Family in different cultures presentation. Educational portal. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson

Lesson ODNC "Family and family values ​​in various religious traditions"

The target audience: 5th grade students.


    To form ideas about the historical role of the family in traditional religions.

    Cultivate respect for family values ​​and traditions.

    Develop students' communication skills.

Equipment: multimedia installation, computer presentations, design work students, handouts, map of the Russian Federation.

During the classes

Students of the class are divided into groups, regardless of nationality and confession (division using multi-colored cards).

Organizing time.
Guys, today we have a lot of guests. Let's say hello to everyone, smile at each other and start working.

- At the beginning of our lesson, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale and think about what the author wanted to tell us ?!
Viewing the fairy tale by V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The Flower and the Petal”.
blossomed White flower chamomile. Bees and bumblebees flew over it, took nectar. There were many Petals in the Flower. And then one Petal became proud: “I am the most beautiful. Without me, the flower does not bloom. I am the most important. So I'll take it and leave - what do I need?
The petal tensed, climbed out of the Flower, jumped to the ground. He sat down in a rose bush and watched what the Flower would do. And the Flower, as if nothing had happened, smiles at the sun, calls to itself bumblebees and bees. The Petal went, meets the Ant.
- Who are you? Ant asks.
- I'm Petal. Foremost. The most beautiful. Without me, even the Flower does not bloom.
- Petal? I know a petal in a flower, but on two thin legs, like you, I don’t know.
Petal walked, walked, dried up until evening. And the flower blooms. A flower without one petal is a flower. A petal without a flower is nothing.

Why did Petal die?
How can we apply this tale to human life?
(children's answers)
- Right. It's the same in a family. All are connected to each other. Only together we are strong, but individually we are weak, vulnerable and, in fact, unhappy.

2.2. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson

What do you think our lesson will be about?

( about family)

That's right, today in the lesson we will talk about the family and family values ​​in various religious traditions, and specifically, in Orthodoxy, Islam and Buddhism, because. these religions are rightfully considered the main ones in our state.We must respect each other's faith. Because we are all RUSSIANS, citizens of one huge and beloved country.

Write the topic of the lesson on your worksheets.

- Before you on the tables are the table "Fixing knowledge"

Complete the first and second columns. "I know", "I want to know"

I know

I wanna know

I found out

And so, what did you write down in the “I know” column on this topic ???

And in the column "I want to know" ???

    What role does the family play in a person's life?

    Do ideas about family and family values ​​coincide in different religions?

    A real, ideal family, what is it like?

2.3. Sincwine "Family"
Remember the qualities that are inherent in every family in your understanding, and on the basis of this, make a syncwine on the topic “Family” in your worksheets.
The rules for compiling a syncwine are in front of you on the slide.

( children's answers)
- Why does a person need a family?
( children's answers)

Cluster "Family Tasks" - Well done, and nowlet's define what important tasks the family should solve. You have an envelope with the answers to this question on your desk. Find the correct ones among them and write them down in your worksheets.
Please, your answers.
( children's answers)

- Very good. Here we have defined the tasks of the family.
It is in the family that many children learn about the traditions of their people, about the foundations of their faith.


For Orthodox Christians, marriage is one of the sacraments in which God Himself blesses loving friend friend. Great importance in Christianity is given to honoring parents and respectful attitude towards them.


Islam considers marriage as an obligation to God, and numerous offspring is the blessing of the Almighty. Muslim family life is protected from prying eyes. Muslims treat women with special respect. Prophet Muhammad said that "paradise is under the feet of our mothers."


In Buddhism, all believers are divided into monks and laymen. For the laity, family life is the most important part of their lives. The purpose of the family is responsibility and care for children, parents, and monks.

–Pay attention to the similarity of the definition of family in these religions.
All three religious traditions associate this concept with a group of people united by kinship, love, respect and responsibility.

And I suggest that you now find out if the ideas about family values ​​in these religious cultures are the same?!

To do this, I ask for help from our experts, i.e. those guys who received the task in advance, to consider how Orthodox people, people who profess Islam and people who profess Buddhism relate to the family.

And all the other guys, during the speech of our experts, in your worksheets, write down the main values ​​​​in the table family life in the religions represented. You can also use excerpts from the Gospel, the Teachings of the Orthodox Church, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and the Teachings of the Buddha on the family, which are on your desks.

Family in Orthodox culture .

