Congratulations to veterans on the victory of May 9th. Congratulations with gratitude to the veterans of the Second World War in your own words. Short congratulations to veterans

Great Victory Day - incredible important holiday for all countries that, being part of the USSR, went through years of difficulties and hardships, but still managed to repel the attack of the enemy, defend the joy of life for themselves, their loved ones and future generations. Congratulations on May 9 - very significant part holiday, because they help to emphasize the solemnity of the moment, and touching words will inevitably touch the hidden corners of the soul and memory of each of us.

I would like speeches delivered - short or voluminous, in verse or prose, informal or formal - as accurately as possible reflect the fullness of emotions and carry really sincere thoughts. ABOUT best congratulations from May 9 to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, read in our today's article!

Congratulations on May 9 to veterans in prose and poetry

Of course, first of all, people tend to pay tribute to those who directly, at the cost of their titanic efforts, tried to win - that is why congratulations on May 9 to veterans are so important. Every year there are fewer and fewer living examples of heroism of that time, and we, of course, really want to show our respect, express gratitude, show warmth of feelings - at least in prose or in verse! It is worth remembering that, of course, all this can and should be done not only through congratulations on May 9 and with the help of a donated bouquet of flowers, but every day through actions - this is the only way we really show that we really appreciate our veterans.

You are forever young at heart

Although sometimes the wounds ache ...

With glorious Victory, big

Congratulations, veterans!

Let the years go by

But the memory will live on for centuries

Like a Red Army soldier

Fought fiercely with enemies.

For peace and happiness, for love,

For life and the first baby talk

You went on the attack again and again,

And the adversary answered for everything.

We are inspired by your deed

We bow our heads before you...

You shed blood for us

We congratulate you on Victory Day!

That spring, the troubles seemed to have gone,

And there will be no wounds in the world ...

Our veterans! Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day, young veteran!

Gray and hunched, maybe you. But still,

Let the path go a long way in life,

So many young younger

Fighting soldier's soul!

Therefore, our wise, strong, dear,

Congratulations on a wonderful May Day,

What do you draw strength from youth,

Veteran, always you only in it!!!

We were born when everything was in the past

Our victory is more than a dozen years old,

But how close we are to what is already in the past.

And every year the soul hurts, cries,

When memory gives us words.

The holiday spirit is in the air

And in the eyes of sadness a veil.

Thank you that we did not know the war

That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,

That you gave us life with your life!

God bless you veterans!

Let everyone remember the feat of your life,

Let people remember your names.

And let the wars that are in the world be silent

On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.

Yes, it's a celebration of your gray hair,

You've been through a lot.

The lowest bow, to the very earth,

God bless you veterans!

Dear ours! Perhaps, there are no words in any language of the world to put into them all the gratitude from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat on the fronts and in the rear. Therefore, we will not say much - we will kneel before you, ordinary heroes, whose deeds will live for centuries! I wish you good health, unquenchable optimism and positive emotions! Congratulations, veterans! Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans, you brought us victory by sacrificing yourself, your youth, health and life! Huge thanks to you for this! For happiness to see the smiling sun, to feel the warm wind, to look at the bright sky. Our gratitude is simply boundless, because there is no measure that could measure the fullness of the happiness you have given! Live long, look cheerfully, rejoice with your heart! Avoid sadness, avoid sadness, because you gave Victory! Great and glorious!

Dear, beloved and respected veterans! This holiday has caused great joy and great pain for all people in the country. On this day, we sincerely want to thank you for the peace and tranquility that you gave us! Thanks to you, a clear sky is spreading over us today and every day brings peace and order! Thank you and kudos! Be always healthy and happy!

Short congratulations on May 9 to veterans from children on Victory Day

Carrying a worthy memory through generations is not an easy task, therefore, it is necessary to instill respect for the elders and a reverent attitude towards the Motherland even to the smallest. Touching congratulations since May 9, veterans from children more than once or twice caused a sincere smile, and sometimes even a tear from our heroes. Regardless of whether the kid is trying to pronounce a short congratulation text, or a schoolboy who has understood the essence of May 9, you can pick up memorable and really important words Veterans will definitely rejoice beautiful congratulations from children.

