Children's pedagogical project “Day of kindness. Week of good deeds Quest of good deeds in kindergarten

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 33 "Firefly" Rostov region village Egorlykskaya

Abstract of the thematic day of the week

"Good Deeds Day"

prepared by the educator

Elbow Nadezhda Leonidovna

Stanitsa Egorlykskaya


The first half of the day.

Individual work with kids.

Labor in the corner of nature.

Purpose: to improve labor skills for caring for plants; to form a conscious attitude to the care of living objects; to cultivate the desire to do good deeds in relation to all living things.

Conversation: "I am a helper."

Purpose: to cultivate a sensitive attitude towards their loved ones, the need to please their parents with good deeds.

Surprise moment.

Fairy of Kindness gave us magic flower and asks us to help him blossom. But this can only happen if we do good deeds: do not offend anyone, help everyone, come to the rescue when someone is in trouble, do not leave each other in trouble. Are you ready to help the flower bloom? (Yes) We are declaring Good Deeds Day today!

Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to develop the muscles of the body, strengthen your health.

Canteen duty

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to take care of their comrades, a desire to help adults.


Purpose: to cultivate a desire to eat healthy food, to improve the culture of food.

Didactic game "1,2,3 name a dangerous object"

Purpose: to recall the rules for handling dangerous objects so as not to harm yourself or other people.

Etude "Say a kind word, a compliment to a friend"

Purpose: to exercise children in the use of polite words, using expressions, facial expressions, posture.

A moment of safety.

Discussing Dangerous Situations

Purpose: Repeat the names various kinds transport; to cultivate a culture of behavior, observation, respectful attitude to the rules of the road.

Reading fiction.

A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul"

Purpose: to develop the ability to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work.

Preparing for a walk.

Purpose: to improve the ability to dress in a certain sequence; to cultivate a desire to take care of each other, to help comrades.


Watching for signs of spring.

Purpose: to improve the skills to establish links between inanimate and living nature; develop observation, attention, the ability to analyze, compare and draw conclusions based on what they see.

art word

Reading Tyutchev's poem "Snow is whitening in the fields"

Purpose: to cultivate interest in poetry; fix the signs of spring.

Working with folk sign:

If in spring the snow melts quickly, and the water runs together - to a wet summer.

Purpose: to acquaint with the observations of our ancestors.

Didactic game "Explainers"

Purpose: to develop monologue speech, elements logical thinking; cultivate a desire to help a friend.

Mobile game "Grandfather Mazay"

Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals; develop speed of reaction, dexterity.

Individual work

Viewing the album "My village"

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about the sights of the village; nurture love and affection for her.

Mobile game "Burn, burn brightly"

Purpose: to develop endurance, dodging in children; educate interest in folk games.


Bird feeding.

Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds; fix the name of migratory and wintering birds.

Sedentary game "Yes - no"

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children; develop respect for each other.

Independent activity of children.

Offer a ball, basket, in order to develop accuracy, the ability to throw the ball with two hands from the chest.

Offer to collect ash seeds, cones, in order to consolidate the labor skills of children; form a desire to keep the site clean.

Work. Drying prints after a walk.

Purpose: to cultivate a careful attitude to their belongings.

Reading Suteev "Apple"

Purpose: to explain to children what selfless help is.

Draw the children's attention to the magic flower. The petals of the flower are slightly open. Ask the children to explain: “Why our flower began to open. » (Children list the good deeds they have done)

In the bedroom.

Listening to instrumental music.

Purpose: to set children up for a restful sleep.


Exercise after sleep.

Purpose: to promote the awakening of the body of children after sleep

Walking along the reflex path, massage mats.

Purpose: prevention of flat feet in children.

Consideration of plot pictures on the topic of the day.

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about good and evil deeds and their consequences; develop the speech of children; ability to express judgment.

Role-playing game"Help Services"

Purpose: to develop game dialogue, game interaction; to teach to display in games the good deeds of the people around.

Board printed game "Geese Swans"

Purpose: to bring up responsibility for the younger ones; develop the ability to play by the rules of the game

Paper construction "Chest for good deeds"

Purpose: to continue learning to divide a sheet of paper into squares, to make volumetric objects (chest) out of it, to convey a fabulous flavor with the help of details; activate the imagination of children; improve skills in working with scissors and paper; teach to use material economically; cultivate accuracy in work, attentive attitude to the requests of comrades.

