Funded pension per year. Freezing the funded part of the pension - what does this mean for citizens. Where to submit an application and how to draw up a sample

For more than fourteen years, a law has been in force in Russia regulating the process of forming accumulative shares in the pension contributions of citizens, called the accumulative part of the pension. The creation of such a part of the pension makes it possible to increase the well-being of persons during the period of incapacity by receiving payments that supplement the main insurance pension. Despite the long validity period of this legislative document, many future pensioners still have questions about the disposal of funded shares today, in 2018. There are many options for investing it, some NPFs are advertised quite actively. But this does not always help citizens make a decision, whether it is worth withdrawing their part of pension savings from the Pension Fund.

Initially, the end of 2015 was announced as the end of the period during which it was offered the opportunity to transfer one’s funded share from the Pension Fund to specialized funds. The funds of persons who did not show such initiative were to remain at the disposal of the Pension Fund. But since many citizens still have not been able to fully understand this issue, it was decided to extend the deadline for placing the funded share in 2018. Therefore, citizens still have time to choose a non-state pension fund to invest their finances.

The choice of the organization that will be entrusted with the right to dispose of the funded pension portion should be made extremely carefully. It makes sense to study the state of the market in this area, learn as much as possible about various non-state pension funds. Fortunately, you can find a lot of information about them in the media and on the Internet. There is even a . It is necessary to understand that there is a certain degree of risk when placing the savings portion in funds. Therefore, you can not use the right to independently allocate these finances and leave all pension contributions to the Pension Fund.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

All owners of accumulative pension parts who have decided to invest their funds profitably would like to know the nuances of choosing non-profit funds that can not only save, but also increase savings, and provide decent conditions during a non-working age. You don't have to worry too much about investing these funds. The work of all organizations specializing in preserving and increasing pension parts is strictly controlled by the Pension Fund and tax services. In case of bankruptcy of any of them, the seized assets are sent to the accounts of the Pension Fund.

However, the productivity of finance and capital growth depend on the correct choice of non-state pension funds. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of the fund into which the funded pension portions will be transferred. It is advisable to prepare, spend time studying reliability and profitability ratings, familiarize yourself with the composition of the founders and the area in which investments are made.

Payment of the funded part of the pension (How to receive the funded part of the pension)

Future pensioners, with , are given the right to choose the method of receiving payment of funds from the funded part. You can receive a monthly supplement throughout your entire retirement age or use quarterly or annual payments. But some citizens may want to receive a funded pension as a one-time payment and inherit it. All these possibilities are reflected in the legislative act. Not everyone is eligible for a one-time payment of the funded pension portion. This method is available only to persons whose funded portions do not exceed five percent of the main insurance portion. A one-time payment is made on the basis of an application that the citizen is required to submit to the Pension Fund.

How does the funded part of a pension differ from the insurance part of a pension?

A monthly twenty-two percent deduction from salary to the Pension Fund is mandatory for all working citizens of the Russian Federation. Six of them are used in the formation of the cumulative share. The insurance part is at the disposal of the Pension Fund; it goes towards pension payments and is invested in various projects to obtain growth. The owner is given the right to dispose of the funded portion at his own discretion. Citizens who receive it do not have to take it away from the Pension Fund, but leave all pension funds in it. It is possible to redirect it to a non-state pension fund and ensure an increase in the funded part through smart investments.

Pensions in 2017, latest news

Changes in legislation that have appeared this year are of interest to a large category of citizens, not only those who have already reached the age of incapacity, but also those who are about to join the category of pensioners. An increase in insurance pensions is provided only for citizens who are not engaged in working activities; social payments have been increased by four percent for all pensioners.

State support now amounts to 8 thousand 562 rubles, the average value of insurance pensions has reached 13 thousand 132 rubles.

Currently, a specially developed point-based pension system is used in calculating the old-age pension. Their number is formed from the size of monthly contributions to the Pension Fund and the number of years during which these payments were made. It is possible to increase your pension points by delaying retirement and accruing it later than the period prescribed by law. Work experience includes caring for sick relatives and children. Moreover, a certain gradation is applied when calculating the pension point. Mothers who raised three children receive 4 times more points than a woman with one child.

