Guarantees of support for motherhood and childhood. State social programs - for whom are they intended and what is their essence

Creating conditions for the growth of the birth rate, the protection of motherhood and childhood, strengthening the institution of the family are priority social tasks in Russia. They should be of key importance for the present and for the future of our state and require systematic, coordinated work of authorities at all levels, society and citizens, this is work that should have common, clear and achievable goals.

The main task of the state in this area is to create conditions for sustainable family well-being, which depends on a number of factors: family income, access to educational and medical services, housing conditions, moral and physical health of adults and children, and many other factors.

We believe that it is this principle that should be the basis of the concept and the family policy pursued by the state. Creating conditions for the growth of the birth rate, protecting childhood and motherhood, strengthening the institution of the family are priority social tasks in Russia.

The state must also create conditions for raising the level and quality of life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian family and its social prestige.

In recent years, the state has done a lot to increase the authority of the family, assert its decisive role in the upbringing of children, established state awards, including regional ones, which mark families with many children.

The mass media, political parties and public organizations should be actively involved in the work to raise the values ​​of responsible fatherhood and motherhood and a healthy lifestyle. Currently, the process of forming such a family-oriented information and educational policy is underway.

Decree of the President Russian Federation dated June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017" highlights the main problems in the field of childhood, lists the key principles of the National Strategy, indicates the main measures aimed at reducing poverty among families with children, aimed at forming safe and comfortable family environment for children, aimed at preventing the removal of a child from the family, social orphanhood, aimed at ensuring the availability and quality of education, aimed at finding and supporting talented children and youth, aimed at developing the upbringing and socialization of children, aimed at developing a system of additional education, infrastructure creative development and upbringing of children aimed at ensuring the information security of childhood, measures have also been developed to create child-friendly healthcare, measures to develop a policy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents, measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care, measures aimed at preventing violence against minors and rehabilitating child victims of violence, and so on.

The decree lists a large number of measures and shows the expected results to be achieved by 2017 of the strategy. A detailed plan of the National Strategy is given in Annex 1.

Within the framework of the National Strategy, specific programs were developed in the areas under consideration:

The concept of the state family policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2014 N 1618-r;

Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 N 996-r;

Strategy for the development of the children's goods industry for the period up to 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2013 N 962-r;

The concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 N 1351;

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r;

The State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011 - 2015, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2011 N 175 and others.

To achieve the results of the National Strategy approved by the President of the Russian Federation in the Vologda Oblast, regulatory legal acts have been developed, the following should be specified in more detail:

Law of the Vologda Oblast dated December 29, 2003 No. 982-OZ “On the Protection of the Family, Motherhood, Paternity and Childhood in the Vologda Oblast” establishes the main legal, organizational and socio-economic foundations of the state policy in the field of social support for children and families. The specified law approved the status of a large family, the law determines the measures of social support, the implementation of which occurs after the provision of a certificate for a large family, the procedure for issuing and the form of the certificate was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Region dated September 19, 2005 No. 1003 "On approval of the certificate of a large family."

Under the law, families with many children are provided with the following support measures:

Single compensation payment for utilities and electricity in the amount of thirty percent;

Annual compensation in the amount of 133 rubles for the purchase of liquefied gas for each family member who does not receive a compensation payment of 30%;

Annual monetary compensation for the purchase of solid fuel to families living in houses without central heating in the amount of 1,440 rubles;

Maternity capital for the third or subsequent child born or adopted in the form lump sum payment in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles.

The Law of the Vologda Oblast dated January 28, 2005 No. 1218-OZ "On measures of social support for certain categories of citizens in order to realize the right to education" establishes the following support measures:

Children studying in schools from the large families a monthly compensation in the amount of one hundred and fifty rubles is paid for travel on intracity transport;

Compensation for the provision of school clothes for one child once every two years in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

In accordance with the law of the Vologda Oblast dated July 15, 2003 No. 929-OZ “On providing meals for schoolchildren in the Vologda Oblast”, children studying at school from the first to the fourth grade are provided with milk for free during the period of study, children from large families are provided with free meals.

