When should you get married? From what age can and when is it better for men to marry? At what age do men get married

You have a great relationship and you are good together. Friends, acquaintances and especially older relatives constantly ask the sacramental question when they meet - when is the wedding? And it annoys you. But if you think about it, maybe it's really time to get married?

How to understand that the relationship has reached its peak and you are ready to move on new level? Is it really the “same” person next to you, your soul mate? Everything is not so difficult if the signs listed in our article are the norm for you.

You have no (or almost no) secrets from each other

Yes, you can keep silent about some minor facts of your biography that took place before the start of your relationship. This is usually done so as not to offend or hurt the loved one, especially if he/she is a jealous partner. And you don’t have to go into detail about all the little squabbles at work or retell conversations with your girlfriends.

But otherwise, your partner knows everything about you.

What foods are you allergic to, what were you called as a child, what size feet do you have, and who is listed as "The Idiot" in the phone book.

you became friends

You no longer need to impress each other

This does not mean that love has faded and you do not care what your partner thinks of you or how he sees you every day. But there is no getting away from the fact that we only seek to impress the person we like at the beginning of a relationship. The longer and deeper your relationship, the more often the partner sees you, as they say, without embellishment. You are no longer embarrassed to be tired, sick, upset, in a bad mood in front of a loved one, or just go to dressing gown, with a bun and without makeup.

This is natural, because a relationship cannot be a holiday 24 hours a day. If you are ready to accept your partner as ordinary and not as ideal as he seemed at first, then your feelings have already reached another level.

Your intimate life has become more relaxed, but no less pleasant

Perhaps in bed you are no longer as emotional and unrestrained as at the dawn of a relationship, but you are comfortable with this person, you do not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable - in general, everything suits you.

Lack of regular, mutually satisfying intimate life detrimental to relationships.

If everything is fine with you, you have studied each other's habits, you know all the erogenous zones and weaknesses, you are aware of the preferences and taboos of your partner in bed and it suits you, then do not hesitate - you have found your soul mate.

Do you trust each other

Trust is the cornerstone of strong relationships. The absence of jealousy for a loved one does not mean that you no longer love him or that his life does not interest you, but only that the person was able to earn your trust during the time that you were together.

Trust is not an unconditioned reflex inherited from birth, it is a matter of time and often great effort.

You are not alarmed by calls from females and do not cause suspicion of delays at work, you are calm about friendly gatherings of the second half without your participation and business trips to other cities and countries.

You are always in touch

You say "we" more often than "I"

A person usually begins to think in terms of “we” when, instead of a short-term perspective of a relationship, a long-term one opens before him. You and your loved one are already perceived not only and not so much as two independent individuals, but more like a couple.

You are invited to various events and meetings with friends already as a couple, and not separately, you only go on vacation together and prefer to spend Friday evening with your loved one, rather than with friends somewhere in a club.

You start making joint plans for the future, buying things in common, and perhaps even taking out a joint loan for something expensive and significant. This means that you have already begun to live as a family.

Do you live together

As a rule, all of the above begins to happen when people already live together. The ability not only to spend time together, but also to share one living space, solve everyday issues, distribute responsibilities brings the couple to a new level of relationships. The so-called "everyday life" has destroyed hundreds of marriages, but if you have overcome this stage, then consider that half of the path to a strong marriage has already been passed.

No one owes no one

The material side of the relationship is also very important. Like it or not, you are unlikely to become a happy exception from many families whose stability is built, in addition to love, on material well-being and mutual financial obligations.

And, by the way, it's not just about the money. You stop “keeping track” of some household chores, duties, time spent on work or household issues, because you know that your partner does no less for the sake of your relationship. A real family does not arise at the moment when a stamp appears in the passport, but only when you rely on mutual responsibility and stop believing that one of you owes something to the other.

When you stop counting money separately and lending to each other, then your relationship becomes not just a pastime, but mutual responsibility appears in them. The total budget is not just a beautiful term, it is something that every couple should strive for.

Do you often communicate with your partner's family?

Most of your friends have already started families

The point here is not so much in the “herd instinct” or in the fact that “it is supposed to be so” or “it would be time already”. Just friendship is a relationship built on common interests. When all your friends have become family people, have children, and you still prefer noisy parties to home evenings, you have much less common ground.

Having delayed the transition to an adult, family life, full of both worries and special joys unfamiliar to you, you risk losing the friends of your youth simply because of differences in lifestyle.

