What is a family essay. What is the meaning of the word family (School essays). Ideal family - composition

Essay 1

Every person loves and appreciates his home and his family. After all, the house is considered its own fortress, where you can hide from any life's adversity, and the people who live in it, who will always understand and support in difficult times - this is the family. And its role for each of us is huge. After all, all the first sensations and ideas of a person are connected with the family, when he is just beginning to realize the world. And subsequently, it is in the family that such human concepts as love and care are formed. No wonder the family is called the cell of society, small homeland. In it, the human personality is formed, the upbringing of the individual takes place. Therefore, it usually depends on what kind of family a person had, and what he became. For me, my family is the most important thing in my life.

The family for everyone is those very beloved and dear people who have been with him since childhood. And the main role in creating a family hearth belongs, of course, to the mother. A woman can be a brilliant specialist in any field, however, her most important role in society, something that no man can cope with, is the creation of a family. Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. All housework was assigned to her. In addition, she had to create such a homely environment so that the rest of the family would feel the warmth and comfort of home, feel like a family - a single whole. This is a very difficult and responsible job, but a woman has always coped with it. Times are very different now. A woman is busy at work, and there is less and less time left for home. However, even now, as many years ago, she takes care of the house, creates, supports and strengthens the family. Mom is the closest person to me. I believe that the head of our family is, after all, my mother.

Of course, for the family to be good and friendly, the strength of the mother alone is not enough. All family members should make efforts to create a family climate. After all, the family is, first of all, a team.

Family traditions are very important so that each person in the family feels like a member of it, has something in common with other relatives. And, of course, every family has its own dates that are remembered by everyone, their own family holidays. Our family is looking forward to their coming, because they bring joy to all of us. But not only this is good family traditions. Spending the evening with their parents, children also feel like full-fledged members of the family, and this unites us very much.

It is important that in any family there is trust and mutual understanding, love and care for each other. The family is good because here a person always remains himself, and under no circumstances will they stop loving him, they will always understand and support him. The family is the most important support for any person, which should always remain with him.

Essay 2

I can’t say that our family is somehow very different from other families in our country. There is nothing unusual and outstanding in it. However, for me it is the best.

I love my father very much. For work, he often has to travel on long business trips, so he is rarely at home. However, when he arrives, there is always a holiday in our family. With my father, I always have fun and interesting. He knows a lot and knows how, he always finds something useful and useful. interesting work in which I can also help him.

I love my mom at all less dad. For me, my mother is the dearest and closest person. She will always support and help, give practical advice. My mom knows a lot. She cooks very well, knows how to sew and knit. Our house is always clean and comfortable, and this is the merit of our mother. I love talking with her, and from each conversation I learn a lot of new and interesting things for myself.

I have a younger brother. He is naughty, playful, but still I love him very much. He loves to play with me.

Our grandmother is a respected person. She is a war and labor veteran. She has many awards for selfless work during the Great Patriotic War. It is interesting to listen to your grandmother when she talks about the war years. Our grandmother is very kind and never gets angry.

There are also animals in our house. We have two cats and parrots. They also feel comfortable here and know that they are loved here. Our family is very friendly, that's why she is the best for me.

Essay 3

Family is people who are closer than anyone to find. That's why family is so important to me, why I cherish it so much.

My family is not big. I have a mom, dad and older brother. I love my mother very much. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, I always count on her support and help. She always pays a lot of attention to my brother and me, she always listens and advises. You can talk about everything with her, and this is very important. It’s good when there is such a person from whom you don’t need to hide anything. Mom works at a factory as an engineer. She is a good and competent specialist, she is appreciated at work.

My dad works in construction. He is the head of a large construction and installation division. This is a very serious job that requires knowledge, tremendous experience and the ability to work with subordinates. However, in the family, he does not look like a big boss. He is very kind and never raises his voice. It's always interesting with him. He reads a lot and always has something interesting to say. Work is not the only interest in his life. He also plays sports and is interested in history. My brother and I have long conversations with my father. From these conversations you always learn something new and useful for yourself.

My brother decided to become a doctor. He made this decision a long time ago and is doing everything to make his dream come true. The brother did not want to follow in the footsteps of his parents and choose an engineering specialty. The career of a doctor attracts him much more. Now he is intensively studying biology and chemistry, independently studying additional material in order to enter a medical school. It is known how difficult it is to enter there, and in general, what it is hard work- to be a doctor. However, my brother is confident in his choice, and I am surprised by his determination and wish him success.

We also have another resident. This is our kitten. He appeared with us recently, but none of us can imagine our family without this charming and sweet creature. Some will say that an animal cannot belong to the family, but I am ready to argue with that. Everyone considers our kitten a full-fledged member of the family.

