What can not be pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy: by week and trimester. The dangers of malnutrition during pregnancy

The fact that pregnancy changes the life of a married couple and especially a woman is understandable and quite natural. After all, a new tiny little man, who a few weeks (or even days) ago appeared under the heart of a now future mother, requires special care. Now everything that happens to a pregnant woman is somehow connected with her unborn baby. Now a woman (it should be noted, conscious) plans her day with special care, devoting considerable space to rest and sleep, comfortable clothes and proper nutrition. Some women hang in the kitchen a list of foods prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. For those who have just begun to think about the question of what pregnant women should not eat, this article is dedicated.

The question of the diet of a pregnant woman is quite complicated initially, since, and then other “charms of a pot-bellied position”, it forms peculiar addictions or aversions to certain foods. It often happens that you don’t want useful products at all, but you’re drawn to some nasty things. That is why the issue of products that are dangerous from the point of view of health for the unborn baby must be given special attention.

If you take a responsible approach to the issue of nutrition during pregnancy, you will have to exclude certain foods, and the number of others will be significantly limited. But on the other hand, such actions will allow you not to undermine your own health and provide the body of the crumbs with everything you need, protecting it from the effects of harmful substances.

Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked

Fatty, salty, fried, spicy and smoked - greatly overload both the liver and gallbladder, increase the burden on the kidneys. In most cases, such products cause heartburn and exacerbate. This is due, first of all, to the fact that these organs during pregnancy are significantly displaced due to the growing uterus, which leads to their functioning in complicated conditions.

Be especially picky about smoked foods. Firstly, now there are practically no real smoked products on sale. In order to give them a specific smoked taste and aroma, manufacturers add a variety of chemical components. One of them is known as "liquid smoke". These foods contain substances called carcinogens, which cause cancer.

Products containing E-additives and other chemical additives

When buying products in a store, a pregnant woman should brush aside everything where it is written on the package that the product contains dyes, preservatives, antioxidants, stabilizers, emulsifiers, acidity regulators, thickeners, flavor and aroma enhancers, sweeteners, glazing agents, flour improvers.

These products include all colored creams, chewing gums and such beloved by many chewing sweets, caramel. The prohibited list includes a variety of aromatic spices, mayonnaises, ketchups, sauces, marinades. These products, containing a large amount of E-additives, dyes, preservatives and salt, are very dangerous for a pregnant woman and a baby growing under her heart. Of the known additives, E-102, E-202, E-122 are especially harmful.

If any product contains flavor enhancers (such as monosodium glutamate, nitrites) - immediately put these products aside. First of all, this applies to a variety of crackers, chips, sauces, crab sticks. The same applies to semi-finished products. This food is certainly good because it does not require a long time to cook. But think, at what price can you buy time? The health of your unborn child is worth it once again to strain and cook for yourself and your family something not only tasty, but also healthy.

Due to the diverse chemistry that is part of the soda and "sweet water", they will also have to be abandoned.

Canned products

Today, supermarket shelves are simply bursting with canned products. What is there: soups, juices, vegetables. But do not flatter yourself, because they contain preservatives and vinegar in very large quantities. It will not be superfluous to know that preservatives pose a danger to the health and development of the unborn baby, since they inhibit the synthesis of certain proteins. But it is protein that is the main building material for a growing and developing fetus. In addition, there is information that preservatives can cause the development of blood diseases and cancer.


Even if a pregnant woman cannot live without a morning cup, then for the sake of the health of her own baby, she will have to change her habit and slightly adjust her drinking habits. It is especially difficult for those women who, before pregnancy, treated coffee as a drug, drinking from 3 to 7 cups a day.

Firstly, coffee increases blood pressure, and this condition is very undesirable for a pregnant woman. Secondly, special studies found that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day doubled the risk of miscarriage. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is just being formed. Thirdly, coffee can cause insomnia, and, as you know, a pregnant woman needs a lot of quality rest. And how can you rest here if you can't sleep? Fourthly, this drink, beloved by many, removes from the body useful trace elements And . This is also very bad, because they are simply necessary for the normal development of the child.

