Under what words is the removal of the cake to the hero of the day. Universal scenario of the anniversary "We light candles for congratulatory speeches!". Congratulations from the family

Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Most of the holiday is over. We are close to one of the most beautiful and sweet moments of a wedding.

Today is the family's birthday. And what's a birthday without a cake. Meet with thunderous applause

In our menu

The most important chord

Surprise, admiration

We bring, solemnly,

Wedding (holiday) cake!

Young people make your first family wish.

From this sweetest moment of the holiday, the honeymoon and the sweet life begin for the young. So, look everyone at this beautiful work of art! The cake consists of three (two, four) tiers:

The 1st upper tier is the tier of love

Since the 1st tier symbolizes LOVE for us, the young people leave this tier for themselves so that their love is always as sweet and as sublime as this tier of love.

Dear Bride and Groom, you have every right to be the first to taste this delicacy. Here, take spoons and feed each other as a sign of love and consent. Sweet? We wish all your future family life to be as sweet as this wedding cake!

2nd tier, middle - tier of happiness

3rd lower tier - wealth tier

And now, at this solemn moment, to your applause, the newlyweds will perform the first joint action in their lives - they will cut the wedding cake!

Dear young people, according to tradition, the Groom and the Bride should cut the first piece together, together, so that their life is sweet, sweet and happy, happy, so that they always do everything ... together and together!

And you treat your parents with the first two pieces of cake as a token of gratitude and love for them.

The Groom treats the Bride's parents, his newly-baked mother-in-law and father-in-law with a cake!

The Bride treats the Groom's parents, her father-in-law and mother-in-law!

A wedding cake is a symbol of great family happiness.

And happiness cannot be enjoyed alone; it must be shared with friends. That's why,

Knife, young people, you take together, Sweet more often, let there be moments, You will treat each guest here ... The cake is cut. Applause!

dear guests, accept these small symbols of happiness from the hands of the bride and groom and be happy with them.

Will a boy or a girl appear in this family in 9-10 months? Guests, what do you think?" And the guests begin to shout out: "Boy! Girl! Twins!".

“Do you know what diapers are expensive these days? And a piece of wedding cake costs quite a bit, as much as it’s not a pity. The bride cuts the cake and gives the pieces to the witness. The groom gives the witness. at the witness." Witnesses to cheerful music run around the hall with pieces and shout: "Who is the boy? Who is the girl?" At the end, they counted the money and announced: a boy or a girl. Those who do not agree are added.

Children's birthday cake

The sweetest guest is Cake!

The final part of every birthday is a long-awaited cake! How beautifully and solemnly to present a sweet miracle for a birthday man and what to say?

We hope the selection of different options will please you and help you.

Carrying out a children's cake at a holiday

Children can be turned into wizards and invited to sit in a circle that has magical powers, you need to say a spell (come up with funny words) close your eyes make a wish (at this moment put a cake in the circle) to fulfill the wish, the main “wizard” birthday person blows out candles! Hooray! The removal of the cake took place, you can start eating it.

Big cake for a children's party

If the cake is large, then it is more effective to carry it out not on your hands, but on a special dessert trolley. It would be great if you decorate the cake with firework candles that beat like a fountain - very beautiful, spectacular and safe.

Cake Rescue Quest for Children's Birthday Party

An interesting option, if you make a whole quest out of taking out the cake, to save the cake that was stolen by some sweet tooth or obzhorkin. The guys will perform various fun tasks, solve puzzles, participate in contests, in a quiz, rock super fun dances, go through various tests and all in order to find and save the cake.

As an option, at the beginning of the holiday, take out a giant box to the center of the hall and say that it is enchanted or you need to pick up the keys to it by completing various tasks, etc. (the main thing is then not to put a cake under the box.

The game "take out the cake" at the children's party

You can invite the children to bake a birthday cake. To do this, all the children stand in a circle (funny music turns on and everything is repeated after the leader)

  • Whip the cream for the cake (dancing with our hands we make a mill)
  • Spread the cream on the cake (in a circular motion, rub the cream into an imaginary cake)
    chop walnuts (stomp your feet)
  • Sprinkle nuts on the cake (sprinkle an imaginary cake in this way of music)
  • We break the chocolate (to the music we pretend that we break the chocolate with our hands)
  • We drown chocolate (with hot breath we drown an imaginary chocolate bar)
  • We spread it on the cake (in a circular motion to the music we spread it on the cake and to make it more fun on the neighbor’s head on the right and left.)
  • We decorate with a strawberry (rhythmically to the music with our hands we alternately move forward as if we were putting a strawberry on a cake)
  • The cake is ready, let's try (we shout loudly-yum-yum and at the same time pretend to be eating the cake funny)
  • The guys are all great, and now it's time to try the real cake. (At this moment, take out the cake to the music)

What to say to the host at the children's party during the removal of the cake

Attention! We meet the sweetest guest of our holiday! (and we sing the name of the birthday boy to the famous song Happy Byozdey). We can say that this cake is not ordinary, it fulfills cherished desires, think about what you really want - puff out your cheeks and blow out the candles. Hooray! May all your cherished desires come true.

You can solemnly read a poem for the removal of the cake.
One two three four five!
Who will we congratulate?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a big cake?
Candles blow out?
And open gifts?
Who is ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!

And if you don’t know what to say, then it’s always the best option to sing a song together and shout out loud 3 times happy birthday! Everyone always loves it.

Where to celebrate a child's birthday


For children from 3, 4, 5 years old

Soap bubble show, Interactive fairy tale Lords of Nature, CryoShow, Paper show!

The script is suitable for both men's and women's jubilee, based on the original idea with the symbolic "lighting" in honor of the hero of the day of various candles: "friendship", "love", "paternity", etc. and each has its own game, lyrical or entertaining moment.

Feast organized by to the universal scenario of the anniversary "We light candles for congratulatory speeches" will surely bring joy to the hero or hero of the occasion, because he is all imbued with attention and a warm attitude towards them, and, for sure, all guests will like it, because it will turn out to be sincere and cheerful. This is especially good for a holiday in close company and it is quite possible to organize it on your own.

