What gifts are not given why. What can not be given for a birthday: how to choose a good birthday present? What is classical female natural selection

Probably, each of us at least once presented someone as a gift with a thing that was once given to him. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with giving a person what you do not need. Then where did the strange superstition come from? Why don't give gifts?

Why can't you transfer things?

Giving is a kind of sacrament when not only a gift is presented, but also warmth and affection. Therefore, it is natural to assume that by giving a certain thing, a person shares a piece of his soul. This is precisely the essence of why it is impossible to give a gift.

And since ancient times, gifts intended for a certain person were considered a source of good luck. Therefore, by giving away a present once presented to you, you voluntarily give good luck to another. The only caveat: in the old days, gifts were made by hand, which is why the sacrament of giving was given such great importance. In our modern reality, rarely does anyone prepare a present with their own hands, since it can be bought ready-made.

What happens when a gift is given?

What lies in the mechanism of donation, why don't give gifts? From the point of view of energy exchange, by giving away an item, you can break the energy connection with the person who sincerely once presented it to you. Moreover, this act indicates a manifestation of disrespect for the donor himself, as well as his attitude towards you. By the way, in Europe it has long been customary to present presents with shop receipts, emphasizing that this item was chosen on purpose, and not re-gifted as unnecessary.

A popular sign says that the gift being given is empty, therefore, it will not bring anything positive either to the giver or to the one who currently receives it. Neither love nor a piece of the human soul is invested in this subject, so the rite itself turns into an empty formality.

So if it is important for you to please a person and establish a strong emotional connection with him, then you should definitely choose a gift personally. Even if you present a small trinket, but chosen specifically for the hero of the occasion, the person will definitely feel that the present is filled with warmth and kindness.

When can gifts be given?

And yet there are situations when you should not think about why the gift is not given. For example, you can repeatedly give away family heirlooms and jewelry that are passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. It is generally accepted that such things carry powerful energy, designed to protect their owners and all family members from adversity and misfortune. In this case, the gift will bring good luck and be able to protect from troubles.

What is generally undesirable to give, according to superstitious people

Why the gift is not given - it seems to be clear. Did you know that there are items that are on the list of bad, unwanted gifts? Let's consider some of them.

So, giving knives and other sharp objects is a quarrel, although in the Caucasus it is believed that edged weapons bring prosperity and good luck to the house. Handkerchiefs mean someone else's tears, and socks mean a long journey (which is why many wives do not give this item to their husbands or present it on purpose).

You can give pearl jewelry only in pairs (for example, a ring and a necklace), so as not to “reward” the lady with the tears of mermaids. And mirrors in general should be treated with caution, because thanks to them the souls of the dead can come from the other world.

If a man inadvertently presented his chosen one with yellow flowers, this means a close separation. And accidentally donated dishes with cracks or splits promise the donee an unhappy, broken life.

A doll given to an adult makes him emotionally dependent on the donor and opens up the possibility of controlling himself (an analogy can be drawn with the magical manipulations of Voodoo). But giving an animal should be only for a nominal fee, so that the pet does not get sick and takes root for a long time.

If the giving person wants to hint at a break in relations, then he presents gloves or mittens to the birthday man. By the way, it was the glove that was thrown to the offender as a challenge in duels.

You can not give empty wallets and bags, otherwise there will be problems with money. Be sure to invest in such a gift at least a small bill. Yes, many signs have such "antidotes" to make a gift happy.

Knowing a little about why gifts are not given, everyone decides for himself what to do in a given situation. You can strictly follow the advice of folk signs. But if at the same time you were given, for example, two identical mixers or a vacuum cleaner that you already have, then it is not at all necessary to store unnecessary things on the mezzanine. Nothing will happen if you give them to your friends or relatives who will come in handy. Just do not say that this item is superfluous for you, so as not to offend anyone.

And the most important principle that should be followed: do not give others what you yourself would not like to receive as a gift.

The icon is considered the embodiment of holiness, a symbol of faith. In the image of the faces of the saints, people see the Most High himself, turn to him, talk, pray. In the house of every Orthodox there is at least one icon, it is revered and protected. And the shrine, in return, helps the household, protects them from troubles and misfortunes. This is a guardian angel, only in earthly incarnation.

