Presentations of crafts made from natural material. Presentation on the theme "toys from natural material". Hanging - green

Marina Tsitsilina
Presentation of the exhibition of crafts from natural material"Autumn Fantasies"

Our kindergarten hosted an annual exhibition of crafts made from natural materials"Autumn fantasies". Contest crafts organized to enhance the joint creativity of pupils and their parents (legal representatives). Tasks competition: to stimulate creativity, initiative of parents; develop children's creativity; to form the artistic taste of preschoolers; form cognitive activity; Make children feel the joy of watching. Participants are children of all age groups and their parents (legal representatives). Our children and their parents love to participate in creative competitions, which holds our preschool. Pupils and their families are creative in creating crafts made from natural materials, pre-prepared material, dry herbarium, collect acorns and moss. We accept entries in any category. As a teacher of art activities, I am a member of the jury, and I can say that every year fantasy Parents surprise us more and more.

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Photo report "Autumn Fantasies" Every autumn, our group hosts an exhibition of crafts made from natural material "Autumn Fantasies!" Participants.

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One of the traditions of our kindergarten is an annual exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. All children take part in the exhibition.

Autumn is a beautiful, wonderful time, which, with its beauty, inspires the creation of something interesting. It takes place in our kindergarten every year.

Every year, nature gives us a lot of natural materials suitable for creativity for free. The process of creating with your own hands develops the artistic taste, thinking, memory of the child, cultivates perseverance. But most importantly, you can have fun and usefully spend time with friends, delighting yourself and others with crafts.

Preparation of natural materials for their further use

Nature is the best artist, it creates such natural materials that turn into works of art in skillful hands!

plant materials


Chestnut fruits have a bright brown color and a shiny surface, so they make excellent DIY crafts from natural material. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin, easily pierced with an awl. Chestnuts are a fertile material for working with young children themselves. You can make many different dolls,.

It is better to store in a cool place in boxes.


Oak fruits ripen in autumn, in September-October. collected in various shapes and sizes.

At the same time, their cups (pluses) on which they are held are also collected. Plushs are very often used separately from the acorn, as an independent natural material for various crafts.

Acorn cups and balls knitted from wool

How to knit even balls of wool, see the video Olga Skibina:

Acorn buns and Christmas bells

You can store them for a very long time, after washing and drying thoroughly. But why just keep stones when you can play with them with the whole family?)

For another way to apply an image to river or sea stones, see the video from You Can Do It Craft. You will be surprised how easy it is!


You can collect shells on the banks of rivers, seas, lakes while relaxing with your children. Many of them are original appearance, in shape - oval, comb-shaped, elongated, etc.

Boil them for a few minutes to free them from living organisms. Shells are washed with a small brush (you can use a toothbrush), after which they are dried, sorted by type and size. Stored at any temperature.

You can also clean the shells in a solution of whiteness and water at a rate of 1: 1. The top layer will disappear after a while, leaving the shell with a nice shiny top.

Animal figurines are made from large shells.

Small shells make wonderful applications, garlands:

Shells can be used not only as the main material, but also as an additional decor (bird wings, dog ears, flower petals, etc.)


Very affordable material that can be collected in any sandbox. It differs in structure. Rinse and dry thoroughly before use. And then you can use it as a decor in your work:

Rules for the storage of natural materials

Crafts made from natural materials with your own hands will be flawless if, after collecting, drying, pre-treatment, you properly store these natural gifts. To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. A dark, cool, and well-ventilated area is the best place to store natural materials.
  2. You can buy plastic containers for storing each type of material; use carton boxes from under shoes, tea, sweets; take ordinary glass jars with a screw cap. For seeds, as well as for beads, it is better to have a container with many compartments.
  3. Dried flowers are fragile and break easily, so they are placed in a tight box or container. Petals are stored separately from flowers. Flowers with a stem can be stored in a vase.
  4. Prepared leaves are also brittle. You can store them in large books. Also, for safety, put them in signed candy boxes, grab a little tape so that they do not accidentally open.
  5. Seashells are placed in glass jars or plastic containers with a wide neck so that they do not crumble.

Additional tools for crafts made from natural materials

To create a beautiful craft from natural materials, you will need additional tools and materials.

It can be:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • skin scraps;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • bird feathers;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plasticine;
  • wire;
  • PVA glue, "Moment";
  • gouache;
  • stain;
  • varnish etc.

