend. Wishes in prose for a friend's name day

If you are one of the lucky ones who has a best friend, then you are very lucky. True friendship is disinterested, sincere, it is a rarity, it must be valued. A devoted friend is a firm shoulder. He will always support, come to the rescue, will be there in difficult times, but on any holiday he will become the most wonderful companion.

And now, the day is not far off when you have to come up with something unusual for him. After all, his name day is coming soon. In this significant date I want from a thousand banal phrases to choose such happy birthday greetings to the best friend that touch him 100 percent.

We are in Mir Pozitiva.ru collected the most interesting pictures, wishes in verse and prose, with warm, sincere words. Any of them will surely please the birthday man and will be a success.

I want breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer,
That wages went up
Didn't fit in my wallet
To work everyday
They flew like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation - only in the summer!

Let it be
Health is good
Any day is fine
Your house is cozy
And the wind is fair,
Luck is familiar
Dream - unusual,
Smile - carefree
Love is endless!

What can we say about our birthday?
His face is courageous
The heart is noble
Intelligence is powerful
Character - persistent,
Eyes are clean
The look is piercing
Head - cooks,
Ruling the wheel
Everything is able
Doesn't spare money.
Everyone is crushing on him!
Here he is!

I will not wish for transcendental distances,
Director's chairs and cottages in the Maldives,
And I just want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you have everything that is so necessary:

Health that would not fail
Love to family hearth cherished
Friends, for a conversation with a glass of beer.
So that life is interesting and long!

Let difficulties not bother you
All problems are solved at once.
My friend, happy birthday, congratulations,
Let everything be the way, without unnecessary phrases!

Prepare congratulatory speech it's too hard on your own. Therefore, you should not waste time where it can be saved by using ready-made, carefully selected original wishes.

It is not at all necessary that they should be strict and long, many will like it more. cool pictures or short sms birthday greetings to a friend sent to mobile.

And it’s not so important which option you choose - you will find serious phrases or comic ones with humor, say them in verse or express them in your own words, the main thing in them is sincerity and honesty. Well-chosen warm heartfelt phrases will help a friend understand how much you value friendship with him.

Childhood friendship with me grew,
I was able to carry through the years,
Our smiles and joyful laughter
Even after several years.

Hello best friend from childhood
Your birthday is like sunshine
It warms us, there are no barriers to it,
May the Lord save from troubles.

We are familiar with you from the sandbox,
To this day best friends
You and I are like brothers, though not by blood,
Our friendship has been tested for years.
Congratulations on your birthday
Let life give you only inspiration
Let life flow like a full river
May youth always live in the soul.

We ate blackberries by the fire
The pines creaked and the stars twinkled...
And at that moment I realized sharply,
That you are my best friend in the world.

And feel your back shoulder
Suddenly it became unbearably hot,
And in the reflections of the autumn fire
We were silent with you until the morning.

Why words? Everything is clear without words -
My friend and first love.
I will keep my secret in my soul,
I wish you happiness and live a hundred years.

You are in any situation
Hold me and understand
I always calmly with you:
You will never let you down!

May every turn in life
No matter how cool he is
Always leads to the best!
Be happy and love fate!

Freaky's birthday
And a clockwork gift
To turn it on with the key
And he stepped on the gas.

In general, life on wheels,
Without traffic cops questions
So that neither a rod nor a nail!
Happy birthday!

I wish on my way
Good to find great.
Be happy and healthy
Develop hidden talents.

My friend, may your fate
Will dispel the clouds in life,
And bloom on the way
Flowers of luck and love!

Who is always ready to support your wildest ideas and cool ideas? Of course, the best friend. He loves to joke and laugh, he is always cheerful and positive. What could be more interesting on a name day than funny congratulations happy birthday friend?

Give him a prank on the phone, please comic wish in verse or send funny incendiary pictures. This will add variety to an ordinary holiday, charge the hero of the occasion with energy, make him smile. He will be grateful to you for creativity, grateful for the excellent mood.

If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe,
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.

This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able,
So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
To make things work,
So that everything always comes true.