Individual work

Didactic game "Good - bad"

Purpose: to teach to express one's life, to evaluate an act, to design one's behavior in a given situation.

Examining with children a magic flower. The flower has blossomed. Summarize the day. Talk to the children about the good deeds they have done during the day. Give each child a flower of kindness.

Working with parents

Counseling "Kindness Education"

List of used literature

1. Alyabyeva E.A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. M., 2010.

2. Golitsyna N.S. Familiarization of preschoolers with social reality. M., 2005

3. Dolgova T.L., Kravchenko I.V. Walks in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups. Sphere, 2010

4. Lishtvan Z.V. Design. M., 1981.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 33 "Firefly"


"Week of good deeds"

in the middle group


Completed by the educator: Grebenshchikova E.V.


Mini-project "Week of good deeds"

Target: Education in children of positive qualities of character, promote team building, motivate children to commit good deeds, good works for the benefit of other people.


1. To form cognitive, regulatory and communication skills of communication.

2. Promote emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

3. Develop confidence in yourself and your abilities.

4. Shape in children positive attitude to all people.

5. Clarify children's ideas about good and evil deeds and their consequences, develop the ability to express their point of view;

6. Encourage children to positive actions and deeds;

7. Cultivate the desire to leave a “good mark” about yourself in the hearts and souls of other people.
8. Teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other.
9. Explain to the children that good deeds bring joy.
10. Tell children about the usefulness and importance of work.

11. Consolidate knowledge of the rules of polite communication.

12. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express their opinion, show benevolence to the opinions of other children).

13. Encourage your child to commit good deeds.

14. Educate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

Estimated result:

1. Creation in groups necessary conditions on familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.

3. The ability of children to negotiate, to support each other.

4. respect to the surrounding world, to the knowledge of oneself and one's own kind.
5. Education of humane feelings.

6. Creation of a system of work to familiarize children with works, proverbs and sayings about good.

Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the topic, goals and objectives;

2. Introduce children and parents to the project;

3. To interest each child in the subject of the project, to support his curiosity and steady interest in the problem;

4. Involve parents in joint work over the project.

Project participants: children (5-6 years old), educator, parents.

Deadline:one week.

Working with parents:

  1. 1. Conversation of parents with children on the topic: "Rules of conduct in kindergarten"
  2. 2. Poster "Tree of kind words"

Project activity product: conversations about kindness, poems about kindness, audio recordings about kindness, didactic games, drawings "Warm hands", modeling hearts, appliqué - a gift for children junior group, teamwork- poster "Tree of good deeds".

The final stage:

1. Presentation of the project

2. Photo report: "Our good deeds"

3. Surprise moment

Main stage:

Day 1 - "Opening the piggy bank of good deeds"

Day 2 - "Day of courtesy"

Day 3 - "Little Helper"

Day 4 - "Kind heart"

Day 5 - "Visiting the kids"

Monday. "Let's talk about kindness"


Conversation on the topic: "My good deeds"

Purpose: To clarify the concept of children about good and bad deeds develop the ability to critically evaluate deeds, cultivate attention and a positive attitude towards beautiful deeds a feeling of condemnation of negative manifestations in the behavior of others to cultivate a desire to show a positive quality of life. Exercise children to express their thoughts in complete grammatical correct sentences, to cultivate expressiveness of speech.

Reading fiction: G. Shalaeva “Rules of conduct for educated children.

Listening to audio recordings of songs about kindness: "If you are kind" muses.

M. Plyatskovsky, words by B. Savelyev from the cartoon "The Birthday of the Cat Leopold", "Kindness" from the cartoon "The Adventures of Funtik the Pig", "What is kindness?" (group "Barbariki").

Making a "piggy bank of good deeds"


P / s "Quiet-tibi-spirit"

Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

D / game "What does it mean to be kind

Labor activity: watering a flower garden on the group's site

Goal: Education of behavior and positive relationships between children: the ability to work together and in concert, to bring collective work to the desired result with common efforts, to kindly evaluate the work of comrades, to take care of a comrade, to help him, etc.


Team Building Game: "Magic Pictures"

Target : cultivating the habit of evaluating one's contribution to teamwork.