Paper very often used as an addition to natural materials. Children, bending, gluing it, make the work much more interesting.

plasticine fasten separate parts of simple toys at the initial stage of work. It is not very durable, but as a supplement it is often used in kindergarten and elementary school.

From wire most often they make the frame of a toy, the connection of its parts. Copper wire diameter 0.29-0.35 mm - soft, flexible and durable - the most comfortable. And for the frame, a wire of a larger diameter is used - 1-1.5 mm.

Threads it is better to take thick, multi-colored ones (No. 10).

Glue it is better to take white PVA, BF, etc. However, in kindergarten it is better to use PVA glue.

They also use foil, pebbles, pits from cherries, and bristles.

Additional material is best stored in a small box with cells for each type of material.

The use of additional material depends on the idea, the skill of the children, the degree of development of the imagination! Offer your options, but rely more on children's intuition and desire.

It is also additionally necessary to have certain tools for making crafts from natural material:

  • artistic scissors;
  • awl;
  • jigsaw;
  • tweezers;
  • pliers and wire cutters;
  • sewing needles;
  • brushes for glue and paints;
  • cotton cloth for wiping off adhesive residue.

Scissors for children should be with blunt ends, small, with rings convenient for a child's hand.

Awl you need to take from a durable material with a handle length of about 6 cm, a diameter of about 2 cm, a stabbing part - 3.5 cm

Needle need a large sewing machine. It must be kept in a needle case with a thread threaded into it.

Attention! Only adults use pliers, pliers, drills!

To draw the contour of the part to be cut out, a simple pencil. For example, dresses, hats for a doll, etc. It is better to take a soft pencil (2M).

Tassels(soft for drawing, harder for glue). It is better to buy squirrel brushes (No. 4 and 6). For glue take brushes with hard bristles.

Stack- a tool necessary for surface treatment of clay or plasticine. The length of the stack for children is about 12 cm.

Crafts from natural material for kindergarten

Toddlers are very fond of turning chestnuts and plasticine into toys in their hands that they can play with. Crafts made from natural material for kindergarten are not very complicated, so any child can do it with the help of an adult. Sometimes they are made from fruits and vegetables, but most often they are applications from leaves and animals from cones and acorns.

Crafts from leaves and maple "helicopters"

The easiest and most accessible work even for kids is the application of leaves. If this is the first time you are making a composition with your child, offer him a picture that will serve as a template. Do not rush to do everything yourself. Invite the child to choose the leaves as desired, so that the work turns out to be similar to the sample. This is how they will develop Creative skills your child.

Application material:

  • colorful leaves;
  • thick sheet A-4;
  • brushes for glue;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • sample.

To make a simple composition, you need even, dry leaves. Put them under a press or in a book. In two days the material is ready. Cut out suitable parts with scissors and lay them out on a piece of paper.

Now you can glue. First the background and bottom layers, and then the finer details. For example, if you want to make an elephant, then first make the body and head out of the leaves, and then glue the trunk, tail, legs. If there are not enough eyes, then they can be drawn with a marker or made from tree seeds.

It is not necessary to do everything according to a template. You can come up with a picture yourself and create an original composition of leaves.

Use as a supplement colored paper, felt-tip pens, paints, so your applications will be even more interesting.

Along with the leaves, “helicopters” from maple are also ideal as a basis for crafts made from natural material for a kindergarten. Just look at this miracle!

Fairy wings from maple seeds

Dragonflies from maple helicopters

Now you are convinced how beautiful and original leaf applications can be. Use these ideas for leisure activities with children.

Simple master classes on creating children's crafts from acorns and cones

At the end of summer, acorns begin to ripen, and they make wonderful crafts made from natural material for a kindergarten or school. They are well preserved, and on long autumn evenings, together with children, you can do a pleasant and useful thing that develops fine motor skills hands of the baby, fantasy and perseverance.

The most common acorn crafts are animals and various little men. From toothpicks, matches, thin twigs, you can easily make legs, handles, horns and other small items. An adult needs to help the children poke holes in the acorns.

To attach small parts, you can use a glue gun, Super Moment glue, but only adults should do this. And it is safest for the guys to fasten the parts with the help of plasticine.

