Autumn crafts from natural material for kindergarten. Ideas for autumn crafts made from natural materials. egg shell flower pots

Do you want to be able to make crafts from natural materials with your own hands? My accumulated experience allows us to assert that everyone is capable of mastering such an occupation. A few visual master classes will help prove this.

Master class number 1: creating a vase from autumn leaves

If you need a composition on the theme of autumn from natural material, then it is best to take fallen leaves for this. You can make a lot of interesting things out of them, for example, a vase. Such a craft will not only become original decoration room interior in autumn style but can also be used to store small items.

Tools and materials

To implement your plan, you will need:

  • fallen maple leaves. Choose the most complete copies;
  • PVA glue with a brush;
  • Balloon.

Work progress

The instructions for making a vase are as follows:

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  • We inflate balloon;
  • We stack it into a bowl or pan so that its upper half comes out;
  • Cover it with glue.

Delete roots from leaves.
Let's start gluing leaves to the prepared half of the ball.

  • Posting several layers of leaves;
  • We cover abundantly glue them on top.
  • We descend ball;
  • We use the vase obtained from the glued leaves for its intended purpose.

Just do not forget that the natural material of the made vase remains quite fragile even despite the abundance of hardened glue. Therefore, do not put too many heavy objects into it, otherwise the edges may break off.

Master class number 2: weaving a basket of cones

Trees can provide many natural materials that most of the time we don't pay attention to. So, in addition to the leaves described above, you can successfully use more cones, for example, to create a basket:

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Collecting enough beads. The more there are, the large sizes may be a basket.

We wrap the first bump with wire.

We wind up second to her.

We connect full circle.

  • We connect similarly second round;
  • We fasten both circles;
  • Then we knit the handle and fasten the bottom plywood or cardboard.

It is better to use insulated wire so that in the future it cannot damage the hand or the contents of the basket with sharp edges.

Cones also make excellent houses and animals that can decorate shelves in the living room or a Christmas tree.

Master class number 3: collage design

It is not difficult to make such compositions from natural material with your own hands, like collages. They look fresh and original.

Tools and materials

In this case, the following props should be at hand:

  • bending branches in a dry state;
  • Black and colored threads;
  • Dried leaves, flowers, berries.

Work progress

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  • Compiling circle from branches;
  • Fixing it with black thread.

  • We tie a ring of branches with a colored thread to make a kind of web from it;
  • At the end we tie her to the knot.

Paste between the threads of the web, cooked leaves, flowers and berries in order to decorate the product.

To create crafts, use only dry natural materials. Otherwise, they will begin to dry already as part of the structure, which will violate its geometry.

Master class number 4: watch making

Even watches can be made from natural materials. Here's how it's done:

Tools and materials

Such original crafts made from natural material need impressive props. This:

  • birch bark;
  • Wooden sticks. At the same time, it is better that they are of different lengths;
  • Branch cuts with unequal diameters;
  • Clockwork;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • fibreboard(Fibreboard);
  • Threads;
  • Stationery knife;
  • glue gun.

Work progress

Photo Description

Cut out snowflakes from birch bark using a paper cutter.

We process saw cut with sandpaper.

  • Cut out identical circles made of fiberboard and birch bark;
  • We draw drawing on birch bark. In the case under consideration, this is a winter landscape;
  • We glue both circles between each other, securing with clothespins for better fixation.

  • We fix on the reverse side of the clockwork, having previously drilled a hole in the center of the prepared circle;
  • Glue the longest sticks at the same distance from each other so that they are directed from the center outward like the rays of the sun.

Then glue and shorter beams. As a result, they will make a whole halo around the clock.

  • Flipping under the tree front side up;
  • Fixing with the help of glue saw cuts and snowflakes;
  • We expose time and hang the finished clock in the chosen place.

The result is not only original and beautiful thing but also very useful.

Creating DIY crafts from natural materials with children is not only very interesting, but also useful activity. Assembling a toy or composition from parts, the child develops thinking and imagination. And the need to see something completely different in a fancy knot, an ordinary acorn or a combination of colors on an autumn leaf Creative skills. Do-it-yourself souvenirs made from natural materials can serve as a good gift mom or school teacher, decorate the Christmas tree or the wall of the room.

Creating DIY crafts from natural materials with children is not only a very interesting, but also a useful activity.