I wish you were always
Slightly drunk with happiness
And to have your wallet
Looks like a suitcase!

If I were a crocodile
And he knew how to sing at least a little,
I would come to you
For a birthday with an accordion -
I would sing about puddles now ...

It's a pity there is no such skill!
And since I'm not an ace in songs,
I'll just say: happy birthday!

I want a whole cosmos of beer
And a year long weekend.
Salary to be beautiful
The wife is big! Kidding. Vice versa!

For the fifth point of adventure
And "all inclusive" for the soul,
Pleasant dreams and awakenings
And sometimes pump oil in silence ...

So that you disperse the clouds with a word,
So that the brain is not tormented by garbage.
I want to be the best everywhere.
And happy birthday to you!

I want beer in the bath
At the bar, at home on the couch.
Beer in mugs, beer in cans
With crackers and with a ram,
With spicy cheese, with shish kebabs.
But it's best with friends!

As a child, there were machines,
Both cars and pirates.
Hide and seek, racing, chasing,
Run and swim and tag!

And now we're all big:
Very bald, grey...
I wish you a birthday
Childhood friend of repetition:
Rolling down the hill without brains
Fight like evil orcs.
And roar with each other,
Who is stupid and who is cool!

Even the most beautiful verses will not reflect everything that is hidden in the soul. That's why birthday greetings to a friend in prose will be the most successful way to convey emotions and feelings. They are the most sincere, deep and memorable.

With your wishes - comic or deeply sincere, said in simple colloquial speech, you can surprise and please much more than memorized quatrains.

My friend, I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish that today brings you maximum positive and as many fun moments as possible, which I would like to remember later. I wish you to remain the same excellent, sympathetic friend, and also never lose those who are dear to you! Happy holiday!
I congratulate you on your birthday, My friend. I wish that every step in your life be successful, that all your affairs be successful. Let your beloved woman illuminate your every day and make you the happiest person of all, and the house will always be warm and cozy. Be happy, friend!
Today is a unique holiday, a day, who gave the world a man whose importance in my destiny cannot be overestimated. Believe in yourself - and everything will definitely work out, believe in friends - and they will never leave you in Hard time, believe in love - and she will touch you gently with her wing!
Happy Birthday! You wonderful person- Responsive, kind, brave! I wish you to remain so throughout your life, and then Lady Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty Love will always live in your heart, and Her Highness Happiness will never leave you!
One very a wise man said friend is the greatest wealth. In that case, I am richer than any person on this planet - because I have such a wonderful friend like you! Happy birthday! May you always be lucky in this life!
Dear friend! On your birthday I wish you to choose the most delicious piece of the birthday cake and always choose all the best in life with the same appetite! I wish you easy, fruitful everyday life and a fun, exciting weekend! Let any business go well with you, and your success exceed all expectations!
True friends understand each other at a glance. They do not need to say a thousand words to convey their thoughts to each other. Even on a holiday, there is no need to change this good tradition. To wish the best for the birthday man, it is enough to choose unusual short congratulations happy birthday friend.

It can be pictures, sms, postcards or even a couple of original words in verse. This will be enough for a friend to appreciate your care and sincerity of wishes. After all, in this small congratulations hidden deep meaning.

I'll try briefly now, my friend,
You wish to voice:
May your birthday be sunny
In the soul and in the sky - not a cloud!

And no matter how old
And no matter how many troubles
Important - there are friends nearby!
Happy Birthday to You!

Friends are different
beautiful, terrible,
touchy, kind,
Calm and cheerful

But we are forward looking
Others are real!
And on this birthday
I wish you luck!

I wish you long life
To forget you about the doctors.
To be deep, to be wide
And a wallet full of money!

As soon as it hits 12, I write you a message.
Congratulations my friend, happy birthday to you.
You are brave, brave, but remember about luck.
And I hope I mean a lot to you too.

My best friend!
I want you to be the most happy man.
Find yourself in this life and fly forward on the career ladder.

Your birthday is a great opportunity to let you know
that you are an excellent friend.
Stay bright and reliable person.
Good to you, happiness and health.