Do not be afraid to formalize your relationship. “The stamp in the passport means nothing,” you say. But then why not put it on?

you want to be together forever

Wait for your soul mate, and when you meet “your” person, you should not wait anymore. Get married, get married and be happy!


Ideal age for marriage, everyone has their own. Someone already at the age of 18 is ripe for a serious relationship and is ready to propose to his beloved. And yet, in most cases, it turns out that a man who marries early then begins to experience discomfort from the loss of his freedom, the lack of constant relationships with friends, and the many restrictions that family and marriage impose on him. Ultimately, this can lead to problems in the family, a crisis in a man, and even divorce.

The modern structure of society is such that very young people still have few financial opportunities, and there are enough temptations to spend their youth vigorously and cheerfully. Studying at school until the age of 18, then the institute and the army stretch the age of entry young man in the adult period up to 22-23 years. But even this age in society is considered too early for marriage, because you still need to start a career, earn your first money, learn how to provide for yourself, and not live with your parents.

In addition, the huge entertainment opportunities in the big city push back the date of marriage for some more time. Do you want to shift the burden of responsibility on yourself when there is funny company friends and you can lead an interesting, eventful life without thinking about serious things? All this leaves its mark on the personality of a young man, showing in him signs of immaturity and unpreparedness for marriage even after coming of age.

But time passes, and a man begins to think more about a career and creating a serious relationship. This period usually starts at age 24 or 25. It is at this time that important changes occur at the hormonal level, allowing the body of a man to enter a more measured and calm period of life. However, for each young person, everything is very individual and can begin earlier or a little later than this age. If at this age a man meets a girl with whom he wants to build serious relationship, after a while such a relationship leads to marriage. And such a union will be more deliberate and desirable than when marrying before the age of 20.

The most comfortable for marriage is the age of 30-35 years. This is the period when a young man begins to turn into a real man. He is in his prime, but at the same time he already knows a lot, he is experienced and has managed to take place in his career, he is confident in himself and has many plans for life. At this age, men become excellent fathers and give their children an excellent upbringing. If before this age a man has not yet managed to find his beloved woman, then this is the best time to start looking, and with the specific goal of marrying and creating a family.

Many men wonder at what age is better to get married. After all, life goes on, and sooner or later every young person begins to visit such thoughts. But before answering this question, you should ask yourself another: “Do I really want to get married? What will it bring me?" After all, a significant part of the guys get married because the girl wants it that way, or relatives put pressure on them. In general, anything can be, but not your own desire.

After all, oddly enough, marriage is practically useless for a man. It does not give any advantages, with the exception of one: in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the property receives the other. Otherwise, if the couple is not officially married, the property goes to the next of kin of the deceased. A man has the same rights and obligations to children, regardless of whether he is married to a woman or not. The situation is the same with everything else. Roughly speaking, you can live with a woman, have children, and this will be no different for a man compared to when he has a stamp in his passport.

Women need marriage, because they get much more advantages from it compared to men. But that's a topic for another article.

The optimal age for a man to marry

So, if you still ask the question “at what age is it better to get married?”, Then the answer will be the following.

It is better for a man to marry between the ages of 28 and 40. And that's why.

At the age of 18-28, the guy is still young, the energy inside is just boiling. Including sexy. Therefore, there is a strong craving for everything new, for experiments, for gaining experience. Marrying at this age is too reckless. After a couple of three years, you realize that marriage is for the rest of your life. Accordingly, you are obliged to be faithful to your woman. And due to young age and a lot of energy, there will again be a great desire to meet and seduce other women. You can, of course, change. But then what is the point of marriage?

In addition, in order to create a family, a man still needs to get on his feet. Be able to provide for your children. This process takes time. Usually a person has real financial opportunities closer to 30 years.

By this age, you have already walked enough, you will gain experience. And most importantly, you will understand what kind of woman you need for a stable, calm and long-term relationship. And you will also understand what qualities you want to see in her, and which ones you cannot put up with.

Another plus for men: if the girl has the highest value before 25 years. Because its main advantages are youth, health and beauty. That in a man the greatest value is the character, life experience, the ability to earn money, the ability to solve complex life issues. For him, appearance is of secondary importance. Accordingly, over the years, up to 40 years, a man only gains value for women.


It's never too late to get married. But if you do it at the peak of emotions, without thinking about anything else, then it will be very difficult to clean up such a situation if something happens. Approach marriage not only with feelings, but also include the mind. You should be aware of what responsibilities this form of relationship will impose on you.