These words usually mean beautifully shaped seeds, cones or nuts, curved snags. At the end of summer and autumn, their assortment is complemented by colorful tree leaves. Sometimes compositions use mollusk shells, berries, feathers, pebbles or saw cuts of tree branches.

This list can be supplemented with moss, which can be surprisingly beautiful, depending on the species. Tree tinder mushrooms can also serve as excellent material. Do not ignore the shell of chicken or quail eggs.

If you grow helichrysum, immortelle, steelwort or other types of garden dried flowers on your own plot, you can learn how to create not only winter bouquets. Turn on floral motif can be in any composition of natural material: autumn or spring can not do without flowers. Ornamental plants can also be harvested during trips out of town: tough purple and blue mordovnik bushes, white, pink or red yarrow inflorescences, golden tansy buttons or spikelets of wild cereals.

Dried flowers do not require complex preparation. It is enough to dry them in a suspended form so that the inflorescences and stems retain their original shape. To do this, the plants need to be tied in bunches and hung down with flower baskets. Do not dry herbs in the sun - this will lead to the disappearance of the bright color of the flowers.

When creating crafts from natural material, only parts of the raw materials can be used (maple lionfish without seeds, linden bracts, water lily boxes cut across, tinder plates). This allows you to include interesting textures and unusual details in the range of materials. For example, you can make brown suede from the core of a real tinder fungus by simply cutting the mushroom into thin slices. Unusually looks and saw down the fruits of a gray walnut or boxes of capsules and water lilies.

The seeds and pods of the euonymus have a rich red and Orange color and can be used for flower arrangements. Brilliant black grains of forest peonies (marin root) will successfully serve as an eye for toys. Some tree mushrooms (tinder fungus multi-colored and bordered) form hard growths on the branches of trees, similar to roses. The richness of natural material makes it possible to create almost any image or composition.

Gallery: souvenirs made from natural materials (25 photos)

How to make wood crafts yourself (video)

Applications and panels from the gifts of nature

Plane crafts in the form of panels are available for making even for children younger age. You can do them according to the principle of the usual paper application: sticking on a cardboard base the details of a pattern of leaves, dried flowers, etc. You can create a decor in the form of a panel for a variety of purposes: for greeting card as a craft on the theme "Autumn" for kindergarten or an ordinary picture.

The design of natural material looks very impressive for an ordinary picture. Their motifs can complement each other (a photo of the sea and a frame of shells and corals, an autumn landscape and a frame of leaves and berries, etc.). By incorporating natural decor into the composition of the image itself in the form of some of its details, you can create an imperceptible transition from the external decoration to the content of the plot. Creating such a picture from natural materials is not at all difficult:

  1. Take a photo or reproduction in the desired format. Stick on a cardboard base. The size of the cardboard sheet should be slightly larger than the picture.
  2. Choose material that matches the theme of the image. Arrange the elements of the frame in random order along the edge of the base, choosing the option of a symmetrical or asymmetrical pattern.
  3. Make an imperceptible transition from the frame into the depths of the picture, sticking natural decor on the image: on the stone pattern - a piece of pebbles or a shell suitable form, on the contours of a leaf or flower - the material corresponding in outline. As the picture deepens into perspective, decorative inclusions should be made less frequently, and then only the drawing itself should be left.

A panel made of natural materials designed in this way becomes voluminous and loses its two-dimensionality. A smooth transition from the frame to the plot of the depicted creates the effect of a living picture. For the background, you can use your own drawing on a specific topic.

The panel can be without a background image. Usually, thick cardboard covered with textured fabric or pasted over with colored paper is taken as the basis. According to a preliminary sketch, the artist creates landscapes and still lifes from dried leaves, seeds and twigs, complementing the picture with dried flowers. Decorate with berries, acorns or other materials.

How to make flowers?

Simple flowers (daisies, chrysanthemums) are best collected from petal-like maple or ash lionfish. As a basis, you can take small larch cones, gluing the petals between the scales. Creating fantasy flowers is possible using curved linden bracts: they look like orchid or rose petals. You can connect them with glue or plasticine of the desired shade. Dry seeds are easy to color in different colors.

To make flowers from natural material, maple leaves are also useful. Having folded one of them in half, you need to roll it into a roll. Press the petiole of the other with your fingers to the base of the roll, bend the leaf blade so that it is just above the edge of the core, and bend the double layer outward. Circle the edges of the sheet around the roll, pressing at its base. In the same way, make a few more petals. Base finished flower wrap with thread. Multi-colored roses can be used in any composition or panel made of natural material.