All this applies to both freshly brewed and instant drinks. By the way, it is necessary to exclude other products containing caffeine. In particular, cola and various energy drinks. Black tea should be drunk lightly brewed and infrequently. This is because tea also contains caffeine, which in large quantities can cross the placenta and harm the baby.

Alcoholic drinks

It is unlikely that there will be at least one sane person who dares to assert that alcoholic beverages do not harm the body of a future mother and her baby. Even at first glance, harmless beer greatly increases the load on the kidneys, and they, as you know, during pregnancy already work with an increased load. Drinking beer while carrying a baby can cause severe swelling. And alcohol itself, especially in large quantities, adversely affects the emerging systems and organs of the fetus. It has the most harmful and dangerous effect on the child during the laying period. internal organs and systems, that is, in the first three months of pregnancy.

Some experts say that a glass of wine a week is quite acceptable for a pregnant woman. But the March of Dimes, a public benefit campaign against polio and its consequences, proved that even small doses of alcohol are not safe during pregnancy. And therefore, it does not hurt to think about whether it is worth using it at all, because alcohol creates an oxygen deficiency in the cells, and this leads to the fact that normal development is impossible. It has already been proven that even small doses of alcohol have a strong effect on intellectual ability future baby.


Chocolate is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system, and for a baby whose nervous system is not yet formed, it can be devastating. Of course, we are talking about quite large quantities. Therefore, a few pieces of chocolate a week can be afforded. But you also need to remember that chocolate can cause allergies. It happens that this allergy is manifested not in the mother herself, but in the child. There have been cases where a woman who had consumed quite a lot of chocolates a few days before giving birth gave birth to a child with obvious signs of an allergic reaction. Later, the allergy had to be removed with the help of suprastin.

Refined sugar and various sweets

Refined sugar, as well as marmalade, ice cream, sweets, cakes, muffins, pastries and other sweet yummy, unfortunately, are also blacklisted. They practically do not contain vitamins, but carbohydrates in them - a huge amount. In particular, products made from white flour do not contain such necessary vitamin E and vitamin B complex. Eating these products, and even in large quantities, the expectant mother is rapidly gaining weight. And this is bad for her health, and for the health of the baby, and for the upcoming birth. If we also remember that this kind of product contains a lot of dyes, stabilizers and other chemicals, which have already been mentioned above, then it is much easier to understand why these sweets are on the prohibited list.


Margarine is one of the extremely harmful products for absolutely any person. And what about a pregnant woman? It turns out that trans fats, which are found in margarine, can clog arteries and increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. This also applies to the future mother, and, unfortunately, her unborn baby. In addition, New Zealand scientists have found that eating margarine and margarine-containing products reduces mental capacity future child.

Poorly processed meat

Raw or undercooked meat is very dangerous, as it can contain a variety of bacteria that cause dangerous diseases. Among them - bird flu, listeriosis, mad cow disease. Moreover, it is recommended to take such products during cooking only with gloves. Meat and poultry must be cooked carefully and ensured that no traces of blood remain.

Some seafood

Certain varieties of fish are best avoided during pregnancy. This applies to mackerel, tuna, swordfish, shark, cabezon, shrimp. These seafood can cause severe allergies. Moreover, these types of fish contain quite high levels of methylmercury, which is bad for the brain and nervous system future baby. Fried fish is not recommended for pregnant women, as it is difficult to digest and increases the load on the liver and kidneys. Sushi is strictly prohibited.

Pregnant women should not consume milk purchased at the store, as well as homemade unpasteurized milk, certain types of cheeses (with mold: brie, camembert, Danish blue, gorgonzola, roquefort), raw eggs, juices from bags, nuts in large quantities. And if, after reading this list, it seems to you that the expectant mother can’t do anything delicious, don’t be discouraged. In fact, there are many different sweets that are recommended and very useful for the body of the expectant mother and her baby. But more on that next time.