How to make your best friend's name day the brightest and most memorable day? What congratulations to choose to once again prove true friendly feelings? First of all, sincere, those that you personally like. Let them be cool, comic, funny, or vice versa serious, solemn, businesslike, it does not matter. The shape and volume are not so important.

In verse, in prose, short or long - if the wish is selected from pure heart, it will definitely become the best and unforgettable for a friend.

The problem of what to wish for your best friend's birthday is faced by everyone who has them. On the Web, you can easily find a lot of wishes, postcards. It is not difficult to buy a postcard on which a birthday greeting is already written. But there are not so many best friends, and I want the congratulation to be original. Let's talk about how to do it.

Happy birthday greetings in prose to a friend are cool

One of the hackneyed tricks is to write a congratulation, in which there will be happy birthday verses. The question is whether they will be original, interesting to someone other than the author.

At school, everyone is taught classical literature and versification techniques, but modern poetry has gone far from classical rhymes. Therefore, birthday greetings in verse may seem old-fashioned. But there is a way out - to use poetry as a toast. For example:

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, do not forget to drink so that you always have money for something that is better!

Also, to create a toast with which you congratulate a friend on his birthday, you can use a simple formula: I + B, where I is a story, aphorism, anecdote, verse, and B is a conclusion. Formulate a conclusion - the main idea of ​​​​your congratulations and add a little story to it. It will turn out simple, but original.

Cool birthday greetings are easy to make using the Judy Carter formula. She wrote the book "Stand Up. The Bible of Comedy, which suggests using four assumptions to create a joke: scary, strange, difficult, stupid. Use them to wish a friend a happy birthday, using this formula to describe your relationship with him. For example:

It's scary to think how much I know you! It's strange that after so many years after we met, you and I still haven't killed each other. But it’s hard to imagine how my life would have turned out without our acquaintance. It's foolish to even imagine that you can get rid of me in the future. Happy Birthday my dear friend!

Birthday is a period when a person begins to think about how much he has lived. As the years go by, some people become ashamed of their age. It will not be superfluous to beat this feature of the best friend:

As you age, you only get older. I look and see how old you are. You're not just old. To your friends, you are a superstar! Keep shining bright on us. Happy birthday!

You can come up with a birthday greeting for a friend using the ambiguity of some expressions. For example:

Today we eat a birthday cake with delicious tea. You have an excellent taste. Let your kettle continue to cook just as well over the years, and you will let off steam, having a great time with friends. Happy birthday!

Another technique that will allow you to create a cool greeting is to use cultural clichés:

Of course, you are far from Brad Pitt in terms of beauty, and I do not want you to become as beautiful. I don't need competition. But I wish you to be like Benjamin Button - getting younger every year. The main thing is not to fall into childhood ahead of time. Happy birthday!

Photo: upper-tazovsky-reserve.rf

Happy birthday greetings to your best friend in your own words

A sense of humor is a special thing. Not all jokes that we consider funny are understood by other people, even friends.

Creating a joke is a time-consuming and painstaking process. Only a few succeed here. Therefore, birthday greetings to a friend can be thought up using other techniques.

It is easy to congratulate an original happy birthday in your own words using:

  • Comparisons.

Use for comparison character traits of a friend, his hobbies, extraordinary actions. For example:

Do you know what a jatoba is? This is one of the most solid trees in the world. I wish you not to be stubborn like this tree, but the same good health will definitely not hurt you. Happy birthday!
  • Oppositions.

Congratulate like this:

Do not be like a stone, but be like water that can undermine it. Remember that all life's difficulties are temporary if you are persistent and bend your line like a mountain stream. Happy birthday!
  • Exaggerations.

For example:

I'm not sure you deserve good things. But I know for sure that you deserve better. All the best, dear friend. Happy birthday!
  • Acronyms.

An acronym is a type of abbreviation in which the initial letters or sounds form separate words. With their help, you can write an original congratulation using the name of a person or any other word. For example:

I wish you Max
C - accounts in Swiss banks.

Or let your life go like clockwork:

Re - with regular and delicious sex;
Mi - with minimal losses;
Fa - with fantastic adventures;
Salt - with a minimum of salt from others;
La - without long la-la;
Si - with new forces every day;
Before - always in abundance.
  • The plot of the fairy tale.