On the other hand, no one can force you to marry. By the way, there is a certain percentage of men who are not able to live in marriage at all. As they say, to each his own. And that's okay. Most importantly, always listen to yourself. Try to figure out what you want for yourself. And give in less to social pressure and various stereotypes about marriage and relationships with women. Good luck!

The answer to this question is not so simple. The time of marriage and the birth of children does not always depend on us. Ideally, of course, be guided by common sense: best age for the birth of children (and, consequently, for marriage) 22-27 years. But life and fate do not take into account our wishes, love comes at 16 and at 45.

There are many misconceptions about marriage age:

  • It is necessary to go if they offer - there may not be another opportunity.
  • You must be married before the age of thirty.
  • It is worth getting married as late as possible in order to have time to “work up”.
  • Marrying without fabulous love is not worth it, it is better to be proud and lonely.

There is something reasonable in every expression, you need to find a personal comfort zone in order to understand what time it is possible for you to get married. It makes one think that every second woman who married relatively early regrets her decision. The share of those who were in no hurry to formalize the relationship, divorces are half as much. What is the decisive factor - wisdom, moral maturity or luck - is difficult to say.

About the same rake and stuffing cones

There are several parameters that should be considered when deciding on marriage:

  • physical and moral maturity. This is the main criterion in deciding the question: at what age should you get married. Early marriage- a dangerous event, a small percentage of such unions are viable. The romantic veil interferes with the understanding of responsibility, future duties, irrevocable change of way of life, everyday and material.
  • social status. Going to the registry office without a stable job, education, or housing is a rash step. It is highly likely that this alliance will not pass the first test of strength.
  • confidence in the choice of the chosen one, in the feelings and stability of the relationship. That is, you clearly understand that you would like to grow old with this person. If this is just the “same” case, then the question “what time to get married” is no longer relevant for you. The main thing is that this is a mature, final decision, and not “why not try, he is so cute.”
  • if there is an understanding that a living person with peculiar habits, tastes and oddities will live next to you. A person with a certain degree of freedom, without settings for "love to the grave" by default.

In the footsteps of someone else's mistakes

Getting married early, perhaps, is not worth it, so as not to miss all the charm of youth and youth, these years do not repeat. The world will never be the same as it was at 18. Burdening yourself with a family is worth it only in exceptional situations. The “inevitability” of a wedding is better to check with time a little. If this is really your "fate", then, as the people say, you can't go around with a horse!

There is an opinion that the entry into the "holy union" should be postponed to the maximum. Allegedly, it is worth living happily and uncontrollably, and enjoying material goods, the absence of children and numerous relatives. An excellent position, but ... with age, the requirements for a partner increase to sky-high, and there are fewer and fewer offers. The habit of living alone, relying only on yourself and spending life as a bachelor can play a cruel joke. And if the opportunity to start a family never presents itself? Lonely old age is not the most enviable prospect.

To figure out at what age to get married, you should pay attention to the experience of loved ones. A reasonable decision should be composed of several opinions. You can not decide on the most important step in life in a state of euphoria, romantic love. Rose-colored glasses fall off after about a year. It would be wise to study the chosen one during this period, and then wear a white dress, if the desire does not disappear.

Age is not a decisive criterion in the issue of formalizing relationships. More important - for whom, than at what time. Where the start of a serious relationship, each girl decides for herself. Only she alone will reap the fruits of her choice: carelessly "twisting a nest", acquiring relatives or "licking her wounds", gaining experience. At what age it is better to get married is only your own business.

What men want to see in women in their twenties, thirties, forties and older. Details of each decade of a man's age.

So that you can better understand men, I will tell you what they think about relationships with women as they get older and at what point in their lives they are ready to get married.

A man in his twenties...

Between the ages of twenty and thirty, a man tries to form an opinion about himself and his abilities. He makes mistakes and knows their cost.

He does not yet know the real value of money; students are forever broke and are more likely to try to succeed in fields other than finance.

But when a man is twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, he wants more serious achievements - to have a cool car, an enviable position and enough money. All this becomes important to him, but marriage does not appear on the list of desired achievements, since it does not relate to goals related to career growth and financial independence. In addition, usually all the surrounding men, from his own father and brothers to work colleagues, constantly tell him that it is necessary to work up his heart's content and try to avoid long-term relationships with one woman for as long as possible.

What does this mean for relationships

Yes, of course, it is possible to find worthy representatives of the stronger sex, capable of building a decent career at the age of twenty to thirty, earning enough money and reaching a level of success that allows them to settle down with peace of mind with a wife and children. But, unfortunately, most men during this period simply do not consider relationships with women too serious. However, you can appreciate the potential of a man in his early twenties, even if he is not thinking about marriage yet. The key criterion for evaluation is the ability of a man to do things.