Fly agarics from acorns are even easier to make! To paint acorns, you need to remove the hats from them, and after the paint has dried, glue them in place.

Acorns are very beautiful on their own, and if they are also painted acrylic paints or nail polish, then such crafts will decorate any home.

And from silver-painted hats you can make original decoration to the Christmas tree. The process of creating such an eco-toy is quite simple: we stick it tightly on a foam ball (you can take the old christmas ball) caps from acorns. And sparkled new.

We found another video for you, where Niki Junior
In addition to the "edible" crafts, kids can choose any presented in this huge article of "Cross"! We tried to choose the best and easiest to implement ideas 🙂 Good luck and creative inspiration everyone!


Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

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Description of the slide:

The days have become shorter, The nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows When it happens? autumn

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The field became black and white: It rains, then it snows. And it got colder - Ice bound the waters of the rivers. Winter rye freezes in the field. What month, please? November The face of nature is getting darker: The vegetable gardens have turned black, The forests are becoming bare, The bird voices are silent, The bear has fallen into hibernation. What month has come to us? October The collective-farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have reached out to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has come to us? September

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Who beats on the roof all night, And taps, And mutters, and sings, lulls? rain Hangs - turns green, She dies in the fall, Falls - turns yellow, And again in the spring comes to life, Lies - turns black. leaf Cows without it are in trouble, it is their main food. Grass Autumn came to visit us And brought with her ... What? Say random! Well, of course ... leaf fall

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Cones and needles Needles. For crafting toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs and cat claws, butterfly antennae, doll skirts, coniferous needles are suitable. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are many needles in those places where pines, spruces, cedars grow. You can store them in boxes. In work, it is better to use green needles. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - an excellent material for voluminous toys and fun crafts. In shape, they resemble parts of the torso of animals, humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is desirable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and put into separate boxes.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Nuts and chestnuts In the manufacture of toys, you can use forest, walnuts, ground and pine nuts, pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy people (for example, "cheerful little man"), animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material in the manufacture of paws of animals, fists of forest men; they are easily pierced with an awl, stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to craft boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and a bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin, easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnuts can be used to make doll heads and bodies. Store chestnuts preferably in a cool place.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end, they are surrounded by a strongly overgrown cup - plush. Acorns ripen in autumn, in September - October. They are recommended to be harvested when they are ripe and fall from the tree. Simultaneously with the acorns, their cups (pluses) are also collected, on which they are held. Pluski very good material in addition to the acorn, they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected different in size and shape. For the manufacture of toys, it is desirable to use fresh acorns, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little men, plushies can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and humid place.

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Description of the slide:

Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, lilac. Their branches are resilient and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry branches should be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. They sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies with their bizarre forms. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Leaves An interesting and necessary addition in the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can be of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use a large leaf of oak, maple as a sail for a yacht, raft, steamer. The leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings, fish fins (these toys are made from cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in autumn, when they are especially beautiful. To save and use the leaves, they must be properly harvested. To do this, the collected leaves of plants are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be shifted with thick paper or thin cardboard and a load placed on top. For long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

To the lesson "Manufacture of products from natural material. Swan"


correctional-developing: Develop creativity, fine motor skills, attention, speech. Enrich vocabulary. Develop accuracy, patience.

correctional and educational: keep teaching various methods work with natural materials, plasticine.

correctional and educational: Cultivate friendly relations in the team, goodwill, mutual assistance. Instill love for the environment. Develop a critical attitude towards your work.

Material: cones, feathers, plasticine, stacks, napkins, cotton swabs.



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Slides captions:

The days have become shorter, The nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows When it happens? autumn

The field became black and white: It rains, then it snows. And it got colder - Ice bound the waters of the rivers. Winter rye freezes in the field. What month, please? November The face of nature is getting darker: The vegetable gardens have turned black, The forests are becoming bare, The bird voices are silent, The bear has fallen into hibernation. What month has come to us? October The collective-farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have reached out to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has come to us? September

Who beats on the roof all night, And taps, And mutters, and sings, lulls? rain Hangs - turns green, She dies in the fall, Falls - turns yellow, And again in the spring comes to life, Lies - turns black. leaf Cows without it are in trouble, it is their main food. Grass Autumn came to visit us And brought with her ... What? Say random! Well, of course ... leaf fall

Cones and needles Needles. For crafting toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs and cat claws, butterfly antennae, doll skirts, coniferous needles are suitable. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are many needles in those places where pines, spruces, cedars grow. You can store them in boxes. In work, it is better to use green needles. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape, they resemble parts of the torso of animals, humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is desirable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and put into separate boxes.