The family in Orthodoxy has always been included in the rank of special, enduring, vital values. It was the basis of both secular society and the Orthodox community.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, Domostroy served as a source of such information; it outlined the basic principles of building a family and maintaining a home in accordance with Orthodoxy. Love (for God, each other, for all people), respect, humility and meekness, patience, care, mutual assistance, reverence by the younger ones for the elders, children were the main principles-values ​​of the family (at home) according to Domostroy. In Domostroy, the family itself acted as a value. The head of the family was unambiguously the husband, the "sovereign", who bore colossal moral responsibility for the household: he must "follow all Christian laws and live with a clear conscience and in truth, doing the will of God with faith and keeping his commandments, and asserting himself in the fear of God , in a righteous life, and teaching his wife, also instructing his household, not by violence, not by beatings, not by heavy slavery, but like children, so that they are always rested, fed and clothed, in a warm house and always in order. Husband and wife made all decisions collectively, since Domostroy ordered the spouses to discuss all issues in private every day. According to Domostroy, the wife performed the function of regulating emotional relations in the family. It is she who is assigned the role of "intercessor" for children and servants in front of a strict "sovereign", she is also responsible for family charity (poverty and hospitability) - important factor spiritual life, the manifestations of which were approved by the church and society3.

Love is the basis of the foundations of the family and Orthodoxy.

Family in Islamic religious culture.

In the Quran, Allah Almighty says: “Allah has given you dwellings in your houses…” (16:80).

What does home mean to a Muslim family? Is it a place where family members can communicate sincerely with each other, where they develop a sense of common faith and common values, and where their behavior is based on Islamic principles? Is it a place where family members feel secure and happy and where they show kindness to each other?

Home should not be just a place where people eat, sleep and relax. We spend most of our time within the walls of the house, and it is in the house that families come together, and wives and husbands have the opportunity to be alone. It is here that the family can pray together and live, guided by what was sent down by Allah the Merciful. According to Ibn Abi Aldunya and others, the following hadith is transmitted: “When Allah loves people living in the same house, he inspires them with kindness to each other” (Sahih al-Jami).

Although life is not perfect for any family, we must use the best gifts of patience and forgiveness to correct the mistakes we have made. We should strive to be patient, kind, calm, and, above all, understand the point of view of a life partner.

There is no other way to come to a warm family relationship other than listening and understanding. Most of our troubles come from our inability to understand each other, not from bad intentions.

Husbands and wives should avoid discussing their marital problems with outsiders. In addition, they should support each other in fulfilling the orders of Allah and educate their children in the spirit of Islamic values, since, without a doubt, a child who grew up outside of Islam is doomed to suffering in this and the next life.

Family in Buddhist religious culture.

Life in a Buddhist family is full of love, joy and laughter. There is an ancient tradition of giving: to give food, gifts, hospitality and help. The giver gets great pleasure from it.. The family for Buddhists is a close and spiritual unity of people, where respect for each other not only fills the mind, but is also expressed in words and deeds. Order in the family is maintained not by fear of punishment, but by trust and mutual respect. The Buddha taught that evil itself is a punishment. It makes our life ugly and even after many years of enjoyment, it still leads us to bitter regret and remorse.

According to the tradition of Buddhism, spouses should take care of their parents, children and any member of both families who needs support. Therefore, marriage is for the sake of the interests of the community, and not just the happiness of two.

Children should express their love and respect for their parents

It is necessary that parents be a good example for their children, worthy of emulation.

If we truly loved a person, we would tirelessly strive for his happiness. Instead, people tirelessly care only about their own well-being. It is this need for another person, due to selfish desires, that creates problems and suffering in relationships between people.

- Thank you for your performance, well done!!!

Do ideas about family values ​​coincide in these religions? Let's compare.
Why do you think these views are the same?
- Guys, what can we conclude from this???

Conclusion: Family is sacred to everyone!


Group work. Drawing up the scheme "My family"

- Now let's imagine that each group is a separate family. You have your family's house on your desk. Write down in the windows of the "house" under the numbers the words that characterize your family, the relationship between its members. The list of definitions on the slide will help you find the right words.

List #1 .
Friendly, vicious. Cruel, loving, funny, harmful, unbearable, caring.

List #2 .
Understanding, mistrust, love, respect, care, lies, consent, revenue.

List #3 .
We regret, care, sympathize, appreciate, dislike, offend, help, forgive, tolerate, love.