Families with many children have the right to visit exhibitions, museums, cultural parks free of charge once a month.

In the Vologda Oblast, additional measures of social support for families with disabled children have been established in order to protect their rights and interests:

Law of the Vologda Oblast dated March 1, 2005 No. 1236-OZ “On the state social assistance in the Vologda Oblast" establishes a measure to provide state social assistance in the form of a quarterly allowance to poor citizens with an average per capita family income below the subsistence level, as well as families with disabled children under the age of eighteen, where both parents are unemployed disabled people.

The Law of the Vologda Oblast dated April 26, 2007 No. 1574-OZ “On additional measures of social support for paying for housing for disabled people and families with disabled children, children who are HIV-infected” establishes compensation for paying housing in the amount of fifty percent for disabled people and families with disabled children living in residential premises of private housing stock.

In the Vologda Oblast, along with these laws, regional targeted programs developed by authorized bodies are being implemented, for example, "The Road to Home"; "Prevention of offenses in the Vologda region"; "Formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population of the Vologda region"; "Organization of children's recreation, their rehabilitation and employment for 2009-2016"; "Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost" and others, including activities aimed at protecting and improving the situation of children who are in difficult life situation, large families, to ensure the effective functioning of the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency and neglect and other socially unprotected categories of citizens.

With the indicated variety of measures taken in the field of protection of motherhood and childhood, according to the author, a number of problems remain unresolved, which we consider it necessary to talk about further, giving options for their resolution.

In our opinion, the key problem is to increase the income of families with children. Its solution is directly related to the development of the economy, of course, with the opening of new industries and the creation of high-quality jobs. This is the priority of the state in the long term.

First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for active labor activity parents. It is necessary to disseminate the experience of employers who provide employment for women with children preschool age and parents who are raising children with disabilities.

These measures are not only support for families with children, but also an investment in the future. After all, the credibility of a business is earned, among other things, by an attentive and sensitive attitude towards its employees.

The following example can be given: at Severstal PJSC in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region, pregnant women are sent to light work or are completely exempted from work while maintaining average earnings. The same program exists in another major company in the Vologda Oblast, OAO PhosAgro.

The next acute problem modern family This is the lack of places in preschool organizations. nursery groups now have less than half preschool institutions. State and municipal authorities are trying to develop a system for looking after and caring for children under three years of age, including facilitating the implementation of business projects aimed at providing such services, involving volunteer organizations in this work, providing them with material support. To solve this problem, it is possible to propose the creation of non-state preschool educational institutions and the widespread development of varied forms of childcare and care.

We also consider it necessary to analyze the effectiveness of social support for families with children. Basically, such support is provided through the payment of benefits, their size, as a rule, is insignificant, and they are almost invisible in the family budget. In developing working group State Council to be a provision to increase payments to low-income families with children on the terms of a social contract.

The state is trying to create conditions for raising the level and quality of life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian family and its social prestige.

Another acute problem is family trouble. Every year in Russia, about fifty-one thousand parents have their rights restricted or even deprived of them, and almost sixty-two thousand children become orphans with living parents. This phenomenon is called social orphanhood.

In most cases, it is easier and more convenient for social services to simply isolate children from such dysfunctional families, from such parents, but the state aims to help the family, help people, help parents who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in difficult circumstances, return to normal life.

Since 2008, a grant federal fund has been operating to support children in difficult life situations, in addition, the state is developing support for non-profit organizations working in the field of supporting families with children. They contribute to the education and employment of parents, help families with many children, and participate in solving the problems of disabled children.

For example: in Cherepovets, the Road to Home Foundation, in Kostroma, the Future Now Foundation has appeared. This non-profit fund pays one hundred thousand rubles to everyone who takes a foster child into a family, and two hundred thousand rubles if they take a disabled child into a family.

In the Moscow region, Leonid Fedun voluntarily donated eight hundred million rubles to the Moscow region for the construction of a rehabilitation center and twenty houses of a social village for foster parents, Gennady Timchenko did the same with the Key fund in Gatchina, Leningrad region, PJSC Uralsib created the Victoria fund in the Vladimir region. Therefore, it can be concluded that the programs of non-profit organizations are being implemented and achieve greater success than some areas of state policy, in addition, one can observe a socio-political effect when there are fewer people in the society who are indifferent to the problems of orphans, disabled children, large and foster families, all more people trying to help other people.