A person with potential will not sit through his pants in front of the TV; he has a good life plan, he knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it. An energetic man already at a young age gets on the rails, along which he will later roll to a happy future.

In addition to potential, you can evaluate the personal qualities of a person: how respectfully he treats you, whether he will treat you the way you want, and, finally, whether he is a decent person or inclined to break laws. It would also be good to find out if he is a supporter of monogamous relationships. To do this, just look at how he behaves with other women when you are together.

At one time, the coach told me: how you train, so you perform. If a man does not seek monogamy when dating you, and his moral character does not tell him what is fair and what is not fair in relation to a woman, then how can this change when you marry him?

Let me be completely frank: you have every right to challenge a man to an honest conversation. You need to tell him how you see your life beyond the threshold of thirty years, and explain that the lifestyle that you put up with in your student days, when you were twenty years old, will not suit you at thirty-seven, when the physical ability to have children is almost dry .

He must understand that there are only two acceptable behaviors for him: either he marries you and takes full responsibility, or he goes beyond the horizon, allowing you to focus on finding a partner who can give what you need.

A man in his thirties...

Usually, at this age, a man no longer builds a career - he strengthens it, trying to reach the desired level of prosperity and achieve at least some of the goals outlined in his maximum program. A hectic lifestyle and the pursuit of pleasures, characteristic of youth, pass into the category of "what was." We are also more relaxed about the fact that soon we will have to stop chasing every skirt, because, in fact, we have already received everything that can be obtained from this activity, and the hunting passion is gradually subsiding.

A man has time to understand that he should look for a woman who will not turn life together into drama, but on the contrary, will try to make it fun and easy. Such a woman will support in difficult times and will be faithful to him. If he finds her, he will want to take responsibility for her and the children.

Of course, a lot depends on at what age, according to the man, he became successful. If he is still about thirty, and success has already come, a man begins to think about marriage soon after his thirtieth birthday. But if the thirty-year milestone is reached, and success has not yet come, the man will not even think about marriage. The main thing for him will be to observe other people's success and equalize with people whose well-being differs from his current situation.

What does this mean for relationships

The most important trait of a thirty-year-old man is responsibility. You have the right to expect that your partner is set up for a long-term relationship.

However, do not wait until he takes the initiative himself. There are many women in the world who met with men, who at some point decided to enter into an intimate relationship with them and waited for a marriage proposal for many years. They hoped to get love and devotion in return, and then they found that their men were simply not interested in marriage.

You don't have to wait so long, you can ask a direct question and get a corresponding answer: "Are you thinking of marrying me?" Perhaps he will answer that he is not ready yet. I do not advise you to be satisfied with this answer, demand more specifics. Ask how he generally relates to marriage. If a man answers that "he is not one of those who marry", or says that he "did not plan to do this in the near future", you should not just leave him - run as hard as you can.

Let him know that you want to have a family, if not immediately, but after a while, and if he does not want to share these plans with you, you will have to look for someone else. Yes, such things are difficult to say, I understand. You are afraid that he will leave, and you will have to cry for him, and then suffer, trying to find someone else, and even no one, but such a person with whom you can make serious plans.

But I have said this before and I will say it again: the white light has not converged on anyone like a wedge. The man you break up with is not the last person on earth. Don't get hung up, keep moving forward. You made a mistake with the choice of a partner, but it does not matter. Wipe your tears and move on in search of the man you deserve, the man who appreciates what you are willing to give.

A man at forty...

Forty years is time to settle down. This is a great time in a man's life. It is at this age that the best features appear in him, if, of course, they exist.

If a man is single by the age of forty, then there are good reasons for that. Maybe he was unlucky in love. Maybe he has such a job to which his whole life is subordinated. Or perhaps you are one of those eccentrics who, in principle, are alien to the idea of ​​a family and children, even at such a mature age. There are such people - principled opponents of any bonds, including marriage.

Most likely, such a man feels quite comfortable living alone. He is able to provide for himself, in his life there is a place for women who behave in a way that does not create unnecessary anxiety. Such a man needs a woman who can satisfy him in sex, and at the same time, just like him, who does not want to cross a certain line in a relationship.

If a forty-year-old man became involuntarily, due to a divorce, there will most likely be no one next to him, because after a failed marriage he became a cautious person, but the hunting instinct plays stronger in him than in someone who is used to a single life. A suddenly released man feels that he can afford to flirt without consequences, and, of course, he wants to slightly stretch out the pleasant moments of his single life.