Use famous fairy tales to write good wishes. For example:

Do you remember the story of the golden fish? May you always have someone who understands and fulfills your desires. And let not a single harmful old woman violate your plans.

The same tale can be interpreted in a different way and at the same time congratulate a friend:

In the tale of the fisherman and the goldfish, there was an old man who didn't know what he wanted. He had an old woman who had many ambitions. The old man, having caught a goldfish, was forced to realize other people's desires. I want you to have a close person in your life who motivates you. But let him motivate you to achieve your goals. I wish you to live in harmony. There will be harmony in the family, there will be gold fish. Happy birthday!

  • Story.

You probably have a lot in common with your best friend. You definitely have stories that are nice to remember. In your congratulations, remind your friend about how you met, what experience you had together, what adventures you went through together. For example:

Dear friend! You and I have been through a lot. We always have something to remember. It's a pity that not everything can be told for festive table. Therefore, I want to wish you new impressions and bright sins. Let the former become a source of pride and exciting stories that you will tell everyone about. And the second - the subject of your quiet lonely pride. Happy birthday!
  • Quote.

Remember the bright, funny statement of your friend and beat him in congratulations. It could be funny phrase, which he uttered, his too pretentious expression or speech error. Most importantly, write a congratulation without sarcasm.

Birthday wishes are not a simple science, but having mastered it, you will never know what the problems are with how interesting and original to congratulate your best friend.

You, my friend, have a birthday today! I wish you on this day to be masculinely strong and patient, brutal and persistent! May all the positive qualities that I see in you as a faithful friend remain with you throughout your life journey! Happy holiday, friend!

Comrade, comrade-in-arms, friend!.. How much binds us together with you! You are celebrating your birthday today, so take warm words from me: let love warm your heart even in severe cold, let success keep pace with you in any endeavor, health never fails, and true friends will always be ready to lend a shoulder!

Today I want not only to shake your strong hand, but also to hug you, my priceless friend! I congratulate you on your birthday and I promise that I will do my best to contribute to the speedy realization of all those desires that you make today! So dare to dream big!

With you, we will turn all the mountains, we will reach all the high peaks - after all, you, dear friend, have a birthday! I wish you to always be “number 1”, so that in your career and in love you always occupy the pedestal! Don't you dare doubt yourself, buddy - you're awesome!

On your holiday, birthday, I, as your friend, want to dedicate these bright and good wishes: never devalue yourself - you are the best, always be healthy - this is strength, be honest and faithful to your friends - this is success! And, of course, let your cherished dream come true this year of your happy life!

Many years ago, an extraordinary event took place - you, my comrade and friend, appeared in the world! I propose to enjoy this day today, because you are a cool guy, a true friend, a true professional and just a wonderful person! Happy birthday!

Another year has passed, my friend! Today you celebrate your birthday with us, with your comrades! And we are extremely happy about this, because having such a friend is priceless! Stay as sincere, kind, sympathetic, strong and courageous! We just love you!

Starting today, let the sun shine even brighter above your head, your career soars, love will be unearthly, and health - heroic! We wish you all the best, friend, from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday! You are one of a kind, unique and cool! And may the new chapter of your book of life be even more interesting than the previous one!

Friend, my dear birthday boy! I would like to wish you so much, but I focus on the main thing: be healthy, never lose heart, achieve your goals and have a reliable rear behind you!

Today you have become even wiser for a year, my friend! Therefore, do not lose all that valuable that you have already managed to acquire for your birthday, and also do not stop acquiring new impressions and skills! And do not forget that I will always help you in everything - whether it is to move a closet or make up with your girlfriend!

Our dear birthday boy! We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to remain young and perky. We wish you not to lose this taste of youth and adventure. We wish you to always have the support of your friends and family. So that income grows uphill and pleasure does not leave you for a minute!

Our beloved friend, a wonderful person! We congratulate you on this wonderful date and wish you to be healthy, strong, not to deviate from the path, to be brave and skillful, to carry the title of a man proudly. Let there be work and love in your life. Let happiness always sit on your right shoulder, and thoughts do not interfere with your development.

