Congratulations to your beloved on Valentine's Day. Congratulations on Valentine's Day to your beloved. Original congratulations on Valentine's Day SPA or thermal complex

Valentine's Day, aka Valentine's Day, is the most romantic holiday.

And everyone who has a soulmate wants to celebrate it so that it is remembered for a whole year. To create your own interesting scenario for celebrating Valentine's Day, you can look a little at and study how it is customary to celebrate this holiday in other countries.

In France, this is not only a holiday for lovers, but a holiday of love for all relatives and friends. The French have a tradition of congratulating all relatives with small postcards (), in which they write short wishes and declarations of love. Lovers on this day prefer to present precious jewelry.

In Italy, Valentine's Day is usually called a sweet day, as the main gift on this day was a variety of sweets.

In England, it is customary to give heart-shaped cards to your loved ones. The British have fun by holding a love lottery during the party. The rules of this lottery are that the girls write their names on small pieces of paper and throw them into the hat, while the guys pull out one at a time. Thus, couples are created, young people throughout the year call each other Valentine and Valentine. The traditional gift for girls on this day is red roses.

In Denmark, men have a tradition of anonymously sending valentines to their sympathies. If a girl guesses who sent the message and feels mutual feelings, she sends a chocolate egg to her chosen one on Easter.

In Germany, this is the most unusual holiday, as the Germans consider St. Valentine the patron saint of mentally ill people. Naturally, all attention on February 14 is directed to such people.

In the most enchanting way, Valentine's Day is celebrated in Japan. Girls buy a huge amount of chocolates and give them to all the guys they know. And young people do the same a month later on March 14th. They call this day White, as the guys give white chocolate.

In the CIS countries, it is customary to go to cafes and restaurants on this day, as well as give flowers, sweets and original gifts to loved ones. On the eve of this holiday, lovers have to go around many shops in search of surprises for the second half. True, thanks to modern communications, it has become possible to buy gifts without leaving home, you just have to look into

The most beloved person in the world
Congratulations on the holiday and give a heart
Trembling, gentle, from your chest!
How love shines! Just look!

My affectionate Valentine, my life, soul,
Again and again I confess how much I love you!
Only with you next to you is joy, happiness, laughter ...
My most desired, you are the best in the world!

My love, congratulations
Happy holiday to you!
I sincerely wish to be with me
On Valentine's Day this and always...

Let the sun shine brightly for us,
May the world be a hundred times kinder.
Darling, you are the best in the world
And our life is a hundred times brighter.

Do you remember what day it is? Although we have already spoken words of love to each other a lot, today, on Valentine's Day, they take on a special magical effect. Let our feelings become enchanted so that you and I can, thanks to our love, work miracles and see what other people can never see!

Beloved, I want to congratulate you with all my heart,
Send the most tender words of your love to you!
Thank you for surrounding me with care and affection,
I am grateful that you fly with me on the wings of love!
You are my happiness, without you, believe me, I won’t live a day,
I want to be with you both in a dream and in reality.

Dear, good, beloved, dear,
My life, happiness, my unearthly paradise,
I heartily congratulate you
Happy Valentine's Day, with you myself.

Many more days ahead of us
A lot of luck, and maybe rain,
Yet I know and believe in you,
Everything can be overcome only by loving!

I'm happy to congratulate you on Valentine's Day! Accept my tender heart as a gift. It knocks so loudly because inside it is the strongest feeling of all that exists on our planet - Her Majesty Love. Do you hear how the heart beats? Hold it to your chest. This is my love persistently knocking on your heart!

Valentine's Day is a special day for lovers of hearts. This is an opportunity to look into your beloved eyes and say the most important words. Even if young people give their loved ones tender and passionate confessions every day, Valentine's Day attaches special importance to the manifestation of feelings.

In order for the holiday to be shrouded in a halo of romance, filled with mystery and presented surprises, you need to show imagination and make efforts to implement it. Every girl in her heart dreams of an original gift, an unexpected event, a wonderful romantic evening. On this day, folk wisdom is more appropriate than ever that attention is more valuable than the gift itself. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive items, it is important that the donated item is from a pure heart. Congratulations should be well thought out and prepared in advance. A standard souvenir bought in a hurry at a cheap sale can spoil the impression with its routine and predictability.

How to congratulate a girl on Valentine's Day?

In this case, you will be prompted by sincere feelings for her. When meeting with your beloved, you need to be attentive to her and her interests, listen to her desires - and then it will become clear what is best to please her on a holiday. The presented gift should show the girl that her beloved was preparing a congratulation in advance, thinking about her and her own feelings.