We want to congratulate you now

Let a few survive...

You are the sincerity of these children's phrases

They honestly deserve their courage!

For the people to live in peace

They did not spare life and freedom.

Accept with respect,

Thanks from the children of the whole nation!

You gave us the world without wars,

Peace and quiet at night...

Fought fearlessly with the enemy

So that we can live in peace later!

And let us know about the war

Only according to books and grandfather's words ...

Thank you twice today

Veterans, gray-haired old people ...

Congratulations on May 9 in prose to veterans - official and informal prose on Victory Day

Congratulations on May 9 can take absolutely any format, here everything is selected according to the wishes of the author and the focus on the so-called "target audience" - for example, informal prose will sound better in an individual conversation with a dear person, and official poetry - in a large hall. In this block, we bring to your attention especially warm congratulations from May 9 - prose that will not leave indifferent any listening heart and mind.

Dear veterans! It was your honor and courage that more than half a century ago gave the right to life to subsequent generations, thanks to you we have a Motherland - a country that you defended with blood. I wish you health, warmth and peace, because it was for peace - in the camp and in every family - that you sacrificed your lives almost three generations ago. Sunshine, love and good health!

Above us is a peaceful, bright sky, we breathe air without the admixture of gunpowder, we walk along safe roads and know about the war only from books and films thanks to you, our dear veterans. With all our hearts, we wish you health, long life, many reasons for joy, as well as love and respect from everyone. We are proud of you and immensely grateful to you not only today, but every day. Happy Victory Day, dear veterans!

Dear veteran defenders! That's right - the defenders of our homeland! A huge holiday is approaching, perhaps the most significant in our history - Victory Day. The holiday of victory over evil - fascism. Celebrations to you, fortitude and stamina. This is your holiday, your victory in the name of our future. Low bow to you from us, those whose future you defended, health to you, longevity and optimism!

accept my my sincere congratulations Happy Victory Day! I want to sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity! Live long, happily, joyfully, surrounded by loving caring relatives! Thank you so much for the world, for the fact that we live in a free, happy country! Thank you for your courage, hard work and will to win!

Congratulations on May 9 in verse to friends, colleagues and a large audience on Victory Day

Congratulations on May 9 in verse, as we noted earlier, will be especially appropriate in a large audience, when it is certainly important to emphasize the significance of the solemn moment. However, they are often used in conversations with friends and colleagues. Armed with a respectful smile, sincere emotions and harmonious intonation, with the help of a strong poetic word, you can awaken an incredible range of feelings in almost any person! That is why it is advisable to say congratulations on May 9 at least sometimes in verse - the effect of a successful rhyme will certainly convey the right mood!

May your sky be clear

The star does not go out of joy,

And the roar of tanks and guns

You will never hear.

Over the years, without arguing,

We wish you with all our heart

Health and more health,

And life, kind and big!

Opened us a jubilant May

All hearts for love unspeakable.

May Day has just died down,

Victory Day has come long-awaited.

We honor the winners.

Before the gray thinned column

We part, give flowers,

We look at the heroes with admiration.

“Congratulations,” we shout to them, “Hurrah!”

But the old people go silently.

They do not need loud glory,

And our heartfelt thanks.

Victory Day, smelling of gunpowder,

How many innocent souls lay down for him?

But our grandfathers bequeathed to us not to give to enemies

Even the sun is our ray, protect it.

Happy Victory Day, I congratulate you all,

Let all wars drown in non-existence of years,

Our grandfathers left us a terrible memory,

How war kills dawn in the morning.

