Class hour on the topic: A bird is strong with its wings, but a man is strong with friendship. A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship A bird is strong with its wings and a man with friendship

For a long time, people have been composing proverbs and sayings about friendship. One example of such creativity was the wisdom voiced by the people: A bird is strong with its wings, ... a man is strong with friendship. Everyone knows that people are social beings; they are not able to live outside of society; accordingly, the key difference between humans and other living beings is the need for communication.

We need the company of friends in joyful and sorrowful moments. They will share with us our experiences related to pressing problems and will listen carefully.

and will support and offer help during a difficult period of life. If a person has no friends, he cannot realize his desire with anyone - either to share joyful and sorrowful feelings, to throw out the negative or positive emotions accumulated inside, therefore he suffers, and sometimes even turns white.

Friendship has a place of honor in human existence - next to it is love. If you are lucky enough to acquire at least one true friend, chosen from a plurality of friends, even relatives, then try to save him. Every person wants to have friends, but not everyone has it

ability to make friends. It’s just important to treat others the way you want to be treated, and everything will work out.

Often, by nature, and perhaps due to their own upbringing, most people have a tendency to exaggerate personal merits and to belittle the dignity of others.

When thinking about friendship, we devote a lot of time to the topic of the fact that friendship exists. The modern world is characterized by the devaluation of eternal laws and concepts. Sometimes it seems to us that it is unrealistic to meet true love or true friendship. Still, it exists.

The sad thing is that often it is grief that becomes the unifying aspect for people, and not joy. Memories of the war are an excellent confirmation of this. Numerous lives have been saved thanks to human kindness, support, and mutual assistance. A complete stranger could become family when he was next to other soldiers like himself, repelling an enemy attack, or shielding another with his own body. All of them performed a heroic feat so that peace, happiness, friendship and endless love would reign in the world.

Other works on this topic:

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  3. The features of the artistic world of any creator are, of course, determined by his personal worldview. Just as we listen to music and read literary works, contemplation of paintings always represents...
  4. The artistic works of Fyodor Tolstoy, recognized in many fields of art, enchant viewers with illusory perfection, colorful fabulousness and warm light. One of his most famous paintings is “Flowers,...

It seems that friends are an integral, natural part of our lives. But what role do they play in it? In my opinion, the importance of friendship is very great, because a true friend will definitely leave his mark on a person’s heart. Therefore, friendship is like the wings of a bird; it not only becomes a reliable support in case of everyday troubles, but also spiritually frees a person and enriches his inner world, since friends are often different from each other in character and life attitudes. Using examples from fiction, I will try to prove the validity of my point of view.

Andrei Stolts and Ilya Oblomov are the two main characters of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In many ways they are different in character, in views, and in actions. However, the heroes are drawn to each other, Stolz happily comes to Oblomov, and he meets him with no less pleasure.

Even in school, they spent a lot of time together, were inquisitive children, and dreamed of an active and interesting life. “...they were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs, then Russians, kind, fat affections, abundantly lavished on the German boy in the Oblomov family, then the role of the strong, which Stolz occupied under Oblomov both physically and morally...” Ilya Ilyich found in Stolz there are leadership qualities, practicality, ingenuity and initiative, which he himself lacked, and in Oblomov - warmth, generosity and hospitality, which he lacked in childhood and youth in the family of a German father who did not like tenderness. Already in adulthood, they continued to meet and exchange thoughts. Stolz tried to stir up Oblomov by introducing him to Olga Ilyinskaya and provided him with financial assistance when Ilya Ilyich’s affairs were going badly. In return, he received the opportunity to relax in the company of a good friend. In the end, Ilya Ilyich gave up the fight for Olga’s love and thereby unwittingly contributed to the fact that Stolz and Olga Sergeevna became husband and wife.

Living in a secluded estate in Crimea, they remember Oblomov and do not give up hope of reviving him. At their last meeting, Ilya Ilyich asks Stolz to take care of his son Andrei. After Oblomov’s death, Stolz takes Andrei into his care and decides to bring into action “youthful dreams” that Oblomov Sr. might have been afraid of. As a result, despite the fact that the paths of Ilya Ilyich and Stolz diverged, the friendship between them did not fade away, but stood the test of time and passed on to the next generation, enriching the spiritual world of each of the friends.

The friendship of the heroes of the epic novel Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov was also sincere and real, based on spiritual unity. Both characters have a subtle mental organization; they are “people of peace” who understand that they have no place in the secular immoral society of “people of war”. Their personal qualities complement each other exactly. Pierre considered Bolkonsky “a model of all perfections precisely because Prince Andrei united to the highest degree all those qualities that Pierre did not have and which can be most closely expressed by the concept of willpower.” And Prince Andrei found in Bezukhov sincerity, directness and good nature, which he was deprived of in the circle of most of his other acquaintances. When Bolkonsky became disillusioned with military service, in his youthful dreams and decided to live for himself, not to seek fame and love of people, Pierre convinced him of the need to live for others, “the meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrey the era with which it began, although in appearance and the same one, but in his inner world there is a new life.” In addition, the friendship of Bolkonsky and Pierre was tested. Both of them were in love with Natasha Rostova. When Prince Andrei proposed to Natasha, Pierre did not reveal his feelings; he was sincerely happy about his friend’s happiness. Subsequently, when there is a break between Natasha and Bolkonsky, he becomes a mediator between them. After the death of Prince Andrei, Pierre takes on the role of mentor to his son Nikolenka. Thus, the friendship of Bezukhov and Bolkonsky withstood all tests, since, unlike most people in their circle, they were united not by self-interest and the search for profit, but by common aspirations and ideals. These heroes found each other, thereby finding salvation from loneliness and worthy soil for the development of morality and real, deep ideas that should not be lost at least by a minority of people.

