Children's fairy tales online. Brothers Grimm Brief characteristics of the main characters

Information for parents: Lady Blizzard is an instructive tale by the Brothers Grimm. It speaks of a sorceress from a well, rewarding a hard-working girl and punishing a slovenly one. The fairy tale "Mrs. Metelitsa" can be read to children aged 6 to 9 years before bedtime.

Read the fairy tale Mrs. Metelitsa

A widow had a daughter, she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good in face, and a terrible lazy person. The widow loved her daughter very much and forgave her everything, but she forced her stepdaughter to work hard and fed very badly.

Every morning the stepdaughter had to sit by the well and spin yarn. And she had to spin so much that often even blood appeared on her fingers.

One day she sat like that, spinning and stained the spindle with blood. The girl bent down to the well to wash the spindle, and suddenly the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the well.

The stepdaughter began to cry and ran home to her stepmother to tell her about her misfortune.

- You dropped it, you get it, - said the stepmother angrily. - Yes, look, do not return without a spindle.

The girl went back to the well and, out of grief, took it and threw herself into the water. She jumped into the water and immediately lost consciousness.

And when she woke up, she saw that she was lying on a green lawn, the sun was shining from the sky, and flowers were growing on the lawn.

The girl went across the lawn, looks: there is an oven on the lawn, and bread is baked in the oven. The loaves called out to her:

- Oh, take us, girl, out of the oven as soon as possible:

Oh, get out quickly! We are already baked! Otherwise, we will soon burn down completely!

The girl took a shovel and took out the bread from the oven. Then she went on and came to an apple tree. There were many ripe apples on the apple tree. The apple tree called out to her:

“Ah, shake me, girl, shake me!” The apples are already ripe!

The girl began to shake the tree. Apples rained down on the ground. And until then she shook the apple tree until not a single apple remained on it.

"What are you afraid of, dear?" You better stay with me. You will work well and you will be well. You just make a better bed for me and a feather bed and fluff the pillows harder so that the feathers fly in all directions. When feathers fly from my featherbed, it snows on the ground. Do you know who I am? I myself am Mrs. Metelitsa.

“Well,” said the girl, “I agree to enter your service.

So she stayed to work for the old woman. She was a good girl, exemplary, and did everything that the old woman ordered her to do.

She fluffed the feather bed and pillows so hard that the feathers flew in all directions like flakes of snow.

The girl lived well at Metelitsa. Metelitsa never scolded her, but always fed her hearty and tasty.

And yet, the girl soon began to get bored. At first she herself could not understand why she was bored - after all, she lives here a thousand times better than at home, and then she realized that she was missing her home. No matter how bad it was, but still she was very used to him.

Here is the time the girl says to the old woman:

“I was very homesick. No matter how well I feel at your place, I still cannot stay here any longer. I really want to see my family.

Metelitsa listened to her and said:

I like that you don't forget your family. You did a good job for me. For this, I myself will show you the way home.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened, and when the girl passed under them, gold fell on her from above. So, she came out of the gate, all sprinkled with gold.

“This is your reward for your efforts,” said Metelitsa and gave her a spindle, the same one that fell into the well.

Then the gate closed, and the girl again found herself upstairs, on the ground. Soon she came to her stepmother's house. She entered the house, and the cockerel, sitting on the well, at that time sang:

- Ku-ka-re-ku, the girl has come!
She brought a lot of gold to the house!

The stepmother and daughter saw that the stepdaughter had brought with her a lot of gold, and greeted her kindly. They didn't even scold me for the long absence.

The girl told them about everything that had happened to her, and the stepmother wanted her daughter to become rich too, so that she would also bring a lot of gold into the house.

She made her daughter sit by the well to spin. The lazy daughter sat down by the well, but did not spin. She only scratched her finger with a blackthorn until it bled, smeared the spindle with blood, threw it into the well and jumped into the water after it.

And then she found herself on the same green lawn where beautiful flowers grew. She went along the path and soon came to the oven where the bread was baked.

“Ah,” the loaves shouted to her, “take us out of the oven!” Take out quickly! We've already screwed up! We'll be on fire soon!

- No matter how! - answered the lazybones. - I'll get dirty because of you, - and went on.

