The girls force the guy. How to make a girl chase you. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relations"

How to make him think about you all day long? Every woman who has a man in mind wants to know the answer to this question. It's the most powerful thing you can do when you're not around.

When a man doesn't stop thinking about you, he falls in love with you. This is still a trick, but it is quite feasible if you know a few secrets.

1. Be interested in what he says.

Dare to listen. A good conversation is not knowing what interesting to tell him. It is to know how to listen carefully and ask questions periodically.

When a man sees that you are interested in what he tells, his hobbies and friends, he will understand that you are interested in his life, and he will want to reveal himself to you more. People in general like to talk about themselves, especially if there is an attentive listener.

It's best not to talk about yourself. In addition, this way you can keep more mystery and encourage him to impress you and interest you even more.

2. Flirt with him.

It will never hurt. Flirt with words, body, gestures. Kiss him on the cheek and let him want more. Write to him what you think of him, but don't tell him where you are or what you are doing. Let him guess.

Spark interest with occasional selfies on the verge of candor to spark his imagination and prepare him for more. Do what feels right to you and don't do what you're not comfortable with.

3. Make him feel wanted.

It's like flirting, but a little more. Emphasis on letting him know you want him, describe your feelings, let him think of the rest.

We all want to know that we are desirable, especially men. If you let him know that you think of him, that he can turn you on, half the battle is already done.

4. Keep sending him sexual reminders.

Men are visual creatures. AND The best way to make him miss you is to keep reminding him how sexy you are. But don't overdo it. Don't bombard him with dozens of photos at once. He will become uncomfortable. Be humble. Just tease him. Give him enough to not forget about you, but to want more.

5. Enjoy yourself.

There is nothing more attractive than a woman who knows how to enjoy life. You can write to him or send him a photo of yourself in the bathroom, relaxing, or from a concert where you are having fun with your friends.

The point is to show that you enjoy life with or without him. Then he will definitely not be able to stop thinking about you, because he will wonder what you are doing and with whom.

6. Be adventurous.

Don't be afraid to show your brave side. Do something crazy, show him how fearless and incredible you are. And you will immediately win his heart! Men are drawn to women who are free-spirited, who are not afraid to ask for what they want and fight for it. These are inspiring. And he will miss every minute spent with you.

In Russian Omsk, schoolgirls brutally raped their classmate and filmed it on video.

The incident was reported by the press service of the Investigative Committee in the Omsk region, which opened criminal proceedings on the fact of the crime.

“According to preliminary data, in Omsk, two schoolgirls, aged 13 and 15, committed sexual assault against a young girl, filming it on a mobile phone video camera and posting the video on the Internet,” the report said.

It is noted that psychologists are currently working with the victim. Schoolgirls should choose a measure of restraint. “The investigation plans to check the conditions of their living and upbringing, as well as whether the teenagers and their families were on preventive records,” the UK said.

The incident became known from the video, which the students themselves boasted on the social network. As clarifies, the injured girl was new in the class and they decided to punish her allegedly for lying.

“They beat, threw from corner to corner. They made me undress and do something. Then they suggested the idea of ​​a bottle. On objections, they threatened that they would beat me, ”a classmate of teenagers shared the details.

As the director of the school where the girls study, all three friends grow up in dysfunctional families and have been caught more than once leaving home and drinking.

“The injured girl is a normal child from an ordinary family, she didn’t look like them at all. In the class, she has normal relations with everyone, but she chose these. I guess I was just glad that I found friends so quickly at the new school. And that’s how it all ended for her,” she continued.


A story that goes beyond human understanding happened to three 15-year-old Omsk schoolgirls - Masha, Ira and Natasha (names changed). In social networks, dandelion girls, ordinary teenagers with hearts in the photo. And the day before, these same girlfriends offered one of the publics a video where they raped a classmate with a bottle.

Marina (name changed) transferred to a school on the outskirts of the city only at the beginning of this school year. A new girl from a prosperous large family immediately began to communicate with three local rip-offs. What united them, both parents and teachers wondered, but still rejoiced that the schoolgirl had so quickly found mutual language with children in the classroom. And on the eve of her birthday, her friends arranged such a “gift” for her, after which a criminal case was opened against them.