To organize a holiday, you need to stock up on a poster with a painted birthday cake with unlit candles, paper or cardboard lights for candles, which can be easily attached to the poster, for example, using double-sided tape. You will also need a poster with a table for a table game, cards for, a donut on a ribbon and, of course, a good mood and a desire to bring joy to the birthday man. If desired. you can show your imagination and come up with a light with a symbolic picture for each candle: "house", "rainbow", "heart", etc.(Thanks for the script idea Vostrykh E.)

Anniversary greetings from family and friends.

(the host comes out, instrumental lyrical music sounds quietly)

presenter: A person is a happy and rich being, because on his life path he meets so many joyful things, so many friends are able to decorate his life. And love? A wonderful and long-awaited feeling for every man and woman! What are maternal and parental love worth. And how important it is to meet like-minded people on a long journey of life - friends, colleagues and just nice people who share our views on life with us. These are the people who surround you tonight, dear (-and I) birthday boy (-ca)! All of them came to your holiday to share this joy!

First toast

It's time to proclaim our first toast,

The toast will be expected and, in general, even simple:

We wish the hero of the day (-she) fun until morning

And we will start, of course, with a friendly: “Hurrah!!!”

(banquet break)

At this moment, to applause, a picture of a birthday cake with unlit candles is brought into the hall.

Presenter: Dear friends, today we all have to “light” candles for our congratulatory speeches on this wonderful cake, and then it will “come to life” as a sign that our feast has turned into a real holiday. But we will not just light candles, each of them will be your gift to the birthday man (-tse)- the gift of warmth, a warm heart and true friendship. And right now, I'm going to light the first of the candles, let's call it the candle of cordiality. (The presenter attaches a cut-out red light to one of the candles with Velcro or double-sided tape, as if lighting it) It means that all those gathered today in this cozy hall sincerely and from the bottom of their hearts wish the birthday man (-tse) goodness and happiness.

(banquet break)

Presenter: The time has come for the second candle on our cake, it symbolizes the house in which the main people for us have always been and will be our parents. What happiness when our mom and dad can share the joy with us, even when you yourself are not so young. However, only with age do you begin to acutely understand what it is when you have parents, alive and well! Therefore, I am on behalf of the birthday man (s) please raise your glasses to NN and NN! Be healthy! Always be proud that you managed to raise such a wonderful son. (daughter)!

A toast to parents.

The melody of the song "Parental House" sounds, the presenter attaches a "light" to the second candle.

A word to the parents of the hero of the day (-shi)

(small break)

Presenter: Life becomes doubly beautiful when there is a place for love in it, when your beloved or beloved can walk hand in hand with you. Then all your smiles become brighter, your eyes burn with warmth and your heart is ready to give its joy to the whole world! So now we honor the spouse (spouse) our culprit (s) a celebration with which they have come a long way together, but they are still interested in each other, their hearts are beating in unison.

A ring shines on the hand from the day of the wedding,

And in the chest does not go out the love light.

Let tenderness never end

And loving hearts beat in unison!

The host "lights" the third candle. The melody "These eyes are opposite" sounds - the spouses dance a slow dance.

(dance break)

Presenter: It's time for the fourth candle. It is called "the candle of childhood and fatherhood (maternity)". This is important for our birthday (s) the topic of congratulations, because he (she) great father (mother), who hurts when his child hurts and whose soul soars from his small and big successes and achievements. All this is well known to the culprit. (-tse) our celebration, so this candle should burn especially brightly.

The Freestyle song “Happy Birthday, Mom” sounds for the hero of the day or Griboyedov, Drigin “Jubilee” - for the birthday man. The presenter attaches another "light"

Congratulations children.

(banquet break)

Presenter: Tell me your friend and I'll tell you who you are - rightly said! Let's give the floor to the friends of the hero of the day, so that they talk about their friend or colleague, and we would imagine what kind of person he is outside the family circle. And the first to speak will be NN, who has known the birthday boy since the age of two.

Pugacheva's song "One Hundred Friends" sounds

(musical pause)

Comic coronation ceremony on the anniversary.

Presenter: Five candles are already burning - signs of sincere affection for the birthday man (-tse) everyone present in this room. But let us add to these candles signs of special reverence and respect, as if you were a king. (queen) glorious state named NN. In this case, we should write an ode about you, but we are not minstrels! We should have carved a sculpture in your honor, but we are not Tsereteli. In your honor, we could compose a cantata, but God did not give us talent. Therefore, we simply give our love and the warmth of our hearts. Today you really are the king (queen)! We wish you to keep all those qualities for which you are so dear to us! And let me make this toast in your honor:

Today, here and at this hour

We'll take the crown for you!

Let the king (queen) rules justly

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant royal ball

Gathered all my friends today!

Under friendly applause

Let's go to the coronation!

Fanfares sound - a crown is brought into the hall and solemnly handed over to the hero of the day (she) - the host attaches a light to another candle.

Table game for the anniversary "Surprise for the birthday man"

Presenter: Dear guests, our birthday cake is more and more blooming from beautiful symbolic candles, but the picture will not be complete without the “candle of wealth” lit on it. But so that the keys to treasures and surprises for the hero of the day (-shi) to get it, we will have to show miracles of ingenuity - to decipher one word.

Let the compliments make your head spin.

And the main treasures are kind words,

But it doesn't hurt to have a little fun:

Forward to clues, to secrets, adventures!

(A large table with an encrypted word, for example, “surprise”, is brought into the hall. Each letter is covered with a removable plate (as in the “Field of Miracles”). The host asks questions, the first letter of the answer will be one of the letters of the “cipher”. It is desirable that the letters opened out of order).


An important part of any feast. By its presence or absence, the degree of preparedness of the hostess is determined. It happens that her name is hot, but sometimes it is quite possible to get by with cold (the correct answer is “snack” - the letter “Z” opens).