Then she came to the apple tree, the apple tree called out to her:

“Ah, shake me, girl, shake me!” The apples are already ripe!

- How, how, - she answered, - just look, if I start shaking you, some apple will fall on my head and fill a bump!

Finally, the lazy person came up to the house of Mrs. Metelitsa. She wasn't scared of the Blizzard at all. After all, her sister told her about the big teeth of Metelitsa and that she was not at all scary.

So the lazy person came to Metelitsa to work.

The first day she still somehow tried to overcome her laziness, obeyed Mrs. Metelitsa, fluffed her feather bed and pillows so that the feathers flew in all directions.

And on the second and third days, laziness began to overcome her. In the morning she reluctantly got out of bed, made her mistress's bed poorly, and completely stopped fluffing the feather bed and pillows.

Metelitsa is tired of keeping such a maid, so she tells her:

- Go back to your home!

Here the lazybones was delighted.

“Well,” he thinks, “now gold will fall on me.”

Metelitsa led her to the big gate. The gates swung open. But when a lazy person came out of them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a cauldron with pitch overturned.

"Here's your reward for your work," Blizzard said and slammed the gate.

The lazy person came home, and the cockerel sitting on the well saw her and shouted:

- Everyone in the village will laugh:
A girl covered in resin enters!

And so this resin stuck to her tightly, that it remained on her skin for the rest of her life.

A widow had a daughter, she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good in face, and a terrible lazy person. The widow loved her daughter very much and forgave her everything, but she forced her stepdaughter to work hard and fed very badly.

Every morning the stepdaughter had to sit by the well and spin yarn. And she had to spin so much that often even blood appeared on her fingers.

One day she sat like that, spinning and stained the spindle with blood. The girl bent down to the well to wash the spindle, and suddenly the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the well.

The stepdaughter began to cry and ran home to her stepmother to tell her about her misfortune.

You dropped it, you get it, - said the stepmother angrily. - Yes, look, do not return without a spindle.

The girl went back to the well and, out of grief, took it and threw herself into the water. She jumped into the water and immediately lost consciousness.

And when she woke up, she saw that she was lying on a green lawn, the sun was shining from the sky, and flowers were growing on the lawn.

The girl went across the lawn, looks: there is an oven on the lawn, and bread is baked in the oven. The loaves called out to her:

Oh, take us, girl, out of the oven as soon as possible:

Oh, get out quickly! We are already baked! Otherwise, we will soon burn down completely!

The girl took a shovel and took out the bread from the oven. Then she went on and came to an apple tree. There were many ripe apples on the apple tree. The apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake! The apples are already ripe!

The girl began to shake the tree. Apples rained down on the ground. And until then she shook the apple tree until not a single apple remained on it.

What are you afraid of, honey? You better stay with me. You will work well and you will be well. You just make a better bed for me and a feather bed and fluff the pillows harder so that the feathers fly in all directions. When feathers fly from my featherbed, it snows on the ground. Do you know who I am? I am Mrs Metelitsa myself.

Well, - said the girl, - I agree to enter your service.

So she stayed to work for the old woman. She was a good girl, exemplary, and did everything that the old woman ordered her to do.

She fluffed the feather bed and pillows so hard that the feathers flew in all directions like flakes of snow.

The girl lived well at Metelitsa. Metelitsa never scolded her, but always fed her hearty and tasty.

And yet, the girl soon began to get bored. At first she herself could not understand why she was bored - after all, she lives here a thousand times better than at home, and then she realized that she was missing her home. No matter how bad it was, but still she was very used to him.

Here is the time the girl says to the old woman:

I was very homesick. No matter how well I feel at your place, I still can't stay here any longer. I really want to see my family.

Metelitsa listened to her and said:

I like that you don't forget your family. You did a good job for me. For this, I myself will show you the way home.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened, and when the girl passed under them, gold fell on her from above. And so she came out of the gate, all sprinkled with gold.

This is your reward for your efforts, - said Metelitsa and gave her a spindle, the same one that fell into the well.