One more important issue there remains a lack of housing and a high need for better housing conditions. Housing is one of the main prerequisites for young families to have children, the most significant social benefit, as evidenced by the demand for all measures taken by the state aimed at improving housing conditions. Only one fact - 96.6 percent of all recipients of maternity capital sent it to improve their living conditions. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional support is provided to young and large families in need of better housing conditions. Provided in 23 regions social payment for the purchase of housing.

There are such programs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but their funding is so small that about 100 young families a year in the region can take advantage of this measure. Several ways can be proposed: both the creation of youth cooperatives, and options for paying the first installment in installments or reducing interest rates on bank mortgage agreements for large families and young families.

But it is obvious that the government measures taken have not yet led to the desired result - the need for families to improve their living conditions in the country as a whole remains high. One of the options for solving the housing problems of a young family may be to expand the practice and mechanisms for applying special conditions for mortgage lending, the formation of which is provided for by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 600 “On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing -communal services.

In the Vologda Oblast, together with credit institutions, it is planned to implement a pilot project “Social Mortgage for Young Families”, which is based on the principle of reducing the interest rate on mortgage loans in connection with the birth of children.

A young family with one or more children will be given the opportunity to purchase housing on a mortgage on special terms, and the birth of each subsequent child will entitle them to a reduction in the interest rate on the loan.

Providing housing for a young family on the above conditions will allow not postponing the birth of children to a later age, planning reproductive behavior for the long term, not giving up the birth of the next children due to high loan payments, and ultimately strengthen the family. The conditions for obtaining a social mortgage will be: a registered marriage, the age of the spouses up to 35 years, the presence of children in the family.

Not only young families are interested in this project, but also credit organizations and housing developers.

The Government of the Russian Federation tirelessly pays attention to the needs of young families, developing and implementing state support programs. Thanks to the attention of the authorities, people have the opportunity to reduce the cost of new housing by up to 40%. Depending on the type of activity and compliance with other requirements, you can use the conditions of various targeted programs.

1. Program "Young family"

The federal program began its operation in 2011; young people under the age of thirty-five who are legally married can receive a housing certificate. The terms of the program allow you to receive targeted funding from the state in the amount of thirty-five percent, in the absence of children, or forty percent, if there is a child in the family, for the construction of a house or equity participation in an object under construction. The funds received can be used to pay for the concluded sale and purchase agreement, as well as to pay off debt on mortgage lending.

For the implementation of the program, it is also assumed that the area of ​​the purchased housing will correspond: 42 m2 for a couple without children and 18 m2 per person if the family consists of 3 or more people.

2. The Governor's program "Young Family" operates separately, which involves the allocation of financial assistance from the authorities of the regional level. Accordingly, funding needs comes from the regional budget.

An additional requirement for program participants is the permanent residence permit in a particular region for both members of a married couple. However, some regions offer even larger amounts of financing for the purchase of new housing.

3. The federal target program "Housing" operates on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 dated December 17, 2010 until 2020. The main objectives of the program are: the renewal of public utilities, the activation of programs for the construction of housing facilities, as well as the provision of new housing for young families.

During the period of the program for 2014-2017, it is planned to build twenty-five million square meters of budget category housing. The cost of living space will be twenty percent below the market. The maximum price of one square meter has also been agreed - no more than thirty-five thousand rubles.

Those regions that are already participating in the program will receive the promised compensation per square meter of housing commissioned in terms of infrastructure.

4. The state program "Social Mortgage" involves the provision of a repayable loan for the purchase of housing and is implemented as part of the "Housing for the Russian family" program.

Any category of citizens whose income is relatively low can become participants in the program. The installment plan can be up to thirty years.

Social mortgages kick off in 2015, making it possible to buy new homes below fair value at a concessional financing rate of 12.84 percent -- a substantial benefit to the public.