They can wind it up, but sometimes they twist it, there are times when they call it male babies ("novel" - the letter "P", the second in a row)

The softest place in the whole house, which can serve as a punishment for those who are younger, and a delight for those who are older. ("bed" - "P")

There are a lot of countries in the world, but for some reason, for a whole year, most of us dream and strive exactly where there are palm trees, hot sand, and the anticipation of love impressions is poured in the air! (the correct answer is "south" - "South")

You can live without them, but they are more fun, and they rhyme with the word "adventure" ("entertainment" - "P", the first in the word "surprise")

You can also live without it, but it makes a person cleaner, better, helps him rise above himself. ("art" - "And")

What feeling makes a person real, allows him not to forget, then around him are the same people as he is, with the same fears, with the same love for loved ones, our hero of the day has it with prosperity ("conscience" - "C")

Presenter: Hooray, friends, you won and were able to open the encrypted word, which turned out to be quite suitable for the occasion: SURPRISE! Bring in a surprise!

The surprise will be a beautiful glass filled with champagne. He is let in a circle, and the presenter explains that each guest, holding a glass in his hand, must say his wish. When the champagne is returned to the birthday person (s), the presenter says that he has noticeably become heavier, which means that the hero of the occasion has really collected an invaluable harvest of treasures - a lot of positive energy, the supply of which will be enough for the hero of the day (s) for a long time.


Let the birthday boy drink champagne so that all wishes come true!

The host lights another candle.

General "rainbow wish" to the hero of the day.

Presenter: They say that a rainbow brings good luck to birthday people, so I suggest, before lighting a candle of good luck and success, arrange in honor of the birthday person (s) general congratulations.

(The basis of this entertainment for a woman’s anniversary can be taken as a chant with balloons “In life, it happens once in 18 years!” - look and from this"There will be a lot of offers!"

After the "rainbow wish" - the host lights the next candle


The soul of the happy and in love sings,

And it seems that music lives inside them.

And so that we continue congratulations

Arrange in honor (Name) performance!

Let us continue our wonderful evening with a pleasant game for everyone, since the main subject of the game will be music and love, then couples are invited to participate: five ladies and five gentlemen.

Anniversary game "Music of Love"

Men and women will make up two opposing teams. They also have to choose two young people who will become "cupids". Five paper hearts on ribbons are put on the cupids' necks so that the hearts can be easily removed from the cupids.

Each team also receives a pair of paper wings on ribbons. Wings should also be made in such a way that they can be easily removed and put on.

The task of the players: having fastened a pair of wings on their sinful hands, each player depicts the flight of a bumblebee in love. Having reached the finish line, the participant removes a heart from Cupid's neck, puts it on himself and flies back to the start. There, at the start, the wings are changed to the next team member, and the same route is made. Those who quickly remove all the hearts from Cupid win. But this is only the first stage of the game "Slaves of Love".

Second stage: having taken possession of the hearts, each player turns it over and reads the name inscribed on the heart. On a signal, each participant must find a mate according to the principle: Thumbelina is looking for the Prince of the Elves, Hans - Gretel, Masha - her Bear, Tatiana - Onegin, Pugachev - Galkin.

Third stage. As a result of the second round, we formed pairs. Now they have a new task - the ladies are given three satin ribbons, which they tie on one of their legs, imitating garters. The task of the gentlemen is to remove all three garters with their teeth at the signal of the leader. It is most reasonable to fix three winners. They are awarded the Order of the Scarlet Garter.

Host: I It is known that this famous order was established by the English king in honor of the lady of his heart. It’s just that such an incident happened to him once: in a fit of passion, the king tore off the garter of his chosen one with his teeth, and since then the most glorious knights of the kingdom have dreamed of this order! They did not know that in our circles they had such influential and efficient competitors. But that is not all! I announce the fourth round! And only one pair will come out of it as a winner. Those pairs that get lost or confused will be eliminated. We will call this tour "Stunning Cocktail". Listen carefully to the conditions: when I say “champagne” - the ladies hug the gentlemen, I say “whiskey” - the gentlemen take the ladies in their arms. I pronounce “wine” - ladies kiss men on the cheek, “vodka” - gentlemen kiss their ladies already, but always on the neck! As you understand, I will pronounce the names of the drinks as quickly as possible so that our cocktail is well shaken.

If necessary, you can create a jury that will monitor the correct implementation. So, only one man and one woman win, who are given the right to light a "musical candle" in honor of (name). Then a beautiful waltz is turned on and the winners are dancing to the sounds of it.

(dance break)

Presenter: Hooray! It's time to light the next candle! What do you think it will symbolize? Yes, yes, with its help we will remember, perhaps, the most golden time in the life of each of us - childhood. And it's time to play with the birthday boy himself (-tsey)!

Competition for the hero of the day "Walking under the table"

The leader will need two assistants who will hold the stretched ribbon between them. We represent the table with it. The host says that in the year the table was our birthday (-tse) above the head (the hero of the day calmly passes under a highly raised ribbon). But the presenter continues, talking about the fact that at the age of three he already had to bend down a little. So the game continues for as many years as you like, the main thing is that the ribbon falls lower and lower until the birthday boy is forced to crawl under it on all fours.

Presenter: Yes, of course, only coffee tables are so low. Let's reward the hero of the day with applause and once again drink to the fact that such low tables never met in his life.

(To the cheerful music, the "candle of childhood" is lit).


In childhood, we are surrounded by parental affection,

It protects us from troubles, and we believe in fairy tales.

We believe that the world is full of magical beauty,

And that everyone's dreams come true!

And no matter how old we are, a child always lives in us and we want miracles to happen in life, and there is a place for fairy tales in the world, we never stop making plans and dreaming. In order for us to light a “dream fulfillment” candle on our cake, I propose together with the culprit (-tsey) celebrations to plunge into the atmosphere of children's enthusiasm and fairy tales.

Fairy tale - impromptu "Holiday cake".

("Holiday Cake" and other anniversary tales can be viewed

After everyone has run in, a toast to the fulfillment of the dreams and secret desires of the birthday person (s) and the “lighting” of another candle on an impromptu cake.

Fun kissing game for the hero of the day.