So, friends are as necessary for a person as wings are for a bird, not only because you can always rely on them and ask for help. True friendship, based on the spiritual unity of sometimes very different people, enriches each of the friends, provides them with psychological support, makes them look at the world around them more broadly and believe in their own strength. Therefore, a person who has a true friend is able to soar into the skies, rise above himself, like a swift-winged bird.

Sevak Galstyan | 17 February 2017

Long stories

January 20 at MBOU Secondary School No. 5 with in-depth study of individual subjects in the urban district of Podolsk became special and exciting for the students of our school. And all because a schoolboy from Chile, Esteban Chilinos, came to study with us.

He will study at our school for a whole year. Upon completion of his studies, he will have to pass exams to receive a special certificate. In addition to studying in educational institutions, schoolchildren from other countries are given a wonderful opportunity to learn about the culture and traditions of the country in which they live.

This became possible thanks to the school international exchange program. Since 1993, MBOU Secondary School No. 5 has been accepting students from the USA, New Zealand, Italy, Venezuela, Brazil, Turkey, Austria, and Germany. Since 1996, our school began to actively participate in school exchanges with Italy.

In 2015-2016, two schoolchildren studied at our school: Camilla Perego from Italy and Barna Menhart from Hungary. Our school is a friendly, hospitable family.

Friendship is a great power. A Russian folk proverb says: “A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.” Our school has been taking part in intercultural exchanges for many years and has become home to many foreign students from different parts of the world. And many of our schoolchildren met peers from Italy, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, the USA and studied in other countries.

The participation of our schoolchildren in international programs is recognized as truly improving direct intercultural contacts and mutual understanding between peoples. The program promotes the personal development of its participants and the training of highly qualified specialists at various levels. Our school pays special attention to supporting and promoting the Russian language in the world.

MBOU Secondary School No. 5 not only accepts schoolchildren from around the world, but also sends its students to study in one of the countries participating in the program. Anna Rybalova, a student of the 11th “A” grade, participated in an annual program in Italy in the 2014-2015 academic year. She represented our country with dignity! Now a student of the 9th “B” grade, Polina Solovyova, is studying in sunny Argentina.

Schoolchildren who have successfully completed their studies in Russia do not say goodbye, but say: “See you again!”

Yana Kapkaikina
Communication script for speech development “A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship”


The bird is strong with its wings, and the man is strong with friendship

Conversation on questions revealing the meaning of the proverb:

Educator: Today, on the way to kindergarten, a dove sat on my shoulder and handed me this envelope. He was sent from the valley of fairy tales. Let's see what's there.

Children: Yes

Educator: Look what an interesting picture it contains. What do you think fairy-tale characters want to tell us?

Children speak out, an adult, with the help of clarifying and leading questions, helps each child justify his answer, for example, that the main thing for birds is their wings, with their help they can fly away from danger, and a person’s main thing is friendship, which can also support and help him.

Educator: Can a person be without friends, and a bird fly without wings?

Children: No

Educator: Can we then say that the proverb is true: A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.

Children: Yes

A problematic situation that reveals the meaning of the proverb (description):

Warm-up Guys, let's stand up and imagine ourselves as birds. First, a titmouse or a sparrow (Let's depict how they fly. Children depict).

Now let’s depict the flight of an eagle (Children depict)

Why is the flight of these birds different?

Why is a bird strong?


Here is the first part of the phrase: The bird is strong with its wings.

Now look:

in front of you is a bunch of twigs. Let's try to break them all at once. (Children come out and try).

It does not work.

Why doesn't it work?

What's easier to break? (untie and break one branch at a time).

Now let's imagine that a twig is a person without friends, and many twigs are a person with friends.

How strong is a person?

That's right, a person is strong through friendship.

Now we are once again convinced of the truth of folk wisdom:

A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.

Joint creative speech activity: inventing a story or fairy tale that reveals the direct meaning of the proverb:

What is friendship? –

I asked the nightingale.

Friendship is like birds in the air.

I asked the carp:

What is friendship? –

The birds above are friends,

Fishes are friends in the depths,

The ocean is friends with the sky,

People from different countries are friends.

I asked Katya:

What is friendship? –

Joy to share and sorrow -

This means being friends!

Publications on the topic:

“Is it a man or a monkey?” Workshop on developing communication between teachers Speech is civilization. A word, even the most hostile, maintains contact; silence divides. At the first OG classes I introduce.

Objectives: - expand children’s knowledge about the wintering bullfinch bird; - clarify the idea of ​​​​the bullfinch’s appearance; - continue to introduce children.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the junior group “Man. Body parts" State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Moscow, kindergarten for supervision and health care No. 754 "Sun" Date:.

Mom is the most precious person in the world! Topic: Retelling of the work of art by K. D. Ushinsky “Medicine”. Goal: Learn to analyze.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Friendship should be treasured.” Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Friendship should be treasured.” Objectives: 1. Teach children to learn positive norms of behavior;.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Man and his body” Program content. 1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities: to intensify moral and mental analytical work.

Features of communication in children with general speech underdevelopment Let us present a description of the levels of general speech underdevelopment in children. The first level of general speech underdevelopment is “speechless children.” “Bezrechevykh.