Heated debates in the Government of the Russian Federation caused indexing. February's four percent increase in pension payments for the current year may be the last increase. Creating a budget deficit makes it impossible to raise pensions again in the fall, despite the fact that the added interest is three times lower than the expected increase in inflation this year.

A decrease in the pension point by two rubles and 15 kopecks was recorded; this year it is 74 rubles. 27 kopecks The average pension is 8 thousand 562 rubles. The average insurance pension reached 13 thousand 132 rubles.

Increase and indexation of pensions in 2018

When calculating February 2016 pensions, an indexation of four percent was made. And already in 2017, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, instead of indexation. The difficult economic situation in the country resulted in a state budget deficit. This may be the reason for the lack of subsequent indexation of pensions, despite rising inflation. The possibility of increasing pension payments in the fall will be considered later. There are categories of persons for whom mandatory indexing is provided.

From now on, an increase in pension payments is provided only for non-working persons. The State Duma has received several projects for consideration that relate to the retirement age and the procedure for paying benefits to workers in hazardous industries. But they are all just waiting for their decision. Among them there are proposals regarding the funded part, the possibility of their transfer from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to non-profit organizations.

The funded part of the pension is labor contributions that go towards the formation of a separate pension provision. For those born before 1966 inclusive, such accruals were formed until 2005, after which they were cancelled. For those born after 1967, until the end of 2015, they were given a choice in the formation of their pension benefits. According to it, a citizen could direct the deducted funds exclusively to the formation of an insurance pension or simultaneously to accumulation and insurance.

The main point to pay attention to in connection with latest news- This is a moratorium on the funded part of the pension. The Pension Fund emphasizes that it does not freeze deposited funds or write them off.

In essence, the citizen is simply deprived of the opportunity to direct part of the insurance premiums to the savings system. That is, the 6% that previously went to the savings portion is now automatically transferred to the insurance account. This situation, according to preliminary estimates, will remain until 2019.

What is the funded and insurance part of a pension?

The insurance and funded parts of the pension differ mainly in their mandatory nature. The first is deducted in any case as labor, the second is formed on a voluntary basis. To accrue it, you must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia for the funded part of the pension.

Accumulation is carried out either through a state management company or through a non-state pension fund. It is necessary to take into account that pension insurance is annually indexed by the state in accordance with the level of inflation. The deposited savings increase depending on the investment of the deposited funds.

The main disadvantage of this system is the possibility of revoking the license of a non-state pension fund. In this case, the deducted funds are transferred to the Pension Fund in their actual value, that is, without taking into account the profit received from the investment.

Additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension

A distinctive feature of savings is the possibility of its formation not only through mandatory labor contributions, but also through voluntary contributions of funds. Such a contribution can be made either personally by the employee or through a corresponding application to the employer.

In the second case, the deduction will be made automatically when calculating wages. Its size can be set either as a fixed value or as a percentage of labor earnings.

How to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension

According to established legislative norms, since 2013, a citizen has been able to obtain complete information on his pension account. Once a year this procedure is carried out free of charge. You can do this in two ways:

  • contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence or place of work;
  • access information via the Internet.

A notice containing the necessary information will also be presented to the applicant in person or sent by mail.

How to find out the funded part of a pension according to SNILS via the Internet

To find out the status of your personal account via the Internet, you need to contact the Public Services Portal. This service provides the required information without waiting in queues, quickly and with maximum convenience. However, to do this you need to follow a simple procedure:

  • go through the registration process, indicating personal data from your passport, as well as your SNILS number;
  • in your personal account, find the section regarding pension savings;
  • then select the function to receive information.

Many people are interested in the question of how to find out where the funded part of the pension is located using the SNILS number. Most often this aspect concerns the management company. To do this, you need to contact the local branch of the Pension Fund and obtain all the necessary data.