DIY decorative houses

Recently, Chinese miniatures in the form of fairy-tale houses have gained popularity. New Year and autumn compositions from natural materials with the inclusion of the hut of Baba Yaga or a good goblin, you can easily do it yourself, involving children in the creation of fairy tales. Such souvenirs can be made as decor inside a glass ball with a segment removed. Depending on the size, a decorative clearing can serve as both a Christmas tree toy and an independent decoration of the room. Bas-reliefs made of natural material can be used as wall panels.

A house made of natural material can be quite unusual. The walls are easiest to assemble from even sticks, folding them in the form of a log house, but you can dream up and roll a piece of birch bark or other bark into a cylinder. The roof will serve as tinder fungi different types, sheaves of straw, moss, flat shells.

Exotic houses will turn out from a decorative pumpkin. In some of its varieties, the fruits are shaped like a mushroom with a different color of the stem and cap. Such a pumpkin can also be used as a base for the walls and roof of a forest hut. To do this, you need to supplement the natural outlines with a glued or painted door, a pipe made of a stick or a reed stalk, a porch. But even ordinary round or pear-shaped pumpkins are suitable for making a hut. The roof can be made separately from a piece of bark, mushroom or other material.

Having installed the house inside the ball on a moss pillow or stone base, complement the landscape with trees made of branches, dried flowers, pebbles, etc. Fantastic animals that can live in such a landscape are created from acorns, seeds and cones.

Beautiful small houses can be installed on the lid of an unusually shaped jar. After the composition is completed, glass container put on top and screw on the lid. A small souvenir can be placed on a desk or under the Christmas tree.

Anything can be used as a basis for an open composition with a house made of natural material: pieces of thick bark, a small stump or saw cut, and even a large tinder fungus. It usually has the shape of a slide, so it is successfully used as an imitation of a mountain slope.

Crafts from natural material (video)

Funny crafts from natural raw materials

Fabulous animals and birds can live in any home. To invite them to visit you, you will need the most different materials: cones and mushrooms, feathers and shells, acorns and nuts. Creating a toy from natural materials is a completely creative process, where only the most general ideas can be given.

Fabulous animals and birds can live in any home

For example, pine and spruce cones successfully imitate the prickly body of a hedgehog, and lush cock or owl feathers, and the scales of a goldfish. You can give a toy made of natural materials a resemblance to a particular character with the help of additional details:

  • owl or fish eyes can be made from acorn caps by gluing shiny black peony seeds or allspice peas inside;
  • fins, wings, feathers are obtained from maple or ash lionfish, dried petals of large flowers;
  • a rounded head can be made from chestnut or walnut, elongated - from an acorn or hazelnut;
  • beaks of various shapes and sizes are obtained from sunflower seeds, pistachio shells, safflower seeds;
  • shells of turtles, beetles, crabs can be made from walnut shell halves, shells, tinder fungi.

By combining different parts, it is easy to create any original craft from natural materials for decorating a Christmas tree or settling a fabulous clearing with a house.

Hello everyone!

I welcome you to the pages of the ShkolaLa blog! It's autumn outside. And what kind of "School" in the fall, yes without autumn crafts? That's right, none) Children bring all kinds of crafts made from natural materials to school every year, around September - October. That is, right now! Therefore, right now an article dedicated to these crafts is being published on the blog.

Most of the works that you will see below were found by me on the Internet. I want to convey a big hello to their authors and say thank you for their great work and great ideas, which, I hope, will inspire many young schoolchildren and their parents to their DIY exploits.

Lesson plan:

From chestnuts

A huge chestnut grows right in front of our entrance. And when you leave the house in the morning, no, no, and you will get a chestnut on your head. It doesn’t hurt at all, it just happens unexpectedly) So we don’t have to go far for chestnuts, they literally fall from the sky.

Last year, with our own hands, we made such “Checkers-Insects” from chestnuts, which we then presented to the kindergarten as a keepsake.

The tutorial for making this game is hidden away.

And from chestnuts you can make such amazing snails. Very easy craft which does not take much time.

Charming and not at all scary spider. True, making a hole in a chestnut can be problematic. Here the child will probably need the help of one of the adults.

If you add plasticine and a little imagination, you can make the whole of Africa!

Or a poultry yard.

And this caterpillar is just a feast for the eyes!