- Masha was at Ira's house, then Marina came. Masha just ran into her. Everything happened suddenly, - a classmate of the participants in this story told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - It seems like Marina constantly lied about the girls, and they decided to teach her a lesson. There was no particular reason. Ira called Natasha and invited her to join. When she arrived, Masha started beating Marina and throwing her from corner to corner. They filmed it, then Masha forced Marina to undress and do something. She filmed and said that she would not show the video. Then Natasha suggested an idea with a bottle, Masha made me do what she says, and Ira just laughed and watched. Marina said that she would not do it, but they threatened that they would beat her.

After that, the "avengers" laid out the evidence for themselves. The vile video of Marina's rape, filmed back in December, was offered to one of the groups on social networks the day before. The administrator, instead of publishing the record, sent it straight to the police. From there, she was transferred to the Investigative Committee, which is now investigating this incident.

The regional TFR reported that the story was confirmed. Now investigators have come to a school on the outskirts of the city.


“Since yesterday, my hair has been standing on end,” the director of the educational institution tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. “I had no idea that such cruelty was possible in principle. These three girls are our headache. We pay more attention to them than to talented children - and all in vain. All three are simply abandoned children from very dysfunctional single-parent families. All are raised by the same mothers. Moms, frankly, are marginal. One of the girls had a father, but he died this autumn. All three students are registered with the PDN - for repeated departures from home, drunkenness. They study from two to three, constantly skip classes. The injured girl is a normal child from an ordinary family, she did not look like them at all. In the class, she has normal relations with everyone, but she chose these. I guess I was just glad that I found friends so quickly at the new school. And this is how it ended for her...

- How does she feel now?

- We try not to focus much on what happened, so as not to cause additional trauma to her. I must say that all the other children in the class reacted in an adult way to what happened. Everyone reacted very negatively to what these three had done.

“And the girls who arranged all this, at least repent?”

— Now something — even would. They are here in the police sobbing in three streams. They say they are ashamed of what happened.

- They say they didn’t seem to share the boy with the victim and decided to take revenge on her?

- I do not think that because of this, although it is too early to talk about the reasons for what happened. I think that's all because of the Internet - they decided to become famous just ...

By the way, now the girls are trying to explain that a friend did everything of her own free will and “raped herself with a bottle.” However, such a childish excuse will definitely not help teenagers avoid real criminal punishment. For now, the only question is how it will be.

Dating & Pickup

How to make a girl chase you

Few of us can imagine a situation where a beautiful and attractive girl she would run after the guy and seek his attention. Nevertheless, we are more accustomed to seeing when it is the guy who becomes the main initiator of the relationship, and it is he who breaks through the ice and indifference to the girl.

But didn't it get you? Constantly running around, constantly reminding yourself, inviting to meetings, hearing refusals, while feeling like a complete insignificance. Is it those wonderful relationships and feelings that we so badly need?

You may say that this is how you can get a girl, but is everything so good? Who will give you a guarantee that after the start of a relationship, the girl will change her attitude towards you? She is already used to seeing you weak, needy and running, so she will demand the same from you in a relationship. Everything is very simple. And if you suddenly decide to change, then she can simply leave you, calling you a rude or cattle.

For this reason, we suggest that you consider the relationship option, when it is the girl who is the main “running” element, and you become the very idol that everyone worships. We immediately warn you that not everyone and not everyone can become such a guy.

Who are the girls running after?

Have you ever seen hundreds of girls running after a gray, boring, poor and weak guy, biting their throats in the struggle for his attention? The answer is obvious. On the other hand, if you look at pop stars, athletes, or rich and narcissistic majors, then the situation changes dramatically. Maybe around them are not the most domestic and decent girls, but their number and desire is quite large.

This all brings us to a very simple and cruel truth about female nature: all girls want the most successful and rich guy for themselves. For the sake of such guys, they are ready to run, jump, jump and so on.

However, you should also be aware that there will definitely not be enough extremely rich and successful guys for everyone. This means that girls are ready to run after ordinary guys, who, in their opinion, are the best choice. This is where the whole game starts.

How to make a girl chase you

We have already decided that we need to become successful in the eyes of the girls, and then they themselves will start running after you. But how can this be done?