Especially for- Olga Rizak

What not to do during pregnancy

Let's start with the most important - with prohibitions.

It's clear as God's day. For those who do not know, I will tell you why it is so harmful. The fact is that cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemical compounds, and while smoking, they safely enter the woman's blood and with her to the child.

What are the effects of maternal smoking on the baby?

  • shortfall weight and height
  • poorly developed lungs, which can then lead to development of asthma
  • sometimes even underdeveloped organs(e.g. fingers)
  • smoking mothers 3 times increase the risk of developing sudden death syndrome child
  • smoking is bad on the baby's brain, as a result, he may begin to suffer from impaired attention and poor memory.

These are just some of the consequences of smoking for your unborn baby. It's best if you decide to quit before you want to have a baby, as doctors not recommended to quit smoking during pregnancy.

Drink alcohol

Of course, a glass of wine or 200 ml of good beer once a month will not do that much. negative impact to the fruit. However still not to be abused, especially in the first trimester, when the foundation is laid for the construction of a new organism.

Avoid hard liquor. Alcohol can adversely affect the mental and physical condition of the child. In addition, it affects the nervous system of the baby. And alcoholics have a high probability of having a child with various malformations.

abuse caffeine

As such, the impact on the development of the child caffeine does not provide However, caffeine abuse can lead to to a miscarriage or premature birth(it all depends on the timing).

It is not worth giving up caffeine completely (unless, of course, there are special doctor's prescriptions). If you use less than 150 milligrams of caffeine per day, it can be quite safe. Try to drink drinks that are either decaffeinated or don't make your tea/coffee very strong. And of course, you should not drink several cups of coffee a day, as you did before pregnancy.

Eat certain types of food

Hair coloring

Modern hair dye has a very good quality, and the skin absorbs very little coloring pigment. However, it is better to use sparing paints, tinted balms - who knows how it really is?

And here from perm better to refrain altogether. These substances will definitely get into your bloodstream.

self tanning

There are no data on the effect of these drugs on the fetus. To be on the safe side, only use bronzers and self-tanners on your face, neck, shoulders, and chest.


The question is what vaccination to do. Again, check with your doctor about this. But even among them there are differences of opinion. For example, some people think that flu shot can reduce by 60% the chance of developing this disease in a child in the first year of life.

No matter what doubts you have, consult a doctor and listen to your body. After all - a period not only of working on oneself, but also indulging one's whims

Positive emotions, hiking, Fresh air, love, support, attention - all this is possible and necessary for pregnant women in unlimited quantities, due to the positive impact on their health and the development of the fetus. And what affects negatively up to provoking pathologies and threats of interruption? Let's discuss in the article "What can not be pregnant at an early stage."

The formation of all organs and systems of the crumbs is carried out at an early stage of pregnancy. To minimize the risk of developing anomalies, foods with harmful additives and those that can be dangerous to the fetus (allergens) should be excluded from the diet at this time. Additionally, it is recommended to refuse food that negatively affects the health of a woman and, thereby, complicates her already hard work - the process of bearing a baby.

Also, do not eat spicy, fatty, salty foods - these foods burden the liver, gastrointestinal tract (fatty) and make mom drink a lot of fluids. Water is good, but not in an interesting position when there is a risk of edema.

And categorically it is impossible to eat badly or monotonously. On early dates every trace element that enters the mother's body is important, affecting the child. Accordingly, the lack of these elements entails the development of severe pathologies. To exclude them, eat a variety of foods, excluding prohibited ones, and if necessary, use vitamin preparations.

Also, don't go hungry. This will not affect the figure in any way, but it will affect the development of the fetus.

What not to drink

The list of drinks that should not be consumed during pregnancy is a little less. It got into:

What Not to Do

To endure and give birth to a strong and healthy child, you should refuse:

At the same time, the question of how to sleep is not raised now. While there is no tummy, you can take any position of the body.