List number 4.
Support, enmity, mutual assistance, respect, distrust, anger, honesty, goodwill.

List number 5.
“I don’t take a family and grief”
“A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud”
“What is the treasure when the family is in harmony”

Let's see what kind of family you have???

You managed to build a family layout. Your families turned out to be friendly, love and understanding live in them.

Now, back to the table we started filling out at the beginning of the lesson, write down what you have learned about family and family values ​​in various religious traditions.

Did you get answers to the questions you asked at the beginning of the lesson???

- You have chamomile flowers on your tables, which symbolize the family. And they are not chosen by us by chance.
Guys, let's take our flower symbols in hand. Do you feel how beautiful and fragile they are? Each flower reaches for the sun, bathing in its rays. This is how the family, as a gift from God, needs love and protection. Let's take care of this greatest value - our family. Let us attach the symbols of our small family to the map of the big family of Russia, and let it grow stronger and prosper. After all, a strong family is a strong country.

(video "Hymn to the family")

You have worked hard, I want to note the most active students - this is _________________________________________________ Your homework: draw your family and write a story about one of the family members.

The Christian family is based on the voluntary responsible marriage of one man and one woman, in which relationships of love, honesty and integrity (Heb. 13:4), help (Gen. 2:18) and mutual affection (Matt. 19:6) are realized and manifested. .

In Christianity, the family plays a special role: Christ was born in an earthly family, he had an earthly father and mother, Joseph the Betrothed and the Virgin Mary. Christian dogmas oblige to believe in one God, acting in three persons (hypostases): God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons constitute one Holy Trinity, inseparable in their essence, equal in divine dignity.

V.N. Druzhinin draws attention to the fact that the Christian doctrine offers two models of the family: "ideal", divine and real, earthly, "normal".

The first includes the Father, Son and Mother (Virgin Mary). The real family includes Jesus Christ, Joseph the Betrothed and the Virgin Mary. In Christianity, a clear division is made between the Father-educator (Joseph) and the “genetic” and spiritual father (God the Father); It is important to note that in the Christian doctrine, the Father is responsible for the Son: sends him into the world with a specific mission and returns him to Heaven (Ascension). At the same time, the Son is obliged to fulfill the divine will, having gone through all trials and sufferings. In the "earthly" Christian family, the interests of the mother and father are centered around the child.

The carpenter Joseph, betrothed to the Virgin Mary, works in the sweat of his brow for the good of the family. The child is perceived as God's gift”, parents are not free to dispose of it. Embodied in the image of Joseph male love to the child. However, the real father is God.

In Christianity, the attitude towards women is contradictory and ambiguous. On the one hand, according to the Old Testament, a woman is the source of the fall of a man. On the other hand, in the Gospel the Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary) is a positive image. Mary is a witness to the earthly sufferings and deeds of Christ. Her earthly task is the upbringing of a son called to accomplish a great mission. Her role in the “ideal” family is a mediator between God and people, an intercessor for those who suffer before God. The subordinate position of the wife is combined with her involvement in relationships of love, psychological intimacy.

The sinfulness of a woman can be redeemed through childbearing and staying in faith and love, holiness and chastity. For an Orthodox family, marital fidelity is considered the basis of family well-being and love. In a Muslim family, where polygamy is consecrated by law, marital fidelity is filled with a different content. (Loyalty not to a specific woman, but to one's family.) It can be said that marital relations in such a family will be regulated not so much by feelings and the need for emotional closeness or autonomy, but by awareness of responsibility to relatives, duties and ethical standards. It should be noted, however, that polygamy does not exclude love.

In Russia, family relations became an object of study only in the middle of the 19th century.

The sources of the study were ancient Russian chronicles and literary works. Historians D.N. Dubakin, M.M. Kovalevsky and others gave an in-depth analysis family and marriage relations V Ancient Rus'. Particular attention was paid to the study family code"Domostroy" - a literary monument of the 16th century, published in 1849.

In the 20-50s. XX century research reflected the development trends of modern family relations. So, P.A. Sorokin analyzed the crisis in the Soviet family: the weakening of marital, parent-child and family ties. Kindred feelings have become a less strong bond than party camaraderie. In the same period, works devoted to the "women's issue" appeared. In the articles of A. M. Kollontai, for example, the freedom of a woman from her husband, parents, and motherhood was proclaimed. The psychology and sociology of the family were declared bourgeois pseudosciences incompatible with Marxism.

