How to go from maternity leave to maternity leave. How the second maternity leave in a row is paid Second maternity leave in a row payments

Mothers who decide to have a second baby are entitled to receive all the same types of benefits as for the birth of their first child:

When the mother goes on leave for the second pregnancy and childbirth to save payments you can do the following: the grandfather or other relative who actually cares for the child can go to the unfinished first at the place of work.

After the end of the maternity leave, the monthly allowance provided will be added to similar payments for the first baby until he reaches the age of 1.5 years. Wherein:

  • magnitude cash payments calculated on the basis of the average earnings for the previous two complete calendar years prior to the first decree (that is, without taking into account the possible increase in salaries at the place of work during the childcare);
  • the total amount of monthly payments for the first and second child cannot be less than the summed minimum dimensions allowances (2908.62 for the first child and 5817.24 for the second, i.e. not less than 8725.86 rubles.).

If the second pregnancy occurred after the end of the previous maternity leave

When a second pregnancy occurs after the completion of the first decree, the situation for mother and family can be called simpler and more favorable: in this case, the second

Maternity payments for a second child are a type state support, which every working woman can count on (official employment is implied). The allowance is calculated on the basis of the average wages divided by the number of days of maternity leave.

If the mother has worked for less than 6 months, the minimum wage set at the state level is taken as the basis.

Maternity payments

When a second child appears in the family, the mother can count on similar benefits that she received for caring for her first child.

In particular:

  1. one-time payment upon registration in medical institution- 613 rubles;
  2. maternity benefit paid at the place of work:
    • RUB 34,520 - minimum threshold;
    • RUB 248,164 - maximum threshold;
  3. a one-time payment from social security on the occasion of the birth of a child - 16,350 rubles;
  4. child care allowance up to 1.5 years:
    • 40% of salary;
    • 5,817 rubles with a minimum income level.
Important! In addition, the appearance of a second child before the end of December 2018 gives the right to receive maternity capital, the amount of which is 453,026 rubles.

These funds are transferred and spent non-cash for specific purposes.

Second pregnancy while on maternity leave

If the second baby was born during an incomplete maternity leave, the mother is entitled to receive the due benefits and lump sum payments. In this case, it is necessary to write an application for relying transfers.

In this case, at the discretion of the mother, one of two possible options remains:

  1. Save child care allowance.
  2. Arrange payments for the second pregnancy and childbirth.

In any case, the first maternity leave is terminated automatically and a new one is provided. When the decree ends, benefits for the care of the first and second child will be added up and transferred within the limits of the payments established by law.

If maternity leave ended before the second pregnancy, the mother draws up payments, as in the case of caring for her first child.

Advice! To save the amount transferred monthly to care for the first child, you can do this: the mother takes care of the newborn, the first child remains in the care of any family member who can take maternity leave.

Calculation rules

The amount of the benefit is calculated according to a certain formula.

According to current legislation, the period of maternity leave cannot exceed 140 days: it is divided into equal time intervals of 70 days before and after childbirth.

Settlement periods are considered to be 730 days of seniority, with the exception of sick leave and vacations. Accordingly, to receive benefits in 2017, 2015 and 2016 will be taken as the basis.

It is important to understand that in the calculations there is a certain threshold set in the amount of the maximum allowable income level. For the designated billing period, the following amounts are relevant:

  • 2015 - 670 thousand rubles;
  • 2016 - 718 thousand rubles

If a woman's work experience is less than 6 months, the minimum wage is taken as the basis. Today, it is 7,800 rubles.

Accordingly, this amount must be divided by 30 and multiplied by 140. As a result maternity payments will amount to 36,400 rubles.

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The amount of payments depending on the complexity of childbirth

It is important to understand that not always, pregnancy proceeds normally. At possible complications, for women, the terms of maternity leave are extended, the amount of compensation changes accordingly.

It looks like this:

  1. Singleton pregnancy with uncomplicated delivery - 140 days;
  2. singleton pregnancy with difficult childbirth- 156 days;
  3. Multiple pregnancy - 194 days.

The woman went on maternity leave, having worked out the billing period with a regular salary of 15,000 rubles. Childbirth passed with complications.

In this case, the amount of maternity will be calculated according to the following principle:

360,000 (income for two years) / 731 (daily earnings for the billing period) * 156 (vacation days) \u003d 76,826 rubles.

Important! The employer is obliged to pay the entire amount within 10 working days from the date of submission of the application to the accounting department of the enterprise.

Payout Features

Maternity payments for a second child have a number of interesting features that need to be taken into account.