Short SMS congratulations from May 9 for friends, colleagues, veterans

When it happens that for some reason you cannot meet or directly contact an important person by sending him congratulations on May 9, SMS comes to the rescue! Touching text messages, despite their limited volume (which, however, you are still free to vary as you please) will turn out to be pleasant reminders of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and directly of the caring addressee. Congratulations on May 9 are equally pleasant, whether they are expressed in poetry, prose, or still with the help of SMS technologies, the main thing is that they really come from a pure heart!

I want to live peacefully in the world

Having not experienced battles,

And cherish the world!

Hooray! And Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day! Let this holiday bring warmth

So that the heart, like tulips, blooms with heat,

So that the birds sing loudly in spring in the spring,

So that no one in the world would threaten war again!

Happy day of the great Russian Victory!

We wish you eternal peace.

Do not lose strength of mind and faith,

Unity is our strength!

On Victory Day, even birds

Congratulate everyone around.

Let the war never happen again!

Happy holiday to you, my friend.

With reverence, awe and respect, I congratulate you on Victory Day! Blessed memory to the heroes, gratitude for the peaceful sky above our heads, bow to the earth for the right to life without the horror of war, fear and pain. May not a single generation know sorrow, loss, enemy oppression. Let feats, courage, courage inspire people, and let the holiday leave tears of happiness and touching joy in the hearts, uniting souls!

I congratulate you on Victory Day and sincerely wish that there is always a clear blue sky above your head, that this world will give us all bright dreams and bright hopes, that our loved ones will never know what the word “war” means. May your heart always be proud of the great Victory, and may your soul sincerely thank the heroes of that time for the gift of peace and the opportunity to live happily.

With all my heart I congratulate you on Victory Day and I want to wish you to live happily on this planet, keeping in your heart pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility. Let there be no place for war in the world, let every dawn bring only joy and love.

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. Let this great holiday it will be peaceful and calm in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

Happy Victory Day! I wish peace and tranquility on our planet, and hope and joy in our hearts. And the way the great deeds of our grandfathers will not be forgotten, may our history continue to develop only on the pages of peacetime. I wish you health, love, happiness and bright colors of life!

We congratulate you on a bright, great and solemn holiday for our entire country. May the sky above your heads always be peaceful, may nothing disturb the peaceful sleep of our children. Be healthy and grateful to those who defended the peace and independence of our people in a terrible time.

Today is a legendary and great day - Victory Day! On this day, I would like to wish that peace and goodness flourish in every home, that each person protects their loved ones, that veterans are always welcome and given the attention they deserve, and that every day brings us only happiness! May war never enter our lives again, and may the sky above our heads always be bright and clear!

Happy Victory Day! May there always be harmony, peace and peace in your homes. A low bow to our veterans who brought the Victory closer with their strength and perseverance. There are very few of them left and they deserve worthy and happy days and attention.

We always meet with a share of sadness this great memorable day - Victory Day! Today we thank our grandfathers for heroism and courage, for the peaceful sky and the smiles of children - this is priceless. I want to wish everyone more kindness, health, quiet days, true friendship and boundless faith in yourself and in the best in the world. I wish you love, undisguised joy, happiness and harmony in the family. Take care of your relatives, their love and always support - this is the main thing.

Happy Victory Day, with the holiday that gave us all this peace and joy, with the holiday for which our grandfathers performed heroic deeds! I wish you to live under a clear sky, walk around your mother earth and be incredible happy man who will never forget great history old times.

How to congratulate you on Victory Day,
And what words should I say?
On this holiday, only a peaceful sky,
I sincerely want to wish!

Let them forget about wars on earth,
And about female tears in the night.
Only peaceful, warm sun
Sends its rays to us!

Happy Victory Day! Happy ninth of May!
We wish everyone paradise in life,
So that peace and freedom soar,
And there were smiles on their faces!

Let "war" be just a word
In the whole world, beautiful, harsh,
And don't let the past repeat itself
We will only strive for the best!