In ancient times, it was the icon that was considered the best gift: so the donor expressed his strongest sincere feelings. And today the icons have not lost their spiritual value. Therefore, it is believed that giving an icon is a sign strong love and wishes for well-being.

However, in choosing such a gift, you need to be very careful and careful, taking into account all the features of giving. Otherwise, the surprise may disappoint the donee or even cause him irreparable harm.

In ancient times, it was believed that it was impossible to give an icon under any pretext - this could bring misfortune and misfortune to the donee's house. After all, they used to believe that envious people could induce severe damage through the image of the holy image.

The icon was always hung or placed in the most prominent place. And if someone brought damage to her, then the household, daily approaching her, involuntarily began to feel a deterioration in health, a breakdown.

Today, there is no need to be afraid of a donated icon because of damage, especially if you are sure of the intention of the person who gives it. Are close relatives or best friend will give an icon with bad intentions and for their own benefit? If you are completely confident in the giver, feel free to accept such a gift.

There are other signs whether it is possible to give an icon as a gift:

  • For example, to give it to a child means to bless him for life, to make him happy.
  • It is presented to the sick as a symbol of recovery. There are many cases in history when it was the face of a saint on an icon that helped a person overcome a seemingly incurable disease.
  • It is forbidden to give an icon embroidered or painted by yourself - the face of a saint can absorb negative thoughts and transfer them to the donee. Then trouble will come into his life.

In general, it is allowed to give an icon according to signs, it is only important to do it with a bright heart and with good intentions. In a bad mood or with unkind thoughts, even choosing such a gift is not advised.

Church opinion

Clergymen - the icon will be an excellent gift for any event or for no reason at all. This is a very deep manifestation of the most sincere and kind feelings. In addition, it will turn into a personal talisman for a person until the end of days. All priests are also sure that the icon is capable of expelling anger, anger, and envy from the human soul.

The Church has long approved such gifts. But not everyone could afford to buy such a present: the icons were finished with gold or silver, and were highly valued.

Now even a simple paper face in a wooden frame is in no way inferior in significance and holiness to golden images. Therefore, it is possible to give an icon, even modest in design, the church approves of such a gift.

The main thing, before presenting a gift, is to consecrate it. Even better, when choosing images, consult with the priest in the temple.

Which icon to choose for a birthday, christening or wedding

Each celebration is filled with its own special meaning, so the gift must be appropriate. Especially if it is a real shrine. So what icons are suitable for this or that holiday and how to give them correctly.

For the wedding of the newlyweds

It is accepted that only the parents of the newlyweds give the icon to the newly-married family. Good gifts will be the images that were presented to the wedding by the parents themselves, as a symbol of family continuity, happiness and prosperity. There is an opinion that the images transmitted from the family of parents to the family of children on the wedding day have incredible power.

The following icons are considered very appropriate:

  • "Our Lady" and "Saint". They give new family mutual understanding, harmony, protect from quarrels and discord.
  • "Peter and Fevronia". A famous couple who carried their love through their whole lives will bring sincerity of feelings, respect for each other and strong happiness to the newlyweds.
  • Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. This image is presented to newlyweds with care for future children. The image helps to conceive a baby, carry it safely and give birth easily - strong and healthy.

It is necessary to give an icon during the wedding with words of respect and wishes for the newly-made family of advice and love. According to tradition, the bride and groom should kiss the faces of the saints three times and kiss their foreheads. After that, cross yourself.

For a birthday

According to some signs, the birthday person on his birthday is the most vulnerable both physically and mentally. Is it possible in this case to give icons for a birthday? It turns out that the image is not just a birthday present - it is a charm, a talisman, protection from troubles for life. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of such a gift with special care.

There is a strict restriction on which images should be given to men, and which ones - exclusively to women. Let's figure it out.