Our family is very friendly. And she means a lot to me. I want her to always remain so, and I myself do everything so that others feel my support and contribution to strengthening our family.

Each person sooner or later comes to the understanding that the creation of a family, the continuation of one's kind is no less, and perhaps even more important than professional realization, than career growth. It is very important to understand this in time and build your life in accordance with the most important universal values, the first and decisive among which is the family.
Today, unfortunately, manifestations of aggressiveness, anger, enmity are frequent in society - the time in which you live is not chosen. In such situation family relationships is a source of kindness and philanthropy, tranquility and security. Difficulties are more easily experienced in a family, hardships go away, self-confidence and self-confidence appears when you are surrounded by understanding, care and love. It is here that a person gets the opportunity to mitigate the consequences of those failures and troubles that surround him at work, on the street, to receive the necessary support, a charge of vivacity, strength for later life. Like-minded people, friends, helpers - happy is the one who can call his loved ones that way. A strong family- not a gift presented by a happy occasion, it is a daily work, where love, respect and responsibility form the basis of relationships.
I am lucky that I can call my family the most reliable rear. Mom, dad, grandmother, aunt are support, protection, support in difficult situation and source of joy. happy childhood and stable youth I owe to my relatives, to endure troubles, not to break under the weight of problems, my beloved people help not to harden my heart.
Living in a family, thinking about it, saying the word "family", we do not pay attention to what it really is, what a family is for us and how it affects each of us. Yes, someone will be able to formulate this concept, will be able to express their opinion, their thoughts, everything said will be accurate and correct, but the deep meaning of this can not be understood immediately.

So what is a family? Mom, dad, brother, sister? In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov we read: “Family - 1. A group of relatives living together (husband and wife, parents with children). 2. Unity, the union of people united by common interests. I agree with all of these definitions. But the main meaning of the word "family" for me is a value that must be cherished and should not be lost in any case.

The one who does not have a family (sadly, in our time there are more and more such people), has nothing. Family is everything. This is joy, happiness, well-being, love, mutual assistance. Family is a place where you will always be understood, where you will always be helped. I think that this is the main purpose of the family. It is the main wealth, along with health, happiness, and should be in every person.
How do those who have divorced parents feel, who have a family, as they say now, inferior, who have no children or parents? They feel loneliness, lack of attention, care, love and home warmth. And those who have no family at all? Darkness creeps into their hearts, thousands of questions and doubts arise, self-doubt appears. There are times when a person loses a family or native person. Then suddenly the usual way of life collapses, suddenly the world changes for the worse. Uncertainty comes, questions arise. A person does not know how to live on and what to do. The absence of a family deprives a person of what is vital to him.

Everything happens in life. There are dangerous moments, different situations, when it is impossible to do without the help of relatives and friends. This is where the indispensability of the family comes into play.
Family is the most important goal in my life! Strong, friendly, big, with its own traditions and holidays. My parents and grandparents built a great family in which I grew up, so happy and so cheerful. And every day, every minute I miss the house, where my mother will gently hug me, my father will give me advice, my grandmother will calm and regret ... This is the kind of family I want for myself in the future! With a kind and beloved husband and wonderful children!

Cool! 4

Essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a family?"

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word family? What feelings fill the soul?
Immediately comes a sense of security, warmth and comfort. The closest and dearest people pop up before my eyes. Those people who care about me worry when I fail and worry when I feel bad. The family is a close-knit circle of people dear to my heart, who have been raising me since childhood and wishing me success and happiness.

In this family circle, everyone supports each other, the misfortune of one person becomes grief and concern for everyone else, and if someone is visited by a happy occasion, joyful days will also come for relatives.

In a family, you can be who you really are. Indeed, very often at school or among friends, you have to follow your opinion or share other people's interests, and the family always loves you, even when you are imperfect or in a bad mood. It is in the family that they teach the most important thing - to be a worthy and responsible member of society, to distinguish good from evil, to share and help others, to respect elders and take care of the weaker and defenseless. Everything with which we will have to enter adulthood is given by the people around us.

Each family member plays a special role in it. Tenderness, love and care of mother will support even the saddest person in the world. Next to dad, you can not be afraid of anyone and always be under his protection. Grandparents will gladly share their knowledge and wisdom of the past years, helping in the most intricate and complex issues.

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It is so wonderful when mutual respect, love and willingness to help reign in the family! In a good family circle, any person becomes better and happier. Generous, attentive and contented people grow up in such families.
But sometimes it happens that the family seems to fall ill. In it, relatives often quarrel over trifles, envy and offend each other. A person feels as if in a cold and uncomfortable room because of misunderstanding and indifference of others.