Preferential financing for young families is provided by leading credit organizations: Vneshtorgovybank, Gazprombank, OTP, Sberbank.

Maternity capital should also be indicated as one of the programs to support young families.

This program started in 2007 as a form of support for families with children. Under the terms of the program, applicants will receive a one-time financial state aid. As of the beginning of 2015, 5.5 million Russian families received such assistance.

Maternity capital is periodically re-evaluated taking into account macroeconomic indicators, as well as the official inflation rate. In 2016, the amount of one-time assistance did not increase and amounted to 453,026 rubles. However, the use of maternity capital is possible when there is no other state support received.

Separately, the Government provides citizens of the Russian Federation with anti-crisis regulation payments. This year, in order to maintain stability, it was approved to receive assistance in the amount of twenty thousand rubles.

It is possible to receive maternity capital after the birth of a second child and subsequent children.

I would like to raise one more problem. In our opinion, the sources of many family problems, including demographic problems, are the devaluation of traditional family values. Today, the number of unregistered marriages is growing, there is practically no positive dynamics in the number of divorces, although there are pluses - the number of children born out of wedlock is decreasing.

Therefore, it is essential to take measures to improve the quality and increase the amount of time broadcasts of programs that promote traditional family values, healthy lifestyle life, conscious parenthood on federal and regional television and radio channels. The formation of a harmoniously developed social responsibility, a family-oriented personality is one of the most important priorities of the education system.

Undoubtedly, a special role should be played by the formation of an environment friendly for families with children - informational, cultural, leisure, sports and educational. At the state level, it is necessary to raise the status of families based on the strength of marital relations, healthy motherhood, the importance of family ties, respect for elders, and having many children. And I would especially like to note the need to revive responsible fatherhood. Of course, all this should be done taking into account the ethnic and religious characteristics of the population.

It is necessary to form a consistent state information policy aimed at promoting traditional family values, reviving interest in the pedigree of each family and leading it so that family values ​​are affirmed.

We consider it necessary to focus our attention on the following problem of state policy in the field of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood - this is the irrelevance of the norms governing family relationships, and more specifically, the Family Code was adopted almost twenty years ago, today it needs serious updating. In particular, it reflects rather broad, vague grounds for interference in the family by guardianship and guardianship authorities.

imperfection family law in terms of making a decision on the immediate removal of the child, which does not exclude abuse not in the interests of the family and the child. The selection of a child should be the most extreme measure, after all others have been exhausted. It is not fixed in the Family Code.

Such facts, for example, consent to the marriage of minors, are given only by guardianship authorities, parental consent is not required, which, in our opinion, just weakens the authority of parents in the family.

For example, in divorces, the division of property between parents does not take into account the child who remains with one or another parent. That is, the norms of the Civil Code are not applicable to the family. Therefore, we consider it necessary for the legislature to develop new provisions of the Family Code.

One can talk a lot about measures to support motherhood, fatherhood of childhood in our country, but the programs developed do not reach desired result due to low funding for these projects.

As the budget data has already been cited on the example of the Vologda Oblast, the problem is very acute, since the amounts included in the budget are extremely small for the construction of social housing in the required volumes, increase in benefits and other cash payments and implementation of social support measures in full

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get a home and start a family, provide guarantees for a comfortable old age and support for health. In many ways, the social stability of a person depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is a strategic action plan of the state with big tasks on:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Activities are planned years in advance through state social programs. Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents approved at the governmental level.

Program Passports include:

In the areas there are housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of health care, agriculture, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens.

Let's take a closer look at social programs that are relevant in 2019.


Inaccessibility of housing, outdated communications pushed the government of the Russian Federation to modernize the housing sector.

Pilot launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt that the special events would continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) "Housing" for 2015-2020

Coordinating the M program Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation.

Tasks include:

Target audience FTPs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide housing, the population not provided with housing. The program also solves the interests of the executive authorities of the subjects (in terms of creating housing stock on the ground), representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 routines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

"Housing for young families"

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under the age of 35. All of them, of course, owe to the municipalities to improve living conditions.

Officially unsettled citizens are provided for part of the cost of an "economy" apartment or the construction of a residential building.