What icon to give a man:

  • Image of Saint Nicholas. Suitable for those who travel a lot, travel, go on business trips.
  • "Guardian angel". It will protect a man from evil, adversity, help to cope with temptations. This is a universal icon, it is suitable for everyone.
  • Savior Not Made by Hands. It is given to those men who, for some reason, rarely attend churches.
  • Saint George the Victorious. It will help to cope with any problem, direct you to the true path in the professional sphere and in personal affairs. He also patronizes all the military.

What icon to give a woman:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It will help to find well-being in the family, heal from ailments.
  • Bethlehem icon. Suitable for those ladies who dream of a happy marriage and children.
  • Vladimirskaya. A very strong icon for mothers: she helps those who pray for their children.
  • Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands". It will save the house from bitterness, anger, enmity, protect the whole family from any adversity.

For christening

The icon is considered the most appropriate and necessary gift for the rite of baptism. You can give a godson or goddaughter a personalized icon: the face of the saint is written on it in accordance with the name of the girl or boy they were named at the time of baptism.

For example, Olga can be safely handed the icon "Saint Olga", Ivan - "John the Baptist". Such an image will protect the baby from unkind people, will protect in any situation.

Godparents also in the old days gave the baby a measured icon - its size was exactly the same as the growth of the child during baptism. Now they are made to order, consecrated and given after the perfect rite of baptism.

Usually such a gift is placed above the crib so that the baby can see the face of the saint, involuntarily exchange glances and communicate with the guardian angel.

It is appropriate for a boy and a girl to give icons for christening: “Matrona of Moscow”, “Our Lady”, “Panteleimon the Healer”.

For the wedding

The wedding ceremony is considered the highest degree of manifestation of a husband's love for his wife. Such a marriage is sanctified by heaven, so there is no place for quarrels, scolding, quarrels, betrayals. The best gift for such an event is an icon depicting holy couples.

Only the father and mother can give the newlyweds the icons "Prelate" and "Our Lady", as well as "Peter and Fevronia".

All the rest can give icons to the husband and wife, which will patronize the young family. For example, "Unexpected joy." Such an image will help spouses to live in love, happiness and mutual respect for many years, and also grant protection from troubles and hardships to their future children. It is better to put such an icon in the bedroom.

The most powerful shrine for newlyweds is considered "Matrona of Moscow". You can ask this saint for health for the whole family, well-being, deliverance from evil and envy. Matrona also helps with the conception of a child.

for housewarming

The icons “Protection”, “Indestructible Wall”, “Apostles Peter and Paul” will help protect the house, maintain comfort in it, you can also give icons depicting Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for a housewarming.

How to choose an icon as a gift

The church believes that giving icons is a rather complicated and very delicate matter. After all, if you give a person an image of a saint, about which he knows nothing, you can put the donee in an uncomfortable position. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand to whom and for what we present such a holy gift.

Here is a brief "guide" for choosing an icon as a gift for relatives and friends.


  • "Fadeless Color" is one of the most beloved patron icons of women. External grace, youth, chastity - this is the meaning of this face.
  • "Upbringing
  • "Cover" is a strong icon for protection, because any woman is a gentle creature that needs constant care.
  • Icon "Saint Euphrosyn the cook" - such a gift is appropriate for good housewives who love to cook. All dishes in the company with Euphrosyn will become even tastier.


  • Nicholas the Wonderworker will protect those who drive a lot and love to travel.
  • Saint Joseph Volotsky - this image is suitable for business men. It is the patron saint of entrepreneurs and business.
  • Saint Tryphon - you can give an icon with his face to a man who is fond of hunting. And it is possible for any man - after all, each by nature is a hunter, earner, conqueror.


  • Icon "Our Lady" - the best gift for mom. So, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps to get rid of fears, troubles and misfortunes. And the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an intercessor in sorrows and sorrows.
  • "The Tsaritsa" - this face grants healing.
  • "Unexpected joy" is a symbol of spiritual rebirth. It helps to make any wish come true.


  • Icon of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious - suitable for a man who is active, engaged in entrepreneurship.
  • The icon "The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called" will help a fishing lover with a good catch.