Dear friend, we wish you a happy birthday and wish that every dream of yours, every goal of yours come true. You are our great achiever, great fellow, and you deserve to have all the blessings of this world!

Look at the calendar, today is a wonderful day! We want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you victories and achievements so that you move forward towards your goals. May the soul always be like in youth. A new stage of your life is ahead and try to make it even better than the previous one. Smile more often and do not forget how much we believe in you and love you. Your friends.

Dear our friend! We are so happy and have been waiting for this day to tell you pleasant words! We wish you all the best and the best in your life! Let happiness catch you in its nets and not let go. Let the wallet grow every day, as well as your confidence in yourself and your abilities. We wish you to balance between work and family, love and be loved by a man!

Happy Birthday! My friend, we wish you to be healthy and strong in spirit. Let there be harmony in the soul. Pleasure in life. Comfort in the family. High income in a career. In the heart of love and happiness. You are a man in his prime, young and healthy. Let any difficulty be on the shoulder!

Beloved friend! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you to continue to work hard towards your goal and be in the flow of inspiration and opportunities. Make rationally balanced decisions in life, you have become a year older and wiser. Your life experience grows more and more every year, let it help you overcome all the difficulties on the way!

Our beloved friend, we are happy to congratulate you on your birthday. You are our pride and strong love. We wish you health to move mountains and strength to withstand any difficulties!

Happy Birthday! We wish you to smile and be happy more often! Indeed, in life there are so many reasons to enjoy life and notice the little things and marvel at the beauties of this world! Your true friends.

Dear birthday boy, you are today main character our table! We sincerely want to congratulate you and wish you only bright thoughts and good deeds. May there be as much goodness and joy in your life as possible. From trusted friends.

Congratulations to a friend

Happy birthday! Friend, be bold and healthy, purposeful and strong, use your skills to the fullest. Let the Lexus be in the parking lot, and the key to it is in your pocket. I wish you to make your dreams come true, to fight with the brutality of the ladies and to be on top in any situation!

Friend, let only good surprises await behind the sharp turns, the career will reach stellar heights, the financial situation will become stable and strong. Happy birthday! Be strong and unbending, positive and happy! I wish that the family supported, and friends did not leave. Good luck, friend!

Friend, let every day there is a reason for a sincere smile, and every business ends with a brilliant victory. I wish you health like a hero, stamina like an oak tree, strength like Hercules, wealth like Bill Gates. May the years be cloudless, the sun drives away sadness, and the good fairy always helps. Happy Birthday!

I wish that all the plans and ideas that swarm in your head will certainly be implemented. Friend, let optimism help to overcome difficulties, and the strength of the spirit does not weaken. Happy birthday! For everyone, be a positive example, never be left without the attention of girls!

Happy Birthday! Let things go great at work, and everything goes great at home! Friend, I wish you to be stubborn and courageous, to always distinguish truth from lies, to achieve your goal under any circumstances. Let prosperity allow you to live in a big way and follow the dictates of your heart!

I wish you to be immensely happy, rich and healthy, cheerful and optimistic. Achieve your goals yourself, not expecting gifts from heaven. Friend, let obstacles not be able to stop you, and perseverance helps to open any doors. Happy Birthday!

Friend, I wish that good miracles happen in life, evil spirits do not pull their clawed paws, and happiness does not run past. Let material wealth increase, and the number of troubles be minimized. Happy Birthday!

Stay the same wonderful and kind friend as you are now. Happy birthday! Live beautifully and happily, deftly avoiding dangers and troubles. May your aspirations always find support and lead to a positive outcome.

I wish you to have a large five-story mansion in your possession, an atmosphere of harmony and mutual understanding reigned in it. Let the guardian angel protect the house from the outside, warm the cheerful sun, protect the forces of goodness and love! Happy birthday, friend!