Since the mid 50s. family psychology began to revive, theories appeared that explained the functioning of the family as a system, the motives for marriage, revealing the features of marital and parent-child relationships, the causes of family conflicts and divorces; family psychotherapy began to actively develop (Yu.A. Aleshina, A.S. Spivakovskaya, E.G. Eidemiller, etc.).

The analysis of sources allows us to trace the dynamics of the development of family relations "from Rus' to Russia". At each stage of the development of society, a certain normative model of the family prevailed, including family members with a certain status, rights and obligations, and normative behavior.

The normative pre-Christian family model included parents and children. The relationship between mother and father was either conflict, or built on the principle of "dominance-submission". Children were subordinate to their parents. The conflict of generations, opposition of parents and children was characteristic. The distribution of roles in the family assumed the responsibility of the man for the external, natural, social environment, while the woman was more included in the inner space of the family, in the house. The status of a married person was higher than that of a single person. A woman had freedom, both before marriage and in marriage, the power of men - husband, father - was limited. The woman had the right to divorce and could return to her parents' family. Unlimited power in the family was enjoyed by the "bolyiukha" - the wife of the father or eldest son, as a rule, the most able-bodied and experienced woman. Everyone was obliged to obey her - both women and younger men in the family.

With the advent of the Christian model of the family (XII-XIV centuries), relations between household members changed. The man began to reign supreme over them, everyone was obliged to obey him, he was responsible for the family. The relationship of spouses in a Christian marriage assumed a clear awareness of each family member of his place. The husband, as the head of the family, was obliged to bear the burden of responsibility, the wife humbly took second place. She was instructed to do needlework, housework, as well as the upbringing and education of children. Mother and child were somewhat isolated, left to their own devices, but at the same time they felt the invisible and formidable power of the father. “Raise a child in prohibitions”, “loving your son, increase his wounds” - it is written in Domostroy. The main duties of children are absolute obedience, love for parents, care for them in old age.

In the field interpersonal relationships spouses, parental roles dominated over erotic roles, the latter were not completely denied, but were recognized as insignificant. The wife had to “undo” her husband, i.e. act in accordance with his wishes.

According to Domostroy, family pleasures include: comfort in the house, delicious food, honor and respect from neighbors; fornication, foul language, anger are condemned. The condemnation of significant, respected people was considered a terrible punishment for the family. Dependence on people's opinion is the main feature of the national character of family relations in Rus'. The social environment needed to demonstrate family well-being and it was strictly forbidden to disclose family secrets, i.e. there were two worlds - for themselves and for people.

Russians, like everyone else Eastern Slavs, for a long time a large family prevailed, uniting relatives in direct and lateral lines. Such families included grandfather, sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Several married couples jointly owned property and ran a household. The family was led by the most experienced, mature, able-bodied man who had power over all family members. He, as a rule, had an adviser - an older woman who ran the household, but did not have such power in the family as in the XII-XIV centuries. The position of the rest of the women was completely unenviable - they were practically powerless, they did not inherit any property in the event of the death of their spouse.

By the 18th century became the norm in Russia individual family from two or three generations of relatives in a straight line.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. researchers recorded a family crisis, accompanied by deep internal contradictions. The authoritarian power of the male was lost. The family has lost its function home production. The nuclear family, consisting of spouses and children, has become the normative model.

What is family? There are many instructive riddles and discoveries in the word family. This word can be divided into "SEVEN" and "I", i.e. seven are just like me. And, indeed, in the family everyone is somewhat similar to each other: face, look, voice. The number "7" in itself is special - it is simple. Therefore, it tells us that the family is a single whole. Just in the family, the principle should operate in full force - all for one and one for all. The word "family" is clear to everyone, like the words "mother", "bread", "homeland". Family from the first moments of life next to each of us. Family is a house, it's dad and mom, grandma and grandpa, it's sisters, brothers

Smile for a new day

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the family is the most comfortable and necessary place for a person on earth. In the family they will feed, warm, regret if upset, protect if offended. In the family, a person acquires the first knowledge about the world and the people who inhabit it. We can rightly say that everything starts with the family!

There is an ancient legend that once upon a time there lived on earth big, talented, strong people. They lived happily. And some evil spirit envied them, and divided each of them into two halves. He made one half a woman and the other a man. Since then, disconnected people have been wandering around the world, looking for their half. If they find it, a very strong feeling arises - love, a family is formed, children appear in the family. The more love, the stronger family. The stronger the family, the happier the children.