  • If a child goes to school, the best gift would be an icon with the face of Sergius of Radonezh - he is an assistant in his studies.
  • If the son is going to enter the university or is already a student, the image of St. Tatiana will become his patron.
  • In the army, Saints George the Victorious or Archangel Michael will help and intercede for his son.


  • Icon "Tenderness" can be a great gift for a young person who dreams of great love.
  • To preserve youth and a blooming appearance, a young girl will suit the image of St. Xenia of Petersburg or Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

How to accept an icon as a gift

It is very important to accept the icon with a bright feeling, with a smile and reverence. And to thank for such a gift not only the one who gives it, but also God: you need to put your forehead to your face and cross yourself.

If you are sure that the donor wishes you only happiness, you can safely accept the icon. If a shadow of doubt has crept in, it is better to take it to the church and perform the rite of consecration there.

It is impossible to throw away, re-gift or burn the icon - this is considered a very serious sin. If you have the feeling that you want to get rid of such a gift, you just need to take it to the church, talk to the priest and leave it in the temple.

An icon as a gift should be treated very carefully: it is necessary to give and receive such a gift with bright feelings. Then the holy face will protect the family of the donee for many years.

There is a belief that not all gifts bring joy or good luck to their owners. And for the most part, this applies to people who believe in signs and superstitions. It is really impossible to give such a number of items, since a negative opinion about the gift itself can form circumstances that only emphasize that the omen was true.

It is believed that to give away a gift is to transfer someone else's negative energy into the house. And this will cause unconscious discomfort in the owners. After all, each gift has a small charge of energy from the giver. And if he regifts it, then the negative of denial will go to the next owner.

sharp objects

Another sign - you can not give knives, needles. Numerous signs are associated with sharp corners and sharp gifts, for example, during a feast, a single person or an unmarried lady should not sit opposite the corner of the table, it is believed that this person will not experience the happiness of family life for 7 years. As for knives, a gift of this kind will bring misfortune to the house. This sign exists in most European countries. But as for the Caucasus, there, on the contrary, a gift in the form of edged weapons brings good luck and wealth to the house. In Japan, they will never give the famous katana swords, since they are made individually, for each samurai, it is believed that this sword contains a piece of his soul.

Socks and scarves

In Orthodox countries, handkerchiefs are never given; it is believed that other people's tears will come into the house along with the gift. Therefore, at a funeral, receiving handkerchiefs for the farewell ceremony, leaving, you need to return it so as not to bring trouble to the house.

Donated socks will bring the owner a long journey. Therefore, wives do not give this present to their husbands, fearing that the husband will leave and not return. Although, especially smart wives ask their mothers-in-law to give a gift in the form of socks to their son so that he is away from his mother.

Jewelry and mirrors

Since pearls are considered the tears of mermaids, giving them is also a bad omen. Why someone else's tears? And if you delve into the very fact of turning from a drowned woman into a mermaid, then you can imagine what tears will come to the owner of the donated pearl.

Supernatural properties are attributed to mirrors. Superstitions and omens are as follows. It is believed that this is a tunnel for the passage of the soul from the other world to ours. Therefore, mirrors are used in various sessions of spiritualism and magic. A mirror as a gift will bring the owner a lot of trouble with restless souls. Not particularly superstitious young girls do not like to accept gifts in the form of a mirror from their chosen one, as they believe that by doing so he indicates the flaws in appearance.

Flowers and books

Another sign for the young. So that the bride and groom have a happy family life, they can not give each other books before the wedding. Also, you can’t give yellow flowers to your girlfriend, because yellow is the color of separation.
Carnations are also considered unlucky flowers. You can not collect a bouquet of red and black flowers, this brings their owner a quick death. And, of course, you can not give a bouquet of an even number of flowers. This is the most terrible sign.

Dishes must be given with great care. It should not have splits or cracks. Such a gift will doom you to a broken life. Although breaking dishes at a wedding is considered a lucky omen.

Another dubious gift is to give an adult a doll. Here you can draw an analogy with the strange magic of Voodoo. Where dolls are made as a prototype of a certain person for further control. Therefore, a gift in the form of a doll entails a strong dependence on others.