How to receive the funded part of a pension as a lump sum

The advantage of the funded part of the pension is that it is possible to receive it in a lump sum payment. Often this point is relevant for those who themselves did not participate in the formation of these funds, however, according to the law, for some time the employer withheld part of the salary for these savings.

The question of who can receive the funded part of the pension at a time is resolved in the following order:

  • you can receive this payment if the amount of such a pension is 5% or less of the insurance pension provision;
  • Those who already receive payments for disability or due to the loss of a breadwinner can also count on this opportunity.

To apply for a one-time return of accumulated funds, you must submit a corresponding application. It is considered within a month and if there is a positive decision, then the specified funds are paid over the next two months.

How to receive the funded part of a deceased relative’s pension

One of the advantages of the funded part of the pension compared to the insurance part is the opportunity to receive the contributed funds by a third party after the death of the pensioner. In order for funds to be transferred to one person, this provision must be present in the agreement. It can also be submitted by submitting an application.

If such a moment is not provided, then the funded part after the death of the pensioner will be evenly distributed among his closest relatives. It is taken into account that these funds can only be received if the payments were not assigned indefinitely. For example, a pensioner applied for a lump sum payment. While it was being considered or had already been approved, but no funds were accrued, the applicant died, in which case the payment is assigned to his heirs.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension in 2018?

Since 2014, this system of accumulating pension accruals has been frozen. It is emphasized that this system does not provide for the liquidation of deposited funds. There is only a moratorium on subsequent accumulation.

For many citizens, the question accordingly arose whether it was worth transferring existing funds. This can be done either from one non-state fund to another, or from a state management company to a non-state pension fund. The following advantages of such organizations can be highlighted:

  • higher income due to investment of deposited funds;
  • accessible control over your savings, as well as availability of information on income;
  • conclusion of an agreement that establishes certain frameworks regardless of the state of affairs.

You also need to take into account that even if the license is revoked or funds are lost, the deposits are still returned to their owners. True, without taking into account profit.

Is it worth transferring the funded part of your pension to a non-state pension fund?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a non-state pension fund, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • indicators of the reputation of this institution, as well as reviews of it;
  • statistics showing investment income, their level should be higher than the inflation rate;
  • operating time of the organization, how long it has been operating;
  • how much confidence it enjoys among clients - statistics of growth or loss of the client base.

The ability to transfer the funded part of a pension to a non-state pension fund allows you to influence its profitability.

The funded part of a pension in Sberbank - pros and cons

The transfer of the funded part of the pension can be considered using the example of Sberbank NPF. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the following positive aspects of this organization:

  • despite the company’s subsidiary status, Sberbank does not influence the work of its non-state pension fund;
  • this fund is one of the very first founded in Russia;
  • all funds are insured and will be returned to the owners in any case.

To create a complete picture of this institution, it is necessary to consider the negative aspects. The main one is the difficulty in returning funds. This is discovered even at the stage of concluding a contract, when a company employee does not provide complete and clear information about the possibility of taking the money back. There are also delays in payments, sometimes up to several months. The Foundation refers to a thorough check of documentation.

Many clients, however, note the convenience of the system and the opportunities it provides. Transferring to this non-state pension fund allows you to partially manage your investments, as well as contribute additional funds.

Disputes about the fate of the funded part of the pension (CPP) continue throughout the entire period of operation of this program. Despite the potential benefits that the funded part of a pension can bring, the implementation of this program remains vague, since the state is constantly changing the conditions for its formation and use. Do ordinary citizens need the funded part of their pension and what is the best way to manage it? We will try to answer these questions in detail in this article.

Why is the funded part of the pension needed?

The purpose of the compulsory pension insurance program is to form citizens' savings to take them into account when assigning a pension. Contributions to the NPE are made from:

  • shares of insurance premiums that the employer pays for each of its employees;
  • independent voluntary payments of citizens (for example, at the expense of maternal family capital);
  • state co-financing programs for voluntary payments by citizens (this direction is currently suspended).