An obligatory gift - flowers - is better to give in some unusual way. The famous song about a million scarlet roses can be brought to life with a small change: to give your beloved such a huge bouquet. From small leaves, you can lay out her name or a big red heart under the windows of her beloved. If the weather on a holiday is too harsh, it is worth laying out the path from the door of the house to the exit from the entrance with petals.

If you show imagination, then a girl on Valentine's Day should order a large one in which one artificial flower will be hidden. A small postcard will tell the sweetheart that feelings for her will fade with the last rose petal. Perhaps the message will lead the girl into a slight bewilderment: will love really be so short? But the "eternal" flower, which remained safe and sound, will prove to her the seriousness of the young man's intentions, because the confession will be made on a special date - Valentine's Day.

SMS congratulations are the most affordable thing today, requiring almost no costs. But you can create a whole poem about love from small short messages.

It is better to start sending messages in the morning with small intervals. If a young man in love is not endowed with a poetic gift, you should not write ready-made SMS downloaded from the endless pages of the Internet. Let the words be simple, sincere, coming from the heart. Any girl will appreciate it.

How to congratulate a girl on Valentine's Day? In our modern world, this is very easy to do. The presence of mobile phones equipped with photo and video cameras allows you to collect a considerable collection of various subjects. With minimal knowledge in the field of computer graphics, you can create an album with photographs reflecting significant events. And if you use the services of a video engineer, then from the videos you can create a small film that tells about strong love and strong feelings.

Original gift

If a man is ready to spend money for his beloved, then you can unusually do it on Valentine's Day. for example, it will be presented by an outsider who may look like a postal courier delivering flowers with an obligatory valentine card. The surprise is that the congratulations will be handed through the window. The process will look especially impressive if the beloved lives on a high floor. A professional climber will act as a courier. He can climb to a height with the help of climbing equipment or

It is not uncommon for declarations of love and tender words to be written on advertising billboards. There is also a photo of a dear person. A guy in love is ready to tell the whole world about his unearthly feelings. Such a congratulation can impress any girl and will not leave indifferent any passer-by.

A prank or naughty jokes should not be used. Cool ones will be appropriate if the girl has an innate sense of humor. Otherwise, the prank may frighten or offend her. Having come up with a script for an event, for reliability, you should involve friends in its execution or hire professional actors. The finale of the draw must be spectacular and fun.

Several original ideas

Another non-standard option on how to congratulate a girl on Valentine's Day. In advance, you should make a list of a wide variety of congratulations that should be given throughout the day. A bright inscription on the pavement under the windows, a telegram with congratulations, courier delivery of flowers, an e-mail in verse, a poster with a photograph of your beloved, a large cake with an inscription, multi-colored heart-shaped balloons and much more can be invented and implemented by yourself or with the help of assistants.

If on Valentine's Day a young man presents a ring to his beloved girl and makes a marriage proposal, then such a holiday will be remembered by young people for the rest of their lives.


Only passionate feelings and a warm heart will correctly tell a man how to congratulate a girl on Valentine's Day.

Everyone treats Valentine's Day differently. Someone considers this a stupid Western tradition, someone says that the holiday was invented by sellers of sweets and flowers. But it will still come, and pretty soon! Undoubtedly, everyone wants to receive at least some sign of attention from the person they love. If you do not know how to congratulate your soulmate, then this article is for you.

Breakfast tete-a-tete

Probably everyone will agree that real happiness is waking up next to your loved one. It's a good surprise to get up early and make breakfast. It is not necessary to be a good cook to surprise your beloved or beloved, because even an ordinary scrambled egg can turn out to be a declaration of love.

And if you have some culinary experience, you can create a real romantic masterpiece. Lace pancakes will be a great solution. To create them, you will need 200 ml of milk, 50 grams of flour, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and eggs, salt, sugar to taste. Knead the dough for pancakes, pour it into a syringe or a regular bag with a cut off corner, and create your own culinary masterpiece.


This is a true classic for Valentine's Day. The simplest and at the same time banal greeting will be a valentine (bought in a store), complete with a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne. Of course, it will be very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, but it is unlikely that it will remain in memory for a long time.

Agree it is much more pleasant to receive a Valentine's card from your loved one, made by yourself. Do not rush to come up with excuses and say that you will not succeed. In fact, to make hand-made, nothing is required except scissors, glue, colored paper and, of course, imagination.
You can make your soul mate, a sweet valentine, or a valentine with a surprise, for this you just need to glue two paper hearts, after placing a gift inside, which you yourself see fit.

100 reasons to love

Love is the most beautiful thing that can happen. When a person loves, it is difficult for him to explain why he chose this particular person. But before Valentine's Day, you can still try to find reasons, or rather 100 reasons!