Animal figurines, animals

Toys that bring misfortune are figurines of birds. The bird is a symbol of loud, heavy and disastrous noise. After all, it is not for nothing that it is believed that a bird that has flown into an apartment brings misfortune with it.

So, what can not be given, signs, superstitions, as you know, play in the lives of many people big role. We continue. No need to give empty wallets, bags, backpacks - this gift will bring financial problems. But to avert trouble, you need to put a paper bill as a gift.

In order for the donated animal to take root in the house, you need to pay a purely symbolic amount for it. Otherwise, it will be an unfortunate gift, as the animal will get sick and will surely die.

Everyone knows that giving a watch as a gift is a very bad omen. Be sure to part with the owner of the gift. This is due to the mystical power lurking in the clock. Because they are the only time keepers on earth. Gifted watches can break the connection between times of friendship and warm relations. The gifted will have a permanent absorption of temporal space. He will be late everywhere and lose the very sense of time.


A very symbolic sign that the donated alcohol will take away health. Although it is difficult to call this a sign, it is rather a warning. And there is a high degree of probability that this sign was invented and distributed by the Ministry of Health.

A gift in the form of gloves and mittens warns the owner that the giver is going to break off relations with him. Not without reason, as a challenge to a duel, a glove was thrown.

Writing utensils, such as pens or pencils, hint that the giver plans to subjugate the one to whom this gift is intended.

Hypocritical attitudes are manifested in a gift in the form of cologne or perfume. Also a gift that precedes separation is a lighter.

Another gift promising parting is detergents such as shampoos, soaps. At the same time, the owner may decide that this is a gift with a hint.

The most terrible sign is to give slippers - it is believed that to death.

For each person, there is also a list of their unfortunate gifts, with which unpleasant memories are associated. For example, a passenger on a crowded bus with a huge cactus as a gift will remember both the gift and the trip for a long time.

But every folk sign has a so-called antidote. In order for a bad gift not to work, you need to pay a ransom for it. It must be money. And such a symbolic purchase will wash away all the negativity on the gift.

Well, the most main sign, do not give others what you yourself would not like to see as a gift.

There are several gifts that, according to folk signs, cannot be given. All of them carry negative energy, which is activated when giving.

If you want to choose a gift for a loved one, then first we recommend that you learn about dangerous presents from the point of view of esotericism and folk wisdom. What are these gifts, and what danger do they carry?

What can not be given

Knives, scissors and all sharp objects. Gifts with a point doom all the inhabitants of the house to failure. As you know, a large amount of negative energy is concentrated on sharp objects.

Watch. Why can't you donate a watch? There are many versions of the origin of this folk sign. In China, for example, they believe that a gift in the form of a watch will count down the time until the death of a person. If you give a watch to a loved one, then this promises a quick quarrel.

Books. This is not a gift to give. married couple. It is believed that a donated book can provoke treason.

Tableware. According to superstitions, dishes should not be presented empty - this can attract lack of money. But if you put something in it, for example, a coin, then such a present, on the contrary, will be happy.

Wallet. You should not give a wallet and accept it as a gift. You can lose your money luck. If you put money in your wallet, then, on the contrary, it will attract wealth.

Handkerchief. With this gift, a person will receive unnecessary worries and sorrows. This present, as it were, hints: “Cry at me!”

Pearl. According to superstitions and ancient legends, pearls symbolize the tears of inconsolable widows and orphans. Such a gift attracts illness, tears and loss.

medical devices and items related to diseases. Such things will constantly remind a person of his illnesses, which will provoke a deterioration in well-being.

Money. It's believed that cash gift can negatively affect the life of the one who gives it. A person, along with such a gift, may lose his well-being.

Mirror. This item has always been considered mystical, so you should not accept it and donate it, as someone else's mirror in the house can cause strange phenomena.

When choosing a gift, remember that it must be from pure heart. Only then will he be happy. And do not forget that the negative effect of a dangerous gift can be avoided if the giver is given a coin instead. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.11.2014 08:07

Alexey Pokhabov, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, spoke on his website about gifts that bring evil and...