Happy Victory Day! Rejoice at the peaceful sky and take care of it. Appreciate life and live in such a way that every day you live is gratitude for the feat of our fathers and grandfathers. Congratulate veterans on Victory Day. They gave us life when they saved the whole nation. Happiness, health and peace, but there is a place for courage, courage and courage in peaceful life in order to overcome ordinary everyday problems, but not the hardships of war.

Happy Victory Day, we congratulate the people!
And we wish everyone freedom, peace, happiness,
Live life without grief and trouble,
And not to know either a warrior or bad weather ...

Veterans - only health, long years,
Respect, recognition and... Thank you!
After all, without you there would be no victories,
And no one would live in the world again ...

Happy Victory Day - touching, important!
The memory of those who fought bravely,
We will honor with a parade and flowers,
Songs of the war years, poems ...

I wish you a peaceful fate
Peaceful life - well-fed and worthy.
We will appreciate the world that we got,
Our people have done their best!

Victory Day is tears of joy and happiness, pain from losses and crippled lives, and, most importantly, the hope that the nightmare of war will never happen again. May this day for us, generations who know war only from books and stories, become a symbol of the strength and courage of peoples united against a common misfortune, and an eternal reminder that peace must be protected. Joy, happiness and peaceful sky!

Happy Victory Day veterans!
You are the pride and honor of the country.
We were given freedom
We say thank you!

We will never forget
What have you done for us.
We will honor and remember
The whole country is together with you!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!

You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
So that you are greeted with a kind look!

An example to take youth
So that the trembling was not terrible again,
So that there is no soul in tears ...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Our dear, highly respected veterans, heroes of the world, brave winners, we congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! First of all, we want to say “thank you” to you for our happy present, for our life, for the opportunity to walk on native land and strive for important dreams. We wish you, brave guys, yes, yes, exactly brave guys, because you will always remain like that, we wish you strong strength and many, many good, glorious and happy days in your lifetime. And may the world for which you fought be eternal, may joyful children's voices ring in it, may adult smiles shine, may old people live with joy in their hearts.

We thank you for freedom
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For the fact that such a peaceful life has become.

We wish you health, longevity
And let troubles pass you forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Bullets whistled, tanks roared,
But, about Victory, you still dreamed
"We went to the enemy" and did not give up,
Achieve peace, with all your heart tried!

Lost family and friends...
Lost, loving, mothers with all their hearts,
But, despite: pain and fear -
They believed in Victory in their hearts!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your courage, pain and wounds,
For your devotion to the country,
For peace, for happiness on Earth!

Thank you veterans
What did you give a rebuff to fascism
And not sparing their lives
Our homeland was defended.

Bow to you low from all of us
For your invaluable feat,
For a peaceful sky, for laughter,
For the holiday we love so much.

May they praise you for all ages
And your wounds will not be forgotten.
Since May 9 you! Hooray!
Thanks for peace, veterans!

We thank you for everything:
For your courage without barriers,
For protecting the world
Not for titles and awards.

We want to wish you health
To live long, not get sick.
We say thank you
For the fact that life is not spared!

On this day - holy and glorious,
The whole world thanks you
The world is free and happy
Thank you too!" speaks.

You, dear veterans,
Congratulations, from the bottom of my heart,
We wish you happiness and good
Lots of love and joy!

Happy Victory Day! The war is long gone
And the battlefields were overgrown with grass.
Veterans, thank you for letting us
They could live under a peaceful sky and sun.

Neither the cold nor the hunger of war is familiar to us,
Because you took the fight
When the enemy wanted to seize our land,
When he walked along it, destroying all living things.

We wish you long and joyful years,
We promise to keep your feat in our hearts,
This earth that has absorbed your sweat and blood,
Just as holy to cherish, just as hard to love!

Our dear veterans
We heartily congratulate you!
We have not forgotten your feat
Low bow to you from us!

Good health and happiness to you,
Friendly so that the family is
May your grandchildren please you
Peace be forever!