Tuesday. "Courtesy Day"


Conversation on the topic: "Politeness"

Goal: To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, follow the rules of etiquette, using images as an example literary heroes stimulate positive behaviors and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should state your requests in a polite tone.

Reading by V. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad”

Drawing: "Warm hands"

Purpose: to continue to introduce non-traditional technique drawing (palm); develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop motor skills.

Word game "Compliments"

Purpose: to teach children to find good features in each other, to say compliments and nice things to each other.


ball game « Kind and polite words» .

Purpose: to exercise children in pronunciation polite words, accuracy, dexterity when receiving the ball from the teacher; develop a culture of communication.


Team Building Games: "Mouse and Mousetrap"

Purpose: to teach children to overcome problems.

Wednesday. "Little Helper Day"


Conversation on the topic: "Helping parents at home"

Word game: "The wind blows on ..."

Purpose: stimulation of activity, development of cohesion, development of attention, removal of muscle tension.

Memorizing a poem about kindness

Help the junior teacher in setting the table.


Didactic game: "All the way around"

Purpose: to teach children to form verbs-antonyms.

Outdoor game: "Geese - swans"

Purpose: To develop endurance in children, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice dodging. Promote the development of speech.

Labor activity: garbage collection at the group site

Goal: Raising the right attitude of children to their own work: diligence, willingness to participate in any work, not avoiding unpleasant work, the desire to bring every task to the end and the habit of labor effort, etc.


Thursday. "Good Hearts Day"


Conversation on the topic: "Good and Evil"

Purpose: To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, bring up desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that one can call kind a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To teach to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to other people.

ER. Modeling "hearts" from salt dough

Purpose: To introduce the technique of testoplasty, to promote the development of interest in modeling from salt dough. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy.


Didactic game: "I'll think a little, clap my hand"

Purpose: to teach children to form adjectives from nouns.

Outdoor games: "Traps"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to analyze their behavior, comparing it with generally accepted norms.


Word game: "Steam locomotive"

Purpose: To teach children to overcome isolation, passivity.

Friday. "Friendship Day"


Conversation on the topic: "A good friend is known in trouble"

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​what a true friend knows how to empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

Game: magic hands

Purpose: to optimize relationships in the group by stimulating bodily contact between children; overcoming egocentrism, emotional alienation in preschoolers.

Application. Making gifts for children of the younger group


Didactic game: "Evaluate the act"

Purpose: with the help of plot pictures, develop ideas about good and bad deeds, characterize and evaluate actions, cultivate sensitivity, goodwill.

Outdoor games: "Snake"

Goal: Development of dexterity and coordination, the ability to act in concert


Word game: "Names-qualities"

Purpose: To develop a sense of self-worth, self-respect.

Counting emoticons in the piggy bank of good deeds. Surprise moment: a gift to the group.

Scenario "Day of good deeds" joint entertainment with parents and children of senior preschool age

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna, music director of the Kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of joint entertainment with parents. This script can be used by music directors and preschool educators. The scenario of the holiday is intended for children of senior preschool age.
Subject: Joint activities with parents
Leading educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: cause a positive emotional response, create an atmosphere of magic for children;
- to involve children in participation in a holiday;
- develop musical, dancing, singing abilities of children;
- Encourage children to actively participate in musical games;
Activities: communicative, playful, musical.
Members: children of the eldest and preparatory groups, music director, educators, parents
Preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning poetry
- learning songs


Presenter: Dear children and dear adults!
We are glad to see you and welcome you to this "GOOD" holiday! Today we learn a lot about kindness and politeness.

1 child: Why do people have so many lights and smiles?
There is, of course, no secret here:
The holiday here is the Day of Good Deeds!
2 child: It's been a truly wonderful day.
Which we have been waiting for so long
And today we want to tell you about that.
That our garden is famous for good deeds.

Presenter: It is no coincidence that the symbol of the Day of Good Deeds can become the Flower-Semitsvetik. This magical flower from a kind fairy tale by Valentin Kataev is a real symbol of the Good Miracle, and each of us can perform it. Just wishing is enough.
CLOWN FUNTIK comes out - holding a FLOWER in his hands
Funtik: I found a Flower - and it withered ...
He was raised by children not for a month or two,
all kind words were whispered to him in the morning.