Presenter: And now I propose to return to those times when the culprit (-tse) our celebration was eighteen years old. What was that time? The time of the first loves, festivities under the moonlight and the time of kisses! Then he (she) could kiss any number of times and in any conditions. To light the candle of youth, the hero of the day and his wife will have to pass a small test and show us that they have not lost their former ardor and skill. And sweet bagels will help us emphasize the sweetness of their kisses! (they take out a bagel through which a silk ribbon is threaded).

We are eighteen today

I need to kiss more often

Take care of your girlfriend

Caress each other.

Through the sweet lamb

Kiss early.

(Kissing through a donut).

It's time for dinner

To win

Surprise your spouse

kiss three times

Through a fragrant bagel,

Appetizing and pleasant.

(They kiss through a bagel three times).

Look, it's sunset in the yard,

Like ripe grapes

It spills like in a fairy tale

Kisses asks for a bunch.

Only, chur, do not be distracted -

Kissing right in the dance! (They kiss through the steering wheel, not forgetting to dance).

A toast to love, music and the “lighting” of a new candle.

Carrying out an anniversary cake with candles.

In the hall pthe light is dimmed, the presenter lights all the candles already on a real cake, and the guests - sparklers. At this moment, they turn on the recording of the song “Until the light fades, until the candle burns” and everyone gathers around the hero of the day (-shi).

presenter: Let me say a few words about fate! Today you turn ___ years old, who will say whether this is a lot or a little? An older person will say that this is the most golden and young time, a younger person will be afraid of this age. Because any age is only a moment. No age at all! What matters is how you feel. This is WELL-FEELING in the broadest sense of the word. The years, of course, go by. They go out like candles. But other candles are lit - new acquaintances, various events take place, children and grandchildren are born. They, our relatives and friends, illuminate life. And no storms will be able to extinguish the “love” candle, the “motherhood / fatherhood” candle, the “childhood” candle and all the others that we lit with you today!

Do all the candles go out in ___?
Does ___ lose heart?
No, life both rages and boils,
The big heart does not sleep, does not sleep.
Your candle is like a golden star -
It shines and warms, does not cool down.
Your candle as a source of heat
Like a ray of light, tender and bright!

The birthday boy is invited to make a wish and blow out the candles.

The song “We wish you happiness” sounds - the guests make a beautiful round dance around the hero of the occasion.

On a man's birthday, everything that happens should be dedicated only to him. Since men try to make contact with many people in order to have some kind of connection, usually a lot of acquaintances gather at their birthdays. Naturally, each of them does not come empty-handed, but with some kind of gift (or). Some do not worry about this and buy the first thing that comes to their mind, without thinking about whether a man needs it. The only person who is always responsible in choosing a gift is a woman. In the role of a woman, either the mother or the other half of the man acts.

Women equip the entire holiday and are responsible for the dishes and comfort. And it is they who choose the obligatory attribute of any birthday - a cake. Whether a man is already over 60 years old, he will still sincerely rejoice at this sweet miracle. All because it reminds of a carefree childhood, when the main problem was whether to eat coffee ice cream or white. The choice of cake must be approached with special trepidation. It is very important to know what a man likes and what not. For example, many people cannot stand prunes. Men prefer cakes with lots of cream and butter.

As an additional congratulation to the gift, the cake is perfect. It is inexpensive, it is a chic table decoration and everyone will eat it. Even those who are on a diet, because this is a man's holiday, and he decides who is on a diet and who is not. Such sweetness often overshadows the main gifts, so you should not forget about it.

We sincerely want to congratulate
Wish you health, happiness.
Success in life, in endeavors.
Good luck to you in any business.

After all, a birthday is a holiday,
And on this day, any prankster
Gifts can be received
And make three wishes.

So we ask you at this meeting,
Blow out all the candles on the cake.
Make a wish quietly
And cut the cake.

The chefs whispered to me
What a cake it's time to carry!
So they baked, tried,
For three nights they did not cope,
One hundred kilos of flour went
Cream, berries, dried apricots,
Taken from supplies
Apples, pears and pineapples,
Fresh honey pot,
Sugar bag,
hazelnut and chocolate
And everything that was needed.
The chefs have worked hard
Birthday boy!

How old is the hero of the day, give so many candies to the guests.
Apples lie in vases, the hero of the day is young.
Petals flew to the hero of the day on whiskey!
Pour vodka into glasses, congratulate the hero of the day!
Two times twenty-five - the guests are happy to wish,
Joyfully and for a long time we will "Hurrah!" scream!
Bring in the cake as a symbol of perfection,
Hope, joy, bliss!
They bring in a cake with 50 candles.
Let speeches not stop, wine flows like a river,
Blow out the candles, it's too early for us to rest.

I invite everyone to the cake
And I will treat you with this cake.
Confectioners smoked over them.
So that you eat, you want supplements.

May the roads be smooth
May happiness create comfort for you
May all your days be sweet
Take our cake as a gift.
The sorceress baked this cake,
And wished, with all my heart, good
Collected a bouquet of scarlet roses
Whiteness from Russian birches.
Invited swans to the cake
Mixed love passions.
Inside added sweet dope,
And lilac tart fog.
Loyalty scattered in a circle in a handful
And love sealed the parting,
And sprinkled a little in the cream
Meetings will be more desirable for everyone.

I didn't come empty
I brought a cake with me.
To make life sweeter
Merry she flowed!

Well, for dessert for a treat
This cake is delicious.
It's made with love. He is class.
And that's just the cute ones for you.


16.00. The guests gathered in the restaurant hall. Everyone took their places at the tables.

Light music sounds, violin and piano play ...



Where does life begin?

Natasha.Life begins from the day when we first opened our small, swollen eyes, looked at the world around us, saw the sunlight for the first time and uttered the first cry in life, thus announcing our coming into this world.

Paul. This day is called Birthday.

Natasha. What a unique chance fate gave us: millions of fragments-accidents formed into a picture, billions of roads converged at one point ...


Man, like a star is born

Amid the obscure hazy milkiness,

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity...

Generations are being created

Age after age, the earth is imperishable...

Man, like a star is born

To make the universe brighter!