The credited funds of the funded part of the pension are managed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or one of the non-state pension funds licensed for this type of activity. The right to choose a company that will manage savings belongs to the citizens themselves.

During the management process, funds are invested in the areas specified in the Federal Law “On investing funds to finance funded pensions in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 2002 No. 111-FZ. Ideally, such a scheme should bring citizens an income comparable to or higher than the inflation rate in the country. In practice, only a small part of non-state management companies show stable income indicators.

Citizens' savings are protected by regulations; their amount cannot decrease as a result of unsuccessful investment. However, income from such activities may be zero.

Prospects for using the funded part of the pension

Is it worth abandoning NPP, and what prospects does the state determine for this program? Over the past years, the state has been constantly extending the moratorium on the transfer of citizens' savings to non-state pension funds. All funds from insurance contributions from employers go to the insurance part of the pension and are used to pay current pensions.

The Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 3, 2016 No. 360-FZ introduced the procedure for one-time payments from pension savings. The main features of this document were as follows:

  • persons who have not yet been assigned the funded part of their pension have the opportunity to receive a lump sum payment;
  • the assignment of payment is allowed if there are funds in the personal account of the insured person;
  • Only categories of citizens directly specified in the law (citizens receiving disability pensions, survivors' pensions, etc.) have the right to receive payments.

For most citizens, such a payment is not available, so they will have to independently choose how to manage their pension savings.

How to refuse the funded part of a pension and is it worth doing?

Citizens have the right to refuse to form a private private enterprise at any time and direct funds to increase pension rights for the insurance part. For persons for whom insurance premiums began to be paid only in 2014, no action needs to be taken, since all received contributions are already directed to the insurance part.

Is it worth leaving the savings part for citizens who have savings in their individual accounts? This depends on the advantages and disadvantages of fund management by public and private management companies. The undoubted advantages of such management include:

  • the possibility of generating income with the right choice of investment areas;
  • guarantee of safety of funds, since all non-state pension funds are under strict state control;
  • no restrictions on the size of a future pension, since it will directly depend on the amount of savings;
  • the possibility of receiving savings funds through inheritance;
  • freedom of choice and transition between different non-state pension funds offering better management conditions.

The disadvantages of such management of private equity funds can only be associated with the lack of income from the activities of non-state pension funds. Since all savings of citizens are insured, they are not in danger of losing money.

The final choice must be made by citizens, taking into account all the circumstances. If a decision is made to refuse to form the funded part of the pension, citizens must take the following actions: Rating: 0/5 (0 votes)

After the pension reform of 2015, the funded part of the labor pension became an independent type - a funded pension. Until December 31, 2015 citizens Born 1967 and younger you could choose: or refuse to contribute to it. If a citizen has chosen the option of accumulating funds, then he can transfer them to the Pension Fund by choosing a Management Company (MC) or transfer pension savings to (NPF).

You can receive funded pension payments only when you reach 60 years for men and 55 years for women, or the age allowing you to apply for an old-age insurance pension, taking into account the standards in force as of December 31, 2018 (that is, without taking into account the changes introduced).

Since the retirement age is rising, and the age standards for funded pensions remain “frozen,” it turns out that a citizen can receive pension savings before retirement.

Funded pension - what is it?

A funded pension is formed for citizens born in 1967 and later that started working before January 1, 2014 and until December 31, 2015 decided to direct contributions to a funded pension.

Citizens older than 1967 can also form pension savings, but...

The formation of pension savings occurs through the transfer of insurance contributions by the employer. In total the employer pays 22% from wages in the form of an insurance premium, of which 16% is allocated to the insurance pension and the solidarity part, and the remaining 6% transferred to a funded pension.

In addition to mandatory insurance contributions, pension savings can be formed due to:

  • voluntarily paid insurance premiums;
  • amounts contributed under the pension savings co-financing program;
  • maternity capital funds fully or partially allocated to the formation of a pension;
  • results of investing accumulated funds.