The size funding:

The subsidy right confirms . It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, you can't buy a penthouse with government money.

Desires are limited social norms of the area:

  • 42 "squares" for a family of two;
  • 18 sq. meters per family with a large composition.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or the possibility of obtaining a housing loan for the remaining value of the property. The state assists in lending on favorable terms, including with the use of funds.

Subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law"

The state support segment is aimed at providing housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, internal affairs units, registered as housing waiting lists before 01.01.2005;
  • , employees of law enforcement agencies subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 calendar years;
  • persons affected by radiation during accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration records;
  • people leaving the Far North and equated territories;
  • migrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash grant. The confirmation is state housing certificate (GZhS). An apartment, a house, part of it, a room are purchased both in the primary and in the secondary market. The provision of the certificate is calculated taking into account the area standards and the cost of a square of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 squares for a single citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development sets the estimated cost per square meter for the subjects and for the country as a whole. It is forbidden to purchase premises smaller than the standard. If the subsidy is insufficient, the use of credit or own funds is allowed.

The main condition is the absence of own real estate or the free transfer of the existing one to the municipality.

Subprogram "Providing housing for certain categories of citizens" - 2015 - 2020

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing public sector representatives:

  • employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry for Civil Defense and Emergencies;
  • scientific employees.

A separate area of ​​the program is the resettlement of the population of the territories of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition/construction of residential real estate for rent in or as service housing, the provision of subsidies for the purchase of real estate property.

According to the plan of the developers, the implementation of the measures will make it possible to attract qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of development of these sites, young specialists were provided with temporary premises for living. To this day, 10,000 families continue to live in absolutely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

State measures to bring the Russian labor market out of the crisis are presented by the target federal program "Promotion of Employment of the Population" for 2013-2020.

The project is aimed at and the reduction of social tension, the improvement of labor relations, assistance in improving the skills of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. The imbalance of the professional environment in some areas is planned to be eliminated by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate area of ​​the project.

In total, the program includes three subroutines:

  • "Increasing the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation and reducing unemployment";
  • "External labor migration";
  • "Development of Labor Market Institutions".

Coordinates the project of the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The crisis in the economy, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be discounted and cannot be eliminated at once.

But it is quite realistic to take additional guardianship measures for vulnerable citizens.

State program "Social support of citizens"

Started from January 2013. The package of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will pass in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to needy citizens;
  • granting powers to regional and local authorities for the development and distribution of natural and monetary forms social assistance;
  • addressing the needs of citizens with disabilities, older people in third-party care of social service specialists and other structures;
  • promotion and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms education of children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program also does not bypass social workers: by 2019, it is planned to raise the salaries of social workers. structures up to 100% of regional average earnings.

"Accessible Environment" for 2011-2020

The addressee is the disabled and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

By 2020 planned:

  • create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with disabilities, including for;
  • help them socialize optimally;
  • increase society's tolerance for people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of recipients to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation / habilitation, and reform the activities of medical and social expertise institutions.

The sphere of education

A well-functioning healthcare system, quality education and reliable pension system- three "pillars" of the well-being of the nation.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the availability of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following is to be done:

  • Reorganize the system of higher education: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards secondary specialized and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a system of control of professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

Measures to improve the economics of education are singled out as a separate area.

The following video tells about the state programs of Tatarstan:

A very special situation in terms of what risks the social insurance system should take into account has developed with payments for pregnancy, childbirth, social support for motherhood and childhood. Historically, maternity benefits have ended up in the Social Security, as if it were an illness or an accident.

In fact, these payments are a hidden state tax in order to carry out a certain demographic policy. Strictly speaking, demographic policy can only be state (or family), but by no means trade union, entrepreneurial or labor collective policy.

It is no coincidence that payments relating to the "insurance" of motherhood and childhood, coming from the insurance fund, are commensurate with the "risk", i.e. more or less adequate to the disability for this period and certain costs. As for the actual budgetary benefits for growing children (until they reach a certain age), in the literature on this issue, they are usually characterized as a dispersion of funds that, if targeted, could solve at least some tasks - for example, support needy mothers.