Natasha. Exactly - years ago, in the February sky, which is famous for the twinkling of stars, a new star was born and illuminated the Earth with light.

Paul. No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, who have the right to be proud of the land that gave birth to them. From time immemorial, Slobozhanskaya land has nurtured and is nurturing wonderful people, whose hands and work are worthy of honor and respect. They never allow themselves "hack-work", they do not look for easy ways, they are not afraid of difficulties, they do not try to live on "maybe". They just know their stuff! They just work! Honestly! Tense! And Worthy!

Natasha. Let's applaud such a person and express our admiration for our hero of the day and the hero of tonight!


A man whose whole life was spent with love for his profession,

FULL NAME. position and regalia of the hero of the day

Applause. ANNIVERSARY gets up from his seat and goes to the leader in the center of the hall

Natasha. (referring to the hero of the day)

Quietly leafing through the calendar of nature:

The summer storm broke

Already the snow covered the whole earth, and to the people

February has come. And we wholeheartedly - FOR!

We have our own motives for this -

Start of February marked

Your birth! Because it's beautiful

And festive at heart! And around not in vain

The sky is blue, the colors are white...

And we believe - all this is in your honor!

The words today are so simple and concise:

"It's good that you exist in the world!"


Dear ANNIVERSARY! One of the Eastern sages said about human life like this:

Look at the world with a reasonable eye,

Not the way you looked before.

The world is the sea. Do you wish to swim?

Build a ship of good deeds!

In my opinion, judging by how many people gathered in this large hall to celebrate your anniversary with you, you managed to create such a ship and reach an important life milestone on it!

Natasha. Dear hero of the day, dear __________! Let me give you the floor to welcome the guests and open the anniversary evening!

Anniversary:"Friends! I'm glad to see you all! Thank you for taking the time to come to my birthday party! Now I think about one thing - to make the holiday a success! Let's be cheerful, agile, witty and reckless today, let jokes sound and laughter ring, music does not stop and the dance floor is not empty. Thank you for coming to share my holiday with me!”

Jubilee goes to his place.

Natasha. Let me sincerely wish you a great evening and unforgettable moments of joy from the meeting!

Guests applaud, light music sounds

The host asks everyone to fill the glasses. Glasses are being filled

Paul.: We don't have enough days

Everyone would like eternity...

We miss so much in our lives

Just heartfelt...

May hearts now open for goodness -

For a good, for a cordial meeting.

Let there be no end to joy -

And we open the evening with the first toast!

The applause of the guests. The hero of the day gets up.

Natasha. The right to pronounce the first anniversary toast at our evening is granted Toast ______________

Applause Sounds the song of V. Kikabidze "Wish"


And outside the window, then rain, then snowfall,

Winter is gaining strength faster and faster.

Well, today everyone is happy with us -

We are celebrating a wonderful anniversary.

So let the hero of the occasion

Rejoice in this moment

And now words are useless -

Let the guests applaud!

Natasha. the floor is given ____________ Toast

Taking out the first hot

Paul. I understand that not everyone in this hall may be familiar, but, believe me, after 2-3 toasts, the situation will be like in a balloon - easily, freely and naturally, we will soar with you along the waves of our memory, helping each other with wit, uttering beautiful words in honor of the hero of the occasion!

Natasha. There is a wonderful tradition - summing up a certain life path of a person, saying kind words of recognition and admiration to him. And the anniversary is a wonderful occasion to support this tradition!

Paul. Where did the tradition of celebrating a birthday come from? Nobody can answer this question for sure. But it is known for sure that the tradition of inviting only close people and friends for a birthday is very ancient. There were beliefs among wild tribes that on the day of his birth a person became especially vulnerable to evil spirits, and his fellow tribesmen surrounded and protected him with their wishes, and then with offerings. And the most important tradition - to give gifts to the hero of the occasion - dates back to biblical times, when the Magi came to the newborn Jesus with gifts.

Natasha. The tradition of having fun on a birthday is also an old one and was invented for a reason. This is a kind of pagan dance, which should lure good luck and prosperity, and scare away evil spirits. It has also been noted that as you celebrate your birthday, so you will spend the next year. Oddly enough, but this sign "works", just like in the case of the New Year. If a person is happy with everything on his birthday, friends surround him, show him respect, give gifts, then the next year will be generous with good events, relatives and friends will be nearby, and luck will accompany the person at every step. Therefore, let's celebrate this holiday cheerfully, noisily and so that there is something to remember.

Paul: As the poet aptly wrote:

The importance of being on time

Say a kind word to someone

So that the heart trembles from excitement

After all, a moment can change everything!

The importance of being on time

Congratulate or congratulate

Substitute a reliable shoulder

And know that it will continue to be so!

Half a century is the noon of a man,

For the birthday boy - flourishing,

On a long journey - a big milestone -

The pinnacle of youth.

The host asks everyone to fill the glasses.

Natasha.the word is given by ___________ Toast

Paul. Let's take a brief excursion into history in order to once again appreciate how lucky we are today that we have such an opportunity to celebrate a birthday. In the old days in Rus', our ancestors not only did not celebrate their birthday, and sometimes they did not even know the date of their birth, since in the parish books of that time a mark was made about baptism, and not about birth. In Russia, name days began to be celebrated only in the 17th century, but birthdays became holidays only in the 19th century - and then among nobles and wealthy merchants. The day before, they brewed beer, baked a loaf and sang songs about it. By the way, in Russia, after the revolution, an ideological struggle began with name days. In the 1920s, censorship banned "Fly-Tsokotukha" by Korney Chukovsky for promoting name days.

Natasha. The royal birthdays were celebrated especially magnificently. Sometimes the tsar personally handed out birthday cakes, and large festivities with refreshments were organized for the people. So much money was spent on one name day of Elizabeth Petrovna that three royal palaces could be built on them and fully provided with furniture and curtains.

Paul. African birthdays are interestingly celebrated. In North Africa, it is customary to celebrate your birthday only twice in your life: 1 time at birth, and the second time at 52, because this is the age of the prophet Mohammed.