How to find out the amount of pension savings (via the Internet, according to SNILS, in the Pension Fund)

Until 2013, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation annually sent information about the state of the individual pension insurance, including the amount of pension savings, to insured persons by mail in letters. Currently, depending on where the funded pension is formed in the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund, this information can be obtained in different ways:

  • Via the Internet on the website of the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund using your personal account.
  • In the territorial pension fund with the provision of a passport and SNILS.
  • When contacting the branch of the NPF that the citizen has chosen to form savings.
  • Through the bank in which the citizen has an account, if this bank provides such a service.

The amount of pension savings of the insured person

The size of the insured person’s funded pension is influenced by the amount of funds contributed to its formation and accounted for in his individual personal account (ILA) with the Pension Fund or in his pension account with the NPF.

The size of pension savings is adjusted annually on August 1 based on the amount of funds received to finance it, which were not taken into account in the calculation when assigned or in the previous adjustment.

The savings payment is calculated using the formula:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon - the amount of the recipient's pension savings as of the date of payment;
  • T- expected period of pension payment (number of months). It is established annually by law and in 2018 is 246 months.

Once every five years NPF can be changed to another, or the formation of funds can be transferred to the management company. This can be done earlier (ahead of schedule) - once a year, and loss of investment income may occur.

  • Contact the NPF and conclude an agreement with it on compulsory pension insurance.
  • Submit an application to the territorial Pension Fund for transfer to a non-state pension fund.

After considering the application, the pension fund sends a notification to the insured person. If the non-state pension fund complies with legal requirements, the Pension Fund will notify of a positive decision; if the fund’s license is revoked, the notification will indicate the reasons for the refusal.

How to receive the funded part of the pension?

  • If desired in the future you can refuse from the direction of insurance contributions to a funded pension, the accumulated funds will continue to be invested and will be paid when a pension is assigned, and insurance transfers will go only to the insurance pension.
  • The lack of funds in the account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not allow the Russian government to fully index pensions this year. The funded part of the pension from January 1, 2017 can be paid to Russians only if there are sufficient funds in the country’s state budget and the Pension Fund’s budget is full.

    In 2016, the indexation of pension benefits for all pensioners was to occur in 2 stages. However, in fact, only one part of the indexing was done. The authorities were unable to carry out additional indexing because they did not have the necessary funds for this process. The government found a way out with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles for all pensioners from January 1, 2017. The total number of pensioners who will be able to receive this payment is 43 million people. Working pensioners will also be able to receive it.

    Pension growth in Russia by year

    The Russian Prime Minister promised that in the new year 2017 there will definitely be a return to the normal process of indexing cash benefits for pensioners. Pensions will have to be indexed according to the level of real inflation in 2016.

    Pension provision for Russians consists of:

    The insurance pension has a specific fixation; in the event of such an unfavorable phenomenon in the economy as inflation, it necessarily increases and is called indexation. Now in the Russian Federation the average amount of an insurance pension is approximately 13,700 rubles, and should be increased through additional payments at the local regional level.

    There are 3 types of pension benefits, depending on the reasons for their appointment:

    1. Age-related pension;
    2. If the breadwinner was lost;
    3. Disability pension payments.

    General information about funded pensions

    Only citizens whose year of birth is 1967 or older can receive a funded pension. Workers themselves choose the tariff according to which the employer will make contributions in his favor. At the same time, every year discussions flare up between government officials regarding further reform of this type of pension benefit.

    According to the rules, in the first year of deductions the rate is set at 0%, increasing each year to 1%. As a result, the worker can choose one of the following tariffs:

    1. 10% of deductions go to the insurance fund, the remaining 6% to the savings fund;
    2. All 16% goes to the insurance portion of the pension.

    There are also several options for receiving these funds. 5 years before retirement, citizens can be transferred 20% of the total accumulated amount.

    Senior government officials say that most likely, funded pension payments for Russians in 2017 will be frozen as in previous years. However, freezing these assets does not mean their seizure. “Frozen” funds should be used to cover indexation for insurance pensions, which will improve the well-being of Russian pensioners.