May the aged earth become peaceful,
Scars will disappear, all wounds will heal,
Forget the war. But you can't forget
Great feat of our veterans,

And life will not be given away in vain,
And a tear will not touch your eyes,
Let never a cruel war
Fate does not take away from anyone,

May the memory be eternal and holy,
And sorrow will never come again
Shielding the world with an unbroken back,
You have given so many a chance to be born!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, its indomitable stamina and invincibility of spirit! Careful attitude of the older generation to the fate of their homeland should become for everyone a vivid example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!

Veterans paid a great price for the Victory, many of them are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in peacetime, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work quietly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave all their strength for the Victory, we make plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!

We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vivacity, good health and spring mood!

With all my heart, let me congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! On this significant day for everyone, we want to wish you peace, goodness and prosperity in the house, good luck, joy and success in your endeavors, as well as love and harmony in the family.

Once again, Happy Holidays!

Dear veterans and home front workers!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on significant date– the 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War! Years pass, but the memory of the heroic deed of our heroes does not fade. More and more we delve into history, learning new facts, all new facts of those tragic events that turned the lives of millions of people upside down.

Those trials that fell to your lot could only be endured by people who are brave and strong in spirit, courageous, courageous, who love their Motherland and their people!

Low bow to you, our front-line soldiers, home front workers, widows and children of war! May the sky be cloudless, and the people around you do their best to keep you healthy and happy! Happy Great Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day
We wish peace on earth.
Let the shells rumble
Only fireworks.
Let on a solar planet
Happy life for children
What Grandparents Won
Let them not give up!

Sincere congratulations to veterans from May 9

Dear our veterans,
You are an example for us for all years.
Despite age and wounds,
Your soul is young.
You went through the years of fighting,
Defending the honor of your country,
For your children to live in peace
To not know the horrors of war.
We congratulate you on Victory Day,
And we wish you long, long years
Be healthy our grandfathers,
And live more than a hundred years!

Happy Victory Day
We wish peace on earth.
Let the shells rumble
Only fireworks.
Let on a solar planet
Happy life for children
What Grandparents Won
Let them not give up!

On a spring day, on Victory Day,
We would like to wish you:
More happiness, more laughter
And fight less.
More peace in your home
And, of course, don't get sick.
More sun, bright colors
And the soul does not grow old!

A terrible word is war, and a beautiful word is Victory!

It's so hard to realize that every year there are fewer of them! Our veterans... They survived, didn't break down and didn't give up!

They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when they learned about the Great Victory over fascism on May 9! A deep bow to you, dear veterans, and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! Good health and long life to you!

Salute on Victory Day May 9,
A magical rainbow of bright lights
Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's just go for it.
We wish you joy, peace, health,
The radiance of the sun, spring foliage,
Success in work, inspiration and happiness,
Good friends and big dreams

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory

70th anniversary of Victory…
How bitterly she got to us ...
We bow to the veterans in the end,
And fallen young fighters.
Our duty is to keep gratitude in our hearts,
Our duty is not to betray your feat to oblivion.
And to the young Russian generations
Pass the story as it is.
Thank you, thank you very much!
That the sky is clear above our heads,
What did you prove with your Victory,
That a Russian warrior is always a hero!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Dear veterans,
Congratulations on your victory!
Your wounds won't heal
Will not forget the memory of trouble.
How you lost your friends
How did you shoot in the trench,
Bullet flew by
Hundreds of times over your head
But ended in victory
Your great feat, hero!
We bow our heads low
In honor of both the fallen and the living,
Dear veterans!
We thank you so much!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Victory in verse

We want to say thank you
family veterans,
For what you suffered
who got wounded.
For bravery and courage
For hunger, terrible fear,
For holding on
Victory is in your hands.
For what you've been through
You are in your youth
And defended with the chest
A country that has no relatives
For the fact that the whole world
You have proven:
That Russian is our soldier
Even stronger steel!