For example:

  1. Payments are possible only if you have Russian citizenship.
  2. Mandatory formal employment.
  3. Before the decree, you can take the main paid vacation.
  4. An employer cannot fire an employee who has been caring for a baby for 1.5 years.

In addition, the amount of the allowance for military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers and the Federal Penitentiary Service is 100% of the amount of wages.

Table of maternity payments

The minimum and maximum benefits, taking into account indexation, looked like this.

The amounts are given in rubles and rounded to integer values.

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How is the second consecutive maternity leave paid? If a young mother, not yet leaving one decree, is going to another, it is important to correctly draw up the appropriate orders. After all, the correctness of calculating the amount of benefits paid at the expense of the FSS will depend on them. But first you will need to take two documents from the employee. This is her application to end childcare and grant her maternity leave. How maternity leave is paid Every working pregnant woman has every right to be granted maternity leave at her place of work. The employer is obliged to pay the appropriate allowance. All maternity benefits paid to the employer are returned by the Social Insurance Fund, since the employee's pregnancy is in this case an insured event.

How is the second maternity leave in a row paid?

At the same time, if in one or both years there was at least 1 day of leave for BiR / care, this year can be replaced with any previous calendar year (at the choice of the employee), if the benefit from the replacement is greater (an application for replacement is required indicating the selected year /years).2. We compare the amount for each year with the maximum size of the base for insurance premiums for this year (2011 - 463,000 rubles, 2012 - 512,000, 2013 - 568,000, 2014 - 624,000, 2010 and previous - 415,000 rubles), we take less for each year. We add up the results.3. We compare this amount with (minimum wage x 24), take a larger one (from 01/01/2015 the minimum wage will be 5965 rubles, regardless of the region, it may even increase by the beginning of the corresponding vacation).

The second maternity leave in a row: the procedure for calculating benefits

Pregnancy and childbirth, maternity were calculated for 2011-2012 (at a time 75,000 r and monthly up to 1.5 years they counted 13,000 r (I have a second child), after 8 months it turned out that they counted me wrong (i.e. they should have been 6500 r , but they pay 13,000 r), but since the organizations themselves will knock on the head for such a mistake, they left everything as it is. Now the QUESTION: leave to care for a child under 3 years old ends in September 2016 ... my husband and I are planning a third child, t i.e. from decree to decree, how will benefits be calculated for me in this situation? , from January 1 to December 31) we calculate the amount of accruals subject to contributions to the FSS.

January 26, 2015two maternity leave in a row: how to calculate benefits

Maternity leave consists of maternity leave and the next one to care for a baby up to 1.5 years old. How is vacation paid? Every working person is interested in how vacation is paid, how it is calculated. Find out more about this from this article, because this information is vital when “showing things off” with superiors.
This rather sensitive issue often does not like to be discussed either by the authorities or the accounting department. But young mothers are extremely interested in whether maternity leave is paid, and if paid, then what nuances should be taken into account when calculating it. Will the second maternity leave be paid? you will definitely get it and there is no need to go to work for this, it all depends on the size of your earnings.
you only have to provide the employer with all the necessary documents for accrual. the list has not changed. the same as in the first decree.

Second decree and maternity benefits for a second child

The minimum wage established on the day of the insured event, the average earnings, on the basis of which benefits are calculated, is taken equal to the minimum wage established on the day of the insured event. Thus, the size of the average daily earnings based on the minimum wage will be 196.11 rubles. (5965 rubles × 24 months: 730 days). When calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth based on the minimum wage, the rule on excluded periods does not apply.


Consequently, the minimum maternity benefit that your employee can count on in 2013 will be 27,455.4 rubles. (196.11 rubles × 140 days). We determine the size of the daily allowance. To do this, we multiply the average daily earnings by 100% (part 4 of article 14 and part 1 of article 11 of Law No. 255-FZ). We calculate the amount of the maternity allowance The amount of the daily allowance is multiplied by the number calendar days falling on the period of maternity leave (p.

5 st.

How is second maternity leave paid?

Suppose that the employee replaces only 2014 with 2011, then her billing period will include 2011 and 2013. Based on this, the allowance will be considered if it becomes necessary to take two maternity leave in a row. It is possible to replace one or another year even if the employee was on maternity or childcare leave for only one day a year. An employee has one job We will assume that a pregnant employee worked for one employer in the years of the billing period, she had no other jobs. Then her allowance will be calculated based on payments for the billing period worked in this organization. We determine the amount of payments taken into account Before adding up the amounts of accruals by year of the billing period, you need to compare them with the established limit of the base for calculating insurance premiums.