But something suddenly happened to him,
wilted flower, my best friend

Presenter: What's happened? Sad look? Does something hurt you?
Funtik: Found a flower
And it dried up...
And I feel sorry for such a flower.
Presenter: Help FLOWER? Help Flower! Perhaps I know -
Help everyone, always, in everything GOOD DEED!
Funtik: And what are GOOD DEEDS?
Presenter: Good deeds are GOOD WORDS!
For us to be GOOD
Need "HELLO!" speak
To everyone whoever you meet, the children know this.

I stood up this morning Hand on chest
Hello! - the sun said the second hand on the chest
hello golden sun hands up
Hello, blue sky, hands to the sides,
Hello morning One hand forward
Hello day Second hand ahead
We are not too lazy to say hello! Both hands on chest
Funtik: And now we will play kind words.

Ball game "Kind and polite words." Children are standing. The adult picks up the ball and starts the game. He calls any kind or polite word and throws the ball to one of the children. The one who catches the ball comes up with a new word, calls it and throws the ball to another child.
Funtik: Good words, perhaps not enough
What hasn't been enough yet?
Children: To teach goodness
From childhood they teach us WORK
Here are scattered toys - a pyramid, rattles
The guys and I will go and put things in order

GAME "COLLECT THE PYRAMID" (2-3 large pyramids)

Children: WITH good deed easier to live
And be friends with work
Soap foams in the trough,
We erase, look!
Dance "Big Wash"

Children: Try to give people warmth,
Participation and care
After all, in life it is important what you are,
It doesn't really matter who you are.
The song "We love to go to kindergarten"

Funtik: Kindness lives in the world only with good heart, children.
We need to help adults, grandmothers. respect grandparents.
Games "Help grandma and grandpa!"

1. Help bring granny home with a shopping bag with groceries.

2. Help a visually impaired grandfather cross the roadway.

Funtik: Look, our FLOWER
Spread your petal!
May my flower be with you.
He will fulfill all desires.

Our holiday is coming to an end, but we will not be sad.
May all dreams come true for joy kind people!
See you soon!

DC "Watercolor"

"Day of Kindness and Politeness in Kindergarten"

Educator: Saburova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Novosibirsk, st. Sibiryakov-Guards 27/1


Target: Formation of a culture of communication between children.


To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality;

- Encourage the child to do good deeds;

- Teaching children to convey emotional condition person through facial expressions, gestures, as well as in speech or drawing.

Sounds music "Kindness" (from m / f "Funtik"). Children go into the hall and sit down. The host greets guests.

Presenter 1.:

Guys, today in our kindergarten is the Day of Politeness and Kindness.

Let's smile at each other, our smiles will immediately become brighter.

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, greet:

Good morning!

Good morning!

Sun and birds!

Good morning!

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trustworthy...

Let Good morning

Lasts until the evening.

Presenter 1.:

Guys, we received a letter from the Good Fairy. Let's read it.

“The forest where I live has been attacked by the Queen of Evil and Rudeness. She bewitched everything around: the grass dries, the flowers wither, all the trees are in the cobwebs. The birds have not sung their songs for a long time, and the animals, the forest dwellers, have fallen into hibernation, they do not even hear how their little children cry from hunger, cold and loneliness. AND

she captured me. Help me, get me out of trouble. Execute. please, the tasks that the Queen of Evil and Rudeness has prepared for you, and then she will let me go and I can help the forest and its inhabitants.

Help me, help me out of trouble."

Presenter 2.: Children, help Fairy?

Today we learn a lot about kindness and politeness. Do you guys think you're kind? (answer children) Polite (responsible children) Well done guys, very good answers!

For your answers, you get the first dobrinka in our piggy bank!

Let's get started with the first task.

Exercise 1.:

Game with a ball "Kind and polite words"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher picks up the ball and starts the game. He calls any kind or polite word and throws a ball to one of the children. The one who catches the ball comes up with a new word, calls it and throws it to another child. A glomerulus is not caught if he did not like this word or it is unpleasant. Well done guys, you know a lot of kind and polite words and for this you get a second dobrinka.

Task 2.:

Presenter 1:

Everyone knows that in fairy tales there is good and evil. In order for life to be like in a good fairy tale with a good ending, you and I need to be kind and polite, and for this we need to know a lot of polite words. Guys, let's play a game with you and show you what polite words we know (explanation of the rules of the game: I ask you for something, you do it only if I say the magic word - PLEASE. For example: "Children, stand up, please . ", etc. (children get up.)