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not yet notice significant changes in their condition. The fact that there is a real miracle in the tummy is only reminiscent of morning sickness. At this stage, women are already beginning to lovingly stroke the still inconspicuous belly, talking with the baby, coming up with a name for him and guessing what color of undershirts they will have to order for their relatives for the baby’s birthday.

Despite the apparent ease of the condition, it is important now to treat your health as carefully as possible and understand that every action can affect the condition of the baby.

Important: more than 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

During gestation, you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper.

These aromas are ways to greatly invigorate a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also forbid chamomile, rosewood, and sandalwood oils.

What future moms really need is herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women put the herb in a cloth bag that they tie to the edge of the tub. In water, herbs begin to spread their beneficial properties.

What to wear in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are not recommended to purchase tight clothing that hinders movement. Wardrobe future mother should be free and very comfortable. You can not walk in high heels, because they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. In no case should you buy synthetic underwear, you should temporarily abandon the "thong" panties. You need to choose underwear made of cotton material and wear special bodices.

Cosmetical tools

In the early stages, the expectant mother should be very careful in choosing cosmetics. For the development of the baby, substances such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

Be healthy!

Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

Video - What not to do when pregnant

Most of the articles are aimed at telling what you can eat during pregnancy, but we will focus on what, on the contrary, you should not eat during these nine months. So what should pregnant women not eat? It is strictly forbidden to eat moldy cheeses, from goat's milk and all cheeses that are made from unpasteurized milk, so when buying cheese, carefully study what is written on the package. Cheese and unpasteurized milk products contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you should not eat smoked fish meat, pickling pickles, spicy fatty foods. It is also not recommended to drink coffee, tea, alcohol even in small quantities, try not to take medicines. At an early stage, the baby's body is formed, so you need to eat only healthy foods, saturating the body with vitamins.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, fatty and starchy foods should not be abused, especially in recent months. This can cause the fetus to enlarge and make childbirth difficult.

What should be the diet in the first trimester?

In the first trimester, a woman's diet should be four times a day. The menu for this period is not very different from the one before pregnancy, but the taste of the pregnant woman may change. But it’s better to get used to proper nutrition at an early stage, this will help get rid of toxicosis and provide a basis for proper development fetus. And at the beginning of pregnancy, you should limit yourself to spicy dishes, as well as spices, mustard, vinegar, pepper. Some dishes should be replaced, for example, it is better to eat boiled and stewed foods than fried ones. It is also very important to start the pre-prescription drugs that the doctor usually prescribes, here is their list of iodine, vitamin E, calcium and folic acid.

Also, you can’t drink coffee if the expectant mother drinks two or three cups a day, that is, there is a high probability that she does not bring the baby to the desired date and will give birth ahead of time. It is very important that the body accumulates enough iron during pregnancy, for this, eat buckwheat and nuts more often.

Second trimester nutrition

In the second trimester during this period of pregnancy, you should limit yourself to foods high in carbohydrates, as you can put on a lot of weight. Foods that are high in cholesterol are also undesirable; sausages, cheese, flour, lard, butter. In the second trimester, allergen foods should be excluded ( citrus family, strawberries) this is necessary so that the child does not have an allergy. Even in the second half of pregnancy, you should gradually get used to drinking less liquid, this will become useful in the third trimester. Also in the second trimester, you should arrange a fasting day from fruits or sour-milk products.

Third trimester nutrition

In the third trimester, the requirements for food intake are the most stringent. First, we limit ourselves in the use of liquids to one liter per day, soups are also taken into account. We do this to avoid swelling and toxicosis. You also need to limit salt intake and reduce its amount to five grams per day. All meals and salads should only be prepared with vegetable oil. And do not forget to arrange days of unloading the body. In the very last month, it is worth giving up flour and fat altogether, this will reduce the weight of the child and thereby facilitate his arrival in our world.