Obviously, where the state has traditionally established self-financing by workers from insurance funds to compensate for peak situations in the reproduction of the population, the funds are commensurate with social risk. Where this is not provided, the true price of the state demographic policy is visible.

A phenomenon of the transitional period (which, by the way, can only be studied by abnormal manifestations, otherwise everything is too confusing) is the right granted to enterprises and organizations to pay benefits to mothers who are on parental leave, in contrast to (and in addition to) from those meager benefits that until 1998 were directly paid by organizations, and now - at the place of residence, but were compensated by them from the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The peculiarity of this precedent is that such voluntary benefits are equated to wages, are included in the relevant fund and all taxes and charges follow them in full. It turns out that the state granted entrepreneurs or joint owners the right to charity in relation to mothers, but imposed a significant tax on this right.

What could come out of this is quite clear - some organizations cannot afford such payments, others do not want to.

In the pre-revolutionary practice of social insurance, the issues of social protection of the family were debated in a different plane. On the one hand, employers insisted on ranking disability compensation for family workers and singles. The latter should have had an upper limit of compensation, in principle, much lower than the former. On the other hand, before the adoption of the insurance laws of 1812, in those enterprises where the owners provided free medical treatment to workers, members of their families could often use the same benefit. The law left this to the health insurance companies - both in terms of allocation of funds, and in relation to the right of use itself. However, the expenses for the treatment of the families of employees - participants of the cash desks were regulated: this expenditure item should not exceed 1/3 of the cash desk's budget. Nevertheless, the guardians of social insurance recommended that the workers use this opportunity, because otherwise family budget could be placed in a crisis.

The questions, as we see, are of a completely different order.

It is no coincidence that modern researchers of the problems of family social protection often come up with recommendations that boil down to direct, budgetary implementation of a demographic financial policy.

For example, L. Rzhanitsyna and G. Sergeeva, relying on the base of sociological data, consider the introduction of a basic indexed allowance for all mothers, regardless of income, increasing with the age of the child, to be the most consistent with social demand and expectation. Among the incentives for the introduction of child benefits, the following is also mentioned: an increase in benefits for mothers makes them "unprofitable" workers, which leads to the discrediting of women's work, and the result (especially for "mother's families", where a woman is the only breadwinner, and such families in Russia (today they make up 20% of all families) it can only be that a woman will agree to any job, refusing all kinds of benefits, only in order to survive.

A single and financially reliable maternity allowance, the researchers believe, is "a powerful means of preventing poverty among both the employed and the unemployed. The second argument in favor of the universality of child benefits is the current distribution system, which is characterized by a high share of taxes from entrepreneurs and employees , high insurance rates. This means that the subjects that are sources of budget revenues should also be entitled to benefits from the budget, otherwise the position of the unemployed who receive a "premium for children" may become a priority.

The social security of mothers - and in fact we are talking about the advantage in this case of this line of social protection - should not, apparently, completely exclude their social insurance. As we have seen, it can manifest itself in different ways. Insurance, broadcast through the breadwinner, of course, is quite organic. The tradition of social insurance children's health camps is deep enough and it is hardly worth abandoning it, if only for this reason. It may be about creating a more logical model, unless this leads to an irreparable loss of the current means of social support for motherhood.

World experience shows that the main types of social insurance that provide an acceptable and high level of social protection are:

Pension insurance (for old age and disability as a result of general diseases and accidents in everyday life and transport);

Sickness insurance (general diseases, accidents at home and in transport);

Insurance against accidents at work (industrial injuries and occupational diseases), which provides insurance for temporary and permanent disability;

Unemployment insurance;

Health insurance.

With regard to benefits poor families, disabled from childhood, due to pregnancy and childbirth, then these types of social protection are not insurance in nature and are provided, as a rule. through the system of social assistance (assistance) and other state social programs.