Appearance. At every time and every company of girls has its own ideas about the ideal guy that each of them wants. Therefore, it would be foolish to miss this fact and not take advantage of female weakness. More recently, sophisticated guys with a vulnerable soul were in fashion, who listened to “Bring me the horizon” and always remained mysterious. And although they looked strange and sometimes stupid, but a huge number of girls wished with their passion and love to "cure their soul." The principle of uniqueness works: “He is not like everyone else, I want to sleep with him.”

Coldness and aloofness. You have probably heard phrases from girls like: “If you want, you can leave, I won’t keep you.” After that, most of the guys began to apologize or somehow "give a paw." This is the principle of coldness, when a person shows the absence of any interest in the future fate of the relationship. It serves in a good way manipulation of a person who is interested in a relationship.

This guy needs to do the same. His behavior should be such that he does not really care about relationships, but only lives every day, and is ready to accept any decision of the girl about their future fate. Of course, some of the girls will leave, and the other part will begin to sag. It is for this effect that you need to behave this way.

Self-sufficiency. The guy should be an outdoor cat who sometimes comes home to warm up and lie down in a warm bed. If he was able to see the girl, then that's good. I could not see the girl, also not a tragedy. Is it really a matter of sitting and chatting with a girl 24 hours a day, telling her about all your problems and little things? Many girls see this as a weakness. And where there is weakness, there is no desire to strain for the sake of it.

Success and passion. If after your business you come home and sit idle, then this is normal. If you talk about your idleness to a girl, then this is very bad. For everyone around you, you should have some business and activities, you should shine and radiate a positive and reinforced concrete attitude. Everyone will be at least interested in the reasons for your joy, but the girls will want to join a piece of success and positive.

There will be another. If you hold on too tightly and worry about one girl, then soon you become weak, suspicious and needy. This has an extremely negative effect on the girl, who ceases to see you as a hunter. For this reason, you need to set the installation for yourself: “If not this girl, then there will be the next one, and the next one after her.” This will make your attitude towards the girl more free, but at the same time more confident.

Chip and features of the situation

In an attempt to get a girl to run after him, guys sometimes act too abruptly. For example, one day they decide to change everything, and abruptly begin to behave differently. For example, a romantic boy turns into a rude villain. Perhaps strangers will fall for this trick, but friends and the girl will notice the catch from the very beginning.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that one's behavior needs to be changed gradually and consistently. It can be difficult to achieve this on your own, new acquaintances and hobbies come to the rescue. For example, if you buy a bike and start riding around the city, you will soon find a company with which you will go on small trips. And this takes some time: so we don’t write to the girl, we throw her alone and ride with friends. As a result, she is waiting for the return of her prince, who has such a cool and interesting hobby.

What is really going on with running around in a relationship

In fact, it is difficult to find a relationship where both partners are on completely equal positions. One always usually dominates, and the other obeys his will and "pays extra". So if you run after a girl, then you "pay extra" for her attention, if she runs, then "she". It is almost impossible to change these roles, since the relationship will actually be destroyed, and you will have to create them again, and then how lucky. However, you can reduce the price of this surcharge. To do this, the guy needs to remember a simple set of rules:

  • Do not be jealous and do not remember the girl's past
  • Have a day or two for your personal affairs without a girlfriend
  • Have some hobby or occupation for yourself and only for yourself
  • Do not write or call a girl for no reason
  • Develop either physically or financially

All these principles will be sufficient to throw off the yoke of a slave and receive only positive from the relationship. Of course, with a domineering girl, you won’t be able to completely get rid of him, but it’s better to have a pot of harmfulness than a barrel, you know what!

Most men believe that it is the man who should run after women. However, those guys who are successful with women do not share this point of view.

That's why they're always at parties with the coolest girls themselves. What would your life be like if, instead of courting girls, they ran after you? Here are 10 tips to help you figure it out.

1. Use the "reverse approach"

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice in order to win her approval. How to do it?

One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and you need to do this in a tone that clearly implies that you are just laughing at her. If you do this, then a reverse polarity bond is formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

2. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is dating someone else, then you must understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not free.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I tried to run after you?". She will not know what to answer you, and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who does not need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go somewhere with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week anymore.