Game Please.

For your dexterity and knowledge of polite words, you get the third dobrinka.

Presenter 2.:

Task 3.:

And the third task is that you and I will have to name the good deeds that we can do.

(Children name good deeds).

The fourth dobrinka gives to our piggy bank!

Presenter 1.: Now we will complete the fourth task

Task 4.:

Magic chair game

The children stand in a circle, the teacher puts a chair in the center of the circle and says: “Now I will touch this chair with my magic wand, and it will instantly become magical. And its magic lies in the fact that if someone sits on this chair, the surrounding people immediately begin to say only good words about this person (child). An adult invites one of the children to sit on the "magic chair" and immediately begins to say something nice about this child. Then the “magic” wand offers the child, who is standing to the right of the teacher, and he continues to say kind words about the pupil sitting on the chair. The adult gives each participant the opportunity to speak, and then asks the child sitting on the chair how he felt and whether he was pleased to hear kind words addressed to him. Then another child is invited to sit on the "magic" chair. Game continues.

For being so friendly and kind, you get the fifth dobrinka.

Presenter 2.:

And now we invite you to dance a cheerful good dance "Dance of Good".

Our piggy bank replenishes the sixth dobrinka.

Here we have accumulated dobrinok. You have completed all the tasks that the Queen of Evil and Rudeness sent us. And now the Good Fairy will be able to return to the forest and help the animals. And you guys are great, you did a very good deed today.

And we will continue to do good deeds until the evening and every day, and we will only say kind words to each other, which everyone is pleased to hear.

Presenter 1.:

And in parting, I want to treat you all with a magic caramel, which will help you, children, learn poems and proverbs about kindness, do good deeds, protect kids and everyone who needs help. After all, only he is handsome and generous in soul, in whom there is no anger!

The teacher distributes food.

On November 13, 2019, in many countries of the world, including Russia, the International Day of Kindness is celebrated. For this holiday, morning performances are held in kindergartens, exhibitions of drawings and crafts are organized.

We offer a possible children's holiday dedicated to Kindness Day.

The scenario of the holiday "Day of Kindness" in kindergarten

The host congratulates the children on the holiday and asks the question: “Guys, what is kindness?” The children answer the question.

Then the children read the verses:
– What is kindness?
This is the sun in the morning
When the bird choir is spring
We sing about warming.

– What is kindness?
This is a rainbow arc
that hung over the river,
The rain is warm mischievous.

– What is kindness?
Those are my mother's eyes
Her hands touch
And a smile of approval.

Then, according to the scenario of the children's holiday "Day of Kindness", the presenter will read the letter of the Good Fairy to the children. She was captured by the Wicked Sorceress. To save the fairy, the guys will have to complete various tasks.

Further, the holiday "Day of kindness" for children will continue the game "Kind words". The teacher calls a kind word and throws the ball to one of the guys. The guys should also say kind words, passing the ball in a circle.

Then the guys should list the good things that people do. And finally, say as many good words about your friends as possible.

The song “If you are good” is performed (lyrics by A. Khait, music by B. Savelyev):

The rain passed barefoot on the ground,
Maples clapped on the shoulders.
If a clear day is good
And when it's the other way around, it's bad.
Hear how they ring in the sky high
Sun rays strings.
If you are kind, it is always easy,
And when it's the other way around, it's hard.
Share your joy with everyone
Scattering laughter loudly.
If you sing songs, it's more fun with them,
And when it's the other way around, it's boring.

“Well done guys, you did all the tasks! So, we helped the Good Fairy out of trouble, ”says the presenter.

Then, according to the scenario of the “Day of Kindness” holiday, the Good Fairy appears in front of the children in kindergarten and reads poetry:

Kindness is for all people
May there be more good ones.
They say not in vain when they meet:
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
And it is not for nothing that we have
Wish "Have a good time!".
Kindness - it is from the century
Decorates a person.

The fairy invites the children to dance with her. And the holiday dedicated to the “Day of Kindness” in the kindergarten will end with the performance of the song “From a Smile” (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky):

From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
Share your smile
And she will return to you more than once ...