They say that when a person is born, a star lights up in the sky, which determines his fate. The name that your parents gave you at birth matters a lot. They put their love and tenderness into calling you. Do you know what your name means? And the name of your relatives? Legend

1. Family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russian Federation are under state protection. Family law proceeds from the need to strengthen the family, build family relations on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference in family affairs by anyone, ensuring the unimpeded exercise of their rights by family members, the possibility of judicial protection of these rights. . 2. Recognized marriage, concluded only in the registry offices of civil status. 3. The regulation of family relations is carried out in accordance with the principles of voluntary marriage of a man and a woman, equality of rights of spouses in the family, resolution of intra-family issues by mutual agreement, priority family education children, concern for their well-being and development, ensuring priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members. 4. Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens upon entering into marriage and in family relations on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited. The rights of citizens in the family may be restricted only on the basis of federal law and only to the extent necessary to protect the morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other family members and other citizens. Article 1 (family code) of the Russian Federation Basic principles of family law

Parents often tell you that your main duty on earth in relation to yourself is to fulfill the destiny given to us, to find our own path, to fulfill ourselves, to become better than we are. And remember: “What you yourself will do for your parents, expect the same from your children,” as Indian wisdom says. In the meantime, try to please your family, do not forget about good deeds souls. Remember N. Zabolotsky's poem and his words: "The soul must work day and night, and day and night." Don't forget good deeds. Remember the family commandments: keep sacred the honor of your family; love your family and make it better; Be attentive and sensitive, always ready to help your family members; Make your parents happy Know how to find and do something for the benefit and joy of your family members; life is a road full of trials, be ready to pass them with honor.

How did Friendly family. A long time ago there lived a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live together. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you must understand for yourself what you need for happiness, write what you want to see your family ". This huge family gathered for family council and they decided that in order for the family to be friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities: (what?)

Its unique family features and traditions exist in every country. Of course, many customs undergo changes due to the influence of the modern world, but most peoples strive to preserve the heritage of their ancestors - out of respect for their past and in order to avoid mistakes in the future. The psychology of family relations is also different in each country. How are families different in Asia, America, Europe and Africa?

Family psychology in Asia - traditions and rigid hierarchy

In Asian countries, ancient traditions are treated with great respect. Each Asian family is a separate cell of society, almost cut off from the outside world, in which children are the main wealth, and men are invariably respected and revered.


● Hardworking, but do not consider money the purpose of their lives. That is, on their scales, happiness always outweighs worldly joys, which excludes many problems of family relations, typical, for example, of Europeans.
● Less likely to get divorced. To be more precise, there are practically no divorces in Asia. Because marriage is forever.

● Not afraid to have many children. There are always many children in Asian families, and a family with one baby is a rarity.
● Start families early.

● Often live with older relatives, whose opinion is the most significant in the family. Family ties in Asia are very strong and strong. Helping one's relatives is obligatory and natural for Asians, even if relations with them are strained or one of the relatives has committed an antisocial act.

Family values ​​of different Asian peoples

● Uzbeks
They are distinguished by their love for native land, cleanliness, patience for life's adversities, respect for elders. Uzbeks are not sociable, but friendly and always ready to help, they always maintain close contact with relatives, it is difficult to endure separation from home and relatives, they live according to the laws and traditions of their ancestors.

● Turkmen
Hardworking people, modest in everyday life. They are known for their special and tender love for their children, the strength of marriage bonds, and respect for the elders. The request of the elder is necessarily fulfilled, and restraint is shown in conversations with him. Respect for parents is absolute. A significant part of the Turkmens marry according to religious customs, even if they are not believers.

● Tajiks
This people is characterized by generosity, disinterestedness and fidelity. And moral / physical insults are unacceptable - Tajiks do not forgive such moments. The main thing for a Tajik is family. Usually large - from 5-6 people. Moreover, unquestioning respect for elders is brought up from the cradle.

● Georgians
Militant, hospitable and witty. Women are treated with special respect, like knights. Georgians are characterized by the psychology of tolerance, optimism and a sense of tact.

● Armenians
A people devoted to their traditions. Armenian family is great love and affection for children, this is respect for the elders and all relatives without exception, these are strong marriage ties. The father and grandmother have the greatest authority in the family. In the presence of elders, young people will not smoke or even talk loudly.