I am sure that she could decorate with herself more than one exhibition and win in some autumn competition.

From cones

And for cones, the children and I go with a basket to Victory Park. But there you can only collect pine cones.

The playing field is made of branches, and the chips themselves are made of pebbles, but they can also be built from chestnuts, and even from halves of walnut shells.

From leaves, flowers, berries

Something, but there are a lot of beautiful bright leaves in autumn. Collect - I do not want. However, like berries, mountain ash, for example.

I remember when Sasha went to first grade, it was still in another life (before the blog), we made roses from autumn leaves. We didn't succeed, we tried many times. As a result, they succeeded. It turned out like this.

From leaves and flowers, you can make various applications.

Use them together with other natural materials.

And you can try to create a real work of art.

Rowan berries are perfect for making jewelry, beads, for example.

From something strange

And walking through the autumn parks and streets, you can find something strange and, at first glance, completely unsuitable for crafts. For example, here is a piece of birch. How to call it then? Spit, right?

We found it and took it with us. Brought home. Washed, dried. And they decided to turn it ... into a watermelon! Very much the right shape. See what we got.

We needed:

  • birch;
  • acrylic paints (white, green, black, red);
  • brushes;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine.

First, our entire future watermelon was primed with PVA glue.

Then they painted the "crust" in dark green.

And they drew a dark strip in the middle.

"Watermelon pulp" was first covered with white paint.

And then, slightly retreating from the crust, so that a white rim remains, they painted everything in red juicy color.

To make the transition from white to red smoother, a pink stripe was added between them. When our watermelon dried up, we varnished it. After that, he became even juicier.

Only the bones are missing! We molded them from black plasticine and glued them into place.

Now this birch watermelon stands in our room in the most prominent place and pleases us and our guests, who strive to touch this piece of summer.

That's how much various crafts can be designed and made elementary school with their golden hands. Nothing complicated, but how exciting!

And right now, the singing kids will share with you their wonderful golden autumn mood)

And what have you already managed to build from natural materials this fall? Tell me? Waiting for comments)

Enjoy your creativity!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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The evening is an amazing time when the whole family gets together and unsuspecting parents find out that they need to bring autumn crafts to the kindergarten for tomorrow. So that this situation does not take you by surprise, we recommend that you prepare in advance and familiarize yourself with the ideas of children's homemade products.

We have prepared for you a lot of step-by-step and colorful master classes. different levels difficulties. We are sure that you will definitely find something worthwhile for yourself.

Hedgehogs are different

Did you know that the Soviet cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" 15 years ago was recognized as the best animated film of all time? See what a difficult animal this hedgehog is. It is definitely worthy of repeated incarnation with the help of various natural materials.

Volumetric hedgehog from seeds and plasticine

A cheerful and thrifty hedgehog, cheerfully carrying mushrooms on its back, can come to visit your apartment in the fall. To do this, you need to stock up on simple natural materials, an hour of free time and involve young assistants in the work.

For co-creation you will need:

  • foil;
  • leg-split;
  • black and brown
  • unpeeled seeds;
  • PVA glue;
  • acorns and leaves for decoration.
Make the base of the hedgehog out of foil. You can immediately tear off a large piece of foil and form a drop-shaped blank from it. Or roll up a separate ball for the calf, a small cone for the spout and connect them together by wrapping them in foil.

Cover the body of the hedgehog with black plasticine, and the muzzle with brown. This crucial stage can be safely entrusted to the child, nothing will be spoiled, and then all the flaws will disappear.

Grease the muzzle with a thin layer of PVA. Moisten the twine with a little glue and tightly, row by row, wrap it around the face, starting from the spout. At this point, you have to stop and let the glue dry. Remember that this must happen naturally. On a battery or when dried with a hairdryer, the plasticine will melt.

The next stage is design. From the seeds you need to make a hedgehog needle. Start work from the head, arrange the rows of seeds in a checkerboard pattern. Stick the "needles" into the plasticine as tightly as possible to each other.

Decorate the muzzle with plasticine eyes and a nose.

Mushrooms are easy to make from acorns by simply covering their caps with brown plasticine. You can attach real leaflets to them if you wish. Using plasticine, attach the fungi to the back of the hedgehog.

Such a handsome man will surely please your child, and will also allow you to enjoy joint creativity.

Hedgehog application from dry leaves

On a walk in the autumn park, you gathered beautiful bouquet yellow leaves? Great, add more glue and cardboard to them - we will make a cute hedgehog.