Natasha. But in some Indian tribes, as well as in rural areas of China, in addition to birthdays, they also celebrate the stages of human development: “sidin” - when he began to sit, “hodin” - he began to walk, etc.

Paul. And in England, everyone who has lived to 80, 90, and 100 years old is personally sent congratulations by the queen.

Natasha. In Ukraine, there was once a custom to take children out into the field on their birthdays and flog them at the boundary there, so that the child knew exactly where the boundary was drawn.

Paul. Well, perhaps the most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan. There is no birthday celebration at all. Only parents are congratulated on the anniversary of their feat - the birth of a child. For children, there are only holidays of three, five and seven years - "City-Go-San", and then one for all children and is celebrated on certain days that may not coincide with your personal birthday. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts only for the 60th, 70th, 79th, 88th, 99th anniversary.

Natasha. Let's thank fate for the fact that we have a great opportunity to enjoy all the charm of celebrating a birthday and, of course, the hero of the day who invited us to his anniversary evening!


The host asks everyone to fill the glasses.

Paul. the floor is given to the guest of our evening

Sounds like the best of the band's repertoire

Natasha.: Dear friends! All evening the singer and composer Pavel Dolya and the band play and sing for youFUNNU PEOPLE.

(invited for musical service)

Paul. : Today is a wonderful day. We honor our hero of the day - ________________ - an excellent leader, colleague, professional in his specialty. ANNIVERSARY devoted more than _____years of his life to his specialty


An example for all employees

It's the chief engineer!

He will check everyone, he will tell you everything,

Won't say a harsh word

And help without any words

He is always ready everywhere.

We would like to communicate

Wish him patience

And refined manners -

He's the chief engineer!


At our evening there are _______________ and Toasts from the guests

Paul. :, addressing his COLLEAGUES at work, he says:

(You can find a verse about the profession of the hero of the day)

Energy is the most important industry

Without her, nothing will spin

Here from the age of people are the smartest,

The essentials work!

What is civilization?

That has not been a question for a long time - nonsense:

“Human labor plus electrification

All processes of human labor!”

And today we live in the world as

Without victories and miracles of electricity?

The food of the world is energy

Plus quality and quantity!

Let my arithmetic be naive

Smile! Today is the time!

Happiness to you - energy!

Health, good luck and kindness!

Paul. And now, dear COLLEAGUES, for you, for the employees of the Northern Electricity System and the National Energy Company "Ukrenergo", this song sounds!

The song or anthem of the industry or profession that the hero of the day owns sounds

For example: The hymn of power engineers sounds .

After the end of the anthem

Taking out the second hot

Natasha. Now let's mentally fast forward to the distant 60s of the twentieth century ... (An example of the events of that year in the history of the country, the planet WHICH became the year of the BIRTHDAY of the Anniversary)

The year 1962 forever entered the history of not only our country, the USSR, but the entire globe, due to the fact that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 12, 1962, a memorable day called "Day of Cosmonautics" was established in the Soviet Union. This became possible due to the fact that a year earlier in 1961 on April 12, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the planet Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes. This grandiose event in the life of our planet influenced the entire further history of the development of mankind and opened a new Space Era of our planet.

Paul. And in 1962, in a strong cell of Soviet society ________________, a child was born in the family, a boy. What could be doubts about the name of the newborn. Well, of course, the son was called the most fashionable name at that time ____________

Natasha.turns to the hall. Question. Can someone explain what the name of the hero of the day means. Is there another ________ in the hall - the namesake of the hero of the day? Raise a hand. (You can, if there is a desire for a guest, give him the floor.)

Paul. The name "BASIL" comes from the ancient Greek "yurius", which means "hero" in translation. The name "VASILY" is also a variant of the name __________, which means "______________" in ancient Greek. In Russia, until the 19th century, the name "VASILY" was found only among the nobility and educated estates.

What do the stars say about the name "VASILY":

  • Character traits: Firmness, confidence, purposefulness, independence
  • patron planet: Jupiter
  • patron saints: George the Victorious
  • lucky colors: Green
  • Happiest day: Wednesday (By the way, today is Wednesday)
  • Lucky Stone: Emerald

The host addresses the hall with a request to fill the glasses


Anniversaries are like birds

At dawn there is a knock on the window.

Tonight we dream of childhood

Mom, dad, house and garden.

Protected by the almighty

God given us a star,

We go through life boldly

Captivated by fate.

Let it burn without fading

Your shining star

Saving from bad weather

Through the years and centuries.

We wish you success

Compliments and flowers

Bright meetings, smiles, laughter,

Sweet dreams and kind words.

Natasha.Word for a congratulatory toast ____________ Toast

Paul. . And let's remember what other events 1962 was remembered for. Can anyone tell? (turns to the hall)

Paul. . In 1962:

  • for the first time the legendary youth radio station Yunost went on the air.
  • On November 18, the Novy Mir magazine was printed and began to be distributed throughout the country with Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”
  • The millionth resident was officially registered in Novosibirsk

Natasha. These are the events that went down in history in 1962. Well, we are back to our hero of the day. And so, on February 8, a baby was born in the Redko family. Let's remember, and which of the personalities known to us was also born on the date of birth of the Jubilee———

So, who can answer?

Paul. . ——- February was born:

  • in 1828, the great French writer, a classic of the genres of science fiction and adventure literature - pause ... (can anyone say?) Yes, this is the great Jules VERN.
  • The events of this day and the names of prominent personalities born on this day are given.

The host asks to fill the glasses for the next toast.

While the glasses are filling


In the prime of life, at the peak of glory

Your glorious jubilee has come.

He added heart to you,

Made more beautiful and wiser.

And let the crazy years rush

Let them rush

Down with sadness and away with despondency!

Wonderful life, my friends!

We heartily congratulate you

With a good date, bright day!

We wish you good health

We solemnly hand over flowers,

We dedicate poetry and prose,


. The floor is given to the Deputy ___________ Toast

The song "Moon Melody" or any favorite song sounds


That's what it is - 50!

Wife's love, children's love,

Colleagues and relatives respect!

And meeting good friends

Success in work, position!