In such a family, the mechanism of self-destruction is triggered, and it itself begins to collapse from the inside. A member of such a family is unhappy and makes his loved ones unhappy. Inside a person, as if something burns out, and he loses respect for relatives, ceases to believe in sincerity and kindness, does not expect mutual assistance, and having lost all these qualities, he begins to lose himself as a person. After all, a person without a family is like a tree that has lost its roots.

In these families, it seems to me, there is no one guilty of quarrels, everyone has a share of the blame. Adult and reasonable family members are required to have wisdom, understanding and patience with elderly relatives and babies. Having managed to become an example for their children, they will provide themselves with a calm and happy old age among sincerely loving and always grateful people.

Therefore, I always try to make the atmosphere in my family a little better. For example, I try to avoid unnecessary quarrels and insults. I help when my help or care is needed. And in response, I feel how parents give their huge love and support, thanks to which there is confidence that everything will be fine in my life as long as my family and close people are nearby!

Many people often ask the question: “What is a family?”. In my opinion, a family is those people who understand and accept you. A lot of unpleasant, terrible and difficult things can happen in life. It happens that a person is left alone, loses the closest and dearest people. But your real family should always be with you and accept you no matter what.

When we hear the word "family", of course, our thoughts go straight to Mom and Dad. After all, they are the most important thing that we have in life. Parents take care of us, educate us, give us great warmth and are proud of us in any situation. Grandparents give their grandchildren endless attention and affection. They are the people who will never judge their child, will always support and lend their shoulder, even if not so strong.

Things don't always go smoothly in a family. Our difficulties at school can affect the mood of our parents, because sometimes we make them very upset. We get bad grades, we indulge. Parents work hard and get very tired, so you need to try not to upset your parents in order to maintain a positive, friendly and trusting atmosphere in the family.

The family is always associated with warmth, tenderness, mutual understanding and protection. Each family member is important and valuable in itself. To maintain a good relationship, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of each member and respect any decision taken, you need to accept relatives as they are. Support in all endeavors, solve problems together and trust each other.

But do not forget that the family is not necessarily mom and dad, grandparents, uncle and aunt. The closest and dearest people can be friends, teammates, teachers - all those people to whom we are imbued with all our soul and who remain forever in our hearts.

More essays on the topic: “What is a family?”:

Family is very important in the life of every person. The family is the closest, dear people whom we love very much, who give us warmth and help in difficult situations. It is also a home, cozy and safe. Family is your little world, in which everything is understandable, familiar and expensive.

The family is the foundation of our society. Once our parents fell in love with each other and decided to get married. Then children appeared in their family. And in a few years we ourselves will become adults and want to create our own family.

A real family is more than just being relatives. This is a special relationship to each other, love, mutual respect, help. This is when each person is unique and irreplaceable, like what he brings to the family. These are grandmother's tales and delicious pies, this is mother's care, father's help and attention. A family is when even your pet animal is its full member.

Unfortunately, families are different, as are the relationships in them. For example, someone constantly quarrels with each other, and it happens that they can even fight. And sometimes it’s quite the opposite - everyone in the family seems to be completely indifferent to each other, they are not interested in business, interests, or problems, they don’t know who lives what. There are many jokes about this. For example, about how a father picks up someone else's child from kindergarten. It seems to me that in all such stories there is a grain of sad truth.

Everyone dreams of happy family. But it depends on us, on how much we are ready to put our efforts into it. After all, these are personal relationships between people of different generations, views and beliefs, who are forced to constantly solve everyday issues together. Of course, there are conflicts and disputes. But I think the most important thing is to respect each other. The main mistake of people in family relationships, in my opinion, is that they begin to take each other for granted. They are no longer afraid to offend, to hurt. We are always polite with strangers, but at home you can yell at someone, because it's yours!

Native people are a gift of fate that we should appreciate. And the family is our reliable shelter in a large, not always friendly world. And each of us must necessarily contribute to the happiness of his family.

Source: ycilka.net/tvir.php?id=318#ixzz4gt2DgLQk

Essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a family?"

The family is a small unit of society. The concept of “Family” is different for each person, but almost always it is associated with the most dear and dear people to us. Family is when you love and love you, not for any merit, but simply for what you are.

Family implies a high degree of trust between close people. We trust our parents, and our parents trust us, and so on down the chain. From the word family breathes warmth and comfort, kindness and love. The family can be associated not only with kindness and love, but also with difficulties and hardships. It is very difficult to build a strong and friendly family but you should always strive for it.