All you need is to draw an outline. Your kid will be happy to glue the leaves. Just show him how it's done.

You can download the hedgehog template, we offer you 4 options:

Hedgehog application from seeds

You liked the idea of ​​using seeds for hedgehog quills, but voluminous craft seems too complicated to implement? We have prepared another simple MK, which features a funny hedgehog, seeds and plasticine.

A little perseverance and you can make a surprisingly cute and simple craft for kindergarten.

paper hedgehog

We bring to your attention another idea that even the kids from junior group. An original and cute application using autumn leaves will not take you much time. It also comes with a paper cut template to make it even easier for parents.



You have already loaded your head with what else to surprise worldly-wise kindergarten teachers who again and again expect crafts from your child? We offer to amaze their imagination with surprisingly realistic mushrooms from the simplest materials at hand.

For work you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • water; starch;
  • long nails or thick wire;
  • cardboard;
  • paints and brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • dry brew or poppy.
To get started, together with your child, select the types of mushrooms that you want to bring to life. Cut out base circles from thick cardboard for their future hats.

Pierce each circle in the middle with a nail. It will serve as the base for the legs. Instead, you can take a thick steel wire. But it’s better not to bother and purchase a dozen or two potential “mushroom legs” at the nearest hardware store.

Now it's time to cook the paste. Boil a liter of water. Stir in a glass of cold water 5 tbsp. with a slide of potato starch. While stirring the boiling water, pour the starch into it in a stream. While stirring, bring the paste to a boil. It is ready to use, it remains only to wait until it cools down to room temperature.

Coat the mushroom blank with a paste. Roll a hat ball out of cotton, dip it in paste and glue it to the hat. Wrap the stem of the mushroom with moistened cotton. Repeat this procedure several times until you get the desired size and shape of the fungus.

Don't forget to wring out excess glue from the cotton! The resulting blanks must be completely dried on a battery or in a warm oven. Already at this stage, the mushrooms are very pretty.

The moment has come creative work- painting. It is she who will turn faded blanks into real autumn mushrooms. You can paint crafts with any paint: acrylic, gouache or watercolor.

Color the hats according to the mushrooms of your choice.

Wait for the paint to dry completely. Cover the end of the leg with a thin layer of PVA and dip it in dry poppy seeds or tea leaves - this will imitate the remnants of the earth.

For extra shine and chic, you can cover the mushroom caps with any colorless varnish.

You can arrange a beautiful basket with mushrooms - your craft will not go unnoticed. And the secret of making realistic mushrooms will long excite the imagination of everyone who was lucky enough to see them.

These hand made beauties are obtained as a result of the efforts made.

Don't have the right basket? No problem! The most beautiful composition using moss, coniferous or dry twigs and real dry leaves can be arranged in an ordinary cardboard box or on a small stump, or on your own.

Fantasize and think outside the box - in kindergarten, and indeed in any other, creativity, this is only welcome.

autumn trees

Has your child already wondered why in autumn the trees change their green attire to a bright yellow-orange decoration? So it's time to satisfy his curiosity, and at the same time craving for creativity.

plasticine tree

We offer you a beautiful and uncomplicated plasticine application that even the youngest naturalists can handle.

For work, prepare colored plasticine and cardboard.

Draw a tree trunk on thick cardboard. Now let the child roll up many thin and long plasticine sausages 2-3 shades of brown.

Glue them along the tree trunk, alternating shades for realism. Fill in the entire contour of the trunk and do not forget about the twigs.

Add some more branches for a lush crown.

Roll out many thin sausages in red, orange and yellow. Roll each sausage into a spiral. You will see, the child will really like this exciting activity.

Glue the spirals on the crown of the tree in random order. Form a tree of the desired size.

Make blades of green plasticine. "Plant" grass near the tree.

Complete the appliqué with falling leaves.

Here is such a man-made beauty we got. A bright frame will make the picture even more expressive.

Application "Tree of confetti"

The original idea of ​​an autumn tree is to decorate it with paper confetti. Check out step by step master class by watching our video. Confetti can be easily and simply cut with a regular hole punch. In this technique, you will quickly be able to grow a whole fantasy forest.

pumpkin seed trees

Have you noticed how pumpkin seed looks like a leaf? And creative personalities not only noticed this, but also used the similarity to create an original application from this natural material.