Soul sings, eyes burn -

That's what it is - 50!

So, for your 50 ...

Guests want to raise a glass!

Everything is ready for a long time, it's time ...

To you, hero of the day, from all the guests - cheers!

. The word is given ___________________ toast

The song “Happy Birthday” sounds from the district of Allegrova or Kadyshnikova or any on this topic

After the end of the toast, there is a short pause, then the host announces:

Paul. says in a very serious voice:

Before the announcement of the break: Dear guests, I want to ask if we have smokers? Raise your hand who smokes.

Attention! Information for smokers!

Recent studies have found that one act of love prolongs life by 10 minutes. At the same time, it is known that a smoked cigarette shortens life by 7 minutes. Therefore, if after each smoked cigarette you perform an act of love, you can maintain your health at the proper level. Have a nice break!

A break is announced for 20 minutes. Everyone is welcometo the dance floor


Everyone takes their seats.

Paul. asks everyone to fill their glasses.

Anniversary is not just a date

And a happy certificate:

Your years as soldiers

Lined up for the parade.

Your years behind you

Tall, slender, young,

Everyone means something

Every year you are in love.

This one is news from childhood

This is the first kiss

This one is girlish coquetry,

This - mom do not worry!

What kind of relatives:

Smiling, sad.

So let's have some fun!

Open your parade!

Natasha. The word is given to relatives

A toast is being said.

Take out the third hot

The song "Shores" Alexander Malinin sounds,

or any favorite song of the hero of the day

Paul. Once having flown out of the parental nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious anniversaries once come. And no matter what heights we reach in life, vivid pictures of childhood remain forever in our memory: the first parental parting words and instructions, the first tests of strength. So, this is how the story goes, the childhood and youth of the hero of the day _____________________________________________ A brief digression into the biography and memorable dates

Natasha. Here is such an excursion into the biography of our esteemed hero of the day. But as folk wisdom says, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Dear friends, we have a premiere!

Screening of a film dedicated to the life and work of the hero of the day

At the end, the presenter hands the hero of the day a disk

The song "Parental House" sounds

Natasha. Dear friends, just like you, Jubilee sees this film for the first time. Did you like the gift?

Paul. Dear ANNIVERSARY! As you know, victories are forged in the rear. And as we can see, you have a reliable rear! You have probably heard such an aphorism: “Everything that is beautiful in life is from a woman!”. And indeed it is. Nature has endowed women with the ability to create real miracles. Accept congratulations from the family home front worker, spouse, girlfriend, housewife and hostess in general, beloved woman and wife.

The host asks the guests to fill the glasses for the next toast.

While the glasses are fillingPaul. (addressing his wife):

From "husband" and "rank"

Consists of "man".

real man,

Giving us joy.

And my beloved man

Congratulations to you, Irina, today.

And the guests today have a reason -

Raise a glass for the birthday boy!

Congratulations to the wife.

Wife's toast:

Let's raise our cups to love!

Friends, I'll tell you honestly, without embellishment:

Love knocks you down like

The strongest hop

But it also puts us on our feet!

It's so light for me next to you -

Whether May blooms, whether it snows.

You are my joy and reward -

My closest person!

Paul. Great toast to love! Invites men to drink while standing.

While the guests are drinking Paul.

There are many words about her.

The wise poets said

For forever young love -

Source of joy and light!

The song "What is the heart so disturbed" sounds

Or "Eternal Love", etc.

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, is your husband attentive? Wife says yes

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, does your husband remember your birthday? Wife says yes

Natasha. addresses the hero of the day : Vasily, can you remember ? Anniversary responds: ———-

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, does your husband remember the day of your marriage? Wife says yes

Natasha. addresses the hero of the day . Vasily, can you answer ? Anniversary responds: ———–

Natasha. How wonderful. To marry her beloved woman on her birthday. And by the way, it’s very convenient to remember for sure - the wife’s birthday and the wedding day are on the same day. But if he forgets, it’s even scary to imagine !!! There is such a joke that in order to remember the wife’s birthday forever, you need to forget it once.

Paul. . Yes, _________, your husband is really considerate. And here I remembered one story about an attentive husband.

Paul. tells the story:

The husband and wife standing at the window are having the following conversation: - You see, what a caring husband someone has - he even removes his linen from the rope, - said the wife.

- Caring, caring, the husband answers, and, by the way, he takes off our underwear.

Paul. So an attentive husband is not only a joy to his wife, but also prosperity in the family!

Paul. asks to fill the glasses for the next toast.

Paul. What is fifty?

From a youth point of view,

Time life sum up

And raise chickens.

If the highlanders, whitewashed

Gray-haired, ask about that -

You are still a newborn

Time to wear diapers.

Only we, perhaps, know:

This is the golden age.

It securely combines

Maturity with a young soul

If suddenly not according to science

Blooming autumn garden

If children are younger than grandchildren,

So dad is fifty!

Wise experience with youthful fervor,

Standing together...

We wish the hero of the day

Strengthen such an alliance!

Paul. gives the floor for congratulations to the son of the birthday boy

Son's toast………..

The song "Relative people" or any gratitude to the parent sounds

Paul. Friends! As you know, in wine - wisdom, in cognac - fortress, in vodka - fun, in beer - strength, and only in water - microbes! Therefore, I propose once again to fill the glasses.


I don't mean anything without friends.

When I laugh, when I'm sad and cry.

I live for them and you can see from that

That without friends I mean nothing.

Spinning, spinning my own business

Meeting for success - failure,

I'm not mistaken in the chosen friends,

After all, without friends, I mean nothing.

Paul. : With a remarkable milestone in the life of the hero of the day, his friends congratulate him.

Paul. Toast from Friends

The song "For friends" sounds

Musical screensaver "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?"

Paul. : Dear friends! Our hero of the day loves all the guests present at the evening very much and therefore he has prepared an exclusive gift for you. Well, since there are many guests in the hall, and this gift is exclusive and therefore, as you understand, in the singular, then let it go to the one who most of all wants this gift to go to him. Well, how can we find out which of you most wants to receive a gift from the hero of the day? And the best way to determine who is most interested is to hold an auction.