● Japanese

Japanese families are patriarchy. A man is invariably the head of the family, and his wife is the shadow of the head of the family. Her task is to take care of the mental / emotional state of her husband and run the household, as well as dispose of family budget. The Japanese wife is virtuous, humble and submissive.

The husband never offends her and does not humiliate her. The betrayal of a husband is not considered an immoral act (the wife looks at the betrayal through her fingers), but the wife's jealousy - yes. To date, there are still preserved (though not to the same extent) the traditions of marriage of convenience, when parents choose a party for an adult child. Emotions and romance during marriage are not considered decisive.

● Chinese

This people is very careful about the traditions of the country and family. Influence modern society still not accepted by the Chinese, thanks to which all the customs of the country are carefully preserved. One of them is the need for a man to live to see his great-grandchildren. That is, a man must do everything so that his family does not end - give birth to a son, wait for a grandson, etc.

The wife necessarily takes her husband's surname and after the wedding, her husband's family becomes her concern, and not her own. A childless woman is condemned both by society and relatives. The woman who gave birth to a son is respected by both. A barren woman is not left in her husband's family, and many women who have given birth to daughters even refuse them right in the hospital. The rigidity of attitudes towards women is most pronounced in rural areas.

Family portrait in America

Overseas families are, first of all, marriage contracts and democracy in all its senses.
What is known about American family values?

● The decision to divorce is made easily when the former comfort in the relationship is lost.
marriage contract is the norm in the US. They are distributed everywhere. In such a document, everything is written down to the smallest detail: from financial obligations in the event of a divorce to the division of household duties and the amount of contribution from each half to the family budget.

● Feminist sentiments across the ocean are also very solid. The spouse leaving the transport is not given a hand - she can handle it herself. And the head of the family is absent as such, because in the USA there is “equality”. That is, everyone can be the head of the family.
● A family in the US is not just a couple of romantics in love who decide to tie the knot, but a collaboration in which everyone performs their duties.

● Americans discuss all family problems with psychologists. In this country, a personal psychologist is the norm. Almost no family can do without it, and every situation is analyzed to the smallest detail.
● Bank accounts. A wife, a husband, children have such an account, and one more common - for everyone. How much money is in the husband's account, the wife will not be interested (and vice versa).

● Things, cars, housing - everything is bought on credit, which the newlyweds usually take on.
● In the United States, children are only thought about after the couple gets on their feet, acquires housing and a solid job. Large families in America are rare.

● In terms of the number of divorces, America today is in the lead - the value of marriage has long and very strongly shaken in American society.
● The rights of the child - almost like an adult. Today, a child in the United States rarely remembers about respect for elders, permissiveness dominates in his upbringing, and a public slap in the face can bring a child to court (juvenile justice). Therefore, parents are simply afraid to “educate” their children once again, trying to give them complete freedom.

● Mexico
But in Mexico, the importance of marriage is very small, but the role of amigo is much higher.
Amigo is a community of men who support each other and help solve important problems.
Often marriages are simply not registered, because they have no social value in a given society.

Modern family in Europe

Europe is a unique combination of many different cultures, each with its own traditions.

● UK
Here people are restrained, pragmatic, stiff and true to tradition. First up is finances. Children are born only after the spouses have achieved a certain position. A late baby is a fairly common occurrence. One of the obligatory traditions is family dinners and tea parties.

● Germany
The Germans are known to be neat. What in work, what in society, what in the family - there must be order everywhere, and everything must be perfect - from raising children and designing in the house to socks in which you go to bed. Before the formalization of the relationship, young people usually live together to check whether they are suitable for each other at all. And only when the test is passed, you can think about creating a family. And if there are no serious goals in study and work, then about children.

Housing is usually chosen once and for all, so its choice is approached very carefully. In general, families prefer to live in own houses. From infancy, children learn to sleep each in their own room, and you will never see scattered toys in a German house - there is perfect order everywhere. After the age of 18, the child leaves the parental home of his parents, from now on he supports himself. And of his arrival to visit must necessarily warn. Grandparents do not sit with their grandchildren, as in Russia - they just hire a nanny.

● Norway
Norwegian couples tend to know each other since childhood. True, they are not always married at the same time - many live together for decades without a stamp in their passport. The rights of the child are the same - both at birth in a legal marriage and in a civil one. As in Germany, the child goes into independent life after 18 years and earns his own rent. With whom the child chooses to be friends and live, parents do not interfere.