Happy Birthday! Let success pursue you, and everyone envy courage. Be brutal, super strong, heroic and agile to never lose your luck. I wish you not to know disappointment and betrayal. Friend, you are the best!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

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Other congratulations

  • Funny funny congratulations to a girlfriend happy birthday

    Dear, I wish you more of those who will not speak, but do, who will appreciate, love, respect and always seek meetings. I am sure that you will definitely meet your one and only, because you have a whole life ahead of you.

    Dear, having received this SMS, you think that your wife is far away. Wrong, I'm behind you. Do not look back. My body is not there. There is a soul. She is always by your side. I will insure your guardian angel so that you do not make stupid mistakes on your birthday.

WITH personal holiday congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May all cherished dreams come true
Let good luck enter the house without knocking,
Let joy and happiness dwell in it.
Let health only multiply
May you have a long time
Let life flow like a full river
All the best to you, joy, goodness.

Today is your birthday,
Accept the most my sincere congratulations,
With all my heart I wish you joy, good luck,
And good health to boot.
Every day let it please you
Let the family live in prosperity and love,
I wish you all the best. Moods
Let life give only inspiration.

Best friend, congratulations
On your glorious birthday
Always be on a dashing horse
May fate keep you safe.
Let happiness be forged in joy.
May you have fun
May the years bring you wisdom
Be loved and desired always.

Your holiday is full of congratulations and kind words,
Let love always inspire you,
Let plans and hopes come true day by day,
Let prosperity and comfort be in your house.
On your birthday, get a charge of vivacity,
Let everyone be glad to meet you,
Let joy and health always accompany
Let the bright star light the way.

My friend, happy birthday to you,
Good luck, I wish you luck, good,
The blessings of life, optimism,
Lots of joy in life.
I wish you inspiration at work,
Mutual understanding in the family circle,
Among people of respect
And always a dream come true.

My friend, happy birthday to you,
I sincerely wish you a great mood,
Good, good luck to you, inspiration,
Get inspiration from life.
Conquer new heights
Never be sad and don't be discouraged
Beautiful love, let it inspire you
Happiness knows no boundaries.

It's your birthday today, congratulations
Huge success, friend, I wish you everything,
Let your career skyrocket
Let there be a strong thread of life.
All the best to you, good luck, inspiration,
And always good mood,
Let the sun of the world shine over you
Reliable friends, let them protect.

Years run like river water
Nobody can stop them
Happy birthday, my friend, I congratulate you,
I want to achieve my goal.
May God give you health, happiness,
Let bad weather bypass you,
Let every moment please you
Let spring always ring in your soul.

Friend, you are like a brother to me
Happy birthday, I'm happy to congratulate you
I wish you joy, prosperity, kindness,
To be lucky in everything, always.
Good health to you, well-being,
And all the best
Good luck in everything, endurance, patience,
And always in a great mood.

Our friendship is like granite is strong,
We are inseparable childhood friends,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May all cherished dreams come true.
Let sorrows bypass
Be always kept by fate
Peace to you, joy, prosperity,
Let everything be in order in your life.

Today is your birthday, congratulations
Good luck in everything, my friend, I wish
Let every day turn into a holiday
I wish all my dreams come true.
May health always be strong
May fate be kind
Be the luckiest in everything
Let your house be a full bowl.

Birthday is a bright holiday
Around fun, jokes, laughter,
Let life give you only inspiration
May success accompany you in everything.
May God give you happiness, joy, good luck,
And the mood of beauty in addition,
Be lucky in everything, always
Let the bright star light the way.

Not a day passes without each person, as well as one of his friends, acquaintances, relatives and work colleagues, not having a festive occasion. One becomes a happy dad, the second is promoted, and the third celebrates another. A real holiday, as you know, it is impossible to imagine without heartfelt wishes, beautiful toasts and inimitable verses addressed to the hero of the occasion. In this regard, truly original and unhackneyed birthday greetings to a friend are especially relevant in our time. Of course, name days are the brightest and bright holiday in the life of any of us. On this day, we feel ourselves, perhaps, the happiest and most important people in the whole world. Because we get wonderful flowers, good gifts, many wonderful wishes are dedicated in our honor. By themselves, birthday greetings to a friend can be fun and funny, although some prefer the classic type of poetic dedications .. Only original congratulations in verse and prose.