See our step-by-step photo of MK and be inspired by your own masterpieces.

Unusual trees from cereals

We continue to heat up the degree of creativity. Now, to create crafts, colored cereals will be used. Do you have rice, semolina or millet in stock? Then try to master this method of creating an application.

Or this option:

"Macaroni" tree

The unusual shape and safe composition of various pasta products makes it possible to use them in preschool creativity. Find pasta in the form of bows or leaves and "grow" your own unique tree.

Unusual "button" trees

And if you accidentally have a lot of unnecessary multi-colored buttons lying around at your house, then we know how to use them for a good cause. Try to create a bright panel that will decorate a summer house or nursery. And armed with wire and pliers, you can comprehend the art of button bonsai.


Autumn is harvest time. And even if you didn’t plan to harvest a real crop, surprise everyone with a realistic nylon pumpkin. You can make it both for the competition of children's autumn crafts, and just for the soul, and at the same time get acquainted with an interesting technique for making nylon vegetables and fruits.

For work you will need:

  • dyed nylon;
  • filler (foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, even ordinary cotton wool will do);
  • needle and thread;
  • thin wire;
  • a small piece of wire;
  • green teip tape;
  • scissors;
  • brush and paints.
From the selected filler, form a ball the size of a future pumpkin. Cover the ball with yellow nylon folded in 3 layers. Tie the shell with a thread and cut off the excess.

Using a needle, make jumpers with a thread. Make them at the same distance until you go around the entire workpiece in a circle.

From small pieces of thin wire, make round blanks for leaves.

Cover them with green nylon, fix its ends with a thread and cut off the excess. Slightly deform the edges of the leaves, giving them a realistic look. Wrap the ends of the wire with tape.

Wrap a piece of wire with teip tape. Wrap it around the handle and carefully remove the resulting spiral. It turned out a branch-antennae, which we will attach to the pumpkin.

Gather a branch of a pumpkin, gradually connecting the leaves and tendrils with teip tape in random order.

At the top of the pumpkin, fix a piece of wire and wrap it with teip tape. Attach a branch with leaves to the tail.

To achieve realism, tint the depressions with orange. Blot excess moisture with a tissue.

As a result of the efforts made, a wonderful gift of autumn, made by hand, turned out.

Ideas for inspiration

We have prepared for you a photo selection of unusual autumn crafts to motivate you to action. Watch and get inspired to work together.

Spectacular composition of natural materials

Dry twigs and grass, a bunch of viburnum, some smooth pebbles, a pine cone and sand, thanks to fantasy, turn into a cozy rural courtyard with a wooden house under a thatched roof. This craft looks very unusual, and you can get it absolutely free. It is enough just to get out for a walk in the nearest park.

Yellow leaf bird:

Printable bird:

Bouquet of maple leaves

In autumn, fallen golden leaves are just asking for your hands. Walking in the park, it's so easy to pick up a whole maple bouquet, but it natural beauty instantly disappears into the apartment. It can be fixed. We will teach you how to beautiful roses from maple leaves. Such a bouquet will create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the room and will delight you with its warmth for a long time.

Autumn crafts from twigs and threads

A little imagination - and dry twigs collected on a walk can be turned not only into crafts for the garden, but also into spectacular souvenirs or bright interior decorations.

Simple paper crafts

Unusual autumn leaves can be created with my own hands, and turn an empty paper bag into a picturesque tree with a spreading crown.

A few more templates to print:

Just let your imagination run wild and follow the step by step photo instructions.

Autumn time is rich in wonderful gifts of nature. Some of them delight us with culinary delights, because you can cook delicious dishes from a variety of vegetables and fruits, while others, in the form of multi-colored foliage, delight the eye with their bright colors. Usually, all this beauty almost instantly falls like a motley veil to the ground, which is why it quickly loses its attractiveness. Unfortunately, few people know what can be done from thereby extending his life. But crafts made from leaves, cones and chestnuts are not only funny figures and applications (although how can you imagine childhood without these cute little things?), But also an original and truly beautiful home decor.

+100 500 options and ideas

So, what can be done from natural material? It all depends on what the craft is for. In today's article, we will consider more than one option for beautiful products that you can create yourself using only available tools at hand. Many of them are children's crafts, for example, a variety of animals made from natural materials, toys, and even cartoon characters and computer games. But it can also be unusual trees, topiaries, unique panels and compositions that will delight and remind you of the wonderful autumn season in cold winter.