When I grow up, I want my family to be like this! I will strive for this.

Family ... And immediately comfort, kindness, sincerity, safety come to mind. The family is the closest and dearest people who wish us only the best. It is the family that will support and help in difficult situations, from pure heart rejoice for success or victory.

The family is the focus of people in which you can be yourself, because you are loved the way you are. In a real family, mutual respect, mutual assistance, and boundless love reign. Everyone plays a special role: the mother's tenderness and affection always support harmony in the family, thanks to the father's firm word, you can feel confident, grandmother's or grandfather's wise thought will help solve any situation.

A striking example is the works of Leo Tolstoy, who often touched on family relationships in his robots. Lev Nikolaevich wrote that happiness is family and it can be known only in the warm circle of the family. In his novel "Family Happiness" Tolstoy describes family relationships with all domestic quarrels and misunderstanding of the spouses. But nothing is perfect, and in almost every family there may be some misunderstanding, but the author also reveals real family happiness in his work. We see how at the beginning of the novel Masha falls in love with Sergei Mikhailovich, how they go through difficulties. But at the end of the novel, they realize that the romance of their relationship has passed, and another love opens before them, love for children, wives for husbands, for family warmth, this is already a different stage in their relationship, a different life. And is there any doubt that happiness is family.

I can't help but recall Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky's social and everyday story Kaidasheva Family. The work depicts contradictions, quarrels, family difficulties. The story evokes a strange feeling of "laughter through tears." Kaidashi is an example of self-destruction. They themselves destroyed everything extremely important that exists in human life - kindness, mutual understanding between close people, sincerity, homeliness, dignity. The upper hand in the Kaidash family is taken by some diabolical force of destruction, which suddenly resonates in them, hard-working people. It is terrible to imagine that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sons and father can quarrel so among themselves. It all started with pampering, and ended in tragedy. I think the family itself is to blame. adults smart people should have at least a drop of wisdom to save each other from quarrels. As for me, the worst thing was that all the arguments and disagreements took place in front of the children. Parents should be an example for their descendants, because then in their families there will also be no such thing as peace, harmony and respect.

So, we can say with confidence that in a real family, first of all, mutual respect should reign, and then there will be peace, tenderness, care, love. Parents, be an example for your children! Let your descendants dream of having the same family as you had.

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1. Ideal family - essay

Every person loves and appreciates his home and his family. After all, the house is considered its own fortress, where you can hide from any life's adversity, and the people who live in it, who will always understand and support in difficult times - this is the family. And its role for each of us is huge. After all, all the first sensations and ideas of a person are connected with the family, when he is just beginning to realize the world around him. And subsequently, it is in the family that such human concepts as love and care are formed. No wonder the family is called a cell of society, a small homeland. In it, the human personality is formed, the upbringing of the individual takes place. Therefore, it usually depends on what kind of family a person had, and what he became. For me, my family is the most important thing in my life.

The family for everyone is those very beloved and dear people who have been with him since childhood. And the main role in creating a family hearth belongs, of course, to the mother. A woman can be a brilliant specialist in any field, however, her most important role in society, something that no man can cope with, is the creation of a family. Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. All housework was assigned to her. In addition, she had to create such a homely environment so that the rest of the family would feel the warmth and comfort of home, feel like a family - a single whole. This is a very difficult and responsible job, but a woman has always coped with it. Times are very different now. A woman is busy at work, and there is less and less time left for home. However, even now, as many years ago, she takes care of the house, creates, supports and strengthens the family. Mom is the closest person to me. I believe that the head of our family is, after all, my mother.

Of course, for the family to be good and friendly, the strength of the mother alone is not enough. All family members should make efforts to create a family climate. After all, the family is, first of all, a team.

Family traditions are very important so that each person in the family feels like a member of it, has something in common with other relatives. And, of course, every family has its own dates that are remembered by everyone, their family holidays. Our family is looking forward to their coming, because they bring joy to all of us. But not only these family traditions are good. Spending the evening with their parents, children also feel like full-fledged members of the family, and this unites us very much.

It is important that in any family there is trust and mutual understanding, love and care for each other. The family is good because here a person always remains himself, and under no circumstances will they stop loving him, they will always understand and support him. The family is the most important support for any person, which should always remain with him.

2. My family - an essay for grades 1, 2, 3

I can’t say that our family is somehow very different from other families in our country. There is nothing unusual and outstanding in it. However, for me it is the best.

I love my father very much. For work, he often has to travel on long business trips, so he is rarely at home. However, when he arrives, there is always a holiday in our family. With my father, I always have fun and interesting. He knows a lot and knows how, he always finds a useful and interesting job, in which I can also help him.