Nuts and chestnuts In the manufacture of toys, you can use forest, walnuts, ground and pine nuts, pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy people (for example, "cheerful little man"), animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material in the manufacture of paws of animals, fists of forest men; they are easily pierced with an awl, stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to craft boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and a bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin, easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnuts can be used to make doll heads and bodies. Store chestnuts preferably in a cool place.

Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end, they are surrounded by a strongly overgrown cup - plush. Acorns ripen in autumn, in September - October. They are recommended to be harvested when they are ripe and fall from the tree. Simultaneously with the acorns, their cups (pluses) are also collected, on which they are held. Plushies are a very good material in addition to the acorn, they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected different in size and shape. For the manufacture of toys, it is desirable to use fresh acorns, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little men, plushies can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and humid place.

Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, lilac. Their branches are resilient and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry branches should be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. They sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies with their bizarre forms. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

Leaves An interesting and necessary addition in the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can be of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use a large leaf of oak, maple as a sail for a yacht, raft, steamer. The leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings, fish fins (these toys are made from cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in autumn, when they are especially beautiful. To save and use the leaves, they must be properly harvested. To do this, the collected leaves of plants are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be shifted with thick paper or thin cardboard and a load placed on top. For long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

Seeds A valuable addition to toys made from natural material can be seeds of trees, flowers, vegetables, for example, seeds of maple, ash. They are known as lionfish. From them you can make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and antennas for astronauts, animal paws are good from linden seeds; from the seeds of watermelon, melon, sunflower, you can make eyes. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.

Rose hips, mountain ash Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. A valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rose hips and mountain ash are easily pricked, so the technique for making toys from this material is simple. work with material better in summer, since fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, matches. Berries are unsuitable for storage, as when dried they harden and lose their shape. Various toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries: gnomes and little men, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.

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Cones and needles Needles. For crafting toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs and cat claws, butterfly antennae, doll skirts, coniferous needles are suitable. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are many needles in those places where pines, spruces, cedars grow. You can store them in boxes. In work, it is better to use green needles. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape, they resemble parts of the torso of animals, humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is desirable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and put into separate boxes.

3 slide

Nuts and chestnuts In the manufacture of toys, you can use forest, walnuts, ground and pine nuts, pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy people (for example, "cheerful little man"), animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material in the manufacture of paws of animals, fists of forest men; they are easily pierced with an awl, stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to craft boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and a bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin, easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnuts can be used to make doll heads and bodies. Store chestnuts preferably in a cool place.

4 slide

Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end, they are surrounded by a strongly overgrown cup - plush. Acorns ripen in autumn, in September - October. They are recommended to be harvested when they are ripe and fall from the tree. Simultaneously with the acorns, their cups (pluses) are also collected, on which they are held. Plushies are a very good material in addition to the acorn, they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected different in size and shape. For the manufacture of toys, it is desirable to use fresh acorns, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little men, plushies can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and humid place.

5 slide

Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, lilac. Their branches are resilient and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry branches should be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. They sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies with their bizarre forms. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

6 slide

Leaves An interesting and necessary addition in the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can be of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use a large leaf of oak, maple as a sail for a yacht, raft, steamer. The leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings, fish fins (these toys are made from cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in autumn, when they are especially beautiful. To save and use the leaves, they must be properly harvested. To do this, the collected leaves of plants are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be shifted with thick paper or thin cardboard and a load placed on top. For long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

7 slide

Seeds A valuable addition to toys made from natural material can be seeds of trees, flowers, vegetables, for example, seeds of maple, ash. They are known as lionfish. From them you can make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and antennas for astronauts, animal paws are good from linden seeds; from the seeds of watermelon, melon, sunflower, you can make eyes. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.

8 slide

Rose hips, mountain ash Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. A valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rose hips and mountain ash are easily pricked, so the technique for making toys from this material is simple. It is better to work with the material in the summer, as fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, matches. Berries are unsuitable for storage, as when dried they harden and lose their shape. Various toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries: gnomes and little men, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.