It is impossible to describe all those masterpieces that talented needleworkers create from natural materials. Autumn bouquet or photo frame, original vase or decorative figurine, Christmas tree decoration or a picture - the imagination of talented masters is simply limitless. Moreover, their creativity does not stop at soulless interior items, stretching much further. For example, for the design of a children's photo shoot using ordinary grass, leaves, grains and maple seeds. Have you ever imagined that such beauty can be made from natural material? Of course, not only adults will like the end result, but also the children themselves, who can be involved in all stages of creating a photo collage, from collecting plants to decorating their own pictures.

Transformation of flora into fauna

To begin with, we will tell you how a variety of animals are made from natural material. First of all, let's distinguish between the types of crafts. These can be applications that are created using leaves and small elements. Such material is usually glued to the base - a cardboard sheet, fabric or wooden board using a glue stick or PVA. Such a composition is flat and looks like a picture.

With the help of leaves and blades of grass, you can create a variety of representatives of the animal world, the main thing is to choose the right material for colors, size and texture. The craft will “come to life” if it is supplemented with a pattern, making the animals a muzzle, tail or even prey. Miniature details can also be created from natural material by trimming the leaves in some places to remove excess. It is better to glue the elements on a schematic representation of the animal, so it will be easier to maintain symmetry and pick up individual parts of the figure.

However, there is another type of crafts in the form of animals. This may be a bulk composition of natural material. Most often, nuts, acorns, cones and chestnuts are used. The torso and head are made of them, and matches, twigs, floristic wire or plasticine serve as legs, paws, neck. To make such crafts from natural materials quickly and beautifully, you can even use ready-made animal figurines, as long as they fit organically into the overall concept.

wayward tangle

The most popular hero and prototype of children's figures at kindergarten exhibitions is none other than a hedgehog. This prickly inhabitant of the forest is not in vain considered a symbol of autumn, because the attributes of this season are very “suitable” for him: nuts, mushrooms, apples and berries. A hedgehog made from natural material can be made from leaves, for example, like this in the photo below.

Its creation will not be difficult. The main thing is to pick up a lot of leaves of the same size and shape. Oblong leaves with sharp tips are best suited, from which needles for a prickly lump will be obtained. You can decorate a hedgehog with an apple and a mushroom of a different color, the muzzle, tummy and paws should also be slightly different from the fur coat of the animal. The final touches are the bean nose, mouth and eyes.

Below is another hedgehog made from plasticine and pumpkin seeds. This is a voluminous craft, miniature, but extremely cute. By placing the hedgehog on an impromptu stump and adding a green spruce twig and a bunch of red berries (mountain ash, hawthorn, wild rose) to it, you will complete the work and you will have a wonderful composition made of natural material.

Winged wonder

Another favorite of children and adults is the round-eyed owl. This bird can be made in a variety of ways: from a piece of bark, feathers, threads, leaves. We will demonstrate to our readers a wonderful and very simple craft. Such an owl made of natural material consists of pine cone, a few acorn caps, "helicopters" taken from ash or maple, hop cones and a couple of pieces of bark. In order to assemble the craft, you need to stock up on good glue - it can be "Moment", "Second" or silicone for a hot gun.

Such an owl is made from natural material very quickly:

  • you need to prepare the details by selecting a lush cone, detaching the caps from the acorns and picking up small pieces of bark;
  • the material must be cleaned of dirt and dried well so that the glue securely connects the parts of the owl;
  • on the sides, the bark should be glued to the bump-body - these will be the wings;
  • in the upper part, with the help of acorn caps, we form eyes, and above them we attach maple seeds - these are eyebrows;
  • the final touch is a small bump that will become a beak.

In such a simple way, we get a wonderful bird from natural material, which will not be difficult to get in any city park.

Autumn landscape

Talking about crafts, it is impossible to ignore such a type of creativity as appliqué. A little higher, we have already talked about how you can lay out figures of animals and birds with the help of leaves, but what else can be made from natural material? An excellent craft would be a fantasy landscape in which one leaf will turn into a whole tree, and their combination will turn into a real dense forest. To compile such a composition, it is very important to choose the ideal material, because it will need to be glued to the paper as a whole, and when unfolded, all the flaws will be visible on the sheet. With the help of such an application, you can clearly demonstrate all the riot of colors of fading nature and organically place leaves taken from different trees.