Take out to a musical screensaver BLACK BOX.

Paul. : The gift is in a black box. This is a personal, favorite thing of the hero of the day. So many long years and winters they were together and she served him faithfully all these years. It was thanks to her that our birthday boy became the way we know him now. She brought him to the people, gave the way to life and inspired him to choose his future profession. And today the ANNIVERSARY _____ is parting with her in order to give her to one of you, so that, just like him, she would give her love to the one to whom she will now belong.

So, let there be a starting price, symbolic for our evening - 50 hryvnia!

Paul. Holds an AUCTION.

During the auction leading speaks:

Gently and carefully, this item stimulates creativity, allows you to focus on the problem being solved, without being distracted by secondary matters.

She can change your life in the most magical way, because it is destined for her by fate itself.

Talented writers and scientists, successful businessmen and managers cannot imagine their work without this subject.

The winner of the auction will receive a gift from the presenter.

Paul. to the winner of the auction: This is a favorite since childhood - a table lamp of the hero of the day, by the light of which he read his first books, learned the multiplication table, thought, created, dreamed! May your nights be bright! And as the most persistent excise participant, you are awarded an incentive prize! (bottle of champagne)

If such a situation is : Paul. addressing the winner's opponent: You were close to victory, the night almost did not reach the final. You are awarded the audience award for gambling (a bottle of vodka 0.2 Nemirov is awarded)

Musical program "BRAVING HUSSARS" or invited SHOW number

AfterPaul. announces a break. The host says: Our hero of the day and his wife invite everyone to the dance floor

The hero of the day and his wife go to the dance floor

Dance break 20 minutes

IIIpart Entertainment

Everyone takes their seats.

Natasha.,. As the far-sighted Japanese say: “Who knows how to work, he knows how to relax!” Speaking about work, we can safely say that the second family of the hero of the day is a friendly family of power engineers. Today, those who spend the most time with the hero of the day, who know his working days best of all, who are closest to him by location, have turned out to be unnamed.

Natasha., asks to fill the glasses for the next toast


Here's the clue -

Zamzama sees from afar.

Now don't you want to listen

How do you like a colleague, deputy,

Rising boldly to his full height,

Raise a toast on your anniversary!

Natasha.,: congratulatory toast word


Ants gathered to hunt.

The leader of his troops guides:

We knock down the elephant with a friendly crowd!

Then we trample - that's all you need!

Yes, the team can handle any business!

For this I propose to drink boldly!

Natasha., the word for a congratulatory toast is provided

Natasha., Friends and colleagues respected and adored by the hero of the day have gathered in our hall today. There were many wonderful toasts. And now funny fairy-tale, not quite ordinary, heroes have come to congratulate our birthday boy. Meet! BabkiYozhki-Electroshki!

Chastushki Experienced Butterflies-Ezhek-Electroshki!

Props: 3 sundresses, 3 kerchiefs, 3 brooms (better - brooms), 1 harmonica (can be for children). The most active, cheerful men are chosen from the guests, they are dressed in sundresses, they are handed props and the text of ditties written on postcards. Before the performance itself, it is advisable to conduct a rehearsal. ThenNatasha. , asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from fabulous, mysterious old women. And invites Babok Ezhek to the hall. The ideal option would be if you have an accordion player who can play ditties Babok Ezhek from the film “Flying Ship”, or you will have a phonogram recorded without vote. « Tips from experienced Babok-Yozhek-Electroshek "come up with your own professional ditties for the Jubilee

Stretch the furs, harmonica, Oh, play, play!

Sing ditties, Grandmother Yozhka, Sing, don't talk!

Then Babki Ezhki do a little impromptu dance and leave.Under the "LADDY"

Taking out the final 4th hot specialty under "Lezginka" if it's kebabs or grilled meat dish

After 10-15 minutes Natasha., holds "Cowboy Contest"

After the competition, the cowboys are taken out Money Cow

Musical and entertainment program VESELA DIKANKA

Background music (dressing artists)

Musical and entertainment program ODESSA MAMA

Anniversary cake – 22h00

Lyrical music sounds.

Natasha., The tradition of lighting candles on a birthday cake comes from ancient times, and sends us back to ancient times, when an altar was lit in honor of pagan gods. They say that together with a light smoke from candles, our desire goes straight to heaven, to the angels, who are especially attentive to the desires of children and birthdays.

The light dims. A cake with lit candles is brought in to lyrical music.

Natasha., :

They say when a candle burns

That gives this moment peace.

While she is bright and hot,

We are given joy by the light of her burning.

The hero of the day goes to the center of the hall to the host, says the final toast.

Anniversary toast:

After the toast of the hero of the dayNatasha., :

Let me wish on a holiday

So that happiness is your help,

So that luck awaits along the way

And every evening was joyful.

Well, we ask you in addition:

Blow out those candles!

The hero of the day blows out the candles.


The song “The Candle Burned” by Noskov or the Candle by A. Makarevich sounds

The cake is cut and distributed (with the help of waiters) to the guests

Natasha., For joy, for love, for friendship bridge!

We'll make a toast to the birthday boy!

So that the hero of the day has fun

Fully pour glasses, every guest!

Natasha., : Each of the guests can optionally stand up and say wishes to the birthday man!

When everyone has expressed their wishes, the song “As on———- we baked a loaf for a name day” begins to sound. Guests are invited to the dance floor to dance around the birthday boy. The hero of the day is the first to leave the table on the dance floor (optionally with his wife). Guests lead a round dance, in the center of the round dance - a birthday man.

Guests lead a round dance .

After the song “As we baked a loaf for VASINA’s name day”, the song “Fly blue nights in bonfires” is heard and begins

Paul: music and dance program "I'm made in the USSR"

Natasha., :: Dear ANNIVERSARY! Let in your life there will be not only weekdays, but also holidays; not only business problems, but also joys; not only work, but also the warmth of the family hearth, not only winters, but also springs. For you __________________, for and love in your life!

Musical and dance program MELODIES AND RHYTHMS of foreign Variety