It's a great idea to build a jar or glue a special box with the inscription "100 reasons why I love you." You need to fill it with small notes, each of which will be written for one reason. For example, “you have a charming smile” or “I like to wake up with you in the morning”, etc. Let each note be personal, write your pleasant nonsense in them.

And be sure, such a jar will be opened more than once a year. Your soulmate will turn to her in moments of lack of tenderness and attention.

Romantic Coupons

Another great idea is romantic coupons. It is something like lottery tickets, each of which has an action written on it, such as "going to the movies", "romantic dinner" and so on. Such a present will be able to give more than one day of the holiday of lovers, but to delight you and your soul mate with romantic moments for another month or even more. After all, the number of such coupons depends on you.

SPA procedures

If you have not taken a shower together, I highly recommend it, a lot of pleasant sensations plus saving water.
But on Valentine's Day, it will be much more pleasant to get into a bath with your beloved not in the shower, turning it into a real home SPA-salon.

The necessary romantic atmosphere will be created by twilight and aromas. You can arrange candles beautifully, but do not forget about fire safety. This evening, not your house should burn, but the flame of your pure love.

It is believed that men love with their eyes, this is not entirely true, do not forget that aromas also play their far from the last role. After all, the sense of smell can awaken the senses no worse than sight. It’s not for nothing that the smell of vanilla is sprayed in front of the entrance to the confectionery.

Fragrances allow you to express your feelings without words. The main thing is to choose them correctly. Some have a relaxing effect, relieve stress, and some tone up. You can put a couple of drops directly into the bath or use an aromatic lamp. Also use sea salt and bath bombs, they will create foam and help you relax.

No matter how you feel about February 14, do not forget to make time for the people you love, especially since Valentine's Day is an excellent occasion for this.

In every adult man lives a child who loves gifts and touching gestures. Poems for Valentine's Day: an original and sweet congratulation for a boyfriend, husband and fan.

I send a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture -
There you will find yours.
After all, there are miracles:
There was a heart, there were two.

I love, which means
Everything in life is different now!
The sun shines brighter
I became a little bolder
Sent you a valentine
Don't take it for a speck
To get it out of my eyes,
It contains my love for you.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Let life be like raspberries -
Sweet, and love is mutual,
The softest, the strongest.

May it bring joy
Life brings gifts
Happiness will burst into your life.
And let everything work out.

Let goodness warm you
To the light, let him open the door,
Everything will be fine in life
And in love - everything is romantic!

I will drown in your eyes! Can?
After all, drown in your eyes. Happiness!
I will love you. Can?
It's very difficult to love. Do you believe me?
Well, what if I leave? Will you write?
I want to be with you. Do you hear?
Long, long, all my life. Understand?

You will answer with your eyes. Love!
If so, then I promise you
That you will be the happiest!
If not, then I beg you
Do not pull your eyes into the pool,
I will love you. Can?
Even if you can't. Will!!!

I congratulate you on this day
How proud I am that we are together,
Let all disagreements go away
Cupid will show a good path!

Let every new day start with you
And let it end with you
You are very dear to me, my dear,
You are the whole globe of the earth for me:
You are my sun, its ray,
The moon and its soft light
You are the sky, clouds and rain,
You are the wind, the sea and the dawn...
You are everywhere, invisibly in everything,
I always breathe only you
So let it always be with me -
Our dream-filled world...


Cupid got up early today,
It's pretty weird for him!
He combed his curls with his hand,
Attached to the pants suspenders,
He pulled the bow tighter
Arrows got countless pieces!
I drank only tea in the morning,
Do not miss to accidentally!!!
Kashi screwed up the plate
And rushed to the sighting!!!
It's not for nothing that everything is so civilized,
Valentine's Day!
The winged have a lot of things to do,
Since the morning of shooting
Everything is in his power today,
He will bring happiness to many!
Hit someone in the heart
Will burn with fire and pepper!
Can shoot in the brain
For laughs - between the legs
Everyone will get an arrow,
He will slay everyone today!
Take care of the essentials
For today the most important
Everyone to say the words:
"You know I love YOU!"

You are my beautiful life partner
Real gold!
So let on Valentine's Day,
Your dreams will come true!

Holiday of love, February draws us,
And inspires beautiful words.
Your smile, as always, excites
So much so that the head is spinning!

My love for you is unstoppable
You are the best man on earth
I always want to be loved by you
I want to always be devoted to you!

I am such a postcard
To start, I'll sign
And when we meet, I'll kiss
And in the arms I will suffocate!