It is forbidden to eat sweets before passing urine, this can lead to the fact that the analysis will show an increased level of glucose, you will have to take it again. Before the analysis, you can not eat onions, garlic, horseradish, and a variety of seasonings, this affects the smell of urine and can also lead to misdiagnosis. You can not eat beets, carrots the day before the test should be excluded from the diet of tea, juices, compote. It is also not advisable to take drugs.

With edema during the period of bearing a child, you need to limit yourself to fluid intake and the amount of salt that we add to food. To get rid of puffiness, you need to provide the pregnant woman with a good rest, not to let her overwork and stay in the sun as little as possible. You can drink decoctions of herbs or fruit drinks, which are diuretics. And in traditional medicine There is a very large variety of recipes for how to deal with puffiness.

Decoctions of diuretic herbs help a lot; horsetail, bear ears, bearberry, hawthorn flowers and berries can be used. A decoction of dried apricots helps a lot with edema, just pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave until the morning in the morning, drink the decoction an hour before meals. There are many more different recipes and recommendations, but in no case do not do it. drug treatment without consulting a doctor. The most important thing is not to overwork more rest to engage in physical education, if there are no contraindications.

What foods are banned and why?

Everything that enters the body of the expectant mother, in one quantity or another, necessarily enters the child. Harmful substances and microorganisms may not greatly harm the gestating woman herself, at the same time, they will lead to various pathologies in the development of the fetus.

List of products that can harm instead of good:

  • - Raw, dried meat, insufficiently thermally processed dishes from it;
  • - certain dairy products: blue cheeses and unpasteurized (raw) milk;
  • - raw eggs and egg dishes (for example, homemade mayonnaise, soufflé, etc.);
  • - fish and seafood without heat treatment (sushi, shellfish), as well as Marine life, the meat of which contains a high amount of mercury (marlin, shark, swordfish, tuna, and even common pike);
  • - mushrooms are also not recommended for pregnant women due to the high risk of poisoning and poor digestion.

Is it possible to drink everything for those who are in a position?

Having figured out what is contraindicated for pregnant women to eat, it's time to consider drinking.

Needless to say, raw tap water is fraught with a lot of unpleasant surprises, not only for those who have a baby under their hearts. It is better to drink purified water or boiled in the form of weak tea, compote. A number of favorite and familiar drinks should be abandoned for a while.

First of all, we are talking about alcohol. Alcohol leads to anomalies in the physical and mental development of the future man.

It is better to exclude or minimize the use of an invigorating drink from aromatic grains. So that there is no doubt, it is enough to understand the question “why pregnant women can’t have coffee?”. Caffeine, which is part of the grains, leads to the following changes in the body:

  • - overstrain of the cardiovascular system;
  • - increase in pressure;
  • - strong excitation of the nervous system;

As a result, it can lead to such consequences as anxiety, hypertension, premature birth.

Carbonated drinks complicate the digestive process, delivering additional discomfort to the mother. Synthetic chemical substances that make up soda. They can provoke allergic reactions, obesity and even diabetes.

What herbs are harmful?

When the usual drinks are on the sidelines, it is likely that the thought will arise that it is better to drink herbal teas, various decoctions. You should not rush, because even well-known plants have a completely different effect on a woman who is expecting a child. By the nature of the effects of grass can be divided into categories:

  • - abortive (interrupting pregnancy): parsley, St. John's wort, barberry, lovage, oregano and many others;
  • - teratogenic (violating the processes of embryonic development): wormwood, some types of ginseng, Tangut rhubarb;
  • - toxic: celandine, mordovnik, wild rosemary, mistletoe, periwinkle, etc.;
  • - hormonal (changing hormonal levels): sage, hops, corn stigmas, St. John's wort, licorice.

In order not to harm yourself or your own baby, any herbs should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.

What fruit is better to look at than to eat?

“There should be a lot of fruit in the diet of a pregnant woman” is a golden rule that has its exceptions.