I love my mom just as much as my dad. For me, my mother is the dearest and closest person. She will always support and help, give practical advice. My mom knows a lot. She cooks very well, knows how to sew and knit. Our house is always clean and comfortable, and this is the merit of our mother. I love talking with her, and from each conversation I learn a lot of new and interesting things for myself.

I have a younger brother. He is naughty, playful, but still I love him very much. He loves to play with me.

Our grandmother is a respected person. She is a war and labor veteran. She has many awards for selfless work during the Great Patriotic War. It is interesting to listen to your grandmother when she talks about the war years. Our grandmother is very kind and never gets angry.

There are also animals in our house. We have two cats and parrots. They also feel comfortable here and know that they are loved here. Our family is very friendly, that's why she is the best for me.

3. Composition - 5, 6 grade

Family is people who are closer than anyone to find. That's why family is so important to me, why I cherish it so much.

My family is not big. I have a mom, dad and older brother. I love my mother very much. Wherever I am, whatever happens to me, I always count on her support and help. She always pays a lot of attention to my brother and me, she always listens and advises. You can talk about everything with her, and this is very important. It’s good when there is such a person from whom you don’t need to hide anything. Mom works at a factory as an engineer. She is a good and competent specialist, she is appreciated at work.

My dad works in construction. He is the head of a large construction and installation division. This is a very serious job that requires knowledge, tremendous experience and the ability to work with subordinates. However, in the family, he does not look like a big boss. He is very kind and never raises his voice. It's always interesting with him. He reads a lot and always has something interesting to say. Work is not the only interest in his life. He also plays sports and is interested in history. My brother and I have long conversations with my father. From these conversations you always learn something new and useful for yourself.

My brother decided to become a doctor. He made this decision a long time ago and is doing everything to make his dream come true. The brother did not want to follow in the footsteps of his parents and choose an engineering specialty. The career of a doctor attracts him much more. Now he is intensively studying biology and chemistry, independently studying additional material in order to enter a medical school. It is known how difficult it is to enter there, and in general, what a difficult job it is to be a doctor. However, my brother is confident in his choice, and I am surprised by his determination and wish him success.

We also have another resident. This is our kitten. He appeared with us recently, but none of us can imagine our family without this charming and sweet creature. Some will say that an animal cannot belong to the family, but I am ready to argue with that. Everyone considers our kitten a full-fledged member of the family.

Our family is very friendly. And she means a lot to me. I want her to always remain so, and I myself do everything so that others feel my support and contribution to strengthening our family.

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Family...how much meaning in that word. It is impossible to give a precise and comprehensive definition. Each field of knowledge, each scientific discipline, school, and what is there, each individual individual can give his own concept of a family that fits into a specific framework and conditions.

For me, the family is the primary unit of society. Why cell? Because society is a huge hive that works smoothly and is under constant control, and a separate cell is a small, isolated world, relatively independent and independent. Why primary? For the reason that it is in the family that the primary socialization of individuals takes place. It is in this microenvironment that a child, especially in the early stages of development, learns from his immediate environment (parents, relatives) basic knowledge about the world and society, moral, ethical and aesthetic norms, models of behavior and interaction in the process of interpersonal communication.

What a person saw day after day before his eyes, as a child and teenager, will largely affect how he will build behavior already in his own family.

An important influence on the formation of personality in the family circle is provided by the presence and degree of development of so-called family values ​​in the family.

These include mutual support and responsibility, love, protection, empathy. If all this is available, the family for a person becomes a safe harbor, a fortress, a place where they always love and wait.

The theme of the family, family values ​​has repeatedly become the object of many works of art. A striking example is the family adventure film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", based on the work of the same name by the English writer Ronald Dahl. In the final part of the picture, the main character is invited to make a choice: wealth, power, an interesting business, or his family. The boy chooses a family, for which he receives everything else in addition, since he passed the test for the presence of moral and moral qualities.

Another example is the dystopian novel “Oh, wonderful new world by Aldous Huxley. Using the example of the organization of a totalitarian society, whose members are brought up exclusively by all kinds of systems and bodies created by the state, and such an institution as the family simply does not exist, one can analyze how this model of socialization affects individuals. In their worldview and worldview, people are absolutely identical, they do not have their own opinions and personal preferences (the source of the formation of which is a separate family environment). Thus, a submissive herd is nurtured, which is easy to manage - perfect option in terms of power.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that the family is an environment in which a person develops and turns from a biological organism into an independent person. Therefore, the state needs to support the institution of the family with all possible forces and means, since people are the basis of the state, its past, present and future.