    How to get the money that has been accumulated

    Russians of retirement age have the right to receive the funded part of their pension. To receive it, you need to write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund or NPF.

    Monthly urgent pension payment is possible for citizens who can receive an old-age insurance pension and who have made additional cash contributions to form pension savings. You need to contact the pension fund with an application and documents. Such pension payment is possible for a period of at least 120 months.

    Such categories of citizens have the right to receive a one-time payment of the accumulated pension in full:

    1. Disabled people of any group and Russians who have lost their breadwinner;
    2. Citizens whose funded pension is less than 5% of the total old-age pension;
    3. Those who do not have insurance experience.

    It is also possible to make a one-time payment of accumulated funds to the heirs of a deceased pensioner. The legal successors of the deceased person have this right if he could receive a pension.

    Latest news about the savings part

    In Russia, earlier, the transfer of the funded part of the pension was extended until 2015. It was possible to transfer 6% of contributions from the Pension Fund and 1% from the Non-State Pension Fund. However, later this process was suspended and citizens began to urgently transfer savings from the state fund to a commercial one. In 2017, the authorities have plans to abolish these pensions altogether, make them voluntary and leave only the insurance type of pension provision for Russians.

    Freezing the funded part of the pension - what does this mean for citizens, latest changes in 2017 and news

    The Russian pension system underwent changes in 2002. Provision of citizens born in the year before 1967 was divided into two parts - insurance and funded. The first is intended for the state to fulfill current obligations. The second task is to shape the future provision of the working citizen.

    What does freezing pension savings mean?

    A certain percentage of the amount of contributions accrued by the employer is a component, the size of which affects the amount of future provision. What is a pension savings freeze? Delaying the formation of one of the components redistributes the funds of the fund. Frozen rubles do not go to non-state pension funds for the future provision of a working citizen, but for current government needs.

    Why is there a need to freeze pension savings?

    Executive authorities are freezing the funded part of pensions - what does this mean? The lack of funds from the state treasury for transfers to the fund and economic difficulties force us to look for ways to solve these issues. Amendments to the law on funded pensions are needed to cover the budget deficit and are determined by the unfavorable situation. All contributions paid by employers to the Pension Fund go to fulfill current government obligations.

    Freezing the funded part of the pension in 2014-2015

    When was the funded part of the old-age pension cancelled? The first time the freezing of this component was announced was in the fall of 2013 when planning the state budget for the next year. It was reported that the flow of funds would be suspended and all the money would be used to replenish the Pension Fund’s insurance share. Then the Ministry of Finance decides to freeze pension contributions in 2015. In addition, the possibility of liquidating the share was discussed. This component was then saved.

    For two years in a row, the state used a source of income that arose due to the extended “conservation” of citizens’ savings. Frozen insurance premiums credited to the Pension Fund's accounts were used to finance current expenses without increasing future security. It was planned to lift the measures taken soon, but it turned out differently. The moratorium on the transfer of the funded part of the old-age pension was extended in 2017. The unpopular measure is associated with increased state budget expenses.

    Cumulative part of the labor pension in 2017-2019

    In the summer of 2017, the Russian tripartite commission, headed by O. Golodets, drew up a plan for the expenses and revenues of the Pension Fund for the period 2017 - 2019. Where to transfer the funded part of the pension? According to the commission's decision, all contributions transferred by employers will replenish the insurance component of the provision. There is no provision for savings over a three-year period.

    Will the freeze affect the size of future pensions?

    The inability to transfer the funded part of the pension will affect the amount of future provision. The yield on existing deposits is approaching zero. The introduction of a moratorium does not allow the management of funds or the transfer of them to a non-state fund for investing in various financial projects. At the same time, government representatives emphasize that there is no evidence of money being seized from Russians. After the moratorium is lifted, the funds will return to the personal accounts of Russians, will be indexed, and will be included in the calculation base when determining future payments.