Children appear, as a rule, by the age of 30, when stability is clearly visible in relationships and finances. Parental leave (2 weeks) is taken by the spouse who is able to take it - the decision is made between the wife and husband. Grandparents, like German ones, are also in no hurry to take their grandchildren to their place - they want to live for themselves. Norwegians, like many Europeans, live on credit, all expenses are divided in half, and in a cafe / restaurant they often pay separately - each for himself. Punishing children is prohibited.

● Russia
There are many peoples (about 150) and traditions in our country, and, despite the technological capabilities of the modern world, we carefully preserve the traditions of our ancestors. Namely, a traditional family (that is, dad, mom and children, and nothing else), a man is the head of the family (which does not prevent spouses from living on equal terms in love and harmony), marriages solely for love and the authority of parents for children. The number of children (as a rule, desired ones) depends only on the parents, and Russia is famous for its large families. Helping children can continue until the very old age of their parents, and grandparents nurse their grandchildren with great pleasure.

● Finland
Features of the family and the secrets of Finnish happiness: a man is the main breadwinner, a friendly family, a patient wife, common hobbies. Civil marriages are very common, and the average age for a Finn man to get married is around 30 years old. As for children, usually in a Finnish family they are limited to one child, sometimes 2-3 (less than 30% of the population). Equality of rights for men and women is in the first place, which is not always beneficial for marital relations (a woman often simply has no time to take care of the household and children).

● France
The families of France are, first of all, romance in an open relationship and a very cool attitude towards marriage. For the most part, the French prefer civil marriage and the number of divorces is increasing every year. The family for the French today is a couple and a child, the rest is a formality. The head of the family is the father, after him the mother-in-law is an authoritative person. The stability of the financial situation is supported by both spouses (there are practically no housewives here). Relations with relatives are maintained everywhere and always, at least by phone.

French women devote very little time to raising children and go to work as soon as possible so as not to lose precious career opportunities. Therefore, a network of kindergartens is widely developed in France.

● Sweden
The modern Swedish family is parents and a couple of children, free premarital relations, good relations between divorced spouses, protected women's rights. Families usually live in state-owned apartments, buying your own home is too expensive. Both spouses work, bills are also paid for two, but bank accounts are separate. And paying the bill in the restaurant is also separate, everyone pays for himself.

Spanking and scolding children is illegal in Sweden. Each baby can “ring” the police and complain about their aggressor parents, after which the parents risk losing their child (they will simply be given to another family). Mom and dad have no right to interfere in the life of a child. The baby's room is his territory. And even if the child categorically refuses to put things in order there, this is his personal right.

● Italy
In Italy, the meaning of the family is very special: all relatives, even the most distant, are considered a family. It is customary to arrange joint dinners, where everyone can talk, discuss pressing problems.
An important role is played by the Italian mother, on whom a lot depends (and the choice of daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, too).

Features of families in African countries - bright colors and ancient customs

As for Africa, civilization has not changed much. Family values remained the same.

● Egypt
Here they still treat a woman as a free application. Egyptian society is exclusively masculine, and a woman is a "creature of temptations and vices." In addition to the fact that a man needs to be appeased, a girl is taught right from the cradle. The family in Egypt is a husband, wife, children and all relatives along the husband's side, strong ties, common interests. The independence of children is not recognized.

● Nigeria
The strangest people, constantly adapting to modern world. Today, Nigerian families are parents, children and grandparents in the same house, respect for elders, strict upbringing. Moreover, boys are brought up by men, and girls do not matter much - anyway, they will get married and leave the house.

● Sudan
Tough Muslim laws reign here. Men - "on horseback", women - "know your place." Marriages are usually for life. At the same time, a man is a free bird, and his wife is a bird in a cage, which can even go abroad only for religious education and with the permission of all family members. The law on the possibility of having 4 wives is still in effect. The betrayal of a wife is severely punished. It is also worth noting the moment of the sexual life of girls from Sudan. Almost every girl undergoes circumcision, which deprives her of the pleasure of sex in the future.

● Ethiopia
Marriage here can be ecclesiastical or civil. The age of the bride is from 13-14 years, the groom - from 15-17. Weddings are similar to Russian ones, and parents provide housing for the newlyweds. Future mom in Ethiopia is a future great joy for the family. A pregnant woman is not denied anything, surrounded beautiful things and… forced to work until childbirth, so that the baby is not born lazy and fat. The name of the child is given after christening.

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