  • - Everything should be in moderation. For example, citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C, in excess, instead of increasing immunity, will provoke an allergic reaction in the expectant mother.
  • - Exotic is not appropriate. While carrying a child, you should not try innovations, as the result may be unpredictable. It is reliably known that fruits such as pineapple or papaya should not be eaten by pregnant women in the early stages. They can lead to the threat of miscarriage.
  • - Cleanliness inside and out. Fruits should be chosen carefully to avoid pesticide poisoning, and be sure to wash before eating.

The most common bans

Every woman during an interesting situation at least once had to hear that it was not worth doing this or that. Some taboos are folk omens and superstitions, others are justified warnings. What should be paid special attention to, and what can be left to personal discretion, we will analyze the points.

  • - A lot of discussions are being held on the topic “Why should pregnant women not raise their hands up?”. Some doctors explain this prohibition by the possible entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord, discharge amniotic fluid at the latest dates. The older generation talks about the likelihood of dizziness and fainting of a woman during demolitions. And at the same time, many successful mothers claim that such actions did not in any way affect the course of an interesting situation. The main role is played by the details that need to be focused on: a sharp movement of the hands in any direction, lifting weights, the general well-being of the future woman in labor, the duration of such a position of the hands. If we talk about specific examples, then a long raising of hands in order to hang a heavy curtain on the last lines can really provoke preterm labor. But smooth and accurate movements during special gymnastics will only be useful.
  • Why shouldn't pregnant women sit cross-legged? The question is not relevant in the last trimester, because this position is simply not convenient for the expectant mother due to physiological features. Crossed legs cause poor blood circulation in the pelvis and limbs. This can threaten varicose veins, pathologies of fetal development due to hypoxia. Obstetricians claim that such a posture can cause an incorrect position of the fetus.
  • - Every week it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to pick up comfortable posture for sleep. It is unacceptable to sleep on the stomach, and the sides hurt, and I really want to roll over on my back. But here, too, there is a ban. Why should pregnant women not sleep on their backs? The thing is that in this position, the grown tummy will create pressure on the spine, and especially the blood vessels (vena cava). Impaired blood circulation will cause a lack of oxygen in the baby and possible leg numbness, sometimes even convulsions in the expectant mother. Therefore, such a dream will not have a favorable effect on well-being.
  • - If some prohibitions are explained by changes in the physiological state, then why pregnant women should not cut their hair, it is impossible to substantiate from a scientific point of view. This is a persistent superstition that has no evidence of the dangers of such a procedure. Since ancient times, hair has been an indicator of vitality and beauty. Accordingly, cutting hair reduces vitality.

Why women with a tummy should not knit, walk under a rope or wires, buy things for a baby in advance, stroke homeless animals, and especially why it is not supposed to cut their hair - all these questions are very disturbing for expectant mothers. But they are purely psychological. Only those who exclusively believe in them should adhere to such taboos. The emotional state of the mother should be positive throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Those who carry a baby in their stomach are not recommended to walk in heels (due to a strong load on the spine and the risk of falling), to receive an excessive amount of ultraviolet rays (prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium can provoke oncological diseases). Take a hot bath, dye your hair, or do perm, flights or long trips are also undesirable.

What is absolutely impossible?

Under a strict ban for all expecting a baby:

  • - stress;
  • - smoking;
  • - the use of narcotic substances;
  • - medications without a doctor's prescription;
  • - excessive strength and physical activity.

What is possible and contraindicated in any matters (sex, the use of vitamin preparations, vaccination, cosmetic procedures etc.) will help to clearly understand the obstetrician-gynecologist. In each specific case, he will give qualified recommendations and explain what should not be done to those who have conceived a child in the early stages, what to pay close attention to in the second trimester, and why pregnant women should not be pulled up.

The restrictions that will be during the interesting position of a woman should be discussed with the doctor so that all temporary prohibitions contribute to the easy flow of this wonderful period and the correct formation of the unborn baby!