Then the gate closed, and the girl again found herself upstairs, on the ground. Soon she came to her stepmother's house. She entered the house, and the cockerel, sitting on the well, at that time sang:

Ku-ka-re-ku, the girl has come! She brought a lot of gold to the house!

The stepmother and her daughter saw that the stepdaughter had brought with her a lot of gold, and greeted her kindly. They didn't even scold me for the long absence.

The girl told them about everything that had happened to her, and the stepmother wanted her daughter to become rich too, so that she would also bring a lot of gold into the house.

She made her daughter sit by the well to spin. The lazy daughter sat down by the well, but did not spin. She only scratched her finger with a blackthorn until it bled, smeared the spindle with blood, threw it into the well and jumped into the water after it.

And then she found herself on the same green lawn where beautiful flowers grew. She went along the path and soon came to the stove. where the bread was baked.

Ah, the loaves shouted to her, take us out of the oven! Take out quickly! We've already screwed up! We'll be on fire soon!

No matter how! - answered the lazybones. - I will get dirty because of you, - and went on.

Then she came to the apple tree, the apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake me! The apples are already ripe!

How, how, - she answered, - just look. if I start shaking you, some apple will fall on my head and give me a bump!

Finally, the lazy person approached the house of Mrs. Metelitsa. She wasn't scared of the Blizzard at all. After all, her sister told her about the big teeth of Metelitsa and that she was not at all scary.

So the lazy person came to Metelitsa to work.

The first day she still somehow tried to overcome her laziness, obeyed Mrs. Metelitsa, fluffed her feather bed and pillows so that the feathers flew in all directions.

And on the second and third days, laziness began to overcome her. In the morning she reluctantly got out of bed, made her mistress's bed poorly, and completely stopped fluffing the feather bed and pillows.

Metelitsa is tired of keeping such a maid, so she tells her:

Go back to your home!

Here the lazybones was delighted.

“Well,” he thinks, “now gold will fall on me.”

Metelitsa led her to the big gate. The gates swung open. But when a lazy person came out of them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a cauldron of pitch overturned.

Here is your reward for your work, - said Metelitsa and slammed the gate.

The lazy person came home, and the cockerel sitting on the well saw her and shouted:

Everyone in the village will laugh: A girl covered in resin enters!

And so this resin stuck to her tightly, that remained on her skin for life.

A widow had a daughter, she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good in face, and a terrible lazy person. The widow loved her daughter very much and forgave her everything, but she forced her stepdaughter to work hard and fed very badly.

Every morning the stepdaughter had to sit by the well and spin yarn. And she had to spin so much that often even blood appeared on her fingers.

One day she sat like that, spinning and stained the spindle with blood. The girl bent down to the well to wash the spindle, and suddenly the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the well.

The stepdaughter began to cry and ran home to her stepmother to tell her about her misfortune.

You dropped it, you get it, - said the stepmother angrily. - Yes, look, do not return without a spindle.

The girl went back to the well and, out of grief, took it, and rushed into the water. She jumped into the water and immediately lost consciousness.

And when she woke up, she saw that she was lying on a green lawn, the sun was shining from the sky, and flowers were growing on the lawn.

The girl went across the lawn, looks: there is an oven on the lawn, and bread is baked in the oven. The loaves called out to her:

Oh, take us, girl, out of the oven as soon as possible:

Oh, get out quickly! We are already baked! Otherwise, we will soon burn down completely!

The girl took a shovel and took out the bread from the oven. Then she went on and came to an apple tree. There were many ripe apples on the apple tree. The apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake! The apples are already ripe!

The girl began to shake the tree. Apples rained down on the ground. And until then she shook the apple tree until not a single apple remained on it.

What are you afraid of, honey? You better stay with me. You will work well and you will be well. You just make a better bed for me and a feather bed and fluff the pillows harder so that the feathers fly in all directions. When feathers fly from my featherbed, it snows on the ground. Do you know who I am? I am Mrs Metelitsa myself.

Well, - said the girl, - I agree to enter your service.

So she stayed to work for the old woman. She was a good girl, exemplary, and did everything that the old woman ordered her to do.

She fluffed the feather bed and pillows so hard that the feathers flew in all directions like flakes of snow.

The girl lived well at Metelitsa. Metelitsa never scolded her, but always fed her hearty and tasty.