Autumn vegetation also receives an unusual embodiment in the form of representatives of the underwater world. From miniature oblong and oval leaves, very believable flocks of nimble fish are obtained, more material can easily be turned into a pot-bellied crucian carp, and various blades of grass and thin twigs will make up the flora that grows on the seabed. Making a composition inside cardboard box, you will get a wonderful "aquarium".

Simple but tasteful

There are crafts in our list that will not be so easy to make, because it will take a little more time than creating the usual products from leaves and fruits, but they are more durable, practical and useful. First of all, this applies to wall panels. The basis of the compositions we proposed is a plank, but it can be replaced with cardboard covered with fabric. It can be burlap, linen canvas. The purpose of the work is to create a certain plot, it can be a village house, a forest landscape, a river, an apiary, a shed with firewood or a small wagon. Based on the proposed photo, you can make excellent crafts from natural material in the garden, which will be useful not only as an exhibit, but will also become great decoration groups.

To create elements of the composition, you will need to prepare different items:

  • straight sticks;
  • small branches resembling trees;
  • pieces of bark for walls, roofs, mountains;
  • small and neat leaves;
  • dried flowers;
  • nut shells;
  • "log" of sticks.

You can add color variety with the help of pre-made figures of pumpkins and apples. With the help of paints, you will need to refine the picture by drawing patterns on buildings and other man-made elements (for the same purpose, you can use a burner), landscape, sky. All parts are attached to the base with glue.

The collection of panels must begin, as in the case of the application, with the creation of a schematic image. This will help determine the placement of elements, their size and visual harmonization of the entire composition. On top of the craft, it would be better to open it with varnish - this will make it more resistant to external influences.

wish tree

The next in our review will be a tree made from natural material. This topic is relevant in several seasons, as it can be an autumn or winter craft. Additional materials in each case are used differently, although the basis is often the same - a beautiful branch. Only in the case of autumn crafts, it remains unprocessed, but from natural material it can be covered with a layer of white or silver acrylic paint.

As a decor for a tree, any materials they like are used - these are leaves and garlands of them, berries, nuts, fruits, miniature crafts, including paper. In this list, bumps should be noted separately - they are the basis for many interesting ideas.

Of those that grow on Christmas trees, you can easily create wonderful elves - real forest spirits. Figured oak leaves will become their wings, a bunch of dyed wool for felting or floral sisal will turn into luxurious hair, and wonderful caps can be made from felt or acorns. It will be a bit of a pity to take such crafts from natural material to the kindergarten - they turn out so funny.

Topiary from natural material

Recently, the topiary has been holding the palm among autumn crafts on merit. From natural material, you can make many options for small trees with a round crown. Traditionally, it is a ball decorated with flowers, shells, nuts, coffee beans or any other medium-sized items that can be compactly and neatly fixed to the base. The crown is mounted on a trunk planted in a small flower pot.

Autumn flowers - separate topic for a conversation. Nature, preparing for a long winter, pleases with a stunning abundance of chrysanthemums, oak, asters and dahlias. Their lush colorful corollas are perfectly combined with a variety of natural materials. A classic composition can be generously flavored with luxurious maple leaves, a crimson branch of wild grapes or a twig of yellow-green willow. Bushy plants with late elastic berries (rose hips, hawthorn, mountain ash) will be an excellent and especially relevant addition.

A bouquet of autumn leaves and flowers can be small, crowning one small vase, but a multi-tiered composition will look no less appropriate. When composing it, it is important to observe proportions, making each new “floor” a little smaller than the previous one.

Seasonal decor

Finally, we will share with readers the ideas of original autumn crafts with which you can decorate the house, make it a little more comfortable and warmer. The multi-colored foliage on the trees will not please for long, it will fall off with the first frost, but it is very easy to make the view from the window not so dull and gray. To do this, you just need to string small, but always beautiful leaves on long threads or fishing line in the form of garlands that decorate window openings.

Golden autumn can also be "brought" home in the form of elegant candlesticks or vases. To do this, a jar of an interesting shape or an ordinary transparent glass needs to be glued in a circle with colored leaves. Freshly harvested material will not lie beautifully on the vessel, first it will need to be dried a little so that the elasticity leaves the leaf and it becomes more pliable. You need to work with ordinary PVA, it will perfectly fix the decor on the glass, and after drying it will become transparent. In addition, this type of glue will not be afraid of the heat of a burning candle inside the glass.