More on the topic Social support for motherhood and childhood, families:

  1. What are the indisputable advantages of socialism in the solution of social problems, and in particular in the protection of motherhood and childhood?
  2. The concept of a social institution, its signs. Types of social institutions and their characteristics. Social institution as an element of social structure, functions of social institutions. Social institution of the family, its signs. Stages of the family life cycle. Family functions. family typology. Crisis phenomena in life cycle families.

Enter from 2018 monthly payments young families at the birth of their first child until they reach one and a half years. He stated this at a meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the National Action Strategy for Children for 2012-2017. The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared a certificate on state support for mothers in Russia.

State support

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) guarantees the provision of state support for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood (Article 7). Paragraph 1 of Article 38 of the Basic Law states: "Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state."

State support for mothers in Russia is provided in the form of various benefits. Registered in medical institution on the early term pregnancy, a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 613.14 rubles is paid. (hereinafter, data for 2017), published in maternity leave- maternity allowance (calculated on the basis of a woman's average earnings).

Provided at the birth of a child one-time payment in the amount of 16 thousand 350.33 rubles, in the event of the birth of two or more children, it is paid for each child.

Paid leave is provided for child care until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. The amount of payments is 40% of the average earnings. For non-working mothers, a benefit is provided, its minimum amount for caring for the first child is 2,908.62 rubles. per month, for the second and subsequent children - 5 thousand 812.24 rubles. Also, a mother who is on parental leave is entitled to a monthly compensation payment of 50 rubles. (This norm was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 "On the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens" and has been in force since 2001). It is issued only upon application (at the place of work, service or to the social security authority at the place of residence) and is paid until the child reaches the age of three.

In addition, since 2007 there has been such a form of support for families with children as maternity (family) capital. The amount of this one-time state subsidy is 453 thousand 26 rubles. The program is valid until December 31, 2018. On November 28, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed extending it until the end of 2021 and introducing additional opportunities for using mother capital.

State awards

In 1944-1991. The system of state awards of the USSR included the Order "Mother Heroine". It was awarded to women who gave birth and raised ten or more children. At the same time, they were awarded the honorary title "Mother Heroine" (more than 400 thousand women received it). In addition, there was the Order of Maternal Glory (since 1944), more than 5 million women were awarded it.

On May 13, 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev established the Order of Parental Glory by his decree. "For great merits in strengthening the institution of the family and raising children" can be awarded to both mother and father. The Order is awarded to parents or adoptive parents who have at least seven children. The first award ceremony took place in January 2009. Total in 2009-2017 347 large families were awarded. In 2017, orders were awarded to 38 families, including one single father.

In addition, many regions award their own Mother's Valor medals.


In the Russian Federation - 78.7 million females (54% of the total population - 146.8 million; Rosstat data as of January 1, 2017). As of 2016, 35.2 million women are employed (48.7% of the total employed population - 72.3 million). Among economically active women, 22.3 million (63.5%) are married, 4.9 million (13.9%) are single, 2 million (5.8%) are widows, 5.9 million (16.8%) are %) - divorced.

According to the latest All-Russian Population Census of 2010 (VPN-2010), there were 65.5 million women aged 16 and over in Russia. Of these, 33.3 million were married (28.9 million - registered, 4.4 million - unregistered), 10.8 were never married, 6.4 million were officially divorced, 11.8 million were widowed, the rest did not report their status during the interview.

According to the VPN-2010, among the surveyed women aged 15 and over, 49 million were mothers.

In 2016, according to preliminary data from Rosstat, 985.8 thousand marriages and 608.3 thousand divorces were registered in Russia, 1 million 893.3 thousand children were born. The number of children under the age of 14 (inclusive) is almost 25 million.

In total, there are about 42 million families in Russia: half do not have children, more often only one child is brought up in the family (the data were announced at the conference "Family and Actual Problems of the Modern Family", held on May 6, 2014 in Karachay-Cherkessia).

As of the beginning of 2017, the number of complete families with children is 11 million 600 thousand. 5.6 million families are incomplete, of which 5 million are single mothers. The number of families with many children - 1 million 566 thousand (an increase of 25% compared to the GDP-2010). In orphanages, according to data at the beginning of 2017, announced by Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, there are about 60 thousand children. 237,000 children were taken into care, 115,000 were adopted.