And yet, the girl soon began to get bored. At first, she herself could not understand why she was bored - after all, she lives here a thousand times better than at home, and then she realized that she was bored precisely in the pedigree home. No matter how bad it was, but still she was very used to him.

Here is the time the girl says to the old woman:

I was very homesick. No matter how well I feel at your place, I still can't stay here any longer. I really want to see my family.

Metelitsa listened to her and said:

I like that you don't forget your family. You did a good job for me. For this, I myself will show you the way home.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened, and when the girl passed under them, gold fell on her from above. And so she came out of the gate, all sprinkled with gold.

This is your reward for your efforts, ”said Metelitsa and gave her a spindle, the same one that fell into the well.

Then the gate closed, and the girl again found herself upstairs, on the ground. Soon she came to her stepmother's house. She entered the house, and the cockerel, sitting on the well, at that time sang:

Ku-ka-re-ku, the girl has come!
She brought a lot of gold to the house!

The stepmother and her daughter saw that the stepdaughter had brought with her a lot of gold, and greeted her kindly. They didn't even scold me for the long absence.

The girl told them about everything that had happened to her, and the stepmother wanted her daughter to become rich too, so that she would also bring a lot of gold into the house.

She made her daughter sit by the well to spin. The lazy daughter sat down by the well, but did not spin. She only scratched her finger with a blackthorn until it bled, smeared the spindle with blood, threw it into the well and jumped into the water after it.

And then she found herself on the same green lawn where beautiful flowers grew. She went along the path and soon came to the stove. where the bread was baked.

Ah, the loaves shouted to her, take us out of the oven! Take out quickly! We've already screwed up! We'll be on fire soon!

No matter how! the lazybones replied. “I’ll get dirty because of you,” and she went on.

Then she came to the apple tree, the apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake me! The apples are already ripe!

How, how, - she answered, - just look. If I start shaking you, some apple will fall on my head and hit a bump!

Finally, the lazy person approached the house of Mrs. Metelitsa. She wasn't scared of the Blizzard at all. After all, her sister told her about the big teeth of Metelitsa and that she was not at all scary.

So the lazy person came to Metelitsa to work.

The first day she still somehow tried to overcome her laziness, obeyed Mrs. Metelitsa, fluffed her feather bed and pillows so that the feathers flew in all directions.

And on the second and third days, laziness began to overcome her. In the morning she reluctantly got out of bed, made her mistress's bed poorly, and completely stopped fluffing the feather bed and pillows.

Metelitsa is tired of keeping such a maid, so she tells her:

Go back to your home!

Here the lazybones was delighted.

“Well,” he thinks, “now gold will fall on me.”

Metelitsa led her to the big gate. The gates swung open. But when a lazy person came out of them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a cauldron of pitch overturned.

Here is your reward for your work,” said Metelitsa and slammed the gate.

The lazy person came home, and the cockerel sitting on the well saw her and shouted:

Everyone in the village will laugh:
A girl covered in resin enters!

And so this resin stuck to her tightly, that remained on her skin for life.


There was a widow who had a daughter, she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good in face, and a terrible lazy person. The widow loved her daughter very much and forgave her everything, but she forced her stepdaughter to work hard and fed very badly.

Every morning the stepdaughter had to sit by the well and spin yarn. And she had to spin so much that often even blood appeared on her fingers.

One day she sat like that, spinning and stained the spindle with blood. The girl bent down to the well to wash the spindle, and suddenly the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the well.

The stepdaughter began to cry and ran home to her stepmother to tell her about her misfortune.

You dropped it, you get it, - said the stepmother angrily. - Yes, look, do not return without a spindle.

The girl went back to the well and, out of grief, took it and threw herself into the water. She jumped into the water and immediately lost consciousness.

And when she woke up, she saw that she was lying on a green lawn, the sun was shining from the sky, and flowers were growing on the lawn.

The girl went across the lawn, looks: there is an oven on the lawn, and bread is baked in the oven. The loaves called out to her:

Oh, take us, girl, out of the oven as soon as possible:

Oh, get out quickly! We are already baked! Otherwise, we will soon burn down completely!