3. Go beyond "sexual relations"

When I first began to study the question "How to be successful with women", the idea of ​​"sleeping with a girl" seemed to me much more interesting than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, I would succeed with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the "right" woman they want to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they can't keep it. I think that it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find "your" woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with being seduced, but it is only a piece of the puzzle that alone cannot make you happy and successful in life.

4. Stop courting, start winning her attention

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is very different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to "run away", and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.

And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference is the whole diversity of the world.

5. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which basically means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction includes ways of communicating, traits of your character and masculinity. Courtship involves the strategy of "become a friend", you have to be very nice in order to please her.

Attraction doesn't mean all of that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, power, and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will change your relationship with a woman.

6. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if he sees that he is behaving confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you should understand that she is just testing you.

Answer simply: “Come on, I know that this is not true,” and she will understand everything. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

7. Stay on course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and finding her location. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. It's just that a man is trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and gestures.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stick to your course, even if it's not being "led". Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are from the category of men who are used to being the captain of their ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

8. Never stop halfway and explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset the woman, don't try to apologize or do anything to cheer her up.

You don't have to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you're uncomfortable with what you've done. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts to complain, then just say that it was just a joke, and continue your story further.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may think it's over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain, just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you do not succumb to this, her respect and attraction to you will increase significantly.

9. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you do not belong to such subjects.

Tell the girl you're busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like weaklings. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you and normal people leave messages.

Such actions will show her that you are not one of those freaks who desperately want to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys with whom she usually dates.

10. Use her own games on it

We all know that women love to "play different games". And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, this shifts the focus in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are bad well-behaved child and I don't like it." I don't think this needs an explanation.

Others use the "Let's see who's more interested" and "I'm hard to win and you'll come running to me" method. Use these methods and you will soon realize that she is aware that she cannot resist you as a person.

So, possible ways how to make your boyfriend lick.

Let's start with the simplest - just ask him about it, directly. You can slightly veil the request, for example, with the following phrases: “Honey, could you please me with your tongue?” At the same time, you need to expressively show with your eyes exactly where you would like him to lick. You can show off your erudition and directly and confidently ask him: "Please do me some cunnilingus." An unfamiliar word will surely interest him, and he will climb into Yandex to look for it. Cunnilingus is a Latin word and literally translates as "licking the female genitals." Also, at the same time, he learns how best to do it and why it is necessary.

You will only have to make all the necessary preparations: send your parents to the dacha, invite him to your place, cook romantic dinner by candlelight, and wash yourself well with a special soap for intimate places. You can ask the guy in advance what smell he likes the most. Soap and choose.

The next problem is more difficult. How to make a guy lick if he is already well aware of what cunnilingus is (thanks to Yandex), why his girlfriend should do it, and why this should not be done in any case (thanks to friends in the yard).

Don't despair, there are still ways to make him lick.

Let's go with the middle trump cards. If you communicate very well with his close friends, ask them for a favor. Let them tell him that licking their girlfriend is incredibly cool and the guy who does it will immediately command their respect. It will not be difficult for them to say this, the guys just have to neigh at each other, and you will get what you want.

If you are embarrassed to talk about it with his friends, try the second method. Before sex, tell him that you really enjoy giving and receiving oral sex. As proof, give him a good and high-quality blowjob first. Then ask him for reciprocal pleasure. Rarely what guy will refuse in such a situation. In order for the plan to be one hundred percent successful, do not let him finish during the blowjob, and promise to continue only after he licks you. Lean back on the pillow and enjoy the result.

The third way is based on the fact that guys like to copy other people's behavior if the object they copy causes them respect. Search the Internet for a video of how a handsome and inflated guy makes cunnilingus to a girl. In such films, the question of how to make a man lick is played out simply and with a twinkle, everything happens with the mutual consent of both parties. The simplicity of what is happening on the screen will greatly help you explain to the guy that you also want him to lick you.

Further, before sex, simply invite the guy to watch a porn movie and turn on the one you found in advance, with the desired plot start. As you watch, compliment your boyfriend that he looks much sexier than a porn actor and tease him a little if he can also turn you on and please you, as he does on the screen. Guys are very sensitive to taking on a weak one, and it is likely that he will immediately begin to prove to you that he is better at it.

Happy enjoyment!