Moreover, it may be years before he starts thinking about getting into a long-term relationship with someone again, before the fear caused by the previous failure passes, and the man feels the desire to limit himself again. This is especially true for those who have recently divorced, because the feelings they continue to have for ex-wife are still very fresh and sophisticated.

What does this mean for relationships

To find a free forty-year-old man, and even more so, to get him, you will have to sweat thoroughly. He has been there before, he did it, the wasp waist, cutesy looks and long half-drooped eyelashes no longer make him tremble. He knows perfectly well how to find a hottie in her twenties and spend a couple of nights with her, but as a rule, he has already done this so many times that the pursuit of a casual skirt has lost its charm.

Remember that dating a 40-year-old divorced man is especially difficult if his marriage has just collapsed. He may, for various reasons, think that you are too much like the wife with whom he spent years, and will try to stay away from you.

If he divorced no more than two years ago, you should not count on anything more than simple, non-binding sex. He will probably want to date someone else, and your personal beauty and attractiveness do not play the slightest role.

But sooner or later, any man ceases to experience the pain that tormented him, and he becomes lonely. Sooner or later he realizes that even sex It is more pleasant to work with a woman of your own age than with a twenty-five-year-old girl. He is well aware that physical perfection is not as important as it is commonly believed, and that partnerships based on the kinship of souls and the similarity of life experience are much more important.

A man in his fifties or more...

At this age, men begin to worry about health, because they feel the first signs of impending weakness. And of course, taking care of your health is much easier if a woman is nearby. It is more difficult for a man to accustom himself to live properly, eat and try not to expose the body to unnecessary stress if there is no woman nearby.

What does this mean for relationships

Any man in his mature years tends to think about his health and how to spend the last years of his life. This makes him a person from whom serious intentions can and should be expected. In this he differs from a thirty-year-old and even forty-year-old man. He is looking for a partner to grow old with, sees the downside of hard work that he has to do throughout his life, and begins to think about how to do well what he has dreamed of all his life - travel, or just relax, calmly, day after day, in the company of a permanent partner.

It is pleasant for an elderly man to realize that there is a woman nearby who, just like him, has resolved for herself all important life problems and prepared to spend the rest of the days in peace and contentment.

Dear ladies, of course, there are no rules without exceptions. In this chapter, I have tried to paint only a general picture of what happens to men as they reach each new milestone of biological age. I will be happy if what I have shared with you helps you achieve love and respect from men and build harmonious relationship which you certainly deserve.


Most people were brought up and continue, according to the pattern of the customs of society, instinct, decrees of authoritative personalities in the form of parents, etc., to put it in a general definition without their personal opinion. The sciences of human research are reduced to these underestimated, and rather incorrect indicators, from the point of view of ideality. My opinion is this / At the age of 33, the end of the formation of a man’s worldview (the end of education, a clear picture, thoughts, ideas, etc.) Provided that self-importance has been developed through self-study (not education, not copying examples from a person!) And blood, genetics 80 % depends on her (intellectually). But unfortunately I am not aware of the girls!

well, a 50-year-old bachelor is already a diagnosis

it turns out that you can only marry 50 year olds with some kind of guarantee :)

Comment on the article "Age and a look at relationships. Is a man ready to get married?"

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3 weeks ago I met a nice silent man at a tire fitting shop for 30 years, he works as an energy engineer and is all so active, so I will call him current :) Oak was away, so I went to the cinema with the current, everything was very cute and touching ... Then another invitation to the concert followed. classical music I wanted to go to the Philharmonic, I had not been there for 100 years ... In general, I talked with the current "heart to heart", said that she had just experienced a difficult divorce, she was not ready for romantic ...

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I found it on classmates - our age. Very interesting and stylish. If I were you, I would use this moment to freshen up your relationship with your husband. A man is also not ready much more often than he is ready :) Butterflies pulled out of their bellies quickly die.

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I was very young - I didn’t even think about having wives, I perceived these connections easily, but I didn’t need a serious relationship at a more mature age - either. But I won’t stop retelling the stories of two men who divorced and married Are you ready?

Conference "Family Relations". Section: Marriage (what are the views of a man when he was married 3 times). And if you really want to think, then write at what age he got married and how many years he lived with each wife.

Actors, for example - Makovetsky, Garkalin and others - are married to older women and are happy. Of course, there are exceptions, but still, a man who marries a woman older than himself, in my opinion, is internally ready to recognize her superiority ...