The girl took a shovel and took out the bread from the oven. Then she went on and came to an apple tree. There were many ripe apples on the apple tree. The apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake! The apples are already ripe!

The girl began to shake the tree. Apples rained down on the ground. And until then she shook the apple tree until not a single apple remained on it.

The girl put the apples in a pile and went on. And finally she came to the hut. An old woman looked out the window of the hut. She had large white teeth protruding from her mouth. The girl saw the old woman, got frightened and wanted to run away, but the old woman shouted to her:

What are you afraid of, honey? You better stay with me. You will work well and you will be well. You just make a better bed for me and a feather bed and fluff the pillows harder so that the feathers fly in all directions. When feathers fly from my featherbed, it snows on the ground. Do you know who I am? I am Mrs Metelitsa myself.

Well, - said the girl, - I agree to enter your service.

So she stayed to work for the old woman. She was a good girl, exemplary, and did everything that the old woman ordered her to do.

She fluffed the feather bed and pillows so hard that the feathers flew in all directions like flakes of snow.

The girl lived well at Metelitsa. Metelitsa never scolded her, but always fed her hearty and tasty.

And yet, the girl soon began to get bored. At first she herself could not understand why she was bored - after all, she lives here a thousand times better than at home, and then she realized that she was missing her home. No matter how bad it was, but still she was very used to him.

Here is the time the girl says to the old woman:

I was very homesick. No matter how well I feel at your place, I still can't stay here any longer. I really want to see my family.

Metelitsa listened to her and said:

I like that you don't forget your family. You did a good job for me. For this, I myself will show you the way home.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened, and when the girl passed under them, gold fell on her from above. And so she came out of the gate, all sprinkled with gold.

This is your reward for your efforts, - said Metelitsa and gave her a spindle, the same one that fell into the well.

Then the gate closed, and the girl again found herself upstairs, on the ground. Soon she came to her stepmother's house. She entered the house, and the cockerel, sitting on the well, at that time sang:

Ku-ka-re-ku, the girl has come!
She brought a lot of gold to the house!
The stepmother and her daughter saw that the stepdaughter had brought with her a lot of gold, and greeted her kindly. They didn't even scold me for the long absence.

The girl told them about everything that had happened to her, and the stepmother wanted her daughter to become rich too, so that she would also bring a lot of gold into the house.

She made her daughter sit by the well to spin. The lazy daughter sat down by the well, but did not spin. She only scratched her finger with a blackthorn until it bled, smeared the spindle with blood, threw it into the well and jumped into the water after it.

And then she found herself on the same green lawn where beautiful flowers grew. She went along the path and soon came to the stove. where the bread was baked.

Ah, the loaves shouted to her, take us out of the oven! Take out quickly! We've already screwed up! We'll be on fire soon!

No matter how! - answered the lazybones. - I will get dirty because of you, - and went on.

Then she came to the apple tree, the apple tree called out to her:

Ah, shake me, girl, shake me! The apples are already ripe!

How, how, - she answered, - just look. if I start shaking you, some apple will fall on my head and give me a bump!

Finally, the lazy person approached the house of Mrs. Metelitsa. She wasn't scared of the Blizzard at all. After all, her sister told her about the big teeth of Metelitsa and that she was not at all scary.

So the lazy person came to Metelitsa to work.

The first day she still somehow tried to overcome her laziness, obeyed Mrs. Metelitsa, fluffed her feather bed and pillows so that the feathers flew in all directions.

And on the second and third days, laziness began to overcome her. In the morning she reluctantly got out of bed, made her mistress's bed poorly, and completely stopped fluffing the feather bed and pillows.

Metelitsa is tired of keeping such a maid, so she tells her:

Go back to your home!

Here the lazybones was delighted.

“Well,” he thinks, “now gold will fall on me.”

Metelitsa led her to the big gate. The gates swung open. But when a lazy person came out of them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a cauldron of pitch overturned.

Here is your reward for your work, - said Metelitsa and slammed the gate.

The lazy person came home, and the cockerel sitting on the well saw her and shouted:

Everyone in the village will laugh:
A girl covered in resin enters!
And so this resin stuck to her tightly, that remained on her skin for life.